PL 09/08/1960 - 30079r r� , . MzRU�Es �r�xna� ca�s�ox c��r� THURSDAY Septembsr 8, 1960 The meeting xae called to order at 7:� P.M.j by Chairman Ss�ner� xith Memm bera Bandel and Rravik� I�e I�ea Knntao� snd the City �tana�er pre�ent. REZONIAT(3 RDQnFST BY L. P. MARTIN • P[1HLIG HEARIlJG First� waa the coneideration ot a requeat by L. P.� Martin for rezoning frrna R-1 to R�3, I.flta 10 and Il� Hloak 2y T,rnro11 Additian to Fridley Park� in the b�?� oF Seatiw� 1lt. Mr. Martin ras p�e�nt to extolain that they would like to remov�e ths preaent eaisting building irosa thset lota and ereat a aevenaunit apartment xi.th outaide meaaurementa of ?l,?t feet by 31.1t feet, I2 atoriea high. He also st,ated that, as the�e lots had not y�st been aurv�ey+ed, he waa not +eertain oS th8 exact eise ot eaid lota. There xa�r no one present to oppoae thia reqweate There ass doubt aa to whett�er or not the area involved would meet the Iot eize raquire� menta. tdr. Kravik made a motion to table the above request, in order to check out the ratio of the buildiag area to lot area. The notion was seconded by :ylr, B�n4 del, and upon being put to a vots, Earrled unanimoualya REZONINt� RE7QULST BY T!lE G�DON IN9E.ST,'�NT COMPANY • CUNTINtJATIOId 0�' PIIBLIC HEAR- ING (A1XiUST 21�, 1960) � .�.,,� /�1 Thia was the conaiderstion ot a rsquest by the Gordon Investnent Compariy for � • rezoning from R�1 to R•3, the prcpsrty loaated north of 2+Iiaeiasippi Streat, eaat of Lucia Latie snd weat of C2iatmsl Roadi Brookviet� Addit3on, in the N� o! Section 130 T�e p�opsrty owners of ths area pa�ee�nted a notari.zed petitian oppoeit�g the abov�e reqtieat.ed reiaiingo Mr, Kravik mad�e a moLion to reoommend ti�at the abovs reque�ted rezoaiing be denisdo Thb motion Waa aeao�ded by Mr. Bandel, and upau beiz� put to a vote� aarrisd unanimoua],,yQ Heari� eloaedo REQUEST BY ACP.ES, INCO�tPORATLD FQR SPLIT CS� 1W0 LOTS • INNSBt�CK IST A,DDITION - � .. The Cormdaaion considered a requeat by Acrea, Incorporated to divide Lot i, Block 1, Ir�risbruak lat Addition into txo parta described aa folla�ras I'�r�t 1. LoL l, Bloak li Innsbruak let Addition, e�oespt the south 8$ feet, front st�d rear theraat. ParE 2. The ao��th 88 test, �ra� and nar, ot Lot 1, aloek 1� Innsbruck leL �ddi�Lau. alao� to divic� Lot 1, Block 7� I�cmabruok lat Additiazi iat�o tvo p�arts deearibed as Fo11oR+at Part 1. Lot 1, Block 7� Irm�bruak 1sL Additicn, exaept the aouth 76 teet; front and rear thsreot. �; Par�t 2. The aouth ?6 teeL� frout aad rear, of Lot Ir Bloek ?� Innsbruek � lat �dditim. All lying in the S� o! Ssetiae� 2l�. Mr, Johnaau e�cplained that thia request xaa ^2- bein� made in behalf of th� contractora� not the dev�loper; a1eo, that t7atterhorn � nriv�e �rill beconre an overpass leadin� to High�r +�lOQ� and t2iat e�llet hansa xould be more �uitable in thia are�a. He also atated that the nortian of Lot 1, Block ?, as described in part 2, abov�e� xould be increaaed to 80 leet in widt,h� to cmnply with requireiaenta for corner lot ai�s. ��. Les Knutaort e�cplained that lota had been checked, and that utilitq �e��ricea aan be pro�idsd tor eaid lotae Mr. Kravik made a�otian to recomaend that the above lot diviaio� req�eata be aaoepted� pravido ed that the Certificate of Swrvey meets the requirsmenta for lot �idth, length and aquare foat area. The moLian wae