PL 04/23/1964 - 30262!'"`, PLANNING Col�llsslON MEETIN{� � APRIL 23� �.9b1� Pa�e �, Thg r�e�3ng was ae�.ed ico order a� 7:D�0 PoMo by C�Cait�an I�ra°�1ko � ROLL CAI,L: Members presen�s Bergmans Thompson� Rravik9 Johan�ona B�nd�Slm Oth�a�s presera�: City MMeaaa,ger Wa�ater� Eng3nee�sig Assi�f.ant C��C� Consult,an�a Wo ('r3�nn Wmllac�e IYAe P7.ann3n� Consul��to RECEIVE N�Nt7TES � PLATS AND SIIBDIVI3IO�TS SUB�CON�IITTEE M�ETI%TG OF A D = MOTION by Thompson� seeonded by Joha�oa� th�t the P9.ann3ng Co�.s�-I,e�n receive the m3nutes of the P].afa �nd Sulbd3vi�ions Sub�Co�ait��e tra�eti�g o� Apri� 219 1g64o Upon a voi�e vote� a].Z votin� ayea �he motion c�r�3.�do �o CONTINUEDa PROPOSETJ PREL�INA.RY PIAT Pm So #6I�608 EDMUND BERf�s H� �a�� oxao Mro Edffiund Berg and Mro Re�no3.d� were present It �ras suggeaf.ed tha� I�o Berg cliange iche l�t nw�b�a�sa MOTIOPT 'by Johaa�son� secoaded by close the Pablic Hearin� and accep� (�i Hut�Ber� Add�f.3.on PoSo �h?��08o tlloo m�tian �ar�a.�do � ��adele ichat tY►e Planr�ing Co�s3.on the sketcah as a p8°eliminax°q pla� of �a 8 voice vo�ea a:LI va�in� ��a �� 2o EAST IiT9ER ROAD ZO1VI�1G STUDYa Wa (�iENI�T WAL&ACE� A��, PLAiVNYIVG CONSIIZTA11�s d�ft�r 1�°o Wagaae� �ave a reswne of his aomre�ation ��h Ms°o �dall�c�r pr�tor �o tY►e �o�tual �i.s�.4,� af East Rieer Roade Ciza3rmaa Kravik aska�, bhat �ihose mea�ris who w�.sh shou].d givie their vie� of th� prob].erae k�e�s� �.0 mf� th�� it shov.�d b� car�sg�e�c� i.n �tt.ss �nt3re�:yo 'I'Yse fi�s� probYem dis�usa�d was tha� of �r�fiieo It �aa,e barough$ ou� �hat �h� tra^cfic is getting Y►ea�1.eP each �ar' and until ot.her arte��l ��,,�s aa°� prwideda the ic�affic wi3.1 aontiaue to b� he�,v,�o '� �oll�i,ng s�ere �ent3oneds atra.�F�egic loca�ioa af afi.�p ano� g� 9�.ghicsa th� possibi3�ty �f �r3.deaing tho road �o enab�.e a�.ar�er ila�t �f ���i.cD p].�.�e� og �ss and eg�9se problem of m�anderingD diff3�u7.� c�rnr��e aad ad�quate sere3.ce roads �� ena,ble �a�'�ic to siop i.n f�osat � bn�i�cs�� ee�blis�at� o The e��o�Le p�blem of �Y� u�� �£ �3ze land r�s brough� upa to t� �o fi�d uss� for the wade�e� og�d lasnd. in �lzat ar��o The gol].owing p�ssib7,� t�affic solutions �aa�e �Sed �v�rs A F�� f�om upper C�n Rapid� too d�rtan�owjn Mi�aaeapolis a� �asic oY �ihe t�f�.� ��nerafi� outsid� �g the C�ty I�a3tso It 3s rea�on�bl� to assua� tYia� o� �he tRraf�ic th�ough Fr3dle�r emaaates beyond tha Cimy I��e �c� North� T?�e problem is get�in� �.$ tlu°ot�i �'r3.dl�yo Th�a �oup �ndea� having one �g trat'gi� m e3ther two one way s�reef.s or o� way in th� m�rning and tl�e a].tern��te �..a the e�en�o W� �h� � a�o�a� �. n PLANN�IJ(} COI�IMIS�IOIJ MEETING � AP�iL 23� 1g6�, p�gs � City Manager Wa�r sua�sd up �the discu�s3.on as follows� �,o Aes� t�°affic which make� each spot re2oniag tnave a d3fferen� �� th�ra � re�or�inga �� M�,Y Pa°�,�ate drivewa�e ex�,s� oa East Rieer Road �rhi�h ��d a°equire t�meadous w1.d� ri�ht o� r�g to f.a�e �hem do�m to disp�rs� p�����o �) As E�s� Ri�er Road is a CounScy �e �t is � Cownty �obe bufi F�idl�� ehould fi�r �� visuu�.iz� what wou7.d fit ia r�ith futua�� traffic pra�bl�m� l+�so W�llace pregaced his Peport with the str�tsntent that h� appa�ec%�� t�e opna�tua�i�r of being �t fi,he meef.