PL 03/09/1961 - 30091�
� : �����; t �'ytyl 't �:t �,.I:a:y �� t�
ldaroh 9, 1961
Th►a was called to o�dsr at ?:�,1 P.M•� by Qaairmim 3s�ner.
Present: Chairm�etn Ssgt�� Me�obers Hat�dsl an�d E�Cavik� t.tte City Mana�;er and ttns
CitRq �gfneer.
Absents I�4ea�bera Nagel and Thaapsaai.
Mro Kravik made a moti.ori to �pp�a�rs �ut.�s at t�r Februasy 23� 1961
mee�Lingo Secon�d�ed by Mr. Bandel. Upoaa a Toice �not�� thsrs bsiag no ne�ys, the
motion aarrsed unaaim�ua7y.
Thia was the coasiderat,iost a! s rsquest by t� G�sst Nort2yera Rai7.�rqy Comp�r�y
to rezo� t�aiZroad p�opsrty beta�sai Righva4y �1A0 at�d 61s� A�nuie N.E.� ea�t ot ths
East River Road� !'roc� R-3 to M�-2. N�. H. D. H4Y�s �P�seaa�t�ing t�s Rai].� Cair-
P�IYs gxPla�ed that the Northern Ptm� Camp�pr� o�arrs o! adj�aen� P�P�Ys are 3n
favor o� this resoni�g; also, that an industrial firm is inbsrsatsd ia Pw�chaaing
this land, if it ia re$onsd. A publio bssrirlg datA at Maroh 30i 1961 xaa eet Yor
thia reqweat, and by usanimous aonsea�t� all R•3 and Ii•l �arrd pocoperty eaeL at Eset
River Road� sout�h of 61et W�y N.E. ��sa� a! lis3�o 3ta�t and aorth o! Hf�ay #200
is to be irnclud�ed in this haaring tor iyso�it� to M�•�2.
Thia xas the r,sopeaaing ot a�r�qu�at by Mr. H. C. Normaa to aplit ai.l ot Lot l0y
and all of Lot 11 e�oaept the tr�at 1�0 iM�, t'rant atrd t�a�, ia 81pak 2� l�oore Lake
Hilla Addit3an; aai.d lota beine looated at tDs aorrrr a! Hillors�L Dr3vs $nd Wooc�y
r�at�s NaEo s]yin6 in ths N� o�! S�otiau 2Ji. • l�r. i1o�m�n twrisN�sd tlas p�s7iotro aatiaat
an this matter trith t�h�s Pla�ing Coa�sai�aR. R� eocplait�d t�fst he had beezi haepd-
talized_ at ti�e t,i�e Commiasioa Lst aat,�d ao tbis r�qu�st. Mr. Norm�r► atated
L�hat he viahed to split t,�ia lo� eqnd als•balt'� and t�tat h�s intsndsd to build a home
ior himselt, xhich vauld cost app�cocimat�lY �20�000.00 aat cos portiooqt� and asll ti�
reu�ainiAg Aort�ia� as ainother ha0seits. Tl�s smsllsr ot t�rar dro lota sfter hia
p�opoaed apli.t .�ronld be 90 � t 122 �. Rs stat�sd th�t hs had be�n ad*ised by his attor-
neys that thia p�opoaed eplit �noul:d noL violate t1� r�strl�� ev�ena�ate oP t�hi�
area. .Mro Willard Sahillipg, 1311t Aillorsst Dri� N.L►.� aPpest�d a8�inati thia re-
queat, He ststed that h�e, for oz�s� t�ou].d br3,na Ciiil Suib a�st t�ia a�ctiou, it
split w�sra atlo�red. He �urther atstsd t.hat is� ri+�i a! tbs hi�b tas�s beEing ps3.d'
he �felt hs ahould hav�e aome .prot,ectiort i`ro�► t.t� Cit�. Mr. W�r axpsai�wd that
th� City carwot enforce rest�iati�re aanr�ants; bat t�hst ths City doss not thess
covenants, either; further, that these co�renau�s ars s�s3otly a Ci�il mabtero Ths
Com�ission ur�animcus]y agrssd �i►at ao aotica shatld b� t�aio� a'i this rsqusat uat�f7.
the City Attosnsy submits s luling an t,b� ta�.ons i,s�al atrd p��oesdyral qv�se�io�a
� raieedo Mro Wagr�r atat�d t.�at ir �o�u�ld maloe �w� �ttoart to get a�tritt�n op3aic�
tram t�he City gtLa�asy, o� r�qnest t�l�at tbr City Atte�n�y b� p�satL at ti�s tieat
us�ti�g o$ �hia mattero Mro Kravik ma�s a motia� to oontinu� coaeidsratio¢� o�' thiffi
req�aest to the regular at Marah 23� 1967.o The nwtton v� aecond�ed bq
I�� Band�el and upon bsiag put to a voiq �t�9 oarritd um�nSmauslyo
Th�a Co�ad.ea3.o� nezt aaoaidered a p�opo�d etraeL IaprouL tor a portiori o! Re-
vised Auditor+e Subdivision No. 10, boumdsd by Central Avsnu� N.E., i?iaaisaippL
Street N.�. ��bt� Atrenue N.E. a�d Arthur 3ta�sat N.S. {(3otittia7.dt� Fbdv3n� st. al o).
