PL 05/23/1963 - 7150^
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torm s�er
MAY 23,_,�„l.963
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L�iB REC�Ti4N C09
5 � PLATS AND 3iJ]
ZI, 1963:
�b1em a ,�
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�rm �rc8a
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Sb��� No,
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I-v�•.� '4- b`�1
� LOT _SPLIT IbRIIiBY s 80�i6L_, D_�ENGB3� - L.3a �i3-14s iats
8 and '�, Biuck l, Spri$g ]'.ake P�rk Lakesideo {C te fram
�q 9�h • slcetch xwC avni.�:able) o (J?�- � � „� �.
. �
(�.�/LOT SPY.xT UIHY• F. F. P03LI8N HQ�S II� L S �6 ],S:
Lo� 5-C, 2ad �.evision �ditar s Subdivision 1, encept W„ ° �j�
ta'�ea far Iuci�a Laas, (Coa�tinued frama Mep 9th meeeing, j �'a �.(,�5+s
C.3� �(�T' SPLIT B13QU8STs i�O�tAI.D F. SE7C� - L.S. �63I9: Lote �Z, 23, 1(�
24, B1ock I3, Plqmou�h Add.�tiaao See ueinutes of Plats & Sub-
d sioa Sub�Coamittee atieat�.ug of May 21sto ��.r-R� ��� �
o LOT SPLIT HI�Q�fS3T : G$6tAI.D BBTfANO AIdD 8AR8Y PO�LL - L o S,#632 f} : G,a'ucu.r ��l�
S�a �nimitas a� Plats c� 5ubd�.visions Sub-C+o�mittee of M�y 21ato
ia� �;c
�� F tr
�� .
May 21sto
i Subdivisioas
.,.� i� �3
P.S. �Z�.L7 �
dSiiJ.�)..tfi�{�°a siV�i.� j�iW .�� saY�L.1.Wl.•�i �MW.Yli��� 71'�VOo -r747C: ----
�=�u�sa af Plats �nd Subdiv3.s3.A�s Sub-Ccmamiteee me�tting af
� �Ist, �Can be set �£ar �une Z3, 1963.)
PBge 2'r�o - AG�NDA
Plamx Coton�l.ssion i�ieati - 2 1963
She�� �T��
14 e S�ULE C-0P' MEETINGS : 13
Fi �
I I ��= i � � \�a � � I
J �'••_=� � ' �i�l-__ J
' Planning Co�nunission Meeting �
�i May 23, 1963
�,� _-� � -�
PL' �iNl�'i1�iG COT4LLSSION MSST�AiG OF MAY 9, 1963 :
The �eeting was called to order se 7;45 P.M.
ROLL GAiLo Members presenti: Rravik, 3ohansca, Bandel, Thomgsan, Nagelo
Also preseat: City l�Tanager Wagaar, City $ngfaeer Browno
Matian by Mra Bandel, seconded bp Mr. Johanson, ta apprave �1ze
Minutes.of t}ae Plaaaing C,oumission Mseti� of Apri� 25, 1963o Upon a
voice vate, all voting aye, the mQtion carriedo
Mution by Mr, Thomps4n, second�d by Mr. Baadel, to recei�ve the
Miautse af the Jo3nt Meetia�g of the Fridley Secreatinn Co�ni�tee and
Par%s and Play�rauada Sub-Can�aittee m+ae�ing oiE ApriZ 29, i963. 1�pon
a voice vote, all votin�g sye, tlye mntian carried,
Motioa by Mr. Bandel, secanded by Mr. Thoa�paan, to receive the
� �i3nutes of the Streets and Otilities Sub-Committee meet� �f
May 8, 1963. IIpoa a vaice vote, all vatiag eye, the mst�on �arriedo
%ot$ 1, 2, and 3,
, Sprimg Braok Park Addiician.
Mro Muea and Mr, Larsan were presento iot split f�e Qf $ZSo�O was
ps:Ls� at this ti�eo
M+�tion by Mro Johaason, seconded by Mra Bandel, tl�at �he Planning
Ca�nmissioa reco�nend to th� Gouncil that th� lot split intto t�wo e�ngle
f�ily c�welliug sites be granted with waiver of Zot depth, �re�s and
s��bacic requirem�ats. Upon a voice vote, aIl vatiag sye, the motion
car�ied unaaimcrasly.
