PL 03/30/1961 - 6722�
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7:3o P.M.
1. Approva7. os Plannsng coamdsasoo ffinut�s - Mat�ch 23, 1961.
2. PUBLIC HEARII�3: Camsideration aY a rsqnest by tiis f�rsat No�t.irsra Rai].x�y
G'0� 'CO TASGD6 LOt.9 7 j 8� %� �i� �� jiZ"fr 0� �� �ti �Ol"ri�161'II RS�.le
�r and Nart�hern Pacifia Rail�, all ia audito��s subditisian No. 789
sectia� 22, T-3�, Rr-24s �o� �Ys ��s � �-3 (8'�� �-
tiple dw�elliag) a� M-1 (light irduetrial) to M-2 (hea�y induatrial);
said ps�operty �urt�her deecribsd aa lying in a gsnsral arsa bordered o�n
th�e �reet by East River Road� on ths no�t�h by 61at Way N.E., aan the eaat
by Mairi Street and oan ths eouttt by Hi�y No. 100.
3. Considsratio� at a propoaed tuturs atrast la�yout �or a portiaa ot R�vised
Auditor�s Subdivisian #20; bo�m�led by Central Avmnw N.E.� Miaaissippi
Street N.E., 66th Av�euue N.E. and Arthm� S�rsst A.E.
lt. PiTBLIC AEARII�: Caa�aideratiat o�' an O�dinanoe ams�ding Otdinance Noo 70s
lrnawn as the Zor�ing Ordina�os, passed and adopt.�d Lhs 29�h day os Dscs�
ber, 1955, as am�ended to aats l�rsot, bs► hsrsby tusttMr a�mending eams,
^ as folla�re:
That "Sectia� 5.4 • Usea permitted and �oo].nd�d� "P� Distriott - Pnblic
Facilitisa Districte"� Subdivisiaaa A.T atd B.2� b� an�e�d so aa to par�
adt radia transmitter atatiana to bs locatsd a� pablio�y o�a�d pa�opsrtyo
5o Co�naid�eratiosi ot' a petitiou to tr�aat.� y7� Awrnr A.E.� at�at�tit�g at
2� Street N.E.� ta�eat to Main 3treet N.E.
6Q consi.deratia� of pa�opoaed lot aplft a! Lott 2 atid j, 8loalc 1, sandbm�at
Addition (Hart�man Cit�le • lva� Chsr'lss B• Joitemsao) •
7, Miautes of St,reets and IItilit3ea Sub-Coma�itta� ms�tit�g o? Tneads�y'
March 28, 1961.
s, Diatributioai or informativs material in r�g,�rd to rsooa�datia� oi
Building 3tandards Cw�i.ttee to adopt the Uaitorm Huilding Cods, ir�lwde
ing 195a sditioa o! Code.
P�UL 3�(iDTF�i