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PL 03/04/1965 - 30276
� � SP��1tAL P NG ��1iSS�01� ME�TIATG P�YIWZ�3 - I�C� � 0 1965 '1'ii� ��i��.ng �as� callc�d to ordex by CY�aren�n ECravf� ai� 7s 50 PoM, �O�L CAI.Y.: �le�ber� Present: [C�cavik � Bandel9 �e��aw a Hu�hc� D Sa�nsom P�mb�r� Ab�ent: Plon� Othera Ptesent: 7l'�o�ma� Hoda�e, Planain� Gon�ultant 1, k'�TA'1'I ON �Y C�i3�B.TANT OF F�0(�Nd OU�L3NL°a s Mro Ro�ne ehowed slides v�k►i�h s�r+� ueed a� Thief �iver �elle to p�esewt �he pla�ia�g g�ra�sa�n of �ie� �ivar �'�11� t� �1� cf�iz�nee L�tcluded £n �Y� s1£da:� v�a-e slid�s o� �ge�� ia F'ridlep which I+9�o I�a� tas�d �o illtfa�sa�� sp�cial are�sa oppor�un��� areaes and gregr �reaso Mro l�odne th�n pre�e�ted th� �ollowieag le��r a�d ou�tlirae to the Co�i�eiono �nsl c7iacusaed both th� le�ter atdd �hr� outline �n det�il with tt�e Co�ai�eioao P�es�n���ion o� �t� �atline i� st�p 1 of the fle��ro � �desch 19b5 The Plsnai� Comcnia�ion Friclleyo MinnesoS�e Att�c�tiosae E�e �c�ae�h Lo �ravik, Cha�a�a Gatatle�eao lP��sua�t to y�us aequeste � ar� pl��aed �o p�eseat to gre�n our �ug��a��ed ou�liae �� a Coa����h�n��.ve Worls�ab2e Actiea Pl��a� �eo�r� for the Ci�gr of Fridleyo t� t�13.�v� �l�t the pPOgrae� �e outlia�d wiii �at �et th� needs �nd deo-�ir�a� of your Co��ty t� pugene ��aund ov�r$11 plaaniiag �nre eng��� �� speci�ic dev�Zopn�nt via a�os�ible renew�l �paiv�� or public f�ds or co�t�fMtti�n� psogr�, The r�t�ach�d prog��m is �teb jeet to f inal revi�ea oi �� 1Mi�st�aot.� D�part= me�n� of Bwaiae�s �Welo�c�tg Caffianu�i�� Plmnaing Divfsiona 'd`� itee�s propoe�d h�ve �ea dasceusa�d ia pr�.sciple �ai.�h �tn� Dep�$�r�t of Busitaess D�v�lopmea� �i� this ti�a The next �t�pe �a-�s 10 '1°tae Pgaruairag C afoa ahould ��w t� pro�raae �a outliar�d �o determ�.n� acc�ptiance fa pri�ci�leo 2o The Co�aultant will �et wi�h th� Minn�so� �p���z� of Du�i�e�sa �ev��.op�nt Co�uenity Plaanin� Divi.sia� h��d e i�m M�uric� t�andZe� o�� �ais► h�ia �te�+%a�t�an o� th� sco� af t6e ptogra�aa acc�p�ed �� preparati�e og �e�ined progr�m aad costse 3 o Pr��n� the agre.�d upon psogra� to t� ne��s�a�y C�- m�nitq o�f i�ia�i� a�c3 otih�r par�ie� s� �m apgropriatie aa�ai . finelly t�e Cit� C�eil gos r�viewa a�►d if �ec�p��ble9 paas � the seaolu�io� �llo�ting �be �ce�e�sy fe�mmds�a �"1 � � SPEC3A�. P NG C�SSIOIY P��iG P9I�10'i�3 � 1�C�1 4� 1965 Page 2 �a ` Su�f� P�rrt II of ��.e Planai.n� Applicat��a �long caith aec�s� �s� copie� og re�ole��ions to t�s: Mia�so�� �p�L�rsnt of ��a�in�ss �valop�aa� �or proce��ingo 'i`�.e pro�r� ae submi�ted can � revised in g�rt �o a�e� �udg�tarY Prcble� bu� cae e�c��ege you �o cou�ider th� tot�l so as �o isestc e�iti�oualy achieve yaear �a j� goai of a�hyeically efFec�i.ve pLanning pro�ra�a Siac�relq yo�ars o 1i0� ASSOQA'7�S AR�li1�Ci'�/P3��3 Tl��� Flo I3�odiie fl AIA e�4S�OC e AYP i�01�� P�� OU - FRIDI�Y p MINN$SOTA 7Q1 �S��I� � 9�C�CAI. P�t1VG i1BB� 1�ffi+�C�Y. PLt�II+lI�1G ASSI3TANCE �que�� esrtificatio� for � Psoc�d witho Procee� wi�h: Wt���LF'i PROt�A�'fl SI'P� PL�G P�O(� `PGi�tiICAI. ASS"i3�9CE aonm70i ) 2/3 F'edsscal 701 �s�isY�aca ) aoam7 1 Eligibfli�ty requ£se�nts PF1wS� Ol� Sea�ivfai..