PL 08/18/1960 - 30077�
Angust 18, 1960
The meeting Wa,s called to crder st 7:30 PoMs, bg Cha�.a�aan 5egx�er �ri�h :Sem%
la�ra Bancbel, Fontaine aad Shi�;nald snd Mr. Lea Knnt�srr� and �lie C�.t� M�ar�a��r
preeent. M�aber Rravik vaa abaerit.
-- � r--� ._..._..._......r..
Ths lirst aonaicl�ration wae a requeet by Dr. Se13y to �rozans from R-2 �o
R-2, Lote 3s �Ss Ss T, 8, g, 12, 13 and 1!t ia H].00k 13 at �t�e Hqr1e Park Addi�ion,
the eatae beirag located ooia the 6test s1c� o� l�th St�et, be�C�� �'9th aad 60�h Ava�A
nuss Y�.E., au � in the A� ot s�cctioe� 23. �lr. vsrn o��l�n�ga�� reporeeent
r�e ge]1,y, e�tated that lot�s are !t0 leet dd�e and ti�ai c1ee01op�r �+onld p�+efer �
bu�.lding 1�ro-at.o�g, fo�r-Saoi.i�r dNSi].ings oai sixty toot lot e�a.dtha (1� iots per
builc�ia�j3 and that aecaad prererence �ould be danbl� bvng�lc�ra. Mr. S�gner oa�
plafaed that 60 t'oat lot� xould nat ca�ply xlth lot area requi�.�nt cf IO,t�00
square fest. Altterr caretnl co�sidera�•ian and dfscweaa.oa by tho� Co�i.ssiem,
Mro Fatt.sZtse made a motiaa to x�ooaom�»d ac�gtanae ot' ti�e pa�op�aed re�o�#t�9 xl.t�h
fi.he etipnlatiaa� that the araa be limitsd to double b���.].c�rr�; al�o, t�at fi.� d��
�'1 �roloper ca�sply xith the aae�it�g ordiaanos ss to lot ar�a req�ts, tmlma� oth�r�
- � Lakea cas�e ot' t2zrovgh ProPer parocednres. The �at3on �a.� eecondedl by �is�e Hs�nm
d�l, and after b�ing put tA a vote� �arried w�timouelg. Ae� clne�edto
Th�s Coawf.seior� neat aonslderad a requeet by Projer.t ��2 Carporati� frar re�
zon�.ng tr�oa e�d,stin� 0_23 to R..3, Lot �t ot Blxk i, S�1vRU �3i.11a Plat �,�5 Aci�ii.�ion
tCom�aerc3.a�. Pla�); turbh�er de�cribed as tbe srea a�at of th� �TTat�.oes�l Tea� ��ea�a
and no�lh ct Sa�t,elli.ta Lans; all lying in the 3+� of Sectio� Ilt• 1'�. Ez�es� ��m.�is�a
rapr+esentiag Mr. Fretd Le�r, exp].ained t�at t�e origfn�,I plat ot' �k�f.e a�e� �aac� 3a��
811b1iL�trt9t'� llj.'�1 �'.� t�l'S�li� t.�'t. 'tit16 s�70'9'e �$CT'j.bAd p8S'CQ� �li +�i 1'�?0't3�C�
ta R-3;, tha� psopossd R..3 �rould back np to tk� ��noion at ths �x1oFP�
cente�r and pra�ide a butfer bet�oseaa residsntisl and �o�rcial. Thnr� ��o ar,�
pa�eaent to oppoee requeat,ed rs�ar�3adg. Mr. Handel m�d� a mx���c� to ssao��d �p�
tanoe ot th'!.a propoeed Rp3 rsamsing. 'Y'he motion rras eacorad�d by Nfr. Font�ain�, snd
upo� bting pnt to a rote, aarried m�3mat�s2y. Ae�rir�g cl�sad.
Tliis xa� a reqnset by I+l�. Schultra to �acate the e�� easement, dQaaribed
ps all t�s tea loot xidt.h be3ng $6.12 leet laa�g,, from 62ad Way N.Ee to Lat �2, and
be�een I.o�ts l a�d 43 all �.n 3chnits t s Additic�, in the Sa ot Seatioa 15.
