PL 06/23/1960 - 30073.� �- _s< � � , ._ ,� � MINIIT83 PLANl�IpO:OtX+�Qa.4I� ML�ETIl�C3 TRt1RSI)AY ' �u�t 23, 1960 The meeting waa cal2sd to ordsr at 7s30 P.M,, by Chai=�nan Se$ner� `rith Memo bera Bandei� Fontains, 1Cravik, 3hinwaski� t�e City Engin�r and ths City Manager preaeat. There �sre no Membera abse�t. Aa thsre s�+�ers no aorreatiae�e to ths m�nnLes of J�e 9th� 19b0, �hey stat� ang�ov�sd aa mailsdo 'fie Conmiaaiaaz lirst canaidersd Erneat Madssa�a Msloct�r Manor P7.at, lying aouth o! Osboarne �ad and bound�d by Ja�ckaan 3t.raet o� ths eaet� T3rd Av�snu� oci Lhe aouth and Univ�ersity Avenue cet;,the wat to T5� Av�we cn the raa�th� 5th StreeL on th+e east to 76th Av�em�e irid t,he eaat boundars► lins of Bloak 1 ot ths Oaborne Manor Secand Additioal on the ueat� in the N� o! Seaticai 11. �ia xaa a publia hearing. Mr. Madaen �raa preeent to exglain the plat to the Com�l.saiano He stated that they have inaludsd t.ins entire 60 foot vidth ot 73rd Av�enn� on t.heir praperty, so lo�s will not encroaoh upai th�e fridustrial area� also, that the F,H.Ae has given appa�oval o! tl� plat alao, that he ia s,tiZling to provide an acasaa acrosa to the Shafier Atlditia� �poaaibl,y Lot 11t i.n Hloak 1) e Re turo ther atated that they �+ould atart building in the aouthMSet oornal� Unitroreity and 73rd Avennea, and dev�elop ov�sr to tha eaat, up to t.h�e cross strs�t, and then on up northWard to Oebor� Road. Tht plat includae apaoe !or ti�e as�s Lutheran Churah, plua epaae Yor another church oa �tlot #1. Tha dev�elaper will provide a xalkw�y into the dsdicated park areav There xaa a diaausaion sbout t2w poaaibi- lity a! 73='d Avenue beaoming a�n industrial. road, se it hsa bs�u p�ropoaed as ac�e of the m�in eaat and �est croasovera. It xas suggeated that th� psopl�, aiio nct�ht purchase homea oa ?3rd Aven�s, bs intorm�d o2' ths poaaibility as' thie besomdrig an induatrial roado It �re,a slao pointad out that Lhia road (73rd Avetn�) ia the Melady Manor p�opoaed plat could poesibly beaaas a aervi�r road� xith another inm duatrisl road itmnsdiately �outh o! it. Mr. Faritaitw msde a mo�io� to rscoom�end acaepta�s of tha Melody Manor Preliminaiy P'lat aa subsaitted� snb ject to ths fol� loxing: the Canaulting �ngineere� appraval of wster� es�wr and st►reets; that an acceae be provided to the 4hat!'er Additio�; that the City Counail havr the pawer to deeignate T3rd Av�enue a� an inddnstrial road, it neoesa�g; snd enbjeat to the payment ot the platting !ee (�959000). Tt�e motion wae �ec�ed by Mr. Handsl and unsni�ously carrisdo Aesrir� cloaede Mro Madeen then aaked that ths Caom3.eaioet consider coae mora rsqu�eat ior Lhs Rice Cre�k T+erracs Plat Sev�ea�. �e atated i�.hat they. proposed t,o divide Lots 12 and 13 