S o F,�ZONtNG REQUEST: G808G� N(yRTti1V, ET AL. - ZOA �6312 : Auditar � s
Subd:ivieion 89, Lots 2, 3, 10, 13 from 8-1 to C-1: Lota 13, 2,
3. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 4, 11 from 8-1 to 8-30
The Plaaniag Co�mission se� the date for the 1'ublic mf
the rezoaiag requese for June 13, 1953�
6, LOT SPLIT IN4UIRY - 1HItS , BAY 0, COR.LII�.S (L, 3,�`6318 ): NorYh oae th irc�
pASt of Lot 4, Auditor°s Subdivieion �108 (200as20Q°),
^ Mrs, �ollins was pres�a� and iaquired about a proposed streefi on
, �he west side af the lot requiriag a 25e dedicaCi�n, IC was explained
� P�e �
P1aan�,u�Coamission Msetin�,iMav 9, 1963
- that the prnposed street �attern has aever be�s r�fiEicially adap�edo
l�ts, Collitts ssked if thre� lats 9AeR100°, g0eK1Ua° snd 85tx200°
wovld bQ acceptable, The P].a.a�aing Commission cancurrec3 ge�zeraily
in th3.s ultimate eolutf.ono Mrso Collins wae advi�ed ta submi� a
suxveyores sketch shvwing the propased lot spli� ta ti�e City Enginee�
before the next Cauncil msetiag of May 20, 19b3, $15000 fee,
Mction by Mro Thampsan, eecanded by Mro Baadel, �o approve ithe
split to pravide one lot 85's200B and the ather 10� 1Z5°x200a to
allc� �ar future 25' stre�t dedicatian oa �he west side of the west
2.ato Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the �otian carried unaa3mauslyo
6 o I.OT SPLIT INQUIHY : KONALD EHGESET�. s Y,ots 7& 8, Blaack 1, Spring
I.�,ke Patk Lakeside. L.So �63I4o
No oxur was preseata B,�ferred to next m�estix�ge
7, LOT SPLIT Il�QUIRY - F. P. FOSLTBN IiO�S , INC o L. S,�6315 s T�at 5-C,
Secartd 8evisf.on Auditor's Subciiv3sioa �21, �ccept �e�� 33° �aksn
for Lucis Lsae. �
, Because no oae was present to repseseaC the irzqui�ry, th� item� was
referred to the next Planr►ing �aa�aLs�ian meetimmg of May 2�, 19630
3 o L�i SPLYT INQUIRY e� 66 M�AtTY i�. S o�6316,� o I,ats I6, 1 i, 1$, 19,
2Qa 21, Bloc},c 16, Plqm�uth Acidi�ioao
Ray Petersoa and 8obert Sird were presento
After s diacuesiaa r�garding �hg legality �f �he aplit acccarding
to the City Ordiaance shawing that it was not possible to do it,
P2ro Peterson aad A�r, Bird wi�hrtrew the 3aquiryo
9 o I.OT SPLIT ];IdQUIBX : B& M BBAL�L, S o�6317 ) � Lnts 3, 4�, S A and lnts
7, $, 9, Blocic 13, Hyde Parka
Aft�r a discussian regardiag the feas;bility af �plitti.z�g the
six 40Q lots inta faur 60' lats because of exis�i�,� hauses a�: each
m�d of the 120' wide psrcels, 1Kre Fetersan and P4ro a�ird requested
the two lot splitspayiug �be twa fees �otal].ix�g $30at�0 st �,,is
l+qo�ian by Mro J�ha.r.�soa, seconded by Mro Thampsoa, tliat taie Coammissf.on. reco�tea8 approva� a� �he lo�. sp�.itsan T�ts
39 �+, 5 and Lots 7, 8, 9 i:a 60' Zots far four �ingle family
dwelliRg si�es subje�� to furuishiug e�f th@ necessaxy survey
�, caxtificates to ttee Degartmex�t be€ore th� Councii
�ating of May 20, 1963o Opon a vaice vate, all vor�ing ay�, ��
ar�tion carried unaaimausly,
f, 'Page �hree
Planuir� Co�.i.ssion Mee�i�Pta� 9, i963
I0, V,�',ElT�ON � sSg� �6304,� EAST RIVSBI�ADTD �OURTS IaQB.BIB J�iSQN � itsidley
Park, Blocks 21, 22, 230
Since ao ac�ian was taken by the Streets and Utilitie� Sub�-Coamitte�
a�. the mesting of May 8, 1963, n�a acti.eno
llo V'.A�ATiON SLWIIS�"S �IVERSiDE ffi:�GHTS � 2�SAV �630�,�,: V��ati�n oi
76t3a TrT�y, gart of �ldea Way aad utili�y easeme�t of Lo� 1, Blo�k 1,
Si.nce n,o action was taken by the Streets aud Utilf�ie� Sut��+�mwitte�
at �a meetiag uf May 8, 1963, � actiona
12 o xBZ�NII�G II�,iJIS'�C : JA�IISON B�O�S - ZOA #G313 t Lnta 8, 9, �Q, il,
Block 1, Murdix Park, Bezane from x-1 �a C-lo
Mxo Ibtiiie &nnma of 8aadom �cruse �e�pges�n�sd Jamis�n B�oCiae�cao i�s
�sta�ed his c�iea�s wished ta build a o� sCozy office buildi,ng c,rhich
�uld hrause an insurance cc�mpaayo He was aware af ttie faa� Cha� the
Pl�iag Comm9.ssioa rafra�iaed f�am sgot zonix�g, but the ne3.ghhoghood
�asri be�► canv�seed and he hacl th� sig�aL-�ar�s far appr�vai and h� des�red
� �o have a public heaxing,
� The Plsnning Cammission set the date ef Juxee 13, I963 fo:: �he iau��i�;
H��isx� aiE the resaning request e�f 3am3.son Bros,
13 o L� SPiIT 7.NiQUIRY : L m S,,�6313 - SIGLER AANESTAD a iot 2 7, Broc+kview
.�cld�.tiaa, Sectian 13o Continued frrnn �gril 2�th meetiago
Mro E4anegtad suggested splittiung the lot ia�o fouz se�tian�s, bu� this
e�lc� �at be do�ne vatil a house e�n the l�ack of ane lot and on th� center
1�.�� �r�.s r�ed, It was suggested that t1�e 1Qt cauld be spl�.t into
�1��e latse Ieaving the iEaur�h for a latex date, which would x�quir�
��laer lot split request and feeo
Pk►tian by Mr, Nagel, seaoaded by Mra J'ohaxasoa, th�t tri.e Pianain�
G��nmiasion reco�aend appraval af the lat sgli� deleting cen�te�r liae �o
aIl€s�a �or three lats, or splitt� Che lat into f4ur la��s �ub�ecfi ta th�
�ay�n� cf �he appxa�priate fea and dedication of stre�� ax�d a�xt�gicaS:e�
o� �uxrreqo Upon a vaice vate, all votin,� aqe, ths matian carxi�d unania�us�.yo
f��r�n April 25�h mee�ingo
T�e Plsnnir� Commissfau etatsd they agreett with tiae p,�incipl� of
bu� elevatian can�rol, bix� d�.d, not z�ant t1�e ordi�aace Co m� a
ixa�dship, and wished to carry Ybis it� ovsr �o the n�t mee�iaig far
^ �u��hex studyo
There �ising no further businees, Chai�rmsn Rravik a@jouxned �he meetiug�
Respectfully subm��tad,,
� C�c����-
sa�'A, n e ��; n,�
P� A�ID �LA,'YG1iL'�TLIDS sUB—Gt�li�llT7l� l�NiPrS3 � APRIL 19 B�.963
�'� P�C�B�rrfc g
s A��t�t:
t�h�c� Pra��n� a
T'ho�a►sa�r► ���'� ��k � ss:��oa o� tc�hc�n
� .,�
&�3na,��.��a af �he �Ch 15 a 19b3 x�t�g �c�e sppsa�nad �t msil.�i o
��ac� t��k sdk�eduZ.e ��po�t by �c �, Doan].ixi iacYud�ed t�� foliavi� �s �,�s �
7�h� �s�rrk aucoa a�t 2a�d � A�iz� has b� I��ovgh� i�� c�r�,e�� �
Wt�xk will be�in oa� ,�'���ea.� t�eeYt �oack � Tr� coa�di4.�at�i �rii�
Park cc�nstructfo�. D�ag �,it� will bs 3� soor� �o finis� af�
� �CJ0.''8� l�o
$� �c� a�l s�t tox th�..s 8tu►�r e Doa� M�ya�� �r�,�,�, a+���
%e �th� di3r�o�c p �e�re �►i�.l be thtee �vo-�k ��eaios� �r�.�.
