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PL 09/10/1964 - 7175
AGBNDA � PLAI�IIAIG Gt�!lISSION l�ETING S8P'1'�lDSR 10. 1964 �L C.�1I.I.: �� APPSOfTE MIN[lTS3 O�F PLANNING C�MISSION MF•ETING.. AUGUST 27Z 1964: B�BIVE MINOTBS 0� PLATS & SUBDZVISIONS SUB-tt�4lIZTS�3 MSST'II1G - 38I'T�16ER 2, _ 1964: _ _ _ . B�GBIVS M�NUT88 QF 32ZtSSl'3 & UTILITIES SUS-C4�tLTT$E MSBTING - ss�rs� 2, is�: 1. 2. __2 BQZOIIO t10m x�3, g@II@=81 nnlltiplB t8mily dWlllirig, to C-2, genersl bueiness asae, all of Lot 3, except tha 8. i5S0.4' of Auditar's Subdivisicra �25. � - s. = �.- •._.._�.._ _��... �� _, ..---a-- ---�--� _.. ..__..n, to C-1, local businese area, the Southaast coraer of Missis- sippi Street aad 3th 5treet, Lota 1 and 2, Lots 29 and 30, Black 2, Psoposed Itiede2 Plat. �1 3 e LOT SPLIT BE�iiEST s L. S.�64-17 z WALT88 A. PBTE83t�1: Part �- of Lot Z3, Auditor's Subdivisian �92. Continued fzaan the August 6th meet#.ag. 4. LOT SPT.IT x1�Q it�STt L.s. �6�i-2oL,CL&�IItQfii, INC. s Lots 6& 7, Bloctc 1, I�ielody Meno�c Zad. Itemi 2 on Plate & Subs. Mia. af 9/2/64►. S. 8ffiO�tING $EQUSST: ?•O�A �64-11,�, GORDON S. GR�INAM: Lots 23 thsu 3d, Black 13, iismiltan'a Additian to Meai�anicsville. 8eaone fram 8-3, gesuesal muitiple family dwelliag,to C-1, local buai.�ass azea. Set Public Haasiag date. 6. PB�POSED PBRLiMINARY PLAT: P.3. �64•15, MIKS AAFI�: Past of the NF� og 3ection 11 to be ka000n as Melody Manor 3rd Addi�ion. SeC Public Iieariug date. Sae Item 1 of Pla�s & Subs,. Minutes aad Itaa 2 af Sts�ets � Utilities MiauCes ot SepCember 2, 19b4. 7. P'80�68D Y�iRLIMINABY PZ.AT: P.S: �64-16, !l�LODii MAi�O� 4TH AD�I?ION, � BAFNBR: PBrt af the fiA� of Sectian 11. S�t Pnblic Heazing date. 3ae Item 1 vf P1ete & Subs. Minutoe and Itam 2 of � Streete & Utilities Minutea of Saptesn�er 2, 19b4. Pase 1 Pe�ge 2 Page 3 Pages 4-5 Pagas 6-7 Page 8 Pag�s 9-10 Page 11 � �GEND�A Paga 2 Plaaning Coa�miseioa MeeCiu� September 10, 1964 g, I�LOTK MANOR STRS4�T LAY�IT: Coatinued isro�n August 5 meeting. 9. dRDIPtANCE A1�Il�t1'DII'G CIIAPTER 81 REQUIRitdG AI1 OII SALE LICSfISE g� r,_„_ FR�i A.NX SCHOOL OR Cl�ii�IiGli: Raferred by Couacil at mtet#.ng of August 17, 19G4. Fa�es 12-13-14 � � � Y � ...�: � � � �' �. ,r-r-- SCaLF 1��200 � � � PIANNIIZ(3 CO�SiSSION ME�TING MII�IIZ`ES - AUGUST 27� 1%6�. The meeting Has callsd to ord�r at ?t30 P,Mo by Chaitiaan Era�ri.ka N�mbers Presents �ravik� Bergmana Bandel� Johanso�a Tho�¢pson Ot,l�ers P.