PL 12/12/1968 - 7273,�
R�L�. CAI.L : Pages :
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Z. POSSiBLE> PD EVELaPMENT : PARC£L # 10 AND PA1tC'£L # 200 : -- 8Fr9
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Inqu3r� �-� wi11 present plans at meeting.
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Inquiry -- will present pl�ans at meeting. '
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The meeting waa called to order by Chais�sn E�ickson �t 7:35 P.M.
Members Pres�at: Myhra, Brickson, Je�nsea, Fitspatsick, l�ittelstadt
Otisers Preaeat: 8ngineering Assietant Dsrrel Clark, City Sagineer
Qureshi, Senior Snginearii►g Aide Herlofaky
.��c ca�ss� �tu�s : ��B 14. 1968:
The Chairmaa wished the following corrections to be a�sds:
Page 2, first sentence of fifth paragraph fram bottom of page should
rtad: "Mr. Marxen had im►estigated the purchaae of additi�nal laad ia tl�e
future from abutti�ag lot$ �i►en the preaent aanaaa, were inte��ted in davelop-
ing thei� property, einca there is-no sewer or vster avaflable to the h�ack
lots at �he pres�t ti�e" .
Psge 3, third paragraph from bottom of page, first seutaue ahould
read: "Chaixman 8ricksoa raviewed the time Nh�a HiBhway #47 was�t through,
autting off access for the whole property, and a aervice road � pravided".
!� Page 3, first aaat�nce, last paragraph sbould r�ad: "-----plattit�g
ordinance cavers a divisioa of property --,".
P�tge 5, first sentance in paragrsph precsding the voice vote, typo-
graphical error should rea�d: "---which would deprive the D188SD of its
plamaed, ead much needad, plant site�'.
Page 6, first eent�e, first paragraph, should raad: "---but he
Mished it had included a��w zoning category oa anitiples".
i�TiOti by Myh�ca, eeconded bq Fitzpatrick, that the Plsimiag �as�on
m�,trutes of I�Tavdeber 14, 1968 be appraved as corrscted. Upoan a voiee v�s,
all voting aye, the �otion carried uaanimously.
� gW1�tD pir /I,ppg�Ay� �1IiTSS s� 20, 1968 :
��N by Jenaen, aeconded by Mittelstadt,.ti�tt the Plaanis�g Com�isaion
recaivs the Board o� Appsals minute�s of Nave�ber 20, 1968. Upoo a voice vote,
�j�,votiug aye, the motion carried unauivauslq. �
�jp,�. P,� b ��',LL� �RT1'8S: � 25� 1968:
�pTIR�T by Jen�a, secos�ded by Myhra, that the Pla�iug Co'mission receive
the aiautas of tha �wcks � Secrestion meeting of Nwe�r 25. 1968. Upoa a
voic� vote, all vot�g +yre, tha motion carried uaanimcausly.
Pla�xn�nt� Coaea�.saion Msetiag December 5, 1948 Pa�e 2
i1 MOZ'a�id by Myhxa, seconded lby Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Comaission
receive the minute� of th� �uil�ing Standards-Design Control minutes of
Nov�mber 27, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani-
I�OTION by Mittelstadt, secon¢ed by Jensen, that the Plaiming Commission
receive the minutes of the Flats � Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee
meeting of December 3, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
It was decided the Order of Agenda be amended as follows: Items 1, 4, 2, 3,
would be discussed in that order.
1. CO�TTINUED REZONII�iG R�QUEST: ZOA �68-12, ROBERT SCHxOER: Easterly 452 ft. of
Parcel 6000, Section 2; all of Parcel 3150 aad Easterly 200 ft. Parcel 3180,
Section 11, rezone from M-2 to C-2S.
Mr. Robert Schroer and Mr. Peter J. Lindberg were present.
The Public Hearing had been closed and the discussioa of the rezoning
request was con�inued to the Deceanber 5th meeting. Bob Schroer came fosward
n with a ne�w road plan incorporating a loopback.
The Chairman, speaking for the Building Standards-Desiga Control Subcom-
mittee, said there had been a proposal before them for Bob's Produce Ranch o�n
the northwest corner of Osborne Road and Highway #47 which had been tabled
and they had requested a plan showing a loopback.
It was explained by the City Engineer that Council has, in the past few
moaths, established a policy on the rezoning requests. They would�, upon recvm-
mendation by the Planning Co�i,ssion, consider rezoniag requests and if they
felt they were psoper in rezoning, they would hold the first reading of the
ordinance and withhold the second reading until they got the full development
plan reviewed and appraved by the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee.
They would then apprave the building pennit and hold the second reading of the
rezoniag ordinance.
The Coumission felt the new policy of the Council was a good one to with-
hold the publishing of the ordinance until the plans were ahown.
Mr. Eldoa Schmedeke, a visitor, said in his opinion, this was atrip zoning
and asked if this person was building two stores, one on Mississippi and one
on Osborne .
The Chairman said that Bob had a proposal in the Buildis�$ Standards-Design
Control Subcc�ittee for a car wash, Superette and office building on Mississippi
/1 and East xiver Road. �
r �
Mr. Schmedeke asked why rezone this area for one person, but not �or
someoae else in a different area.
Plauniatt Commissioa M�eetinar - December 5. 1968 �e 3
The Commission had mentioned the fact that previoua miautes do state this
could be strip zoning, but it was also pointed out it was a differeat situation
n whea maving from Industrial to Commercial, i.e., maving up instead of dvsrn, and
that was also considered.
Mr. Schmedeke asked what difference did it maice whether it goes up or down.
