PL 08/24/1960 - 6709rt � � AaE�DA �►rn�rrxi aa�assaa� r�� x�ar�z Augnst 24, 1960 7:30 �.M, �.,, Cozz$ideraia.an ot' z� request by the Gordam �a�+es"r.me�� Camt�Y iii�„ Fyh12�.� �<, Gordon"1 tor rezoning tro�a R-]. (r�a�.dmnt�ai} to R«3 (�ener��.I. m�.t�.p1� ch,ro�.l� ing), the proper�y locat.ed nartt� af Misaissippi S�reet I�mE�, east o.f' Lu��� �uie amd �e$t ai Chau�el Road, anci gurther desariTa�d aa io2iowa: Lo� �1, Hrookvi.ex Atiditicm� ezoep�L that portion or eaia �,ot 3i, �rhich is de�cx•3.beci aa f. ollcn�e: Co�enair�g at the aoutheaat earner ot esid Lot 31, ti�ncse north ala�g the east line thsreaf for a dietanem� of 126.9 fee�, thence wra�t psralYal r�rith the aouth lins oP sa�.id Lot 3l a distanc� of 35.5 �aets thsnc� north paral�.el �rith the easi line af said io� 31 a di��tanos of lt9ol i'set, thenc� �eet parallel vith the maath liw or �,ot 3x �o t.hs �reet liria ot Lot 31, thence aonth along the �rest liae af aaid Lat �I a diatance oi" 17b� feet to �he eoutheamt corner Lhereot, thence saat along the aonth 1%ne oi �aid %ot 31 a dletanee of 97 v8 feet, �nore or leaa, to the poi.nt of beg�� ning; alsa� all ot Lota 32 and 33, ��� Addition, eaacept an �aa�ment aver the north 33 ieet to Lot 5-D ot Auditor'a Subdiviaion #21; a11 1g3� in the Narth o�e-halt (�) ot Seatioes 13s r 3�, R-�2l�, Anoka Gounty, M�.nn�-� sota. pUBLIC HEARII�3. 2� Conaidaration of a requeat by Jamsa J. �ux�dle for rY+�oning irnm R��. �re��.A ciential) 'Go R�2 (Iimited multiple d�el2ing), I.ota 6, 7 and 8 in Block 6, Spring Braok Park Additian; turther deaeribed aa being bounu�d on the ea3� by the �it River �na�d, on the north by Lot,e �, �1�, 53, 52 arsd �1 �an Blxk 6 of the eanw Additiott, cn the t�sa�t by Lot 11, Blxk b, saima Adct�.tior�� and oa the south by Lo� 9, Block 6, aame Additiaa; a].1 lying �.n ttw 5c,nth ona-half (S�) oi �aatioa 3: T-34, R-2lt, Aaoka Cauaty, Mir�esot�.o �'[tBL�C HEARII�Oa � o Canaideration oi tt�s paropoeed subdi`r.lsian af 4elb � a Addit�o�n, knarrn a� Lot 27 ot Rsvis�d Audi.toros Subdivision #10�; further deacribed ar b�ir� baund�ed c�a► the nox�th by 2rontaa 3tr�sst N.E., oa the east by the Curt�xx,� and AI3.ce� Fah�rendorlY propsrtT, au i;.he aouth by Lota ii2 through 60 i.n�lu�� aiYra, ni tihe Riverriex Heighta Additio�, and aan the �reat by Lot 14 oY Fte� viaed Aucittor r e Subdiviaion �7.0�; all lyirig in the Horth oc�s-halt` � t�) of Secticn� 3, '�-30� R-2lt, Analca Crna�ty, Mimtisaata� �lJBLIC HEAR:iAIio �� Ccnwi�ration