PL 02/28/1963 - 7144�
✓ �.L .:._a
FQbruasy 28, 1963
�,Q I,,,.�- C,�►� �
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..�lo ,AP'P1�tW��RN�S: Platming ComoisaiAa aretis�g ��iary��4, 19630
�/ 2, �Pf1ffi.?C �ABItvG s BBZO�II�1G RIDQt�T ZOIA �6305. t�II.ffiTSD OP'P�tZONI'1?.88.
AD83, i�„0�: Co�n�sicl�,tati,oa oi a r�oaimg r�uest by IIalimit.�ci Opport�aai.tie�'"
ead Li113an Wo 8ut�ehiaeon �o seaaue from 8-1 es�.n�gio fa�.Iy d�oallit��
to.C�2 (ga�al basiswse aro�� C, D, Hutchineon's Additiaa �P,So �61-281 � yl�
I.o�s i�d 2, lying i.a ti� � o# Suctian I0, `Cp30, 8»24. Anoka
Conaty, and locatod �eoo�rally soutb of Osbaras �a►ad aad Bast ai Bas
Rl.var B�oado (S�e Citq Coun�cil Mtm�eos of F�bru�a�zq 18 1963) �� �'8�
�Ssa 8tx�+t�a 8 i�tilit�es �tt��o.Qomitue�a l�ti�4g Fab. 11, i9�3)
6 C�iBI�A'�'tO1iT �F PQg82RLB ORA�T�B F� �ITILDII� ffiBVATIO�I ,_,_C ,�.: �
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Pl�ing Caeoomisasoa�
Page 1
Item 1
� � The Meetiag was called to a=der by Chairmsa Kxavilc at 7:45 P.M.
80LL CAi.�.: Meo�bsrs pr+esent:. �avik, Thampsan, Ben,S�l, Nagel sad Jahansvuo
Others pre�sent: City Msaager We�gner �ad City Sbgiaees �rawno
1 o AL P�IDTa'S OF SION 0�' JAN�A�Y 24 1963 s
t3�on by Mr. Naga1, sa�caaded by Mr. 7�ampsan, Co approve mitattes
with tlse fallaai� ahange: �tavise wording of Item 8 by replacin$ word
'�groupr' with w�sd "CO�np].6x"'' Cstried.
btian by Mro Jahaason, secanded by Mr. Nagel, to teceive ti� misuutes
oi th� Streets amd i�tilitiss Sub-Cananittea Qf flebruasy 11, 1963a Cazrf�edo
3 0 88CBIV8.,,,_M�NDTSS, O�F PLllTB AIID SIIBDI�tISIt�4S �TG OR� � 13, 1963:
tion by Mr. 3ohansoa, saconded by �. &agel, to receive the miautes
of the Plats and Snbdivisians Sub-Caa�aitt�w ce��tiag of Febsuary I3, 19630
�s�s� �.i, �.y�3:
tian by Mro �o�pson, sc�conded by 1►Sro Johaasan, to receiva th�
mt:urt�s oi the Zartcs aad Playgrvunds Sub-Camnittes mseti�g af Februarq 119
1963. Garuiedo
°� U
�ON AD�I'1'EO�Qs Coaeideratian af a sezoning request bp tialimi�ted
OpPozb�mitiias aad Lillian W. BuCchiason to r�zone fsam 8-I. �sit�gl� iamilp
YIM����y W V�fi tg�81 YY83iiYD� $`�, C o �O ��iii��Yie 8�W.i�L{7i1
(P,S. �61-28) 1.ots I aad 2, lying in the NS� of Sectioa 10, T-38, 8-24,
Aswka CauaLy, Stata of Mina�esota, sad locattd gaastally eouth of 48bos�e
Boad a�d East of Bast River Road.
The Stre�te & IItilitiss Sub-Comnittee, at their F�bzuary llth•msetiug,
hsvs aslc�ed the Citp �ngiaser to psepase a strip map of Bast River Raed fos
a etudy of ��hois traffic probiem alaatg this highway.
