PL 04/14/1960 - 30068� , � MINIITES P� CQ4�I33I0l� MEETI1�1a . =��tIR.S�A2 APQ'ii 14s ]960 The meeti.ng xas calied to order a� �:30 p.�i., by Acting Ciiairman Fontaine, xith I+�mbsra Bandel� Benx�er and the City Engines�r pa�eseat. Membere Segnsr and 1Cravik �ere sbsent. Thsre �rar� a correction to t.t�e l�arch 2l�s 1960 minutee� suoh being: Para,�raph #3s Page 3s awtion to be correotsd to read aa lollo�a: l�oti.ar� by Mr. Fo�4 taitie to accspt the rsqueeted reso�ag. !�eooandsd by Mr. Bsndel, at�d wt� csrried !� to 1, Wl.th Mr, Kravik v�ot.iag a�ai�st mot3.aa. Ttre n�aoutsa ataad appeovsd aa ao�rea� ted. First, Wa,e the cannideration o! ti� LaWre�e Qart�n originai aad rs�is�d plata of Lote !t!t and !e5 iGarten property) and Latie it2 and !t3 i P�aii]. Bsll P�Pe!''CY) s� 1Ym ing in Subdiviaio� #?T, in ths N� at Sectio� 10, T-3p� R-2l�, Anoka County� Mira>esots. This �as a public hearing. Mr. Ernest Madeen ezplainsd��ori�iu�t plat.and the Ist reviaed plat (said plat including aarten� Bell 8nd °�°pi+op92'�y)� 811d eXplaill- ed tha.t Mr, Coulsoa does not want to �o alcmg With this lst reviaed plat; alao, that Mro Be7.1 is willing to go alorig xith Lavranas� t3erten, Mr. IK�dsen p�s�ented an at- ternate p�^op�sal (2nd revised plat) ot aarten and Bell pa�operty, and explai�nsd that Mro GarEen ia agreeable to have the Caaomi.ssiaaa accept either t►hs ori�inal plat or this �e�r 2nd revieed plat; but if ' 2nd revieed plat ia aaasp�t.ed� it trould be m�ors adm vanta�eoua to Mr. Bello He alao explained that the 2nd rsviaed plat vould be better� inao�ar as water and ae�rsr aervicea are aoricerned. Mot.ion by Mr. Beraier to recaar� mend that the 2nd reviaed pralimf�csary plat be aacep�ted. 3ecandsd by Mr. Band�el sud unanf�aua]y aarrieda Hearing cl�ad. The n�ext conaideration• xaa Carlsonta Swrasit Manor Ann�t Plat, formerly la:axn as Lots 9 and I0 ot Block 8, Carleon�a Sw�nit Manor North Additioa� and a].1 ot Lot 3 and the �reat 25 Peet of Lot 2s Bloak 9s Carleon�a �.t Maaor South Addition; her deacribed as being bonnded bq 53rd Avemxe o� t�e �rth, U:d.vorsity Avst�ue oa the��� Horizon Driv�e on �he south and Lote 1 through� 8 in Block 8� o! Carla�*s 3u�ait I�lanor North Additica� and Lota it�ttirough 11 Block 9� �arlao��a Suw�it Manor South Addt- tion �an the eaat; a11 lyirig in the N� o! Sectian 26� T-30, R.