S.n Bloak 2, oY thia plat, into three lota and vaaate a portiau of the e�ciating atorm ses+er eaaement; also� that the City Attornsy, in a aonveraatiari With Mro �lagr�er, had au�geated that thia �tter go directly to t.i�e Councii !or actirm' ao that Lhe de�aloper could obtain building permd.ts. 7hs Cammiaaicr► dis- cussed trY�e drainage of this plat, lot eisea, aaoees and the methode o! hox thia requea�t ehould be legally bandled� ia or�ler to avoid a�y tuturs Lroub]�s in hand- ling asaeaemsnta, etcoo It was agreed� by Mro Madsen and the Comaieai.an, that it would be beet to get Lha opiniana oP the Couaty Auditor and ttr P7.att.ing En$ineer on how thia rsqueet �hould be handlsdo A mptioci xaa made by Mro Far►tains� to rep co�emend aaceptanoe of thia p�oposad p1,an� subjsct to the CounLy Auditor�a and the P28tting Engit�eet'�a appx`OV81e I�h'o 1C2`av11C aeCCa�d�sd Lhe mOtio�i 8ud it ttae caTl�i.ed unsnimously, _ _�� _��`; � �1 � a2• The naxt canaiderati� �as a requeat by Boy�er Palmer� Sor rez� from R�1 to R�2, Lota 1, 2, 3 arai !t, B2oak 33 and Lote �, 2, 3, !� and 5, Block 43 ana Lote 1, 2 and 3, Bl.xk 29, all in the Ber�ett-Palmer Additiot�, Hyd�e Park, eituam �ed i11 th� N�t of Santio� 23, Thf.� t�a� a publi.� hearitf�a MTo St,eii7�X� KV81h9�.uis Attorney for "�fr. Aoy�r Palmer� etated that t�9r, Paln�ar ia �rillinR to erect doubge bun�alowrs� to comply with the xiahes of abutting property ownera. Mro Palmer haa dedicated the south 17 feet oi Lot 5, Dlock 29s to the City for atreet purposea, in order to eiiminate the jog in �8th Avenue Northeaato He requeata that he be allow�d to take �evsnteea teet, or more� of! the aouth portion of Lot 3, Block 29s to add to I,ote !� and 5 cf the eame Blxk (Lots h and 5 preaently zo�ned R_2), #.n order to enable him to ereot tour l��unit buildinga on the� aaid lots, onlya Mro Tiy� t}allup, 58I�I - ltth Straet NoE., Mro Tan Oreakavich, 5831 � ltth Street NoEo, and Mre RObe]�L Chul�Ch� 5861 - ltth SLrset N.Ea' all etated that property o�ners are agreeable t�o donble btu�a2.o�ts bsing ere�Led, but requeated t.hat Mro Palmsr face the Your l�•axnit st�ruaturss o�n Lote 3, !t and 5, Block 29, to �ront oa� l�th Streeto Mro Kravik ma�ie a motion to r�onmend accsptar�ca of thie re�oning requeat, and to allo�r tha buiiding of Lhs lt-unit aLruatwrea an Lots 3s !� ar�d 5, B2ock 29, xit.h the r8ert o! tha R-2 area to be limited to double bnngaloa�. The motio�n waa aecond� ed bp Mro Fontsine and carried w�snimoualya Hesring closed�, The consideratic� of a building penait and acceaa road, narth f`ro�m 70th Way Northeaat, to the eaat portion of Lote 22 arid 23 in Oatman�s 3rd Additian in th� S� of Sectian 10 Was tabled, due t,o the abeenae of Mro Oatmaa, Next� �ras the