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PL 10/13/1960 - 6712
AdBADA P'I.AAl�IIR� COi"+aI33I� Ml�lll�d TH�iRSD11Z Oetober 13� 1960 ?:30 P.pi. 1. Fwrthsr co�sideratiai at a r�q�set by Don Hat�et�ad to� spp�o�a�. af a thirt�► t3o) toot Ni.ae sar�v�sos ra+a aa�aamt to t,h..,�rt r�ht•of-�rar ot xi.ghvs3r �65i running sauth trom 68th A.+�u. lt.&►, to Ia� 6 ot tir Secand Arvis�d Auditor�s Subdiviaioa �21; 7.ying it� thr N� ot �atian 130 (continuat3aa ot P�!HT.IC t�'.,J1RL+lt� at sspt�ob�r 22s ]960) 2. Considoratiou ot plattin� ar�d strs�l�s •• Sd Qottaraldt (T�oL 9) at�d Richard Podvia (Lati 8) pranert�ss - lying in Auditor�s 3ubdirisi.on N3A, in th� N� ot Seatio� 130 3. Conaideratian ot platting and etr��ta f.n t�ltie I.�vs P�"oP�� P�►t and tla� Eroo, Iaaorpo�ated P�'oP�� P�, ia the N� o! �oti.o� 240 !�o Carisiderat.i.nn ot a requeet by B& M� It�oo�paratwd tor the tollwittg: A. Vaaat3.on at 54�h Awa1u� N.Ee� bitt�� 1tLh a�nd 5'�h Streats �.E, � B. Opening of ths Nart�h••3out�h al1+�y b�tvsa� ttth and 5th Sts�+e�t.� N.�' o� tTOm 53ld Avrlltis Id.E. Lo th� nrr Nrr1� rasd�, a� p�0• poaed fo�r the Highjatiy �56 alo�+r�risaf. C. Parmission far oxtensia� ot ea�wer and xatar li.rrs an 5th str+eet NdE,, trom p�eeent tsrminus at 5l�th Aw�e t.a a poiett corrsa� P��6 �ith ti� North lit� of Lot 13, Bloak lI� tiamilton�a Addition Lo lseahaniastrill�, w�n�d wt ot said ].5�. AlI lying in l�i� S� o! Sectiaa 23� 5, Cac�aiderstion oi a rsaolu�i.oan tor !� alacaig�t�ing ai aboacrr Roa+d. 6, �ac�eid�ratian o2' an �snt io tl� P1,stLing O�dineu�ot - r� lob splits. 7a Considerativn ot a letter trov� 3choo� D3atriat AE21ts raqu�st��ag aid�xalkso (r�ierrid to the p.G. by th� Cout�ail - September 20� 19b0) $. CCOC�eidO1"�ttiOn of a p�opOSlid 3'ilt�y+doOt� bt3f!'el' pLritlAg atrlp �t.o PAtfL S� CH�IR�A PLANKII� tt��l�QgSlalf � r1 � � � a�r.�cs xo. __r__._ AP� O�tDZNANCE A:�fiIDIl�i TIiC ZOIQII� �tDINANCE 8? PRpYTAIIK� �M 3PACE i� QUIRE�ENTS IN M-1 AHD M�-2 DISTRICZ'3. THE COUNCIL 0� THS CI?I 0!' FR�LBZ D�3 ORIUII�s SECTIOIi 1. That flardSaano� No. 70 ot t� Cit� a! Fri'dLqs oam�ort�Y lrno�m as t�r Zc�zl,og U�din�no�� pasa�d and a�loptsd t� 29t� day od D�a• ber, 1955s a� aa�� to dat� h�rra�, is b�b�r lur�ws waasd by Pe"otii� in8 a�s �rn a�dditiozsal an�bdi�iaiaa at t�h�. �ad at 3�atim 8.8, t,t►� lollari�g: B. R�QUIR� �D�i sPAiCE LID 1�A�CILTTIIRB FOR 1�1. �1ID M•� DI3TRIC?Ss � additian to t�tioN �daiwrs �pro� ='rQn1='+a�est�s Pev�i�d b�► i�hia o�din�r,a� m�dnr otlwr �pa�oRiaiaa l�r�ita, t►h� e�tabiis�hrat ad p�rnitt�d build�g� aad nas in eaeh l�•s aerd lR•Z' Dirt�riat, ia ttu lolloKin� f.r�'tanoss, shall i�olud�s t.t,e tolloMint � laailiti+as around �y a�id �'�Quirs- �:eat� briog !or tbe parpoa o� a�rod+dlat oae�stl.a► in t�r� pablia tt�t�t�s and Lrai�ia basar�s �d oti�r da�ra, amd as' pe'o'!