PL 10/13/1966 - 30311�
� � 0�° '1°� �i�T�PiG CO�S�]��1 I���TG OF �'TOB�3� 13, 196b
T'�e l�ieet3..�g waa cailed tiq ord�� �i 7036 Po�o �� (�aia-�tau Rsavilso
SOloto CAi�
�R� P`RE9�J?o Rsavik, B��del,
� AB�Pi�o �aae
O�B� P�E�o 1�s�e11 Clazk,
B�s�n� Erickson' Httg1'e�
Engi�eering Ase�stant
ci:1` t Y: �• ti.' :\'r "Y> w,:',:J�_�""'r•� f�'". :!:`. .' r�l'1C<.
IKO�iOI� by* Be��maee, seconded b� �amdel, to ad�pt �he I�tic�utes as receivedo Upoa
a voic� vote, tbe�e beia� eao nay8, Cinair� Krav3k decl�red t&ae ��io� cara°ied o
I►�INUTES 0�'�PL�FIG CC�ffiES3IOi� 1�i�1G � 5��� 22, 1966�
1K0'�`ION �y �x�.cksan, secondecl by Bandel, titae �he I+4iaute� be adop�ed as Yeceivedo
1dQo� a vo3c�a vo�e, t�re lseiesg �o c�a�ra, CE�ix�a� Ksavik declared the motian
gA� APYD �C�A�,�� L�T�tdG 1�Ni)'�E� SE��E� 6. 19,� AI�ID 22 . 1966 0
I��ON by Su�hem, s�coa�deal by Ber�maa, that the I�ic6ut�� o£ tbe Pazka and
�ecreatioa Co�iseiaa be receivedo Upon a vo3ce vote, t6ere heing ao aa�+s,
Chair� Idravik declased the motion c�rried,
I�ro Salite�aa �as pzaseat, aad Mra G�n Smi�6, repreaestirrg I�o Salite�raan
w8s prese�aC, Aleo preseat were Mra, Stechlefa, t�o Piesce, Mxe Eniqw,
�e Schnagel � atad Mir, lreo Nel�oa.
�e Comaission �refe�ed to a 1�tter from P�ra Smieb wi�ich �equeated that a
deptb of 330 feet weat fac� Old Central Ave�ue and extending aorth to tlae
preseatl�► z�ed Gm2-8 be considered for a PD developnaent a�e, Mr, Smith
etated C�at he bad revi�ed t�e new ordinaadce as publi�hed in �he pa�r, and
that ia discussioa with Mre Salit���, the� felt t6at w6at they propo�d to
gut in �his a�oppiag eeate� ar�a would b� be�ter placed nades the PD Distsict
regulationa, aad �a� 1�e bad ti�refo�ce wti�ten a lstter requesting a�cFi zoaiago
M�. ��1�e� ��rized th� a�ew gD Davelop�ec�� Oxdfnaace ¢or tlie audience,
MO�T`i�N b� Hn�hea, seconded by BandeZ, �o coati��ae this la�nxing to the Plaa�ing
Coa�miseioa t�eetiag of Octo6er 27, �skiag the g��itiaa�ex to cief�e �ore specifm
cally the bou�daries of the PD diserict azea @�e is reqe�e�ting, seid _since actio
;eet that t6e Council �lace oa i�s_Agenda £or Na
on� s�zoa�in,� to t6e Plaaaed Develot�nt Diatricfc e
�1�1TING ��S�iOQ�Ie Q�'�OD��. �.3, 1966
�AG� 2
� Mro Ericksor� t�u��t�d �at th� noxth 1�Lne p�eobabl� s�ould � squared off, or
�e proposal as atated in t�e ietter would be ehaagiiag some Cm2-S to t�ee PD
dia��rict, ao f� fel� tt�t the area �que�ted eboulc� be carefully delineated
� a map fos �e �o�missioa►°s coaeid�ratio�a U� �h� �otion, ichere bein� no
ae�e, �ai�a Kravik declaaed �e��kk�� .,�a�ried,
�0'1°IOPT by �ri�i�o�, �aonal�d by �aadel� to reeeive tl�e conmdunicatioa from t&e
�:rickaon Petrole� Corpo�°atiomo jTgon a voic� vote, �l�eae being nv �ay�,
Chai� IGrav� declssed the motion carriedo
l�o �ughea �eond�red if �hha Council �aoe�ld foa�ard tm the Pl�aiag Coa�i,asio�
��+ d�vela�n� progoeal by �r�cksoa� xeiative to �i�is are� � iCs $txeets�
�eo �ughes brou�Ta� tlais particnlar it�t to t�� �tteatioa af t�ae Plann�g
Co�iesio� for ciiscur�siono
n Nort�east �aii�aay Street grade eeparatioa is coaetructed, Upon a voice vote,