Mr. Jeasen commented that a pertinent factor wss the relative depth of the propexty
from the highway right of waq to the back edge of tbe proposed rezoning. He did
not think strip zoaing has a definition as far as the depth, but he did not
believe anything 452 feet in depth frrnn the right of way could be considered
strip rezoning.
Chairman Erickson added that the original proposal wae only for the coraer
and the only thing that bothered him wae whether aaythiag other than the corner
should be rezoned. He wondered how Council could wait fox th$ aecond reading
for the plans when they can't be produced for the whole area.
R Tt was agreed there might be a conflict with the zoniag 452 feet aad the
building to be adjusted.
Mr. Myhra thought the Coumission should be cognizant of the fact that they
want to be sure that when the North area is developed, thsre Will be a loopback
at 79th Avenue. He also asked if they wanted to put 450 feet of conmercial
through in�ustrial.
The City Engineer was asked if the land were rezoned, would it have any
bearing oa the drainage problem. He ansmered that eventually they waild have to
n have a drainage facility in order to use most of the land because of the high
water table, and he did not think it would alter the design very much.
Mr. Jeasen would like a motion to include a separation provided for the
service road at the North and South end and to plan the road to be arranged to
match the service road South of Osborne Road.
1�TION by Mittelstadt, secoaded by Myhra, that the P1aim:Lng Co�issioa
reca�nuead approval of the proposed rezoaing (ZOA #68-12) Robert A. Schroer, to
rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2S (general shopping cet►ter district)
the Easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Sectioa 2; all of Parcel 3150 (Baet 3
Acres) and Basterly 200 feet of Parcel 3180, Section 11 with the stipulations
that a aeparation be provided for the service road at the North aAd South end
and be aligned to the sesv ice road South of Osborae Road. IIpoa a voice vote,
all voting aye, the �otion carried unauimously.
At the last Planaing Commission meetiag, Mz. Michael l�iurphy, representing
Nasou, Wehrman, Knight � Chapman, Inc. was aaked for an additional aketch com-
posite of Sche�e A a�d C. Chairman Erickson said he did not think it was tiie
intentfon of the Plaaning Commission, at this poiat, to get iato a discuasion
of whether they like or dislike any of them. They felt so�e plans tud more merit
ti�an others aad had asked for another plaa cambiaiag A aad C. 1Ue next step
would be a public hearing for the people in the area aeking them to give their
i, opiaions.
Pla�iaa Commission Ms�tia� - December 5, 1968 PaAe 4
Mr. Fitzpatrick wondered if the buildiaga representsd on the mapa were
iacortact. Mr. 1�lurphy was to be asked to shaw corract buildings on the maps
n Nhicti �ere to be prea�nted to the people. It waa pointed out tbat the last
four plaas would be the logical onee for tha public r�vi�w.
A visitor, Mr. Salmedeke, uksd that if soarone sp�at tv�nty years of his
life ia one area, i►ould he have the right to asy aaythiag about it. He said he
aould like to buy a set of the naps. He had aaked to bs invitad to the meetiag
whan the Coasultant was present because hs had pertia�eat queations he waated to
Mr. Schmedeke was inforn�ed that the Pla=ming Caamisaion had not told the
Coasultants what to �o, Also that Mr. Schmedeke wae prss�nt at the first meet-
ing with the Consul `�iea Mr. Chapman was informad that if the Commission were
to tell him what to�, he would not be of nuch value. �iia bigg�st �ervice to
the City would be his objectiveness to explore sll possibilities. It was mentioned
that Mr. Schmedeke sat in aa the Plats 6 Subdiviaions-Stxa�ts � Utilities Sub-
committee whea they had the xice Creek Boad/Ceatral Aveaue Study sad they
learned from that that you canaot iavite the whole area ia at the preliminary
studp, aad that it would be impossible to innrite all of Apde Park for the pre-
limiaary work. If thst courtesy were to be extendad to ffic. Schmedak,e, the same
privilege ahould be pcteaded to all of Hqde Park.
�TIOTI by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Ad�iaistratioa arrango
for e set of maps to be givaa to Mr. Schmedeke. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motioa carried unanimously.
n Mr. Il�y,yhra �avs his set of plaas from pason, Wehz�oan, &tight 6 Aupman, Inc.
to Mr. Schmedeke.
Mr. Schmadske extsaded an invitatioa to all the meml�ers of the Coemiasion
to viait his place aad he would like to explain hie situati,a� aad shaW them the
Mr. Myhra, ia ansver to the statement that�the Comniasion is aot interested
in the people or ths ares of Hqde Park, said that ha had been f,m flyde Park on
aevrral accasions asd that twice had trsvelled every street aad looked wer the
whole area, and alao on those two occasioas, had atopped at Kr. 3ciu�dake's
place of business. The Plmning Co�i�sion is iatarastad ia all the paople and
caunc� cons�der the problems of juat oqe person to the exclusioa of others.
There ue voluminous amouata of mimites aad reports of the �riiola history.
l�TIO�i by Jeaten, seconded bq Kittalstadt, that the settiag of the public
heariag date be tablld until the Plaaning Co�iasion meeting of Daceobar 12,
1968 and ask for ths follawing: 1) Ask tha Engiaesring Staff to prep�re a
susary or hiatory ia order for the Co�issioa to edit it. 2) 1�quast Mr.
Chaps�u outline the type of map that he would prepart giving datails euch aa
whathsr they would be colored or coded, clear sapa for m�eting oa the 9th of
Januasy. l�. Chapdn tras not to appear on the 12th of D�crmber. Bsief vutline
of materials he prepued, put up and ehaMn vhen Ne want it to be shavn. Air.
Chapman to be aeked to appear on the 9th of January. Upon a voice vote, all
voti,ag aye, the motion citzried unaaim�ualq.