��ry'day inst��ia�►s �Q cl�ild�ena wi�ix c��,�i�►��,a� �� ���
� �� . ��M�L ,� �4V�6 9 L�o Mi ���L,y. .� �i �ivA� P �7��Ort'A�i3. �
�l��i%� �a vi�l�s� �� �%i�A i7� ��� � Wiiz M���6 aVo �1�
i�c�a oa� A4a�os� La7t� �Iais y�r a
1►�a��,c� b� �.car�e in � i�tturea abjacts ar� aot tc► b� a�.�,c� r�r� t��
�.� o� ix� �� �.ake o Seco�� I�tio� ca�rried @
,�,y►1 �� *�� ��� park w31�. b� s� aad so�ed in fi.�rse �rly° �a�
�f '�.� aptc:ltt�g o
T�aea ��� Ce�ci1. 1� �eed �i:o l�t b�d� forr lig�t� a� �s�
� �ao%�hall �i,�.1d o
�,„���^ �ST.,AL�IA� A�ra �,'ho�ato�a �ept�t� t.h�ati the� sp�c�.t cosc�.��e a;��--
��...��� �y �a� �s�� 'i� � � w�,fih �h� Sc9sool �c�cd �a ��.�as�
���.i. p��.r� �sx c�on,ju�tctio� taA�i �►is propex:tye
�� wa:� d��,d� �tat �e P�3r.� �ud Pla�yqtoa�ds �v3b�am�nit�e� �lh�a].c�
i��a.'� '�� i..�.�, �it� x,oekra p�o�rY.y o A�advwla�uds e�and �k p�op�x°�F
�a a�3Ea�,oc'� �� oaa Ap�ti2 i].8� at 2a0i? P.i�E,
;� ��• s.��,Y _�1.� �° �t�. il+.
�:'�. '�,S�t� C��'$�� �j� '�$G CC�'�'��3�► '�'� 8�3."o D0�13�1 S�i�t�a �SLt�.� 'i��"�,$:�. `�"�tx
C�.�� 3s��.����, �,�a� or na� �h� M�eadowlat�de gso��y is �ai�1.� �cas;°
riev�I.a�;��z�a� � d�l,s� a$o�'ogxa,�Y maP of �-he aroa ahc�ulc� ]s� ���3��. ���� �
��.�.�z ��►��,�. �.�c� �asl� Goa��'k an� ��.�ris0 Inc� far �a��.t r ,��.��.�
� an �<�� dc�v�l�� ct�%c� �e �a.d� a�► t�a�..s Pr�e�r�Y e
�?F�sf�I�.',���-a�'',�l��t' �s'1'�a`�S s
.63{7b•Rc�:' 3�waiG.du� �iAM �"�i, O S O V CI P��W� �LNi��V4� ii��i4 C�S.ia1A � � s�'O �ts7*
�:;'�' a�� F�:� �.�`,��' �t� �'�.lc� ��.,, i�,t�.t� #2 Q SeCOn,� ACi$i'�iCxi'i� P�a�C�t�, ��
��� �:��'��:a� �':��•M�►��s va�a�acl� �c� ��� �di���1 �o t2a�► Ci�y £ax ��ur% ,��.��c���:��
� Y�i�tK�.� R� PL�SYQd�oimlDS St��'�i7'� 1�i7�Nti'�'S8 m APRYL 19e 1963 (Coastitsueci3
�� ��_��� ;. _:
l�0 3�oar�].i� h�d brc�hn��s �ha�i�g diifeac�t types oi eaa�i�y er�et�d
�itel� Ioui�.�s stti�table fcx�c �he Loek�+ Pro,�sty o�i� wi11 obtai�a
�� �ar a buil� {di�slo�a 60' x 80 ° ar 6tt ° x 100 °) faar
�h� � �ti�go
Z� wae da�cid�cl by th� �cooc�it�e th�re shc�.d ua� he � road ru�ing
na��ta �cd eoax�h �tirav�i ths Ls�cks PaYk �op�tya
a:E: � :� r4r
T'�e r�� m+��.x+g bf �1� P87rk9 ax�d Pl�ygx'o�s S�ib9COC�a9.t'Z�.�e t�i].1 a�e
�ay 2tD w�,963 � 8� Q�� o• c1c�Is Pal�m at fi�+ J�►icr H3�h 5c:hoo3. o
:z.! :1���:�'�'Y��'��.!;�
' `I�h�� �$83g ��L1�'h@= b118�SS o�3�i.'ID�1 i'�h01l�sO�i deC181��8 thi@
li9�E3�:�t,� SCZ,� Olii."� o
i�C3B�@C'�,;��lj�' �Lil��.t'kl�i
R�C1�A13 S�CA1C�'x7�
��CI: �3"�" '�O $i�� �t8��C0�'�g61E1
l+�c . S't�anson called the meeting to wcder at 9 a 55 P� Me aad pres ided �
plaee o� Ndr. 7'hou�sono
l�embers Pres�nt:
P+lem�t�r� Absents
C�the�s Presenta
swanson, i�ti.l.carek, Wright
Thom�son, Ei.c.hhasa
I�ir a Doril ix�
�he mixiutes Of �th� April 19, 1963 mc�ting �d the minutes of the
Apx1�. 29r 1963 Speclal meeti�mg were appacoved as diatsibu�.ed.
