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PL 09/22/1966 - 30310
� PIaAi1�1TIATG COI�lMISSION M�EI'II�iG m SEP'i'�ER 22 , 1966 PB.GE 1 Th� m��tir:g wa� c�].led ta ard�� at �:3� �'oNl, by �hairmaa� Kxavike R�T,L C�I,L t Member$ pr�sent: Ha�ghes, Kra�iF�e Bas��ele Erick�ons ��r�m�a 9th�rs gar��ex�t: �ity r Ws�a�r le V�GATION: SA� 4�p JOSE�H ZIZ�: S�reet �s,��,tio�. a�'�� A��na�e b�tw�ex� 3rc1 Str��t end. 2�Str�et e NLt. Zi�ak w�a p�e��ra� abn� s�a,t� tz� wo2�l.d lils� �o �il�i on ttie lot� h� o�q �t n�c�ds th� �,ddition�l l�cl th� e��tion wo�lcl e�pplye �ter a eho�t di�c�e�ion r��iewia7g th� �c��se to the �r��9 clis�ssioxa of the plana o£ the ErL�lcson P�trol�a� Compauy, th� lote th�y ownedA Memb�� �� wsa a�k�d to r�roiew the actioa� o� tlie Streetg ���i1i�i�e Co�itt�e. H� atated. th�t �ro�. �za se� by p�st min�.te� that th�r� is � �ai� ��nt of history to th� �aoa�iax� r�q�est a Th� posi°�ion o� tr.� St��ete �sa,� �tiliti�s 5�bco�anitt+�� � that w� ��].¢� ��ept th� a�1 d� s�c �,t th� �o�.tr� ���, of 3ra➢. St�eet a� ineii�sat�� oa� th� dr�wirl� os� gag� 12 oi the �laaaning Com�ission Ag�enda o� Sc�ptember 22nd �nd w� f��t th�a,t9 a,ltho the�e wa,a no psxti��r benefit to °th� Gity wheth�r thia catl, de eac tse fo�ds rath�r the.� throa�gh a,c��ss a� it now exists� if N1r. Zi� �t� to teke ii �pon hiffis�lf to ta].lc to his neighbors: and arra�a,�� dedica,tione s the c�]. d.e eac eot�ld �� ax�ds P� e Zi�ak b�i� s,wa,re that the ex�a to los ve,cated gfl�s back to the �ople who initially decl� icated it e�d he wo�ttld ti:en go back aa�d ma1�e arrar�geaae�ts to �y it e We felt the.t if Mra Zi� waa�ted to aacept ttzie b�srden oi the dedice.tion r��ede, ii successftally a�raag�edb rr�ree �o�ld be a,�rec�able. To �y lcnowl�el�e9 he hed n�ver pr�vio�aely been s�a.cce�sf�.l i�. cor�qineias� the aci�ac�nt p�operty awnere the,t they ehoul�. dedicate ar�y landa As I recalls ti�e woman in Pa,rcel C he�d. a pretty r�a.c� rocic �eden ir� the r.i�ht o� wa.y9 �d she dida't care at a,ll to have it vaaa�ed.s aaad so�eiaody �ls� �res using it ior � ball �ield or �o��tYiimg. Ther� wasn � t ma�ch syffipatt�r f�� the �i$hbo�s. Ir► �wer to th� question o� otax�ership o.f tlie lats in�olv2cia Mr�°a Zi� s�.ici Ericls�or� o�� two lots, T+�°. Sorenson two lot�� aa�l Mra He,pl� two lot� . The Go�mi�sion ��lt that Triclssosa P�trol��un Co o int�ncl to 9 in �on�� w�y� op�n �.p t�a�f.