Mr. 3aholt.� ezplained tbat itis iuts p�ocmr�ci releases Fa�oon t2» �ori�erti 3tai�.e� Poker
Cc�pan�, th� Mir�oneapolie aaa Compsa� and t�he �orth�reatern Bell. Telepha�e Co�p�,nyo
� Mr. Fa�t�ai� made a motio� to reaom�end acceptanos at �he abo�v�e vaoatia�t, ��1ec�
t�o tht Cosstoaic and Datis report 4'� tt�e tised, to=' a utllity eas0nent. Tt� tao��.on
�e seoand�d by Mr. Shi�nansld, and npou bsin6 Pat to a vo�, carrisd u�an3�oualyo
Neariag alosed.
The Cammiasio�n cc�sidered ttye ra�qusat by Mr. Ed Qot��,l.dt Par aubdi�rision of
Lat 9�n Revisr3d Auditor�s subdivisiom #10 (31�1.5 P+tissiaaippd. �treet A.E.}; �
3n ti�e � o� 5ection 2;3• Mr. (�ottxal.dt xae pras�n� to expl�a3a that he �isY�� �
smll a portian ot bia lot iT�' s 158�)s snd thst he fully reali2ad that th�s
woal.d laad3.ock hia propsrtys but that he had no alter�sative. Mr. Foa�a�i��e � a
motioa t�o rec�ad Cowncil acceptanae o� thia proposad �ubdivisi.a�; a1ao, tha�
th3,a matter b� reterted� at a J.ater da�Le, to the P.Lata and Subd�vlsli.oxnr� Ca�a.�.s�io�
��d the St,reete� aend IItilitisa Cm�mmisaio�n tor tuture platting o! late �d stre�e�� �
�tie matio� t�s �cos�d�ed by 1Kr. Har�el, and upan beit�g p3at to a voLe, c�rr��� u�nani-�
maua2y. Aear�ing aloaed.
I�.2 REZ09PI� REQUE3'�' BY J&�J CO�STR�CTION GaMPAAZ (%OT 2, A.s. �39i -�2C
� �
Th3.a ccm�J.deratia�s vaa a r+�quest by the J dc M Coxsatr�,xc�tiaa Go�+p� fa� reti�=.
33a� fran R..1 to &.2, �he eaat l68 feet ot the no�th 93 fee� o� Lot 2, Auuitar � a
Subdiviaion �39, ezcept the sast 33 lee� thereof, and $n �a�a��nt rnror t�� nc�r��a
13 F+�at t2�ereat; lying in the 3a of 5ec�io� 31�. I�eprese�tati�v�ea oi tta�e J� i�
�ons�trnc�faaa Compaay esplaf.ned that th�y xish�d to er�ct a tri-p1e:; and ihu� p�°oa
perty �ould parobab�,y be serretl vi�h �nsr and tiater by Coluwb3.aa Heights. i�ro Bsndel
rnac� a�not.�.cn to reaou�oend appzoval od' r�qn�atsd rsz�fag, pub3ect �to �pprosal by
Columbia Hei�ta to pratride �rater and ae�er eervices m�he m�tioa xas �ecc�ud�r� by ,
� N!!r. Shtm�uaat�l, snd upo� bsir� p�t to a�rots, c:rried wian3m��slye �ieari:a� a7Losedb
R-3 �o'�� �xtt�sx sr a a� �[ Co�tuc�r�o� ca�� ( r��ou� �mzTxo�) -.�z,�.�
?��ct, waa t�e conaideration of a req�eat by the J d� M Coaatrnction Co�p�,�,y
2'or reaaaais�g fraa R_l to R•�3, ti� �at ,�7 fbst oi Lo�ts 1 thravgh !� inclu�i�a, aaid
all cf Lots 27 Lhrough 30 inclua3ve, 81oak 16, P�ymouth Addi.tiasi, in the �� qt' �
Sectias� 26; alaa, the Mest 1t7 leet at I.flte 10 ti�rovgh 15 inclnsi�s and all of. Lots .�
16 � 21 inalusi�s� 87.00k 16� Plymottt,h Adcn,tioe�� 3A ths 3a ot Secctt,o�n 26d
J& M rrpseasntstivsg atated that they v3ah�d to erect el�v�sn-ua�,t, oa�e-bedroo�
ap�artm�nts� erit�h hip roota. Hoa+ard J. Friia - 4538 Ti�3rd Strest N.E., W. J. �arl-
son -�e5�6 Zliira stree� N.$., Ricr►ara aarbo - iibo3 Thsra street N.L., A. e.. �Ia�e�
-�ell - itbl$ Th.trd St�t�eet A.E., Mr. and Mre. RnseeZl E. (3orFloo • 1�61�t2 Third 5traet
�Y.�., snd sevsral other p�operty ovrisra siere pa�saent to pree0ut a petiti+on agaiz��
�nd to otfer their objeotioua to, ti�e requssted rs�oe�ing. Mr.�AtLeraa�, origiaal �
o�wnsr ot t��e p��operty in questiao� epoa�e in la�ror of the reso�g. Mr. �agner p�-
�sn�ed a map oS Sns�t Mwor A�sz, aho�ring rsaeant chan�ea in the smount of larad
Lo be takrrt by the 3t�a'te itigh�piy Dspsrtrnt, and st�ggaaLed 'Lhat a plst oY the J& M
�'opoeal be �Lnitted to the Aigh� Depart�ment� eo tAat they can indicats the
amouat of laUd to bo t.staa can thie p1,at. Mr. Fantaitbe made a mot.�ta� to tabl� the
abovre re�o�i�g rsqusst �mtil Sep�tembsr 8, 1960, psndia6 r8ceipt of t.he state I�igh�
�Y �6• T6e �otion tn►s seaaaded by l�r. 9hiaanski, and upo� being pat to a
v�oLe, ca:':'ied tmanimous),y►.
Z'he Ccstdsei�a ao�eidsred Tutford�a p�+oposed preliminary p1at, �he aamo b�in�
�1]. t�hat psrt a!' Lot ], o� Anditror�a 3nb8i�3,eion �25, eaoaept th� esst 111�3•0 feet
thoz�at'; lyina north ot trhe aortih li.s� o� the aaath 160 leet ot ths �tst 656.92
teet ot aaid �.o� 1 r�nd eaet,�,rly o! the foilar,ing d�aorl.bsd l�s Heginning at
a poisrt o� the no�th ].ine o� sai.a Lot 1, 492.5 fe�t east a! the R.w. corMO� ot
�Che S,W. quai-t�r of 2tt, ?•� Norths R-2!t wsat; the�os aouth at right
angles to the �rEh line of eaid Lot 1, 309.62 leet t� or 1�ae to the north li�
of the sonth 160 feet ot t�e wsst 656.92 ieet o! said Lot 1, snd t2�er� t�t3.ri;;:
Subjeat t�o a ro�d eaa�meat ov+es t.he north 30 feet thereof; ly�i�tg in t.t�s S� ot S�ca
tion 2ho Mr. !'utt'ord xaa preeeat to e�pl�tia the �p�oposed P�t P�� � Pointe�i
out that te� t�anted apprrotval, of e8ae eo that ha aould g�et ss�r and water into the �
area� �Ir. Handel made a mot3ari to rec.o�oend aeceprtanos at �tafic�d�a p�posed prn�
limin�ry plat. �►e mot�ton raras aeaaa�d by PKr. Faastatl,ns, snd upo� beit�g pnt to a
vote, ca�rr3sd w�animous]y. Aeari�g clo�ecl.
RE�ONIAIQ R$QUFST B3[ FRCO, iYd�(iRP�ll�d? (2nd RUY. AUD. 3U8. �21) - PUBLIG H�ARI�ta
- -. �...__�.r..
Thi.� rae a reqiae�t by Erco, Iaaarpo�rsted tar r�oo3ng fs�o�n C-2 to R•3, por�
�ic�ns mi Lota 1�-1�, t�-� ar�d )��A ot the 2nd Re�tis�d Anditor � s Sabdivieion #21, �y- in �he N� c�' Sea�ioa 13. l�fr. Erlckso� could not be p�res�t. Th� Commi.sai�a
gtudied tkba p�opoaed p2at plana !or the requ�ated r�soaing; snd a�t,er cars�fn], con�
sicbea°a�io�a, P�iro Fonta3�e �ade a motion to s�aommsad tthat propoaed 1t-3 re�or�ir�
be appaav�ed, aub�ec� to com�pliance o� prop0r plattiag orcli�e aad the ne�aear�
n�ilit� eaaenrnfi,�. �',�otio� seaa�dsd by Hr. 8mndsl� and upan bsing pnt to s v+ate,
carried m�ani.nwns],y. �+earing cloaedle
�het+s vas uo aation, pending rsaqom�de,tion ot City Att�oTnsy.