�n Dee��nn far� ea usbaa ���sl prog�ear� I�appaa� i3�netal Teclutir�l �i�ual inve��ory Msiatance �a�a�s01) �a�ic Plann�.ag Stu�a.��a (��a�ch � Analyeis) � I�e��d/E�iar�et�bility 3�uc1y (�ono�fc Corisu�.tan�� Goal Fosaa�ale�%�► �ed Di.�ctassio�a �el� �d o� P'ir�� Y��r Su�mit applieation gore SiTit�Slf & PI.ANNZNG C;�ANT II�liti@ati� in d�atsil a �alaa4 �o� oa� or �s� �rban reaaewal aa�as o Psogram �or Coe�u=eity a��o��n� �ighborhflod Analys�.� Codes e�d �dinancaa� Administrative Osg��ias�i�n Fie�ancin� Citizen Partieip�tio� Special Area P1� �tIASB TWiD ���h�nsiv�a Guisira Pl�n (upda�ing) Planning Implements�ioa Zoatitag l�laap and Ot�inaace (r�-evalnation? Capital Iapro�em�aat Prograa� an� ��g�t ��eaevaluatfoa3 O��ieial F�p �nd �rd�ca Actioa Pso�ram Citi� Par�icip�tioa Pro�r� I�t�s�at Graisp P$o�ru Orsphics e Exbibit aa�d �el Gen�ral Technical ��istance cnonm701) � �``5 3P�CIAL P��1C COA�+��SI01�11 I+�'I'�i+TG I+� ����'tt 4�p 1965 P�ge 3 �;� � ,,.N: � r�l:�� :� w� � r��. r 1''aYl� O� •�C�SL� Ye$1' Apply fora R�NEWAL (�tA�Tr �3/+� �A Feci�ral ��i�tans�) Aequire, ci�ar �dl d�v+�lop and/or reh�bilit�� ��wal ��� a . COI�'I'IIYU�DiG PT�NZNG P��M 2 s� Fedetcal 701 a8sist�n� Plau r9a$nt.�aaace Plan end Ordia�aac� raview0 ete, O�t�r ageas as a��sopriat.e o � � .�.-;�' -,r �' ^i �r'. �+ ��' C�N'tZddOII�G �ECI�� A53iSTANCE (�aa�m701 Mro �er� s��a�ecfl ti�at it it ie not �yosd �he acope o� � on�lin� t�iat he �an�� �a b� �use s�r��f ic patte�a steady is masi� o N� � iiodne said that ft would t� p�rt of tt� ba�i� �►t�ady �� tra�po�tationo M�tORi by tlug�ea o�econd�d by �r�maa a t� accept �&�s o�t 1 iae aud ��ee to it f.� princigalo �poa a voic� vote, tl�r� bein� ao naysp Chairmen �av�Ltc d�al8red th� �o��sn c:ar$i.esdo 2 0 ��&�I.� P�0(�9 F0� t�t� Z"Y. IT►�809�NT: A�o �dse p���at�d ti� fo11�i�� outl�s labeieal, tiork�ble P�o��m f or �s�i �y Y�p�a��cet o t�s o Hodn� s�� �ed f:hat t�is �tl i� be f oL ioc�d in the fir�� �eas of the 701 s�udy, �s�d tt�n if �.$ ���ar� that tiaea°� �ill 't� ��e� tor e� tqpe of usb�n �w�l wh�t�r it be public� psiva� or a c��b�ti�w9 the Ci�y s�tll be pa�pareri �o �v� �heado Scope of 3erv�ce� for th� Tir��KABI� P8� FOB (:O�ITY IF9�04EM�TT FRYD&�5to �OTA • �.t:; • •! i��'t•i�.,. �_:,�+s��, �o I�eig�borh�oac� Aaaly�is To d�s�eara� �a& ar�s are bligh�d ror i� d���g o� becam�n� blightaci; to �d�atify the �a�es intensity aad esuse� oi' biightfl and to pla� tor t�iffihb�hoada �f iaal�ac�d ust�s �nc� physical �11 b��.ng wi.Ch3.n a�nitiablt ��viso�nto A�l of th� foilor�in� �iem�ats ffi�.ail be �s�i�ed t.s �uit the req�airea�as►� og �he 47�skable f�ro�am �� now coaeid��d elig�ible for �e�is�ce und�t th� '°701" ilrbua Flan�%g A�ais�C�c�: Programo 1 o D�lf.