aeao�ded by Mr. �andel� and upou being put to s v�ote, carried unanimaualy. RE�ONING RF.QL'FKS'f BY ART VEIT •� ATiON � PU$LIC_f�EA�RIt�(3 �JULY_.I�, _19�� Next, w�s the further conaideration ot a re�cetin� requeat by Art Ve3t to reo $one from R•1 to C-1S, Lot 1 of the p�oposed Art Vsit Plat (LoL 15 of"�Reviaed Audi� tor�s Subdiviaia� �23), in the 3� of S�tioei 15e Mr. Veit vas not preaent. The Comr�ias3on atudied the information aubmitted by ti�e City Attornsy, and agreed that the above Iot ia inau£ficient irs aize requirsment. Mr. Bsndel macle a motion to re� coam�enct that the above re�onin�; raqwest be dsn�td. l�iro lCravilc seconded the motioty and upon being put to a vote, carrted unsnimoua�ly. Hearin� a2oaedo R•s3 REZONIPIG RDQtFL;�T BY 1!iE J& M COhTCTRtiCTION COr.'�IPANZ • CO'�TINITATION OF PtBLIC HEARING (AUGUST 18, 1960) ._.._ Thia was the furtiher cenaideration af a request by tihe J&�4 Cormrtructic� Com� par�y for rezonin� from Roi to R,-3, the xeat l�? feet of Lota 1 through �t incluaivrr, � and alt cr Lots 27 throu�h 30 incivaivs� B7.00k 16� ?"Lymouth Additian; atao, the w�eat !t7 �eet of Lots IO through 15 inclusive, snd a11 0! T�ote lb through 21 inalu� aive, Bioch 16� P'iymouth Add�tion; alt Iying in the 4� o= Sect.ioon 26e Mro Miller tiraa *�reaent to suplain that, in Qi.ew a� the addit3oaa2 Iand to lm taken by the State Hi�h�r Department and the oppoaitiaei to the p�ropoeed elev�a•unit apsrtment buildings, they xishsd to chan�;e thia reqweat and pawpoae lour-tamily d�sll.fngaa The property owners �rere dePinitelq� appoeed to this propoaal� ec Mre Mi7.�,er xith�� d�nr hie requeat for the abov�e paropoaed re�ae�itsga Heari� clossdo � R�QUEST BY. RpBERT WILSON TO Si1B]'IIpIDE LOT 2, AtmlTO��s stt�r3i�IVISION �39 �r r �r ■ r ��r.n.� r � ����r The Caanission cansicbered the�q ueat by Robert Wilaan to eubdivids hie por- tio�n of Lot 2� Auditor�a 3ubdivisioc� �`39, �yin8 3n the S� af Seatiaai �e N',ro Cart� wri�;ht waa pre�ent to axplain ho� Mr. jlilaon propoess to divida the abovs deearibed loto The Cocarnission �,raa uncertain a.q to Whether or not thia matter ahould be hanci- Ied aa a lot aplit or a replat. The reQivat Was tabled. I�1r, Wagner xill ci�ck wi�h the City Attornsy and the Couaty Surv�ey+a�, aa to paropsr p�ocedura of i�dl3rg thia tbqueata ADJOL'R,NMENT The r.�setit� va� adjournad at 9s00 P.Mo Respsattnlly eubmitted, Inas Kapals Rscord3� 3ecretary � Com�d.asiao � 0�`P'ICiAL POTICE CI?X �' 1�RIDL�S Pt�LIC � AEFOiiE T� PLANAII�K� COi�tI.5SI0N TO W'fi�'i IT MAY CDAC�It: Noticc � hsreby g3wa that thsr�e will be a Public lHea;r�� ing af the Plaimfng Co�iaaiaa af tbs City ot F'rictley i�a the City Ha�3. at 6�31 IIniv�srait� Avsau� N.Eo, on Thvrad�}r, Septee�ber 22, 19�0, in t,he Coua�oil Chsimber at 7:30 P,Mo, tor the purposs o!s Cmsid�sratiaa� at a nsst by Don iiarat.�,d for �� app�oval ot a th3rt��i toat vidr► asrvicu road ad�acsnt to th� sast ri¢ht-af�r o� Aigh- �a�r �65, ruruaiug south �row 68th A.enue A.E,, ta Lot si.0 (6) or ths Sscond R�rised Anditor�e 3nbdi�i.siao �21; lying in Lhs Aorth ons-halt (I�) or s�ctioa i3, T-30, A-2lt, At�oka Cout�r'EYs Minneaots. A�pror�s clseiring to be heu�d �ith relerenae to tho aburns matisr xill bs heard a� thia me�tiag. Publ3eha S�p�t,�nbsr 8� 1960 s�ptad�er 15s 1960 r� PLUL SEOI�R t�ElIB�R11I. CQ�IRK11H PT.AI�IItD14 CQ!lI9SIO�I