PL 01/29/1960 - 6697n
�� ..1!�!'�1.R ,.4'Y�_ .�� /.y yl�����i tl
Jannary 29, 1960
?:34 P.M.
1. Fn�rt�er car�afderatioaz of requaat by Standard Oil Cwapa�y fos re�o
saning tram R•1 to C-1S� Y►ota ? through 9 inalusive, B2ock 2�
Iiii�.asset Add�ticm.
2. Coas3.deratiaa� oi a��+ st by V. M. el Yar rszanaang fraa Rt•l
(resideontfal) 'h.o M-1 tZi6ht indu�tr2�,1.� that portian oY lxz'opar�y
3y�ing aoath of Qsborrye Road and aast of Able Street, and �escribed
se Yollo�ss
Tha �st 3i} aarea of the �nest � oS tt� N.W. � od' 3ectiau 12 and
1 aore ia the �.W. Qorner oY td�e east 1�6 acres of' ths e�est � of
t�s �ast � oY tt� aor�h � ot Sectlan 1Z� �aocept 2 acres �Co 3choo7.
Diatri►ct No. le7s all in To30, R�21}� A�ka Coun�y, Minr�s�ota.
^ 3. Diaapssicm vei possible replatt3ng of Nor�rood Additioaz �� �'ridley
Parics 3b reaa�e fram R.I to Ii�.�, atl o! 2, Audit�ar�s Subcb.v#.�
sioaz �59, e�ocePt tltie eest 160 fest thereoF, and e17. oS I,ots 3, tt
and 5, Auditaroa Subdi�isi.a� #59, that 3a not alrsady sa�ed R•3s
thie beit� t� tzest 130 4eet of aeid loLa; f'�r d�aczribsd �a
being a ptEece of 3�md ]�rir�g 'Det�ee�► Lat l, Auditar � s Snbdiv3sia�
�`59� at�d 61st Av�snno, aleo botveen Uni�eraitq Av�ne a�d th�
� alZs�r bet�sari l�th and 5t�i stre�ts.
�• Cao�sidsratiaa� of the poevibility o� plaait�g a ncrth•�onth street� the txo eaat..v�set st.seete; aaid aar�south etsast
S��ioea �� school paropertg ard Hf�y �65� #u ti�e sovtth �} �'
5. CaoaidoraLioau af p�oposed reloaat3cn ot 3tandard Oil PiPe �s
eovtth o�' �q �100� in t.he tri�vinitr o� fi►2ss Irmsbrtiak P7,at•
R�squsat b9 Mr. Weibsl.
PItTL 9�i
�AL t�iAIR�U11�
PLA�+TI1�3 �t�4�ft�43IQt
y JAN 2 9 1960
a - - '
V. M. NJlt3SZ
Mat�r a aity� at'i;er havin� psroudiy sruivunced the bi.rth oP a promisiaaig yomag
aity platt� hsa later had ti�e occaaio�n to vic�► With alarm the gron�Eh of' this yo�;a-
ter itito a p�obl�rn child, or ev+en a d�].faqu�ent. xhie ie a very diatrosaing occur..
Aer+sdity aatmot be blamed. The antea+admnt�s oY tiiaee Y�B Plans are i.rre-
p�oachable. It lA obnriane that the trot�ble 11ee alassahsre.
A aL�r of marqr caae bringa to lf.ght a factor s�hl�ch is caamooa t�o
pra�ctiaa].]� all case�� involtrin� the deganeratian oi a ouce healtt�r snd norma], city
nlan; the Isak ot p�oper parental care and eup0rvisio�.