•24� Anoka County, Minnem sotao Thta waa a public hearing. Mr. Evert Carls� xaa praaent to aapls3u that the proposed apartnrent buildinga �rould be ele�v�en-wait buildin�ga � T7 � u 36 �� 2� stories hi�h (about 22�)� xith one bedroaa psr u�dto Buildings xill be moc�ern in appearancea �r3.th t1a�E-topped roota� xith 3uat eaaagh overhar� for v�entilatic�t� and �r3.th brick veneer by ths windarrs. He proposes to start build3ng on 53rci Avenue� oa the lote that baak on Uriiveraity Av�ern�, and w+ork sout�. He aiso atated that thers ia amp10 Parkin� apace, aa per require�nents� and t�at ha xf1.1 pravide a cruall�d roalc s11sYs eitl�er parivate or public o He Purth�er explai�ed t�hat all ot the unita Noa�ld be exactm ly alike, �rl.th no variance in outward appearancea. �ere s�ras ao one prer�snt to op- pose above plat. Mre 3andel made a motion to reao�nend aaceptar�ae o! the abrnro pre= 23minary pla.ta �ooru3sd UT Mro Benner and carried unanimously. Hearing cloaedo � The Com¢nission then coneidered ths replatting of the 3chultz � a Additiac�� tl�e same bein� the west 39 teet oY Lot 1, and the east ?�6 Yset oP Lot 4; bounded on,the north by 62nd Way and on the ao�th bq Black 1� Ri.vera Edge Additic�� all �t�sst of the � East River Road; lying in the S;; ot Section 15s 2-30, R-2lti Anoka County� Minnesotao � This waa a publia hearin�o Mro Schulta �s preaent to explaia replattingo APR 1 4 1960 �� The Engineer eapiained that the Plats and Subdiviaio�e Commission had reca�r�rrended � aaceptianae ot' this replat. A motion was made by Mr. Benr�r to reconanend accepd - t.anae of above replat, Seaa�led by Mr. Bandel axid unanimously carried, Hearing aloseda Nex�, was the consideratian o� a request by John W�chhols to resone f'ro�n R�i (reaidentisl) and R�3 (genaral multiple dw�elling) to C_2S (�srieral busiaeaa)� atl of Lot 5� Auditor�e Subdi'ia3ou �59� i» the 3� ot 3ection ].l�s T••3ps R�•2I�� Anoka Cotmty, Mi�meaota. Thie �ra.e a public hear3ng. Mro Bob �,ranaon, Shell Dil Repreo aentative, and Mr, and I�. Waahhols, o�nere ot abov�e properEY� trere preeeata Mro Swanaon explait�ed that •the 3he11 Di]. Company xas propoaing a aerviae static� on the corner oY thia p�opertys and pa�esented a drati+ing of eame. Mr, Fontaine inm quired if Mr. and Mre. :,Tachhol$ �rould be �illing to go alon� xith the reffioning o� Lot 5 of Auditor�a Subdiviaion #59 and th+e NorKOOd Addit3ono There �+as no one preaent to oppose requested resoning. A motion �ras made by Mr. Benner #.o recate.� mend accept►aace of abo�e rsgax�ing. Secoz�ded by Mr. Bandelo Carr3ed wnanimouslyo Hearing closedo The Coaeniasion then conaidered the resoning fron eaiating Rel (i*esicZential) to p�opoeed R.�2 (txo fami],y dWellinga) th� follo�ing deacribed p�aperty, toowit: Caaaraenoing at tY� i�t.erasction of the r+est line of �th Street NoE.� and the nor�h line of 61at Av�snue N.E., thenas north along Lhe irest line o! 5t.h Street N.E.