PL 11/09/1961 - 67270
7 `
November 9, 1961
? s 30 1'oMo
1. APPROVAL CS� I�]�ES: Regi�iar meeting of October 26, 1961d
2. RECFIQE MINUTESs Stresta and Utilities Sub-C�arnittee meeting
a o�v+�r .f; 1961. (Action needed for Itemm� 1& 2. Note
rte�, 7. )
3. RECEIVE MINUTES: F].ata and 5ubdivisioa�a Sub-�onaait'tee meetis�g
03�� er'i�"�.96I. (Action neecled on Item 1. See Item 5 of
thia a�enda.)
l�. PtTgLIC I�ARIN�3� (Cant�d froQn September 1li, 19b1 and October 1�.
� �.� — �w�vs s �,,cquaa� u�r isenavII .i.nveSr.ideuL l;ofApaAy LO Z°e�
�one , oc 2' Johnsou 9 s Riv�er T.azie Addit3oz�, f'rop� R=7.
to C-1.
^ 5. PREL�tINARY PLAT #61-27 - DON APDITION: The sam�e being part p�'
o , Au r s.0 v s on o. .{See �'lats and Subdivi�
sio�s mi�nutes of November 2' I9b1. )
6o LOT SF[,TT REQi7E�TS (Cortted. Yrom OatobeP 26 I961}: By La,z�=y
i an , s, ncorporate , o ep eac of Lota 1
through !�, including vacafi.ed Walkway in Blxk 3, Bennett Palrner
Addition, and split Lots 13 and ll.ts Blxk 13, Hyc�e Park Addim
tian, in the N� of Sectian 23. (h9D.00 fee Yor 6 lot aplita
not pai,d� as yet - no act3.on taken aL last meetinga)
?o BUILDINa T�ERI�IT RFQUEST: By Wachtler Independent 011 Compas�y
o erea $aso e sta on on Lot 18, Auditorts Subdivision
No, ?7. (73�5 East River Roado)
P1�g0 '�'O
T'LANNINa C(Y�A�SSIOAT I��ETINa - rdoV�34BER 9, 1961
�3. ItEZONIN(3 RF t�ESTt 8y Y�1ro Howard Crabtree to resone f'ro�n I�1 and
�o �� adjacent to Univers�ty Avenwe NAEe on the w�set
bet�eea� the eouth lir�e of Sectio� 31 and t,he north 13.ns of the
S.Wo � of "+eCtiou llo
9. ALLSY VACA1'ION - SAV -lls R�quest by tRre Paul Peterson (by leto
r o raaona�er vaaa on of the a11ey aormeat3ag l�6th and lt7th
Avenuea N.Eo� from 2nd Street to z�latn Stseeto
10. LOT S�IT REQUESTs By 4i].bert Saisar3ason (�ee letter) to split
�'i� 'Auc�{�'o'1 s', Noo 92, iaato eeven nar�els.