Za�a� ia norm� the outRrovth ot psarming. I�ost modera, eriablin� aate
authorise $on�6, aa�► aftsr the tormulatio� o! a pl.aA. Zokley, 3n his authari•
tatiw �+�ork on soming la� and p�aat3.ce, qnote$ fra� s cour� d�eaision a� Sol2aMea
"The aouncil, iri eaaatiag ordinanaea, muati conLinuously baar in min8.t,hat ta
bs ralid, the aa�ing rs�ulaticoe mast b� in �aaordance �dth a aaapa�sl�engiw t�].an,
d�aigrrd !ar o�e or mor� ot the purposea —""••�•:��'••"�..,�••'"�•...
j�'OVl��I D� aTi8Ti11fii@ Yild �'E � ���
Mith rsasa�ablo consid�sra�,ioaa �or t.l� chara�ater ot � diatriat bsiag aonod, and
it�s p��uliar auitabd.lity t'or particular uasa, �nd xith a viex vt c�rving td�s
valns af Pa'oPe='�+Y and 0aaourag3r�g the moat ap�a�op�ats nae of ],and throuEhont t�a
^ �P�tT3 a�d thsr� �antw�t be an arbitx�a:y, nareaeor�able or aap�i,c;ious s�aer•
Qis� a!' 8tu�h pcver."
Tt�is pr3ncip].e is quiLe Saadaniental. Praatioally al.]. aourte atrd planniag
commiasiao� raaoani.�s it.
� is �m ec1ua11Y important prinoipls �hiah is gausral7,p r�aopi.�sd b'9
t►h� oota�s� bnt alI too trequsul,]y �orgottas by plsnr�fs�g oom4isaiaos aud boarde
at mdlnet�ts. Thia ia t.hat not only ths ariginsl soaings bat aip► �ubasqn�nt
soutng, wnst b� do�e in aacord�aae sdth a p1an.
'�is do�a aot msm that ao sa�ing diatriat map shoaid �r be elssn�d -!ar
lros it. �nab �ua attitud� �ould bs aa�pisl�ly antagoesist�to to � lumdam�ettal
P�P1+�• �' P�l• �'lanning ie cobcerr�d, not ao mnah � an ima�attabl� pas�,
as xith t� ta�nttif and tbs lntut+� irnritably briags ci�nges. Cha�p,�s in pop�ila�•
tion at� al�ayrs a�ovpwi.�d by changes in traftia, iri sah�ool at�d park useds, in
�0000�dos, #a �o�nd�d otili�tss, as �1]. as cb�ng�s i�a t.h� na� a! 7.and.
As i� �y cas�, �dan I lirst, oam� to lrri�Ts ap► Plaa� xas a aa�n.ta�o �
t'+u�. I�d a nrbil a�at �!or t.b� pnrchasr a! tbs ast.irs p�op�rfi�r aA a gir►�n
i��3 bnt b�tore I aould get a�y a�T daMb tio aloa l�hs d�al�, �t � fAto tlr
b�eds ad' � rral �atat� d�al�r and ths pr3�o� m�s sho�wd np so_ higit, �,�oon�� �a�j
atfc�d io b� loar ttr originsl p�ioe • an2y► t1� �as� 35 scr�s Kit�h ti� bo���
on t�w. This also nads a n�tnral divSsion, as tLt wsat !u� 13� ao�r�epoed�d
to t�h� v�st s�ct3at li�s at S�atiaa �I�'J.2. �Tlr bal�iaao� o! Lhe 7.and sv�atua'l1,� �wodt
� to tl� r�al �stat� d�al�r, �o sub�qt�nt�jr tas t�o d�e�s�op it lxito h�w3at.... A��d
I 1� abl,t to �nit� it, it �oba�I,�► vovl�d st�ll � b��s} �soa�:; �l�i�a lapd.
� �aN z s �sso
at t�he tise' there xae tara, land on either eido of ine, xith oiily a ase••soom
�o�nt achool on tato aars� ot ].and, immediate],y �aeat oP � place. Tirere wae lit-
tis oa� no trat��c � Oaborns Raad. I�jr placo �s the auly place or� th� aouth sido
o!' OsbolTi� t`Oad� Tl�el� �lt1rll aa�2y eiac ho�e� on the north sid� of �sborne Raads be�
t�eea old Ce�tta7. Avenue a�nd 1Jniwrsity Avernu�; snd at sevon o� c2xk at ni�ht�
yot� could hear a pirs drop - iL wa� eo quiet.