� «:a,. � � �. .�s3 s� • �y�. • . . � • � •
�ro �iilcar�t reported �the fo�.la�ing actian of the Recr�ation Co��o�
�G�1cen a�: the� rn�etir� ori � 16. Base� on a surv� �d� by �� �ia� ��c��
ain� fi.lh� Leag�e of Women �Toters, i� was brought �o their atteinti�n �,a�
t�e Ci.t�,� a�� Fridl�y makes th� lawest per cap�.ta allot�ent £o� �.�����.�al
af any �in Cities suburb p �tliers ranc�e from $1.11 to $3 o QO pex �ap �-�:�
p�r yea� e wh�l� Fridley sg�d3 a13,egedly oniy 48� . Z°her�fore � filae
R�rea�:Lon Co�m.igsi.on prop�ses fos the consideration of th� P�3�s �.
Playgrounds �ubeconwittee �h� £ollowinga
�.� �ia� ti�a� c�ty empioy a fu3.1-time xecreatia4s Disector �
2) �i'lna� the City cont�saue to e�aploy a part-�im� Park D�r�ecto� m
� j T3�ag a spec�.al �omrit33.tte� eoanposecl of two m�abers of ��
R�xeation Com�aiss�on (I�r o Hughes and M� m DunpY�►y) and twc�
ess of the Park� �nd E]Eaygrouns3s Sub-cww�ittee sitca�l.�d
be foru�d �o �a�'t a� ordi�ance s�ttting up a coaabined Park�
arad Recreati�n +Cos�eiss#.on, and �that the resul�inq pxc���g�l�
i� ig is apg�vvad b�r both �he lPar3ss and Pl��cot�ndls S�a�
ec�.ttee anc� tlse Reerea�fon Camm3.s�ian, be subn4lg�ed te�
th� +�ity Council o
A�:�i�ra r�n �e psoposal was postponed un�il the next meeting of �'��
P:�3cs akld P►3,ayg�c�n�s Sub�-co�tteeo
'r , r �. , , � k�
�r � I�on�� r�ort� �►a� no �wo�k can be uraciertaken uni�il Broxascan�-
Er�.ckso� geleases t1�e land �c+ the Ci�y o
BAS�I�t. L�:GH`PS -� �NS PsRE.��t
.. .�,.�o..._.��_
Mrn Don,lin r�ported tha� a contacac� hsa b�n let to Bacata Electric
�or 2� lights ar�d �ransform,�ro the �ark to be coar�ieted by May �9 0 a�d �onraect�.ans far �an additional 24 liqhts that would �a���:
�A►x�cs � Pr��ourtns sus-oo�ax�rss �s - rsA� 20, 1963 (cont�.nued)
�h� il�uminatiaa level fro�e "r�creational" �o 'Yndustrial." ar�e irecl�,d�d.
The additional 24 lights wouJ.d r�quir� a secw�d txaaeform�r @ abaut
$1, O00 000 , Z'he lights and fi�.ransforrae�r would cost about $1, 500 0 00 0.
S�ah-co�ait�e� ,��ssed a�otion �to pusc�ase and install 24 more�
and the g�uired transfotmeac forthv�ithe
U� N. P.RsR. LAi�7D FOR�B�l�T,�, F�s
The ba.�.l iield on Midland Co�p land just west oi Main Street has b�a
closed because the land ia rieeded �Eor a warshouse exte�sion, i� o
Swanson reposted a letter fra�n Bii3 L3bby of MidlaxLd sugq�sting pxo-
c�uses €� abtaining g�rmission to uae lanal soutYa of Reserve Supply
ancl ju�t west of A9ain Street ior �his purpose. T'he la�d is c�xaed by
Nc�arl�hea:n Paeif,ic Rai].soad. A mo�ion was passed d,ir�etiag S�aanson aa�d
Don�.in to follaa up �he matter with the Railroacl.
,� Mro Donl:�.n presented a pl�n for a structure at Locke Parko size 72� �
40°@ �ihiciu iacluded slab and footings, ateel supparts and roaf, e��losed
�tcaxag�o �oa�caissary, a=Ld rest roo�s, and rough plwabingv sou�ce� of
�s �e d�.scussed, includi�g donations and the boncl issu�, but na
acti�n wa� take�.
