�,,�;,,.e., ��.�-!�; _.�. ��i� ���✓, � .�-�� 3 , l t. 4 8i
�/'�, ' ROBERT A . SCHROER :
asterly 52 eet of Pareel 6000, Section 2� all of
Pa ce1 3150 (East 3 Acres) and Easterly Z00 feet Parcel
. 31'�;D, Section 11 (Osborne Road and T.H. #47)
� Re�one from M-2 to C-2S . �
��� �
�'�C j'-
- - � � �- �C � �
�- �C . �
. �`� —a�( � -
a .
7:30 P.M.
!!a- ��i.�
�� co�assioN �rn�c �O�VEL� 14, 1968
P/1�GB 1
�L -O�LL—s
The meeting was called to order by Chaisman Brickaan at 7;35 Y.lI.
M�bers Present:
M�abers Absent :
Others Present:
My�hra, Fitzpatrick,
Mittelstadt, Jeuaen
City Manager Ankruun,
Peter Herlofslcy
Senior 8ngineeriag Aid
���1�$ pyANNIIdG COI�lISSION 1�NUTSS : OGTOB� 2k, 1968:
1�pTI0N by Fitzpatrick� seconded by Myhra, that the Plumiag. Co�
minutes of October 24, 1968 be appraved. Upon a voice vote, all votiag
aye, the motian carried unanimously. �
,'�^�.:IV� Pl1RKS & R�CR�A�ION 1"BNUTBS : OCTUBBR 28, 1968 :
;�;..... _ _....,... . .
-. MOTION by I�iyhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plamaing Co+�aiseion
receive the mit�utes of the meeting of the Parks � Recrestian of October 28,
1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried ua�i�oualy.
�H, 1 � _ !1 . ' 1� 1 : H 1, Y' 1 , ,! MA: 1�,11�Y_:w � �%i�l.`_ {' 1
1�pTI0T11 by Myhra, secoaded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission
r�ceive the miz�utes of the P��ilding Stanslards-Design Coatrol Subcammittee
mq�eting of October 30, 1968. Upon a voice qote, all votiag aye, the aotioa
cas'�cied unanimvusly.
R�Ca,�VB BUILDI[iG STl�1tIaABD6 DBSIC�i COli11�OL SUBCAlQ1TSE 1�tJTf�B: 110iF8� 13, 1968:
MOTION by �yihsa, se..:,ndad by Fitzpatrick, that tha P�aaaing Co�iasioit
receive the miuutes of the Building Staadards-Desiga Cos�trol Subca�wittse
me¢ting pf Navember 13, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all aye, the �oti,on
carried unaaimously.
1��,,,*: � SO�ARD OF L►PPEAZ�S I�IINUTBS t, OCTOBEQ 34,1968 :
� � ,
Mi0Ti0N by Fitzpatrick, secoaded by l�qhra, that the P1aAaing Co�eissi,oa
receive the mitrutea of the Board of Appeala retin� of October 30, 1968.
Upon a, voice vote, all yoti�,g aye, tha aotion carried unani*ously.
�� OF APPEAI.S iQHUTBS : NO��i1968 :
MpTIOt�i by Fitzpatrick, secandsd by 1�lyhra, that the Plaaaiag Co�issicm
receive the misuites of the Boasd of App�is rsting of �wwqbar 6, 1968.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aqa. the motioa carried u�auiaousiy.
�_0� __, ••
I c,h ai tiia Public i�asriYSgs wrs givea a tias to ba hsasd. th�
order�agead� would not be chaagad.
Plannix� Commieaion Me�tix�-November 14, 1968 Paae 2
or'e Subdivision
RXEN: The North 464
The xlotice of the public heaxing was read by Chairman Erickeon.
Mr. j�laraen was present and stated he had no further remarks unleea someons
had queet�.ons.
Mre. Earl Follmuth, 1621 Onondaga: Asked if McKinley would be
directly acrosa from Ono.ndaga down through H-2, and if eo, where would it be
going through.