�ng and tha� he ha,d n� grand �orc� �o us� 3n h3.s reporic or a soluti.on �o the problemo � pa�s�nted �he foll�in� faatual id�a�s F�a.�t Rie�� R�ad � p�� ���� �onedl far s�e fam�r �e].ling, �a� 3s a f� amoun�t of multiple dwell3.ng �3.tln�ugh con�err�rafisd a.nd tl�ege is some �on�rcialo Th�ere� i� � s�%Y �nounic �f' 3ndust�i�. al�k,hongh thea°e are �ca�s �.nd acre� of i.ridw�r� ].�a.t2d �. sl�art dis'Canee �°rrtt� Ea�st R.iver Road that ha� �aot be�a bui�� ��, AvwesrerD �3agle fami7,y dwellings are pres�ntl�r i.n the nr�,joP3.�r� Und�r the k�eadin� of' F�st Rivrer 1?.�d� Mre Waglace commenf.erl t%t �Ya� �oad �sars°ie� a f,ge�ndous a��am� �f i�f'�ic9 is dan�e�ua f�r �de�tr��D �acl ev�n �hou�h when Un3°�it� Aeenue and Hi.P,hwa� �10 � fin3�hedD �i�� �f�ic �1 �ic31i be �he�e and could i,nc�ase morra in � no� to� di�°�� futnre� � Mro W�1a.�e stat�d that it wo�d be �o�d �o ha� a n�w zdou%�9 g���4b�� ad jacen� � tI� t�a,3lro�d �cls� o He r�a].i.zed tha� �he of the ��� z o�ed indus ��ial, would vo3cs s oms �b�ectio� � tY�.�t s o�e ba�ad r��s�a h�� t�ould Y�a�� i;,o be d�sf�o�edo �st Riv�� Ro�ci i� a ro�do TY�� �e �o� eaough str�i.ght a�r no s�fe�g islandsrfl no d3�i�i.on of �ra�'f�� ].�nese ao �ervi,ce road�a a�d `� Bnfi.��e axad exi.f.� a�ad p�°i�a� da��.� a�%h r�re vs�ry d�ug��ous, �eY°e are a aw�ber ot' b�cl �o��o He no�d th�t �.ti the h�i�ht of the traf�ice th� �chool bu� c�a aleo� ��h �ies up � t�ff i� � ia�ci u�� saad �a�ing � fa.r��tors �a �enerat3�g t�ficm � ki�.a� �� aha�� in zor�ng �th�t cha�ng� the use c�f $1� �aad ��dd t.� � p��bR�o In sp� of 9�he gutu� of E�t �ti.v�r Road as fa� a� fi,�aff�.c � �on��rn�d� Mr0 Wal�aee su�e��d �he P�aa�g C�sion thi�ilc �on� �a��o (3�t all �h� �a�ts i�ogeth�° ancl f�..nd on� �hat pl� the Countg h�so � Q� ttl� pa��bl� �auid, b� to �et serei.c� ��e� o It �ee�s that isn �om� ��� th��e 3s ��r� �3.�h,t o� �ay fi.har� aciu�3�.y u��do Talyhat has not b�en a�u��da shou�d b�� ea�e�afi,� ahou7,d be procu�ede and ges�r� to F�ic�e� �h� ��r� �g�ae tb�t is �h�a�o Iif pasaibl�a �e� �afe�g lan�s or �e�vi.c� �.�,�o T.� it is iffiposs�.b�� �o pl��aa�� ��p�°a� the traffic os c and g�3n�Q mayb� tlze road caa be d�igaed �o at ].ea,�t squ�ze i.n ].ei� t�nt°m �a�o Trie ls�� t�ra � dan�erou�a aad f�.es up ti�e r�ado Yt � s�Zf��id�r•� �%.� l�ft tura ?.a�s m�ve traffi�o i�' t� Couat� ba� no p9.a� a� tk� �irire�ex�t� Frid7.�y �houLd thi�lc long ran�e �nn3ra� so t�,t �.t �an � pre�red wI� �1 t3�e ti� co� �d s�s�h3n� i� �o b� d�m � � ��'1 PI�INIVIlUG COl�i�53I0N MEETTNG ��PRIi 23� 1961� Page 3 � Ra�a�d�rag Zor� ar�d I+�nd Use: NirO Wa1l.