' ��= ' � ° _.i �N �! �.i_ • ' � i �.:
�ize poss�lale purchas�e of 30 a�cee bouncled by ihiivetsity Avenueo t3�e
Ra�,lar�d righ�-�a�£-way, and t1�e �o� o portions of Locke Park was eca�n�
s�.d�ed, �e possibility of abtai�r►ing thls prope�ty at appraxi.�afie��
ti�e sarae c�st per acre as the Locke Prope�ty was ,propos�ed, asld �.� was
gen�ra:Lly f�lt that this ac�uisition wotal.d roux�d out t'�a Park �d
prov3.d� �pace foar addi�ianal £utwca facilities o A motic�n was pass�
disect�.ng 1�3ro T�o�lin to inveatiga�e fur�her.
w.` `. �i-1. ��...:« � ��.��
i�r. s`�v��.ns� seported an inuquis� %�com Gene Su�ton. abou� a ren�wa�, o�
iciae l�o,�� Lake B�.c1� Concassion for the caming su�o�er o After so�
discus:a�,ox�� a moti�n was p�.ssed �a ::enew the conceasicu� o� the saue�
basis �s last yaar= payment of a flat fee of $100v00, a�ci the sam�
respor�ibility far elean-up aad �aaintenance.
suar��a� oa� ca a� �o��:
-� ,�Ir ��
A�t�.�n was p�ssed to purei�ase fv�r $300 400 fran the Fridley Scou�s,
a saaai;L building located oa the City 8a11 property gro�c�s to be u�ed
for a m�int�nance shop aAd sto��ge area by the Pask Di.r�ctwr an�i
�taf � o
PARKS AN� L�LAYGROUNDS SUB—C90�iiTT�B MYniL�TBS -- Y�1A�.► 20, 1963 (Con��.rsu�dj
,;c��, .
Work p��cc�ressed on a t�nta�ive budg�t far �he Parks and Playgror�,nds
suY�-ec�nittee fa� r�xt yeas . A�r e Don13n presented a prel �iaia�ry ou��. i��
arnrl some i.azigial ch�uag�s w�� discussed o 7*he proposed budget �.s to �
com��.et�d afi �he next z�eeti�. In ,�h� cou�se of delibesat3o�a, a q�estion
eacose as �o the statias of fux�ds fro�n the be�d issue� haw much is coa�
mit� arna �ow much nots P�'Pases fat which the�e fu�ds caxa b� �s�cip
���a �o Da�t� was �cequ��t�d ico ab�ain furthe� in.form��ion nn �kais
1i�F1't'%F:i o
�.�:�q �' ` �,
�'he suaie �etinga ordinarily scheduled £or J�r�e 17, was �has�ed t�
Ju��e 10 a� B:OA Pol�to af �he �T'uniar High Schoole
' � ..L�, i ��!:x! �_.�Y3
,..� �h�se }a�ing no further busi.n�sa, fi.he me�ting waa ad j cur�d o
k�e�pec�.�ully submit�s
Johx� C� W�right,
�t�.rrg ��acret� to tr.�e sas�-ec��
__ �
S�I:Ti�,i'u l�T�SG �- PAR&CS AD7D �Y�YDS SU8MC,011WITTB� AL�D T� R�C"�'�i�
�`, C'i��iI3SIGt�t — �PR�L Z9, 1963 a
�1 m�a�or� �+��i. �o%c.+�at �P Sw�ur�OixO
A j ciia� �� v�ra� held w:l�th th� B�resticat Ca�ma�isal.o�t t� �ril 29 0
�.963 t� � sn av�ra31 look cafc t2i� �ereatiac► Progsnwe �td dttt�r��
�a� �ta� ��cks �,d P�.aygro�nds S�b—co�nitt� to �el,p £uliill! �►e s�
�s�.ans �c�ar �,�63 0
A�� ��ace�s�c3t� o� fi.�►e �a�t �sogram� �t wa►e felt tha� �ae £aS.�c�a�
��ea��.�lc� �sat�.d �e �de�
&�ic� by �c�b� tha� �'he City Co�cil '��s�0t �pp�cax�at�.y $�850t����
�c �e �� �a�a to �a.a�r a��e�asa �� n���r �a ���
l��.p sa�u�� �o e�a� � eu� grogram ��the p�kx� �d �1��
y7'�� ��t�i.ttee budg� �,o txa� It�creatioa� Co�mi�siara laudg� so ��
��sr��:i�n ��sia� �an psog�rlY ape�aca�e aru� caaardi�t� ti�a proq�a��
sa�c�d� e�� c;as�c i� o
' �it��!:Y��..'i^.
'��IE! �� ll� �@�C bia$�8 p'i�3E3! �� Si� j Q�� a
R�p�#:�1.jt' �i.$'t�di
♦ ,rrk. s+'
_' ,u... � *. .. � •� �♦�,i���t
/ `
,. i'�►e Mseting was called f.,� oYder at 7:30 P.Mo
ROLL GAI.L: Mambeus preseat: �andel and Danielsc�
M�ber ebsen�p Albrecht
Others presea�t: City 1�nager Wsgn�r, City �gin,eer
1. PROP4SED P'IiBI.Il+�TA�Y PLAT (P o S. �63-01 G, A. G'[TNDSiL��N s Lot 12,
Audiear°s 3uUdivieioa Noe 129s �ept esst 20 o so�sth 222°, �o b�
isaa�m as Guaderson Terracea
Mrn (�iader�an �ras pres�t Co discuss thQ pla�o The Cccr�itte�
aated the narth line of I,�t 15 caincided wi�h the north �.ine of
Fireside Drive proposed and suggested rhat the �raner of Loi 15 be
con,tacted tc� see it he i.$ agreeable to dedicating the full �i.dth aJtd
on his Ioto i�re Larsaa°s house on Latc 14 appareatly precludes �hhe
s��ee� fram c�ntezed ou the dividing liae br�tween Lot 14 and
15. 7�� Co�mtnittee raquested th�t a Joint Meetixt,g of the S�ree�e
and Uti�i�ies a�ad P1ats aad Subdivisions Sub�Como�ttt�as be s�ti £a�
�'uesday, J�ane 4, 1963 �o conaider establishing �iis st�eet pa�tgrn
and a�eked �. �underecn Cca cantact the o�ther proger�y awners iu-
volved aud reach some a�realneaC by that datQo
Motion by ]?�nielson ta table �his ske�tch until street probl�a
resalved Carriecl,
�� o LOT SPLIT YNC2UIBY CLaS, �63I9i DONALD Fo SEXTSR: Lot 22r 23, and
24, Black 13, l�lyaio�ath Addi�ion,
Mre Saxter expla�Lusd these three 40' lots have an existiag
hvoxse and garage snd by moving the garage aad splieeing �he lo�s in�o
two 60° parcels, anather dwelli�g eitie would be avai].able, The
�ttee fe1� �t tt�is wauld be in �onfaxm�aace wi�h the
Ordiaaace. The icts to �hho north and south hAVe bee�a regl�tted in
75r lats �o� time ago.
