PL 11/24/1959 - 30062� R D� �
Pt�.� ccx�zssYOx x�rxr�
Navember 21e, 1959
The mestit� xas called t� order at 7:30 P.M. 'by Chairman �e�ner, MemO
bars Baadel� Bravik end the E�igiz�er present. MemUers Henner and Fonta�x�s �eere
The lirst caruai8eration �ras the reque$ted r��onin� by Dona2d R. Pielow,
frout R-1 (reaident3al) to R-2 (multi�te dw+ellf.r� • twin bun�a�.oxs only) Lots b
thrcru�h 11, Bloak 16, Fridley Park Addit.ion, 7 in the south � o�' Secti�on l5.
Thi� xas a p�b13.c hearing. Mr, Piela�a preaented plans, drawin�e arrd pictwrea oi
his proposed bun�alows9 and �xplained that the structurea xould be aY �t�ucco or
�id3n�� with hip or gable roof,�. HQ gurther exp].ained that t� wi�heci �o build
thrae b�;�lo�rs an aix !i0 Yoot lots. t3r.� o�wner of Lots 19, � and 23 in
Hlock 16� had no objection �o b�u�;a�.aw�a afLer siuc� of dra9iings. �nr. Charle�s
E. Br�mhail, 12 - 63� tb•ay (],ots 7., 2 and 3, �ixk i6), and r�r. c�eox�e �aarxie7.s��as
6,�5 �+�$ti �.�i` �d� $�� till$�'i "%i��i il� Yi0 �i�i��►�i�Ojl$w A mofiricn �raa made by
N3rr. Kravi.k to accept the propoaed r�zoning, seeonded by I�3x�. Bazidel and t�aami•=
mous2y aarr3ed.
^ . Ne�,. waa the consideratian oP the Ha�rey P�tereon Development Corporatio:�Qs
proposed plst� trnown as Ontlot "A", 2•T� H3.].la Addi:tian� Audi�s�s Subdivisi.on
�1�3; Yuriher describe8 aa bei.n$ boua�ded by the Mathsirc3 Addi.tion af Columbis
Height� on the south, Lflta 1 through ? inciusive an the �reat� by 53rd AoeBUe�p�om
jecLed �sstxard f'rom Fil3more Strset on the na*_�th, and tt� Marian H�.11� Additian
on the eaeta lyiug 3an the south � of Section 25. This was a public heariago
Mr. Robert Mincler and Nlr. � Les�in, c�ner� �x�e pr�sent. Mr. :�nder ��cp].a�c�d that
the Dev�slopm�ent Corporat.ian £elt tha.t thare shou3.d be an outlet road to Highm
�r f�65� as there is no s,ccess at prasent to thia area, d� to rough terra3rr; arid
Corporation could not detsrm3.a�e just �hera outlet shcu2.d be Iocated. He state3�
that t.�ey ar� vi113�ag to dedi.aate ane 1ot for suQh acceas outlet, at any loca�ioa
Lhat fi.t�e Ci� �aould deeire, 'i'he pcasibil.ity of' tyittg in xith tt� Colw�d.a Neighte
Mathaire sact3on was �n.ggsated. Mr. Les Knutaoa, C�tock & Da� �gineer, ex-
plsined that Columb3a Height� had been contaated pacegl.oualy ari the Billm+u� Plat,
srad ths� did not �+ant an�y f.nter-co�mseating atreeta. Ae also avggested tia� consi..
deraLiaon of an outlet to the vest side o� eaid plat, in vidx aP tt�e faat t,hat there
ar� e�dsting eariit►ary se�er and Watsr I3nes r�niag to the ba�k af Rabex� Hali pro-
perty and oa np� s�hich xould raake it a logical place tor r�y outieL • tro� the
al.a�dpaiat at aervicing proposed plat area.� Mr. Segnar po3nted ou# t�at tt�e n�
St�ste P�,ana tiauld also ha�e t,o bs aoneicl�ared betore �,ecid�,ng oia out�ets to
Aigh��or ,�1�0. aoaaissian aleo conai.dsred the posa3bility af o0r�atiaa.
Hr. Minder snggeatsd �haL perhaps► ti� Corporatia� cvul.d legvra tonr lots. 16 to 19,
as aa outlo�G� until stuch tims tha� r�o�d locat�aa� of outlet bo detsrmd�ed; ar�d thaf�
psrhape tbs Copoeiasioaa �o�ld aaCept plat na�+, uith thie �'uturo s�ceae !.o bs xorked
ast. Ths Ca�dsaiaa �s a�na�mova in �heir a�t�eomeat that thia F�Po� P�ti no�de
� t'�rtl�r stnc�y and diecuasi.on on tsa or three alt�rnativee 4c�r tuturo �cases oatlet.
, Tl�t City Bag►�er agr�ed to aomtaat Columb�.a Heights �Co �et �heit� vie�ro or� this
.� t'ulnrr� aacesa road. Tbia corisfcisratian agaia'be discuaa�d at the P7.aruifn�
Coomais�iasi msetin� of Daoember 8, 1959. �_
� � �-
The Co�mai.asion discuased the re�oni�g request by Busae•�t�ckson Buil.ders,
trom R•.1 (rasidential� t�o R-2 (mult3ple dw+elling), F,�t,� b� 7 and $y Block 13,
Rearrar�;en�ent of Ptymouth Additioa'to Mr. F�ickson �as preseui i.o explain tha.t
n�opoeed structures �rauld be two�-familq ur�.ts, either double bur�alaws 'ar dnp�
leYes. Pub13c date �ra�s se� for I�cemb�r 22, 1959.