. Plannixist Co�i.ssion Meetia�t - December 5, 1968 pa,�re 5.
s. sr� q n�„rNnNC$ •
� The Gity &ngineer indicated that most of the suburban co�aities are
trying to imprave thair siga ordinances. �eceatly Mi�netonka had a court case
which went up to the Supreme Court in regard to haw much a citq csa reatrict
these billboarda, and they won. These billboasds are ao asset to tt►e City.
They are already �isting 39 billboarda dottiag main thoroughfares of the City
of Fridley. We have made an attempt ia the proposed aiga ordiaaace to eventually
eliminate them aver a period of time.
The Sign Ordit�ance was discuased and studied from 9:00 P.M. to 11:55 P.M.
The corrections will be i�corporated, brought to the Plas�aing Commission at the
aext meeting for a reco�endation to Council.
8eferriag to the propoeed zoning ordinance� the Oity Engiaser said the
rough draft ia divided into separate zoning cstegories so tiu�t at� individual
zoning requirement could be handed out instead of the large book. He referred
to a map shawing areas atill opea for development. In ordsr to facilitate study-
ing the ordinance, ha suggested going aver M-2 and M-1 and it-1.
Tt►e largest area available is Industrial, lri-1 or M-2 aad some 8-1, Single
Fa�nily, but the C and Cr are practically filled, x-4 is fully occupied and no
area left.
Present IndusCrial Zoaing Ordinance ia very lax. There are no requiremente
n for setbacks, no pravisions for parkiag, no pravisioas for the outaide finish
of the buildings. At preseat the proposed zoning requirements are beiag enforced
by the Buildi�g Stsudards-Desiga Control Subcoaittee and the Cauacil. If this
were put in the Ordinance, it would reduce the work of the Subcommittee�and the
Council. He suggested the Planniag Com�ission re�view M-2 and x-1 particularly
iaaamiuch as the vacant land area for that zoning is the greatest.
The Zoning Ordinaace was tabled to the December 12, 1968 meeting.
�.! .`�'! �.� ��i��
There beiag no further business, Chaisman Erickson adjouraed the meeting
at 11:SS P.M.
R�espectfull aubmitted
�cordiag Secretary
� Q.
� '� �8 OF T88 BQAitD 0! APFEALS 1�lRETIPG��R 4, 1968
'T�e oseting vas called to order by Chairiaa Mitt�lstsdt at T:30 P. K.
�S Pi�SSEl�: Mittelatadt, Harris, Miatsh, Abaaen, Q'Ea�mpn
p�8 Pl88E1Fr : Peter H�erlo€sky, 3enior 8agiaeerin�g Aid
MOTiqt by A1�anen to accept the minutes of November 20, 1968, as �rritten.
Sacood�d by 0'Baanon. Upoa a voice vote, there being ao asys, the Qotion
carrisd unania�oualy.
l�ilXt by Harri• to close the public hearing.
Secc�ded by Miaiah. Upoa a voice vote, there beiag ao aays, the auti�
carried unaai�owl�.
� Mr. Bob Joha�oa, rspraaeating t. L. Johnson Iavestmeat Ccepsny Maa prsaent.
He stated tbat be thaight t�o wasbera and dryera would ba su#iiciaat ft�r
a buildi�g of this size.
Mr. Peter S. Draxtan, the present property aMa�r, vas also present. 8e
�as coacern�ad vith the effect of this public hearing oa4 sale of his
property. He was told there �as no bearing on the sale.
Mr. Miniah stated that the reasoa for a variance must be tlut there is
a hardahip.
MtnIO� by 0'Baaaon to tsble the request uatil Dec��r 18, 1968.
Sacc�nded by Irtinish. Dpon a voice vote , tl�ere bein� ao e�apa, the aation car-
ried unamimously.
Chair�a Mittelatadt stated that:
1) The plaas and preasntation of the propos�d structure Mere
2) Tbeae are still pr�limtnary plaa� �ad t�e� atill va� ns�d the
�►PProval vf other subcc�ittee� .
� The �setiag Mas ad�ourq�sd at 8: �7 P. �i.
�s�psctfully sub�itted,
Peter Harlofsky
Actio� �r�tary
na�e c�at N�iN srwcet
� � � � CM�ARL6S R. W6AVlR � � � � � � � � � � � �
. . . � � � . � � .. � � � Jli�f413 . � .
� � M[�MAN:�.L.TALLE � . . � . . . . . . . � ..
. �� VIROIL C-.MCRRICK . � � . . . � !t7lLNIV[RidTY AV[NU[ N.E.
. . . . � . . .. - -.- . . . . . . . :�.. iSO^��e�0 .
� - . � � � JA�.M[f �.-6J.p03 .. . . . .. � . .
� FAt0�1�ICK W.KCIS6R,JR. � . � - � . � � . � � � /I�tiT�STAT[ �ANK SUILOIN6-
. . CO�N RArIDS.MINN.,O8,33
. . _ - ... . . . � - 7if'13�0 .
_ _ . . � . Decea�b�r 4. .,_I 968 _: ._ _ . . : _ :
ffidley City Planning Gommisseon
_ Fridley City Hall
6431 llniversity Avenue-Northeast
Atrtent:i on : Da�y I� tarl�=-
6+ent 1 emen :
1 a revi ew i ng the ;� 1 anned dev�e I opme�t d i str i ct, I f i'nd t angwag�
in Section 45.131, Subd�vision 5, Which I feel needs your review.
i1 Th i s, sect i on _ i s ratfier confu s i ng and 1 be l i eve i t to be i mpract i ca t.
_ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _
C suggest for your.consederation the followin� revised lang�age:
If construction within the Planned Development District or
an� s�aging thereof is not begun within ohe year from the�
a�p�:o� I of the f i na 1 deve 1 opment p I an, t=he- Bu i I d i ng I nspeetor �
sh�l repot�t such fact to the planning Commission together
w i�tihn�suc��""oth��r ' i nformat i on a s i s a va i I ab l e to h i m cancern i ng
any actual or plarmed changes in the surrounding area with
respect to canstruction of buildings, roads, highWays, or
other public impra�ements. of the Planning Commissio� shal! be considered
by the Cou�ci� at the next regular meeting or at such other
me�e� i ng a s the �Counc i( may d i rect, i n order to determ i ne
whether the final development plan is cansistent with public
hea Ith, safety,' or genera F we1 fare. The f ine I� deve 1 opment
p�fi'�n sha;) I be r�v i ewed a�d recdn s i dered at one i nter+v� l s
until such constr�ction es substantially completed in accordat��e
' w:ith the p l an.
1�ou1d appreciate heering from you after you have reviewed
�� this section. If you are in agreement, I will prepare tKe necessary
` amendmer�t for cons i cfe�at i on by the Counc i l.
, . S i'ncere ,y, _ 7/
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�r. Hvarard Dt�phy ,
- Du��y Re� Ity
�{i8 Ce�tra i Av�srwe N .E . . .
: Mi ne�eapo! i s, �i i nnesata . . . _ : . `
�,.: Re s P! a h n��l D� vs ! a�itarrt a i at r�: I v#
Daa� M�. Dumphy: � .- � �
1 hAwe ` bsetr ��t� ta �,,��+a+ a�i oP i � i�n a s to the at��t u e of
y�P property, t�rh 1 ch i s zoned A s p 1 ann�d devo I ops�ent d i stp i ct ( PD ).
t n t�ev i ew i nc� �he ot+d i nanae, 1 am e�f �he. op-i-n � a� -�M�t y�n �►re n�ot
D a�te to cos►�thuct the bu� Idings in subst.,ntiat compi i�n�e With
t�e;��►�i�n, �►a..,��iou.�;ly �+pproved bx ti�e plsnning cor�mi$�si4n and'
c i�y�� eouna# 1. Yhes:�o�re, �he or+d i nance requ i re� that you rea�bm it
ta���anni�g �oa�rission thcse ch�n�es th�t �r►e �ece�s�ry ih
or� t°�5.per!a�+it con atrurt i on on the propsrty th,t i s presont iy
s�p��': Th�-,:=planninc� comm�sa�on is to �+evie�r,�hc Rrnended plan
�re� f�r�t�ra�d it ���-+�ec�,an�ntnd�t i or�s� to the e i ty counc i l. The ofd i�Ance
cfoc�no�`'�e�qu i� adc�it i onz�4� pub:� i c hear i ngs, but e i ther tl�e p� ��n i ng
eom��s�► oe� -counc � 1 h� s� �he� �d�'�scret i on to ca ! t�. pub I i c heat� i ngt, �
if i� so desir�s. -
1 su of tfie op i ni on that tho abave i s requ i red, un !°ess the
eitq eouncil modifies its position �eflar`ding your requested rezoning.
� If you ht�ve �Any f���her que�t ior►s, ple�!se give me a c� t!.
� Since�ety, �
.%� I' �
- 'V C .
Y i rgi 1 C. Ne�r i ck clTY O Q FR1�3L.EY
G431 bfl't1Vc. S�iY AVE. M.E.
� ,�th - .� :� � .� � V � �
c�o. C1��k : f. " pEC� 1968
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Commercial and Induatrial Rea! Estste
Z62o Norrt� Ms;or -
JlAinneapolis, Minnesota 55423
-Phone:588-4544 588-5363
November 27� 1968
Cit� of r'ridley ,
61,�31 University �-venue �1.E. >
�"rialey, I�Iinnesota .
Att; Larryl Clark, Engineers Office
Wou�.a yat� kindly put us on your Decem_�er a�endz for planned developmEnt
zenin� for mt�ltiple ��nits covering tk�enty-nine and two-thirds acres lmo��
as �rcel l0 ��d parcEl 200, Gity af Tridley, i°�innesota .
Our proposal �s to zone approximately twenty scres for the maxi.mum nunber
� of unit� fessi�ile for th?s part of the pro?�erty. 'i'he rem.aining p�rt of
the proper�y zrhich is primarily creek nottem �looa 2re�. and wooded srea,
we prop�se to lea*�e ss � park ar_d will deed the scme to the city ii so
recuested or ��ill u�e i� for � private park fer the apartment dwellers.
�t the meeting we 4r�11 aresent a comprer�ensi�7e pJ.�� �"or streets, dr�Vrin��s
of builain�;s progosed, ���.:ldin� locations, loc�tior_s o� xrkinC �re�s �^d
general 1ayo��t of the develo��ment.
. Sincerely,
�� 1 d.�'- �� C;' �%��-�
.•�� E'�f'"
��� �
Clarence :.�. 1'<ordstrom� r_gent for
Hamm.erlund Lnterprises, I:�c.
carv o� �Ri�?.�.:
6a3� un�v�.:,iTi A6's, 'i� _
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�. Possible PD Development: Parcel �10 '
� . and Parcel �200: Hammerlund Enterprises, ��rp,,w, ANDfRSON
, � Inc. 'Clarence D. Nords.trom, Agent ca�rr su�v�ro? '
� • ,er� t3c�ur.- a+�+eso� j" � -
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:H�cember 4, 1968
� _ _ _
. l�r. Dazrel Clark
Assistant City Engineer
I+�idley City Hall
643� tiaiversity Avenue N.E.