�a �ro� th� 2� S�r��t ar�e alI the �y down ta �ith A�exg�� . M�m�er �ergma.ea contin�ae� tha,t i�' the ��� �oanmi�eioaa me��rs h�sl no ota��ction�q axarl if the q�.l.i�i�a,tion� o� °�h� S°�re�t� �d �tiliti�� S�bcommitt�� h�ve ls�en �ts ia�a �� the ��q���tor himself worls o�t � �lan. which � p�oeisie �o� n�c�gsa�y d�dic�tioa� fo� �. �]. �i� �ac n whi�r. we �.o f°e�l ie r�qsai.r�fl �,ox�g w3tli th� v�,a�ti�n �..s �eq�st�cie and. c€�n� sid.e�tion of the �i�keon d�velopm�nt of the highur�y acc�ss a whi�r. e,pparently i� not in, �oa£lic�tB ther� wo�1d. �e no oT����tio�� to ��oti�n, ��r�.r���ommi.�s��xt Nt���°,��� ,� �k��er�ka��� 22 c I���v,�.-s�.s. �.�,.�„ ���� � , �..�.r NI�YI'ION by �3�����m ��e�xa��� ��r �idc��.9 tY��.t �he �1 ���ni��i�� r�cso���d to Co���i3 �p}a�orr�.� o� th� �ra�ati�n x°� 9�e�t ;��' �$�+DB� fl ��� �i��oi �'�� .��rer►�.e �eturaen 3�� ;Stre�t �aad � �tr��t ���a �ct to � n�c�es�y�l�.ticl ded.i���3on���o.�w�ot$� 4µ �a�� �_ o� �lock 2°�Q ��e�comm�nsli�; 3.n thi� �pi�.rti��l�r �a.�e r�,t1i�.� tY�ri�a �t2�.+.de.�d. �00 �oot d�.�,me��� �1 �� ��°.__ — —.�.�9�m.�. s�:� q th� �iliimr�n �i�� 0�'��0 � ��Et a t�po� � ��oi�����st� � th� �otio�. �ri�� m , �. It wa� not��l th._t tt.� v��a�ion wo�ld be the ��11 wid,th o�' �tlae p�esent stre�t whi�i.; is 33 .�aetB ori Lots � as�a 69 Blnck 2�, oril�r,� M�o �i�a� �g infox°t�ed thig wora].d. go �fore the Co�ncil on October 3rd. 2 0 �ii��N'i?�TSON OF 'I'HE PI�iTI�� C SSi��i: T�� m�,t��ei�l �'o� tY��s item ia�cl�ded. �, m�mo��� �'roa� t�� �ity Atto�.°r�eyfl �, d�r�t o� th� o�cda.��s� �a�ovid.� fo�c the ��or�i�tiar� c�f th� F�id.7.ey P�a�ning Com�a.ssia� e�l �,aa ord.in�n�e pe�taa.r�ix� tca tl�� d.�.tie� o� the P1�.3.�g �o�.��ioa� �� a�tho�i�� a a�bdivi�ioaa �� t11� Pl�airag �om�ni.s�ian ico ���re �� �, �alda� Boe.�d, axid ��es�ri�ir� th� cl�ti�s th��eo�e Reg�d.ia� �eg��gh Q0.021 or� g�� 160 th� c��eti�a� �s �,��� �� th� �Pl� �o�i��io�. r�.e �oi.xig �o �� di��ol��de ����cdix� tc� � ��ti� with �h� �o�cils that � mot the g�po�� �d. i� o�de� �'� to �i�c� thi� i�p�essioa�Q th� te� sho�lci be re�li.gn��.e It � a�k�� th�t As�o�s�.4 t it ��lly %.�ape� in ��rsli��e o� thi� t�P �o� x�ite i.nt� it whesa yo�a �� writia� th� th�g �o� th� fia°�� tiote 9r�hieh a��tt��r� rro�la� `% e,gp�islt��. �hi�h ��� 6�t� e i�. �� ca� a� � ��vi�xon o.� �o� sort to �ho�r �o� c�th�� �ans �� �h� �°ro� omm� ���pa In the �se we h��r� h��^�„ i$ wo�].d p�b�%�ly 'b� °���r w�1..�e t� r�i.t� intca th� arcli�ce th� in���.t ico l�e�p the �� pe�����1 � ia��ve at thi� �oint s�ha.t �P�� �o�m�r cha.i�nax+ o� thi� or tk�a,t comunitte� Fa�co� th� chm.