The next i�tem discu�esd �as the request.ed res�ing b B& M, I.ncorporat$d,
ir�a R-1 (rea3.dential) to R-3 (muitipia dt�eilingi, Lots 1� and 15, Biock 9,
Nami].t,on�s Addition to Meahax�icsvi].1.c�. The Engi.neer explained that th3a was
co�a�.derad a sub-ataz�dard area, and that praaticaliy a�ry building proposal would
be an asset. i�blic hear3ng date was set for Decomber 22, i959.
1�1r. A. W. Wilake' of th�a F 6c R Realtyi s�as prese� to request rE;�onfng irom
R�1 sad A�2 (residentis3. �nd mu].ti.pie dt�a3ling) to R•3 (mult,iple ciwelZing) � a] 2
or s�.x� 9, e�clu� of Lots ltt and 15, Aami.lton�s Addition to t�tectianicsvil'Ie.
He e�cplained that they wished to propose a$t0-uni.t structure facix� 7th 3tre�ts
dne �o no po�sible 6th 3treet acce�s bscause o4 Poligh ce�ta�y' �r1.t,h a tennis
co�ur�E and a�wri�ads� pooi. Pabiia hearin� date was set for Deaember 22, 1959.
lde�cb� Was a d3acussi.on ot the propo�ed eaat and xest ras+da� iroan old C�niral
Av�rnre to the �.aet Ri�rer Raad. t�Ir. ae�rber euQlained that tY�e onl�► east-�es� acp
� ceas bet�sen Ai.�h�y #100 and Osborne Road� wae Missisad.ppi Stree�. Tne Com�.s�
eio�n u�nimously agreed that blst Avenue N.F. ahould be a through eaet and wr��'t
road; also that ?3rd Avenue s'�ou7-d be carried tiirough in either of the £
lo ��'est Proan Hi�hway #65 t,o lhiiv+ersity �v�nus, thence �eat �hroug�
irrdustrial areas to Y2eyers Aveaue, and on�o the East Ri�er Road.
2. Tr:esti from Ri�hway l�65 �tco TJniver�ity Avenue, ae indieated ots zca�
ing map, thence �re�t onto t+�yers Aa�enue • this latter by meang oi
cure+ed roado
Ttye Conu�ieaiaon thought tho latter of the txo abave su��eati.ons ti,touid be mos�
feasibls. � Com�l.naion alao fei� that there ahould be a aross-ov+sr on 69th
Av�en�s� as 9tate i�l�+ay iaap shaw� a service road on the t�eat side of the ii3.g�•
x�r trom t,t�e Cresk northNard to 6gth Av�ue. It xas Coamni.a$i.oa�s apinion that
Citjr �nu].d Yurai.eib a servico raad on t,h�s eaat eide of ti�e Higi�rqys lYa�A 69th Av�s-
nn� nar�hxard �o ti�e indnstrial erectioao
Ths Co�md.esioai th�n diacu,a�ed ti�e propoeed lliture bri4ge a:t Rigbaray �100
a0ar tha 100 Ta�x� 'Dri��e-IA Tt�eater. TTi�es �i�ineer explaSnmd that 1Kr: �trst Ker-
ringer, o�er, pret�rred fi+o ?iave' cross�ng at ?th gtraet. The �ginser' s�c»lained
that iL �+ould be aoTe sdvant.a�te�us t'or the City oi Fridley to hava propoaed
bridRs changed to 7th 4tr�eet, f'or fire p�otso�.ton ser�ice. He alao e�tsd f.i�at
Mr. HerrinRsr hae agreed to giv�e City a 30 foot strest dedica!►3aai aloa�g 7th
3traet, it bridge aould croas High�,y �'i00 thero. Ca�ami�sio� p�opasacl s chan�e
ot looatiaet at propoged ov�er-head bridge • an Righva�► �100, aPP='��Z.Y dq�e aouth
at t,h�e 100 �in Dr�v�-In Tl�eatsr, ta 7th Rt�raat, conditia�al upos� Chs� Herri�er
qivirg e�d�ting � loot at.3+0et dsdicatics� oa the east aids of 7th 3tr+s�t, vhich
. � .-
Wou].d aleo permi.t service ior Yire protection bet�een 1�th and 7th Straets�
darn to 53x'd Avenu�, as �all as redncir� tlle width o� ].and requi.r�ed on � t�he
aorth sids a� �i� Ai�hvaY� 1}re3entiy prapoaed as a aorf,h side east Rnd west
esrvi,ce dr�,ae. Ca�ission discus�ed fi�ha ele4atian in thi.s area, and decided
to �t�nc�r thf.a matter betore presentin� it to the Council
Ttys �eti�nE xse ad,iouraed at 9:45 �'•M•
RsspectiPul7y submi.t'�eda
xnes Ka�p�ala
pl,ann3ng Co�n3.