PL 05/25/1967 - 30324�
ROL�, C�1LL :
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 7:35 P.M.
Members present: Erickson, Ylinen, Hughes, Jensen, Myhra
Others present: City Manager Wagner, Engineering Assistant Clark
Chairman Hughes explained an error in the motion on the top of Page 7,
ZOA ��67-07, shows the rezoning from R-1 to R-2 and should be corrected to
R-3. �
Member Erickson said the motion, which he made, at the bottom of page 4
was not quite correct. It should read "and that the Planning Conanission
believes they can then proceed with their deliberation".
It should also be noted that the actual vote took place after Mrs. Hapka's
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission
minutes of Ma.y 11, 1967 be approved as amended above. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MAY 18, 1967•
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommitte�
meeting of Ma.y 18, 1967. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Member Erickson (Chairman of Building Standards-Design Control Sub-
committee) called attention to Item 1, paragraph (B). He asked that the
City Ma.nager consult with the Building Inspector as to the time given to
the church to apply the 2" asphalt mat within 2 years instead of a"few
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Ylinen, that the Planning Co�¢nission
receive the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee minutes af May 16,
1967 as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
uaanimously. �
^ Chairman Hughes said that in terms of order of agenda, he suggested
r � Item 3 be taken first and the remaining items in order. There were no
objections. • •
Planning Commission Meetin� - May 25, 1967 Page 2
Gardner - property at 8180 East River Road.
Member Jensen (Chairman of Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Sub-
coIInnittee) said the contact that I received from the Subcon¢nittee members
was generally that we would like to find a way for the access driveway to
this lot without backing onto East River Road. I do not know what particular
demands we can make on Mr. DeGardner. We wondered if there could be some
sort of an arrangement for a joint use driveway constructed on the rear of
the lots 7 and 8. The home owner of lots 9 and 10, has a driveway on the
10' abutting the rear of lots 7 and 8, with a double garage behind the house
and a single driveway coming into it. The garage is quite close to the
house and perhaps, by some discussion with this gentlema.n, favorable arrange-
ments could be made. This is in the form of a suggestion.
The City Manager said this is not an immediate thing with Mr. DeGardner.
Jensen continued that the house to the North has evergreen trees and a
picket fence, and it is hard to see the cars on East River Road until you
are half way out on the road.
Mr. DeGardner said his lots are two feet above the neighbor's lots
(9 and 10) and he felt a retaining wall would be nacessary. He felt that
if a turn around were put in the back of the house for Lots 5 and 6, the
cars could then get out on East River Road frontwards, and if the exit were
on the South edge of Lot 6, the visibility would not be impaired by the
evergreens and picket fence.
Erickson said the car would have to back out of the garage into the
turn around as the radius is always shorter in the back.
The City Manager said the reason for bringing this item to the committee
was to see if the new committee wished to continue the policy of trying to
eliminate street access onto East River Road.
The possibility of making three driveways into one was discussed, but
Mr. DeGardner stated he had talked to the property owner to the West, but
because of the use of his double garage, he was not agreeable to the plan.
Mr. DeGardner was told that it would be worthwhile for him to explore
the alternative suggested by the Subcommittee, and they agreed that there
was no reason why construction on lots 5 and 6 could not proceed, At this
point, it seems the Planning Commission can offer advice, but not require.
It appears our advice is to consider the alternative which the Subcommittee
has brought in, consider its feasibility and practicality. If it could be
done, it would be ideal. If not, certa'inly a turn around on lots 5 and 6
would make sense. Since the Planning Cotmnission is not in a position to
take formal action, we approve what has been said at this goint.
VL�CATION REQUEST: SAV ��67-02, ELMER M. JOHNSON: Vacate west end of turn
around at Mississippi Place in Johnson's River Lane Addition.
The request for the vacation showed that there was no need for the cul
de sac now, as the street, Riverview Terrace, extends north and south.
Therefore, it seemed reasonable for this little portion af the ci�cle to be
Plannin� Commission Meeting - May 25, 1967 Page 3
eliminate.d and returned to private ownership as it was originally put there
r for private ownership.
� �
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission
reconunend tHat vacation of a portion of the cul de sac at the west end of
Mississippi Place be granted, subject to the conditions that, if the
petitioner wishes to remove that part of the street vacated, any damage
to the adjacent street surface be repaired to City standards and the curbing
be continued, and any cost be borne by him for repair of the street to City
standards at his own expense or by assessment. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
service road on west side of T.H. ��65 between West Moore Lake Drive and West
Moore Lake.
In answer to Member Erickson's questions, does the City own the property
to be vacated, does the City need any access to the Lake, does tne Highway
Department need any access to Moo.•e Lake, all the answers were in the nega-
tive. Access to West Moore Lake for fihe highway is all in the highway right
of way.
