PL 05/26/1960 - 6703�
� � ��t �,,,IYI ^�: �:' I� ' /�.�
rt�► 26, 1960
?: � P.M,
1. Consideration of reaoning fran R�1 (resid�tial) and R.•3 (p,ensrsl
multiple cl�elliag) to C-2S ( ral ahopping area)� all ot the
ar�ea deecrlbed as follo�ra: �ch inoludea, but ia not all inclu•
aiv�e of th,e a�.rea described) : All oY Lote 3� 4s 5 and part of
Lot 2 of Atl�ditor�a Subdiviaica �59, ��1 0! Lots 9 t�o lb 1AClu-
aive� Block 1 and Lota 16 to � iaalnei�e� Blook 2 0! Nor�rood Addim
tion to Fridley Park; Ca�anenciUg at the inter�ction or the Northo
s+est corner of Lot 2(Auditoroe subdi.viaiozi �59) and the eaaL line
o! Univ�ersity Averiue, thence aouthward I�369.l� leet more or leas�
to the interaection of the southMest corner ot Lot 5(Auditor�e
Subdivision #59) and the north line of 61at Aveaue N.E,, thence
eastWard a distance or 466a6 feet more or leae� to the centerlir�e
of the north-south alle3r in the NorWOOd Additic� to Fridley Partcs
thence northward in a straight li�s 1369,l� feet more or leaa, to
a point on the north Iine o� Lot 2� Auditorfa Subdiviaic�n #59 lp�
ix� 16506 feet westerly on said line from the northeaat corner ot'
said Lot 2, thence westerly it66.6 feet more or lees, to the point
of begizminga (Proposed to be rezo�ed as C-2S).
Consideration of rezaning frcan R-1 (reaidentisl) to Fi�2 (t�ro tami.�
ly dt�ellings) that part oi Lot 2, Auditor�a Subdivisio� #�9 a►tid
Norvood Addition to Fridlep Park, lying east of a line deacribed
as follawa: Commencing at the point of intersection of the north
line of 61st Avenue NoEa and the center line of the alley in
alock 2, Norwood Addition to Fridley Park and extending north to
a point an the north line of Lot 2� Auditor's Subdivisian #599
which point lies 16506 Peet �esterly on said line from th� north�
east corner oY aaid Lot 20 (Proposed to be rezoned•as R-2)
2o RecQnaidera�ion of a requeat by Ronald Engesether for ra�oning
from Rml to R�2' Lots 1 and 2� Block 2t� Hyde Park Additiaaie in
the N� oP Section 230
� , Pt�LIC H�+,ARING
88F� T�B
PI.AL��iG C�f1tIS320N
'T't� WHC�[ IT �lAY C.ONCSRis t �
�to't.ica i�i bereby qiveat that ti�ce will bs a Pvbli�
8earing of tb,e Pl�iaq Co�oi�sio» of tha City .of P'=idl�y i� , tlLe
City 8a11 at 6431 tAaiv�alty Av�uo DT�B., on T�tvc�, !+� .�bQ
1960, 3x1 tbe � Coutusil t�a�er at ?s 3Q P.M. a ior tbe purpo8� ofs
Co�sict�r$tion of rezo�ninq trcca R-1 {Resi.danfi.ialj aad
R�3 {Geone�cal Mu],t,i�,ple DW!�ll�i�q) to C-2S, all of the
are� ciesc�i%d as folla�rrst. (t�hic� includes, l�ut 3.s not
all inclusive of tbe area describad): All of Lvts 3,
4, 5,��d Part of Lot Z of 1luditor°8 subdiviaion No.
59, aa�d all ot Lota 9 to 16, inclusive, Bloc]: 1 and
I.vte 16 to 30, inclutsive, Sloek 2 of Narwood Addition
to Friciley Park = Co�enc3s�q at the inteYS�ectioaa of
tha NwCt'�weet co�rner of Lat Z, aAuditor's Suibdivision
I¢o. SSij ai�d tbe east lins of thYivarsity Avenue, thence
sout�oaia�'si 1369.4 feet mo�e or les$, to tba interssction
oi �tiw So�tttbwest cor�a� of Lot 5, (Auditar's Subdivison
No. 59j and thQ North liue oi 61s� Avenue No�rthesst,
tb� +aastwarc] a distanco - oi 4�6 a 5 feet raoaca or less,
to ttw c�atarlina of the nc�th-south alley � fihe
Diorirood Addition to F�ciAley Park, tbenco �q,�ard in
a �atra�t lius 1369.4 %et mar�e or less, tc3 a goitit
ozi� 1� �tb li� of Lot 2, Auditor�'s Subdivi�sion No,
59 lyi�g 165.6 f�t roeat�l,y on said lina iroia� ti�,e
r�tbeast carner of s�id Lot a, tb�ce w�sat�],y 466, 6
%et mo�re or loss, fi.o the poiat of begi�sit�g �(proposad
t,o be� =as�oned aa C-Zsj .
Consi�t+e,ratioaa of rezoa� f�ran R-1 (Rosidential�, to
it-Z (Twa-family dw�al.l�s� that part of Lat �, Auditor g s
Subdinisiaci Dioa 59 a�d �to,s�vood A�i�tion t.o Fridley Park,
lyi�g oast oi a lir�a dsscribed aa follows: Co�aencing
at t�e poiat o£ inta��eti,on of the: no�tb liae of 61st
Avernte �.5. atsd ti� centatr line of the allay in Block 2a
No�s�rood A�dditioa to F�cidl�y Park atyd exte�diag nosth to
a poiat o� tbe narth li�a of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision
DSo, 59, wltic�h poiat 1 i�e 165, 6 faet �vaster�y on .eaid 1 ine
iran fi.l� nortbosst cortte�r ot saia Lot a. �P�op�osec� to be
r� as it-2) .
�1 AAyone desiring to be heatd witt� reference to t3a�
' above ma►tfi�ra wi11 b� heasd a� this mseti�go
Publis�s May lZ, 1960
May 19, 1960
PLA1'�NIDiG COl�+iI33I0d1