��esent: City Man�a�er Wagnsr, Engineer3r�g A�sistank C].ark APPRO�iAL OF t�IINiJTESs Moti� by Bergroan, seconded by Bandelg to appsove the Planning Commissioa minute3 of Aug�s� 6s 29bl�s Upars a voice votea there bei.ng no naysfl Chairman Rrav3.k drsclared ths Ynotian carriedo lo OF THE AREA SURROUNDING THE INTERSECTIOIJ OF MISSISSIPPI : Tt�e I''lanning Co�auitant9 Wo G3.en ti3a13�ce9 is on vacation and therefox�e� was unable to appear at this meeting, Motion by Thompaons aecoaided by Bergmazs to continue this item to the meet3.rig of September IOs 19b?�0 Upon a voice vots� there be3ng no ua,ys� Chairman Kravik declared �he matian carr3.edo 2� MEI,ODY MANOR StTBDIilISION REZONING STUDYa Mro Wallace was not pre�ent to presen� a repo�o Motion by Z'hompsau�, secoaidsd by Her�an� fi.a aant3nue this item to the mee�ing of Sep�ember lOs lqE�it4 � �. � . �• � e � •i • • r ii�S"i(J'a5�7iC��ii•"iti��a��i�i�` ,i`��L�iti�T��_•l�ft�i��i7'il�K► Motion by Thor�psoai� secaa�ded by Ber�aa�n� that the publia haaM.ng conm csrning this x�ao�ing be held on S�eptember 1.08 i9b2�o Upon a voi.ce �otea there being na aayse Chairma�n Bra�ri.k decl.at�ed the motion cax�S.edO 4� PIANNINa IlV THE GENERAL 1�.REA OF Tf�E IN�`ERSECTION OF MISSISSIPPx �i�e Co�3ssian disevssed wa� and maans af handling the rezoning a°eqiass� 3.n this areae and c�ecided t�h�'� each msmber of the Co�nmissian iaould prop�se (a�l �he apecial large scale map of the area �rhi.ch had bsea px�epared by the Ezagineeri»g Department) hi.s �f.etis on the type of soniag �hat w�utd best fit into the overaLl, plan of the City� and pr�aseni it at a special meetin� of the Planning Cc�►ni�9lo�t with Mra Wa].l.ace to be he3.d a�G th�e Midia�ci C�op Btzi].ding oa September 3� i9b�t ai 7s30 PoP4a The Cr�rnnissim�� also discussed a general au�Iiae of t,he a.�ms of tbe P7.anniag Conaaissio�� and the gactors thai a Gommissian must cansider when discuss3ng zo�tn� based on an outline of saici faato�°s p�epared bgr Mro Ber�n The Ca�rmi.gsion d,ecided that i� wou2.d be best to have the Ga�mnission in ,u�*+i mi ty an a predeterm.i.ned zoni.ng patf.ern f ar the area surro�anding the infi.erseatiou of Mississippi and University� before having a,u iniormal hsaring wf.th all the property awners in that particular araao ADJOURNMQTTs Thsre being no further business� Ghairtaan Kravik declared the meeting adjourned at 9s25 PoM, Res� �i�'��ds Earl Po Wa�n�r., Actin�/ e�:reta.�cr to the C�%ssi� !, /"1 � n PIA�3 AND SUBDNTSI03�FS SU&=COP�ffTTEE SEPTEMB�R �a �96� The sriee�3ng was called to arder b�r Chairmari Bandei. a� 8a15 �°m1�o ROI,L CALL: Msmbere pr�sent: Bandelffi Albrecht, Dani�Ison ""°"�"'" M,embers absent: Ydcros 4Lhers present: Engineering Aasisfi,e�rrh Clark � 2, PRELIMINABx PIAT: MEIADY: MANOR 3RD ADDITION AND MELOI7Y MANQR ltTfi s o o • m � -� respec ve �� d r o� e�'�`�'co I.