1Ki,aztte�polis, Minne�ota 55421
D�ar Mr. Clark:
As I:discussed with qou on the phane, Pemtom w�uld appreciate being
inclt�ded°'on the agemda of the Planning Commission for its meeting on
D�ber 12. At that time, we would like to present to the comaiission
ae�bers,;an�d obtaia ttieir opinian of, a preliminarq sketch plan for
n devtlapment of the sautheast quarter (SE 1/4) of Section tweaty-faur (24)
lyiag north of Intesstate Highway 694 in the Citg of Fridley.
PENITQM, INC. ;,�� i'�! ; �
�� ,; - � �
,: � �„�'
i�����` �` � �, ' } r ,
Fd� Conto�ki ,
cc: Acres, Inc.
nor-Son Construction, Inc.
Jim Hill
BCIj t .
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. ,� b�,� �(� ; pEMTOM, Inc. Edmund Contoski
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�LA�t �IL 1!�STIi+TG- 4F OCTOBEit 21. 196�
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�`i �T'�•..Ctty Sngineer . ahowe�d the plan to the Coun�il . He said that
��t Pl�a ` S�PFing Center nee�is a lat of mai.ntonance and the park-
� iug' _lot ie in bad shape.. - --
�.' Knicksrbocke�c said t�at it wcxild be a 4' x 9' buildit�q, so it
�rottld ba o�nly: �6 �quare feet. Councilman Samuelson asked what the .
setl'�c_,�a� ; fram- � fran�'pra►perty line. Mr.�bocker a�td
it wa� 92' . _ l :, .
_ Cauncil�at�►, Fia=ris .�aid that ha had-_no objection to ,grantinq this . __
permit, ha�wever, he felt that Moon p�laza should be made to claan -
up:t.�eir vioiatians, aa:they have promi�ed. Council�ar� Shoridan
aqre�aci wltth qra�ating the buiTding permit aub j ect to l+�aaa P�.aza __
el��ng up their prop+e�ty, to maet City standards. The Caincil
asst�r�l . Mr, ICnickerbocl��ar that their ob j ectiona were not direeted
taw�rd htm, or his company butt�c3war� M�oQn P,�aza. 5hoPping C�t+ar. .
Cot�aCilmatn iiarris 'said �hat he thoc�ht that the Buildi�, Inspe�tion I
Dopart�i has a list of violations. Z'he C.ity �aqer �id �hat
he thou4ht that there w�s a new vwner nvw, s Mr. Gearman. and th:t I,
�om� progresa has been made in cl�ninq up the prablems. ` '
_ Cou�il�an H$r�eis suqge�ted_inv�ti.r�y_ the_ o�wner fraa l�ion Co��t� ta
� come to a Cc�u�ci1 �eeti� to get this straiqhtened out. and to __. .:
. insist om compll�e witiz our ordina�aces.
�OTION by Councilman Li�bl to qrant the building permit requeat
by Fotoma� Casp�ration subject to correction of the violations of
tb�e �oc�n Plaza Shopp�.ng Ceuter. Seconded by Councilman Samuelaon�
Upon � voice vote, all �votir�g aye, l3ayor Kirkhaia declared the
motion carried unanimously. .
Coun�iln� Harris asked;:that this list oi violations be bro�qht
back on the ne�ct R�gula�c M�eet3ng Agenda.
. ! .
ii��-� ��A'�l��l �: �v �� . . _ . . . . , � . .. . . . . .
�T�C�i'�y Councileaa� 8a��is ,:to receive the -Mir,►utes:-of the Plar�in�g
Es�nission Meeting of �tab�r 10, 1968. Secanded by Councilu�an
� Saaw�lson. Upo�n a voice:vote, ail voting aye, Mayor Kitkham
�lared the motion carFied unanimo�l�.
T'hs- �ttp 8nq*neer saic� �hat there wero only two items . w3si,ch na�d+ed
� Ccc�uur�eil -a�te�tion. .
%� l. LOT SP_LIT' R�Qi�T.�,.j,-�,, �68-�16.�B�8T �1Z�SO,�,��t: Lot 4,
�' 82i�ck "1, i�li�s� Addition. 3plit into twa' S0 `9" Lots.
RBG�iX,e�s't GOtJ�CIL Ni�Isi`.%ii�� ��x, ,�.•:.Gd�R 21, 196�
�,.� -- �:,. -� ,
r.+�•:� . , ..
� : _ -
. l�iTlE�t by Councilman Liebl to concur with the reco�nersdation of
� the Planning Comtnission that a building permit be qrantad for
. o�n,ly one hpuse until the property is rezoned R--1. Seco�de+d by
Ca�ncilman Harris. Upon a voice vote, all votinq ay�, �►yor
Kiaclshaw -declared the •m�tion carrted. _
2. L_OT S.�L�T ,�,�T: � S. #68-15. V LAS M: �BI�: Lot 4,
. B�lock 1, Nagel's Woodlands __
�A�CATZON RE4U�ST: SAy #68-J6. VZLAS M. �Ls Lota 1
� throuqh 4, Block 1, Nagal's Woadlands. Draitsage a�nd
utility easemant b�tween above lots arid south lins of
_ . _ _-- -_ _
Outiot #1. (970 Osborhe _Roadj
�out�cilman Harris said that as ;�e recalled this involved noving--
the easeme�t frora ttie riort2i of Lot 4 to the souti� of �t 4.
liOT'IO�i by Councilman Hitrris to concur with the Planning Coa�ission
re�anpaaendations far t,Yie :vacation request SAV #68-�}6 of the draina�ga
: uW utility easement b�tween Lots l aatd 4, Block l, and the sauth '.
