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NOVEI�ER 12, 1964 �
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The mestiag was called to �ordar by Chais�auan Racavik ax 7:40 P.M.
lt�y CAL%s Membess pzss��s Johaasan, Kravik, Bezgmea, Baadel (entesed 9:15 P.M.)
ri�embaY abseut; Thompson
Others pres�nts City Manages Wagnez, Eagiaes�ring Assistaat C2ark
AppROitE ,_,_MINUTB.S 0�' P2,ANDtING Cf�iISSIOTV MEEfiING � S� 10, 1964:
Z�OTION by Jahaason, secaud�d by Bergman, that the miuutes of the
Pla:miug meet3sig vf Septcember I0, 1964 be apgxoved. U� a
voiae vote, all Yotiag aye, L-he s�tian carried.
APP8QV8 MINilTBS OF PL�i�2�G C(��IISSTAN MEETII�TG - SEP'r8i�38B 24. 19b4:
1�OT'tON by Johaneoa, seconded by Bergman, that the miuuCes o� ths
Plaaaing Coa�issf.00' a�aetiag of Ssptember 24, 1964 'be approved. Upon a
voiae vote, all votin,g aye, the a�tio� csxri.ed.
B�G'S�� 0�' P'1.ATS & Si1BDZViSiQNS SIIB-C�R,�ZTSE____M�I1.'II�TG - OCTOBBR 6, 1964:
i�'iTON bY Bea�gm�n, se�aaded by Joheast�s* that tt� Plaaniag Comi�issian
rec�iva ti�e miautes af Lhe Piats aud�..aas �ub-�Com�ittee ma�tiag of
Oc�b�7c 6. l�164. Upc►a $�oic� va�e, �11 voting aXas '�he aqtion carried.
^ ,R1�SIV8 MINUTES �' ST�TS & UTI�ITIBS SUB-C��Tt88 2�8TIDiG • OCT�BS� 6, 1964:
�OTION by Bergmsa�, secaaded by Jc�haaeon, that the Plaaning Com�iasion
roceivs Cha minu�es of the Stseets and Dtilitiee Sub•Coa�ittee meetiag of
Octobes 6, I964. IIpan� a v�ice vo�e, B31 voCi�g aqa, the mc�tion r.arried,
I�?�ON by Be�cgmaa, e�aaded by Johaasoaa, tilat the Plaaaiug Co�iesicm
s�caivs the miautes af �he j4int mestia$ of fihe Fycidl�3► R�creation Commis-
sl.oa snd.Pazks and Playgsouads Sub-Ca�amittee meeting of Aug�st 31, 19G4.
tlpa�n a vroice vate, a11. vo�iag ay�, the mo�l.iotin carried.
Vvi7J.iasaapi/ i vu�aav aal.7wE1►a�a�v • aiu:rriva.aa.v ati+w[v�av �� �•io w v-.— �.. t �!
AL. s Bsao� fro� &-3, g;eaetal multiple femiiiy �oasl2iag, ta C-2, geaeral
iaess sr�e, Lst 3, szcep� the Eas� I580,4 ft. of Auditor's Subdivisioa #25.
�1, BT AL: R�aae froma 8-3, geaeral multipie family dwelling, to C-
bus�es ires, ;.c►t 2, Bl.ock 3, Terry's Additiaa aad part of Lot 5,
°s Subdivieioa �25.
�h� falZaving pea►gle �sre pre�eat fateseeted in thia item: Petsr
Dupay, G2ea Hillatrem, Bexaard 3ulkowski, Mrs. Gries Maaley, Mrs. Williaffi
� �s.
Pl�anin� Comm,iseioa Meeting - Oat.ra,b�r 8, 1964 Page 2
Zhs public heariag n�tice e�as read. Mr. Julkaweki es�plain�d thare
as�e thres dii£ese�at o�aaere involvad ia the reaonia,g, and h• v8s oniy o�
� lat. 8ecauet the higti�ay is takin.g the corner Qf that ares, Che �
remetiaing land v�ould n�t be good atultipl� doralliag area due to the p�oximity
o£ the hi,ghwey. The asea is aurrcn�nded by apari�it houses and a small
o�amex�cial ar�s, such as sma11 stores, a�ould b� a good buffer to hi�hwny
trafiic aad noises. �
Ms. Wesaer left the mee+ting.
. It a�s explaiaed that th�ee different o�raers ase imtolv�d in three
differe�t piecss Qf proporty, and by w+a�cking tog0the=, the denrelopmaat
�wauld be mare uai€orm. Being adjacent to a Drivs-In 7�eatrs, it ie
appareant Chsse ase cestein busisfeeses that cauid causa a nuieance. It
was feit that ths City Attorn+�y should dtaw �p ec�e kind of classiEication
for the aeighborhood ehaPPing centars.
MO'1TOTT by Johaneaiu, secanded by Berg�sn, that the Planning Comonissi.oa
c].ose the Public Heazin� Z�A ,�64-10, resoniag £�a 8•3, general multipls
famS.2y dmelling to C-2,�geaeral businese area by Mre. Grace ManZey, et al.s
�f Lot 3, e$cep� the Eaet 1580.4 feet of Auditcrs's Subdiviefon �25, Lat 2,
Biock 3, Tarry+s Addition and par� of Lot 5, Auditot's Subdivtsion �F25,
aad defer tha itan untii tha n�t mesting. Upaan a voice vote, aii votiag
syo. the m�tion carr%d.
l�ey Sergaman beli�sd a diacussioa oa this pettieeilas item with the
City !►ttos�nay w+�uid be advieatble.