�°aa�,►z o� wh�,t���r it i� � etc e Th��� i$ �o q�stiora o� �rh� i� 3m��abv�d � ia�t th� te�ms �t�°� a�� iat�ol°�e�a M�e�b�� Ht�gh�s ��a.t�d that thi� i� � n�yta� p e, tect�icalit�r tY,�t �h� P�r�s and R�cr�a�tion �o�.��ion �i�'t a, �%o�ni.���� o.i the Pl�� Comani�sior� atsc�rd.� to recent o�rd.��es t�d3aa�c� �314 8 October p 196� �. I'�rh�.pe �hat aho�l� be �cefleat�d i�. th� wo��ing on pag€ 16s �.t�ffi �a H� pointed thia o�t �caa�� the I�rks a� R��rea,tics�, C�u�ai�aio�.� ����l�.�rac�� by ord�n�e a�e rea�o�eible to the Cova�acil in mattc��� �oa�c�rning rec�c�ation and �eaporasible to °�he Co�ncil tl�ro�t� t'he Pla�i�g �or�a.��iz��. i.an m�tierg comcern3n� l�d acq�.isit3.on a�d developmsnt m!�� lon� as ttii� t�clua�.o�,1 d.i�fe�ence d.oea �xist b�twees� the Pa,rPs� a,r� Re�r��,tion Cc��i��ion �.nd ttz� P3e� Go�i.egio� �.o� S�bco�mi.tt��� fl Fte felt �:h� �o�e�.� taer� �ho�ld be co��ctede Nl�m�ae�c B��gms�,n9 ree�°���i� to Iteffi ���e 16� �ta,t��t th� �tr���� � II��,l�.ti�s a�ci Ple,t�s �oi a�`bsia.vi,�fo�s S�l��mmittses ha�e ��n �et°�ir�,° by w3.th 3 ffieffibe�s e IIe ��It g a�,d. had. �o �ta,ted �c�� �or�� time �, t��at �. � e�e�be� �beo�.tt�e is too s�a11 ���a�ee if one �n�mber �,� a�s�nt 9 it le�.vea ��h�, a�d oa�� �eml�e� m He w� �.ot c��ta.� ��ix �e�'�e� co�nitt�� r�e �ith�r iaiesl o� a�c�s�ra It wa� ���oi th�t � fi�� � ffi�m�r 1e��1 wo�].� be bette�. �'1�a�i�i:; +��;i!,��.; �a.��� i�e���>t�r��, -�;�: �-"t.Ern��.E ;'� , }��f:.`� ,°�"�,�E� � � �-� �.- RE�iz�g �,��a�a� th� �c��s�aon.si`�ilz�`ies o� ��ie Bo�d � dg����,1�s C��,i�n ���i� �at�t��, i� �,� l�i� ��.a�staxscii� that w�i�x� tY�.3s w�.a� �..i�� f� ������ ��v�xal �r�e� �09 it �� �tat�d. -�I�,� t�l� -a°�rictio� a� the �ar� o� A���1�o f�°o� �. p��.�ti�a� poi�.t oi` �ri�w, c�,� �a�cl: ttcat ffi�et of' -eka� � �ecisions eo�.ld �e l�c�leci t�y the �ity T�e� �t�. passe� on to tYi� ��.ci1, and. they wo�i.�. �na�e�t�e �ah� riecr�ss�r �.pp�enval �.ncl di�ae.pprd�r�.l as�.d. non� o� th� Bo� o� �pp��,l� � ee���r�t ��ction w�s�ld. be a���ed �b�r t��� Plannix�g �ammigsion exc��st s�cial �e �e�it�. �ie to tkae Mi��sot�. Ste�t�te q.62: 3�4 s�.t�di�3s�.a�a 2 E it is a��c�asa�y to ha�re a�ca�c� o� A���.�� o F��ber i:�h�s stated l:e wo�l.d. s�es� �hat the Ci�ai� oi �th� P�.ae�� aa�d 1�ec�e�,tlon Com�is�ion ioe con�idered a.s a�ember i�. tl:� PlanninL; Oo�mi��io�. toaJse��p. Reie�cring back to tkae Bo�ac°d, oi Apge�alsa tae ��.id. �s long as the S-�t� .r�q�.�es •�hat �oa�d� �.nd �.s ioxig �.� a$zngle bad.y �� cal l�d. �.