Mro Lsr�ss Was not paresent. Mr. Segner ezplai.ned that Erco, Iziooarporated
hav� �resented a propoaed pl.a�t plan �or t.heir paropsrty xhich adjo� tk� I�area
Pla�. Mr. Bsad�el made a�ian to s+�t'er the p�opased Larea Plat baek t,o the
p'lata and 3ubdiviaic� Coa+�iasia�� alc�g �rith t�he Erco, Iriaorpora�ied p�oposed
plan, for consideration and reco�snda�ics�. lYlotion s�aond�ed 6y Mr. Sh3mmakl.,
and upoA being p�nt Lo a vote, a�rr%d unaa3mflnsl,y.
iQe�ct, Yaa the fur�tther co�aideraLion af E1mor Jdmso� � s propoeod Rinr Loas
F1.a�, tt�e eame bein� �ot 12 in ��i.sad Andi.tor � s snbdiv3.sion �23, in t� s� ot
Section 15v Mr. Segner, aa an �.nt�ereeted psrty ia t�h#.s p].at p�opasa2, l�ttt th�
Ccnsai.asion to ait iin the audieria�. Mr. Faatt�sine p�saided for thi:s c�aaldes�►t3aa,
Mra. Johnaon, I�Ir, Fra.zier and Mr. FCnutea► �+ere ps�esent. I4ra James Kautao�, Attor�
ney, painted out that, �inca meeting tbe City Cour�1, the aurvsyor had i^e�
vi�ed tihe plat ao that �izes would confora to neceeeary �ootage r�quitba�en�su
Mro L�reyley and Mr. Sekry inquired if road could be at t�D foot �dth, Thi,ss s��ty�
ed agr+eeable to all cancernsd. Mr. �zplairssd that th�Y �oPca�d t,o er�;:�
tour-uuit, partial].y sub�rged ap�x�ment�.s, and that th�y at�e willitfg t,o grant
� ax�ee���r u�iLtty eaasm�nta. Mr. BarKlel �na�de s iooti� to reca�end approa� o�"
� propaaad Ri�r Lan� P1aL, co�tinpea�t u�t t.l» tollar�,s�:
l0 3Lreet dedicat3an r�nouitag rio�rth and aauth aaros� t.hs usatern port�an
of the�'o poaed River Lane P].�at and described aa foilowas Ths east
��► i40} �eet of Lot Fiv�s �5)s Block Oee (1), and t�s �eat t�enty
(20) feet af Lat Si.�c (6), H'lock �4ro (2)3 a71 lY'i�8 fa Elmsr Jo2�som�e
P�'oPeeed Ri.v�er Letje gddi.tian; also, t.i1s eaat t�enty (20) lest ot
Lot �rent�-fi�v�e (2�, Auditoar�a 3ubdiviaian �23 Reviaed, in ths S�
of Seatiean 1.5 0
2. Utility easemente.
3a Hnildir�ge to bo ersct�d on t�P� P�st ars to compS�y vith all atipu-
latiaa�a snd agr�emente m4ds a� pra�ious msstinga (Minn•Les o�n file,.
The a�t.i.o�t was seaonded by l�fr. 3himansld, aAd npoti being pnt to a vo't�, aarried
�animoual,y. Rearin� clo�ad.
�AS� RF�.: WIL%TAM l�. ��BF��ER
Thie ita�n was tablod, pan�.ng poasible correatio� o!' deacriptia� o�' eaas..
iDOtlto MT� W8g�1tT Oill CORlt�8o4► Ir!=`. Ba:g�er in rsgard to l�hia matiere
^ The meeting tiras aaj�mr�ea st 10:35 P.M.
Rsspsat►tully et�hadttsd,
1� Hape�2a
Reaord�g srcr�tuy
P7.a�ming Caa�i.es3.ap