Chairman Erickaon euplained there were no plan8 for the exter�ion of
McKinl.ey st this time. �
Mr. Maxxen explained that he will build his own house on Lot 2 and sell
Lot 1, and the street in the center of the plat was dedicated to the City prior
to the ti�ne be bought the property.
J. R. Doyle, 1651 Onondaga:
developed,�i1n� a Diecemeal pattern.
v/�ly, �;iepr�L�•✓� �.vYt�vL
He asked if thia property wae gniag to be
���� �
- l.cccs
additional land in the future from lote when the preaent ownera are
ir�tlirested in developing�th '.r �ro ertY� �eince there ie no aewer or water
ayiRilable to the back lote,,� e annir g�'ommiaeion and the Subaommnittee h�ve
� np� s�.3,owed him to construct more than his own houee and one other etructure.
Th��e i�1 no pl� for chsnging the zoning or McKi,nley $t�eet goix�g through.
Mr. Doyl� aaid they were right acr�3s the atreet from the propoaed lot
eplit. His only concern wae the overall picture, what the area would be like
upox� completion. He said he could not eee any objectiona of#hand to the split
of the two lots, but he was wondering about the other propsrties behind and
alox�g Onoadaga and if the City hae any plane to break th�se up into lote and
plat. Tt aas explained by Chairman Erickson that to his laiowl�dge� he thought
the Subcommittee could give a bettur aaewer, but it appeared there ie a probt�ils
estoneion of a etreet in the middle of the plot betw�en County Hoad H-2 and
O�iondaga. Ae far ae ths Subdiviaion, there hae beeu no requeet and the City doee
not attempt to foroe ths divieion of land. Al1 they really have in thie plat
i� s divieion of 132 feet on Onon�aga.
Mr. Myhra eaid the Subaommittee hae epent a lot of time on the queetioa
that h�ss been raieed. It ie neceeeary to consider aaceas before the lote aan bs
developod. There has only been an attempt on the part of the petitio�aer to g�et
a buildable eite on Onondaga and there has been no p�oposal for rszoning. The
Subcot�ittee felt that under the circumetanaes, they aould app�ove the lot aplit.
Chairme,n Frickaon added that by looking at the rep�oduotion of the half
�eatioA taap, a psttern ia developing and iri the futurf, the Planning C�mieeion
will attempt to force campliance with the pattern ae developed.
Mr. Doyle noted the two lote are 66 foot lote and aeked if they will be the
� omly twQ lpte that will be of this eize. Chais�me►n Erickeon said he did not believe
you a4n eay tha�t theee are necessarily the only two 66 foot lote sa oirau�tance
will ixldica�e the aize o,f the lot.
� `
��a�ing Cpmmieeion Meet'�u�-_November 1�� 1,�68 page 3
� Mr. Myhra explained that the aitua�tjrari here is one where the petitionex
had a etra.� of land that was too much for the aeaeeementa he was carrying, and
o�t the divieion, the minimum width which the City ha.e establiehed wae not
reaahed, however, he doae meet the minimum lot area requirement. Mr. Marxen
haa made ax1 attempt to purchaee additional land, and the homse to be b�uilt
wi11 be compatible with the preeent development.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commieeion
cloee the public heaxix�g of the prelimixu�ry p1at, P.S. #68-06, Marxen Terrace,
Thotnae �. M�xen, of the North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdiviaion #108.
IIpon a voiCe vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely.
Mr. Myhra added that the Subcommittee put a lot of time on the etudy of this
probleta and i.n hi8 opinion, thare would not be mnch purpoee putting it over to
a later time. Chairman Erickson agreed wholeheaxtedly and aaid Mr. Marxen hae
been very cooperative in ame.nding the original plan.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaxining Coa�uieaion
recommend to the City Council approval of.the prelimixlary plat, Marzen Terrsce,
Thamae E. Marxen of the North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision #108.
IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the tnotion carried u�animously.
452 �feet of Parcel , Section 2: al of Parcel 3150 Eaqt 3 Aeree� and
Esetexly 200 feet Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Oeborne Road. and T.H. #47 . Rezone
� �rom M-2 to C-2S.