�'�t�ai and Qoa�3s� t� �° �atis2. oL4r�ratsr a! any adjoinin� n�� �►d thaL o� ilttrn� n�ighbc�•► hoods lo t� Nnr vioinit,�. 1. Wli�ver a�apr avoh M-1 aa� ts•2 Diat�ri4f� is a��� to aar a�d�- joi�a� ao amr a1cl� aa R•l, R•2� A.•; o� C-1, , C•2 or Q•23 Dis#arie�, ttM tollarin� r�qu�:�tM aleo sball b� m�ts 1.1 P�rndtt�d buildi�s aad ns�a, �so�pt suta�obil� parkinQ and loadit� tproe�, dri��, �s�aW.al sa�3o�a, xalks �nd PSant,ia� �pa�o�a� sbatl b� not o1oNr f�oan�r sts�t Iin� � tl�t 100 lat, c�r to aep all�y li� �a �0 t'�wE� c� Lo th� bouadsr�r Iia� o! a� o�t�lrr diststot t� 35 t�et, and aeqr &-1, R�2, aa� R•j Di�ri�oti olo�e th� 5O iN�• 1.2 oti•st.rat autaeabiie psrkla� aond la�dit�g spro�• st�i7. b� p�o�rid�d a�ad sh�ll bs a�pasated !'�on f+� edrr os' t� , roa+c�yr in aqr str�t by a ou�d strip oantaini� a �a�1t not lesa tas�w It l�st in rid�h, and s pl�ntis�g sttiP �rith tars�a aad ahrnb� nat 'L�s• t�han 15 tert in �idt&, euab nallt and sw�tt plantin� eLrl.p to b� mainiain�d a�•• qua�e1J !or tfi�N parposes. Br�aks i�a �h �d atrip !os s�oo�ss dt�ivra �11 Aot b� oloMr to !� �ara� porW.ca o! a st,t�et i.nt��sMatioa �a �'S le�t a� taa• thirds o! t.h� le�L �ddths �serP� at a"T� iut�rs�ot�aet, whsrs a dri�n r4 b� looat�d opporit� tht �d o�' ttr int�rospt�d a�tt. 1.3 �e o2Y-str�t antaNObia.� P�kin6 a�a M�all P�'o'�►id�e laa� ons p�r�dad� rp� (19� �9� t'�'�) 1� ��• Plo�• T!� i'�'lu�irw! ax�a s1�a11 b� i,u4lwiw o� p�rf� inp, atslls aad sis2�s ao1�r, and no�0 inelnsirr a� arsrs ai' driiew�yr� �oa11o�� truok lo�di�ng �p�o�s ae pLat.ia6 �• +�'� l04 A scx�eat pl�nt�iag sLrip ao� l�sa tlyet 1p t� iA xidth -- - st�all bo pa�o�vid�d aosd maint►si�d toz � p�ut�pos� irit�• ia ��ah fs•+l and l4•2 Dists�lrots �� �'4r �7 �ti • ad,joit� th� bonadar� a! arp R.1, R�.2 oar i•3 Diatr3,ct. � � 1.� In ard�r to p�aa� .�isiaa o't�sraea� !o� t�alY3.o ast�- Qj►� tt�s h�i�trt �' PS�mt3�i td.t�iu �0 lMrt o�! �qapr drit�- �' a�'�d✓aa� s�t !�►i�n�rt�at�.ao' in au N•el as M-2 Distriest dwelo�pawtt �s11 be tiot � th�n 90 ie�atrs sbo�n tlw •].�vatian o� !op cd sm�b aim�sid� it, bat sl.s�rhrr� iL . shall be th� purpeM to haw iro�tt�h ot t�e and shrubs aa wc�ly as e�sibl� a�d ot good h�igbt aod da�sity eo aa to pa�earid� t sor�w� at pta�f�ta� b�f�ww tt� dealdp• w�nt vithi�a �nah d1�Lriot and rNid�at�ial. dia#ariats arou�d ite 1.51 TtN soni� �atnist�rat�o� ahsll p�tp�a t�ro o� mors aah�oia�ia M�i� or �lAt�s on xtd.t� papsr o! a�ub�t�nt.isl vat�sial oor�po�iti not l�ss thao 11 inohss 3u lae�th and 8� i�Aahts in Midt.h, .