A�tian by Uanielsaa ta recm�end appraval o£ lot spli.t subject
tv re�mo�val af gazege aud furniahiag af certificates of surveys,
3o COTISID�R. MEAD0�0$, ADDi'PIpN �P.S. �b2-093 REVISION �1 - E& M
DEVSIAP2�Na: Proposed M�aadawm4or Terrace.
Mr. Ernest Madaeu pressated a revissd pr$Iiminary sketch 8ad
expla3aed the �ajrsr C1�anges invoiving cul de sac �ras at Y�a� rs�qu�est
af FHA. The Ca�nittee aslced about utilit�* �as�.�s o�hhex thaa the
20" dedicaeiaas ahawnarid �a B�in�er ea�plai�d these wi�.i be �bawa
�s8� �eliminaxy pl�et as tiTi�ts �ras only Lbe sketcho
The questiun of n�min,g Ulysser� �tr�t aorth aud east, ox n+su�ug
^ eaBt leg 76� Street wes laft with Mro `Madsaa ta con�act tha �ast
- Offica aad secasre their prefereace,
Piats and 3eibdivisians Sub-Co�mixtee Msetia� May 21, 1963 8
^ Ib__ tiaa bY Usaielsou to recozumead this sketch as the basis fox
� a prelimiaaty plat. Casuied.
4o LaT 3P'LIT III� .S �6320 G�LD itG�iANO AND HABRY �OLt.:
Sk�etch not available. Rivervi�r s, ock J Lo 7�rce t
eastsrly 20°, I�t 8 snd 9, Lot 10 eastexly , s 5 and yw �r
Lot 7, easterlp 20', �
Mr. Bo� appeared aa hie behalf and €or Mr. Poi1. `�e lot
splits result iu two parcels, 65' and 70° wi.d�. Mx, Rmns�o s�a,ted
�he Build3ng Inepecta�r imfarme�i hiYn. �bat this lat spZi� t�ad been
apprwed. Appareatlp it had never beea recarded, if app�aved, as
the� assessmenta bave� aot been split. The Co�mmittee asked the
Gity �ineer to che¢Ic out if approval has been givest by Gauaicil
in th� past gad if so, further actioa is una�cessa�y, iaclud�.ug
tlie follvwi�g matiou,
M�vtian by Danislsan to reco�d appraval af this iot spli�
sub ject to certif3,cates of sw�veq aud paymeat o£ �15.00 �£eeo
So LOT SPI.IT INQDIHY (L.S. �6�21) WAYI�S W8ITID3ILLs Split af Lae S,
Bla�lc I, Moare Lake flills.
Mro Whitehill appe�ased wiCh a sketcii of p�capoeed split 3.nto
,^ two garc�ls, each a�ves 10,000 square ��at. This sam� request
had beea cE�nsidered 8bout a yoar ago and ciari%d at th,at tim�e by
� the City bssed oa City A�toxaeyes cpinion rsspecting the re�i�xic-
tive covenaats.
Siace then, Lots �. and m�e hal,f lot � ia the same block have
besn replatred. The Co�amittes felt t�hat because of gast ap�ositi�n
bacaus� of res�rictive eave�saats an this property► an� plat�ting ef
I.��t l. �ad part �£ 2, �hat a new opiaioa fram the CiCy Attorney
was nscessary,
�o,_ tioa by D�anielsaa to table this requ+ast until thc Joint
Mee�ing af the 3�rsete aad�ies aad Plats sad Subdivisi�ns
Sub-Cammittees oa June 4, 19b3 so City Attarn�eyts opi�ion can be
sacured sad rsvie�wed in Yegard to restrictive eavenants and i.�
reg�rd �a r�ether this loC shauld be split by "iot Split" or by
replaCti�go Carried,
6 o I'RELIM�NARY PLA� (P. S.,�Ci2-33) �ALBSRG B� Y LoCs I thru 3,
Audi�or s Subdiv�iaa �108.
Mso D�a].berg was preusant aad e$plainsd tha� the al�,�ectars to
the street pettezn are aaw part af the platting. The Bng3ne�r
stated 1tLhat the reco�omend8t3,on t�f the Joint Ccm�ittee on the
street petteta can na�w be �o�wardad to tha Planaiu,g Co�aaissioa
al�ng �ith � Co�nitt�e reco�endatiaa aa th3,s plat, naw
PAGE T� ^ �
P�,�ts ead Subdivisiane S�-Comaaittee i�ti. ;v 1� 21. 1963
�^ iuciudiag Lots X, 2, 3 Q£ ,Audita�'s Subdivisioa �108.