�c� st,�f.e� '�t�ga v�er� n�� �ra�u�h No�h and 3on�h S��e�ao Th� gor�r�..l pPinaiple Yor meza�in� o�° aa�� �re�oni�g isi to go sZo� a.nd m�.�e cai�aages �1� a�f�eP y�u a,r�s �al]�r ��7. con�c�d �ide is �h� thi�ag �,o �oo �.o I�t � not �o d�f�cu].t to cha�� f�a a ia�.g�° � a�n� cai:egoz� to a lower� bu� 3.� is diffieu2t �a �o gr� �he l�ne� mul�ip3e �a�r dweiiiYag to a lai�e� aiaig3e �amil� dw�lliaago TF the Ci� is g�i.�g ��� toa her��+ usee da raot eac�ct to ra�a�se � ch�ge ft@arn indust�a:� t,� �es3denti�.A I� is almost �.mpos�ib�.� $o �u� a�ou� tPu� cth�r w�o I�e did n�t �aca�a � the cous�s hav� �ade enough d�e�.sia� to �ic� i� f.4� 1��sa but �.t ap�ars �h�.t a C��g c�nnoic zone t� high�r use s�9.�hou� 1ea�ng i�s�� o�n �to dam�es o 2o Doast be gvi].ity of �ae►� za�ngo Sp�� zoniaag is aoic g� �ffi��o �o A h�dehip plea �s ��e m� ��ae aar�a� m�si� o��en usedm �Ie w�d put �h� bua�ea up�a the �n �at is cla�.m�in� hax�ship i�o pro�+a �it m n�� �ust a���r� 3i�o Tns3�t �ha� 3t be � h�hipD �me� that �he� Pa��e exhRa��e� ��sq opp�rtuu�.t� t� se].Z t1� paroge�icy a� th�- classi.f3e�.tfai�s �or wYa�ch �,� i� zor�elo n 4o Ta� i� �a��o Thh� i°es� of �CYae ffisef.3ar� r� a que��ia�n a�d ai� se�si�no I•L was m�t�oned by 1Kre ��c tha� 3i re�� �ou:Ld c�aats �no�� �,� , it w�uld b� � �a��oro T� �.t� �£ streeit di�i.� � brough� up b� B�gtaaa �1� s�at�d �i2� �era��, sta°��t �ai����n no�h ��oufi.h �h�o�gh F7e3c�.�y c�oes aet l�rac4 �.ts�� �o the dispes�ing of �tra�fi�, Yt �aas noted f�,t S�ven�ch Stre��ce �ich � g S�ate A�d S�eetg wi,.11 be ��t�i�n� ��► I�s�,ss�pp3, St�e�� to �3� $�e�o 1►�°o Wa�er mea�io�d �ha.t las� ye�ir Ea�� ��e� Road had 62� of �h� a4:c�den�r� � ��a.�.�� I�o �e].son �k�cl P�� Watla�ce 3f he could co�saen� on th� r� Ci��► �gulations �egarctir�g ciouble bungal� bs3n� bu3,li� 3Jn si.ngl� fam3l�r ���� � ar�aso I�o tr�a�.7.�� �apZi�d �hat unit3l �h� � 2on�ng ord�anc� t�sen� 3nto e�fect 3n Mi�e�.pol�.s� th�y d3� r�at have sing�.e � �e�so I�� Thoa�oa� ask�d 3.) Ga.n a st�r be 3nst�.gated �that �roul.d a•er�ul� ia1 det��ai�g 3� the spa� ���3i+�le �a ��hi.�h Es$t i�i.ve� Raad eas� be ���r�� b� a s��3.ce roa.d or 3.f f�3.b�e ��� ara ia�e�3o.. r�d th�t � uu�..d f�lc� �he �aa`°f�.eo 2j I� tYae� �. possib�� �1n�� �a 5���� c�n be �n�ee�ecl �a a�r �k�� it � b� coaic�r�ed frc�n Aigh�� #r`200 the ].e�h o� Fg3.d��y and beamme ��e �.� s�eeic se�a� th� Noa�h Pu=ea sad E�st l�ver R�ad n as. o� way �t�et t�.� the re..���d ���[� � be�e��a Mro T�ig�s�es sug�es�3.oa ��hat �he P9.anming C�as�iom c� up ��a a tsempor�cy p�11cy a�gardt� the Ea€st River Roado Tii� Safet�y Cc�t�e ���,g tso �e� a�ade sepaa°a'�io� or� 1�lissi��ig�piQ Pol�a� �arhags �I�ato n PLANNTTN(� CoN�ssl0lv MEETIN(3 � APRIT 239 19b�. Fag� 1� �° S�t �oniaag 3s bado 2) T�ae possib3,li�y of a p�1i�r e� ao rezoni.a� .