� a dietsnce of 915.lt fest more or leas� to the north line of Lot One {1), Blook Ot�e (1), Norvoocl Addition to Fridley Park, th�nae �aea�erly almsg the north line ot said Lot Oae (1) 13�.6 fest more or leas� to the center line of ti�e al.ley in eaid B1ock One (1�, NcrKOOd Addition to Fridley Park; thence south ^ aloag the said center 7.ine cf aaid a17.sy a diatance of 311.8 feet more or Iesas to the north line ot 62nd Atronue N.E,� and thence turEher south aaroaa said' 62nd Av�enus N.E., to the poin� of intsraection ot the arouth line o! 62nd l�menne N,E., a�d the center line o!'the a27.ey �in Blxk �1ro (2), Nor�rood Additioa to Fridt Park; thence eouth along the center line of aaid a7.ley in aaid Block T�ro (2�, a diatsn�ae o! 60306 teet moore or lsaa, to t�e, north line a! 61st Ave- nue N.Eo, 13506 teet more or less, to the point ot be�itmi�ago Vacation of all ot G2� Avem�s N.E,. � lying �+�est v! ths �eeL line of 5th Street N.E.� and east o� a line drawu !'r�m�the intera�ction of the ao�th line of 62nd Avenu�e �1.Eo, and the ceAter lins oY the all�r in B2ock Or�e, (1), NorMOOd Addi- tia� to Fridlsy Park, aonth to the interseetion of Lhe south line ot 62zyd Ave�• nue N.E. and the center lins of ths slley in Bloak 1�ro (2), Nor�od Additiozs to Fridleq Park. . , aleo: The vacatio� ol�the saaterly or�s-half ot the alley in Block Oee (1), Nor�rood addit3.a� to I�rl.dlsy Park, aad alao: i Ths vacatioan ot the eaat,erly one-hal! ot the alley in Block �ro (2), Norvood � Addit,ion to Fr�.dley Par1c� ^ al]. situated in the eo�ath o�e-half (S�) o= Seatiorl I�ovrtesu (11t)s T-�s R-2lts � Anoka County, Min�esata. APR 1 4 1960 �� n This was a publi� hearing. Mr. Bob Swanao� and Mr. and :+�rs. SJachhoiz Ta�ere also , present for this discusaion� and they w�ere s►�reeable to the requested rezonin�o It was pointed out that the abov�e reaoning doea not inelude Lots 2 or 1�. It �ra,a alao pointed out that requeated R�•2 was for txa-familq, one story clw+ell.ingso There was no one preaent to oppose abovs resoningo The foll.a�ring motios�s �er� mades 1. �Ioticn by Mr. Bandel to racommend acceptance of abave resaning of Lote 1 through l2� Block 1, Noz�rood dddition to Fridley Park r+eplat� to R-2 (t�a fandlq dr�ellinga); and the rezoning of Lota 13 through 2I�, Block 1, Nor�rood Additi�an to Frldley Park replat to C-2S, con- tir�ent upon ths Re2 rezoning being eatended northward io b3rd Avem aue, for the eaat or�e-half of �k 1 extended, and the iraat onemhalf af Block 1 extended, Norirood Addition� taeat o! alley to be sorled C-2S. Seconded by Mr. Benner and carried unanimouslye 2. Motiaa by Mr. Bermer to resone to C-2S, l�th Street from the center line of 62nd Averro+e, eouth�ard to the �restward ps�ojeation of Lat 16 in Block 2, original plat of Norvood Addition to Fridley Park, 3. Motia� bq Mro Benner to resane the E� of the alleys i.t� B2oake 1 and 2, Norwood Additiou to Fridley Paric� t�o R-2. Secanded by PRr. Handel and unanimouely carried. 