�.a Mi°� Ha�ner �ras pr8�ent to e� or an�wer qusstion� about h�.s plats o I� �ras poi,nted out by Mre Hafuer that ths 16 acre paree2 mot inc�luded �.rt Me].c�dy M�no�x� i�th Addition was the site f or 41ea�aoad Hi�is Haspifi�a].; �saa outl.o� �. was presen�l,y un�ier zoaing s�utipm Mt7�I0N by A1.brechte seecmdsd by Dani.eison� �a recommend apgruva"� of the pz°�ps�sed prelimitaary p�a� #6!t-15 ar�d #�l��i6� N�lody Mano� �a°d ax�ci I�tt� Add3.tian. Motri.oa� car�ied@ r.ar sPr�x �uEST: �„S4 #6la�20 c�aorr �xco: a,ots 6& 7� s��s� �� Me o Reqwes$ bar Clemrun� Tnaofl to spiit Io5 feet fraaa I,o� 78 Block �A 1�eloc�r �nor 2nd ta go w3.th Lot 6a Block �$ Melady Manor 2nd,a MflTTON by Dan3.elson� seaonded by A:ibreaht� ta recammend approval of fi.he Iot aplit #6l�.�oe I�ts 6& 7F s2oc� 1.8 l�ielody 1Kanc�r �rx%� Moti.on carriedQ ADJOURI�Ts ` Tf�ex� being no further business� C�ix� Bandel adjourr�ed � m�st3.ng at 6:1�5 pe rS� xsspec�eu'1.1�r submitt,ed� Iasrrel Ciark Aatirsg 3ecr�tary � 3 � � STR�:E'i'S AND UTILITIES SUB-COMNSITTEE MF�TING SEPTEP�IBER 2,� I961� The �eting �as called to order by Chaa.s�nan Bergman at 7s30 PoMo RO�s Members prese.r_ts Ubben� H�r1°is� Bsrgman Nlembers �.bsen�Y Na�e Others pxesen�s Ci�y Manager Wagn.er� �hgineering A.ss�.st� C�� i� S�REET �'I�A.NNIN�a Study of Fridley �f,ra�t axid 67� Ava�woa Aud�.�o�g� �u v s on �' Sauth of Gardenas Shopping area ne�:t �to 5horewood� ��,,Q Item cont3.n�,ed watil. such time as there i� sorae mater3.a�. nr�sent SN1.�Z1 �S�ii2 �Q Li1.6Ci�3 VlLt7TQp co PRELIAffidAFtY PLATs MEIADY MANOR 3RD ADDITION AND I+�I�t7.�Y NIA.NOR 1c�"�I A D : o„ — an o� � respec ve ;�g �, o ua�es� af c� Mike Hafnar� Mro Hafner was presen�t to explai.n his prapased ��iais„ Mro U}�ben questi4ned the feasibil.ity o�' a walk�ray or ancst.he�° �°adial street betw�en Cnnce�to Cur�e�e a.�d S�S,� 7Jane due to tl�e 71�ng bl�k Iengths �ram Balle�t and Jacks�no It was generally agreec� that �this addittiianal street woul.d not a°eaily add fi.o the traffic ilc�w tl�ovgka this plato MO'.�IOAtt by Iiarxnise �ecomied by Ubtaen� to recom¢�nd appx°aval t% Meloc�y Mancrs 3rd and l��h Additions as prgsentedo r��!���, ,��t�+�r . There being no further business� Chairm�,n Bergrr� adjou��ned ti�s mQe�:i�g a� i�aZ� PoMo `'�ctful.l.y subm3.tteda � �:���� n�rr�z. c�.�k sscretary i / \ ��. �� � "ZU i�- �F �% =l a �001 Cen-L-ral ��v�. P�t.r,. 1rY'id?.e�r ieii_.1ri �51�21 . Au�. ?