�on to do it N�ttze�r tY��.n d.i�rid,i�g the duxti�s 3aetwees� t�ro ��rd� � lze �ceed. that a sepaa�ate Boa�d o�f Appe�ls a.� the t��st bet m C�:e,a.�m��. �avi� sai� Fre seem to �e talk�,; �.b��a.� ti�e �o�n�il p�°ca� �idi�g t�e Boa� of .�ppeala rl�ti�s � tY:e atat�m�nt in tl�� ��opcas��� o�dir�.2c� ia that the Flax±�.x� �om�i.�sion �1�. ae�na� �he �espo�a�i�il3ti.�; �, �xa�. � as�s�m� then ��s���ct the n�e�s� �u}�li� t.e�i�a9 �t�o �e,aed v�gon tka�.�. t�y Stat�xte fl�e ��e �ot �o ha°�e a Boa�cl o�° Appe�l� e�a.d ��tm�nts o IK��1��� E�°i.alcson �caa�nt��. o�t •�lia� i� co��ctio� wstY� o:i°�i�c� oaa g�g'e l�g in ���°eren�� to th� �l�i� S s d��i�a conv��l ��� �ou�tt�� �.fte� I�� 3� 3,�t poirxt� o�a�c that m�mb���hi.g i� £�� �, t�� m?' on� y*e�e Thi� ig not coxu�i�tent with th� � o�' th� ��aa�u� � Cou�ai��ion. I thia� it ello�.ld. �be c�,a�i�°i�d tt;�t tl�� ch�,�.� is a th.rPe ye� ap�i�t�ento It was al�ca p�ointeai out th�t the wor�ing oi Ite� 38 �'� �99 shoLa].d reac�e ,P+�me m��b�� ��oa� ��ch o� th� th��e we��ls withir� th� �ityo„ ��ffib�x Banci�l �mznted o��t th�.t 48 , G�� wa.� €�ithe� I�f �t o�t o:� n����ci w.�ox� < �eo on Pag�s 2Q9 S�c�fo�, 4�.041� i�t ae.y� tt�e noti�� to th� �pp�z��t sl�ll be mailed a°� ����t tl�ee c�y� i�a �.v�.n.c� o� s�.�li l;�axa.r� �- t�,� �o�i�sion .£e1t this ta �e a little bi�t ���,son�,b�e and �elt it sk��a�.l�d '�ie rt�st�,t�d. Alsca, ��.e�e i� n.othia�g i�t �hi� pe�ici�ala� o�d.in�,�ce tY�.t �p�ci�i�d �hat th� �aailcixJg �oa�°d. will ��et �.� �. r�s�lt o�' aa� appli�:tio� �Gi' �], ���,�.1.I1� �i�'13.$ 8.T1� $�lA.'t WiT�Yl @i r'�'�O'�l@37.t�.c^v"t1.�3'!. �.S D��E 't0 "ti1�� Co�.cil ��l�,tive to a�a�a.ild.ing g�x°�nit� z� is ��z�t rc��ati�°� io an �.pgliQa.tiona It �ay€� that within tlu^e� cl�ys a��te� tri� ���ei�vt o� ���a.eE: �pplica�ion pa�ers aa�d op�.nions9 th� secret� �ha11 give notiee t� eaci� m�ffibe� of the �uuilding Boaz°d sto the applieaa�t �d other pe�aons ixa respect to �ch application. W� s�i�].1 as�� thia is e,n applica�ioxa .for e, �iaild.ing ��mi-�o �d�e �o�nigsior� �eeid.ed to �ee-t�v► t�.e �c�posed, O�sli�c�� tca tYa� �it� �.ttorney snd ask h3�a to re�-��o�d tia� portioa� d.isc��ed �,t tk�as ��ta.n�o ); i "�K �Il � Ial �1 I�I'. • • C l ' , ,- i � • ��i.1 +' �. .. _.. , i � , . t� 1►i0TT0I� i�y �er�ma�a s��concl�� �y H�gh�e � tha�i the I�lan� �ceaa�.�� ir�� �ox�ti�.� It�m 3�u�t�,1 the Cit�r 1'�a�a�.ge� �.n� t�ity Attorr�e� �� ��a�� ���r �if�� �o�etldia�� �onc��t�e ��o� �, �raic� �ote� the �noiion ��i�da �1�ri.i C�mm�.