Cha�x�ma,n Erickson read the notice of pub�ic hearing.
Mr. Peter Lindberg and Mr. Robert Schroer were preaent.
It wae explained that this requeet ia for the retail salee for Bob's
Produae Ranch now located at Miaeiseippi and Pset River Road. The plane for
the bui�ding�e at the new eite have been before the Building Standarde Deaiga
Chsirman �ickeon reviewed the` t me �hen��p #47 �nt through, it cut off
accese for the whole property and � eerv�ce road waa �rovidesl. The thought
wae, iF thie type of thing, or `anything goes in, there ehould be a loopbsck.
�hsre wss fu�ther discusoion of the road p�roblem and Bob Schroer said they plan
to put in a eervice road. Mr. Myhra eugg+eated poasible crossovsrs and loopback
would b� to hie advantsg+�. Thia item ie tabled in th� B�ildixig 3tan�iards Deaign
Co�'tro]. until the rezoning ia reeolved.
I�Sr. Schroer produaed his plans whioh were etudied. It wsa noted that the .
ProduQe I�anoh would not encompsee the whole property, sad that the rezoning
would go 1600 �eet. The drainsge ditch was aleo diecuseed.
The Chair�usn said the plattixig ordinanae_#� a division of p�operty under
2� acrea. Mr. Myhra aek�d for a�iecuesion of the matter of spot son�ng aloag
the High�y. B� thought thie wae a little different tha�a the wv�al apot zoning
� from xe�idpntial to commercial. Induetrisl to com�raial ie different. It wse
agrNd by Mr. Fit$pe�triak that thie ia eomething they should take aognizsnce of,
but it ia g�oing i.n the right direction. Chsirmaa E�iakeon remarked that there
is someth�,ng to be eaid for opening up thie cora�r.
f �
Flsnuin� Com�nission Meet�n� No_ember 14�,968 � �4
.-r *
� It seetaed to Mr. Myhra that it would have been a good thing if they had
had a better xepreaentation of the Commiesion. In view of the faat that one
o� the membere wae ill and the other out of town, the Commiaeion would not be
ux�rea,eo.nable to continue the item until the next meeting.
Mr. Schroer said they were pressed �'or time with winter cloeing in.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, tha.t the public hesring of the
rezoning request be closed, ZOA #68-12, Robert A. Schroer of the Eaeterly 452
Peet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: all of Parcel 3150 (Eaet 3 Acres) and
F�+►stQrl.y 20Q feet of Parcel 3150, Sectior� 11 {Osborne Road and T.H. #47) to 'be
rezo�ed �rom M-2 to C-2S. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
aarried ux�animouely. -
The Chairman believed the Council ahould be requested to eet a public
hearix�g date for this rezoning and the Planning Commiasion set another date
fox .fuxther consideration on this matter. The Counc�.l could hear thie requ�et
on December 9, 1968 and the Planning Commiasion seet on December 5th with the
full Cotrrmiseion.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpstriak, that the Planning Commiasion sek
the Qity Counail to coneider a hearing for the rezonir�g requeet, ZOA �68-12,
Robart A. Schroer of the Eaeterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Seation 2: all of
Paxcel 3150 (Eaet 3 Acres) and Eseterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11
(psborne Road and T.H. �44.7), on DecP��3r 9, 1968, and the Pl.anairig Com�is�ion
r"'1 w�11 be meetixig on Deae�ber 5th at wY��ch time a reaomm;endat�on will be
forthcoming. IIpon a voice vate, all �oting aye� the motion aarrisd uriami�oulily.
3. SYDE PARK ADDITION ZONING STQDY: Meeting with Coneultant, of 8aaon� Wehrman,
$xlight Arid Chapman, Inoarporated.
Mr. Miohael Murphy rep�eeented Mr. Gfilliam Chapman.
A set of 3 sepexate plane had been givea the Commiesion to etudy. The�e
were liated ae Soheme A, B and C. The merite of eeah plan were diacusaed sith
Mr. Mur�y by the Commiseion and City Manager Ankrum.
