PL 11/10/1959 - 30061_. _ �.'�
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ldrnrember 1.0, 1959
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The meetinf; xas caZled to order at 7:30 �.i�i, by Chafrman Gegner, �ri�ch Mem�
bers Baadel� Benner� Fontaine, Krav3.k and the Engineer pregenta .
Ttu� first con�ideration was t�e propo3ed Charles B. Johnson p3at, describ�
ed as bein� Lot 15 in Reviaed Auclitor�s `�ubdivision Jf23. This was a public
hearin�. Mre Frank Jo t{oz].ak, Charles B. Johnson, was present to
explairi requested revisians in p7.a�, showi.n�; comrnercial and mul�ip3.e d�e1.15.r_g
sections. The s ineer explained that t�ro weeks advertisin� was neces�y fo�
rezon3n�. After a discus�.or_ on public util.ities in�f�alla�ions, iir. �e�;ner su�;-=
�ested that a lift station Mi;h� have to be put i.n adjacent �o river areai due to
2aw elevatians. It was exnlainod by the EnQineer that Lots 3� � and C(and pos=q
si.bly Lot 2) og sa3d pla� coi��.d not bs served wittz set�er. P�i��. Se ;ner asked ��QU�
the statu� of ths Puva11 nropert,y ( Lat I7) ; idiiereby the Engi�eer oxn3 :ined th�:�
thi� propert� had b�en purchased by Bennet�, for spri.n� cie�2ag�rsn�a I� �a:
su�;aested that t�[r� Johnson mi.,;i�'� bs ab3e to build on evei�y ather iot1 �ecauUe fl�'
7L8aQ00 square fta miniTnum �equi�ems��? until such tirne �hat area is serv�ci �g
wai�:r� sewer and lif� station. The Coramissicn also discussed the qossibil��'•y o�:'
a�orce main run up to the exisi:in� 1if� station or. 62nd Way�, 'to ses�re �his pr��
posed plaio Cosnmi.ssion explainod to P�r. Koz].ak the msthod of financi_i� �o�
uti2fties and stre�Ls, plus the 5� par4c �orocedwro. The Engineer su�;�;es�d t�hat
Nfr4 Kozlak check proposed streQ� nax�e3 with the Po�t Off3ce Dspar�meni;a N`� 4 Ka ��
Iak explained �hat they wou3d no build until spring, which �:ou1d �;ive suFficient
tirna to work out utility prob�.ems of' the whale areae Mr. Johnson is wil�ir� to
�rant an,y utility easements �hich mi�;h� be needed. A:notion was made by t�ir� K� a�
vik to accept the preliminary plat, subject to the Consultin.g rn�ineerso worlsing
out neceasaty u�ility problems and easements. Seconded by Mre Fontaino and earm
ried unanimouslyo
I3exE, xas the consideratxon of the nroposed Lyndaie Buildars �. 5th Addition,
described aa being Lot 2 in Auditorss S�,�bdiviaian #25, in the south 1 of Sec�
tian 2it. This xaa a public hear�3i�g. The En�uineer explained that this proPoaed
nlat tiee in corractly Ao Carlao� and Sons and proposed achool plats.
Mro Segner read the utility report of Comstock & Davis. Mr. I�arvin �tiTolfenson, oP
the Lyndale Builders� was pre��nt to explain �lan. After discuasian� i�ir. Fonf.aine
made a motion to accept preliminary plat - subject to compliance of Consulting
Fngineers' report on sewer, water and �torm sewers; also easementa on Lo�s 9 and
10� Blxk 3� Yor culvert, until such time that storm sewer is put ino Mation
eeconded by ,�lr, Benner and unanimouely carried.