� 2. P[iBLIC HBASINGs 88Z, O�N ,ING �UEST,- TAA #64�i1, Gt�DO,� ,S. GBAHAM: Lots 23
th�ru !0, Blaek�3,-itamilt��s Addition to Maehaaicsville. Be►zoae fscm R-3.
ge�al mu�tipl�a fe�ni�.y d�el2iag, to C-1, lor�tl b�usi.r�ess ases.
Mt. Gardon GrahBm and M�c. J�ha Andereon �tare paeeaut.
, The pctblic heasing autice wae ��ad.
I�. Gsahem staCSd he b8limv�d his prop�Ctyr vae aot suitable fo�
a�tment8 and shwld be soasd com�ccial. '
�TIOL�1 by 8asgmsa, �aecandad bg 3ahaaeon, to cloae the publie heasiag
ef the reaanisig re�quast, ZOA �b4•11, by Gordon S. Gstiham, Lots 23 thsv 30,
Block I3, i�emniltoa'�e 1�+�#ditioa ta Mechaaicevili.� aad daisac actioa antil tha
asack ms�ing. IIpoa a voice vote�, aIl voting aye; tbs ma►tioa carrisd.
�ch�eal a. aa� ena &aaaeth o.. H.faer r�sre psae.nt,
9� pabltc L�cing aotices for boLh greiiminary plats arsre zesfl.
TL� Caa+miasfo�n nQtsd �he ciu�ag�s �re msd,e tbat vars racaam�sndad.
Plaaniag Com�nission l�eetin� - October 8, 1964 Page 3
I�'PION by Joheaso�a, secaaded by Bergmaa, that the Planniag Co�issiose
� close the public heasing of the propoaed pzelimiasry plat, P.S. �F64-15,
' Melody Menor 3sd Addition, Mike Hafnes, baia� part of the NB�; of Section
11 and reca�met�d ta Cauncil appzaval of this plat. .Upoa a voice vote,
ell vating aye. the �tian.carried.
MDTION bq Johanson, seconded by Bnrgmea, that the Planuing Coa�iasion
cloee the public hearing of the proposed preliminary plat, P.3. �64-16,
• Melodq Manor 4th Additiaa, Mike Hafner, being> par.t...,of the N&� of Section
11 sud reco�rmend to Couacil appxoval of this plat� Upoa a voicc vote, ail
voting aye,, the �tioa carried.
4. P'$OPOSBD PBBLII�INARY PLAT: P. S. �`64-17 &. C � DLBB�G MARig R�pNZ: Pazts ef
Lots 22 aad 23s AuditBr s Subdivision 7T.
� No utiaa because rhis was etill in sub-committee.
5. LOT 3P'LIT R�4DBST: L.S. �64-2�� A. P8I8DITISs The North 150 ft. of
Weet 217 ft. af Lot 8, Auditor's Subdivisioa ;8�92, subject ta raad eaaea�at
over Wae� 30 ft.
Mr. Ptieditie was•presEat.
i�'!.'ION by Betga�a� eecoaded by Jahaasan, that Che Plaaaiag C�amissiaa
recam�ead to the Cauncil approval af the Lot Split request #64-21, Elmars A.
PriediLis being the Na�cth �SO fe�t of West 217 feeC of Lot 8, Audit�'s
^ Subdivisioa �92. Upaa e vQice vate, ell vot3ng sya, the matioa cerried.
6. RSZONING INFOR'MATIQN RE NiJR.SING H0�]E: William D. Camg, Jr. for 63td Aveaue
sad Sth 3treee.
Ms. 8iedal and Mr. William C�rp were preseuC�
It wae e�cplained that thm PZenniag Commissioa is � ia tha procesa af
trying Ca aenrelop • method that is camnpatible ` reasa�able zaning aud
pla�mia�g aad also of do3.z�g thia in s little �ra ordesly fashion tt►aa vhat
has occtxt�ed in othe� parts of the City, and has pro�ed uadesi�rabie in s
oertaia aeu�e as ths �ime goaa oa. It was asked if, in tha apiaion of thase
iata°s�estsd, that thie aussiag hame, or propoasl to get a pe�mit to build ane
on 63�d Avaaue aad St6 Staeet, would be slong thie lir� ia the transitioa
#raa �asid�atiai tar commszci,ai use. I� was fe2C thst thia tqpe a€ buildiag
�o�ild i�d itse2f a�eadilp ta the aftustion, Bacav,ae the hoa� �ss aear
Gbus�chta, baak �ad shappiag aent�r, Mr. Ca�p fa�lt this s�rould be an idesl
l�c''• Camp �ras infosmed that ho ahould applq fo7� a Sp�ial Usa P�ssit
aad that s�eaaaiing was a�ot �essary.
�To a�etioa.
7. SH�PP'ING CSNTEB. 1� S�I.ITE��AN: Narth of Shosstroo�d Louag' ia Gott�t7.d paresl.
� �ta�aring Assiat.�aC Clark �plaiaed that ptrt af tise ares Will have
to be �eso�ed, aad aa alignmoent of the street �rith High�rsy �6S sad �ice
Pla�i�g �issA��a �ieetln� �- (�ctober 8, �964� Page 4
Cresd Ra�da ��e� ��.nes �nd wa�ex�a�u� have to b� consideredc � the
,I'1 develag�x�E. s�� tii� 1a�d.
i�C�1:��7 by ��:��,�.z�� s�cane3�d by .;nhansou, that tI� Prop�sed ShoPP��
Ceai��� p��F.� ty ���; ;s? :��r�an be r..i��rx��i to the S�reets ��d Ut3litfes
Suia�-s,,�r�ni��e:e ��.ci �}�. ;�<�:����rra�x► shc�e�l� �u�t a let��r askiug fox the
re.�bfzix�g. Upa:� � ��r�i� : .��:�, �11 �,�c=L-ing �ye$ the mo�ion caa�ried.
