PL 10/27/1966 - 30312�
�JNI� �O1�iISSiON P�I1�TG - OGTOBER 27 a 1966
��e 1
Th� meeting �we.s e�lled to ord�r by th� teffipore�r �hai� B�clel �t
7: 50 ��Mm
�or� c.�:
Me�bers pr�s�nt: ICra�ik, H�gh�aq ���lcsons Ba�dl�l
rlemlQer ab�er�t= �rg�a
Oth�r� ��s�a�t: �To�
�RO� THE � 0� �� �, .CO�II�SIONe October 13� 1 66�
MO�I'ION by �ciekson, s�GO]cicl�d by $�hee s that the Pl�a.s� �om�i.saion
Mia�u.t�s of Oc°tober 13, 1�b6 be approv�sl. TJpoa� a eoic� va�e d all �otin� �y� �
the motion carrieai.
SALITF��: Lot 4, Lot 1'�, lud.a.tor' � Su�Cl.i�isian �88 �ico� t garct owned by
City of Frid.le . Re�one �ram R�1 (sir�Ze family reside�ce� to �m2�S ��ez�eral
shopping area$� �,nd PD �p2anned development➢.
Wyms�t Smith wa,s pr�sent anel repreaent�d. 17� �alitea�i.
The public hear3ng ur�,s continueel aao that a re�3.s�d de�erigtio� cou1�,
^ b� d.�a�a atbd �oubliahed �hov�� the pro�r 1�g�7,�ription at th� ti�e o�
th�e r��o� req�ae�+ic for �h� pl�.�d s��v�lop�nt district, aa��l ch�cl� ia�to
the City awn�al �a.gemea�t� .
�'he siescsription iai the rev�..s�d publ�c hea�rin� �ra,s ree.� a�sd ex,plais��d s
Th� tempora�y �hs�3.r�� Bandel t�arnea3 �he ge.vel o�re� to �h�i�m�ra �a� �
1�. Sanith stateal tize,t the d.escr3.ption wa� �om�tta�a� tt�,� wre� worl���
out by the City. The tract hae b�eaa divf� i.a�to twu p�rc�lso ��c�l �1
�290.4 ft. 3.n e�d�th and. �'�0 ���t long� i� th� one th� nei�hbor� ar� con��rn�
e�ith anai it i� d3.r�ctly r�orth of �ote 5 as�s� 6. It is to be a��e�lo�d in
eo�junation with °the ��anain� �o�.aeion �o� us�m coaeis�teaat vrith th� coaatrol
o� � �ple,�neai �evelop�eat�.
Ther� is a, p�obl��i �bout the �ity eaeemeat ��as,ra�l �1840) rahich t�als�s
u� a gr�a°� ci�e,l o� �gacae, but th�8 �ot2ing �qu��% d.o�a not includ.e itiat m
Ni�. �ith conti.nued. thst M�. ��,li°�e� pls� �o h�,v� �il�iir� tr�i.c� iai
�i�� wh�,t ao�r e�.at� in. Pa�oel #29 bu.t th�� eor� a�o ple�ae at thi� ti�� fv�
��rc�l �1. Howa�re�. he i� ��eable, to use the riew cl�e�ific�tion �or
�aaxcel ATo. 1.
I�t e�s e�l�a.nea that 1'la�an�d. De�elopment does a�ot a�c�ssa,rily ase�e
�that this edill be � offic� b�.31�.ir� or this ty�ss� o� �°�aact��. It �ight be
resid�ntial. Ta determ3n� the use is r�ot �a,d.� �y th� �ublic H�a:�ixig. It
will 10� determimeai by plans brought in by tbe d�velop�re The �omffiiseioan
ieels tt.eae plans are under m�re atrict cont�ol f�om th� C3t,�°� point o�
vie�► th�a any other � ca,ta�uries now f.r�. use.
P1�,.*aaii� �or�i�sion Mee°�i��c�ober 2a„ 1�6� 2
In ea�w�� to the que�tion "How wauld you eiefin.� a�ore ha�o�ioue
rele�tionahip�'� $�h��e would. b� e, lorig lio°t o� builc�in,g� that� woula3 m��t
�, t;:e gener�l cocie a
Mr. Smitti sta,ted tha.t Mr. Sa,literma� did, nut w�nt the roadways buta
�t the Cit,y's reque�t, he d�dicated the �treet and re ha,d already
d�di�ated a piec� �'ur �jrd ���rrue. It ro�as nuted tr�at th� new str��t dv��
t�ui follow ttie patt�a� of tt.� t�mporary road yvhiah had b�t�n u��d by Lhe
pv�blic .
Mr. St�cl�l�in stated h.e tho�it th� � i��ea is a. bi� i�pro�e�nt o��r
C-2-S. Hi� cunc�rn has aot b�en with Peue�l #2, but with th� fr:,ntag� ura
C��tral ���nu�. Tti� �oni� ora C�ntral Av�nrt� in tt:is area is n�w r��id�nti�,1,
but h� b�lieve� you woul� b� in�j�cting the p�asibi�ity u£ oo�mmgrc�al. �i�
£�lt th� control � are paitting in he�e c�) do�s mmot esi�quat�ly subBtftut�
th� control we aow ha�� �R-1�.
