PL 10/27/1959 - 30060.
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Oat.ober 2?� 1959
�e meeLiag uas callefl to order at ?:34 P.M. by Chairman Segner, with
a11 �bers Ba�ndel� Benner, Fontaina' Kravik and thg &igiaeer present.
The Pirst consideration wa,� �he rezoning af that oP the J. W.
Crafg Farcn cartaisting of 35.8I ac: es Srom R�2 and Eitll to C-2S and t4•l,
sitaatec2 east of the F.a$� Riv�ar Raad and west oi the Creat Northern Rai�.w
road, Iying between ?9�h Avenue on the north and 7'%th Avenue an �h4 so*ath,
in the south � of Section 3. This was a pubLic hearing. 2qr. P�arson
brou�h� in a map oP ihis soction! and stated that }ie �rae iri Pavor of a aerm
vice road on the east sid+e oS tha Eaat River Raad, with se�r and waf,er �o
be prov�ded 3.n th3.s area; also that he wa.s in �avor of a�;eneraus se�back
of builciinga. He further s1�.ated that he is wi1.3.�s� to make a b0 fo�c atreQ�c
dedicatian on whichev+er side Hou].d be nost advanta�;eous. Mr. Sa�ner read a
Ietter dated october 26, 1959, recei.ved fx�au t�cr. Ha,rry N. t11en, who o�zns
393 te0t of ao�ercia], land at about 71�th and East Ri.ver Road (letfisp on
file in Publia Worka' Office). It wa� Mr, Ulen�s t�pinion that area in
^ question ia best auited Por residentia7.� Gonmiasi� concludod f.het Mr. tJl�.en�a�
property does not abut area in quest3on. 'Phere Kas no a�e px�sen� to oppos�
re$anir� rsquest. A motion w3s �aada, by Mr. Rravik� to rec�mond ihat �k.2
area coaisiat of 304 fest of dopth para2lsl and adjac�t to ths Great Northex•:i
r�.ght•oF�,q, from ?'jth Avenue on the south to 79th 1�v�enue on the r�orr.h; sa:ith
everythin� to the west, tri�.n the same rwrth and south coztf'inee, � be C-2��,
Motian �ras seconded by Mr. B�nd,el and uaanimously car.ried. I� it i� �a �•�m
�caned, dev�eloper ie willing to dedicate road bet�reen conan+arcial and indus-
�rial (af regular 60 ft, yridth) from the north to tlie eouth boundary�
�erviae road on ttie east• side of �ize �.at 3tiver Road and para11.e1 to seme.
Ar�y necesaary utility eaaea,ents xill be fwcni.shed by devel.pper, if such are
nece�sarl. Hearing closedo
The nsxt item atz the ap,enda was the car�sideration of a proposal to ha.�ro
dedicatio�ns made �or a 60 foot wid�e straet (east and serest st.reet} �neatxard
fran Ci�annel Road, aan�e being 30 %et sonth of the north line ot Lote 32a 33,
and 36, and the south 30 teet of %ot 30, and thanae northward on the West si�e
ot LoLs 30 to 25, incluaive; and a aimilar 60 foot xestward to ser� the rear portiona af Lots 21 to 18, inclusiv�e; for the purpose oY aub-
dividing F& R Realty Companqr Lot.� 25 and 2b and such other lots s�mil�rly
afYected; a11, lping in ihe 2nr3 Rev3sian of Aucli.tor�s Subdivision #21� �.n the
nox�th half of SeetSaan �13. This was a public hsaring. Mr. F:ilekv� rep�e� of the F& R Realty Comp�ny xas present to exnlain that his compar�y
xi.ehed to purahaae Lota 25 a�a a6 mro� c�r. J. D. �tei�er� xi�h a proposed
road in rear of sai.d lote. It waa their desira to divid�e Lota 25 and 26 into�ee Iota. 1he Sngir�eer read ttte minutes ot the St,r�eete and Qtil�.t3.ea Comm3.s•
n eiou, in regard to thie matter. � Flr. Jamea Colline, 68� ChB�oi Road
. (Lot 18)� presented a petition objectin�; to t.he above at�reet Aroposai� (a�id
petr3.t3.on on fiie in the Pablic tjarks� OltYice). Pbtit.f.on wae sip�d bY
_.i �
owaera of Lota I8, 29, 20, 2i, 22, 23 2t�, 25, 27, 2a, 29 anci awaers o£ �he
eouth 95' of the north 26s� os Lots l�e, 15, i6, anci 1?. Mr. Co11in� stated
tdhut the hane awners in this area bough� �hsse 1ot� bQCSause they ware Iarge,
and Lhey �t fi.o keep thern as is. The En�;i.naer ��cplainad t2iat no bui].d�.re�
permits coutd be issued in this aroa until such tir�a as atreot d�ciicat�.ons
wero reaeived. Mr. Wilske �tated that they ��ou1d na�t t� to upset tho�
borhood, and that they woi:ld dron the nlat if the people in �lz� area do not
want it. t•ir. 3e�ner pointed out that �s tha City gro� ttle sc�rvices and