di�scu�rsion of 50 foot setbacica ior Ni�l and M-2 $aninge fro�n residential property, and raqu3rement of planting atrips, Mr, Wagner eacplairied that he had had aeveral inquiriee aud requeata on thia matter; ateo that Mro Erneat Madesn had aug�eated that this be giv�en conaideratia►o The Coa�nissiaal agreed that this matter ahould be given careful consideratia� ae to the type, widLh and denaity of plantiz�g atrips (with apeciPic examplea), the r�eed for cy� clone fencing 3n certain arsaa and a time limit to be set !or planLing or erecticaon nf same; with property that abuts on commercial to have a definite, required set� baako It was a€;reed that Mr, Wagner s�auld contact a nureeryman and have him subm mit ideas and aample pictures or akstchea of various planting atripe, for future consideratian by the Comn�isaiono The Comomisaiau then di�cua8ed the replatting of the Charles and it�y Sheridan propertiea ( Public Hearing date has been set for Ju7,y 11�, 1960). After carefu2 diaauesio�, the Co�n�isa3ou agreed that the Engineer ahould contsct t3ro Sheridan, before t,he 3uly ],l�th hearing, about getting a 30 foot road dedicatlo:t an the norLri end of this plate Ths nexL diaauaeion xas on the Carl Petereon P3.ate The II�gi,neer exp7,ained the 2ocatioa of the exiating buildiags and the �teps that Mra, Pateraon hae a].rea�r takea in order to get a building p�rndt, and that ahe expecta to hane har prelimi� nary plat ready for the July 1ltth, 19b0 Public Heaririga The nezt diacuasiasa i+as Lhe pTOpoaed Larea P'lat {Public Hearin� da.te ha� set tor July 11�, 1q60)a Mr. Segnar ezplained the diacuasion at the meeting of J� 17��19b0, r+ith reprseentativea of t.he �chool Board, School Architecta and It� ,:�u�a31, snd that ai�y further developm�mt ia conting�ent upan what Lhe Schoo deciclea to do. It xaa alao point.sd out that the Wooc�r Lane extenaion xould ible for Erco�a Lot 9; that bo�h the north and south, as w�ell aa the east and nropoaed roads t+ou7.d be flexibls. The meeting waa ad�ourned at 9:30 P.Mo Reapecttully aubmitted, Tnes Kapala, Recording Secretary been 1 Board be flexm uest :� 'i,r� �1 r� � `� i��- � �, - ,,o -- ,�. � �-ies"--_ �� � �,._...1�._.' � - `, - �„ �. ��`. `3 � ��' � , i __._ _ _ ._ _ _... . -.�...":� __ ��< �.�t� - � ,.� .,;i �,..� "�.�.��.,,,._..,.d..T�.:a..:� �°c". �._� �'""...:_ Gk;�..�T � � � i � � . � ��/-� ---;; � % (.7 � � _ / ,�''"�.�, ���,� C 7c tnr r✓� y _..,_r__. �� v � � a� � d 0 � � JUN 2 3 1960 ! n ' � a' �. r i - � _ _ 1,.� a � `"""" � ' � � ' _ _ � 2 oG, �'o ° �� . , ?as; � � � 0 � W . . � �r � (� �. +i O � ^ y �'t � 1 ;i '� � -..._.._.. ..._..._. �_,. :� , �. ��: � 4�- s8 r ►� 1 , � � � 4 � 1 r1 2c�•8�a' _ ) _ � 0 � � v � � � r- a � � � � �� ��1 s � - � :� , �� o �• � � +- � �t1W 2 3 1960 � � � n �.o PQ ,� � a � -r � s� .