Mr. Murphy wae aeked if he cou�.d p�epere another map inaorporatiag a .
couple of the plane. Chsirmsn Erickeon aeked Mr. Murphy to prept�re a msp
cocabining Scheme A and C ae he would like to see the C�misaion preaented with
the other alternstives ehd th�n they can mske a deoision at that point.
�-"�Ct�i,rmau I�icluon also f�lt that the publia should have.a look at all the
slternativea before the Planning Commieeion mskes any final recommendation�.
The Commiesion aet December 5, 1968 at 7:30 for a apecial meeting to
dieQUea the new plans. Mr. Murphy wae informed that he need not be praeent for
thl,� meetixig, 'and would be notified when 3�e ehould appedr.
Mx. Murphy agreed to thie eayix� he would have the plane r�ady for the
Planni�tg' Commiaeion meeting of December 5, � 9� •
n Regarding s etatement �'rom Naeon, Wehrman, 8night & Chapma,n for profeesional
•arvicee to date, the Cii� M+�uag�er eaid it wae auetom�ry to pwy such bill sfter
�h� first public hearing.
. (
P1��r�0o�mie�, aion �Iestix�-NovembQr 14, 1968 } �� 5
� 4. CITY OT M, , I,, IS WA� TREATI�NT EXPANSION: Condemn�ation of Fridlay
Darrel Clark, Erng�ering Aeeistant, forward�d a memo to tt� City Atl+oraey
asking for a etatement replying to the City of Minaeapolie. Their letter aakod
for com�ente in reepect to the Minneapolis Water Treatment Plant s=panoion 3a
conj�nctiox� with Fridley's compreheneive plan. Ina�uah ae the City of Fridl�y
h�a �o�d� an agreement with N.S.S.S.D, and ie ueirig their faciliti�s, it would
1» a�fixuutcial burden to the City of Fridley if Minneapolis used thi, propsrty
�o� their propo�ed ezpexssion.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fit$pstrick, that ths Plaauing Caemiuioa
p�eeent the following rasolution to Counail:
Although the Minnespolie Water Works ezp�ion p�oposal msy fqll within
the permittsd Heavy Induetrial ueee of the area involved ae it ie pr��ently
zoned, it ie appsrent thst the p�opoeal aonflict� aith the intended ue• of the
eite by the I�'3SSD for its now legalized sewage dispoeal plant.
Since the City of Fridley and the NSSSD i�u4ve pseviouoly dtaigr►�d their
ey�t�m to utilize a plant at thia site; and •inae a portion of ths plaa has bsen
inplraat�d at considerable aoets to the City and the �S9�; and ainoe th� City
of 1Nridl�y is a m�mber af NSSSD, with ms�bership on ite Bo��d of Dir�ctor�, it
wauld ��em that it muet ��ide with the NSSSD aad oppoee any ioa of th�
Minn�spolie Wster Worke� whiai� wou�d deprive ths 1�SD of , and �
ne�d, plant eite. .Therefore, I hereby move that the Plannins Commis�ion
reao�esnd to the Counail of the City of Fridley th�e►t it �tro�gly appoa� ttu
sction of th� City of Mi�n�apolis and its propo�ed ezpsa�ion of the Yater Worlu
for euah tim� aa the NSSBD ae�ds the sit,� for.ite own purpo��.
IIpon a voice vote, sll voting sysy the �otion aarried unani�ously.
§. I,�rr� �8at�i co�sur.TIl��v,��s co�Pob�►T1�: aatea Ao�..�D.r � 3, � 966.
The letter aoncerrud ths Hou�ing Aat of 1968 aud the a�w 8�ighborhood
Dwelo�nt Program. and sugg+��ted the Corpontion oould psovid� pocoPea�ioasl
The Commis.ion nsmbere wondered if they oould aot g+�t th� informstion,
if they wrs� intereeted, without g�oing through the aorporation, but through tl�
Federsl le�wl.
�o sction.
f. M� FR(�i JLCK 0. BIR�HAY. MIIXQR: Hes Ho�ting of liMting of Lnolca Couaty
Muniaipaliti�s st Frid,leT Civ�.c Center on Wsdn�sday. Aovemb�r 20, 1968 at
7s30 P.M.