�a�:io� oP ldei �orhsad �a� Er��i�ntisl a ca�a+arm c�lo ndusPac i ea� titn�i�caal) aud boundgriee, D��erm �in�d b�r ��i��� land u� o aubaivisioa� plata B utility �rvices B achooi 8a8 park distributior► aad otth�r ���c� of a�ighborh�od envisorameato (...� 2a Stizuc�ureF. Conclition o� Builc�i ss Y�cat;�� a�td Extenti of Blig�ta G�n�rel c�ud t£� of ali u�aia etructu�e (�+asim �ent��l �n8 non-re�identiel, of escll �i.�hbosho�d based npoa sxte�rior iaepeation of so�dp deteriorated or d�la�idated cri�eria�o 3P�CYAL PF�iNQ C�dS3ZON 1�1`1NG I+�N[17� m MARL�i � p 1965 Page 4 n CWO��BLE PBOGRA�I F0� COA�9P1YT9t �1�BOVBI►�YVT-C�NTZN�) 3, Ch�rac�eri.��ics of Familie� affeeY,�B b�y Blf�hto A 20� sam�ile �us�y of dweilitag uni� % neighb�rhoads delia- e�ted as ne�ding demolition and recoastructioa, Uata per�aiaia� to iac�. ai� of ga�i.ly9 a�e o� ��r�fl hom� ow��ee s�en�nta and o�her c�rae�eri�tics iai.11 be coli�c�ed and enalyaed s� appro@ri�teo 4o Ade uac of Cca��ani� Facilitieo �d 3es�ices (]Public and Privete O�il t3.�sp echooiso gsak� aual plsygroutWao ehurcta� as�d ott� ee�c� such as palic� �nd fire prom t�cti�� etcao wiZl be coves�d � a n�ighl�orhood b�siso Sa Cauees �t �li�hto A� oi at.�uctcure�, mixed laad use�s condi�ioa of structvreo �nad�quate osigiusl construc�ion�, lack o� utili�iea ana7 other e�rvices9 eavir�ntal co�o ci3.tions ancl o�i�er eaeuse� wili b� identified on a neighborm hoad ba�sis a 60 r�gar is� c�searvatioa. sehabilitaeion �d secon�firuction a� n�ded t�g�th�r w�.tti pso�risioa of co���ty iac�lit�s aad �ervicaa on a�tei�hborY�ci b�si.so Ys+el£m3.�ary !'�`, cca���.de,r�tionm re�ar�� �baa re�wal8 publac laovging9 �na1 o�her �o ject.� c�l l 1� cov+ased �o�ether wi$h goa19 i°mr tha elimie�tioa �nd p�vanti� ot biigh�a B o Codes a�d �cd�Ln�nees To a�su�a adeq�aate s�aadards of bresl�hD ��i�ation and sagety �hr�gh a co�preheasfve sys�m of coda� and ordimm�neee whiah' s�a�e th� m9.Rfmu� condi�tions under wh3ch cD�llings nraq law-� fu11y be oceu�i.eda An or�aai�ti�a gor cou�inu�tug stady of cades ahail be recom�acie8 with a�n iad�catio� ai �� mat�np of Y.hi� �°oup �ad th�ir f�nc�f.�o Fxi.��iet� e�cies w�ll i� evalust� and i.� necessarys modei ca1e� %r e�ima�m plumbing. �lecicrical B buildiag/houei�,g and f ir� pscotec�ion ��ndssds shai l ir�a rscda= �nded �:oge�he$ with a ech�clule for tla� pa�ci�ic rev%w anol t1�8��t1�o Ez�II� ��$D�Bs �� Blld ���V'1.8�.OA Q2�{t1�.8�'.fOI18 will be up�ated ae appsopriat� in ihe Com4prehen�tive �ity P9.ann3sdg pso�ram)o • Ca Aa��i�is�rative Or�aai�a To i8eat�..fg s�d ¢atablieh �i� admiaietratives rasponsibility aud eapacitiy �or carryin� out av�rall [aTiorkable Psogtam ecicivities and fog �he ear.