PL 05/12/1960 - 30069�
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M�Y 12� 19b0
The meeting xaa called to ordsr at 7s30 �.M.� s�ith Chairman Segner rn�esidm
ing and all o! the Mem�bera parer�en�� ir�o2uding �he City Engineer.
The firet canaiderr�tion xaa a req•aeat by Rc�ald �, eset�er �or re�aaing
from R.1 to R.2, Lota 1 and 2, Blo�k �, Ayd�s Park Additio�, in the N� oY Sectio�
23, for the erection of ar�e lt.•plea. Thi.s wa,e a paiblia hearin�, i4ra Ei�@�8$heT
�ave hiq reaaona for th�a rsquest, one of xas thati the p�o�ity of ths
T�exaco �tabiori o� the abutLin� proPez�tY in the rear (cflcrnaercisl saning) xould
fit in xith reque�ted R�2 soning. Mr. Boyer Palzner waa in fav�or of such $o�ning,
dwe to the e�dsting lo� ground mekiag retrldential building eapsnaive, becauae of
naed for fill. �Ir. Riahard l�gel� 6081 • ltth Street N.E., spotas in onpoaitio�o
Hia reaaon was t.t�at there �uld be na �}r ot Imoving �uet haK r�ell ap�artane�nt
ma3ntenat�ce �rould be� in th� ev�t oY at�n�e at ma�ership. A motian �aa made by
Mr. Kravik, th�►t ths mstter be tabled until Nay 26, 19b0, until a deaiaion i�
made on t.iye Aiorxood AddiLiau to Fridlsy Parlc, ia�aediatel,y north ot 61st Avsnus
in tbia same viainity. Ttr motZon xaa seaondsd by Mr. Fo�taine and unanimously
The nast oo�si.derat,,i.aa xas t,ha vaaatio� oi' an 30 toot saaea�ent ly
ing betrs�n daakson St,rsat on t�tLS s�aati, Van Bur+en street o�a the eaat, Lots 15
�'1 and ]b of 81oak 5 in ths Flarsnae Patic Addit►3.aQt ou the nort.h, and ths Alfredaoa
prapet�ty an the sauLh; tlsscribed aa beiaA adtuatsd isz tire �sst 33 .? leet of the
easte665 feet of the north 250 leet ot t�s�t Lot �1 ia th� S� a! Sectiaa�
llt. Thia �aa a public Tt� Eqgineer adviaed that a pstit�ioss had been
gi�antsd by the abutting p�ap�rLy a�msrs, vho had no ob jeatiau t►o auoh �aatiaaio
The &�girlesr explainsd thst Mr. Dm4pl�, o�sr� had previously advis�d th4t he iraa
xillin� to malcs an addl.tiios�al 8sdiaatiau on the eaet aide o! ti� plat trom the
vicinity of 63rd Av�snq�, aouthward ta ths snd ot t�e sxisting 30 foot eaeeunerrt;
atso, thst he �uld att� to reaurs a aimilar 30 toot eaae�at ou Jaakson Street,
sonLhMas�d l�om 63rd Av�ue �o the soutrh p�operty iine of thia plat. r4r. Sep�er
pointed out that at t�e t3m� ca! aca�pt�ios os' ths Fridley Hi�h Sahool p�roperty�
the sahool plat had be� aao�pt.�d eoaditiona]. upon ti�ir grattti.� additional
30 �'oot dediaat�m tthen �ssaty, oa� ia the etrrzit o! ths plattir�q of thi.e psoper-
ty. A motion �re,s mads� by 1�tr. 8�1, that thia p�opoeal be appro�vsd xit,h the
atipulat3cn that the drvriop�r xi21 dedieate ths needed 30 test on t.iis east !or
Yau Hureoa snd 30 feet on t� intst {Ja�caoz► 4treet), ir�cluding an additia�nal 20
feet nseded !or a partial oul-d�-aa�a. 1he aatim x4a asoo:�d�d by Mr. Kravik and
carried nnau�ouely. (9uah p�opossd dsdioationa trould thue p�rmit a�oosas to aIl
lobe as sha� aa ths attaahsd map� vith t�e all�ys to be v�cstsd and rsturned to
o�syers, lilos�wise sho�ra on the aap. Mr. Dim�► lster appsared �d ad�ised the
Coo�alaaian that he �rould p�o�ricis t,he d�ede !or the neeeesary 30 toaE dsdicatio:ts,
aa stat�d hsrsia.) Hearir� aloNd.