8:, �R��r€.�::�v ���s���� ��z�:;�°: �.:a.�;�� ��,���?Rv xi�a�� �G5 Arm C�TxAi. svEt�tt1B:
c} �
�'��i���a�.�;; ��ss:�4 �:�,r.f.k €,�:�.a�ic �pl�t�n�� �'h�� this rosd wau13 run
be�rF•ea� �h� F���E:.slu �:�;=x� ti�n� �%e T�;�i.i�r Sai�s. T��e �ity has twa deeds
fc��� `���.� 2i�rih �?.:���i�n ��: ���� s�.xe�t,, ��t a.n o�.dex =or the Cit;� to accegt
t"=.i� �eusis, �ou�acx.1_ r��a}�:���r�:: is n�c��s�t�.y.
���P; l�y .;ah�7.agr��;� ��cr��.d.�d by ��rgma�z, t�aC th� Pls�nxaing Cau�eission
�ca�}zcu� c�3.ti: �:h� 5�:���i:� a+:,cl i��-s��.�ie� �u�-Cc��it�e� �ad recaw�end appxoval
aw tlir: Nir�s�.d� Ali�tr�r,�.a.: �r ��:e���s��� on �Ye�: �ira�t�n� by Suburbsn Bn�ineer-
i:��, :inco 4Jpon s��ic� ,y;��:�, �31 vo�Ing a�r�, Lhe mQt3cra c.�t3cried.
G�. �t�u��: ivr, ��� �r� s.� Lz�avs� To s�
.°�s� :��.�r� �.� ; �°rrc�a:�;: �s fi � :.�1� ��� �uicT, lik8 tcs have 1.�e Ci�y gttor�aey �
�t�a�ai�",�� ��r� mc�s��.��, aar� ��s`us� ��.�3� �ax.m �he ve�i�aaa 8specte oi the
; ����"";c�a
� TQ, ���::3�;��G y� is"ES'i': �C4.�� ���Y��Y��'l, {;�.��"".a�2. �u; �t�C., WAi.7'SS EK: Lots 4
��� i� :�?ct�ck '�s�, �te�s �.�?s�f.���� t.c� �'.i��ey F'ax}�. Resoue frnm R-1, siagl�
�'�_:'.f rk��?.�.i�, �xr a���r ,�;�::::���1 btiar.�.nys� are��. S�� g�blie hearin,g deta.
s�C?�t��` by .7nh��rr���, ��:.rr.�aacieri i.,., :�anciel, ?�P��t �h� Flaaning Ccr�ission
�o��; `��� n=_s���..�.� ��.E�si�;� �:�:�.�;<:: cs� N������: �.�a d�G� %car �ho s+e�anin� requ�est
r�ti C��i�i :r�� �a"� �:�, �5,�, � :;�� �.0 �L �i<�� I, 13:.r��% �s ite�s� Additiaa ta Fr9:31ay
�a�:�L• ��� �.3� �Y::� r:��w=r, � �r�,.. ��zg:�.t���i�.� �Pe;�.���ua�m�: �?�oaxid �ax��It vith
�3�� .�'���:, �'p �i��.ein�e�:. �a:' �:��. ��.€.h�.f� ��. Sm�.�h* s�rn�rr ni ebut�ing pxoperty.
�d+.➢?.?►s � °^7�'y'�&:�'. '3::3Y.'4'y 'i`� .?: '� ��,ilw�, a :E'�'.. �r;+»�.!}1 t"�Y�'.t.�E9t$a
_ 7 t'e T 'y +.� ' '�...�. ..5.'ai:�S.� " Ls .. :7 . i . 4: z.'$ �� }"� C°
_ . . . r.'. ��`K � �:,..�. � a..:.t� .�. . : �. . _: .... ��, . �� t� �„�id.,�?°�i3(; i �.t�N C�I.'ANY s We s t 149 . 5
.�<��;i: �c ;.�Ls :.t� ess� :>_Zg D"�"� �ei{ :3u b�a�.:Zxzr; aaek� �a�rk�side.
����r��.�cl �s� �.:�e ��:����:�.:� a���d I���,:b��ic.� �rA�. Pl�ts anei Subdivisivns Sub-
<: cr�.��. ��. ;:��;: .
�_�'., ��.°��T�9S� �`���:'�;�a ���.G1G��;i,;'�: � �3:3::d f��:,��:,�� ����A� ��ZC� �nc� F�aze Gasoliae
"�i:��:��s� i3:��i ���?� R.@iv�:' �.�wz�1N
�'°�� .sF�L�.�:�a cs� 'c;�� .+.c��z:..:.�:aa �:i ��� ;:��g staCfa� in �aajunc�ian
-cr�_�fi �:� a=�ur.dt��;�� ?.i�an� s��' F�c�a� ��a�.i�.s �x�.c� l�'zid��g� wett discussed. I� w8s
x.���d th@ �'�r���; �i �n� �J�:'. ai`�•.:�:f SciG� ��..���e �eca�aende3 the Plannin�
C�_;�sio� ��� t�xat���w� ����» ��� a���c�s�:r��y �n asx�y-t►ut the ali�nt
r„\ cf �2�-�d A�r+�a�u� �1��5 `r.�:cr,. ����, 'a��� �_���i��sn �c+n� �.s ta deciSe �h�ther nr
�a� :c� gu,��h��� �� �s�°a�'��€:,� �e���r�:�ry �a� t�a� �:i.��nt or weit until.
Planaiu� Co�issiaa Meetiag - October S, 1964 Pa�e 5
ths land is �praved aad probablY I�Y �� ��9 ead to d�cida where ths
alig�ent ie to bs, and take stepa tc get Stat�e Aid appraval.