Mrs. Rolend Aadstson aad l�rs, De�mis Gus�aa�od waze psesente Mxao
Bolaad Andersa�n stated ttiat sh� wvuld �aot ob j�t t+4 the resoaing if sh�
cauld be sssursd that hez psapozty ecross th� str�t could be re�oa�d
co�mmsrcial e
Mro Na� Aadessaa, who lives acrose the asit �s'am t3�e gas statiaa,
sinceralq urged that tha raqueet be cienied. in his opinion, th� traffic
� baaard would be greatly in�reased, ths bright 1l,ghte irc� the statiaa
- bvttLeac the reaideats, it �nld opea up th� �ea to �mdes�,reablQ bus�sses,
Page 2
Item 1
�.'e�;ea 'i�CA
Platm3u.� Coamiasi,on Meetin� of Febrnar,�,14 , 1963
� and dawngrade tha 8reao
�i.� :.
Maco Ted Brck st8tad hs "go� aloag with DTosn�n �Anderscn" and is
ctinc�rned with tbe tr�e,f�i.a pzoir'Yes�
Mr, Gould was pseseat aqp�d in favor of tha resaaingo
Mre Mix, rapresa�►tin$ Wac,htler Oil Co�pa�ny,�tied th�* weze williLng
to d�o whatever esn bs doa� L•o atleEViate the trai� har�arde He stated
that, so far, tha Co�,at�y has p�t $4,900,00 in thd �ervice roade
I�to�a Mr. Banc�el _entered �t this �.
I�ot..ion hY Mro Tt�,r�amp$on, secoaded by Mro 14a�ge1, tct defer �eques� for
furtbe�c studg �tnd coutinue We hsarin,� until th� ae�ti m�eetistg. ifpon a
voics vote, a�.I votiag ape, tha mutiau carrisd un�nim�osi�sly,
I19C. s R�azone fraa M-1 to M-2, parcei of Iaad twrth of ?�7tb Way Na$.
bo�d�d �bg East $ud Wast x/W of t�reat No=ttiexa B�ilxqed:.�ampanYs gPPx�i°
mnt�lp'3.88 a,creso
Mra S. Pearson an.d M�. W, H. Hiaily ��re pze�sento The Camm3seian dis-
cussad the raqueet to ch�nga to M�2 ia vie�r of the agreearent that the
proposed use�is abie to us. the 1�Pe�Y uadsr ite pre�►eat $oning,
^ � by �, iQagel, secoaded iry Mr. Johanson, to elose the hear�g
and sacaam�md tbe apprwal af thie z�aanix� requssto IIpoa a voice vote.
ali votios aye, eu�aspt Zbco �aadal aad l�a Rravik, who abstainedo Motiaa
_a�e�uurr°b_��s smne �as�g a rap�.at o�c the iQorth ].ZS' af the Sauth
1S0 �acspt tha 8sst 180° of Lct 7, Auditor's �ubdivisiaa ¢92, lying Narth
of 60th Avea�s N.B. and West of E�mjsmin StrOet Iying in the NS� of 8-2�,
S-3Q, x-24, Coun�y of Anoka. (Itiam �7 aa Ageada)
�ro Sem Uslbetg sad Mr. Gilb�qct Satcazissoa �7ce preseat as jafnt sub�
divid�ss. Th� Caamaission n4ted th� small sednctian in 2ot aidths fro�
mm�osl s�aqufsemrat and ag�raad that the asea pr+QCluded prwidfug esact
� by Mr. Jal�aeos�, �ond,ed bp �tra Bsndel, to close the he8ring
snd s�aca�ad appsvval of this akatch as a prel�mia�ary piat. ;Tpon a voice
wte, sll voting aye, the mctioa carri.ed uaenimous%o
isesng a sep�.at o� �t z7., Auditor's Sisbdivisit�n �92, lying North of Gard
�area�ae aad West of Bsujaffi,a St. N.B. and lpis�g in ti�s � of 8-24, T-3Q,
8w24• (Item #8 Oa A�mada�
� Mro and Mrs, Co S, Lill�mem �asre prssent and statQd ttieir appositlAa
. te the prelimiuery pla�o Th�g wers oF the opinian that ths draiaage
Page 3
Item 1
;�:.4.,;y : �ti1��
Pis�ni,a� Caa�mie�ioa Mastti, a�, af $,ebsaas9 I4,,,.19b3