��io� ��et�n •� Se tLmbe� �2 3 66 � � 0 1�IS�-• ;'°�0� D� s 1�ISY�N �� �I�I�T� � �F''�i�A�TZ�1� e � M(�TIeN by �e���fr ��conei�d, iry H�1;��, tie�.t th� �l�ni� �om���i,o� �ontin.�ia ltem 4�ti1 �he Cit� l�age� a�d Ci-t�r ltta�..�y c;�,n co�ae �p �rit�. �ometl�.iaig oonc�ete. �'pon a voico eot�e th� m�tion ����ied�, �, �TTI�1� R��TII� 1t�0AtI�T�: EftiC�UN �OI�d ��Al�: Chai�m�,n I��.�i� ste.ted tie �ro�].d like to ma� eo� co��.te Q h�a.� sorae co�entsa ar�d �,esl� i�' there are ad.dit�or�al. comments r�3.ativ� to tt.e �o�ci�. aotion or a p�i�tian by Ericl��on �et�eolP� Cotnp�.ny t� �°��o?�e �e�tain lot� an �i°�tln �ven�ae. It ee�nns tha.t the o�igiz�l app�,i�.tios� �s a matt�� o� �, pbabl3c h�ari�g b��o�Q tk�e P1�a� �es�ie�i�� t�ho �l.e a r�conamend.a.tio�. �o th� Co�eil �nnd that �xu],ad. ite �rhe �b� �equen� developa�ents ehow E�ick�ora Pet�o�,eum Coffigaaay pe�e?�ed t�:� �.tter go�awt�t f'u.rtY,er ex�d iie,d �, h�a�img 19efore the �o��il a Th� r�c��a'it was that �he�� � e, �h�a,�e e�atho�°i�ed by th� Coun�il arYao he.d simi.la�l;� �t�a.ted ix� th� ea�e �anner � tr.at o�° thc3 Pl�nix�g Co�is�ioxa t�a a��ao�er� d��ial to ��on� �'rom R-2 to G-2. In a�dition, it�e�e wa� ma4l� p�,�°� o�� thi� �.n a��e�nt9 a c�py o� r�hial-, wa.g �i��� to tti� Pl�a:�.r� Commi�c��o�g �trr��� L+'�icksor� P�t�al�� C�ffip�y aaarl ttx� �ity r�l�,ti�� wc� ��rt�in " t�s of ���atri�tioxis �poa� tltis �rti�lar �ind o�° ��.t��o�.°y i�. tr�i� ��a�ti�� �f l�ridley e I thir� ���r t�;e y�a�s the Fl C�d�iesic�n has ha�. r�co�mend�t.�ons �ro� tY�� City ltto��y to try �1 �estrici; on� �a�ia� l�a�a� ua� �ss d�4.in�d by v�r �o�in� or�iass��;e �y ve�i��g ���e whi�h ��a not �pply t� aIl o� th� �onia� ��.t��ri��o It i� �oe�u�ia.i� o� e. d�� � ��o�ts pra�tio�. Th� other p�rt o�' thia i� it �.�� �,�t ����i�i��.11�r �t�,te wh� i� to �.�i.nis�x this to i�sA�a.°� ihs�t �ith�r th� �it�+ a�� �i�����. n li�� �ap to thi� e�ce�ffi�nt o Ia� ad.d.iti�n, it do�� pl�� � p��.li�� ac°�� q�ir�me�t on �ay �o�,i.� r�q�e�t ttza,t o��r ix► th�s ��ta�� a.p�� ���°�r� �h� �'lat�i�; �ov�ission.e Tk�� a.ss�mptio� i� �ha.t th� r�q�,�stor c�a, �,�st�m� it urill �e gr�ted., b��$ t�i�r� �y b� s���e �.�i��.tio�,.l stip�l�,tior� th�.t �:� i� ��� o� at tE�.t tim� and. he v�,y h�,�e �u a�re� tQ a Thi� s�e�ae to �� t�ying ta cir.c��+�xat th� �ria�aip��fl o� �onir.a� a� �e �ne�ally s����zi`��ai to �d st s���� to ap�roacil €� g�nb,1�ffi �'��� ��ratir�ly d.a..f'�'�r�aat ��l�ation oa� tii� City s dl��r�tion in tr�� ��� �se, �oni� �d, a11 th� �l�s a�ad. r��.ula.tions in�al��d. T ca,�' t q�A �� e�e� wh�re this �esol�ree �,ythingo At �st it will cr�ate o�y9 �y �aore probl��s than ��r�aatly �xist o �Iember Bergmax� a�ked i� tse mi�•r:t ma3�� s� r.o�ple o� comments �.l�r� t�. s l�.ne o In o�ar disc�ssian8, tt�� Pla,nr�in� CAmmi��ion ���d a� v��,�i: a� a, year a�o 9 m�triods �na.t a�9 it� o�.r di�caaa��i�n� s propas�s� to ��lt�� p�.