ot' a raqv�eat by Paul Ra Caetoagua�r far the vacatiodn oS t� alley in Blc�k 9, betue� S1tth Awnuo P eF, and Hightr�y �fl{�; alao, 6th Street NAEo, bet�een sltth Av�enuer AoEo and Highvay i�100; sll lyi�ng in Hlxk q at Hamiltor�'s Addition to Mechanicevi.11e, in the 9outh o�ne-halx' (S�) oY Sectio� 23, T 30, R-2lt, �naka County, Minnesotao PUBLIC NEARIl�3o 5o Coneideratica� of Willia�a 1C. Berger'a lttter of raqueat tor proe an esa�meaL an Lote 12, 13 and 11t La 3�atiosi 0 in Rirnsrvieir Zbrr�►ce� ot 5sctiaa 3)e rauz, s� GENERAI� CAAIRMAN �r� ccx�xxssz� rr 0!+"F�C7AI► NOTIGE CITZ 0�' FRIDLBY AJ�IC A�ARII� 8EE'�t� THE P'I�INNII� C�I3SION TO k�HOM IT MAY C�CBRN: Notia� is hsrb� gi�n thst th�ers �rill be a Publia Hear@ i�ag of the Pia�in� Co�d.saiau o! Li�s City at' Frl.dley in tiLe City i�a]1 at 6ti31 Univsreit7 Avrmle p.Eo� ao Wadwrsd�r, AugusL 24, 19bOs in �i�e Co�ail Chamb�r st T:30 p.M,� tar the purpoas of: 19 Co�tsaid+tratioes o! th� p�opoaed subdiviaian o! (3elb9a Addit�ioa, Imora as Lot 27 0! Revieed Auditor�e Sub•• diviaioa �103; �urther deacribed se being bo�azded on t,tr north by Iroataon �trset N.Eo, on the eaa� by the Curtisa and Alio� Fahrendorf! propsrty� o� the south by I+o'ts !t2 thrcugh 60 inclur�ive� of the R3ver- � virv Heights Additioo�� arid on tha »sat by Lot 10 ot Rsvised Auditor�a �bdiviaion �103; a11 l.ying ih the 1[orth ane-hal! �N}) ot �eotion 3, T-34, R.•2�t� Anoka County, Minneaot,aa 2o CansideraLl.o� od' a rsquest by Paut R� C !o� the �►aatiaes ot th� allry in Black 9 bet� th A�nw A.E4 and Algha�a,y �100; aleo, �th St�eet N,E., b�tye�n 5�tth pv�w N.B. and Highvsy �100; all lying itcs Hloak 9��lt� � s A dditioa to Heahaai�ril.l�t in ti►� South o�ha2t {3�'i ot Ssc+.io� 23, T•30, R-24s Anoka Couaty, Min�NOta4 A�oa� dssirit� to be heard vi.th raiersao� to th�e sbovs matters xill bs ivard aL thia me�ingo Publisht Augus� 11, 1960 August 18, 1960 n , PA�'L 3� dSNBRA� CHAIRMAti �mqo� coraassiox �� � � �FIC�AL NO2ICE CI�"r : C�' FRIDLL? P�1BLiC ABARII� �'�EtE 1�6 P�� CON�II33I�T -+ TO WEIA� IT MAY C�ICER1�1: '�ot,ias la h�reb� �ti�nsn Lhat tt�ura wiil bs a Publio A�arin6 ot the ?"lsnnir� Canud.asioaci ot ths City ot FridUy ia ths City Asll aZ 6b31 Unimaity Aremis N.E.� cn wsdnssdqy, Anguet 24, 29b0� in t� Cownoil Ct�amber at Ts�O PoMo, tor the purposo oti Coneideratiou ot a r�qwsat by Jaa�ea J. Rundl� tos rs�o�niag tran R•1 (resid�erttiali to R-2 (limitsd multiple a,reia.�), Lote ssx t6), s..