Conaida�atian vaa r�uct giwet to t�s Madsuz Mslody Manor p�elimit�ary eubdivi-
aiat p1t�E (farm�rly � as Oeborr�s p�ap�rtiy); aai.d plat bound�d by 73rci Aven�s
� au the south, t�he %atYsr Additi�n t,r► t,hs eaat, and Oeborns Road oa ths naa�th.
Leo� Madeera, repreeenting hie tati�ar� indioated thst Outlot 2� ae aho�as oa the
�roPcsal, wauid caver the 5� �ark dediaat►i�o, �iiile oui�lot 1 waa being rstained
for church purnoaes. Mr. Fofitaitie au��eated tise�t po�aib],y� inaam�ah aa t2ie aouth
atrset dedication ot the nla�.,wpuld be built adjaoent to a aa�nercial area, it
mi�t be �all for this laat,,�i pf lots to rs�fn !or either 2 os �C fami],y d�ell-
inga, a�+ a bufter betkeen tTti! `,+�oa�msroisl a�d ths norEh e�cten�Isd rsafdsnt3al areao
Mr. :3adaen advised thst aoo�e of these vi.l1. be d�psnda�t upon ti�e FoA.A. ! a
plat acoeptance. 't�e queatio�'oY aaosae to and Prom the area alcnp, ?3� Av�envs�
betsreen Dniveraity Aver�ue aryd Hi�;h�ay►' �b5 �ras discu�teds relaLiv�e to the posaible
need for a road xid�r than ttr� proposed 66 loot pro�ridsd by 1959 3tsts I,epialatioone
It was felt tha.t ia�tmauoh ae 73rd Avanue i4 the north bow�datq ot a p�'opoeed heavy
industrial sroa, that t�ia roa�d �rould c�rry aoneiderable tratfio. '•tember Krav3.k,
Plata and subdiviaio�a Cu�mni.asion Chaitmon� adviead that �s had no ob�ect�ian to ua-
ing tr�e�a propoeaa LopoPraphioal � ma l�routi tor his com�ni.saioa meet�
i.og, pendir� receipt of a reviaed p�el3mirary plat to be rsac�y at ths tims of hie
meeting on Jw�e 2� 1960.
The naut item4 0� the ag�da was Lhs aoaaidsratian of Tuftaard' a p�oposrd
atreet dsdication - a amall i�'osl a�f ].arrd .]ying i�.at►�3� eont�h of Aaakmat�n
Av�eanue, in the rear ot' ths Pars Oil 3t.4t►iaa at old Gntral A� �md Haalou�n Ave-
rma. The i�agS.neer rou�,hly outli.nsd t�e et�a� trom ths exf.aiing 30 toot eaeremeut
to a lt0 footi stahet, northxat�d tY�ou�h tt� Tuf!'ard T�"oPs�Ys � a road northxard
tram the ?�yndals Builders 4th Addit►iae�t to Hatha� ?�� to pravid� tir� p�otection
snd aaesas as �ell aa ooeaibls �aatsr and sNwr faailit�ese Nr. Foatains madi
^ s rioticn to rscomner�d aeoeptance ot ths propossd st,rset d�dicaL3an� sa outlined� motian bein� aeeancl�d by Mr. Kra�iic and carr3�sd w�aaimou�ly. Mr. �ffc�d xill
provide the nsasaary dssdo
Tt�e &�;ineer discuaseci the �ticn !c� t�u sna�otme�st a� o�dinancea
crnreri� the rssoning of l�''oP��', �� � Perm�ts� building var3�e permita
aad e�ocavatiaaa an�d tillej anb j�t had beee� Prr�iously tabled sev�sral times
sitwe March 1b� 1960. Coonei.cbrable dieouasi.oa� tooic pla+�s rslativs to resanir�
requests, woa�k imrolved and legai aost.s, aa �e7.1 as tns p�'oPoesd ci�u'�es for ths
tour items p�rionaly mer�tio�sd. 1�'. Fan�.sia� mr� a motiou L1sat t.he �gin�ser � s
Otfioe check � other mnniaipotllLiea ae to lNS� it tbey hsme euah lawa atbd
th�eir aoats cavering auch ezpens�t.