The firat etep toryoard developm�Yit w�te the aCqttisitiou of additlonal lsrlds a1r�d
Lhe builcl�; of Lhe Woodorest i±�erne»tary Gahaol.. Housing also start�d t,o dev�elop
to the resr o�' �Toodcrasi Gchool, and to the na��h oP Osborne i�oad. Thinqs t�ere
atill p�etty qni�t, unti.l t�he Hi.�hvay I�p�artment relxated Aighs�r �`b5, to the east
ot my po�opsrLy. Thi�, almost fnm�ediate].y� opaned up the ent3re area; an� of conrse,
brought oo� ths t+�zo�ing aF ths entire arsa alo�q Hi�,hu�y i�65� to co+�aer�cisl� 14.�ht
indnetr3sl and h�a�y indust�rlal • tor �he tsai].er aourE;, heavy industrial aY
t�e eatin� area to the eauth, bet�sen Higi�q �65 and Unio�srsity 4venue,
Ca�equeatl3►s I am •aav surrcwn�ed by oLher than reeid�ential usa, e�cce t.he
th�c�es bloatc area ort tha aout�est, alar�g Able St,�reet fran ?3rd A�nen� ta 7�th Ave�
nne. At the praaent t�fine, ths people in tho resicknt�al. ar�a alo� Able 8treet
do aot p�ar�fau],ar1y liloe the etes o! mpr land ae a farm-�-�ith �r co�a geLtiug out
oaaaaiosnstll�r; bnL ttry do l�ice ths aealusion ot t� area. Tho hou�i�ng ie ju�t ot
the ndcidle o3,aaay idth a].arge nwqber of cbi2dron ia the area.
Csrtdnly, it Lhe area is to remain reaidentfal, � cannot
n �p► high auslit�r tthac �ri1l aarr�r its otin tis�c loaa), basea upon
, rou�iqgs. The lirst thres lota eauth c�f 4sborrie Road ar�d �rest
are sor�sd- aam�met�cial; and already, the ffrst lot hea beeu aold �
Ca� for a r�parted aale p�i,cs of �2T�000.00. Tld.e is a trer,
but aetnerthsld�s givsa na sowe idea ot t�e chaap,a in vslwe� und
soeaing, as oo�apared xith e Io�ror qualfty reaidantial �. x
euae in t�s tszse t�o be aollected.
�tpatzt ha�asix�g ot
tt� immediaLe avr-
o�f' Iii6hxa3► �65s
�o the Staadard Oil
� n�u+ea].istia p�ic�;
r a comaeraial
3ak o�' ti�s ditfsr•�
A buildi�ag � .22,000 equars' teet ot Pioor apa�ce w311 prodnos aDont ��:000.00
irt t.a�osa, xith litt.].e aerrlce raquirad� e�oaept police and fit� pa�wtsat3oa. Thia
eampar�s with about !R18�000.00 t�hat �++ould b� aoLlsoted ar► ninsty haesa ia ths aams
at�af the nir��jn c�mea p�oduaing abont 180 to 200 oh3ldraA • and !or aehool
alow • at a oost ot �le00.00 es�ch, �o�onld r�quire aia expsndi'tmc�a o! aboitt l�T2s000.00
P�' 7�•
Alt�sa�►� Lbsre at'�• plsns to� 1s50 haoss t.o ths t�sst o�' ths p�se�t reeidential
�rsa. Just think at t�bat t.his vil]. pa�odt�, in the �ny ot sahoo�. oost, oss t?�ss
hair� alco�t.
Iti is p�s�ib 2*s t�t i�_ thie rasa�ing ie �,�o�wd, thab nit�h oq� �.as�e l,a�dus-
trlal �(li�b�) plant, tt�e aap�ats ot t�s a�elii�sd ih��id�at�lal. at�a to �.. sont.�•
r�st o� bo t��ltitisd� as . t.l�ss► Qoald ta� ths arra ot! a��d loe�p t�r iqdqe�rla't
�'a!!'!,o aot q� t�r �eid�sntia�. atw,; at�d 3.n ti�tt �aao�r, i�P �, o�stain �meoqnt os
t� N4lvsioo t� no4t hs�e. ,,
R�sp�at�ul�jr subad.ttsd�
Y. M. liagel
ljZg�6p ' � JAN 2 9 1y60