�a� East River Ror�d for a limi�ed timo 0 3) Work s�th N13ke 0 oBar��ra � s Coulltg��s p].at18 for Eas� River Roado Mrm Be�g7oan ask�d if the� e�e� h� bee� a saf� �thod �f rel��v3.�� �raffic cong�eti�n b�r whicah �, at.re�� is on� �g 3n ��e mor�ga �nci �h� othgr way 3n the af%er�oeao l+�[�m Rra.v3k stated th,a� $he Planni.rsg Commission ehould consider �ah�,-� is the best use og the land on Eas� River Roadg do r�t do r�zo� ur�t�9. r�h� �ad p�bl�m �..s �orked ou$� no spot rezoa�g until tTlere i� a p�,� ��� East R3.v�� R�adfl bu$ hold wn�i]. �he pt�ogra� is set up for th� Roa�� � Ma°a Joh�,nson �aid tlae C3ty � Fs�dley sho�a].d be �o�sid��cio irJha,� type of bu3ydiag �11 be doneo 1Vo � that o�ms land is going t� p� as�essm�n�s and taxes fo� �en gears �d l�o� to �et moneg ba�lco Mro Dan3.e].s�n stated h� beli�d now � t,�e �3me to �zon� East ��� Road f� t,h� City I�ita i:►o i�he South to t�e Cit� I3.mits at th� l�o�th arad c�oassid+�r i.t ae � �rda�lea It � m�nt�.oa�d �,� the trag�ic � the piwes�nt p�b].�mo �"'1 Mro �ahanson saked wlza.t Mro Wa1].ac� co��alered the b�s� zoni.ng �o� S�?a� h�a�-1].y t�a�ll�d ���ee�fl and Mro Wall.�c� aast,rer�d Co�raia]. and I�ei���.� A�g°0 �avik as(c�d tlz�t t�e Ci�y Maaag�r find ont fr� the Coian� �a� S�ate the �m san��rat of iaf or�eat.3.on th� h�.� as+ to t��° 3aat�n��,�� � pe�sible inir�ntio� �or E�t R3�e� Ro� �d use L� as ��nid�o t�ia�I�T b� Thoffips�sa s�coaided by Jol�oaa t�.t the �9.anni.ag C si.on ��t al]. t� �.n£ a��ilr�ble fram �he Count� iiigh� Dep���� and � Metrop� c�.ssi� sad Hi�P�' D� � bhat A�°o Oa�om b� i�vi�d �o �hg Ma� 2�t �et� Zeav3a�; the d�isic�n � Mro 0� on if P+�°o �,7. �ordi�e �hould b� �sleed to atfi►�ndg aa�d cl��� th� �eting dafi.s of �tl�e Plan�ng Commnis�3on ��om P�sy 28g iSb4 �� Ma� 2�a 19bl�� tTpon a voice �o�a a7.7. �ot�g �,gee the motion cas°r�edQ N�°m �er�n asked fos° � bro�.d,er iniceampre$�a,�i� o� "�h3.p� ��� o Ma°o Wa,�l�ee sta.ted t4�a.t 3.� a p�r�on h�ss rnade a��,1 atten�t t� ��� ?� ��t�� �or �the �oni.n� n�r zorged fo�e and has b�d a d3.�f�.seu1.� ti� us� o£ it uader �hos� circu�t.a�esD and 3f it me� t�e l�ra� ��l la.� do tfl pae wou].d e:orasid�r �hi� a f'i�t�fs�. l�d�b�.po M�o Be tYaan a�keci 1ae� �. �n ean �ve haa°al�h3.po Mro Wal�e Q� �sp].g �s tl�at f�s� �f �.n he �d hava to co�� �h� Coa�,�si�n �ha� . h� � a�,'�e�pts� t� �e� the lagt� or that f �1 cons�s�u�i�a on 3� wa.� turngd dowa by �e If he �an coneine� �h� Co�i.�si.�n that t� ha� a�d� e�r°y ef�or� and can��t �e th� praper''�r �d �� is costing taxes � he �3nould proee w3th an appra.�.sal �hat it i.s ��,h a� zoa�sd and what it �s ��h i.� te�o�edm � P&AAiNIATG CON�lISSI4IV NiEET'�1VG � APRT� 238 7.3b4 Fgg� 5 1�ro Wallace was asked �o �ttend icla� � P1AN�+ �; C��n3.ssioa� �e�ci� o� I�r 2lsico �s a�ep�.c�� ADJOIJRI1�TTs The� being gao g�her bu��nessa i�� Ka�vik a�jou�d the �e� a� �,Oa� oe�l�k PoI� Hss�t�t�l].y submit�cede ��. , � Aa2��,� OQBa�Lan Recording Sec�e� n �""1