� dssigt�s o� rlo�tah�s ahs11 illns- trat� oe�e or mos�e t�p�s ot �t�•backa a�d plant• iA8 stripe, to�et�r tiith t� aoepositica ot t,h� t�a and albrnbba�r t�an, and t�s ai� a�td �i�t tha�o�t� as atr d�d by Lhs saning ad�dsdstrataa� to wMti tt� r�qulr�e�t�s o� t�hs subdiviaims Y�rsiu�bo�. Uihr� th� s�r � b�en ap�arovrd tor aaeh purpoM b� a r�solatiioei o� th� Coue�ail� th� sw �l�all b� pnbllsh�d �nd til�d in t�la C�Y'ie� ot t� City CLa�ic � n� a pstt at t�h3a Ordinmer� b�' s�t��. �'hsri�si°Eet, ttr s�t�•baolc at a:�y Duildir� ard tihe omstaruotico ���ti' P��i starip t�iab is snbs'Ea�t.iaa.� th� e� cr si�dlar �o a�► aeis ot sneh appeo�rrd �•� satio d�si�a er slo�ol�► �liatl b� ds�d a aam�. pliano� �rith th� pano�risia� os �is O�it� aa r�lat� lars�et�o. k'6�o d�d„ t� aa�ar ot aqy lmd !tt atp► M•1 o�r ld•2 Distz3ro�t �nVs 1�� � t.�r e�aerta�uatian ot i�rp +weh buiidl�g oa� plant,• sag s'�rip� snbad.L to th� sooi� ad�di�at�o� a soh4at�.o d�n3�,a o� �Icirtol� o� � bnil�g �d 2��6 s�P Pr'oPo� � tio b� �tyot�d in su�oh 1�•1 oe K•2 D�stt�a'6 t� appe�oa►a1 �+s t,o v�pli• st� td.th t�la Oo�dinanM and� n�an t�b� ap�ro�ral t,b�+�to os t�r sania� a��sia�raioe�� oo�o• tiem at �ruob buildi� and t� pSaoLlq� atrl,p �i acoo�dano� �dt�h �h sol�at�lro dMi�p; oz slo�t�ah shall bt dMrd a ea�pll,�aor riLh t�e �, so tar a�r t�h� aaos r�late� to woh at�ab ot t�hs bniLdla� ar�d ths pla�p� str�l.p r�q�ir�d. ,'+� le6 filLe aanit�g administ.ratoa� ahall r�quirr t!r i�stal.latias ot' euah ai�ae, n�skin�t and trattia oatt.ro�l and r�l�u- to�r d�vio�e as ars a�o�sss� to p�o�qt� whiotslar and p�d�siriau satsty !a atpr I+�•1 a�ad M•2 Dist�Lot d�e�rolop• �t aad it�e� aoosss dt�ivss. 'fis xr�quirsd sprors md lsailit►1� ay � b� trdao�d or diairlfairsd s�oo�p� as a rssalt ot actiaei by taw City Coemoil in aepe�o�ra1 0� 4 t�rlano� o� � tha�eto� upoo xr�arndat�iaD by t�r Bo�rd o! Atyp�ala, aa P�avid�• �d iri :�eot�iaei 10 t��. SEGT7t�i 2. That e�ept as pahs�ant�d �i�ss�ia� t�t» pa�o�risiaos of satd Zaning O�e�di�os s�►].1 ot�tarrie� r�e�sia th� s�pr. ADOP'iEl) BY ?EiC COUi�:II+ Ur '1'�{E CI'!'i � FRTDLSi 1'HL.g DA? QF � 19�. � ♦TTI�'Pt N4����"��� �!;'� t;i►�:��"^� r�� � �:����_;�� ��S'; T � RE�I.ti'lT,Oli 1�0� ,�.