,�tro .Braan, CitY L�Binsers l�suited a p�ell�nary sti�il dravi�g o� thia prvposed
street layout and ezplais�ed t.i�at he had erEudi�d ths history at thie area. Hs point•
ed _ out that a la�t area 1�esti ot Arthtrr 8t,rest vould nesd tilliag in ord,sr to put ths
pa�olaoeed �treet th�otagh to talae cars o� d�tinsgs and sewss ].ins� and exglaitzed the
possible aolutiowr o? otber drai�age po�obZem�. I�tr. Sd Qattarel,dt� o�ruer c� Lat 9,
atated t.hat he xould be Wl.11ing to ded3Aate his ehat�e taz a�aY P�Po�d atreet, and
that he w�ould lii�s t�o p],at hie P�'oP�Y as eoaia as posaible 3u aa��er to asll po�tiana
of it. Tha Cc�aiaaio� felt that it xovld be best t�o g�rE tho po�opsrty o�raera ot this
area togetiber and p�eaeat t.his p�opasal to t�h�. l�r. ILr�irik ma�dr a raotian to author-
i�e the City I3ens$er and the City I�git�s�r �o p�+s� �tlo�to?�ss snd notit'y the p�opeartY
awn�ors of a apecial meeti� a� Pablia lima�iag� tih3rohrro� i� lsqtuired� tca� Msrch 30'
Thia t�raa a caatinuat.iati os Die. J. P. ICi�.�y�s r�quse� to rssces l�na�n R�1 to R-2A
I.ota 7, 8 and 9, B7.oak �,3, I� P�ark sddit�SAn in t� 1i� ad' S�ot�3roe► 23, Mro vern
0°F?.�na�an, re�e eent�i� Dr. 1Cslly, stated ttsat t�r tAUld lila to havs all o! th�e3.r
lota ( Lots 3, 4, 5 and Lota T throogh 14) 3n Hloak 13, ��c Addi.tSoaa rsso�dt to
R-2. Becau� t�he Ca�iasiaz agr4�d t.hst aoaasthing aho�uld be � oa�t ta� thia
� area as a vhoL� 1+�. Kravilc mad� a t�o reaonrand t�at 't�he abovs rssaning r�
quea� be d�snisd. T!� mottm xas asoo�dsd by Mr. Hmd�l snd upon bein6 Put to a
vaice v�otss Qarried unminoual�. He�Mng olos�d. 1`� Commissf.oct dis4uassd t.l�e poa•
sibiYity o! C•2 sa�ing tor tha e�ti=+� Bloelt ],3� ae�i agresd t�ijat t�is migt►t bs the
moat �uitabl.e aolu�ian taa� t�hs ar�a. Mr. 0�Fl�tiagan atated t�sst he �uld aantact
z1r. xeuy a�a Ho�ne�► rauosr t,o ri�a out ,d�t tt�esr r�.u�gs mdght b. ca� c•a $o�tngA
rather than x•2, and repo�t beok to t.hs � Can� ce� thia.
After caretul stu�y and disauesian by ths Cammds�sioa ot popibi� td.S,A. �treeta,
N1r. Bandel mais a motion t�hat �dat�ian bs maw to d�sigoat�e West Moore Lake
Dr�tv�e and Quir,oy st�eat, tsain 61st Ars�us N.s. aia�g t.hs �sst aid+r of' I�toors Latos
dcwn to Higha�y #b5s aa a M.S.A. sfi�reeL in lieu at Main �t.t�est �'ro� Highvyr �100 to
57th Av�tt�e N.E.� and �th Av� N.T. lrpn Nai�'Stl�sst to ih�ivsra�tRy Averme N,E,s
ahieh �ectiana w�sre taken avsr bY t� Coue�Y lae�L Y�ar bY reaolut3cu. TY�e motiaa
was aeconded by Mr. Kravik and upon beiag put to a v�od�oe wts� carr3ed unan3moualyo
Mro wagi�er greaent.ed a lette� datsd Jauuary ]b� 19b1 fro� Msrrin Brunesll,
Fiaanae Director, an s�ggeat�ed p�io� baaia tor pa�k dspo�3,ts� aryd rsa�d a�ooarnt,a
fi�am Ll� Caunoil Minutes o�f Febrtisrq 7� 19b1� a�t disousRiOa� o! sams. Ths Coamd�-
s3.oa� discusesd sev+eral laat,ore oa t�hia m�,ttier� aams af whiab �: The pcs sibiliL
of induatrial p�arks !or indnatirial areaa; that oe�y oasb dae�atiioas ahould be a�cvept
n ed fbr amalt plata or Iot epsite� the eoz�aiderati�on o! m�ima� area aiss ].imit,a.�
t3.onsj that aome proviaioa sltou2d b� tor� to re�Ls�r t1�ee� park ra�a altAr eartisiu
t.ims periods, !a� ss•ssLablisht�t at �alt�a; poaeibi,� e�ldng aP alrea�r platitsd
�.��d so €� ne�b tc� cailect fes i�rios; sttd p�ooedvirse as !.o xhsn tee should be ao]1se�ed,
Bacau�e t.he Cariaiaaiast xanted n�as�e t3me to aa�3d�T tbsss taotoi`a, �he r.�atter waa
cout3uued to the Plantiing Cammis�ian meet,3aag at i�tbi► 23� 1961
� �r�i��iri �r��i�yw�
Thia item xas tablsd untii Ma�rah 23, ],961.