� (�) �a Ei�,h� (8} in Hlock 3ix ibi, sP�6 � Park Addi� tia�; t'urLhsr deaaribsd aa being bouexlsd on tdys east by the East Ri�ror Road� an the nort.h by Lofi�a 5a 54, 53, 52 � 51 s� s�.o�� 6 or tt�e eaa�s Additicni on the �et by Lot 11� H].ock 6� same Additian� u�d on th+s aouth by Lot 9� B1�k 6 sams Additian; all lying in ths Qouth o�smt�alt (:�) of 9sotion 3, T-�, R-2I�� Anoka Caaaty� Mitmeeotao A�o�e desiring to be heard xith rs�sre�rot to t�s abo�v�s a�atter �rill be heard at thia meetingo Publi$b: Auguat 11, 1960 Auquet 18, 1960 PAUL 3P�((?rNF'R GEi�ERJIL CHAIltNUN �►rn�zrrr} carn�tsszox �� � �'FICIAL NOTIC$ CIT7 � FRIAL�Y PUBLIC i�611RI1iC3 B'E�ORE THE PZRI�t�il� CO�gI0R1 _ - TO WHaM IT I+lAY COl�CERN: Hotice ia i�ersby pji.vru that th�rs will be a Public 8earing o! the P1ar�ning Co�aieeioai af the City ot Fridlsy in the City Aall at 6I�31 Uni�erslty Avenu� N.Eo, an Wedn�sadar, Av�gust 21t, 1960, ia t�h� Cooncil Chambsr at 7s30 PoMo, !or ths purposs ots " Canaidsraticss o! a requreet by ths �3ordaa Ina�sstm�� Canp�ny (Dro Philip E. dordon) !or r�soni.nR trom R�1 (residential) to R-3 (gei�ral n�nitipU dMS111n6is � property located north o! Ml.aaiaeippi 8trest NoE., eaat ot Luoia Lsns and �set oY Chantrl Road� and !'nr� ther deacribed ae tollo�ras Lot 31, Hrookvi� Addi- tior�� e�aaept thst portian ot eaid Lot 31� �hiah ia described aa to1lo�WS: Ca�nenaix� at ths eouthsaet corner of eaid Lot 31, thence north alang tha saaL 1.3ne thereo2 t'or a dista�nce of 12609 tasta tt�snoe �eet parallel with the eouth lf.ne oi aaid Lot 31 a dietance ot 35.5 feet, thsnoe north para].lel xith tt�e eaat linm oY asid Lot 31 a dietarae of b9o1 leet, thence �reet paralleT �ith the aouth line of Lo�t 31 to the �reat lirse of Lot 31, thence south aloAg t.be w�eat line of aaid Lot 31 a diatanae af 176a feet to the soathsaat corner tt�sreol, th�nce eaet aZ.ang ths aouth line of aaid Lot 31 a diatano� of 9708 Ysst� more or leee, to the point ot bsgi�ing; also, all of Lota 32 aad 33, Br'ookvie�t Addit.i�.ou, exaept sn eaeamsnt over the north 3� Yeat to Lot 5-D o! Audi- tor ° s Subdiviaion ,d�21; all lying in the North oa�sm half (N�) of Sectiat 13s T-'J�• R�2l�, Anok�► CouAtYs Minneaota4 Ar�rone dsairing to be heard xith retere�ce to ths abaw matter xill be h�ard at thia meetingo Asbliehs Auguat 11, 1960 August ].8, 1960 PAUL S'�I�iSR QENERAL CHAI�'MAN �,arn�� ca�¢ssio� j�, �.