� Member Jensen stated the center of the drive on the original plan will
be put back to give additional room for stacking. There was an earlier
. plan which included a connection through, and after considerable amount of
deliberation, they decided they liked the green pattern better than blacktop
� and that there would be enough stalls in this plan. We hope the access to
the highway will, as it is fairly important to a reasonable traffic
- flow. It would be especially desirable to have this exit on Sundays at
10:15 and 12:15 available to the southbound lane.
M�TION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission
concur with the Plats and Subdivisions-Streets and Utilities Subcommittee
and recommend the Vacation (SAV ��67-01) of the 30 foot service road on the
west side of T.H. ��65 between West Moore Lake Drive and West Moore Lake
being paxt of Outlot 2, Block 2, Moore Lake Highlands 4th Addition. Upon a
voice vote, Jensen abstaining, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Planning Commission is awaiting a report by Councilman Harris on
this matter. No action. �
Councilman Liebl.arrived.
The minutes of the Council Meeting of May 15, 1967 pertaining to the
, Third Street Pattern were read. The motion to approve the construction of
a street from 58th Avenue N.E. to 57th Place as suggested in Exhibit "A"
was discussed. The Commission asked for Exhibit "A". It was noted that
` the City Engineer was ordered by Council to check into sewage and grade
r� problems. The drainage problem should be solved first and then Che streets.
Flanning Co�ission Meeting - May 25, 1967 Pa�e 4
• Member Jensen stated he questioned that the Third Street curve to
� the West�as cuxrently recommended, is really in the City's best interest
inasmuch as the short entrance to University Avenue would create a traffic
situation similar to Mississippi Street and University Avenue. If possible,
it might be worthwhile to eliminate the present access road from 57th Place
to 57th Avenue and have that link be in line with Thixd Stxeet wherever it
comes from 57Z Avenue to 57th Place.
Jensen also suggested taking one of the cross streets further North,
perhaps 59th, as an actual right of way out to University Avenue and try
to bargain with the Highway Department for a slip on ramp. This would pro-
vide access to the people in the neighborhood without generating a big
traffic barrier. Some people at the last �eeting felt that if Exhibit "A"
were followed through, this had the ma.king of a real through traffic type
street, and they would not be in favor of it.
Chairman Hughes stated 1) The reason given for taking this action
was for access by fire rigs. It would be more difficult to maneuver a fire
rig around that corner. This type of access will be more difficult. 2) We
are all aware there is action contemplated to go for some fairly extensive
xezoning to commercial in this area. If the City now puts in a street for
general access of commercial quality, it may become almost impossible to
deny commercial rezoning and thus change the character of the neighborhood
considerably. By going in the direction of a street, we can see this is a
co�¢nercial area. I don't think the neighborhood ��ants to live along a
commercial strip like University Avenue East side.
� Councilman Liebl stated that the people in his ward have asked him to
do something to give them an access and he believed they should be given an
access somehow, and also to consider the statement of Chief Hughes regarding
access to Third Street from the south end.
Member Erickson stated he was in favor of commercial down Third Street,
' is not happy with the way it is now, and perhaps multiple dwellings of some
type could be used up North. The area is being cleared out now and he would
like to see a nice, smo�th curve there.
Jensen said these people have been misled and mistreated. They had an
easy access to the highway before T.H. �47 was widened, but now they are up-
rooted from what was convenient. They all were involved in highway negotia-
tions at one point.
It was agreed there was a shortage of traffic signals and Councilman
Liebl stated he had been receiving phone calls for the ones on 49th Street
and 57th Street. He was informed that the bids have been let. He then
asked if this information could be p�t in the papers.
Speaking for the members of the Planning Commission, Chairman Hughes
stated they would not be taking any further action on this problem. Action
by Council and your motion at the May 15, 2967 meeting relieves us of taking
any further action. We do not concur foxmally.
� . Councilman Ziebl stated they would like the drainage problem taken care
of first, and the City Engineer was asked to check into it and solve it.
Plannin� Commission Meetin� - Mav 25, 1967 Page 5
Chairman Hughes said the Council has acted on the matter and precludes
� any need for the Planning Commission to consider it. Item of Third Street
Pattern is to be dropped from the agenda..
The Commission was given additional Sections of the reorganization of
the zoning ordinance.
MOTION by Ylinen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Commission
be given more time to study the problem in private and return with notations
at a Special Meeting on June 15, 1967, called for just this purpose. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried.
MOTION by Erickson that the Planning Commission meeting adjourn at
9:30 P.M. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
c�� G�� ����-w�
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secretary