M+a__tian by ]�anisLson to recamnsnd appraval. of th�.s sketch ae
��� �� $ p=el��x'Y P��, +�1ect to remaval of g8ra,ge off
from dividi�g line of s�w iots 5 to l.3, Carried,
These being n+o f`�xther UuBiness, the m�etis�g ad jousne�d at
9:3ti P.M,
8espectfully su�mitted,
-�-��� : ��'�l� "�
8eaardin,� 3eare�,�,ty
� �s�.'xj� ?t.Ft i6 � . �i z'�.%.;: ,� -1� .Q�: . .¢� r, .:y �• . ... . ` �;; . .
Y. � . . . , ��, � � t .. ' .
T�.,m . ' . � . . , � � . . ' , ' ' , . �, . .. .
� �� � sbl ! YZ{� K � _ . � . � . • - � �. • . . . . � . . . ' '�
r' �- ' K � , , .
� �xS'� . . . .� � . . � . . . . . . , . .. � , .
Y�.�.: .'. �3: � . . ... . . . , . .
�'y': e�f . ' . .. . � ' . dY�� "+.� .. � . . _ . .
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ORU�B NOo 4/�1I63
�e�ounci� a� �.h� +�i�y �f Fri.dl�y dm r��c�i�. s
, �- . Q, . �
� �l�TiOIJ l. �'i�.�at: ��inance Ncs� �fl af �� ���:y a� �'r�.r�ley, u�vp�Gc� }��e�..w.:- 2. = 1�55 �nci
�.-�ad�c� �s� �i:� he��:v� �.aa �cra�ncrr�: y eal�.ed CLz�: �c%.�c1I,.;�� G��.T�`Q°iu.�°�?�a` nr� �d:.��
�: �:os�r�r�s �
�s; �nat S��tian $ � 3 ww F�.�?N'i ��33S HEQt�?R8D � Su'6d. Ap �'��roa� bc� �td��� r�r,
lh������.�s� �re�d: t1Aa 1��1, ���, :��`�� �d C�1 dis��cictss .� �a� �3��d �� �c d�pih
v� �n� ?�ss �ha�x �5 �e��: �,� �eqcai��s�o �+� e�.�v�z�icin a� t�f� g�ou�.c1 a� e".h� u.r��,Id�
ee��ac'� �ine s�.all �Q xw� 1�ss �hha�x cme �oat �,n� n�� u�xe ��an 4��e� a�crvc: .h�
���t�.��on a� �� e�t.�bl�shed �xad� o� tho cen�c�s 1�ue r�� ��a. s�.arey�, p�cr, �.�.�d
�aY �a�� �c►�:�, �an ��a� ��) £eet c�iiferesz�� sY:��1 resu3� �. ��y �a�� i�e�i�:��, �hh�
c�l�z��io�� of �e gtc�az�d a� ta�e build� se�bacl� 13.n�ss r�� €�3y se��irai.x� �.�ndao
A d:�ffe��n� �lauaticn �.y ba a��ablished upe�n app�,ir.�t�on c.her��o�e b� �he �sau.e�
���r �cppara��l �hhereo� by �h� ��n�e�s of �he �i�.y if suc�; �ti.�fexent eYa�ration
� i� �r��:ar� by ��� �►n,gin��r iw� �v ac'�r�rs�sly a�f�c� instrallg$•ir��. o� srs►���: �wd �,r���
� u�:���t��r�, sux��ce dra�aag� �a or �3com ad,joiniug p�ope�t�, ��r oi�h��r�e4 un��asox►.�
��?�� �a�����: _si a mates3.s3� way �x�m the value af Zaads anc� ��ap�rt��� ad��s��fa8s
sza�=� :� +�:� z� ��.�f�.t �o c��aa�e. Tl�e vt�nar nasy r�pp�aY atYy c���tex��icrn �� r.��e
�t�;�sg�:�:� �;� ���alic.r.�t 3on �a the i3�a� Bva.�cd r,f tbe �iey �d tl��ra���e� m�
m�k�: �. ��s�1��r sp�e�:Z �c� �� City Couna�.�.
� 3 �s� w� C�Loa 8 0 3 W�°R0�3T '��6 AEQUIRED - Subd, B th��caof b� +�na�sd ��
h����.:�� ���d �
II� �.;=��a �ib1a i�a2 11&Si�.I�TSs Nono tuileas � blocic �Es pa7ctly in a C+2s Aia1, �r
Mm2 Di���ia� and pastly in a�a�h�� district, in wgzich �aae �hs �rant yexci depth
sa��i�ed in such atlner �istrict shall apply aio�.� ��e etntire l�n,gth. The r�quire-
m��s of the ele�va�io�n of �h� �rasand at �tie build�,r� s�tback li�a aad gravisions
r�2sti� �hera�o a7cca � s�me am pxa�icied hessinabrave with saapact to A�3., R-2,
� xw3, as�d C-1 D3.stricts,
B�.'T�SO�t 2 s That a�scept ae mnet�ded h�sceta, th� provisians og said thrdi7o�na� s�sia ths +aac�s,
' 1
ET'IG'ITJT�.'•L�RII'TCv DFi��,�itZ�•�I?T
So�:e �ues�•_or:s E:nE4�ers F:.�ou;: Lanu Su��i.visio�� 3as�c R��.ons
1. QULSiIOPt: Wizac lar_d d:.v:.��ons ir: tize Ci�� are a�iec�ed ;�y � la•�.:ir_� Ordi.nance�en�.� ?
At1� t ALL �3ivisions o� a pa:cel or" land ;.n ane o�meZShip ai �ime a� Ea�.e,
re�ardless of ho��� i` is descr�:�e�. or i3�.a�ted a� o� Ju2., 2�, iJ.,�+J� must �e done :n
conforraance tJ��h Pla��an� Ord�i�ance Pdo. 75.