The Cor�mission then discuased t?�e proposed aeker for the revised Billman
Innsbruck plat. Mr. Rodney Billraan was present to explain that the nreliininary
�stiriate on se�rer and iaater on the original Ma.tterhorn proposal �ras too high
(!+2s500 per 3ot), so Comatock & navia have worked out nex proposal, �rh�ch would
drain sewer from the la�,r po3nt at a cost of "�1�600 to ?.`•is700 par iato yiro Fon�
taine mov�ed �to accept plat xith Camstock & Davls�s recor.anendations of changes on
utili�iea; plus u�ility eaaemc3nt gr�nt from Matterhorn Circ2e to !�.'inde�re Dz�i.veo
Seconded by Mr. Bandel. Cars�i.edo
_ � �.,�
The next considera�i.o:s �ra.s tho pr�nosed water ser� for tlie E?eatern
tieats Company, located east o�' the N. Po Ryo and narth of Oabox�ne Raado x�ire I�ee
?tnutsan� C�i D Engineer, was nresent to aubmib their rapor�, nlus other �uturo
connections for area; also that a.t wR� as;reed that �io Paul wo�ild �ive �hc3 Gity
of rridley a blanket a�reetneni i�or crossing their ea�eMen�, and tna.t �'es �ern
►ieats wi7.1 p�y for their portion of the irinroverr,ent. i•ir. FonL•�iric riade a no-�ivn
to accept ths nronoaed �rater servico� �rovi.di.n� that; it i� paid �'or by +�h$ t�es�
tern ileats Comnan;�. �econd�d by ?�r. Iiravzk, and carri�d.
Next, was a discussion of t'.no requested rezon7.n�, by Don�.d R. Pie1.o-�r, Fro;n
R�1 to Rw2? T.ofi,s 6 to 11 inelusive� B].ock i6, in the �'ri.dley Fark kdditaon�
M�. (3es�r�e Panislson stated �hat tie haa saen pl�axts oi prono^ed �c�ufll,e i�un;;�
and that �e had no ob jection �o pz�oaosed reazon�.ng. Pub2ic hea.ri.n�; date has t��Q�.
set ior November 2l�, 1959•
Thn rezonin� requPSt vf Harry it3. (Tl�n, from C�1 �;o C-2S, of L'�� #��.s� �.n
Audi�oros Subdivj.gig�� �??o �•'�'o �'len zvou2d like this rezonod for a � c�n�
"+,ero Public }ZQarin� has be�n set for ldovem�b�;r 2tt? 19��9a
'Pnia brou�ht up a discuasion on Pearsarz's Cr�i� Farm.4 � pronesea rezoni��,
and the question of wh�t �he exact dimc�nsions of tho pronosed re�o�.ed a.z�ea sa`�ou�.d
be� �t was su�hesi�eed �hat thi� urabl�m ba pu't on ths a�;enda �'ox Nove�r�aer 2�t., �.�59�
�or r�•discussian. No p�abl.ic he�.rin�; i.s nc�cessaryo
���` Th� Ccmm�isaion �hen di�cussed the nroposed Harv�y Petersan �v�1o�3mend
Corparation�s piato 'I`his was re�e�rrc�d �o the Pl.ats and �ubdivisiong Co�S.s�io�a
gor their on November Z7, 1959• �bx�� hearinU cta.t.Q haa been sgt for
Navv�ber 2It, 19590
Next, was ihe consideration o� th� pre►liminaY'y S�-.aie fii�h�t plana �or
University A�renue. After a study of the plans, th� Commissian �u��es�ed tn.�t
additional crosa••overs should be �rovided on 73rd Avenue and 69�h Avanu�, with
an extension of 3rd SLreet soutih from �£3th Avanue to 57th Pi�ce or 57Gh Avenvgo
'rhe Cor�nissi.on studied the "tat.e tiighxay plans for �ii�hwatiy 1�100o The
Fn�inear read the three reaommendatio�ns' as �ug�ested by the 5t8�.8 Lii;�hi�i8y I��ep1r't�w
ment to �andle thi$ proposal, �ri-th the estimated cost to be ancu'oxima�teiY '� ��aQ�� �°
ta be paid for by thas State. Niro Knutsan explained that in epi�e of � a�;en�y
�rpuld handle Lhi� construc�Cion, thay s+ould hgve to be consulted c� it; arid Y�
thought Coanetaek & Davis could handle said proposal. Af ter c�raful s�tudy and dasm
cusa2on, the Consniasion recommendsd that Consultin� Engineere do the �cessary
en�iz�eering on proposed highx�y plans, with tho City of Fridlep �to le� o�n co�
tract,a for uork 3nvolv�ed izi public ubility lines, nec�asitated in highway
con�truct3att - which xould include any relccations. Above raco�ndatia� x�s
pait into a mctiaa by Mr� Bandel, �sconc�d by Mr. F�nLa3ae and w�aziimo�e�.,q carried�
The meetin� Was adjourn�d at 9s30 P.Mo
Re�pectiul�.y Subtaitfsd,
Inez I�p�2.a
F].at„zinE cc�n3.ssion