�oscement � coci�a and oYdinanceeo A�eporfc ' wi.il d�ecmibe �tre caeane o� coordinetiag tTa� ove�aZi Workabie Pra�rama an�ly� �t� presea� adminiatrativ� resourc�e ased e�t�bli.�h a ayst�m oF detectiing code violat�ion� ar�d �nforce�n� tog�ti�r with a��$ ac�8ule for puttia� �e codes aad �lena 3.nto �+f fect o SPL�GIAI+ PLAI�IING C0�8�ION l�E'rtNG �1'iNUZ'ES � I+9�CH �, 1�65 Pa�e 5 ��t'; ; �i;�;�' ^ �� �' ��!�, �r i:i "1� �' �, � ± ,��. e- �l . a` 1 ��� �o s �.�BACiid� r-'' The a�eco�i�ioa of need bgr tY� c��y �aid � develop�a� of �� m�ans f or a�er��ing the coB9:.s of caa�°�ing out �� ef �ecti.v� progr�n �or the ml3mination and g�ceventf� of siums � bligh�o F3.n�acing plane for �t� vari� elemeats of tha �lorkabl� Pxogram shai l be char�ed, 71e�ta�Civ�e methods �o pravid� tl� cc�nuni�y �ha�s oP project cos�e si1a11 1� su����edo Fo Citizea Partici�a�ioa Cammunitymwide paa�tic�pati.oa oa the part a�£ i�adiviclua�.s a�d reP�esea�ativa c�.�iuns ° osganiaatfo� e�ill help to psov�Lc�, bath ia �he com�itq ge�r�ily �d in� a�lee�ed ar�:as s t� �d��cstsading aad supgost �ec�ssary to i.asuea s�cc+�s�o �ctunicsl A���atan� �t►all b� ��.eea �o �t� pto��ed C�tiz�aa ° Advisory Co�i�t�e ia the form oi edttsat3.on a�d o�t� tie�d8 gor c�unu��ty impro�ment; irawe �celma�es shail b� �pared Eor the pr�me and �nblic eactii.bits e�ll � among the teahnique� emgaoqedo F, Co�prel�easiv� Co�mity Plan �"� Cup��tftag as �ppsoprfetei 30 Go Houa3ag f.a� Displac�d F�milf.e8 1,�� f�o � c��ieted l�ter e� appropsi�Y.e, : � �he eigix� it.e� that caea�e �uta���cl to i�l� Pl�nin� Cos��alt�in� unades t�ie �cclanical �s�sist.�ce ac�eedule ���� wffire as �ollaa�aa lo ���ai�g reqtaaet ZOA 64-Q�s Loics 80 thraaagh 83, �i�k A, �£�nesvi�w l�igh�s (Sezoue �Erc�a Bml to �-3AD � o �so��ng rs�st ZOA 64-12 s I+oS:e 3�hrou,�tt 7 a �lock 4, �e� Aiiditiota �o Fridisy P�rls ��� from A�1 �a C-2? 3 0 ��iug rraque�t ZA� f�b-11 s t�ta 23 Lhtoug� 30 D �31ock 13, Ns�ii.ltoaas Addi�cion �� 1�aeis�atics3vi11� C��a� t�co� ��3 to C-1) 40 ��c�iteg rmqn�eg Z�A 65�O1e i.�ta 5 tt�c�gPa 11, iS t6ron�h 210 Bloek 2o aac� Lots 13 �hcough 160 ,•.� Biock 3 p t�ado�aoor Terrace _ CBe� trar� �-1 t� 1�-2 ) SP�CLAL �I,A�NYNG C�'��SION MEE'1'YDTG �S - MABCH 48 1965 Page 6 � �ezoaisg �queet BOA 65-02: Y+ot.