MOTION by Fitspatriok, seaonde�' by Myhrs� that the Plabning Co�o�i��ion
M�mber� sttsx�d the m�s�tiag of the Anoka County Muniaip►litiH st th� Fridl�y
Civia Center on W�druoday, November 20, t968 at 7:30 P.M. ia t� Ccarunity ao�.
IIpon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion ca�rri�d unanimou�ly.
: i . _.
,� -
�l�a�,�� Commissio� Moeting-November 14, � 9b� � , P�e 6
� 7 • I'�Q��...Fp �O�DINANCE REVII�1:
C�iri�n Erickaon oommented that the revision of th�nir�g ordinsnoe sa
px��9eAted wae very good, but he wiehed it had inaluded a zoning aatep on
mul�iplee. The Plann3ng Commiesion had �.nstituted a re sion o he $oning
oxdi�zlce, but found it wae too big � th�.ng for them to tackle. The City
Me►Y��q �uggeated the Commisaion �eview the zoning ordinance ae it is, arLd
q1�oe he �e�.� i� was much bett er than what we now have. If it ie a good
wOxk�ble o�d�xiance, and the suggeeted ahanges are me�de, then it will be
y0�1b1� to go back and review it. It seems, he eaid, the choice ie to ma�c�
a 111,rg�e iwprovemen� now, or to wait an indefinite period of time for a
apmpletely revieed ordinanae.
I�. Myhrs aeked if they would be ahead to adopt it and attempt to chang+e
o�C would �,t �y to go through it a little more.carefully at thie time.
. The Com�iasion felt they would approach the �ropossd zoning ordinaYwe
'by quickly Checking it through, ao they would be pseparsd to discus� ttu
sa].iqn't poiate at the epecial meetir�g of Deaember 5, 1968 •
B. SIt3, N Q�,�TANCE:
The,Commisaion wea given "Commente by the City Mansger aad D4rre1 Clark"
of the ahang�ee made at th� laet Plaaning Commisoian m�eting� Yar study. �
� Tb� Comm�eaion sak�d that thie item slso bs put on the D�as.b�r 5, �9�
�i�� i i �;i,,��`,�
Chsi�man �ickeon adjourned the waeting at fOs20 P.M.
�t��pe►ctful7.y oubmitted,
GL��... i ^ f �
' pi�
Reooxdiug Searetary
t�. _. . !
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mitteletadt at 7:35 P:M.
I�i�ERS PRESENT: Harris, Mitteletadt� Mi.nish, Ahonen
�gtS �&SENT : 0' Bannon
OTSII�S PRESII�T: Peter Herlofeky-Senior Engineering Aid
MOTION by Minieh to accept the minutes of November 6, 1968, ae written.
Seconde�, by Harris. IIpon a voice vote, there beixig no xlays, the motion carried
MOTION by Harris to close the public hearing.
Seconded by Minieh. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motinn carried
n There wae no one present to preae.nt the proposal.
Mre. Herbert Ledo, 5326 4m Street N.E., wae preeent to voice her objectione to
the general appearance of the building, the junk cara, and the pe,rked co�ercial
MOTION by Minish to deny the requeet for the following reaeone;
1. There was no one present to anawer any queetions, no plane were brought
2. The preeent signe are disorderly and possibly in violation of Ordinsnce
No. 318.
3. The roof eigna msy cause an additional nuisanae.
4. There wae a. p�cdonal �_ �mplaint that the e:�tire area ie a nuieauce.
Seconded by Harris. IIpon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion carried
AI?JQDBZII+�1',� :
Th� meeting was adjour�ed at 8s10 P.M.
� Reepeotfully �ubmitted,
Peter Herlof6ky
Acting Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Fitzpatrick at 7:48 P.M.
MEMB�RS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Dunphy, Cochran, Donlin, Stimmler
OTHERS PRESENT: Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer
.. Mrs. CarrolL Kukowski, 6131 - 5th Street N.E.
