PL 08/27/1964 - 7174� c � . � �gg� � AtK�f&T 27, 1964 ��_ � A � .�fY�Ri. w i �,. ,. �1�G 8'�ts W. Gls�a S�Tsll�e, P1s�ing C�It�mt: Mis�issippi 8ts�t at tini�ity Av�us. 2. t W. alsn Wa11e�e. CoasalteaC. ���� ��,�T8 s ZOA �6�i*�IO, 8oquee t bq Graas Maa�lY. � 3• of Lot 3, 1►uditor ��s �S'ub�divisio�t �ZS, 8•3 to �-2. � � � � ' 1 rr.�r�=r�c ca�ussmri �raQc �rc�s�r 6, 196k Page 1 The mesti�g waa aallad to osdes by Chaismsu Kravik at 7s55 PeMe �: l�ambera ps�eseut s M�mbsr abssntx Others presea►t t Comeult.eat t Johaasou, Bandel, B�c�tvik, �et8men, Swanson ThomPaaa City Manager Wag�neir, 8�ginaeti�tg Aesistaat Clask W. Glea Wallaca : � ��: �I�i�.ti ��� ��!:�_�` � � .,� � � r �r_ -+;�V� ii , 1�TTOT1 by Johansrnn, soconded by B�ndel, that the Plaaaiag Co�mi.saian apprave the miuutes of the July 8, 1964 maeting. tTpan a voice vote, �he motiaa caxriedo �IObi bq Band�el, secoaded by Besgmaa, that the Planain,g Co�mmiss3oa receiva the minutes of the joint meetiug of the Fsidl.eq Racreaticn �omais� sioa aad the Parks and Playgrouada Sub-Coa�m3.ttee oi June 29, ].96�e IIp+m a�vaice vote: the motirna cas'siedo �'✓a1�,� yl \(�yY:+. •" . �• 11� �'\�h. . �. �.., V! .a; y);1:'� � 11` 1 I�TION bY Ber�nsa, eeconded by Jahaasou, tihat ths Pl�miug Ca�aiesiaa r�ceive the minutas of tha Plats and Subdivisioae Sub-Comomittea mseting oa� July 29, 1964o Upan a voice vate, the m�tiaa aasried. � 0�' ST�SSTS & tT17LITISS St18-C�iIT� t� AU(�TST $. 1964s I�IO[d bY Bergman. saaond�ed by Johaasoa. that tha Plaaa:tag Co�e�.ssian receiva !he miautes of L'he Streets &�tilities l�ub-Coamittet a£ Auguet 4, 1964o Upaa a voice vate, tha matisa carried. BI�CBTtiB � 0� PABKS AniD Pi.s►YGitWNDB 0�' AUGUST 3. 1964 s �r ■ i r �r� � w.� �rw�rr� ��.. �rr lo 1�.'IO�t �' Bs�'gmaas sacoad4d by Jod�aasoa, thst the Planai�g Cca+�isaion seceive the minutas of Ws Parks ead Playgra�ads Suh-�c�ittee maetiag of August 3, I964o Upoa a voiae vats, the m�tion cartieda vwW .lv/ oR/ VI. Cs�AO � S ��.t.�0'ilo Mto Aad�er8i�'Q_%i�as pseseat. e 3ection 12, �occapt t�at past platCed ets �, Bsrg�an exp2ained that Whes► thn StreeCs aad Utilities SubdCommi.t�e� etudi�i this plat, it was nated that Getfield S�reet gaea ths�aigh this plaC � and li�sa up with Msada�aor Tasraca Znd. Duriaa tbe discusaioa of the par�c do�etion, Mro eade4cean stated thQ piece of ].and ie tba aiaw of a reg�7tar baaaball diamoad. Plaanin� Ct�aiseiau Meeti�d� - Au�ust 6. 1964 pa�e 2 �ON_bv �n. eecaaded bv Ba�l : t�,ha.,.�,..�lZ$��� � . C�.088 t�19 public heari�g a�ud �„wime�d �o Cauaeil avvroval ��..v��i"i�. :o'�. � p�t �`64-14, Don'� th�,� tt'3,�' Da L2 Aaaerso�a, b�.�..the 3,our.h 3s7.36 ��t af thin 11�• e t�fe nf Qan_t�f en�� aerwant f�f,st ns�r•i- ..7 �}�•eA �s nt a..