Mr. Hopor Pa].m�er, a�mmer ot property bet�an �th and 60th �lvenues ar► ths
eaat aide ot Univeraity Avenwe� the eam�a prs�enLly oo�rraial and 135 teet
desp, brcugbt up the aubjeat of reaaning t�hia arst� that in Lhe p4at - he
has attsmpted to resone to eitl�r aaamet�cial or multipls daslling. The dspth does
not hav�s oommeraial zoni� ap�asa aad therator� hs xau2d like to erect �ltiple
c�wellinge. Eiecsuee oP Lhe la�ct thaL he has beea turnAd dawsi senrersl Limea i�a eaah
of these pa►st requeets,� h�e xsuted tire Co�.esion�s opiniam sa to �rhnt to doo
Mr. Segaer suggest�ed that perb�ps an attraetitro plant3ng �trip tor a bufler betxeen
t,tye involv�ed area, put in at this t3ms� �ou�l.d �eriw to oa�stino� t��e peopls of the
area, as vell aa other developsra� �utt a good pls�n�ing aan da in t�e May ot
appearmce bsttsrm�amo Psrhaps t�ta a��t p�o�rt� o�anara �onld diseo�tinue
their objeetia�s. Mr. Palmer reqwsat�d t�at �his p�opoaal tor rsaoning bs put an
th�e a�enda !or Jn�t 9, 1960.
Mr. Fontatne then bro�#H� np the mstter af liti and accid�eut hasard in the
viainity of �h�ers ths railroad aroases Rice Creeic, dwt to ttrs dsath oF th� child-
ren playing in this area eemeral �estcs ago. iie sup,�atrsd thsti psrhapa a�ralk�y
be installed o� either sicis of this railroad bridg�� so that c'zildrsn playing
nesr the railroad �ould have a pla�s of satety, in ths e�nt ai an acicorait�g traino
t�lrs. Verna Hausy, as a r.rother, fslt thati this p��opos�d �a].1cw,y a�l;�t bo sn added
attraatioun to dra�ring ohildt+�n Lo pla�y iu that viainit�. Upoa Mr. Kravik�e sugges-
tion t.2w.t an or�nanca be dravn np to limit ths train spsed to 25 milea oer hour�
it was also br+ought up that t.tds nt$ht p�avr to bs aa it�osntiw !or oldsr childrea
to hop cars, �rom r�oaRibly tlieai�ai.ppi fitrest snd aaroaa tt►e bridge• f�'o F011tetiYl9
then aug�,re8ted that somearie lrom t.t� City Hal7.� �ither a ao�aitt,e aoapoeed of
aev�sral Pia�inp Comad.eaioas Niea�bere� Coura1.1 t�ieasbtra or t�e City Hana�er, meei with
railroad ofticial� and tslk thia rabblan o�ver xitrh th� in sn att�enm�t t,o eliminats
a repetiticsl of aimilar aacident�.
The meeting xa.a adjournad aL 9:30 P.H.
RespsatSul],y eubndtttd�
Aoti:ig Recording �crst,ary