PL 02/24/1960 - 6699�`1 � � The meetirt� Kas bere Bandel, Bern�er� ttre Jarma:y 29, 1960 tione or aorrsatioans. MixoTEs ar�►r�x�a cor�xsszox r��rn�a wr�rnsnA= Febru�uy 2I�, 19b0 called to order at 7=3� P.M, by Ghairm�sn :�egr�er� Mith Mem�- Fantai�e, i{raaik and the Fx�ineer preaento The md.nutea ot asestin� were apprv�v�ed as submitt,ed, thers being no add3• �7�e C�ia�ian eet a pnblic hearirig date of Mar�ch 21t, I9�s t'or tt►e tolla�• ing con�ei.deratiane: 1. Consideratian ot the posaib2e rep],atLing of ths Noraood Addit,ion to Fx3dley Park, to re�ane !'�ro�n R�l to R•2, all of Lot 2, AudiLor�� Sub- dlvieioa l�59� eaoept the eaat 160 feet thsreot, arid s11 0! Lots 3, !e end 5� Auditor�a 9ubdiviaion #59. 2, Coneidsration ot t�he reso�nit� of the Adama 3treet Additian, eanaieting of alxka 2 and 3� trom R•1 ta R-3. Tl�s Comuaiaa3on thsn rseo�idered the Aar�rey Feterson ?�ev�slopment Corpo�a- t1o�n � s p�opoaed piat, IsAO�ea ae Outlot "A" �;�arian Hill.e Additioey 4ndttor � a�ub- di.visian �153e i�r. Robert Kindsr, o! Suburban 8ngineering, and Nr. Leonard J. Juatsr� psrtner in the lax tir�a of Hall� ��h� Aedlund, Bennett, Jwet,er and For�berg (eaid 2'irm an�ning hait t.he stoak of Pi''oP� P7�t), �rs present. M='o Justsr ucpl�it�sd that in ei�aakin� tirith Colu�ia �ieights and ths �'Iath�4re Addi.�• tiaaa, Mati�airs hss o�1,y► o�r ].ot (Lot #10� Mat�hairir Addit�ion) ava3lab]�s to a�11� aAd that t.hey xould have no objaati� to a road gofag ti�rough ca sa�.d lot. Ae turthsr atated t►hat ait�r oaretnl atudy, they lelt t.haL ths b�st snd moet logi- aal au�lat tar an aco�as road �rould be to High�y �65. it� requiat�sd t�at tt� P7.a�ed.� Commisaion apprav� eald pl�at, x3.t�h tir atipulation thst tha D�veiopment Corporatiass �enid leavr iovr or fivs lo�trs u�d�nlop�d, until auoh tim�e that a dscialao �a�s made aa to tt� sp�aiti� lxat�ion of thq aae�es road to High�r �653 alao, tbat t2ssy ars �rilling to da�st�s easarnt sr►d pqr loa� eatd tntur� road, Attsr Coadeeioo�a earetul stu�y ot slsTat�to�a and locatian ot sas�t,�, t�he ial- lo�wi.ug mot3ou xas mads by Mr. Fontafxre "Sino� t�ret� is au wdat►ing �asemsnt ez- 'Esadt�ng wsstii�ard t�hrongh Lob Zl, and ext�eaading t� wetxara !or aPPe'aocimat�► �0 l�si, a�d e�e this leavra on1�r 300 t�et to a��in aao�ss to Hi�q► �b5, xs rsaa�r�d t.hat th� Com�ail Lalo� approp�riat� st�ps to aaquire a rip,�L.ot•+w�y for stra�t Mhiah �dll inelnd� th�s p�a�ut �aeep�ont p= Z0 tset. Coat3n�q� npoe� ti�e aa4nir3s� o�t' this at�t� the Pianning Cammi�sicei �ra�uld app�rovs thts plat, �ith t�s •�o�pt.irou ot Lote 12, 13, 14 ana s5, � irs t�� t.t:s Platt�,flg Qc�n�n� r. qnirsmer�t ot 500 le�t tor dea�d�-snd street." I�Ict,Son s�co�d�d by l�tr. Eravik ar�d wwc�,�cva],1r carried. l�sat� xsa ths eonti�atios� ot tha publla ia�ri�., ees the eoaei.d�ratian at a rsqueat by V. M. Nag�l tor r�aoning trom R•I to 1�1� that pos�t.ion ot paro'Pe='t�T 17• ing sonth o�!' Osborne Road aad sast at Able St�t�t. l�ir. Marain Hal7., AtLoa�n�y rsprea��ing ad�aoenti parop�rty o�srs md signers o! petitia� againat abaw r�- �oa�n�g� vae p�sa�t�tt and outlinsd a i'e� legal doot�atariee agaias� anoh p�op�esl. Mr. �gr�sr statad that h� had r�oei�d tlu pstitio� opgosing rsso�iag on Fsb�• ru�r� 23, 19b0, and t.ber� had aot b�en t�ime to eilsak t.hs eignatur�a, a�ntl aYts.