� t.. 20 30 8 V�t�+CB VOt�� �tYss tlie.�O�n_.�.�cl. „�e s Bo�dad o� Bast by A�ka Couaty Liaa, Satth by H`sidl , Weitt by Innsbruck 2nd Addit3.o�, aad North by Highway �140. ffisgineesit� Aesiataat C].atk explainsd this p�'�sl3miaasq plst canfosms to the wexall plaa ahecTcsd in 1960. C108@ ttl@ PtibliC $�s8ling. s i Li/� 2' �1� 1� � t0 �1�@l8�. $O��o 1�D'1'ION by 8eadel, secqaded by Johaneon. that the Plaaai� Co�maissioa close the Publie Hearin,g of tha reza�iag of Lot 2, Block 1, Bs�ookvigw 2ad � 9dditLoa�, ZQA #64-08, Wallace Miller, re�o�niug from $•1, single £aa�ily a�i�.�s �o �8i Soms. Upaa a voice vote, all vaCiag aye, the mc�tioa css7ei.ede . 40 �„sPLI'� R�QOSsST: L.S. #6tri9, �84 � Sta�s Lote 24 and 26, Auditar's 3ubdivisioa #103. So 6, � IAT SPL�? B�14tTBSTt L,3. #4-20. L13'�OY Bt�,: Lots 35 s�d 36, Block 4, Parkvie�v �s. Mire IaBay Begol an�d l�ce �nd bcs. Alfs�d Jqatsa�n ver� psese�to I�0�1'IO�I bv Band�sl a �....� .rv�sa.� aw.a.. .�.. ..�F. .iv ilI votipg ai►is tha mQm�,�i�n L0� SPLIT B�Tt L.S. �64-�_,__17,,,,, WALTSg g. pgi�gAtt Past of I,�t 23, Auditor'8 3ubdivieLo� #92. Mre snd Mrsa Walte= PaCataaa �sra presea�te PlanniaA Coamiasioa MeeL`iaa - Auauat 6,, 1964 PaAS 3 I�l'ION lyy Berg�mem, secoadtd by Johaneou. that the Lot Split #64•17, paltes A, Peterson being part of Lot 23, Audibor'e Subdivision �92, bs � ia�cludad ia Lhe ageada of ths na�t regulat m�etin�o Upon a voice vote, tim motiaa carriad. � � 7o I+� 3P'LZT B�1QiTESTs L.S.,�,�,C4�+18. i�RIB PO�.t Lot 13, Block 1, Norizon Hsightao $acoad�erl a ..R...� .........��, 8I1 VOt�Ar', 8y@� 8. SF�AxAI. IIS8 P�Rs 1� dnubl• bw�,galaws ia 8-1 Districto Lots 27 tbru 30y Blcck 16, Plym�outh A�ditioa (4575 and 4595 3rd Stseet NeBa) by 8ichard Millero c�cur � Permit BY�� two seconded Chat the a vote, 90 A 8ffi0[�ING S s W �s Rheisen's Markets, inca, Lota 13-Z6, Biock 3, Rice Creek Tesraae Pl.at ' rezone itam x•l, aingle fawily dw�elling, to C�1S, lo�al shapPistg aseso Mra �+Iallace etatsd it was hie uudesstAndi� that ths aeoc� etep iu the samoniug problem was the maetiAg with the peaple immediatelq af£ected wiCh sn ope�n discussian of the pzobla�me To best appraach aad gzop�acly resolvs sesaniag pzeseur@s that will iaeviCably cantinue in this area, the Platmin� Coo�ieeion set fihe data of Au,�uet 27th as the m�eti�g to coordinate the msteriral that caa bs ass�mbl.ado xhs &�ineering Depasta�snt was astc�ed to prepare a map of the area is�ciuding xi.ce Cz�lc to Bayes Sctsc�l dawa to 63rd Av�ue, Thie wiZl be the auly item a� the ag�ds o 1�DTION by Johaaeoa, seco�adad by Bs�dsl, tiutt ths Piaanfng Co�soissiaa dizect ths 1�c�ginoe�siug