� o �l '�� A 7- _�.o+ 3 3 �vd �r�b A� ' N�Z ��.-�► o� z�- /3�-�-Z'�' � �IUN. 2 3 1960 6-�,3� � r � � � � �� ,� J� � oS� 1 ����i � �� ���, � �. �1��° �� 40� � � 'S''%�,� �- �,�-s,- �,� 1,/,� a �� �°�� �f� �� e°s� 3 ' /-{ � � L S � ( u ! `° f�, � �l� 5`�� . `o., 3 3 u `o_�'� P �3 . !v � Gy����yG��y / i S9% �i , ! � �/ � " �'' /-� /Y /� ����o� - � `� , , I , .59¢7 ,�; ��,,,5� 1�••8 �,.7 3°�'� iyo o �t. z, �._ �. .� _ _ _ _ — — — � - — .�SS _„c4 �'�%t � � �z�o � .c��cs tzs� F+ t _.�__.� s9a ,� � 1 \c� J /� � - /Y�.S � k. ,�' ,� a� " i� �,*� ',�� E � a�i� �, r9ai /4 � ` JC t / � � �. .z� � ,��L i� si � " � 3 � , � s ; � %f` �:.�n�:-� _,. -__._____�,. .-�����. u� �c%rI'7�C! ij/ .��U,,� u� � �� � � � 1 0 ��` � � n � � � �i�J�� n�r� � ' N i � /�lO,�,i ,�''. /%%- �orr•''I I i � i I � I .� � /� ,E" J' �7�'Q %°O J ,� !� �J .� f/ �� b �C°C. a2 /� / S�c. a4 �u� z s �sso � � CI'1't CF F'RIDLBT ADnENAtti� T0: The 2�fiautes ot ttle Joiut Plata and 3ubdivieiceds and P,Larmi�ng Coim�isaion i�eetissg o� Jw�e 1�, 1960. DATSs Jtime 27� 1960 Rsf'erenas ia m� t.ti Patagraph �?s ot abavs miaute�, stating: "A etu�► of t�h�e co�tour msp t�evaealed t�at a la='�s partim oi tt�s area in the rear o�P both the Sahool and I�aras propsrt,ies vould not be bni.`�.�1eibls� e�oosp� at poeaibly sn eshorbit�rt ao�t� due to the am�t of �'i71 r�edsd." n Abo�v�e ahoul.d be aorrected to read ae lollaMS: . "A etuc�y of the con�tonr msp rev�ealed td�t 8 large pertiort af ti�e area. i�asdiately behiad the 5chool Property �u1.d �ot bs build— able� e�pt at pose3bly an eat'harbit.a�tt coats du�e to the smount af till needad; and po�aib�► a eiaa7l part.i.co eoct.endit� av�er is• to the northeast aorn�er ot I,ot T: �iHiCs 3.k � � Nespsct�ful]y aub�itted� AARRY H. RIRCHMAN " �ecrstsry Pl,ata & Subdiviaioeis Cammiasio� P�,axud.�g Cawai.seion '•IUPt 2 3 1960 �.._ _ _ � CITY PLANN� COI�tI33I�i MONTAL2 REP�tT . JUL? 19b0 ACTIVI�TY' P'LANNING COMMISSIQ[�T No, RsRular Meetings Noo Special "N[eetin�a Preliminary P2ata Rscamnendstions Favor�ble tlx�av�orable P+ending Firia]. Plats Reconanendationa Fa�orable Unfavorable „� �iending Rezoning Requeeta Considered Fav�orsble IInfav�rable Aending P'LATS and SUBDNI5IOI0S Noo Regu].ar Meetinga Noo Special Meetinga Prelimir►ary Fla.ta Reconmaendatio�na Favorable Unfavorable � P1�nd�ag STREETS and UTILITIES Noo of Cases Caa�aidered Favorsble Unfavorable Fending BUILDINt3 BOARD Noo of Case� Conaidered Favorable t)nf'a�rabls Fending BDAR� (�' ApPEALS No� oY Case� Canaidered Favorab3.e Unfavorable P�nding snzz�nxNC� sTArmARns co��a�� ^ Noo of Cases Considex�ecf Favarab].s Unfavorable Pending THI3 MO�� 2 0 9 4 0 5 0 0 0 � T � 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 �� • . • • . 