� line o#__4utlot #l, Naqel':� Woodlands, and also to co�ur with the __
lot split requast by Vi Nagel L.S. #b8-15 _in splittit�g off �16 --
_. _,
feet from th� west and that the, easterly�portion of Lot 4 and Lat
1 m�st be- maintain�i under single owner�hip. Secohcled by Council-
man Samuelson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, l�ayor Kirkham
decla�red the motion carried unanimously. '
11�c. Vi Nagol co�rmaented that he had already r�carded the deea for
the easen�ent with Ar�oka County . _ .
�iayor Kirkham read the;resolutian aloud to the audience.
�� ,.
� . I�OTI�t by Gouncilman S�e�lson to adopt Resolution #i65-1968. . . _ ..._ ._ .. , _ . _.
Smc�c3ed. h�..CQUncilman;.She�idan. L1p�n a voic�--uo�to-,- -a_�,1 vot:#�ng :-� ._.,., �..._ .;..:
aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried'unaninwusly. �
. n C�`a�il�otan Liei�l aslced ��. 1►4�li�h what eh� intsrnds ta do. l�brs.
Ii�3:ta� ari�arer� that uhe�. vianted to build a��.ng�e �a�flr �es1li.Ag. �- .. .
ghe�e:xplained that she`had written a le�tter to Mr. Bernard offering
him the 15' that he would need for his parking fac�lities i.i1
setu�n for;_payment of the back taxes on it, but she had re�e:ived `
... .Aa �nswer, so she said sh� assu�ed that he was not tntere���d.. ,.: �.__ _
, . ..
.. .
' :1,�s��� ° _ 14
� � r��3�L O,�tabsr _1Q. 1�68��: ..�,. .., _�. ••�a�a � .;
�, -
� • �.�_ Irl�r���ll��� ��IY�Yr�.+eql�lei0i��rll�i�� � �.
D�trsel Clark axplained that Cauicil asked if i� vould bs %saibie ��
trade psoperty.' Becsuee af the buildi�ag of thM Oasa ptaat and £�ture ituiva-
trlal expaaaic�s►, 73sd Avecwe Was desigpa�d to bs a Stste:�:Aid soad a�d it
ws :n�a���ty . #or.�access to Higi�+ay #65. If ,73� is �ac�ted, -hsli o# � ._ �
�si�ht of ray W�ld go io the cwaer� oa tht nostL afda of tbs �Ls�tC,� t�t�
otbar half to the o�wa�r� on the aouth.
i�is�aa:Rrfcksan stated �is Wss a�iaizYy aissbla psob��;and ca�ld ba
•MI� � ta the .Subcoa�rittee for furti�s� study and call ths ` pttblic buk. _
At��aC �=:a,h�ld is msd�e t•o-- _.._�_ .- _:. . .-
��oaP: ge�,a�►te of� ths pio�i�a�io _.��`'msst�, -
M�. Jensea, c.�ai�asn of the Plats 6 8ubdivi�ioos-S�swt� b Otilitiea
Sub¢o�mittee, said the public meetiag would probably bs ts ths uiddle df -
1�TION bq Myh=a, aeconded by Jenaen. that tbe P1ami,�aS Cos�iasion tea�d
daaa to the P1Ats b Subdivisians-3tre�ts b� Utilitiea Subca�ittee the sa�ter
of the vaaation statdy o# 73� Avenue {St. Z969-3) xith t�u� iastsucttons:tLat
th� ,8ubcamad.ttee, .ia Chair deliberatioa, meet With the o�rss� of the ptop�cty.
tipa�n a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, tbe m4tion carried �im�ousl�.
IC was �xplai�ned to the p�oge*t� a�aers Pra�aC that tt�s atud� �auid
�o to tha• �ubcoms��tee.,.�,d ia about a�onth or mooth sad a ha2i, tiie�
�oaid expect to he�ic by mail for ths info�msl diacnaaiaa. Ths d�cisi,c�. if -
tl�i���5�btoeq�l.tta�E ja�s one, aiZl coms back to tiie Pla�aia,� Cv�lssion and
tL�n Co the CouncNil. _
3. `��J$D b0�' SP�'�� RL�3t�USST: L.3. #68-Z3. O�ILt� �Tr.�r: Lot 30. Bsoot-
♦1lii AaQ1LZO�i."
Dasral Cluk asid he was advtsed by the Citlr Attosu+ay to s�ad tbe
r�qtuRSt : baek to Hr. Ratley askiag bim to g,�t hf,a rife's si�aatluti bsfoErs .", °
!ha Pi�i�a,g Coa�tss�ion caa conti=ws ths requeat. �is vaa do�as, but w
bave nat baazd fr� him. .
l�i'i0�i by J�, aecandod bg l�rhsa, to table th� Lot Sp1iL �sqw�st� .
L,��. �-13, Orvill+� Ratiey, of Lot 30, Brookvi�r Additioo. IIpon a vatc� '
vote, all votia,g ' ap,, the uwtioa casried tmaaimawly.
� 4. I�T SPLIT REQt1EST: L.S..._#68-16� �ffitT iII�S�: Lat 4, B1oc1� 1, iiilro�
Additioa. Split into two SO'9" lots.
Chais�w►: Bsickaoa aaid it app�ared th� Board of Appeal• and Co�m�eil
ha cc�,=�+ai•.�fth t�he :.request. Tha Plamting: Cc�issioa� about a y�a�r aEo,
_ �... _a_..__ ___ .had a�ecoms�ded r�soeaing. thfs �ot�to -it-3 with no �aivet of ��' liri�`af'+�'+i:"' ' '"M`_
Msa. Robsrt iiflsoa asid they wanted to build a fourpl.�s, beit tbs lot traa •
- anly-iarae enough for a triplex. She added theze is a tir factos b�w�:t�..
tbey Mat�: to build before .'.t ge�r too coid othess+i�s tbhr might aot ba abls
to ��sll if too lste in Che •eaeaa..