1�. Motion by I�1rr. Bern�sr to resone the W� ot' the alleya in Blocks I and 2, Norvood Additioa to Fridley Parlc, to C•2S. Seaonded by Mr. Banclgl � and carried nnani�aously. � 5. Motio�n b�r t�ir. Benr�er to �vacate t,ise north 65 iss�t xidth oi' 62nd 1►v�emvs, betWesn 4th and 5th St,rest.a, Norvood Additiou to Frid].ey Parlt. cecand- ed by Mr. Bandel awd csrried �uslyo � 6o Motian by Mro Benner to reaom�mend to the Council the va�catia� at 4th St.reet, froan the north cen�er line ot 62nd Av+enue� northWard to the �� north p�roperty li�fe of Lo� 1, Auditor � e Subdivisiaon �59; and to 21t�e� iriae va�cate ltth Strset, i�rom Lhe north center line of 62nd Avernse� �� southxard to the north line ot 61st Av�ue. Seconded by Hr�, Bandel �and carri.ed �aqusl,y., Hearing cloaedo T�e � eanaidsratim �aa t•i'e rrsoning fro� R-1 (rssid�ential) and M-1 (].ight induat�ial) and C-1S (loaal abpppiaR) to 1+�2 (heavy induatrial)s that tariangular portion oi land (aPPro�i�atelY 2fj3 aerss) lYinB tieat ot Univeraity Avernie and e�cm tendi�g a dietanee ot approodmately 5�90� Yeet� boumded on the eouth by the IJ� of Seetion 11, tor a dir�tance of app�oximate],y 750 ieeL, and on the norEh by the Coou Rap�.da•�ridlsy boundary lins for a diatanae ;,of spprox3.mately 2�800 teet, and bound- ed on tt�s �rest by tne exssting 1�•2 area tc� a�i�tance ot approximateiy 6,40o seet, includin� ihe p��esent existiag M-1 area app�roocima#•ely 200 leet in �ridth; all lying in Sectiaans 2 arui 3, T-30, R•�24, llaoka Coumtys Minneaota. Thia vas a public hear- ingo Mr, Eauc�l Oeisr� Nickela and Smith repse�nta�ive, and Mr. �Tils�� •1�1r. Zherrea ^ $nd Mr. Noota� Pa'epel''tY o�+nerss �+'ers Frsaento The t�'n6ineer ezplsined that eev�eral industrial fi.rme �+�ere iaterss�ed in this p�oPerLYs and tt►at moat o! thia P�'o�r''CY APR 1 4 1960 n � is uaauitsbie fo� rasidsat.ial beaause ot �ter probie�oe. 1�, Osisr sxp7.ained t►iiat the F.H,A, doea not co�aidsr this ].snd snitsb].� !or hoars becauas ot thia problemo Tlwrf xas no ons prsse�t to oppos� t►he aboTS r�sas�ingo Mro Be�er ma�ds a motiau to rscommend the acosptanoe at tir abo�s rsquest�d resani.t�g. The motioo xaa seccad�d by l�r, Band�el and carri�sd wunisoua�jr, Asaring alos�do Tl� cla►ts of Ma�r 5� 19b�� �s s�t as 'Ll�e p�ublie hsaring date !o� ti�t oonsi• deratiou o� a rsqnsat by Rons,td Engeeet�ar� for rrsasring tro� R•1 to R-2� Lota 1 sna 2, asoatc 4, I�yde P�r�c A�iditsao. It�ms 8(diacuesion ot possibl� a�e�ataos�rt ot a�din�a�a to p4y for spso3sl platt►ir�g aerviose) and 9(diaaussiou an po�owiding W& 3 tor Auidito��a Snbdi�riv aion #39, in the 3� o! Seobica 34) on tba agsnda vrs� tabi�d nntil ths nsut P1an� ning Coamiaaicn meeting� in ordsr to diaaaas items xith a lull Commissiaes p�eesnto The Comnd.asion atudied aad diaaueeed th� Craig�y Industrisl ].