�T, 1961�, '-"r .;a� rel Clarlc, 1 tidle�r City en�;i..eer, rrwc4l:�T,T C� �:� �i�,ll, �1.t31 'Jniv. �ve . :�.E. ;?ridle:� "''�inn. ;S!,.2i. re: rezonin�; �Tercm� A. �� G-race :�'ya�le;r Lot 3 iron�a�:e oro��rty. :�ear i�:i� . Dar-r�l Cl�rk: Confirm�n¢ r,r;r �eleohnne inc;ui-r;,r of ,rou �his mornin� �t '3:20 :;; �atsuan�: to r.rj Jun� 3rd request l;tte_n to ":�. IL�nne�h L, ��i ;.vi�c ;.r5_ :,:,. t e oi,i�er Co;�.miss-i.on �ne �b�rs names, Ur; �ich :;;r. itiravik i�r;�sdi3telTr nicel,y turned ovc;r to ,yoiz; a.�d also m?r June 12tn recluest I��c �er �o ;ro1,:. D�rr21 concern:i_n� t}:e r� zonin�,r ef our Lot 3. =,°ZsT I have it :;ut on ;.h� ��e�.da. i'or ��his Au�. 2?th ;�ee�,i�a of th� ?lar�r.ing Co;;��ission? � Our Lot 3�s in iu.d. Sub. Div. 25, Sec. 2'r_;, ��'�r,�. 3�, Ran7e 2�.�( across Cen-�ral Avenue �rom t;:7�-� entrance to 100 I%ive Inn Th�a;;e-r •'� also a.djoinin� th� I,.yndal� �.�iJ_der's a?�art�.enL lo�s on their Sou;,n line. ^ � It is a 300 ft. i-roni;are lot, �li� sa.:.� as �l-:e o�^er �ront_�,=;° lo�s, ±!, �, 6, ?, 3, cf o-;,-hicr I ur�d�rs�and °:rere consid�red in Jar.� "; JU�_?j. �iS S''i.c'�LC,'C). 1T1 �;�i��r c.Tl:i78 3T'Q' 2.Y1��.', cTi1�12 1.? �Il 1P1'i, v°T'S �%"le 31�c i70TV iT1iAl v1'�Z.P. <"i,,:In� 11%1�' ��'IC7 :^TaYlt LO 'rr'.ZOl:� 'i3O (�'—? � ;BYl?T'3.1 '01�S1iZf.'3S � . i;i1��.1.F3yT 1: LO('T.l.;.it�i.t�i. v0 i«'Tn �� 1'�,:i '.12,I7:1171P' %011l:'i21jS1E>:1 iJ i:+�!:DE;Z'S� :�;?�,:i2VC. i11:.'�r�_��t Sjny '^., � . _ , n �rn:�el, C� a�l�s �Fo. a.�on, r. 7.f -;�r�� and CrI!'.P ,'; . 1'10T'1 SO:? . n ,� "-7 ?i � '' ' ' -- ., �t_ O�,^ %0.�.., x.E,'.t_:� c�.'1Cl �1.'1..i8CT.1 i,� :�..1Ci .._ µ Oi Farl :r�`�;:1�'l �S� ::^, ;'l:� ;Ci^1^ ��l�ai�.�r 1S' �� C'T1:1�' SO Sa1S?c�CtO'11.1". , r_S `;EY' �TOLl� c`',ri�ili,t?� I 2,?il ',IlY'1':�' �G�"!1S Z( v';^3'� SO zr:)?). :i,-^.V� 2 T'�C�1 Cl �O"f l.'f:1S i:ll?. %7t11 ??12;?j:l:'ln' 0= "i:P :>'� a11T11Y1:; L'O?;1"�1i5�1.0_(1.. _ ;"'� � �`�, 'U' �` '-e ' �isitor � , , 1. .:�n i_i�er�s;, a ai, �i�.� .z�.m. ??�r. �'la ��z=_n� Cor�,-:v.ssi��� me:e'ti^�, ;�.n ls;urn - . ::� -�'.,a :i. ;,,r,�:, a:`cw�n �r.�:•:�l �or all �r,,u ex��elle-�t .. _ -- . =3 ..... ��I:C '� :"L . 11?F?.l il.) �/'^i:._ �_L'.1�_'. 7':�01^i;. ClTY CF FRlDLEY 6431 UNlVERSfTY AVE. N,E. � � � � � � � � ^ ��G 2 � 1954 �� PNf 7i�;,9,;U,IIi�?�1�2,3i4y5�fi ,�T: .:.'� Je� c:an �. ivi�zl.� y.�nd Grace ;��anle�r 56�7. ,>>nt^al Ase. 'd.F. �l �,�Al,�,r :,.��n 571�.�1 I � l l � O��C�. NOTiCS C�T7C tiP' FiRII�.E�f P[18LIC H�YdG �BF�RB TH� F�,AB�N� C�SS�OIt +� � � r — r.�mnsw.