� and utilityrr easem�nt,ae shc�m a�t the plat, would ba 4t�sed for a roa�, �n�d
� t1�y felt Che haif t�.dth street dsdicati�oa to the raar waxld forae th�an
to provide a d�edicatio�a £s+c�m tt�sit lot in the iviais�o T�ap ob ject to a
zoad a� this t3me, or anq time in tha ftttute, as thay %I it wauld be
datsimeatal to thair propertyo
�r. Gesald �r, of Caewell �io�ri�, 7�c., saps�sontad Dwellingaq
Motioa bY �co Thvea�son, aecacd�ed try Mro Johsaso�, �o recoa�roend that
this hesring be clesaed and acaept this sl�etch, aa pr�seated, as a pre�
Iiadaa�y p1aCo IIpo�a a voica vot�, sil voting aps, the motiaa cstriQd
u�mitoau8ly o
8, 2� �P'88TATI�N �Q,D841'� SY S& M DiiiStAPl�Nr C� Sp�cial tiss
Foxmi.t gor L�ts 10, lI, 12 and 13, 81ock 2, �iae Cretk Plaza South Addi.t�aao
Thi.a is aoae�d 8-1 (siagla imnfly �relliug) bv�C tha�y waat to build d�sble
bm�galovs r�itl�oat sezo�aing, i.f poasibieo cltemt #14 oa A,geada)
The Co�iasian e�plaiwsd �isat these is n� spec3al us� permit for
bu3.ldlsxg double b�un�gslowa on 8-1 zox�ed land, Th3,s prob].am involves
se�oningo No aatiran c�a tak�no
inga a2�ae, aide hy
esida�es ahall he
psrn�itteae �tte�
aL•op the othe�co �-3;�. ia vhich sons r
clr�sllings alr,me - x�o othe�c uses to ba
ch xane rssiden�ee
eic�e and aot oae
li�.ted ta mu�ltiple
�G am �enda)
�!� by I�ra �so�n, sec�onded by Mra Baoadol, that the p�ubli� hserin�g
be cloaed Bad co�cur soith �iie fisst zeadia,g of th4 Ordiaaace, i o e. with tiie
• eliminatien of ao=ds "nultiple dwelling groaps"o Uppxt 8 voiCe vo�es t�.tl
voting e,ye, fih� m�tiAn carriscY u�snimmus 1y o
. � �Li�:Lir � iiiC ai�Jl4iili0Yii� �� � �• �1� Wfi� iiL�i ���i�°..
hearing be closed, that th� pzoposed ordin�ce bs t�comaead�d for approval,
amd t�at pasagtagh B"Sectioa 5.35 - tEsas Permitted ia 8�-3M" �hall b�
chaAg�d to read '$•3�A", aad tbe toorda "awd Dw�slling Gsa�p$°1 sisall b� delet�d�
IIpen a voic� vota, ail voting aqa, tu� moti.o� c�rsi�ed un�uimo�sly,
» L S - : Lote 8 and 9, NW�c a£
Socti�oaa 3, Auditos s Bt�bdivisi.a�► IO�. tem #9 aa Qg�end�ai
Sin�ce the csr�ificets'o� susvery► wss aot ready, u,� on� tioas preseat aad
a� aation vse tak�no
rawrwisu rnuu --�.ra.a �.a�s ���uvr nt�u� �u.r�u iwr,�� einu sti���aaursi �vtse� �
3A�itSTT b I�AN'L D�V7�LOP� COo :�Iteaa 12' on 8geoada)
t a:73andsl- �-s saconded by MtaSoiist�aor�o Canc�t�r in the 8tre�ets
aad IItiliti�s Sub-Co�ittea rec�adation s�a#erred to on 3t� �t .
of tha Fabsvary Ilth Mirnatesa Mutivn �o r�ae:o�m�nd v8aation of C6srles Sto
^ 8ubject to 1) R�rlocatian of sto�m sewer iu new s1�t aad pravids ae�m straet
aloQg aorth adg� of thi� psop�sty. 2) Coacwcrqanc� by School District �14
af total 50' �idth str�et Bl�+t alaa,g nos�th ed,g4• of d�velopmaat �d eutira
aattt� odgs of school propeoctyo 3) Pzovid� ao��.ating SO' 3/i� along e+s�at
Page 4
Item 1
��.�;�: �vu�
Pl� Coamiseioa Maetfn� of Fei�rua„�` 1963
edgs of P�P��^9 G�► Ava�us). tipo� a v�ica vota, all eoting aye, �1se
mot�tta aitrtied u�an3matzslp.
