PL 07/27/1967 - 30994�
The meeting was called to ordex• at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Robert Hughes.
Members present: Hughes, Jensen, Erickson, Ylinen, and Myhra
Others present: Acting Cit� Manager Brunsell and Darrel Clark,
Engineering Assistar�t.
MOTIOPd by Erickson, seconded b,y Ylinen, that the Planning Commission
- minutes of Jul.y 13, 1967 be approved. Upon a voice vcte, all voting aye,
the motion carried.
Member Erickson pointed out that in Item 3, it should be 17,000
square feet inster,d of 1,700.
MOTION by Erickson, �seconded by Myhra to receive the minutes of
Building Standards-Design Control meetin.g of Jul�r 11, 1967 as
corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION b�r M.yhra, seconded by Jens-en to receive the minutes of
Plats and Subdivisions-Streets and LTtilities Subcommittee meeting
of June 29, 1967. Motion carried unanimousiy.
It was decided to discuss Item No. 2 first.
BERNARD JULKOWSKI: Easterly end of Ironton & adjacent +o Ashton
Street, Auditor's Subdivision �103 and T=onton Industrial Park.
Chairman Hughes summarized th�� action taken b� the Parks and Recreation
CommisGion. He reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission did no�
make a firm decision, ne�.rever, the Commission does know that this neighbor-
hood tias no parks at all. This parcel, possibly could be utilized as part
of a park plan �'or_ this area. The Parks arid Recreation Commission does
plan to make furthe-r studies for this area but is not read.y at this time
+o make any deci.sion, in as far as what �and, and riow much silould be usel
for parks.
� The Parks an1 Rec�°eation Co�?�nission c?.id make a motion wherein they
recom?�ended denial of this zonir� request.
Planning Commission Meetinm July 27, 1967 PaTe 2
Bil]_ Jensen of the Plats and Subdivision-Streets and Utilities
Subcommi.ttee reported the action taken by �hat subcommittee, wherein
the� discussed and subsequen�ly made a motion to adopt the Hodne plan for
the street pattern in this arEa, n�mel� Ashton Street to be put ��rough
i, to the North and connect with proposed �3rd Avenue �MSAS 310�. Boztl
Ironton and Hugo should not con.�ect to Ashton, but should be conr�cted to
each other with a 40 foot right of wa�.
There were several interested people in attendance of which Ni-r.
Tuomie expressed his being in favor of any park plan that would p=ovide
their area with some recreational benefit.
Mrs. Swanson was asked if s'ne had set a price on her land. S�e
answered that she had not. S7,e then asked if this item could be postponed
until such time as she asked for a decision on it, in the meantime, she
would try to work something out with Ms. Julkowski and Mr. Dumph.y for the
whole area.
Engineering Assistant Clark then explained that it was
imp.ortant that some recommendation be �ade for a street pattern in this
area because the paving of Hugo Street depends upon some sort of �erminus.
MOTION by Jensen, second.ed by �ickson to recommend the adoption of
the March 24, 1966 Hodne Plan as far as the street la�out w�s concerned,
one exception being the reduction of the right of way from 60 fee� to
40 feet for the preposed�stre�t cor�ecting Huoo to Ironton. Upon a
voice vote, all voting a�e, the motion carried �znanimously.
MOTIOI� by M.yi�ra, seconded b.y Jensen to continue any further �action
/1 upon the reques+, of ZOA #63-02 by Florence S;��anson until she asked for
a decision. The Motion carried unanimously.
The Planning Commission noted that new notices should be mailed
next time it is to be considered.
1. VACATION REQUEST: sAV #67-03, ROBERT MINDER: Vacation of Charles
Street between Anna Avenue and Mississippi River.
Engineering Assistant Clark reported that he had talked to Mr.
James Hedron of the School Dis�rict #l� about their being willir�
to dedicate a half-width street from Anna Avenue west, also, if the
school would be willing to allow -the Cit� to utilize part of the school
propert,y for a p�,rking lot. Mr. Hed'ron indicated that the administration
would recomc�end to the School Board that the school dedicate a half-
width street but would have to study tre p�,rking question unless 1an�
below the bluff could be utilized.' He made one thing clear: The school
would not want any street improvement a.ssessment as they would not
derive any benefit.
Clark aiso called tne Committee's attention to the Parks and
Recreatior, Commission's reccmMeridation, howeve-r, after questionin� Paul
Brown iountl that the Par.ks and Recreation Commission dici not realize
that new park access would be provided a-t the South edge of the school
propert.y. Bcb Hu��hes agreed that the Par�;J and Recreation Commisaion
were not a��rare oi this fact, therefor_e, he felt that the Parks and
n Recreatiori Con.mission would th2ir recoffi�endation from the nehative
to approval.