� in thi� a�c�a
. Zt ��oted thar the lot sissa are 'is�ut fa lhrtdls� aad tha iouw in`
� ; Col�mbit�. �l.�Cs as�► aa 44 foat lots. So�a of t� a�atlsr lotr- in. !'s�d�tl,. t. ._..
., ;
-� ara �aq�bisned to m�lcs a staadard lot. �. ..
. ��
. . _
--' -- -_ _..�,�ui� �oma,i�aa�i���:�e�ir� .- Octobsr 10�:-195�8�= _ ,� �_ _:,.. .. _ _ -- �� � .,- -
The Co�ieeion felt the eize of the lot after the eplit � not
n particularly out of line ior thie area. Mr. Fitspstrick noted that
. �ilding a eix�gle family� resideace (x-1) in an 8-j zone would be going
. _ up, : aot aoyrn. _ _ _ : __ _ _ �: _ _ , _ . _.,_-�
� De�rel Clark said thia requeet for s varie�nce �s eeat by Counail to .
. the Board of Appesl�e to see if they would gr�►nt a varianve befbre th�
.. .---__
_ �eque�st �or s lot iplit wae made so thst� i� would not be riecesaaty to pay :
t�he,:;.3.ot eglit fes of ii5.00 if the varianee Mould aot be_ gra�tted.
- _ - - _ _ _ _ _-
_,. ---__��__ � _ . _ _ _ ._:., _. _ �.�. .-- : _�,, _ _ _ - - ,- - .�
The Chsis•mern �said there wae ao objection on the �►i�� of the 2ate.
even though they sre below the minimum etandarde� but under t.he
iaconaie#aac: af the -�azon
�r �g� -it- eeemed to h#m �a�ipg- � .�arta�a�--�d , .
r►e►iviag the rezoning an that lot � would be in li=re.
MO'1'ION by Jeruen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Pls�tning Cam�ission
recommend to Council denisl of the Lot Split request (L.3. �68-16)
a4bs�i- Wilsan, Lot 1, B�ock �, Wilson- Add3tion. BeF�ra the}.�'te_ �e _. ___--_. -= -
.takan, there was f�irther�discuasion. - _
Mr. Mhyra esid the Commiesion felt it was p�o�tbly I�i� ot' under- �.
standi�g of procedu�e, to eame 8xtent, to voice approval. o� a lot aplit
before the Subco�3.ttae and Planning Commiseion had atudied the requtat.�
The Planning Cc�mmipeion thought they did the right�thing wh*a they
remoned for a trip�.e�, �nd arderly proeedurea are set up to-mslce,suy
necesaar�r changes. In this inatance they felt that arderly proQedure�
shonld hnve been followe�i snd Council could have ove�c-ruled it.. ._-The�
t+ere canau�ring with the Planning Cc�iseion recos�tdstioa oF rao�►ing .
to R-3. They underetand the Wileone have to try ta xork with what th�y
hsve and that eing�e family reaidences Would be better. Ttie tims taotor
imrolved, if it were a young peraon who had the ti�e to vsit, they vould
coneider it differently. Although he aeconded the motion, he etill t�ad
the feeling to approve the eplit conting�ent upon the fsat th�t it ehould
be rezoned back to the original zoning of R-1. �
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he lcaew the houee aad area. H� knew thst t�ey do
aot wa�nt a houee tlaat hae been burxied out re-oonditioaed and dida't
•ee thst wae very fsasible.
The euggeetios was that Mr. Wilaon could take o�t one buildit�g permit
right away and then petition for the land to be reaoaed bsck to &-1.
• xeFerring to �he above motion, a voice vote was taken, sll voting, m►�.r
'1'hs �tian failed.
1�0�TI0N by Myhaa, aeconded by Fitzpe,trick, thst the Plannit�g Commis�ivn
r�COmetend to.the C�uncil apj�oval of Lot SpTit L.S..�68 16; Robe�t Wileon
of Lot 4, Block 1, Wileon Aodition eubject to the canditioa the►t a
builaing permit be graaated for pnly one houae until th� property ie
s+e=oned to R 1. Upon a voice vote, all voting,sye. the motion car7ried
tu�tnimouely. _ -
. �� � `
44TH- VE N. E
ZOA �68-02
t2 R2 Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson Addition
Robert Wilson
xezone fxom R-1 to R-3A
- - - - - --- -------- -� ----
�•3 __ �:_ � Rezone back^_to ora.�inal_ R-1 -
- �-
�. _ ,
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. � . , � � R�OBERT WILSOA � J�J.��
� - ?�A,.A,,�' 8-�0,� „ � . .