Z' «��w :{: � � � .,5� , c�-
�_ r' :i_x rH: 1! ;�� ,. : �, R
� by Mr• TllE�eOil, Bec000d�ed 'b�i Ms'• Nagel., t0 ceacur % ia t�1n
Streota and IItilitiAe Sub-Coa�nitts� zeconamaadatioa rsfe�cr4d, to aa It� �r
in t�s Febsvary llth m3, s�o�tioa by �c. H�rriB to z� I j A 30 �
pablic cisdi�stion and i�ov�d soavice road gs�om T3rd Avenus N48. (esteaded
or�at) and 4sborna Road alaa�g the aast side of Esst Rivsr Road. 2) A 20�
�rfac�d private driv�way to Osbo�me �toad adjac�ut to the Railroad 8/t,T
aad ea�t�nsting a]+o�g the s�ar of eammereial ao�ed p�aoprrtq. 3) Conetructivn
of s�equirod stosm ae�r+ra�t pipe at owa+s�r°s eapease. Upon a voi�.4 vo�, all
votin8 aye, ao�pt Mr, Ban�del wlw voted szay, ths motLon caruiad.
i3 o pso�san �r.�e ssw�a � o,�,�ss��: Ctr.� �io on ��aa�
Tt� Carm�i,esi�an discussod �at ivst�q� st4ps �e Citp cauld teke to
Frataat the par2to
�btioa by Mro Johansou, sea�aded lxy Mr. Thaa�saa, to coaeur with
Item #S of the minutes oi Straete 8 IItili�ias gub-�Comnitt�a: M�ttc�a bp
Mr. Harris to raoosr�d that tha �ity s+equ�st alt�rnaCe cost� of relaca-
tiroa outside of Perk �par�d with caets o£ ti�ht shseting thxu tbe perka
Upon a v�oi�a vata, all votis� aq�, the natiaa carried v,n�i�rusly,
140 �DSB� By (�O�Gg W�s (It�m �II oa �tmda}
Becacise this was an inquiry af genaral aafi�re and nat gor specific
usn, no sctian �nes talssmo
�5� � A�i+i�1T IN SI�:T7�0� 5.t3 �F �iD�B �70t Gonsidaratiaa ai
passibla c1�gQ ia Sectioa 5.8 of Ordiaunce 0 bq iacludi� in Sec, 5.S
t.he same �clusioa ss fova,d in 5.7890 (Ita�m #13 ia Ageada'
ihis involvee oliimi�neti�g reilroad pards aa�d samdhous�s �rom �2 as
�11 as �I,
� bY �� �P�� s�eoaded by �r. Bendel, ehat eha Pieumis�g
Comrmiasioa seco�end that the e�cclusioa fauad ia 3 0 789 be isrclud�d in
Sactian S.8 of Ordi�anas �70. Dpan e vo3ca vots, a].1 voting aye, �e
m�tiost caracied unenimons Iy o
±S'L�AIDs See Park$ aod Piay-
, i96 o cl�em #15 an �eade)
�,3o�a b9 Mr. Tha�mpsou, eacamded by Mr. Johansan, that � Pla�aiug
��� �� P�ese of this pr�psrty at ths 2owemt possible
f�,g�+e, ead con�re in the recomme�adetiAa of th� Paske sud Pl,apgro�,d$
S�b�Ca�mittes that tha Ci�y pusrbas� th� NgP Ysiand, et the bast possible
gigut'e. IIpan a voi�e vaCe, alI voting ay�. the �m�otian carri�d amanimd«slyo
I7� �•. � SPLI? �.5. #63Q23 F �: x,ot 5-C. 2ad Bevisian of
Pago Five
Pl� Ca�m�issian Mee�tisu� of Fa��uazv 14�,19b3
Auditor°a Subdivisiaa
C�o�omittea Jana�ary 22,
b�am Pfatr.e SLSast to
(ifi�m► 416 on Agenda)
�Z1, 8�eferr�d by Plate and Sabdiviaiang Sub-
1953 Toith saa.o�mo�adatioa ou aast�st stra�t
I�cia Le�e ta Streeta � Utilitirw 9ub-CoIImitte�
M�M t3aa by Mr. Bandsl, secoad�d bq i�ra 14aga1, that �he Plannia�g
Coa�issiaa con�us with Stri�ts � Dtilities Sub-Co�anitt.oa to contiaa�te
road plaa of 66th Streat �lucia Lene to Pierce Strae�t�. tipan a voice
vota, all vatitxg ays, the moCian aarriad tmaaia�tsly.