utilities come in� end aeQea3n�nts �;et to a poin� tiri►�re axners wi3h to di3p
oose of par� of fi.heir proneriies. The Cf.ty Lriss to see �hat v:h�n changEs
do occur� the owr�ers hav�s ihe ad4antage. A motion waq mada by Ptr. Kravl�k '�o
acaepb ti� �titiori fro�n the abnve rien�ioned pro,-terty o�mars. SecondEd by
;4r. f�enner. Carrie8o
Air. t3artitin ;+olfenson next preaont�ed fi.he T�md�„e BuiZde�•s � Fiati, La� 2
in Auditor�s �ubdivisioa :�`25, in the sou�th ?� of Section 21�. Z`ha Co�issaon
di�cuased utilities arid�e for this area, aiid read Cor,�s �o�k and t)LvI,3 �
report on samo. Mr. Se�rter su�ges�t�ed ti�at d�v�lopars dedicate a�tri.p o�
land betfaaen LoLs 1� and 5, B�.ock 2, to f.hs Yutura �choo�, for pux�g:��o o�
walk�w�y for school children. Publia� �ras set for Novembar 1Q, 2Q��4
The Commi.saion neat considered a requQat bp I��.ke (3f.deo fi.o erec� bein�a=-
lorrs on Lot 14s Aud3tor�s Subdivision f#IOn, in tt�e narth � 03' Section 7.2s
^ The P�3neer explained that the present �oning i� C�1, but because vf �ypQ
ot buil�s in area, it was su�gas�ed that the Cor�tission oug,h� t�o discus;�
this requeat. Mre Gideo explaiued plans and stated that he wJ.shes �o dove�.op
entire ax�ea� eventually, ae soon as water and sex+ar and necsssary -ut�i,li�i�;�
are He explained that property aow ha.s two deep tite118 aad coss�
pool�. Mr� For�taine st,8ted tdaat he thought Mr. Gideo ahazz].d provida anat�he�.�
�11 and aeaspool to serve proposed nev buildings. kir. Gidea agread to th�..�v
Motion was n�ade by Mr. Kravik to recomauend granting ot �buildi,n� per�d.�� sub�
�eet to Mr. Gicl�o provl.ding for proper 4acilities !or �11 and cesepool.
�eaonded by �ir. Ba�nde7,. C�rri.edo
The next conei.cierati.on xas a reqnest by &i�ard Bauter �or vacation af a
porLian ilblt.5 �''t . a 30 f t. ) of � Lo� 1�a Anditor � s Subdivied. on �22,
1�20 Rice Creek Raad, Yor tax purpos�s. Mr. Bauler e�cplained t.hat tte has
bean getting tWO ta�c atatements c�ach ysar on thia gropartyi and he xishes to
vaeate the above raeritiaaed gorti�n, in ordar to geL taze� an one eLat�nnt.
The reason for 6his requer�t is thai he �i.shes to sell a atrip uf�f each side
o! said lot� and he wsnts ta C188.=' ItLSb1',@Y' up before se111ngo �Ir. Segner �ug�
�;eated that the City Attorney check iato thi.s mat�,er. Mr. Kravik m�de a
motfon to ccnanr on requesL and sugAeated that ihe matter be.twraed ov�.r to
the City Attorney for correct �or3ing a�nd pitr3siag and leeal deaoriptfon, �a
fore preaent.fng mattsr to CaunciZ. Seaomted by Mr. Carried.
Th� Commissic� next aonsidsred the }�oeaible necaseras�y change ia road
lcaatio�t can Ironton �treet, because oF four haanes Iying fro� 20 to 22 Yeet
trosn �ae�t canter line of suah road and wi.thin the�r. Th� Enp,i,.�
n Y►eer rea�d the aiautea of the Streets and Utili�fes Coromissioai mseting, whieh
atatee two altaraativ�e eolutiona to the probiem. Mr. Fontaine irbquired about
the posaibility of making thia a 50 �oot road, rather t:zan the $ug�eef.ed
66 foot road. Mr. 9egner su��estejd that the En�insQr chectk With the Cfty
Attorney ta find out what legai stepg are ne�ce8aary in thia, and
xt�thsr or aot a pub3fa �hould be h�eld. , .
, `
a1�' :+A
The vacatian of 5th Sireet, bet�teen 57�h �Venue and 58th Atsenue� �ras
next oonsidsred. �`he F�gineer exnlained the si.tuaiion (?3anriin�; Ce,�i��ion
minates of OctabQr b, 1959) aud stated tliat sec�ion tza.s been blocked ��'f;
but that the majority ot the t�eoplo are ob�eetin�; to bh3.s. ��r. I3enner c�::r
vlained that t�he S�reets and Utilitie� Cormirsion reco�ended thai: iche
atreeic be vacatod. htotion was r�cie by TMJro Fontain� to vacato 5�h strc3e� a�
descri.bed abosre, and 1an� ra'turnec� �Go �btai.�l.n� propez^ty fl:anera. fiECOnded
by �fr. Kravik. Carriedo
A public hearing da�.e tl`iov�mb�r 10, 3.959) k`as sat fflr tl�s con��dera��.c:�
of the Charles B. Johnson p'!at.
The �eating w'as ad�ourned at 9:3� �•��p
Respect�fully r�ubmi�tf.ed:
Tnez Kapala
I�7.annin� Commi.�sion