1�TION by Johaasoa, secoaded by Bsr�man, that the P2anaing Corm►ission
cancur witb the 3tseets and Utilities Sub-Committea and secommend to Couacil
that the necessarp steps to establieh the alig�nent of 83rd Avenue (MSAS
Noe 310) ead get 3tata Aid appraval so thst if City Council desixes to
start purchasin,g right of �ay, the City could be raimbure�d for said expen-
di.tu=es. IIpon a voice vots, all vating aye, the mation carried.
Thern baing no fvrthar bueinass, Chairmsa Kxavitc adjourned the maetiag
at 10;10 P.M.
�tfully eu tted,
�� J'.P��•
Haael 0'Brian
Recording Sacretary
OCTOBBR 22, 1964
The �tiug was called to order by Chsirman Kravik at 7:55 P.M.
R�C�AI.Lt Members prese�ut: Johansan, Kravik, Bergman
Membexs abseut: BBUdeIa Tho�pspn
Otbers present: City Manager Wagner, Bngineering Assistant
Clark, City Attoraey W. Smith
City Attorney Wyman Ssaith discussed with th�ae presmt the
be�asfits aad liabilities of ameudiug Chapte�c 81.
IrDaTI0�1 by Bergmaa, seconded by Johausaa, that the Planning Com-
missioa recom�nend drawing up a dually restrictive typa af Ordinance
relative t� the relstioaship betweea churches, schools, etc., and
the tqpes af busiuess cancerris dealing in ou sale and off sale
licenses. IIpon a voice vote, �11 vo�i�g aye, the motion cerried.
The �igiaets'�ag D�cpart�en� was requssted to prepare a map
showiu� the schools aad churahes in �ridley and circliag an area af
300 feet around each.
i'\ r�TION by B�rgmaa, seco�aded by Johanson, that the City AtCarney
proaeed, as directad by the City Council, ta form an amsndatary
ordinancs for a ne�w zoa�ng classi£ication based on tha suggested
patter�a diacuesed, and return ta the pla�ing �oarmiseion for cansid-
erstion at tha neact meating. Ugou a v�oics vote� all voting aya, the
motion carried.
�-� �•��+�+aa++ u�.usna.4t nlu�silliL ,111i YJsA1V;
to Commission by City �ouncil t3ctober 19, 19b4.
The Ca�ission Iooksd aver the plans, noting espeaially the street
plaa. A discussion wae held r�garding the possible and pianasd entrances
and eocite to the area. Mx. Johanson said that ha would discuss the site
pla:i witb ths 8aspital Board end report seme at the next Planning Cam-
mission meeting.
ADJORJx1�1�T t
Thara being no further business, Chairman Kravik adjourned the
�eeti�g at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfullq submitted,
�,�� �� .
Recording Secretary
8�'8 b D� 808�1'1'8� •� 3, 1964 PA� 1
� �e mest3s►� dae aall�d �e os�r lyy Chai�t Be�gynsn at 7 t4S P.M.
�S�s� M�►srs pros�ut t Sargmea� �ueris, Ub1�
Others presantt City Manag�r W�, City $ugi,n� Qus+eahi
1. PB+O�'O�BSD P�8L2i�II �_ , P S GG�-]s,Z`, S. C. OLB� �p� �s
PaYts oi 1ot 22 and 23, Auditos e 8ubdivisioa No. 77.
�rs. 8oac� a�ed libc. Uibarg weYe greeaat aad ssnia�rod th� psobl�n
�ith Ghe 8ub-Co�m�ttse. •
it �a �plained that a st�nclarci strest is SO feat wida, �l if
a auI da saa �r�ce to be used, it would be nsaeesasy to i�ave � 00 feet
£or e� at�btisnd. Iti wae dateimined thera m�e aot eoougiz l�ad fos
this type stf sosd. A dis�usaiou �ollaw� w�exeby a psivsCS st�ud oould
be put in viCh a pe�t aae�meat for�utilities.
� � by Qbbsa, seconded by 8estii.+�� tiu�: t� Stsaete 8a8 U�iliti�e
gub-Coropdtteo raaomownd giviug pasmissi+ooa� to pswtd4 a p�eivata chiva�
and gat g pa�ms�eoat utility eese�ut for �tcc�as to that ps�aperLy. IIpon
a vai.e� vats, the moti� castisd.
2• t StsNt vacatioz► -- S7� Avaaue
botw�a Ssd �tsrst aud 2. St�st.
Mr. ztaalc �oao p►rasent, • aad ��,oiaod tbat he w�uld litaa to bn,ild
!''1 tw mora bauaee aad a�ied z�t�wra of ths oeeem�at thsC had t�ssu dedicate�►
fs'om hia ps+�paacty �o�r a ser�t.
� Cit3► �nSinear Qui'aehi aacpiained the back,gz�ound oi thie problam
includi�g tha 1961 attset plan, rahich �ae tbe lateet pl.�a.
In t.he disaass3aa qset fol2�o�ared„ it appaess that tho traifia
pattern ti•raa iairly b8rr3c. Maiu Struat aad the bridge trtll elim�nabe
tYVCk tr�tfiies, but ss l,oc� ae T�iird Stseot ia n ps�opesod etz'rs�, ths
Coum�ittee did aot feei iC s�cw].d be wiee to vacats 57� Ava�na�a.
t�'�0� by Bers�is� sacouded bp Ubb+�u, that t�e 8tra�ts and II�iliCies
Sub�COtmd.ttee �esjaCC ttle VBCOCiOa racjuAe� �SA9 l64-08) by J08fph Ziask�
eud co�as�claar t3ie s�equest again only by a sevisw of �ha ahoio as+�s �aith
tha p�raparty oo�aess. and et�g�aeC Co �r. Stsai�cc that iw g�t tog�t�or triLtt
d�► ps�opastp vvners � accesa oa Thisd Sta�sst, aad sst�a �ith a plaa
of �he total arcia. IIpoa► a voicm vot+a, t.h� nw� ca�¢s�isd.