� 2i tchr�ngir 30a I31ock 2, Meadoc�moor �rtacQ t8ez� �ra�a 8-1 to C-1� 5, B�a�aing requ�st ZOA f�05a Lot� 13 x&�o�h 16e Block 3 a Sfem C�ek 7Qerr�c� P1a� �t2 (Rez�e frc� �el to C�1S� 6, Ide�cniag x�qtte�t ZOA 64�-10 aud �m10�is 7�0� 3 exeept the �sst L580o�4 fto o� Auditos°s 3�abdi�ion 112So Lot 2p �loctc 3p T�rey'� Addition and gar� oQ Lot Sp Audi�a�°� �u�i�eion �125 (8�2one from B-3 �o Cm2) 7 o R�aa�aiag requeat ZOA 63-21 e Loti 39 th�ott�h 42 s�lock 6, �si8ley Park iR��ne fs�m tt-1 to C-1) 8, Rex�ning r�ques� ZOA �-09: Sou�t�a�t� co�ner of Mi�sissippat ��ree� and Sth 3�Ln.eto Lo�s 1 aad 20 Lot� 29 aatd 30� Blo�k 2o Prop�sed 8i�de1 Plaic (��one frara �-1 tio C•1) t�s, iioc�ae pa�ee�ntsd the� following le�t�r aad diseussed tl�a po3nta ms8� i.a �he let�r with tl� Pla�iedg C�missiono 4 t�aarch 1965 7.'he Planniug Conmm�.ssion Fridlsyo M%msso�a Atten�iono Mro ��eth Lo �rmeikn Chei�m� Bea Technicai Aesistance 8equ�sst Commission �]oa 6553 Gentiemen: P�ce�aat �o g►onr reques� we �ve proceeded wfth �t� eppropriate Techaical Aseis�ance Stua�l.sso In evaluatin� v�ry gen�raliy tl� ei�ht (8) ��ques�s i� ie ous rec�anda�i.oa to t.abl� �tl�se requeste i�daf ini�ely or ask ti� ' d�valo�rs to witihdraw thaLr �qu�ets �ttii ttna Co�r�l�neive C�ity Plaa caa be updaEed �D tbe Sp�cial �tudy Plans c�n be iormnlated wh3.eh� ever is �t� mo�t pertii�to The following observstiaa�s as� m�de regarding thee� req�sests and ous� ge�al ��iq�ical ia4pres�i�s of yaur co�un�t3►: lo The sreas c! ic�nd use con�lict are now 8� t� �dges and along �he major natnrai �n8 man made uetc�orke of ti�e ne�ghboshoode - resideatial en8 aon-tec�ideatial Crivers9 c�ee�cs, to��raph9. majar �horougTnPereso �horough�as� interaectio�s, �ailroeds, e�eo) � 3P�CY�i P7�NG �Y�A�33I0� N�ETING ASNtD�.S - A�CH � B 1965 �a�� 7 �' �Z�1"I� � PTd�II�tING f�ffi�YOTd - 1EC[�IYCAL A33IS'TA�TCE 8�Q1i�S� l'�1+�S�0�1 N�o 6553 � B�14T'�10�) 2o It �i.� �beiou� �t�a� mo�t o� �he� con�lict� ��e �l�e rc3sul� of lorcee ant�ide grour commeuii�y o�r �ahic� Fgidley atmd ve�ry i�t��� coa�oi o 3a Mo�t og �� a�qt��� fall iato th� c�4�gor3► o� a"g�.°�y ar��•� or 9ae an e.st��1y impor�►� "opport�i�y area°'; �tiu� ti�e °'wait" �c�nd�tiaa doe� not imply refu�el of �� requ�sst m sathas � bel�v� bo�Gh th� ia�lividu�l �8 tha ov�rall co�ty will beaefit by bro�c3eaing their �cope ia � forthcc�i.ng pt�ogra,m, If eny o� iche�e requests or future rgqu�s�s ac�eaally pro� a s�cif ic �e �nd iasist action ba taken, ��li�v� we ah�uld and can evalnat.e � d��il esch situatioa a� make a ae�iaite reco�andatioai for � ns� audl standard� acc�r8i.aglyo �in�e�al.y gour�o �����:�� �� i Y � ..� t .y, w , ��,� ���- . �mmas Ho H�dnefl ATA9 AseoCo AiP MOTdON by ��g�anfl s�condee� by Bandsl to r�ceive tiffi le�te� �; from ge�e Assoeia�s � dated 1+�laarch 4 0 19b5 and lab�led Tecbuical Assietane� �q�te�t Ca��ss�ton No 0 6553 o II�n �a voi� vote g t�r� being no aaJ�s e C�airma� Kravik declsred tUe motia� carriede ADJO�RIV�NTs 'ittiese baing no Eur�t�r beuine�s e Chaira�n iCr$v�tk d�clareci the ��ting ad jourcted at 90 so PoMa 8es�c�fully eu�tt�dr V S � �i.� ��rl Po Wagaer A�ting 3�eret.�as°� to the Com�i.�e%a .��'^�.