Dspartaae�t to prepare a blooan up mnp of ths Northeast cosner of IIuivessitp Aveaue and Miasissippi Stsest fram� �icia �reek to Hayes Sc.hool and doam to G3rd Ave�. IIpou a vaice vote, ali voting s�, ths flotio� carriade I3o 88'L��.s, Z�QA, #64-09, �, BI�GiiABD T�OI�tA. RT AL. s Eeao=es froa� 8�1, BinBle family ci�elling, to C-1, loaal bnaiasas Asaa, tb� 38 co�s�arr af Miesissfpgi Strest snd 5th Stteiet, Lots 1 and 2� Late 29 a�d 30, Block Z, Proposed Biedel Plat, MORZO�iT by Jahansaa�. a�aon�ded by �soa, thaC tha Ylenmigg Coamiseian aet e Public Heasi� af the s�ezaning s�eq�t �64-09, D�e lticbard Trea�a, to rezona froan 8•1, ais�gle fsmily chreili�g, to C•i, locai baein�esg area, the Soutbeast corasr of MiasiBSippi Str�t s�d St6 SLr�t, Lots 2 aad 2, Lots 29 and 30, Slock 2, Psopos�d Bisdsl Plat. fo�r Ssptm� IQ, 19b4, IIpoa a voice vots, all voting aye, tha matio� carriede Plasm�t Coaoiissioa ?l�eCiw� - Nu�ust 6. 1964 _ Pa�e 4 l00 �r0� MAAAB 88ZO�IG S1UDYs W. Glan Wallace, Conaultant. n Mra Wallace atated tbat he had check+ed with the architact of Che �- hospital sad wae givea a progress reposta The major decieian is to what extsnt the part of 1��Selodyr Meaoz be s�oaed ia ordes to round out the hoapital �omplex in the eses. Typee of buildiugs considered ere Medical Clinic, ausses' hane, misitiple cha�allings, smail businesa, motel., specialisad shope such as a fiawer siwp aad trq to mal+�e $oai�g compatible with thie type of plaaning. The hospi.tal �rt].1 take Blksa4, S, 6 aad will be betwee�n Lyric Lan� and O�borne 8oad, The plaae ca1Z foz a oa�e r�ay driv� in snd �ut to the haepital aad parl�ing area fos stsff sad tha publia. �e teatative directiou of thiaki�g for Blocks 2 and 3 is that �lock 3 ba set up oa aa 8-3 basie, Specisl Dsa permiC types and suggeste 8-3 for Block 2 to include wtrees' home aa$ multiple dwelli�g, The Plaaaia,g Coamiasioa suggested gettia� iurtber iafosmstian fran Goldea Valleryr an tbeir zoning ciaesifiaatia� foz hospital �o�s and medical e�atess �rith the possibility of anoeadipg the �ri.dleq ordiaaace to create a hospital �a►s, il o I�ODSi MANDB S� LAYOOT: Coatiauatiaa of the osf,ginal plaoa The Planaiag Coa�miasiAa aaked Mro Hafaar to bring ia a tracing, aud � re-stsbmit th� ptoposed strset plaa to the 3tseete aad Ut�litias Sub- CoamitCes befose retusain,g to tha Piaaning �oa�3saiaae �hs plaae ahould show the wideh of the stsests. the cha�ge in 75th Anamaie and the cul de� sac on Quinay 3trest sout� af Memosy Laa�s, � 12 o M_3 s ADJi�I�4�1T s Thera bsin,g ao further bu"si,n�sss, f�ais�man $ravitc adjournsd ttie meeting at 10:50 P.M. B�aspectfullq $ubmitted, � !;�=t' �� - " $nael o'Brian 8acording s�caretas�r