'3. �TA�G+�OTis SA4 �•09 s 8�equast to havo siiry west o# 2nd Stre�t bet�rea�n
�++���r r ����r�.r�r�.+
60th ead 'Glet �vmuess filled ead eodd�d.
��Y �i� R��. �PYsiASd t�se probie■s of th� �arae.
l�i'I� by Ssxzie, s�coaded �y Ul�ben, t�at the Sts�ssts a�d Utilitt�
Sub-CooRnitt�s d�qy ths s�eques� as writt�u for Vecation �64-09. Upon a
r'`� voiae vote. the m�tian aarried. .
SL's�eets & Utilities Sub-Co�ittes • No�em�bsr 5, 1964 Page 2
. �-
�, LO►P 3PLI! BI�QUBBT; L.S .�54•24. GII� aA�e��*Aa�1 s I.ot 6, Block 1,
Vmi Cloavo's Addf.tiono
Mto Sabcasi.ssan �as presmi�.
Citq l�iaaer qureuhi atated tha lot split met all the roquirementa
o£ a lot split, �ut �a crioh�i tio call attentiaa to tho guct thaC if it
were graatod� it would cut off all poasibiliCy of putti� in a road ot
the soat.� portion of tho loto
I�TI02� by Ubt�a�a, seconcted i�y Harrie, that the Stteats iaad Utili,tiee
Sub-Committos recoa�nd appro�val of the L�e Split �64-24� Gilbart
Sakarinaoa, bein� Lpt Ga Blocit ]., V�n Cleave'e Addi�i�n. Upon a noice
voto, tha a�tion carried.
.5 �aot ofc I�ots
: ThQ W�at
� d�r0iopat wiehed thie requast to be tabled esntil futthsr
notice. No acti.oa. �r. Harria left th0 aeatingi
6 v A�IObI61. STATS AID 1�L8A�G8 - 0. S MII�&S t
Mnl�t hy t1�be� ti�at the Sexsets a�d DCilitiee 5ub-Com�oittiee
/'�� reco�mend that 53rd Straet (Univere:tty �o Main) aad 63rd Strut
(7tb Stzee� to University) be des�atad ss Miaaeeota SCa�s Aid
Streeta. Upon a voiae vots, r.he motion carried.
Th�ce betaa no further inie iness� Chai� Be�gme�a ad jousn4d tho
meetin� aC 9s15 P.M,
iiase � 0 Sriaa
RecordiaE SeCretary
• �
The meetiu� aras called to o=der by,Chaixmaa Saadei at 9:00 P.M.
8_A d.�s M�embers preseat: Bandel, Albreaht .
Memma�r_ absent: Danielsoa . :
,Others preseat: City Maaager Wagner, City &4gineer Quseshi
1. P8+0�0�8D� P�ffi.IIyINA�Y PZAT: P.S. �64-17, S. C. 'Ui.BSB+G AND MASIS,��
Mrs.l�pnz amd Mr, Olbeug to�er� psesent. . ��
Ttie Caamittae disasssed the reco�nendrition of the. Stra�ts and
Utilitios Sub-Comrmittae s�gasdia� tlze strecat problam�sad the es�
ia gsueral.
� l�TiON by Albs�echt tha� the Plats and Subdivisioas Sub-Committee
reaa�o�ed apprarei of ttie sketch i;rt�h privnto road m�d pesbauent
utilities e+s8eo4eat at a widtb recomcaead�cl by the CiLq Rngiaeer. As to
Platti�g, the City Attozney sh�ovld ba.sst�ced for aa oQiaioa on whothss a
plaC, o7c l�ttl deec�ription is rc�quited. Upoa n voice vot�� tIia motioII
/� 2P LO? SPLIT B�QIIS3T: I..S. #64-24�G,,,IL88BT SAI�Q�it Lot G, Block 1,
Vaa Cieava s Additian.
City BnBinssz Qureahi stotod tho lot aplit r�t all r�qulac
of a lo� aplit9 but hc� wiahed to call attaatien Co th� it
cv�re �raar.�d� all possibility of puttin� iu a road at th soueh pottioa
of the lot would 'be cut off.
MOTION by Albracht that ths P1aCs aad Subdivisi.ans 3u1�•Coamittee
reco�ead apps�aval of the I�ot 8plit #64•24, Gilbsrt Satcasiasou, Lot 6,
Block 1� Vsa Clesve's Additicric. IIpan a voice vot�, the mot.iaa caYried�
�►atOtT8t�1T s
Thes�e bti� ao fusther businees, Aiai:tma Saadel 8djourn�d tbe mse�iqg
at 9t35 P.M.
t 1], �tted
� � �
✓ • u. �; ;'
e t8sisa
Becordi�g Secre�asy
MI�i0TB8 0�► PARKS A8D PLAYQ�Oi�3 MRi'PI�13 - OCTO�A 19 0
T'h� mNti� was t`all�d to a�6e� by t�aismaa T'haaQsoa.
�Ma�s Pz'�t:
Oth�s PtlMO�t!
�O�iBG�1• �SO�Ds ��Ba $i�0:�
Park Dlx�ctc�aC Donliu
� � ��A 21, 1964: -
1Nbtiaa by ew�an�aas, a�d�8 by Bu��s to a�ac�pt th� a�iautes of tb�
SeP�b�9C ZI6 1964 m�letin�g as maile�,
�Cl' �T2�iG:
Th� a�oct aNtinq of tiu Snb-eavnifitM will b� h�18 at Midland Coop
at 7:30 P.1t, oa� �tavamb�r 24, 1964 (Tue�Bay� ,
La�oa�t a�dvanosd by Gl�n wallac� was g�noarally w�ll a�pt.�d by the
Platsning Camraissioo and Cout�cil.
aO� ���� 1�� to Pusc�a�t saae 70,000 eubie yas�ls of sat�c]
to b� .00�vat�Y froa wast e�d of x,oe3co Park. wwld be 18 a�ta
P� Y� a A�c� woulcl be aut c1a�m to an �la�vatio�► of a,pZarwcimat�].y
855 f�st. Aiti� �ovavatio�, p�iat wculd b� haul�d i� to oav�r th� arsa.