�w���� � �1/Si �� �i C�� g Notice is he�sby giv�u that thare `vill be a pub�ic H�saring of the Plaani�g Co�atsion of ths Clty of Brid�ey in tbe Citq Hell at 6431 Unfvsreity Avenue l�o Bo aa Saptember 10, 1964 ia the Couacil Chamber at 7s30 P,Mo fc�r �h� parpos� ofY C�idaratioa of a xRque�� by Mrs, Gzaca l�nleyy et sI, (?.tiA #6+�im�.0) xo xexoas fram 8�3a Gaa�raL l�ltipls Famiiy Dwal�i�agn to C�2, General Busfness Area9 �11 of � /� Lot 3a �ecapt ��s Sai�t 15800� feet thereof and exc�ept th�t paact ehareoi AyiYtg T�TssC of tha NorthaRStarly r�ght oE t�ay lina of ths Onter Drive of the State Tru�t Highm way, AnBitar'� Subdivision lhttnbez 2S9 Seatia� 24, Ta�= ship 90 , I�o�rthp Rat�gm 24 Wset, �aoka Cauuty, Minnasata. Anyate desixia$ to h� beard �ith rsferenae to the �bov�s �att�rr �ri�l ba heazd ae this �asetiag. �nblt�ba Avge�st 2ba i9b4 Septeabsr 29 �964 n � L, I�AVYK G'�IAS�MAI� P'.�,A�tlliG C�LSS7C� 5 n O�FICIAL NOTICE CiT7t �+' Fxli)LEY Pt)BI�IC ��A8IU1�G B$FORS T8E PLAHIJING CR�IISSxON Z�0 WHQ�i IT MAY CO�N s Natice is heseby given thet there will be a Public Hearing of the Plaaaixtg Cammissi.or► of the City of Fzidley fa . the City �all at 643I tTaiv�rsit.y Avemte N.S, oa S�ptem�er 1Q, 1964 in the Cauucil Chamber at 7:30 P.Me far Che pu�poae vf: Ccasideratiaa of a requsst by D;r, 83chard Tr�ezo�a, et al. (ZOA #64-09) to z�raane fromi 8•i. sing2e f�3,Iy d�selling, to C+1, local 'bueinees ar�, all of tha Weet �wa hvudred eleven fe�t (211 °) of tbe Noxth twe tuiacigect sixtyeight feet (26�8°) of the 8ast �alf (S�} of the Baet Half (S�i of the Sa,tthwest Quarter (SW�) of Sectioa 14, eaccept the Nostti CUirty /"� three feet (33°) foz street right af way, a1I Iocated i�u S�tion 14, T•34, R-24, Cauaty of Aaaka, State of Miaaesotao Anyoas dseiring to be heard with refezence to the abwe matCer will be heard at this meetiag, rubls$h: ��ust 26. 1964 Sept�ber 2, 1964 � I�Il118Y� L, I�AVIK CHA�T PLAHI�II3G �SSIAN 0 .�`� �, � � � sC�.�G t"= �oa� REzo N �N� � �� �.���~� 0—��► �t V E Y O�c�. 4� t°� � u�i.� ��- � � a;g€��, �i� i.+:t �_ �� �ez��e f�am !•1 to G•I �� $ ��3 cc�rn�s of Miss. �ty enci 5s�ia S t.-Lot� � snd 2� I.a� �9 �d 30, Bl.ack 2, i'x�a��d �iadtl A*I�t o �--�., � I 'T""ca �: — �, � � � 1 C � �. �. � 1� � � � F�. � /-� � �. 3 � � 6 s � � � � �n�- �a�• ,�• � , I � e � ` � � �r � � z� � I�, � --- � �s �' � _. � � ` � _� � :�, -_-� � �. � � � �y �._.�..�.�.__.� � �� � � Y� � � � �� - � � �� � � �� � �.� �._ � � �� :� � € � � � � y �� � � � ��,. � .w»".9'" "�'1 � .,� ._.._.�`':._v,�� � t :.J � `q�✓�o � / ca .. ,. / � � i oa' IV'�1 �15�i��1 � i 6�.� ��V' � � � .�`� � � 0 �N � � �� � � � ^ � 41e; 'vy v \ � . � C'� \ �t �� � ^V \ Lot Split ��64-17 Walter A. Peterson 1601 Gardena Ave. Part of Lot 23, A.S. ��92 � �"j r�21��?-i✓� d�c. t°� . 