�...... ��H�A.S, O�bat�n�r �o�d s�cl�pds ltoa� EMt Ritr! Roa�d 3n the C1tg ot Fridl�y to Stl.tf�e�et Hovtlr►ard, p� t.l�e Fast Citsy i.imita of th� Citq o! Frid].e�� aud w�t811s, 'ltsat str��oh o� O�boetr Ra�d lying �ast ot Uniwrsity East�r2� t�o 0►ld Gnta�al i� on t�tr j�nt ii�ita �' t1u Yilla�s ot sp�,r�g LfJ� Parlc and � Cit� os' l�l.dthr, aud is a Comny Road bet�nee�n thoaa Po�s � �� �� ;P���Y �'4�r sil� Raat at AiRhtiay No. 56, Fi�itrRy to l�t Ri�' Ao�d� t�boa�r Ro�d om�►ea �ssr�p�ly to �he 4onth, aeid � i�EA►�, 9aid onr�stuu�s a! Osboa�r Aoad r�sults in a hasa�re� arose- inR ot t2M railt'o�ad ta�'a�olo� Wist ot Rigt� �io. �6s 19aMt, THSR1�'l�8� H� IT R�!lt�I.VED, $y� Lh� Cbu�nail os t� C�ty ot Frid� ]�r tt�att 1. � 1'!�t Co�' ot �noka a�oquity t�u right to Osboarae R�ord irom the City od lh�. n 2. � Cou�at� o� Anoia► atit� io sta�a3ihtai o�t ad.d O�aacn� � East Ri�rss`A,o�d �o th� Baet C�,t� ta�o� Fri�lins � 3. Tt,at ttr cit�r ot Frsatyr City comdii vill ,ro�c �rl.t�h t�t. . Boat�d o! Co�sian�r a�' tt�s Connt�y ot Arala ta msTot poasibl� � st.rai.�hi�sd� oi said road by aoquisit�ian o! tir n�e���r r3Rht•ot•+Myr !or s�. PI1�4SQD A!� AI)OPTRfl HY T'HE OITY CO�A�IL �' TKE CI'1'z � lRII3L�Y ?HI3 nA? tF ...,.,.........._. , 1960 ATT4�9Tt . f.w:,, ' T � ,,, 1 Y! � 1�_;�'i��. e,' ; S i,� �,�. COPY indepeade�t 9ohool Dista�ia� I�o. 3!t ^ 715 61at A�ns. N. E. l�sa�ol3�s 21� Mirnweot�a Couaail, Cit,�r at F�ridle� Mr. F�rl Wags�r, Cit�y Manag� b43i vni�r�it�r Air�. N.a. Minnsapolia 21� 14ir,cr�ota C3entlMr�ts � COP? �p�b�r 9, 1960 �u �ahool Board ot piat►rl�t �!► � adopt�d a poliay ot l��ing st��e La t�he diat�riat �r�].lc to aad i'row soboo� t�� t�3s is p�a�at3oal. Tt�e msi�a reasaa !o� this polLaqr ia t�hat tir sol�ool a�dednistrat�.co �x! board bslisv�e td�st it is beneti,o3s1 to t�r iwlth a�' t�r a1�v�d�nts. Th� eo�wol aur- r3oulvm inalwd�� a pt�sioal sduoation p�ogt�t , aod it s�wr v�viN to ha� alc�g xit�h thL a domptst� bus s�t�a ��limi�tt�s �. A ssac�dui�y reaaoa !o� t�he po3,ia� is ths eost o�t pa�v�rSdi� bns tr�nspo��ttSon to sll stu�t�,. This oort to tt» cit1� a�t 1�'r3dU�► r�� it� roh�ol d1s�r'!ot llc, xas �5Z,703 sor ttw y.sr a! 1�59. Tl�ie seoo�� roW.d 3�s+tw �u p�opor�ia, ^ to tha i.nareas� in �o1.lA0eat, !t a!hl). bue ps�o�'ad w� oo�aR.im�d. Tt�e school eyst�, the oiti�ens, sad ait�r a�i.nista�a�too � a�om�o�ra�d xith �r satety hsaardr �d�iah �a�o� o�r studsut�r. �l�s 8aard ia rrrry appohoi,aLiu�e a� t�he f3.� aoopsratiart gitrsn by LtN Couaofl io pS�ai� t�br s�hool o:'o�das �3p�2 � trie 3nt�r�aottan ot uai.nnit,� �»nu� aad 61� ���wt4 A atu� hss bs� na�ds of �ttrr sMnt ad i�qpe�oTit� t� sat�ty a! o�nr st�udatt�, and citi.� 4s �a]l. Ihbs to t�s T,Ryont ot our ait�, thstr ari sair situaW.oat � it it �isar�r t.c, i�slk alae� our bwi�r stir�t�. I�t t�hsss oaa�� !h� sba�o� a�' psrat2,�1 ae ca�.tin� st.t+Mt� rsquit�s naE a�1T tbs� ttr bnsy at.