Pso�ds �y ooc � n+�k be avasLla�al• fa�r Patk us�.
liotiaa by ewaneo�p, s�coad0d b3l 8�son t.bett th� Co�oitt�s go ou r�ccoCtl
aa favo�inq thp sale of � as d�scr3bed abo�v� �j�ct to tha co�
txaatcac fi].ling with suit.8b�y arabl� soii to a eat,tsgaetaary dep�h auA
pa�oR►3+dia�g st�itabie $aor'�anni�a�t grasa cav� to pacrv�r►t �oalaa of th�
fsaidh�d a�c�s. liation �ats'i.�'t.
1'h� Cam43ttM s�ac�dod that thqt City coa�eult wlth !!r o Glaa liallaa�
as to sp�cigia t�acais foac tiLe co��ract coave�a3�g fill an�8 gzass cav�c.
�lati.o� by �ou, �ostic�sd by Sampsos�, that tka Camo�itt.�s etro�g]+Y
�c+�comn�enci tbat pacoeNds iraa� th� sal• oi eatxi be s�t asic� fo� Park
' } �O �iVfi ��,�YO
s.�� �' I: ��/!!y' l.�'1 If •�
l!r o Do�].iu will m�t with 11r o�i�aar to ginalia� p�ra�as� of lots in
P1�Y� A�7ditione
� ��
It�TI'as O� P�1C8 ADiD Pi�A7tCiRi0tA�1D8 S��COIMZZT� 1ii'1'I�3 - OCTO�R 19,
1964 �Cos�tiea�d�
� �� �
� c�► r.� � g - - -- He��s:
It ap�s tbat a�vo�aa to ifi+� paack at 79th a�a� Al�i ��y aan b� ne�e
viu B�lla3ac 1iaRy. �wsa via 79th is alao po�aibl�• �o�ug�h moac� �
p�siwq Eith�c appco'►� woaid be lass cost3,Y �� P�aa� of
additianal lawd in Bloek BB oi Riv�acvi�+ 8o3+�►ta fac an epsroa�.
Th� Ca�itt� wili visit ffi►� aitde thie nonth. Doeslin w!„'�1 haw tapo-
9=�hical m,ps Pr�pas�d ahavit�g po�siblo app�oadi�. A�i�oo� d��rr�
�'�a► p�ae� og lsn� matil n�xt moi�th.
$7CLVJ�IIii PAitK:
T'h� %o�m�s aatd� bssia bas be� filleci xith sat�d. �e ar�s aill b�
so�d�d aud th� wasain�g ho�e� will b� mo�ved to the as�et. T'h� 8erroc
�P�"�t is c�o�4i�or3�g �ods oi gravi�ia9 a a�oofih aw�al� �tga�c�
ita�n t,ba �h to aoutit fnd of tih� patk.
� astimat�s oi $13, 300 axud $12, 900 hav� b�em r�sived far c�oaast.ruetion
of a b�ds h� at 1lovace La1ce. Pric�s ax�� ba�d ao ti� Pask Directoac
a�cvin�g as Cont�Caotoac a�d all woork b�i�g don� bY s o
Pric�s ar� �ooalusf�re of co�et��s fac sewrac, wat�ac and qas, Cha�c�
ar� that w�o�k aanlc� nat bs etartad until mid-�tov�� at the earli�et.
� Ca�amitt.�s r�cowm�de 8slay of cv�aid�cation of b�u� $o�� �.
stsuatia� witil a�t�ac th� �irst oi th�- y�ar, sancl will be haul� ia
f.o� th� b� dttri�g tha TAitst�ac e
:i•: � � i: ,.,�•'� .:,-
lOc o Donlin r�o�ts:-
1. Toilrt faailiti�s at Loeke park ar� eloe�cl to pacrv�t f�nezi�g.
2. Skatitig r�s�ic4 are bair�g built. A to�tal of l3 a� 14 ar� pl�d,
3 q Otttfitid of Coamous� softball diamond ha�r ��ded,
4• All Parke b�ing f�ortilia�do
S o iwa9rw. sa�.l aiamo�a ],.iagr r.pair.8 0
.,.> ;s_..L:
llt. Doa�lin waa autha�ized to ia�tall two bik� ra�cks aa th� psrk laad
aa j a�t to tts� cr�c s�ool .
���. _ ;�. � 4. : i�i�,.*l •'' 1� �;1� �� y+ �,,lcy-
�atioa bY ��►. s�ao�ded lyy 3aa�psoa to a�opt s'�soluti.o� adopting rul�
� �_
�88 Qp' PAitKB A�iD PALY�S 8�-OO�tITT"63 l�i'1'IN3 - OCZ'�Slt 19,
1964 (Coat3�)
Y� Z
� o�aaduot og Joint lNe�is�gs pf fih� P�ack Cooa�e,itt.N and �t3�
cam�iasiane Ait� discassioa, tiss ayos bsin� in t�� �jarity, th�
C�►aisnwa deolas�d ti� �o�tl�oa� �srriedo tCo�y of s�ao�lut�oo att.a��d) ,
!lation bY 8�paati. ,s�caldod bY B�ao that paciac t.o �e!► joiat �stinQ
oi 1� Pa�'1c Covoitt.M aad tks R�xastio� Caa�iesiai, a xrittse� aq�da
foac ths a�stit�g ehall b� diatribufi.ecl to � m�ba� of � qroro�p.