2 0 0 2 THI3 MOiN'i,`H LA.^T YLAR 1 1 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 � 5 � 1 0 1 � 0 0 � � . • • � • � 0 0 2 0 2 0 THIS YEAR T0.`:A1�'.�� 11 3 2!� 12 0 12 0 0 4 0 32 13 19 � 1 10 5 1 lt 5 1 4 1 b 0 19 �� 3 22 7 0 i5 LAST YEAR TO D� 10 3 �s 28 Z 15 lb 32 0 � � 30 18 5 0 17 �2 0 5 . . • 2 0 0 �.6 1!t � 7 3 2 � -�- - - � Not.es Canaideratian aYeo given by Pianning Couauisaiaen to: lm 2, 3� ko 5a 6, ?o Boyor Palmer request Sor vacatio� oi xa��k�►�,yo Reque�t by Mra� Mary Ea Cocaey �or houae naving and building perrni.tao Fii°ty Yoot ae�back� snd plantittg etripe fo� M�1 and Mm2 areasa East and �st croeeonere cat High�rsy #560 Gchults� reque�t for •�acation of easemsnt0 aottwaldt requset Sor eubd3vieion of lo�to Highftay State Aide 4►ork Dane by Of�ice Force: 1� 2m �o �A 50 bo 70 �<, yn9a 1VU ENaIi�EERII� DEPARTMENT Gheaking oi preli.minary and f3r�a7. plats. Preparatian of Z.ega1 noticae.and maps for vsrioue Board and Coammiaaion meetingao Ditto maP P�l��tia� for CUa�esidos Cotmo3l wd 8oard meetit�ge o Inapection of cal.aium ahlorids Lemparary roads, Inspe�tion supervisian on W& 3 Projeatso Infil�tratian teeta for ae�nera Znspection of Pro jeat �`26 { Lametti dr So�) o �rTork on replatting of T.Ln�erman�a Addition i�ap preparatiori on esat and weat aroaeovere for Hi�htr�y #560 Attcendance at Commi�i� meet�.nga, C V1Y iti�lLV 1 ��� Rivervie�a Heighta ^ xivar�ri.e.i i�eighte Edgewater t3ardsz�e Logan Pkvyo - E.R.R, soo o� Rte 100 xo, -Rice ck, E e-Zi�y. 65, W,-�56th Ave, No-M�.BS� 3�o�Cerit7�'81� Sor•ReCe T�nnabi'utsk i ` �n Park4iex Oaks9 L,yndste � . ;�. CONTRACT N0. W & ;� 41A w � s 218 W&S 22A w & s 22s W & S 22C C41�1�tACTOEt Sa�datran & Hatnet� Benkoald & No]mea Sandetrom � Hafner Benkoald. & Holmse Lametti dc 8arte S& 33 2I� Sandat,roaa 6c Aatner s& w 26 z,amstti & So�na S de w 29 Pbter Lawetti W, S& SS 36 1�ort2�ern Constr, PUBLIC WaRRS Il�t�NT3 io Patching b 138 ton of m,�,t �f�68 hrsa) 2 o C�raro�e2 surfa�c�ir�g�9� �cm baas (165 hra� o) �o Rosd atabili�cing {1�6 i�r�o) L�o Street aleaning (Y09 hra�} �� F.qui.panent Ma3.n�enana�a (2b hrae ) 6� Gravel hauling9 etoctk piling - 20 to� ba�e {8 hreo) Zo Grading (�b hrso) • - �,;�,• SEWER and WATEEt lo 20 3a �t. 5. 6, 70 80 COMP'LETION W-95�, �95� �99�s Sm99� w-�.00�, s-95� St. Se�o-100� W99�, s-99� W100�, s-99� S.O�i 53-0� W�OK„ 5�70� w-�, sm�5� w-;�, s�3o�, ss_o� water tape, water tiwc�o�a (2� t��o) Water & 8�er Iuepeotions (53 hrs�i water N1�ter Repair i21� hrao ) Se�er C].eaning � 1 500 fto (13S hrso) Man hols rspair (2� hrso) Curb boa repair (2o hrao) LiPt etationa•mainfi�er�anae (:ll hrao) Miaosl]„az�eoua vat�r xork (25 hre a) � ie Fartc dozar �rork (1!t hra, ) 2e st�oacm a.�sr (4 I�re, )