Marvin Brunsell, Acting Cit�r Mana�e-r, repo-rted that CitSr Council at
it's last a�ee±inF� had approved the Julko��rski apartment permit contingert
upon tYie dedica�'t,iori of Anna Avenue and the new east-west str.eet at the
north boundar_y.
Planning Commission Meeting July 27, 1967 page 3
Robert Minder_, petitioner, pointed out that the present Charles
Street would not be a full dedication. Therefore, the Cit.y would gain
� b�r getting full righ-t� of way to the north.
Clark pointed out that the City does hatie a storm sewez� in Charles
Street, so the utility ea,sement should be retained.
MOTION by Fsickson to recommEnd to City Council that Charles Street,
SAV #67-03 between Anna Avenue and the P�Tississippi River be vacated
with the Cit.y retaining the utilit�r easement rights and upon the receipt
of dedicatioxis of 30 feet for An_na Avenue and 30 feet off the north
end of Lot 3, Block 1, Ha.yes River Lots. Motion seconded by Ylinen.
Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unanimously.
- Spring Brook Park.
Presentation for the Planned Development District was made b�r
Harold Schroeder.
Mr. Schsoeder stated that his client had purchased the last lot in
Bourdeaux Spring Brook Park as well as the southeast corner lot at hugo
Street and East River Road. He pointed out that this proposal was not
final and hE did not exp�ct an,y final decision, however, the,y would
appreciate an.y recomm�ndations or suggestions that the Planning Comm-
ission could offer, that he did want some individual impressions so that
they could tell if further work would be worthwhile.
^ Mr. Schroeder displa�red sevEral artist's pPrspectives and building
layout charts to the Plannin.g Commission and those present in the audience.
Their present plans showed that they did change their ini.tial
plan from that of a very small commErcial complex and town house complex
to that of a somewhat larger commcrcidl area and apartment complex. He
indicated �;hat the commercial building would be approximately 80,000
square feet housing a 20,000 square foot grocer,y store, 12,000 square
foot drug store and 8,000 square foot variety store as well as various
small shops and serrices, totaling about 70,000 square feet of rental
ar.ea. A parkin�; lot of 300 parking spaces was planned.
The apartment complex ti�ould be south of the creek and would house
120 to 125 units with a 40 stall garage with an additional 95 open
parking stalls.
He pointed out how botri complexes were being designed to fit into
the natural surroundings b.y stepping the building lines down to fit
existing �round contours and using buildino materials that are of natural
color, namely, dark colored brick,.redwood etc. The plan sho�•�ed a
private service road connecting th� two complexes, access to the
commercial at one spot from East Ri�rer Road with left and right turn
lanes, access to the apari�ent to be ofi Libert�y Street with a second
one off Ruth Street.
� Tne sketcYies showed how the natural beauty of the existing site wou)_d
be utilized with the pr�servation oi the creek and trees.
Planning Commission Meetinm Jul,y 27, 1��7 Pa�e 4
A large rec_ceatiot�,al area uras pla_�ncd for the apartment complex.
n Upon comple-tion o; Mr_. Schroed�r's presentation, the following
members expressed op:.r.ior�s ar�d a�k�d questions with reference to the
plan. M.yhra, Jenser� and F'rickson stated that they were quite impressed
with wha-� the� had seer� toni�ht, k�ut; all we-re very concerned with what
this complex would do to the East Itiver Road traffic. They would al�o
like to see an access la�rout to the commercial area. It was also
questioned as +o how the.y werE �o-in� to keep the people outside the
complex from using the private drive bE�tween the apartment and commercial
area. The ques�ion of k'r�ere deliveries would be made to the commercial
area ivas arlswered. b� showing tha�; all loading docks were located in the
rear�with good scr?en�.ng.
Chairman Hu�hes summarized by si�ating that it appeared that the plan
was attractive only if the problr�m of traffic and access could be answered,
therefore, the petitione.r_ should �ath�r as man�r traffic counts and facts,
and presen�; his rroposal to the County and Cit.y Engineers officE for
their recommendations, bring this data before the Streets and Utilities
Subcommittee, t��en .reappear before the Plannin.g Commission at our
August 10�'' meeting.
It was also poir�,ed out to thc petztioner that befor.e any construc-tion
could commence that there are public hearings before both the Plannin�
Commissicn and Ci_t,.y Council and that more.specific plaris and specifica�ion�
would be necessary before these would be called.
MOTIUN by Jensen; seconded b,y Ylinen to adjourn the mee�in.g of the
Planning Commission of Jizly 2j, 1967 at 10:50 P.M. Upon a voice vote,
all voting a,ye, +he motion carried.
Respectfull.y submitted,
Darrei Clark
Eng•ineering Assi.stant
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