Me�nbe� Erieksox� stat�d he felt the �ntal ise�e �s a ar� yuu ��ir�
tu t�ave busin�ss or co�e�aial area r�ht n�xt �v the niQ� ex�r�si�� t�offi�s
arad the park`? �a�c�l #1 ie a rslati�ely �a.7.1 gortion o� the lan� �d
ther� is a possib�lity of ffiultiple �oria.n�g for this pi�c� . Th�� i� �,l�o �h�
po�eibility o� a�r�qu�at, fa1 th� futwc�, of ���onirig for ldot� 5 ea�d E. If
it �iappeaa�, it i� ffiore �than likely ti�i they wall hav� to be sto�p�� th���.
Mult3ple or clouble bun�a,lo�rs wc.ulsl b� a goo�i bu�fer. kie ar� tryi� �o �top
this tu protec�r th� prop�rty v!� �ihe peop2e in ttie ar�a auai Lh� pa�k prup�rty.
H� ad.ded thge was his owai opinio�a. It was �.l�o sta��ei thnt the dam�d for
la,nd �or �ingl� f°a�.Yy hou��B i� �.ot too g�at at this ti�a.
n 1+�Lr. Seaith �tat�sl that he did a�o� lcr�ow what wa,s
but he uncierst�,nds tha,t nothi i� �oing in�o �cel �1,
� goia� �o �o in th�re w�.thout working out
a�1�, but th� �.e�elopm�nt of 19arcel �1 will be sielay�d twu ur tr.r�� years ,
PIr. Salit�rmaYa informed him that he didl not believe b�� ligt.ts endl nois�
e,r� compatibl� w�tli a shopp�n� ce�ater. R��ex�ding the re�onir�, it �s
defini.t�ly nat goi� to be sin�le f�, d.well�ngs a,s th�re is uo mark�t f�r
�he�• P� will fit in thre� yea,r� fr�m now.
It �ra.s n,oted tt�t the Comm3.seion wuuld have to tat�e ir�to cunsid�ratiun
the fact tlza,t ttie area does abut R-1.
MOTION by Band�l, seconded by �Iu�h�s �_ tha,t tr.� �larani Commis�iun clo��
e._���_� � _� .- �_�__.� �_.
the blic heari _ , -__�.�� ��_.� �,.,n_�-. _zz_.d�
-..a,_._�_._. . _.._,n� of _ th�_ re�onir�_request .70� �66�1U, Ma,x Saliter� gor Lot
., _ ... .._ ...Q. _
��t 1�, �uditor's _Subdi�isi �n_#8� except part, owneci b�r_ tk�e Cit� o� Fri�l�
b�ir� re�on�d froffi R-1,�sia�le_family residenc�s�,�to,C�2-� ��eneral shoppimg
areas� �,nii �D_��(�lanneai �de�elopment�__as des_cribed itt the re�iged�ubl�c
hearin�g notice of O�t�. r 26. �I966 a�►d._r�commend._ a�proyal ,to the Cit.v Counc�l.
Opon a �oioe �ote, �11 votin�__a_�re, .tne_ffio�tion�ca.��ec . �
M�ffib�ar Hugh�s wieh�d to in��c�t� �h� r��s�o�ir� for %he approval sia��
it li�s in -th� �ir�ctioaa that it app�ar� titr►].il�ly the prc,per�y pr��ratly
�on�d would b� built upon a�y �im� ia� the £or��eeabl� �ta�re. Tha,� °�he
cr��,tiox� o� a���e�trict p�o�id�d #°or th� ci��elopm�a2� which will �ke in�a
ac�ount both �th� co�mercia,l i� the north aaid west a�d, r�aident�al � th� �outh
�n.d. �+��t, ansl i� i� our opiriion tha.� the ri���lopa��n�, which �,� ��eastually
n propoa�� �o� this a,r�a in or��r to b� app�ov�d, �a.y tak� irsto account the ��ct
th�t the ler�d i� a pivo� poin� b��w�a� co����ial ea�d r��id�ntia,, . To
in�iicat�, if I rua��rBta�d the �e��1i� o� th� �o�i��ion prg�erlyB th�
Oo�iasion elo�a not �or�s�� th� extension o� co�rci�1 �oru�� soutl. �,�or�
��a�tral b�yond a point just de�orib�� by th� pres�aat south bo��a,ry �!�
Auditor's �ubdi�ieiomm #8� �beyoxt� �k�e �outh boun¢la,�y o� Lot 6).
�l�ni� �o�ission Meetin� � Octobe� 27, 1966 _ °�� 3
The stetement was �� that e�a otmer of a piece o� pr�p�rty is
� en'titled, on� way or s,nother, to me�e it ue�ful. I� the �oning laws a,r� �v
masle es to meke 3t utterly uselesa, then ich� owtier, as3de from his ri�tit to
requ�st a cha�ge, probabiy has the right to go to Qourt �nd. i'ores� the cha�,��s
Th� Co�ni��ioa� m��bera �elt no actioa was necessaary.
[���T � iL ii�ia�ii+_
� - —
Th�re being no bueine�s, Cba�.rman Sravik a�journed the me�tir�
�.t �:55 PoMo
Heapectfully submitted,
Aazel 0'Briaa
Reaording Secretsry