�nouto and kers very muait in tavc� ot ito The meeting xas adjournsd at 9:30 P.M. � � Respecitul],y submitted� I�es 1Capala Reaordis� gscrstary F'latuiing Cammiasion APR 1 4 1960 � �.`^ '��- � � iF g a..�.` ,�.�"°i'f� '"t •"=� ,� _ .. „ ......, .. ., so �cx i'r iu? Ca�ri ,y� �4I► s� � � ��" a7�°;,x . . � ���� r kz:s-� ��'-��� ;,u�.-�` :, � � ,1� . 9 if' a; �� f : � � f� �-1 4 8! � i #1 t •�! 1►..a e . �� �,sg i����k . . ,�'�'_i+d �7.; & .i,. - - -# ?,.i; . � 'i.��_.� � �: �' .. . . . - � f.;h`:�'. liotso. ss b.r�bs� i.� � t�rr. .i].1 b. a Pnbli� ������ �r p1� C�Ls�im os t� d.tyT c� 1�r3+dlp in tdst Cit�r H�11 atH6�i�l. �#'wll�� �i14 � U.E., on �taredq, �pei1 11ti 19�60s �► �r Co�dl Cbrrb� aR ?�� P.ld. f loar t.b� pnrpoN o[: 1. 2. CaaN.dssatioei o� ttr La�aw�o� Oart�n aaa�d rNlMi �n pl�ats ot I�rCs > 1as sAd h,5 (Oasfi�et P�'oP�r'b n�d Lot� !�2 aod 43 i H�11 peapsrti7), +�l.l �.13�6 in :�nbdi�i.tian +%Tis ie tt�s �o� � L0, T•3�� R�24s � Count�, ;�e�6a. C'a�atioe� v� Ca�'].�an�� �v■�it N�aor A�ez P1aL� laa�• �,q ta�vNn � Lo�t� 9 snd LO ad Blaet 8, C4rlaoe�+• g�lt . M�no�' ltoe�6 lddit3ao� a�d all a� Lo�t 3 a�aA t� �wst 't5 t+M� o� Ia� Z, �oek 9, �artlaoa'a �■id.t �an� 3anth Ad��s� turvrr d�sarib�d as b�i,n` 53rd Il� aa � Ao�h, tT�i�nsrsit� ��aw an tb� Aoarison Uriw ae � i� �aut.h and LaR� 1 t�a�o�oth 8 in B�oatc � a� Cs�c'lam'� �d� Mwoe� llerr•h Ad�ditiao im�d Lol� 1t tbrongh 11, �Blo�lc 9 cd Car'l,am�s 3vidt Mwoor �b ld�i.tiae� cn th� �� a11 �1�- �� t,� �� 9�sti�et 26, T•j0� R-24, Anoka Co�� 1l�a�►. j. Cce�i+da�atian a� t�h� ��t.� o� t,h� �hnits�s s�r b�in� �s wst 39 � ot Lotr�-1, md t� w�#A��I� � o[ Lo� 1�3 bv�d on f.h� n�Qh b� 62od �byr �d an 1� � ��;11� L�dgr� W.a�, all �w�t ot �lr �i RL• ia t�tr o! �atiaa 15, T-3�, R-�4a ��. Co�, l�tl�oia. !�. Ca�iid�ra�ian o�f a rsq�wt by Jo�i Waahhol: to r�sm� !l�+�s �1 (r�sid�oLla�.i and �•3 (gao�ral aultip7.� d���l�� w C•2 tg�rral bwiaa), a11 a! Lat 5s 1lu�ditor�a �as +i5�9� in tL� 3� o�t Stot3.aa 11y T•34� R�lts � C�T� 1�laiaMOta. 5. canaa.s.�ian o� sasama� tro. R.l (resiaY�,t,s,al) ana x� ilight i�tr3ali to li•� i��7 ��1� t�at tala�M 1,ar poriS+oa od ].�d iap�raa�at�l,� 24� �ar'M3 1T� �� � II��it�r �� �d �ct�g a dist,ano� o[ app�i- � S,q00 lNt, bo�md�d ao f� �outb b� tar �} o[ �•• t.i�aa ll� t�e a di�t� � t�s],� TSO t+�s aerd ae t� noetih 6� tb� Coos . � bo�a�7 li� t�e a di�taao� o� ap�ocl,�at�]� 2�800 tNt, and ba�e� �a 'i� � y� t�r �ods�it� M•� as!