r���� s�: .. Jr, �� ��� ���
ffiro Johaason s�aquested tt�t etudy be msde relative bo anitipie
d�rs].ifn� grouPs and tt� les�aer Iaad area raquis�nts for eaid groupe,
aa�d alan nesd for ardina�ece to require ces�tain a].rvatio�e ia relatian
to soed grada for ae� stYU�sture�. Mr, Wagnar a�lvised !!!re Jol�on that
ha �iould iLav►e scm�e s'aco�amoa�dations ae the neuC P]�anning Conmiseton
These boing uo iurther buainess, �ha,ismen Rravik adjournsd the
nw�ting at 11:00 o°clock.
R�spectfully suboo�itted,
��:� C:✓ G�.i':.�'.e�•�►.f
e�el 0' Sr�an
8eco�rdiag secretary
Page 5�
Item 1
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Unlimited 0��`tuniti�,�
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Excerpt City Council Minutes 2/18/63
All members present.
Page 6 .
Page 7
Item 2
reloteQ to the City Council the ihinkin� oP tlu Planning Cae�iesion re�ardtng
�� atr2etB, reiocatians, etc. He etatefl there ti�aa a problem of accaae to �he
ie3,and, street�, park cc�mittees end school idene thet bave to be aettkd.
Mation by Johanaon to receive the ebov� report end reto�aoendations Prom the
Planning Co�iasion. Seconded by Wo2ke. Upon s voiee vote, there D�ing nd
naye, the IDotion carried unaniaausly.
The City Maneg�r gave tbe City Counail a full e7�cplanation af the eDo�e stttet
eccess problem. He ai�o rel�ted thle vas ti�e property Where �he City CouneiJ,
had renewed permit whtch would expire l�inrch 31st of ttiis year and Which wonld
be up for renewal. The P].aruiin�r Co�SesionY�ed reaommended a 30' public dedi-
cation and im�caved service rood from 73rd Ave. N. E. and Osborne Roed elong
the east side of East River Road, e 20° surPac�d private drivewey to Oaborne
Road adjacent to the Railrosd R/� and e�ctending along the rear o� conmerciel
�oned property and conetruction oF required storm sever pipe at os+ner'e ex�ense,
Mayor l�ee reieed the ;question of roed ar►d its need Dy tbe railroad tracks.
City En�,*lne��r Brovn stated this aould De a private drive to relieve the trafPic
problem. 1Nir. i/. M. Na�el of the Plannin� Coem3esion requQSt.eQ the P�,00r end
st3ted that a restaurant is planned !'or Lhet perticular carner in tne future
�nd another Yiliing station North of existing station ie a1BO plaaned. There
would tieve Deen tratfic to Yeed back into East River Roed and it was the
oDlnion of ttie Ceo�iaeion that if e p�ivate drive were conatructed, tratlic
could be fed D�ck to Osborna Road and ereete leea of a trarPic hezexd. The re�
� zoning for the other property had been deferred becsnee the people eekin� for
it, Mro Nag�el 8aid, had aot appeered at �he Planaing Coamiesion txeting. Opon
quee�ioning by pdayor Nee with re�srd to the burdtniug of p7esent oWners xith a
roea, Mr. �JaAel explained City ahould, in any event, have at 3eest a aervie:e
soad in the front. The City P�Ianegar atated thet Wachtler Oil Compsny had said
they would make any chan�es necessary. 1�Ia.yor �Jee stated be would like to have
x,atter returned to the P],nnning Ca�ission. Councilmen Johsnson auggested se•
ceivin� report f�o� Pianning Casmiesion and ho3Qing in abeyence. Th�e City
Manager explained the County had agresd to do the right a�m�uzit oY blacktoppin�.
City Fn�ineer Brovn expleined aree, drivcway, etc., end oWaer baing grented
permit for e filling station on the North lot. He Baid a service road alon�
East R1ver Road ie to be attet�ed and if this area is �ompletely rezoned, the
rear drive�ray would go oll the way along the commercial Loning. It would atill
be advieable, i�e etated, to have a eervice rotid up to Oaborne Roeid. l�tteyor tlee
atate8 this was al% extre�neou8 to �ivin�, Wachtler 011 Co. e license. Motion by
Johaneon to receive the reco�ndations frrnn the Pldnning Camdiasion on street
accesa problem of Wachtler Oil Co�pany. Seconded by Sheridan. Upon a voice
vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimovaly.