Motiou aatr3�.
�� �'r� � 30. 1964:
It ie th� �3ss of th� Coa�sittee to m�t � olaitly with th� R�cs�tivt�
Coaoiaaiai aa Dtav�d�ac 30, 1964,
�iaa� by saanso�t, a�cva�eci by sa�apsan, to a� j a�w,-n e;Mrtisg ad j ourn�
at 11a00 P41�
R�sp�etth�l�y anba`itt�d:
Rob�t J. au��s
s�r�tary to th� sttb-caamittso
�nt�s, tl�ace i,� a a..a � eaoaQl.t. aaa tls�3,y �oa��ratiran
b�twMi� tlte Pa=7c Coa�ittrM aa�d the R�at�stioa C�anetias3ron, atW
�AS o p�sodic j oint a�et�gs of the Pa�'k Ca�aitt.�s a�ci !h�
�or�at3r�o; Ca�nisaiaa ar� h�id to fuliill tbis abj�o�t.iw, aa�
�SAS, it ie 8�sirabl� to 8efio� t3u s'ules w� t�Jhi� s�
joisit mMtiags a�a,11 b� oo�du�et+�d an�d th�r autha�i.a��d o� ths i�wo
bo8i� �i�q jotat3,y,
�. �'iF�O�, Hi IT RSSCQ.VRD, t.�aat t3� fo�.lowitiq s'ul�s L'a�
th� ao�uot og joiut swti�rgs be adapt�d by ths Pa�"lc Caaoa�itt�,
� � sa rr RasoLVSa ttzat �
t7oaoise�.oa ti�tt 'l2�s� s'u].�e �hali b� iu
arrti�gs oi t�u two boc�ias j oiat�,y nntil
agr�at oi tb� two bodi�a.
a�lvption by th� Recr�atiou
ioaca� aad app],y to all futur�
su� rul�s b� as� by
10 � Pa=x CaoitkM auti tb►s Recr�stion Ca�ieei+oa sr�tia�g 3 ointl,Y
a3�a11 bi anthoocizs� t.o t�caa�aaet aapr busix�ss �d►iah aiay pocq��Y
b� tsa�saQtM by �ith�ec � �para'w�Y, .
Z a Ii aa� a�d��ar oi �itt;� bo�y s�aqu�ata it, �e:ticn od a� matl.�ar
nnd�ac disoussioa �all b� d�gaarted a�al t�e mntteac s�s�ced to
th� two bodi�s �ti�g i�dividually faer furtb,eac cc�,sidesatioa
oo� aati+oa�.
3. lMstis�gs shall b� cfiairaci by �b�t c�airm�c► of ti� t�wo bo�ios,
�'1 B�V� i�t �'�p.'A�tt.! �1AQBs O�' 111 ��i8� Of �fe
'C�ais�m�aci by a�y m� c�io�se�i by ths �a�aeB p��e�sit o
4 o A quaacura of th� j oint bod3�es s�hali is mar�e u�p of a qu�o�u� froa`
�9i oi tht is�dividu�tl bo�yes �
5 a lfotio� a�y be introdv+�scl a� s�o�ad�cl, diecvssia� an�y b� ogfaracl
a�d vo�t�e ma�y b� caet ]�yy � m��oc of ��r b�y p�es�nt with-
out s�gard to �ihidi of th� two ix�div3�clual bodi�s b� ie s m�.
6. Oth� sul�s of th� jolnt bo�i�s �all b� as giv� in Babecta•
Autl� og �ear o
ZOA �64-10 - Moon Corp. and Ray Sheridan - Rezone,from R-3 to C-2
Lot 2, Block 3, Terry's Additiom - Part of Lot 5, A. S. ��25
f.�.--- u Y�L�l�---�- :�..�►'� � o �•%�i ��o v%r�� NWY /llo t.s" ����5i_!L,
_• ---- � wwst � rr a S'ec. .2'i� T 3 o R Z y -----.'-
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Gordon Graham � — � �
5334 4th St. N.E. ,
�ZOA ��64-11 �
Lots 23 thru 30, B1. 13,
Hamilton's Add. to Mechanic.� '
Rezone from R-3 to C-1
. m �
� i �
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� � 54 � � Vc /�l, t-'
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473-9123 �
3ept 29th, 1964
� � Fridley Planning Commiaeion �
Minn. .
r This let.ter i$ respectfullg submitted Por the purpose of re-
zoning �lota 4, 5, 6 and 7 Ree � e eddition to Fridley.�.� �.�
� �' `�
' It ia requested that they be resoned from reaidential to � '
i commercial.
� � '
� ,
� A rece�t survey oP the property ia attached.
; Youra truly, �
� By , .
�� a� . �
� � .
� _
� -
�. .. . . .... .... . �:u.�...�._.: _�.,, .
BBFartE T88
Notice is hereby giva�n that there will be s Publi� 8saring
oi tbs Plaaning Coomiasian of the City of Fsidley ia the City Hall
at 6431 University Avaaue N.B. on Navea�ber 12, 1964 in the Coamcil
t�smber at 7:30 P.M. for tho purpoae of:
Consideratioa of a requ�st by Cspital 8alea,
Inc., Walter S. 8k, Zpll �64-12, to r�soae gs�om
8•1, s�.ngle family do�alliag, to C•2, geaetal
buein�ae area, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 4,
Rsse Addition to Fsidl4y Perk, loaatad ia the
/'`1 Souti►�nest Quarter (SW�) af Ssctiaa 14, T-30,
8•24, County of Aaoka, Stata of Minae�ota.