�i�ea�e being �o �s, +L7�si�cma� I{tiaeii� declexed the motioa carried,
I+i�e �ug6es stat�l t6ae r#u� 1'arlcs� a�td �ecreatiaas Co�aniesiaa faad decided to
coneicter the �s�ibility of puz�hasing ieot 1, Bloc6c 6, Eice Creek giaza Sout�
Addit�o� �cause i� coau��e�ed to I�SSLCD la�d fill ttaat also coan�cted to a
piec� of Cit� park property nortb of �ice �ko �e Ca�ni.esion ffelt �ha�
thia would give �ee �eeside�ta north of t�e Hoil� Cex�ker area aceess ta t�
paxk oa �he othe� side of �iee Cre�sk fro� thema i�fro �ugh�a solieited t�ae
co�e�ts of ti� Pla�3a�g Commission,
isr o�es°�a�n co�ted ��iat e6ere appea�� ta � som� vea-� dea3rable partc lancl
type property aort6 snd eaat of P� rlatterhorn brid�e, a�d be £ele that
possible u�e of tiiis aa pa�ck prop�rty► ataoald b� looked intc by �lie City► and
pes�aps by A�oka Countyo
iKxo ��xgt��sc sta�ed that �i�ie laad wauld bs �sec1 for access �o t� noatt� pi�cea
of park prope��y, �a� a18o that t�eae would probabl� � eo� bewchee aad
tablea placed ia the park in t.his �rea if purc�asede Derrel Clerk st►o���d
ehe lla�niag Com�isaio� a d�ed foa a 30 �o�t streee u�ility eas�nt on th�
weet 30 f�t of Iaott 1, Black 6, F,ice C�seek glsza South �deiitioa, Tlxe
consenau� of t1�e Commiesioa �aa tleae it wes �ort6 wbile for tise 1Pa�eka anci
�esreaCion Co�issioa to conside� �i�e poseibl� �urcbase of t6ie psopert�ra
PI��G C S�IO�Ie OG�O� 13, �.966
�"� 50 ��O��NG OF° P�PE� �IiT W�ST :�E d� ��' �1V�� 1t0AD A� 1��3E$��lP� S�E1.
1�@R7,°�AS� m �OB�T 3C��o
t�3rro Se6roer adais�d the P1a�niee� ��i�eiom ��aat he �aasted to appl� for
res�a�ing properey aext �o his p�e�ea� pscaduce raac6, but �Uat i� l�ad no�
beee� able �o eo�e ap with e11 the clet��ls of the �e��o�in�, and aaked tl�e
Co�.asio� if 1e6ey coulct order r.he bearia� wi�out g�eing �he detailed
MO'�Ia� by► �ghes, �corided b� Bandel, to di�eect the Zaaniag Administra�or to
publisi� a I�ubiic �aYiag Notice for Nov�r l0a 196�5, for etse agea r�que�ted
by t�co Secln�co�s �or rez�ing, if the �+q�e�t �eees t�� g�quiremec�t� o€ �tae
` Zoai� Oatd3�aaceo Upoea a voice vote, t�ere b�iia� �o naya, �,hai�aeaa �avatk
declareed tlte moCioa� caraiedo
IK�ce gughea� suggeeted �i1at the City Attarney rea�der aa opiaio�a �o ti�e Pl���
Co�i��iaa acelative �o t1�e p1.aa�ieg Co�aission0s awthosit� to rec�nd to
t� C�ua�cil a di�fereat salutior� einun req�s�e� 1oy a p�ti�i�a►e�c o
, �i � ;i; :,a. � ;
1�rse1 Cl�rk poiaterl out Co ��e Co�iesioa tbat tl�ir aecoad r�gular �e�ia� in
Noweml�r wouial fall os� �ttank�giving Day, anai ast�d t�i� Ca�nissioa� what �l�y
��ld lilee to do abae►t �chedulice� the�r n�t�g� fox Novea�bero �� Co�ise�ios►
desided ebat �e regula� me��ia� on Nov�aber l0�ta wouid a�m� b� cia�n�ed, ead if
�, t6�re were anotber �e�ting a�e�ded, Che Ct�aism�a of the C�ission woulcl c�ll
�e Commiasio� �or �uct� a me�, ot�e�rwiee �he�e wo�ald b� oeal� o�e �tin$
iza �lo dembez o
�ere 1�3e�g so fu=tlte� bu8��teeS ��hairma� �av3k d�cl�r�d the m�ting ad jou�ed
at 9010 PoMo
�8pectlul��► su�mitted,
C�'�° �. G�
�arl �o wa�er
Actiag Secretaxy �o tl� �o�rd
� -