0 � GENERRL CONTRACTORS CUBTOM BUILDERB OR HOME9 APARTMENTS COMMHRCIAL BUILDIN68 YOUR PLAN OR OURS R6ALH8TATH BROKERS L�T US BELL YOURHOME APARTNEN7 BWLDIN6 I.ANO OR LOT ALL TYPHS OF ItliANGING AYAtLABLH ws sRnoe � � ��� � _ � a Mr. Darrel Clark City of Fridley Engineering Dept. Fridley, Minn. Dear Mr. Clark: / � � �- 7 � "� % Z.l � Augus t 13, 1961} . � We are requesting perznissior� to take 1'� feet ofP the north side of Lot 7, Block l, Melody itanor 2nd, arid adding it to the south side of Lot 6, Block l, Melody I�anor 2nd. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. truly, ona d . son CLII�2RODT, INC. RCJ:jt . A sas���'Y �� �` � �N��� sRR�p C�/rYq�fY q,;, A�, V,� � � ���'$���1i1 . �� �96`� �i�d,�i2,� p�,. � ���Q • � r . _ . i. � � � �R.� ,' \ I ,/� ^ Split 1� feet from North side of Lot 7,.Block 1, Lot Split ��64-20 and add to South side of Lot 6, Block 1, Melody Clemron, Inc. Manor 2nd Addition. 3619 Benjamin St. N.E. Mpls. 18 - 784-8921 (Ronald C. Johnson) � � � � � � /S/, •- i a� � � � � � � /*✓i :f �� G,�/ P�'o�osav CN�9NC� - - - - - — � 0 . n � � `o 1' o � �� , �o-� s�� 7! 7�1.�c � � N�E� o�yl�n►��n�6,Cj �.�Ev ca�C1rY oF - � �� �nrivFRSi RrA��Y C E J V� ��� �� � Q 7� � r 7 ���� . i8,�i1°,v��,,c,�,� ar,� ,��,.�,�, !. � ,�! �� ' j� i,.�' �cJ'L!- iU� �� _ > ; 1�- ��/� �� �� � `� � � CJ i' -�r� . _ if �' �-'2�; � -J ,.-��` .J t �"`� , � f ^ �'� — v �'y / , � ��/�� `� � �K�t,ic�[� �"W�^'�`�"'��� . � � J���� \�� .�j' ,: - �/Z� ✓��,sL ,-t,�:��= ��..�' "� �` . ' � =� ;�, � . d(�/%�// -t.r��'�- 1� / % � �' � �/'',' .--�1�!* � � \ � � �J V ° _y... . V � �-/"�t' '�-'� � . � �a � � �c.���.�,.�� -�.-� t���-�.-�-�--�-�----� �.; /� F l. �CJ �/� •7 7 ?9 ,� % i �� � . � C�-�✓L �' `,�t..-Ll.�. 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Cha,p�x f��. �cr.� :Ei�th�r ��W�ac�y� er.� ����r ���� �a °�"n� �.�a��.a�� �s�i�s�.�.c�n�. S���rade� by W�i��n Cc,�,a�;c�.�.��� ��.��� �.na�e�.�.�:��� w��r �u�e axdinr�.zi�,� �s��.a xio� �� a�nci�clo Ce��a�`�.1�x� �i oh�.�a�r��? r�ep3.�.cci •���Ey �id �.�.m� �, �a�P�s�ic�w��,�. �o�° p���5.xig �x��� ti�.�d •�he;� ��x.�.d h�,�re �:h� v��.�s ��r� ca� "r� � I�la.°�,�.�e r��. ��.�.s � �et¢�, i:��car_ �. �A�.�e �r��;, ��,e n.�c3�io� ca.�r3�c: i13'�. Cpta.r����m.� ��.rkh� er,�pc��ed� .l��.�iC)�ti,L':�(3I4T,�,�d'��`°�,� �t?.'�.'TI3G �.'�5�.�''��1�i�� �., ���Z,�,��.�,...��� u�..v.,_i:..Y.1'7AF�:R�'W ' " .,�. PR��t�.a� by �cshe��� 4� �:gg°� �s��a�u•�<�.�►n i����a�.� a'��.�L�n� ��s�u���� �`c�� P�o�c�� Pic�a �� ��n i�a� �e�� N�a� �,gt�►;� �aair,g p� ��," %qt 3.:�;, �ud�.�c��'s ��ti�di�s�cm I4�?„ �g BSi� �:L£���.Y.'� �?E3�,C� ���@�ii�Xiu i3Z7. k�4.�3.'���. �f�SPo �.'��� ��.T?,� j�a�"� 4'� �3'�� =,� �° � J...�.� t1i�WA.����;i t`.�J6W��Y����'��i 1F�tr ',�'e: A7�" .�Q���'� �'� 9YZ�.;�ii�r� ��i� �. �.L� ��3r�� �13'`rA'i�F ��aL� A�..