PL 12/08/1960 - 30086� PLANNING COMMISSTON MINiR'�S - DL*CS�BBR 8� 1950 Z'lze meetir�g was called to o�d� by Chairtnats 8�gnsr at 7:30 P� �t� M�mbers Present: Kravik, Ssg�r, Shl,minski, and City Mariage= Y�agner � t�emriers l�sent: Bat��l and Fontainao • � � • �, • • ;_,�:�iS!iY'_�:Y • �;�' 1 i �.i•_'� � • �' � The Planning Camaaisaiora diseussed tbia amsndms�nt at great lengt3�. witiz particular attentioa to Sectivt� S.Ca Mro K�cavik nwved tha�. t;he Pianning Co�nissiori recaoraeud, to the City Cou�cil, that this amrend� ment be passed with the CorraCtion in S�etio�n 5.0 to be tha� t�e area be les� thati 27,000 squar• fest, arid that the subd3vision con- taira not aare than two paresle. Ths motian was seconded by Mr� �himaxiaki. Upon a voice vo�Ce, tt��e being n�o r�ays, the Chairman declared tha motion carried. � � �, r • _� • , • �� � �. •:. ^ T�ro Jac]s Moore of statio� WAYL�-FM appoared befose the Co�aiss3onp and stated that since he had rsceiv�d pormissios� to place an antenna� anci a 10 x 10 transmittat structura rnn city property at the r�servoir� 4�e had b�en approache2i by people in Fridl�y su�ggesting that it would be nice 3.f th� station itael� were i�s F�cidley� Mr. Moore mad� at clesr to the Platusing Commiesia�n that the reaison he was at this �neet� iz�g was because he did not wa�t to petitl.or� for aAy rezoning or ar±y special privilege�s r�lative to locati�g tbo actual statiori in F� 3dle� g so he was here to fi,nci aut t�ha�k the P1aAntrig Ca�nission thought Y�e should doo He did not want to qiv� anycana thm idea that, no�r that th� Council had qranted him oue privilaqe, he wa8 going ta cant�.nue to ask �or nareo T�he Plant�ing Com�ui.seian suggoated that Mr. I�oare consul.t with the City Attorney to find out the various legal ram�.- fications of locating a statio� os� this epot, and the steps he should take to preset�t thia mattar to the Platsnil'lg Cotm�i$sion, and th� C3ty Councilo � �_-Li _ � \ � � i,� iY�`_ `.r� ti�� �Y yl� �:i � ��_r �, M � • 1 • 1, � i►. � • g'he Planning Comaaission discuased thia ozdi�ance, at saae length� having r�ad it previously, a�d thers �ras sa�s queetion raised about the wording of Item 8.5A2e. T'ht City M�aa�gar atated that the City Attorney w�ould be at the mseting on Decep�a= Z2ad, and that the�e ^ would be saae diatcu�anio�n oi` tbi� a�iinat� at this time relative to azsother matter, eo A� o Ktavik a�o�vo8 tAat oon�idaatio� of this ord- •� �aa�e� �� taxm� �.�? �.-:���.fS. D�eember x2, 1960. This �ion wa� �c:�;+�z���� a�r NLc n s�c�.��k�. ��Tpon a voic� vote, there baizig no nays, �.�: ��:.:�.�: -� ��� aecl�,���� �.Y:.e �u:�ior� carried. (� . / � . CONSIDERATIO�1 OF A LOT SPLIT �� 8Y H. Ci NOItMAN OF 6391 M�NROE ,�....�.._ '�1 STREET 1�IORTHEAST: _�r.�_...� �h� Cor�aission looke8 at th� ak�rtc� o� A pro�osed split of Lot 1.(�, and a11. of Lot 11 aaceept th� we�t 4� �Nt �o�t arid rear, Bloek 2, Moar� T,a]ce Hille Additio�n. Iti �as point�rd vut that a neighbor Y��a�ci asked that tY�s City noti$t h�t, if suC'h a r�queat w� made, s�.a�ce it appea�rs tiist ti�e d��ds contain� a r�sttictivs cavenant against placing more thaa ons p�maii� on theN lota. T'h� Cc�ctiasion d�s�- cusaed the City's rospaasa�,bility ralative to restrietive covenants, a�nd i� wa� decid�d that if a prop�r puiblic h.arinq were held, and the neiqhbors notiiiad, tho.City•8 sespo�eibility relative to the restrictive covenants wo�u].d be satisfiod, sit�ae �foroement of res�: �ctive covananta is et�a to tlse i�dividuala through civii �etion � �he Plarmimg Commissioa d�cid�d that th4 public hearing woul�I be set at the esrlieat Pl�anirig Coaa�aission date available. �U2JS ID�RATIQN OF AD1 Ai�ibil�lSDiT TO QRDIDTA�iCB DiO. 70. SECTION E o 7 s ___...,.�.r.._� �.. �i�he City Manager atated that t2�e City Atto�ney was ra�wording this proposal. �he Plaru�ix�g Coma�is$io�a took �o action o� txtis mattesp until the City Attoravy fiuiabeg with it. � �DJ�uRrtr�rrr: ��re being no furti�er busi�se, ChairmaA S�gAer d�clared the r�eet ing ad j c�urned at 9: �7 P. H. Respectfully submitto�: �3t1 P. WagA�r Actir� Secretary to the Ccaiaod.sai.on �`1