.� Mrs. Darlene Overby, 6051 - 6th Street N.E.
`- � 'Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation '
_ �
, . . .. , • MINUTES OF .REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER . 28, 1968 . , . . . . . . , .. . .- . , .
MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Donlin, that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting
of October 28, "1968,� be accepted. The Motion Carried.
.. Commission reviewed and commented on property appraisal made by Mr. F. N.
Shaffer for the City of Fridley. Site appraisal dealt with three parcels
� of land.
MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to receive appraisal and direct the
administration to explore the easement rights of the St. Paul Water Works
Department and find tvhat if any affect this woul� have on the development
�of the property for a waterfront area. The Motion Carried.
Mr. Nasim Qureshi, City Engineer, presented to the Commission a history of
n Fridley's Water Utility. He stated: The Fridley Commons Park area is now
saturated with well sites at present. The winter water supply is now adequate
with the present system of wells. The City will eventually need fifteen wells
to complete the system. The City now has nine wells. The summer time is when
there is a greater need for water. The City must at first test these well
sites proposed in the study. Bids have been opened for this purgose. The
Engineexs will then recommend to the City Council their findings and recommenda-
tions. Three locations for well sites are on Park Property. Mr. Qureshi
concluded his remarks to the Commission by stating that the weil sites must
be located close to the City Water Mains.
The Commission thanked the City Engineer for his,fine presentation. The �om-
mission further stated that they would study their Park Properties and make
further recommendations for additional sites to be considered by the Engineer-
ing Department. Also, to keep in mind that a dual purpose building would be
most appreciated on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department as recom-
mended by the City Engineer in his memo to the Director of Parks and Recreation.
Mrs. Carroll Kukowski and Mrs. Darlene Overby of the Mrs Jaycees Organization
presented to the Commission a report on their successful Community Ball held
� Friday, November 22nd at the Be1 Rae Ballroom with proceeds going to the Parks
and Recreation Departmertt for purchase of additional pTa.yground equipment.
438 attended the Ball and it is hoped that the Mrs. Jaycees will be ab Le to
contribute over $240 ta the Department. They concluded by saying, it is their
hope to now plan a Big Spring Ball for the same purpose.
The Commission expressed their heartfelt thanks to the Mrs. Jaycees for all
their fine effort on behalf of the City of Fridley.
� _.. ��. _ ...,
The Commissiori discussed in detail the proposal made by the City Engineer earlier
• •���in the meeting. Aftsr careful�'study and full consideratit�n given�to location o£
City water mains, the following sites are offered to the Engineering Department
. far future. considexation: . . . _, ... . •. . . , • , . , . . . . .
1. Madsen Park Property " . ,; . - . .
2. Meadowlands Addition Park Property
.;_. . :..:;, ., . ._. , • -: :. • .,3._ .,-Wes.t Moore .Lake._Park ;Fxoperty -.,North. End ,ONLY . • ; .::.s• �. : ..: .,. .:,:.... ....:. ,:: ,.. _
4. Tax Property - 53rd between Horizon and Main Street
5. Tax Propert� - 7th Street - Dlorth of Drive In Theatres.
The Commission, keeping in mind the idea of a dual purpose building being con-
structed on these sites, wishes to point out the top three choices would be
ideal for this type of project.
Fitzpatrick and Dunphy represented the Commissiori at the City Council Meeting
of November 18, 1968. Dunphy described the ideas and expressions made to the
Council at this meeting on the subject of: Park Land used for Well House sites
and that the Commiss'ion would be kept abreast of any future plans�and projects
affecting Park Property.
The Engineering Department has requested the Commission's desires and ideas
� on what access road should be used to enter Locke Park from the East.
�" MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Donlin, directing the Engineering Department to
explore the best possible means for �uto access, South from 73rd along the
railway spur for an entrance to the �ast par.king lot in Locke Park. The Com-
mission would also like to request the City Attorney to explore the legal steps
of obtaining an access over the Minnesota Railway tracks in order to enter the
parking lot on the.East end of Locke Park. The Motion Carried.