The City Manager atated the Pianning Coa�mission had recoonnended the City re-
que�t elternete cost of reloceting the ebove outside the perk area campared
with coet of tiaht sheeting throu�h the park. Councili�an Jobensan stated the
� City Council should talte a�ore stern etand, they'�hould reco�nend they don`t
want the NSSSD run throu�h the perk regerdless oP �?�..are t2tey would locate it�
�?t�ge �»�
a��+ «�d..�S: f6.,i �iZ:�L 4J4.fL.4.�1.�.�+ff'__�idV�"'Y4/dili7Ltl.6.a.V:S�' ��.'�+4i.1 i��� �+.+w�.r�
- — — � �i �% iT'ilrs
Page 8
Item 2
for tbis area, and dafer action oa tlif.s piat until '6eari�g datre. G�rried
✓� Sub�imousl�p.0 �LZgTnv,cy,Dee l�u� �'B�cBialey8 Ls�osside,�75�15� Onaa' ��ditoz's
L os � i
S. F,
Srenseag � Fi�rk�
The Camnixtea s�udied �he problem of traffic coatrol aad use of lancl
directiy iavolving Wachtler Oil Co. sud psopoaed davelopomeat �utchinsc,a
et al. and posaibis futu�e coam�ercial d�esrelopme�nt at aad nagr Osbo�rne �taad
aad ��ast Aiver Boad intetgaction.
ti.on bq �. 8axrfs tA r�cc�ead 1� a 30' public dadica�ion aad improved
sesvi�ce� raad fra� 73rd Aveaue N.S. (e�t�ded w�st� �d Oaboxae Itoad aioag
ths east side of Bast giver &�aa,
Z) A 2Q' surfaced psivate driva�aay to �borns 8oad adjacaat ta the Sa
lt/�1 aad ea�tendi�g alor� Chs rsar af eo�ascfal zon4d property,
�i Cos�Bttueti�os� of 7caqutzod stozm sewies pipe 8t ow�eYS' e�tp�seo
�ied uaania�o�uslyo
5� iQ 8�i8R�A_ I,L BBVZ�T 0� BAST 81V8B BQAD PB�OBI,SM; (See itemve 2� 4)
The Committee sequ�eetad ths 8�gin�r tcr p�,avids a atrip map of 8ast River
8oad faz traffic problem �ad s�see� str�dy,
�� -� S� N B� l�WID�B) : C81�AY LA� TO ��94.
tia�► b7► Mro Sasris to dofar a�cCion for �isld studyo
��:�, : � 1 t�}: ►;: �j r � y � ,
-:...L� � �• �=1''�B �O �A�@! 8Ct�071 f'�ti1' �1tt� 8t.12djTo
On�sniwously carriedo
: B�efesred hy Plaanis�g
T!� Co�itrse reviaw�d plsn �nd ptofile coasL,sue�3�aa dzaw#s�gs made availabie
by Midlaad �2�mts of tha iat�rcept�rs located 3a Fridlsye �hese pZans
BPP�rad to b� fa el�ape to pe�mit taki�g bidso
The Ceumuitt� discus�sd psas and aang of routiug this se�ex thsu thta pro�
Pos�l Lock� P+srk.
t3,oa by Mr. liarsis t.�+ r�d �hat tha CitY saqtier�t altetaate costs of
sol.oaatfaa autaide of park cca�ar�d with rasts of tight Bh�ating thru rh�
Feotk, Ca�zied t�p�ly,
Conncil asks Fri lep s plaus for o�•�- �w cu�=a �IGI�Se Col�mbis Hts,
43rd Aveaue sad vhai�r o�t su�t thsse�� 2d be th �'orth af Avea�ue to
ro�gh atrestae
�„ by �iro IIsrriB to defer for fettthhss study. Ca�cri.Qd Uaaaimously,
�ettng adjonsaed at Ss45 P.Pi,
���aG� t�uZ�lp eu ted,
CALV�1 G, $$4WN
Rscordi�g Secretary