- davit at s�aursr ot aigi�a�a xas lacking. Mra. Robert alaaa, Mr. Robert t�iwnd � � -2• and Mro Ra1ph Rlingl, e�e�aed their reasone for oppoair� raque$t.ed resar�ing. Due to the fact Lhat archit►ectura2 drar�rir�s and plaria for propo�ed indusiriel plant for thia area xere not yret availablef heari�ng xas olased; wi.th aaid hear- in� to be cantinvoed s�hen euch n�t.�riat ie receiv�edo Peopla of ares are �o be notified xhen hsaring is cont3nued. The Cc�nmieaion th�n reaana�.d�ermd t.he paropo�sd locati.on of the �uburban �anitatio�n Corporatton in Frldlay. It �as point�ecl aut, by Mr. 4egner� t�hat the pa�oposed land by the river mi�t becane �ramely raluable for doakaAe. Atter a careth7. discuasion on l.he advantages and diead�antagee ot t.�+s par�posed Plaat, a motion xsa n�ad,s bq Mr. Eravik� t1�at the City at Fridloy xould naE beaefit by B��B Lhia busiasae a Spetsi.al. Use P�ermit w�i.t,�sin tihs aorporats lindts at Fric� lay, inaatar ss heslth and �rslSare Waa car�aerned, and th4t o�e at the most ob- 3ectionabls psrts xaa the traAahi� arrangement that had been euggsated, snd that franchi�s perait b� d�snied by Camniesion. Ssaond,ed by Mr. Foaita3ne and carried unar�imously, The cos�eidaratio� ot the Paric and P7.a,ygrou�de Commiaeion � s raaamm�tndatian for P� P�'oParLy io be purchaasd out ot Ba� Iaaa� Funda� �ae t.he n�st it�emo Mro Fo�tairr explainsd ttsat t� Parica snd P1a�yg,ronnde Ca�d.eaian had e�d t►he p�opoaed park area, � aaid area beitig deecribed aa the S�,r af the 3Fr� os Ssa�tion 11; aubject to a 20 foot Minnesota Traaafer Rsilro�d Co�mp�at�y riPht�•o!-xa�r atiror tht north 20 teet thsreat' (�$ 311t sarss), ancl ttay feel that this land ia �sry idesl],y sulfAd tar pork p�rpos�s; also, the �lt Co�sn'iaafa� vould libe to iuvs an n eaat-�eat e�t�eeL (agpsaodanstsl„y 69�h Avsaus) pa�i through, to tollo�r alang th�e Minnesota �raaa�er Railroad. It vas aleo suiggetrtrad that ths City tyegotiat� xlth the o�ads:s c� t.h. propsrt,s ana hav�e iaopsrty ap�p�si��d, s.n oaae os aonas�matso� neaesaities. A awtian xas �rad�t by Nr. Kravik, , to - a+�aept ths rsaoamrsndation ot the Parka and Play�trounds Co�ai.ssicn and p�r�e�L ea�r to ths Coaneil. Motioa eeconded by Mr. Band�l and unanimo�2y aart�edo Mr. Rsg�nsr t,i�e�n rsad a memo !'rom Mr t�: agner osi t�he pa�oblea af �st-baaln ir� txu M-1 and M�2 areas. Cammi.asiori will studjr trhie matter anfl diaause iL at tt� ns�ct rs6ul+�r �wwtSa�t. Mr. lCircM�at� intormslly b�aught up thf piattsr ae Lo the Ca�aiaei�aa� � a s�ati� as th� poe�sible s�so�niag to 1�I•2 a! all th� a�a �+sat a! IIniversity A�rwn�� dea•. cribsd aa b�ing ths 111�1 aorn�r o? F'ridl�y� boq�d o� t.i�s east bT Uniwrsit�► Avsrn», o� ths ron�h by Oiba�nt Rotd, on th� �at bp�� t�'�s P�'�sunt lighL iadnstri.al bordsr e4et ot tiM ar�aL l�ortiberA and Nortlxrn Paaitio railroad trAaics, aond on t.l�e noa�t�h bq t1r lrsidlrY•Coa► Rap�ds bo�sdai7 liar, ap ar�a ao�eisting o! appa�ootfsate]y 21�3 aarsa; �sid r�saaing !or ss�r�rai �d lirmi 3ntsr�at�d in t� posdbl� oae�etrua- tico a� ti�Ywt or tanr 1�►t�� indust.ri�s in tl�s�aetonat ot �31�a000�000.00 -�1.T,OOO,OOOoQO adsda�, �rith a poesible titt�t to eigbt�act ha�drsd �p7.oy�s to stat�t �dth; and trorityina� tht�ongh I�lr. Iwa l�rtsoet� ths par�,:.� �.eaW�t�idas o! xafi�s and snwr to eer� tbis atya. Ai �t�d t�o bav� a r�r'�i� ��ai� �i�ah r�►soo�s�g b�t�n aox md t,bs l�arch 24tb m�etingv Ths s�et.ing rss ad jourerd at 10:00 P.M. �1 ' RespsctS�l�y anb�aittsd� I:NS bapalas Asoordit�g Sea�tat'7 pLa�inB Comaisdoa