The Commission directed Dunphy to prepare a draft resolution for the member-
ship's consideration to be presented to the City Council at a future date.
Subject: Encroachments on Park Property.
MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to lay over the plans for 1970 until
the January meeting. The Mo�ion Carried.
" MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Stimmler, to accept the Review Report of the
1968 Summer Program as preser�ted by the Director. The Motion Carried.
n_ Dunphy presented his ideas to the Commission the•need for the local school
districts to present to the youth of this area a program of olympics for the
� summer months. He felt that there is a need for this activity and that we
sometimes give too much .importance to baseball and swimming. He wishes that
this be explored and put into affect. �
MOTION by Cochran, seconded by Dunphy, to lay over the Park Ordinance Program
, . . until the, January mee.ting . •The Motion . Carried.: : • • . • . . . � . . . � . '
Commission asked if there was any word or letter �xom the Fridley Rotary in
�� xespect to our progra.m of cooperation on West�Moore�Lake Park Property.
. . There has been no answer to our letter to date. �
The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 P.M.
'fhe next meeting will be held on December 16, 1968, at 7:30 P.M., in the Con-
ference Room of the Civic Center. � �
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Brown, Acting Secretary to the Commission
_. �
. . 1.
The meetir�g wae cal�ed to order by Chairman Erickeon at 8:07 P.M.
�8 P��T: Eri,akeon, Tonco, Dittee
MS�B 1►8�3�!'s Biez�atzn � Hsuge
OTH� PRES�IiTs C1areAae BeJ.iale-Building Inspeator
I�TIOR by Dittee to contiaum thie item pendix�g reaubmittal of reviaed ple4ue.
8�ooilded by Tonao. IIpon a voiee vote� there beirig no nayB, the motioa carried
�'1'TOI� by Toaao to xeaomme�d approval of moving the building and aleo approval
o�' � bulldixig permit for a ba,eement and an addition, as preeented, vrith the
�'o17.pwi� ati�u].atione;
1. �. performance bond be poete,d in the amount of x4,500.00 to insure
' completion of building and landaceping by July 1, �969.
2. The City F�ag�i.neex 4heck to determine if the house loaati.ou has any -
adverse effect ox� spproved etreet development plane for thia srea►.
$�Cqrtded by Dittss. IIpon a voice vote, there being no maye, the motion aaracied
u��.moue ly . .
The COtp,�ittee requeqte copy of atreet pattern ixi this area from the H�g^J.raeer�ng
� .�• �� ��,
The mee'�ixtg adjour�ed at 10:30 �'.M.
R�aps�ct�i1�Y �ubmitted,
� ,
� z z�
Buildirjg zaepeator
n �
/! t
PAG$ 1
�,,,,, L�L CALL :
The meeting was called to order by Chaiz�man Jensen at 7:35 P.M.
M�nbers Present: Nagel, Myhra, Batterson, Schmedeke, Jensen
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Aasistant
The Chaixman commented that the Council wished an opinion on the
posaib�.lity of vacating 73� Avenue in order to get more right of way for
the pxoposed State Aid street on 73rd Avenue and suggestions for reaolving
the obvious problems of landlocked lots, approval of trading land, necessity
of service drive and crossover at 73�5 Avenue. He said that 73rd Avenue
ia ane of the �treete that hae been designated as a State Aid street far
many yeare. It ia now in the Street Improvement Project St. 1969-3 a,nd
Couacil is faced with the problem of additioual right of way. Tlae object
o# thia lmpravezaent is to extend 73rd Avenue from Central Avenue �o
Highway #65 so that the excellent County Road East of Central Avenue aad
ths new industrial heavy duty etreet West of Highway #65 are joi�ned. Tt
:Ls hoped that owaers of lots facing 73rd Avenue would not object to lasiag
33 feet at the South edge ot their property and in exchange, gain on �he
North edge (73� Avenue) and this possibility was to be checked. If 73�
Avenue were to ranaia a street, the people facing 73rd would have to pay
for curb and gutter on both sides of their property. One of the d:Lsad-
varitages of vacating would be people on the North of 73� Avenue would lack
acceas for the middle lots and there being no service road for �iighway #bS
from 73xd to Fireside Drive. He observed that there wsa not suf£icient apace
atvailable on Highway #65 to pxovide a right of way. It was aoted thexe is
a parcel of land 1,341 feet long and 140 feet wide from Highway #65 to
Ceatxal Aveaue. The possibility of usiag thie for exit oato Centra� Av�aue
was briefly mentianed.