�°#�c�ala� probl��s that pr�sent aaxasi paet �onis7g o�d,%r.�.n.a�a di�t no� ��1��� o�r p�opo�ed. �►etiloei was to e$tablish nerr ���.i.n� c�ntrol ����gc��°i��� l�tt.�r the,ra cox►�id�r a va�,ri�ty o� reatrietione on �ery re���z�ir� ��s��e�s�� � r� t�ie�. to �e�eons.ia3.yo �ad in a� o��aaaiz�d. f°�shi�an9 ���p tY;e siffiil�,� typ�s caf activities, C Rml � C Rm2 �cl th� pendang Pla�a�d D�e��lopffi�nt %7is�trict ae exampl�es o I��el that th� �pproact�a t.h81`t tki@ Co�cib i�,� ��ea� i�. ttiis Erzc�s�sn r�q�a��t is th� altea°n�t� ta tY,i�s � 1�.�1 g C R�� �d �l�n�� ���eicap���.t �:i.�t�ict r��tri�ti�� r��onir� �.ppa°o�,�t�., w�ii�ta w� ��1t w�,s tiie ���t m�tti��o � �l�i��' �v�r:i�nsioa� M�.�°�i�. ����t��?���:� �2 � ? ���{ �°�� I�I�u��e� �del ad�le�3 t��e�t i� ��e�s �tt;�t. ia� tti� ga��t we �i�.�� �a��n r,., �,d.vi.�e�. iay tt�e City Atto�neys ttiat te� r��or�� p��g��tie�s ta a�ca�alr� c�te�,rory and pla�in� a.�3.�itlonal �atricti��� or� tr.at �rog��ty th�,t� ��� s�ot �ist�sl i� a. �or��a.g �,iebro�°y9 ma.�� it an ��n.iorc��l� ��,t€�aux°ya Tt we,s poia�ted o�at tr�t tt.er� is one sii�ht di�'��r�nc� as ttii� w�� �.ot m�de a part of tiie am�ndm�nt to tlie �onir�; ox°dinsxace o'�'h� cat� ��r dif°��re�.ce is th.ia �reement i� ��gist�r�d as �t �� tt��e d��d �i tk�� �,la�t��.ct so it b�co��� a re�tricti�e coee�nt on tu� propertye Tt:e problem n���ssarzly wo�ldn° t be t�:e b�ildin�g, but t�� �s� �.t��.t. the 1�� wa� p�at to incl�d.ing the �ildi�ago Co�,d y��s �et � inj�n�tl�� or �o�thin� $o �top th�� irom a�ot livin� �p to tt<� �rre�ffient? Th� �swer w� th�y wo�ltit�'t �t s. ���tifi�ate o� o��ap�aacy i� tta�y �iral�x��i �hat pOrt1AA of tI1� S�r��m�nt. The cath�r iffiplica.ti�aa migY�t '�e tha,t tiz� p���e�at �o�aing c�.t��;ori�s ar� ra� lota,�r c�s,te�gori�s s be�t ffi�x��Iy g�i��a �'ro� trhich a:�3�$tm�nt� �� m.�d.e �� °��� �s� �eq�siaees. It w� oo� th�.t tYi� �laxirtis� �o�i�sior�. 1�ols in�o tiz� coaap�isora �ig�r�ss�'ih� iaeraef it� a� tax ret�as tr��ore �ad �t�r ���sa��r,�., The�� �i� �,o ��th�r ��ial���n �lia,i.� ��,ei� �a���d th� ffi��ting e,t 9�OU o'clocko � R ��t� � s bmittedB F;a�e O `�r�.an. itecordin�, 5ec�et�y �