Anyo�s desiring ta b� heard with refss�a�ce to the abovs
matter will be haard at this m�etiug.
Publiahs Otitober 28, 1964
Novamber 4, 1964
�.� �
UN�vERSJ T Y ,q��.
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. ��' �� �� `� �/
� �,
' October 29, 1964
Thie is a request to aplit Lot 6, Block 1, Van Cleave's
Addition as designated on the accompanying drawing.
The south lot shall have a 76 foot,width and the north
lot` 75.37. -
Yours very truly,
. . ,
I � ' `� C�GCu;��`.�,7�,�:"w �,c._.,�„ -'`Z
5965 Oakwood Manor N.E.
� ' � Fridley 21, Minnesota
- ,:� g-- 5667
Lot split �bb..2�
_.t 6, 8
�sa Clea
8e, let
lid. lot
1"� SO�
N- �-W
$y D,�'.
iv0 � � u� 1U• �.
......D�NG PLANf . pTASL1�MiD 102s CI'iY W'i iURYiYiNa ,��
' • , . ' /ARM �{lRVelftNd
Lot Split i�64-24 v
Gilbert Sakariason M, ,�. BERSCHEID . ��
Lot 6, Block 1 ,
� A+o/4tt.ot and �'�r..s �'1
' PMOrn Pwincwwr 4.4lf�a
' ae.K �rwwrr.sscoNO wv�,us sourM
� .
• . MINN� 7�INN.
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a � � . . �o�, 6 exce f �'-� � . $. 76 � i
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Y hereby aerti�► t�hat the plat hereca� i�r� �► true �,nd correct �
, plat of a pe►rt at Lo�C 6�s hereaYter deaaribed. '
The 3out�h 7fi Peet of Lot ��Blocfk l�V�i Cleave�o Additio�� (
8n8 th�t t�he etake+� Por l�ie aornere oP said loti ha►ving been �
set in the ground t�he 27th.dep of J"une 1960.
� /1 3�. J.IIerscheid. � �
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The City Couacil af� the City of Fridley do ordain as follo�s:
3ection 1. Section 45.04 of the City Code of Pridley ahall �
be amended to include additianally to the ten kiads of Districts mtnti�ed
the follawing:
R-4 Districte, and Dietricts desigaated
as CR•1, CR-2, CR-3, CR-4, CR-5, and CR-6.
Section 2. That C hapter 45 of the City Code of the C ity af
Fridl+ay be amended by'adding thereto Sections hereinafter indi�ated; .
� Section 45.101. CR-1 District. Uses Permitted.
Officea and office buildinge for businesa and pro-
fessional uses, including banks, medical and dental
clinics, post offices, laboratories, medical, dental
and optical, �and harmless and inoffensive laboratories
acceasory to perm�itted usee, in the same building.
Public utility offices and office buildings, tele-
phone exchanges.
Section 45.102. CR-2 District. Uses Permitted.
Restaurants. Radio (AM or FM) o� television broad-
� casting stations and transmitters, and miaro Wave
radio relay atructures. Theatres, lodges and asaembly
facilitiea having a seating capacity of less than 300
pereons, but not including outdoor theatres.
Section 45.103. CR-3 District. Uses Permitted.
'� Art shops, professional studios, atationery, music,
barbers and beauticians shops, photographers, music
conservatories, dancing studios. Cabinet makers,
jewelers, watchmakers, locksmitha,. shoemakers, tailora
and dressmakers, clothes pressers. Clothing, drug,
grocery, fruit, meat, vegetable and confectionary
stores aad shops. Hardware, sporting goods, variety
and notion atores, household appliance fixture and
furnishing atores and repair ehopa in coanectiaa
therevith. Job printers and bineprintera, engraving,
photoengraviag� lithographing and publishing pianb .
_ _ ----�---•- - - ----------= �.__------ . __.____.__
. ��-:
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. �
�'`` Section 45.104. CR-4 Diatrict. Usea Permitted. .
' •. Automobile display and eales rooma, tire repair ahops,
. repair and atorage garages.
Section.45.105. CR-S District. Uses Permitted.
• Bara, taverna, liquor storee selling packaged goods.
' Section 45.106. CR-6 Diatrict. Uaea Permitted.
. Gasoline ptatioas, open lot salea fQr vehiclea,
trailers, boata, machinery or aportiug gooda.
s � Pessed and adopted by the City Couacil of ti� City of Fridley
� • '
; this deiy of , 1964. �
. � • ,
; .
; ,
. . �
� .
� .
', ; ' • .
Wi111m J. pee, Mayor �
� ATTSST: . .
` Marvin C . Brunaell, .City. C18rk
� . .
; Public flearing: _
First Reading: _ �
. ,
Second Reading; "
; .
Published: . .
� .
. n
. OR C�iU�CH. ,
The City Council o� the City of Fridley dv ordein a8 folla�s:
Section 1. That Ghapter 81 of the City Code of Pridley bs
emended by adding thereta a section as follows:
Section 81.061. No ON-SALS licenses �hall be
• issued for any building, room or place �ithin 300
_ feet fram aay public ar parochial school, or any
. church, said distance ta be measured in a atraight '
� � line fram the building in which such school or
church ia conducted to the maia public entraace
of the,premisea described in the application for
license. No beer or'intoxicating liquor shall be
consumed on the premises or grounds of any chwcch'
or public school or parochial school. Hawever,
^ this restriction shall not apply to property pro- �
� , perly zoned for a license under this Chapter When
the location of the Church or schoql is establislud
af ter January� 1, 1965 .
Passed by. the City Council of the Citq_ of Fridley. this _��
day of � , 1964. � , ,
' William J. Nee, Mayor
,. i .
Marv�n C. Brua$ell, City Clerk �
First Reading;
Second xeading:
, ',�'y . ;' '
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