STA1'E WIDE PZA,�IAIlJ(� C01�'Eft'�iCE • 1�l4RCN 24, 1961
_ __.� _.�.�., �...,....
The Co�niasim I�e�abara �re �sd at f.his om!'a�lyale and t�he dats.
Thie �ra,s the cocaidsration a! p�oposed st.t�t vid�g a! ati 18 loo�t roa�d eaa�-
m�n�, f rom Eaat Riv�e� Rosd �Eo Riverrl,e�r Z'�rrap�� aloa�g ti� r�ostli sdgs of aahaol p�
P��Y iReviaed Auditaa��a Subdivirion No. ?7�. �s Caaaissim atad3sd t�hs ares a�nd
af' careful cansid�eratian� Mr. Eritt!]c m�ds a mo�ian �o t�eaaon�d that a right-oto
�r�y for a fifty foot road be aoq�lsed, xltti atta� b�ing m� !or eqval a�oquiaitiaa
wherev�er posaible� trom Riv+ervia�a 1lsrraoe eaat to ths Ssst Riv�sr Road aloag the norrh
edge o� school p�operty, aoincide4'i� xi�h tihe s�dsti.r�g 18 foot road. Tibe motit� waa
�eco�dued by Mro Baadel sAd upon bsit�g put t�o a troio� rQt�� osrri�d �x�ania�oua�yQ
� Thsre being t�o fus�her busiAeses Ci�ai.rman 3e�er cl�cl�red the mseting adjout�i
a� io:o5 Per�o
Respsottu7.�y sulaodtt�d�
Znss 1LapaU►
�B ���9
Pl�e�d� �oe�
/� �
MEN�O P'RO�Is CitY �ngiaser, Caltia a. &�a�a�
MEMO TOt Cit.Y M�naBsi'� Basl P. Wa�
SUBJECT: Prelimira:y Stn�r • P�poNd S�di�idm oR Lot 2, ffi,oak 2,
HaJ�sa Rivsr Lo�s
A Pa�sliAin�u7 i.m�sti�ata.oe► has bNti �r�4 od' atrNt gradss, sto�a
esw�er and asnitsry se�r and �oat�r sa�i�o� �a� Lo� 2�, B'loolc 2, Aa�es Ri� Lota
ot Wooc�y, et. al. A pstitiao i� oa !"ilr !or th� lolladn� 3apeo��asuts to be
conatrncted und�er asa�essa�sai p�oo�dar�s.
Sts�eet ara�a
aradea oan b� ussd ia s�ao�ss o� .5x aad thu� po�tl,�d� ad�qna'b� sv�r-
face draina� aai aapbal.t guttsra.
Stoa�m Sa�rer
At pressnt, t�he surt'aae xatsr xill d:'aia tNS� to th� uniap�orsd
atreat ciedicat3.on and t2w�» to tht riwr.
n sani.tarY Se��er
� Co�natock ar� Da�is, Coasna.'t.ia6 �iaMrs� are ourren't],Y 1�I�nB
p].ans and �pscitiaaLicam tor 8� Y.C.P� sanit.ary s� t,o oo�aasat to preeeut
aanitary se�er an the eaet s3�dt af Fasi River Rord at w� �ia eacistiag
aroasing aouth a! paropos�d a�ddit�iao. �
Ccmetoak and D�via, Cao�sultin� �� arr ovtrrsfl't�i„Y P�P�6
plans and�s �oa� 6p C.I. P. tAtter lin� snd 3�arg�er� lmludin6 fl,re �r-
c3raats, to coz�ct to s�ciating xat,sr main at 61st Wiqr tia etist3�g croesi�g
south of pa�opoaed additiat. •
Thia constr�t.ic� as P�'oPossd bY t.i�te plat wxier• as�eesmsat p�+ooe-
durea ta fessible from an �r3ag ti�point,.
The subdiviclsr, ha�w�s�sl� mqet po�o�id� an �as�at loor ]�'o�ad p�apo�e
av+er that portio� ot Lo�t 21, Auditor�s 3ubditisi.oa �?8, P�'s�'�Y �srtering
with right-af•wqq conaeotio�n 8t Eaet Ri.r�! Ro�pd�
This prelimin�9 Ps,at ia satidaatoa�y ttith t�ta cvndit�iat notedo
CALVIN a. ffiiC1M1X� P.E.
Oittiy �l�t
MAR 2 3 1961