EXCEPTIOP?S: A. Aiter July 2�, Z95;, an� pa�c�I o� land .�hic.z is divided
i.n such a way �ha� eac?z ne�� narcel created is 22 ac�es or �or2 �n srea,
or is 15C tee�� or mo�e in �-�id�.a, DUES i70T TIEED TO BE PLA1'1'�D, and requ :res
no ac�f.on '��� City Car�nissians or Council.
(For exarr:�le: A parcel comnosed of si:c io�s, or a parcel descri�ed
Ly �e�es and `aounds, each orrn:�u �J t?�. anc� each cor�L-sii�in�
si:: acreE, car. Le divirleci tor saie ar:d ��uilding withau� ";�la�i::n�"
or "spl��ting" i£ tli� �cesultin� +��o paicel� aze �hiee acre� eaclz or
3� acree ancl 2=� acre� eac�z; '�u� if �he :esulr:i.n; �arcels are 2 acre3
ar:rl � acre�, a plat is required. 5im�la�ly, a�arcel 450 fceet �•�ide
divided inrco �Izree 7.5� foo� ���ide Io�s does no� need �o '�e platted.)
� B. Lo:c ccea�ed �y a Counxy Audi�o�'c Suudivision P].at are
e�ve�,;�� ��om nlattin� re.:�uirements.
� C. Lo�s czea�ecl �;y a leoal procedure knocrr. aE a Registered
Lar.d Survey are e:sem�� frar� ; la;:��nL rec�uire�eni:�.
(iiote: Land �hat does na� .�eed ta 'ae pla::rec� nay rec;uire a Land
Alte�a�wor. Permi� - ci�ecl: c�r��;4 tF�e City En�,i.�.eer or: cle�ails. )
2. UESTIOIJ: Can �maller acrea�e lo�s c� lar�e, olc p�ac�eci lo�s �e e.Ye�ip� irom
j,�Z&'�fC=11� i)�► (i3Vidir_� lii�0 SL781:.ey 107:E liriCS@� &OT�l@ O��lel ��rOC@CI13Y2�
AII�: YES, �rovided ��a';: �:I�e ari�inal parcels anu cl�vided �arceZs meer
cer�ain s�ric� re7uire�en�� o� Lot S�lit Ordinax�ce� ITo. �.G� an4 P1o, �'37,
;�assed in�o la�� in I;�I and i9G2.
3. tTL�STIaP?: Wl:at are �he �a�ic conditions land nniE� nee� to c�uaii�j £or �.o�
AId3WER: 1. Under NO circum��ances can ar.y lo� spl�t �e �ac�e c,� ��ri11 resul�
in avoidance of platLir.� rec�uireneatis. In o�I�er war�is, all i�praveraents nnis� :;e
in or peti�ioned for and streets arid caae�aents mu�� ': e siread� dedica�ed ar,� must
coinciue ��ith street aricl uti�lity ; Ian, e�c.
2. I.oC �nli� A_�;�l�.cation Fee of $ZS.�G musc �e paid gor each or�,�ina1
parcel �.nd Cer�xficatce of SurJey furr_ished in tlzree copies �c,�ich le�zer of
3. Ori�inal parcel n�s� :ae _1_ess rhan one ac•re in area (�s3, 5vt� sc;uare
iee� .
� 3A. An �udi�or's Su%��visian Io� fio ue spli� mu€:: ue �ess than
�7, C�� �c�uare feet �.r. area.
�, Itesul�ing i�arcel� �iue� mee� minir�� lo� dir..enaions �or sin;le
faraily d��ellix�;;s: (1.a0 r'oo� u�inimum den�Ii, 75 �oo� uiiniu�ura e�idth, 9,�C0 sc�uare
fee:: ir. a�ea, �C :`oot mininaun 4�id��z ; or caxner �o�s. )
5. The �esul�cir.g de�cr:ip�ior. mus� ve a simple clescription af a
part ofc a platted lo� ar regis�ered ?o�. (Fo;: in��ar.ce: the L�� o� Lo�, Biocl: I,
aiafi�: �rcic3�i��"ri: J° - _ __ _ _._
_ _ _ ;,�_�- �
G. Apnxoval mus� �e secured from i:he ibats and Su�division� Su�-
Can�i�tee, �he Plannin� Con�:ivEl.0i1 and the City Cour:cil.
�. io� spZittcin� mus�� r.ot hir�de� ;:rar�srer or conveyance o� land.
" Lot spli��in� r.�u�t no� hinde� �at:i, � sssess�en;:s or recordin�
: V •
9. Lot s�lit��.n� raus� �zo� resul� in a�arcel fn viala�ion of zonir��,
; pla��tin� or builc:�r�u re�ula�ion�.
OR Ti� CIiY EAIGIIV�EP.: �it� 'rlall, Tel. 550-��5�, ci�s31 University Aver�ue,
Fridle;� 2I, T.Lnn.
SCI�TLB OP b�II�.S 1963
�� (7:30 P.Mo ualese othestiviss call�d or a�otad)
'�► .tier 2nd & 4tti Thutsda� PolicSr �
�ursd�y, January 10
�� Jamaary, 24
�� gebsuasy 14� .
" Fabruary 28
" Msrch 14
n MasCh 28
" Ap�i.l ll �
.� tt
L�lpl�Z 2S
�.y 9
May 23
Ju�e 13 Y
Juat 27 �
July 1!
�iy� as
A\i$7Td� $
Atl$tlSt 22
Septembes 12
Septemb�r 26
October i0
October 24
Ncva�bss 14
No�vombe�c 28 �
D@C�mbe! 12
Decmabe�r 26 *
This precades Good
Friday, s legal
holidayo City Cwn�cil
nrets follawiag Monda�r
This ia Thaakegiving
Thia is day aftar
Ci�istm�ts D�sy