PL 01/28/1965 - 7185. �\! 1 � ,r. . � . . � r. .. � � PLANNING CO1�Il�2ISSION 1�ETING - THURSUAY - JANUARY 28, 1965 - 8:00 P.M. This meeting is called to allow the Conmisaion to discusa and formulate procedures for workiug with the Planning Consultant. No regular i�ems of business will be on the Agenda, although any item can be discussed if any member so desires. On Thursday, February 4, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. the Planaiag Coasultant . will meet with the Commission as part of preparatioa of his program for r.lanning. � Enclosed is a list of incompleted requests that perhapa should be n discussed by the Co�ission at both of the above meetings. , � � I�iDTETH L. I�tAVIK Chairman of Pla=ming Co�ission u d PLAI�NING 00[�II33ION I�8TING �U�4 - FBBBUABY 4� 1965 pag�e 1 � Tha 10datl.Q$ Wts C811dd to Ordet by C11A�:�1D Ktavik At 8s 20 P�Me 80�LL: Membera presents Kravik. Bandal. l�ugtras Meabers absents Bergman� Jobansoa Others p�assnt: Pianning Co�sultaat Hodn�s aad ataft, Crou�h and Winkle, aod Mayor Nee (�BNB�tAL DI3�,;USBION WITH QON$pLTANT: T6a Commi�sion discussed aith Mr. Hodtre ths gausral planning psobleos of the City, aad also specific problem areas. btR4US3T FOR STUDY BY CQNSUI.TAAIT � TSC�IICAI. A33i3TANC8 A�NT: PlDZZON bp Bandel, aeccuuded by Hughes, to s��aest ths PZanait►g Cotssultaat to reviea the 8 incamplate items as pressnted in the Jaausry 28, 1965 Pianning Coamission Agenda, e copy of which w�as givsn to M�r. Hodtye, attd to �p�� � �s Planniag Comaission his lindings at a m0ating �ith the Planuing Co�ission at 7:30 P,M. on Thursday, March 4, 1965� ths �rk to be done oa tha fee achsdule mder the '1lscimical Assistaace Agrtemsnt appro�ed by the City Co�m�ii. Dpo�n a voics vote, there bsing ao naye, Chais�oao Kravi.k deciared the motion �arried. I�8_1'II�GS ON F88RUABY Z5. 1965 AND MABCR 4, 1965: n �"nTi� by HuBhes, s�aconcied b�► 8andml, to pcstpo�e tiis mestiag of Psbruary 11, 1965 to Thurs�iay, Mareh 4, 1965 st �:30 P,M., and tc,1�Id th� tegular ms�tiag of February Zg� 1965 at its regular time and date. Dpon a voica v�cte, there baing no naqs. Chairm�n �avik dsclared the 4otiao cartisd. B�CBIPT Qt OOHII�INICATIQN P'�OM T� LBAC�JS � Wi0[�1 V018R$ OF FBIDISY: MOTION by Bandt�. eeoonded by Hnghea, to rsceive the Com�o�micatioa ralative to signs aad billboards froa the Leagus of tiooaa poberse Upoo a ��C� V�O� � t11Ei �� 1�Q AB�Ii. Chaftmaa Rravik daclared tbe �ti.a1 Cal��e ADJO��N'Pa Thera being no further bnsinesa. Awisaan RrAVilc daclared the sasting adjatraed at 10:17 PeM. R�aspscttully snboitted, L.C�/L�G �% ,� �iC/ Gd� Bar! P. Wagn�r Actiog 3ecretary to t1� Co�ission �