PL 12/22/1960 - 6717� � A G E N D A PiANNII�3 CON@9ISSION !�IEETINL� THUR3DA? D�ba' 2!� 19� 7:30 Po�o 1. Consid�raticn o! a r�qwat by William J. Et�elhardt ta r�- saew from R-1 (rssidsntial) to R-2 (1Laited �aal�ipl� dwlla inq), !or th� purpo�� o! •t�at�lon ot a taur-apartarnt ��slling, t1�e eaef,�rl,�► 2� te�t ot I.ot 2't � R�irit�d Audi- ta��s Snbdivi.sic� �liT, as msaeuxbd along Lhs norwh�el�r arrd southerly lir�s Lhetvol; lying in ttr South aeN-halt (S�j at �satim 10, T�30, R-21s, Anoica Co�t�, Mis�r�ssota►o , PtJBLIC HF.ARTi�o � 2s Consideratian of a r�qu�st b� Ha CO porman Lo �plit all ot Lot Ten {10) and all o� Lot Eieven (11) sxaspt th� wst for�y (ft0) teet, lrant snd rsar, !.n �oak �Yo (Z)� l�ioorr Lala NilU Additian= aaid 2ot�s bei�g located at th� oor�a° ot Hillorest Arin a�3 Woody I.arM NaEo, ly3ng in th� North arr-l�alf iN�) of See�ioe► 2b, T-30, R«?4, Anoka Cou�nty. MinrMSOtao PUBLIC HFARIN�3o, 3m cvnsid�ratiicn o! L�mda�,� Build�ssi propos�d r�plat ot Blavla� 17 arid 16� Moo� La1c� Atiditiaa, 1yin� in tM t�l� o! S�o- tion ?�o (r�t�r to i�C3D 1t9.aut�s oi Nocrn�r 7s 1960) 4� Consideratlon ot an am�nt to Zoning Ordin�a� No� 7t1, So Cc�sid�ratim ot an aa�oa�L to 7ana,r� Ordiaano� - S�- tian 807. PAL'L SPiONER aENERAL CHAIRMAN PLAIdNIi�} COI�IISSIOl� �� �l�'ICZAI+ N�ICB CTT? �► FRIDTai P[I8'�IC NH'�IRII� H1�QiE T88 P'LAIIltDR� COMQ.98IOIf _._._____..w..��.... To wxa� z�r ru� ca�t�: Notias ie h�z�b? �i.vrn t�at Lhn� �ill be a A�biia Hear� oi td�r Plar�ai� Casrdarsion ot tl�t Cit� ot 1�Mdlsy ia t�ir Cit� Nall at 61s31 Vni�r�it�T Awaw N.1s., an �'l�m�adt0►, D�o�dosr 22s 1960� i,n tNs Co�m�il Q�wb�r a� ?:� PoM.� !a� t�he parpoN o!7 Coo�id�ratioel o� a�qwati b: Wij11a J. E�1� isardt to r�saw troo R•1 (Ruidwtt3al) to R.Z (Lim�t,�d Multiplr D�lling)s toor tbf p�urpor� o� aratiao a�' a fous�•�p�r1� dw�llif� t!� �aat.ar2,�r 25b !Nt o! Lot �� � Arri�d Andito� � s 3ubdivisiaet �TT� as m�asur�d aloog tlr� norther]y md sau lin�s t�aro�f =,T�i � � ��� aue-hatl��I(3� ot .�tioo L0� T��O� A.�21t, Anaka CamRt�, Mine�s�t��. A�qronr d�siri�t to b�r hsara �ritb rrlsr�e�cs t►o tb� sbov� rnatter xill b� h�ard at Lhi,� �e�tiose Pttblish: 't�a�r 8, i960 � 15, 1960 � PAQL �l�R OB'IiSRAL CH(►IliMl�p �LI�IM� COM�liS3I0�i i� �; ., � � r'1 I'1 �� �� ����� � �� �� �� ��x� � �� � �►� ��t Ilot�,o� is h�►srby p.i�n t�at t.h�r xil]. bs a Pubiic H�arinR ot t,}r Pl,ra�g Cari�ioe► o�' Li� Cif.y at' i+'r�.dley in tho City E�al1 at 64�1 Uni�ayit,► �A�w H.E,� aa �, Ds�nber 22, 1960� in tra Com�oil Ct�r at ?:30 p.K., to� t.hs purpoes ad': Coe�d�r�t.i.aa o! a rsqw�t by H. C. Nc�sn to split a11 0� Lot �(lOj aad ail af La� Sl�n �11i �P't '�ir tr+esti larty (1i0) tNt� lroeit aad r��r, ia� ffiooic Two (2), Moos� Taio� Ui1,L Addit�an= ssid lot� bsing looat�ed at th� aoa�rr a! Hi23,orest Dri� aoa Id 0 Ls�t RoB.� ]�!� la ths Narth oer-balt i) o� 8�ot�loa Z4s T•3�'�, �, � ��Ta Nimr�ot�a. A�yroeM dairin6 to br iward tdt�h r��r�nos to tia abo�w natt�r tii�l b� b�rard at t�is �wt�o P�blishe D�oabsr 8 1960 D�� 1�� 19i64 PIDL SDaN6R O�AL CNJIIRJ�A�t P�Alt�I� CO�IO�A ���/ � � � QFICIAL NOTICE CI1? �' �'RIDLL�'S 1�IBLTC AP',ARItA BE�piE 'l��fi PLAI�11fI1R} C�3ION TO WHGM i�' � CQ�E�lIt lfobl,ot is htr�by �lvrtn t,hat thsrs will be a Pub31c iisa�ritkq a�' t� � Camad�siae� ot t.h� City at Fridley in th� City Hall at 61�l, IInitirsity �►vrnu� N.E,� c� Thursday� Deosmber 22, 1960� irl tl�w Connsil Clta�r at 7s30 P.M., !or l�he purpoes a?: Qoe�aid�rslr�.aa at a r�quest by H. C. �torman Lo sp�.i� a11 ot Lo� ltitt �10) arid alI o�! I,ati �(11) s�oo�pt the rest lorty ih4) l�t� tr�oat and re+�r, 3a Hloaic 11�0 (2 )� M000rs I�alcs Ni11s Addi�,iaaj said lot.� bsiag looated oL tht aoar�r a! iii]larest Drivs �aad W� L�nt l�.Eo, �yi�� it� t►hs �t�th ae�s-ha.lt ( i at Swtion ias T•30� t�+2Lt� Moica Cou�tty� Mine�aotr►. Aqy�o31� duiri� '4o b� h�ard t+ith r+elerss�oe to the �,iome m�tter xil]. b� trard at this osetSngo Publl.eht A�oaiba' 6, 1960 D�ae�r 15, 19�60 � �,m, s�ar� d�RAL CHAIRMAI�1 P�,A� COI�Q�ISSI01