��jtz�st b�i J8�8 .ie Ru�ic3�.e t+�r z�s�zani.ng from R�1 to R-�2, Lo�La b� 7 and 8., B�.ock b, S r#.ng Broatt Fark h.ddit3on� '� Q� �e6`rt'ri0i1 � e f� �� ; � ' �� � R � �� � �'` f.f � >, � � �j �� � r- � � � �,� � �o �! � si i �r � c�-' I"� O' � � �, ► � c� �q � ' .�o � 3�� i �3a � � � � � o�,V �� � �� � �. ��' iy �e :�� ,; � , ; ; . 1 f j � � % �� j i � �� � � ,+"•+'',, � ' � !�� ' � � 3� �, a1?"� �` ; 30 � �Z"'� �' ; � l � � �,, � �,,, � --_ �� � � � ; � _ � ; � � ? '✓ y � , i ��� i ._ .y�r. .. . _ . . ..... /�''�. . _ _ -1 w � � ; � �, ��!..- f . � _......._....._._.� .�-...�... _ _.,_. _ _�.�..._._�� -� w �� � ° � � � ��..... .�� �._._._ .__ . _ : 4 � � ..�._.._....�..... _._,.... ..._ _,. � ; o � i �.......__�.__.�._..__�.......... ..�.._ _.. _. . .� + t Y.�-.�:��Y,'R: �.�-'r"!;�-..:-x AUG 2 4 1960 � 7 1 �1 �� �i yy I J i ' f �� I i � � ` V M' w...-.. v 1J1 U` R� . � --�.. � � _... � f" t3t ��/' {1 � '�.i J � y, s� V • � �! � � � • � M1 � � _._._...�...._... �.. � � � � .,p W . -.. � �4 , � � � �+r' � �� � �� � ��� � � � � i� �' . � � f� � � .C�'il �A � w � � � ��w/ � W � � rM ` { �,�� �.�4p� � . � �, � � � � ti, � � � � �6 . ����/�-/�ry� �7',/f�a� ��i // . � _.....�*•�.`.:...�� � Propoaea aubdtv3�ion r�t � Golb � e Add3.�i.daas knot�al t aa I,ot 27 a� Fb�v3.eed Audi� � t�or=s Subdivieion #203, y 1i� oi gecti.on ,�. AUG 2 4 1960 � ,_.. : R�equ+eet by Paul. R. Casto�fgt�► for vacat�,an oi alley in Bloctt 9; alao, 6�h St. A.R., bett�ez'1 5i►th Avs� 6� . . , , , Hauoilt�aei � e Add. Lo t�tl,,; �,, 11�, S� ot 3eeti.on 23. I�-� �1�• � � i � � i � � � 0 � . ' � � 1 1 i � � l�. , � �� �� 1V � tu ` c� ' ti- � f/,� ! � � n ��, za� . ._,_, � N� � � �O 29 �..�? .. 26 ....... 2.5 ._...., 24 .....r. 23 22- � � � 2� ......,.. !9 /6 , ,� !�1/� « i � 2 .... 3 f 5 � b .... 7 �.. �3 �.. 9 't► � �2 � �� � 1♦ _... �5 i QQ .• � � � U h; � ��.1,y ���a C,J� . �'� � � t.�v� � AUG 2 4 1960 � ��� � � � ���� O� C4DIv ._ _ .�. .. _ . .. . . ��, .�_ � � '1 9 � � �. � `a� ` �� � � �,,,.. cr � W � � .�_ �� _ � � c� � _ � � � _ +� � � � i N ��17✓� I Y : i�� , oZ 7, �� � d' _�.. ...� _ _..�. _t.�.�._._..�_ _ . . __ _ �... . .. _. .�... _ _.�. . _ ...� . __ . _.._ _ . � _ _..�._ __..__ , } N �,, �.. �� � � �,. , . o �, M ` r� !4 1� i2 ��1 � '� � , 1 � _.�. -- ; �o � i 1 `' �� �� , � �./'r � �� , r M � •� 3�..- ��'` � ' � i � ��� 4�i�G r_..-- � . ..�.� � tMa�`�'L -�"",. .._� . � � `�, �� .. �.-_ � ,�m W . .�_ r _.�--`" � wta$ x a Earger x�quest �or easentent, Lots 32, Z3 and 1lt, SecLic�n 4, Rivervietr Terraca, 1'� OL vl7C. a � o AUG 2 4 1960 �-9 "��