� b� osora�d� � aroaaing oaan b� P�''o�� �^9 a� �' �l��s ��►t tiu bary ata�rst bs tratelsd� � Thia aitustioia aattld be solad b� the i�rLsllatiaa o! sids�ral.1� alae� sar cd ttuee bnsy thoro�fattis. �losud i,s a metp ot ths City cxt Fridley �h haa beaaz aarlo�d to �a► t�M boundariee ot sahool diatriot 14s Ltw laQation o! it,s p�e�st and p7�msd sohoo].�� a�d Lhe loeatioans ot aidswaiks rhiroh ars pe�epos�d� Axw,s Mt�tLt tih� City but out�ide ot Distriat 1� haie nob b��an co�asidar�d ir this t+�oao�r�at.i.m b�am�e the niat�i4t 2,lt Aosrd �and Adad.ntst�'aW.wt ars not l�ud1l�a�' tu e�tail �dth ths plar�e or p�obl�ms itt thsee ar�as. It �pesrs that s�rilas p�ob]�ns do �uclat in th� n othsr dist.rirots snd Lhtt ti�sr sla�il.d bs g3'a� aoaridtrat�iao. OCT 1 3 1960 ,- — °— ��,x�-` Mr, Earl ,�.aRner� City Maoa�er � As you tajox� t1�s present e0h0ols at�t PS�;! 2 1. �1ay�se Flament.ary ab Missistippd, and M�ro� St�wts 2. r�arkvinr �'].eaanl�r�r at blat Awrn� atd T� g� �. Rias Crssk A7.eaem�ry at .. �r 3 tx� L. Fridtry �'�asio�•.�ani.odr A3� .,, ` 1�t 61�ti A�qn� ae�d �list Moors Ls1os T�ri�ae . Thr praaaa�d addit3.ar�a1 aehooL ar�: 1. lrric!],�y Ri� ga�ool - Looat�d jatt soaf�► a! t�r pe�s�at dnatoac�•S�esi�or �hoo! • Co:�s tznsiivu �w �t�rt�d and a 9�rp�r 1961 ep�6 i� P�• 2. Rl,�me�tary aE 7Ut atd sast Ri�r R�d » Caor�an �dll �t� t�i� lall �x1 it is pl�d t�h�at t�M �oKoo�1 +�d,ll o�at 9�p�eba 19�61. 3. Bl�nsnt�s� aa .� St�w� o�ar Ar�hmr st�at • Can�troer�taa� ad t�ia� sahooi 1�,e rmt b� �h�dol�d. L. �l�nt.at� an Fsst R�L� Ro�! srar 61st 1�'�q �• Coost►�o�iaa ao� rL sal�dn]�d. : �8�8 tbie lall, studsnt� xi� ap�pewocimat�� l�•�to�s � o� a sohoo7. vill bo ra].id�,� 3t t�uu� � tw a�us:'�Md a41ae at�rtar t�o orass. ^ Ot�hsr� � � ir�rniabrd b4ut �ran�po�ioo. Ths Sol�aol Bosrd' b�13r�s t.hat tt» bi�st � parit+�'i.'f� on tlw �v�psLad si�alks si�o�d b� Qiwa�► to: ' a. C�ntxsl Av�n� • RLo� C�Nk Aa�d to Co,� �a�d H b. Mie�riRSip� Stsa�� • tbai�i� A7rm�M �e ��1.i1r01t $L� A�ter tfiss�, si�rsllca stroul�d lb� i�rtal3�ad alaa� Zast Aihr Bo�d • T5t.h itay �.8. to Aice Cr�Nc k�'y►� it possibl� b7 '� P'E� 1961. It ia �u�st� ihst t�tM Couelail aaa�rd+d�` t�r rN,aW.w arrit� a� p1�4iag sid�- wa].its on as�e vr ast bo'E4 sid�s at th� s�t�. 9ldrrallo� oe anss sid� ao�lY� �rould eol�e tha �ajor pard�L�. �ould co� L�q� bu6 t�ld requtrs wrori p�o�otwd cr�eaiag�. ' je wa��ld a�sai.stt yoar aon�ird�rat�lan a� Lh1e r�voaernda�iaaR T!� 4ehool 8oard aud,/o� �r»3!' �rill be pl�as�d t►o a�t tritb �on to disona� i!r p1aR Sa aa�� d�tail. Si�o�37 7�e� Ja�6n 1C• Hsas�o :Qnp��'iAtA�1�I1� n Copiee tos l� oe�� � �� � OCT 1 3 1960