� t.i43•�SiK LOM`; AY.�'J�iL�SBb wtZ+.1+L.F.�� ii6lWihLA.l..6S��I�1�+.eYF��n 3�t�tio���� Jci:�ar��e�� �c cas t�Ze i�2�°! S�A e�� Secancl�8 �a�r �l���ta';.,, �a.��i�a t��a,na.ma�.;;�;; � i�t��.'�i�t�i�?'G ���S�d•�i'TT �'GR��ICAZ`�QI�T w- �,(i�,' � , �3ACI{ 2 �: �.d�a�'� �e�ti��.�.t�xc�� �:ibi���.��� ���-�hd�.vT�.n� �h� ce��i�i��.�ion �����e�s��rt ar� %�� a� �3it�c� �� i�er�r� �e ��.3.�� .�.ddi�3oz�� U��a s� �rr�3c� va°��; �?�re '�L �.ng rY� nay� , �h� ���.on Rr�SOI,�'�.'IQT1 =,�:iii`a'..�b�.'- �.L��73�;::�r��tx S�`'�:�'I'�.t`' o�VG .,9.�SSk:SaP�� � P�.'s�G�l:. 6�Jt?� yc;�]ea.'.,.�_�_— _' e'Ci..::v'zao��:'.a�f. ��vser..i.�m.0 . .:n/S.ii¢SS:�',:-s �.a.�._bti;.R..��^.�.�.o..,.�A.-,y�m�ii�catw0'y A����.u�. by a3c���,r���r� �ca ��,,o�� :;�sr��.�-is�,on ;;`:aC�.�-;.9� at�u�ra�:�.�ix�� �ucz �.a.�e�tin� �r� s�s"s.i��:it�g s�x s���.�zti ass�w��a�:��� o� I��t� �.�� c��' P� 1%� �E��: S., ti�3."') �e��:;iou � ���cs�� �tX?) : S�c�nc'�.�:c�, i�y �,?�.•i�hto J-�n a �ra�c� ��:8 �he�e ���.rig �.� �e.�i��, �'i� ��E::?t'aa� �:f.2:"a.�� �.a�t�.r'�:E�^t�t��:t.Yr�� � �.� �.� " 3.�� ?.`;�� ��{3 �TI�'����.� ���ES 3 � S�ta��.on by So%n�car. tc► t�ct��t �e��i�:�'c�i�xa .,��1����.9� r���t�i�.�in� �ro<:��a.t:�ra� or r�e�r�� sex��,�: c�r�.°�� �1��s� ��^���,sa� �vrz�.�.tian�� ��co�ded �ay Wr;tgh��; Upon � ��.�^.n °iO�:�y `�'"ik�X'C. "1?�:;.��z.;s' 3!9 �4f.Lv�fi3.- d',i7.�^ ��s��:,�Ot1 C;E��".�"a�.�t� Ltti£f.�1�IOL15.�.fa ^ '`, � � � �. L � ry� 4 � � � +�` , `�� V � � � ' � � '�� 1,`�. ^;� � s i ,� � � ,; \J � ; �� � . 'v r . �J `� � � � � 0 � - '� , � J,,- �. ,� � ;, . �\ 1� � (., o�z��� �o . CITY OF FRIDLEY � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 81 B_,Y,�/� ��� ADDING A SECTION 81.061 REQU •1vG'AN ON SALE LICENSE TO BE Z�u`�'"`���UNllRED FEET AWAY FROM ANY SCHOQL OR CHURCH. The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Chapter 81 of the City Code of Fridley be amended by adding thereto a section as follows: Section 81.061. No ON SALE Iicenses shall be issued for any building, room or place within �00 feet from any public or parochial school, or any church, said distance to be measured in a straight line from the building in which such school or church is conducted to the main public entrance of the premises described in the appZication for license. No beer or intoxiC'�ting Iiquor shall be consumed on the premises or grounds of aay church or public school or parochial school. Passed by tne City Cauncil of the City of �`�idley this • day of , 1964. , Mayor City Clerk First reading:��^^ j %/�� �,''' (ti,�.a�t� �^ ...< .�.s, -'� . f� --T ��" Second reading; g'ublish• i4 