�a !o� a distanM ed �j 6�1�0 tw�, i�n�slddla� � p�Mai �ad�t►it� �1 asa�a a�• p�os���l�„1 200 t�R 3a �Ldt6j all 3,y'l�ai 3a �� 2 a�i 3i �90s � � �, � ' /� �� � %��. - _ � s :,� ...; ,: ;.� - . �: . ,. . . � �aW..�t+�;ierh�-�,'�3 � .. ,�a �-,.q�.:: . � � e....�x...s.;.�,� p,•.•:rd,,•w,". •':... . ... c:. • t . .i . . . �s" :" . ._ . .. .: _. „� . . . . . ' �`i y � � ! 6. Ce�erl�d�at.Lo� a r diw113n�i� P�� e� a�d �aa ei and �h a�� Lo D� tioa l2� !-j0i s �� r�*., •�• � �tar��t �eroica Coe . . '�"`_ Ye'9+e •{�—g� T T') . . � �.?�" •- . .. . .. ��.�i wY � .�. ., �1. F K. �1� !�e �• (1LdMd �tl�tpl� �t tb�lrw�u ?� �w �u �r w�t j0 ta�t t�s•• �s 1� in :��• A� dnisie� to b� 6�ard xith trt�rri� io tb� �bo�w �#• �n rili b� h�asd at t�is �tie�. � P�blis�: �peil T 1960 � �, ��o �� r�_ � P�tJL �l16R (�I�AL CH�I� PLAl111I�3 C�•ggl� . � .:� : _� . ;: �.. .:TM.. � :�. � �� � ,.:a �.� � {,.a ' ^4 � �S i✓ ��i��; /� /���s�.. �l� ' �� �—. --._ -_.:7-�rzc_�.:+: i � �'p�ti.�� ^ ',:. ,1^1 �''�+����.s;.r i � � � � �' i ''.;` � «�¢.-��{:y�. ,f' �'�+� � .: � � '�.� . � �`�" {� +' ' � .; • � � � � � 96 !E A ! . �! ( NR Jl��44. � �� "�� � +", �'���� 7 9+ ���`a. �� � i: 1etl,o� L�b�► �iNn �d �� �dil b� a i+d�ii+s Hw� �E �r l�,a�ad� Oa�■d�doa a� t6r Ci1�► o! l�+q it� �lr Ci�/ Aail a# 6b31 ���' lwrur �._.� as �q� �pe'�1 3�t, 19�64� iu tL� Cem�eil C�b�ar s4 7� jD p.'I�• �e 11r p�lp� d= R'o'PeMa 1�2 (�1► ewus�.� t 1°ZZv�s� � �"0'�'4� �o tdst . C�rea� at 1Ur luMe+r���at tlr wrt lio� e� 9� � 1.t., �i Mr ��eefi 1!� �[ � �i�r �.s., tti�w � a1ae� ��t 1la� dt ��� x•s., a di�s� ot l�,�%it !� .rr. oe 3+�.., �e 1ob. a.R�ii► ls�. v� Lot ar tl). �, ar ili, Noe�ood �i� t�o: �0► P�t. � i� �!7 �3+�0� t�r oa''�h 1l�r o! ad�i �1� O�N ilia 135.6 !rN_ Nr �! LN� 1e i� �aM�e 11rt at t�i a�,Lq 3a ���i�� _ ��oe� ��d+oe i� h�l�+q �ski : t�'!�e� atla ..ve.r is.. .r ..se .s�.� • ais�. o� �.e r..t .�.�. .e 1..., to �. a.ea� ss�. .t 6tea � � t.s., .aa �A.... !�► tir�e ae�iti a�� ad� 6� ♦ ��E., �o i!� pod�t a! #�r�� ��e e[ tM �orM 1!N at 6��N�r 11.�+, �ad ttr �N'�' 1lt� d 11r a1L� !e �+Nlt '!�1 � i, x�"�d ��d�l1�� 1a 1�� �!�tl�s i�1�r� Ns1b �3+e�, ��o�a' liair at �d � Sii1 m�lt �Iw (�) • �=�-o� 603.6 t� �o�t ar ��� Ilr eeelti 3ls� �t �1�t 1 �.�. � w��1 a1+� ,aoel� ua. .r 6L� �i.a.. lf. f l�.a sr.c .o�. oe 1..., i�. �1r �dr� o� 1�SdaR• waea�at e[ �11 �[ 6tat� i�� 1Lr at � ��e+�� w.s., a� � i��p a� 1fr saelb l�il �� �t°�� �t 6tod � M.�. �od � . �loet i1� �li, �� �.s., l,�itK w�ti at �lr w� �Irti a[ a lit�r d� !'� 11r o[ 6Qnd �wrw� M.i., aad tirr �It 4� il), �awA� � iitr o� � a13+�� !s r�to l�sl+diq M+Ic. ' � �, . a1N� . ::;•:+ �- , '�S •)'� : .: � � � ` � 'I� � � � � � � � l�/ � � . �� � � � . ,. . : .::� 0 � , �.. �.. . t'�Y� r.+ � ,?F`-"7.:: . 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