The Subcoumittee wondered if the best way to handl
�ould be to make a atultiple recomaendation of the find
, followet that the uae for 73� Avenue is limited; that
be well served if the need for the vacatiag of 73� Ave
poeition where the appiication would be coasidered upon
pacoperty awaers; aad also if the problem of frontage on
be solved by uaing a service drive angling back around
l9tation, out to Highway #65 and up to Fireside Drive.
e this proble�
iags som�rhat as
tbe caemuaity would
nue could be put ia a
presentation of the
Highway #b5 could
Superior 40Q Gas
The Subco�ittee asked the Bngiaeexing Assistaat to meet with the
�ajpr pxoparty ow�riers of Blocks 1 and 2, Central View Manor and gat their
opiaion o� the possible vacation of 73� Avenue.
Aaother problaa is that the zoning differs on areas opposite one aaothsr
alc�ag 73� Avenue and the reslignaent vf the zoning would be esaez�tial to aay
iueure pians. All utilities axe ia and go down 73� Aveaus.
Plats � Subs.-Str. � Util. - Dec. 3, 196$ pa�e 2
� MpTTON by Nagel, seconded by Myhra, that the Plats � 3ubdivisions-
8treets b Utilities Subcommittee table the pioposed vacation of 73� Avenue
until the probable meeting of January 7, 1969 with the instructions to the
Bngiaeering Department to contact the major property awuers of Block 1 and 2
for a better idea of �heir thoughts concerning the vacation of 73� Avenue.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
A City map showing the streets suggested for State Aid aud those
which could be taken off because they no longer qualify or have had recent
construction was studied by the Subcommittee. The method of designating
State Aid Streets was explained by the &igiaeering Assistant. The State
has two basic designs for streets, Urban and Ruxal, the difference be�.ng
in the width, depth of the street and the curb and gutter. Fridley uses
the Urban design whenever possible. A State Aid street has to connect
two other collector streets or thoroughfares. It is advisable to desig-
nate a street that is fairly well improved so that there is no need in the
near future of having to rebuild it to State Aid street standards. F�camples
of this are Alden Way and Rice Creek Terrace. The reason for using this
criteria is that we are spending more money than we can collect, the xesult
of we are now experiencing by having to remove the impxoved atreets
from the syst� in order to keep our total Needs up.
n The Subcamnittee asked the Engineering Assistant if he could get
- traffic counts on the streets they are interested in for the designation
at the next meeting. He agreed.
1�TION by Myhra, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets � Utilities Subco�ittee table the item of State Aid Mileage
Aes�,gnat�on to the meetiag of January 7, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
3 . ING SIVffitTS :
Mr. Siverts referred to his Registered Land Survey �68-02 stating he
was selling several of the tracts and wished to kaaw if the purchasers
could build without sewer or water serving the land. He was iaforaneed that,
accordiag tu the ordinance, if the lot area is 18,000 square feet or more,
the awner can put in his awn private aewer and water sy�tem. The lots he
referred to h�d more than the required footage. However, he was tol.d that
when the area davelops, sewer and water will probably iaclude these lota.
Mr. Siverts sold an interiox lot which had a road used by him, but
the new owaer has blocked this off. H� naw has a new entrance to his lot
atnd would like s street sign and asked about the proced�ure. The Bngi.aeeriug
Assistant was to take care of this.
� "_ ��1;!�'�i.�i;�i�
� There being no further busineas, Chaisman Jen4esi adjourned the
a�eeting at 9t25 P.M.
Aaspectfully submitCed
Ha�el 0'Bsiaa
�ecording Searetary ';