-.. - Lot 4, Bl�cic I, Wilsan Addition
� . 8eaone irum 8-1 to R-3A
t =-�J �• p�• . .Rezone l�ack to oriRinal R-1
1 . . � eb sIY+� ✓ w..: �c+r: _
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8�'i'ION 1,. Pur se, and Intent '_ �
. ... +,,
'i�-purps�ee- of this Ordiaance i�- to. protect and pr�n[sste' th� .g�n��.i-
- • ;`�►elfare, he��th, safety and order within the: Cfty -of Fridley through the �
ee��Eablishment of a com.prehe�si�*e and. im��3�e,a10� $.#,a�axds; r.�gulatioxss �
' , at�d ,�ocecku�PS_ govq�nin8 the `erection,'_use _and�or_ dis�lay_ o� s�evices, sig�,e or_ -
: �tb4�g servix�g-as a visua� communicative media to persane �itu$ted:within,or
' upoa public righta�of way-ar properties. _� _
_ � � _ The provi�si�ms of thi� Ordins,nce are. intended to--encourage c�eativit�,-
,r� a-reasonable degres of freedom of choice, an opportunity for effective
--..� } _ _. _ _ -- - _
_ - __ _. , _ _
� con�unication, and a sense of concern for the ��sual amenities on the p�rt of -
, thoae desi ,
' gning dieplaying or otherwise utilizing needed commuz�icative medi�
oY the types regulated by this Ordinance; while at the same time, assurir3g that
the public is not eadangered, annoyed or distracted by the unsafe, disarderly,
. fndfacrimix�ate or unnecessary use of auch communica.tive facilities.
� $E�C'1.'_I.ON 2. Definitions .
- (s) "Accessory Sign" means a sign relating ia its�subject matter to the
pzemiaes on which it ie located, or to�groducts, accommodations,
� services 4r activities on the premises on which it ia loaated.
� . (b) "Jlccessory IIee" means a. use which is subordinate to the pri.ricipal use
�'" � _ ba�ing m�si� af a g�xcel of land. E�caam�le.: idex��ification si,�as off
• __
? � � . ` : atreet p�eking off strreet loadi � � �
---- - _ . x�g, tel� booths, etc.. _
. • . _
�_ .. (c� "Address 3ign" means postal identification aumbers only whether written
� . or in numeric form. �
_a .
!, . .
_: __... _ . - (d) "Area _Identification Sign" means a. free-standi.x�g sign , which identifies---
�.,` the name of a nea.ghborhood, a reaident3.�1 subdivision, a multiple v
`. - � residential complex coxisfsting of three or more : strua�tures a sho
•� - C�eivs.sri�v� o-f 7-e���E(.�)o� �►o�� s�.�.t�l,aTE .cf�:i.v�.rs ' PP�
*/�>:�' f o NGEw�NS-
cetiter y�.,�r�"�"'"� an industrial area, . an offiee complex consistixig .of
_ -- ,r..�:.A
tb�ee or more str�xatures or any com�ination of the aboYS �:��� _,
"��` .°.; �._���� � , . �
� E ' �.�� �
' . +
� .
_---. _. .
:• e� "-B�ere ax�,Pen�aats" mean at�entian gett�ng devices�which �*s�semb�e _
_ __ . .
` flsge =ax�d are of a non-perm,anent paper, cloth or =
':. �t� "Bench S�ig�" mear�s a sign which is a,ffized to a bench at a bus stop •
-- (6'� "Church �lirectiox�al Sign" means a sign which beara° the �c��+a.=�f ar
_ __ _.. . name af � church and directional arrows painting tQ a church locatipx�._ .
� 4h); "Canopy_+and Marquee" means a roaflike structure projecting over th� a thea�er, store, etc.
�. ,
� _ (i) "Diatric�" refers to a specific zonixag district as defined in the
_ _ _ _. .
Zoaing O�dinance . _. • � .. . _
( j) "Free-�Standing 3ign" means a aign which is placed ixi ti2e ground and
not affized to any part of any structure.
(k) "Governmental Sign" means a sign which is erected by a goveraanenta.l
uait for the purpose of directing or guiding traffic.
• (1� "Illumina,ted Sign" meane any sign which is illuminated by au artificial
. � light sc�rce . �
� (m) "Iastitutionsl Sign" means any sign or bulletin board which identifies
; the name and other characteristics of.a pubiic or private iustitution
� on the site wtiere the sign is located.
- . ��� "Motion 3igx�" means any sign which revolves, rotates or has any maving
� � - petrta . . . . .
• . (o) "Nameplate or ldentification Sign" means.a sign which bears tht: name �.
and/or address of the occupants of the building.
' � � .
, s� • :
� � .
� � (P) "Nan Acceesory Sign" means a siga other tbau an aacessory sigr�.
(q) "Na�conforming Si�n" means a sign whiah law�'ully eaisted prior to the
: :�doption of this Ordinance but:doea not conform to the n�wly enacted
� requirementa of this Ordix�axice . - : �
�(r) "Purtable S3gn" means a: siga�e� -as to be ama�hle- fFam one
location to another.which is not permanently attached to the ground
. • " r
Or S�ljr 8'��l1L''tllr@ .
(s) "Projectixlg Sign" means any sign,-all or any pe,rt of which extends over
public p�operty more tha�. twelve (12) inches.
� (t� "PermaneAt Sign" is any sign which is not a tempcirary sign.'
(u� "Roof 3ian" means any eigx� erected upon the roof bf a•structvrt to
TNt To�da GdP�NG ; O��WN•s/U TN4
rhi�h it is affixed. �.�u.� ,o�.vb rvds .� f3 r�rs�.ro �,o ��J s�T
/1 �?o F.c.�rtxE :/ S �c" � i�u � d� S /�irE�3c� r.on�J Gr r�rc" ours�p�' C.+�A.c.� 1�.�,
���i�� �Sigc��:m�ans any letter, word or.symbol, device; poster, picture, TNE jrOC
atatuary, resding matter or re�esentation in the nature of an
advertieement, announcement, message, or visuai communiaation whether
' �_ _
__ _ __. _ paintec� sted
-- , po , printed, affi�eed or constructed, wFiich is displgyed
outdoora for informational or communicative purposes.
(X � "3ign Area" means thet area within the marginal lines of the �urface
T l.
xhich bea�ra the advertisement, or in the esse of ineesages, figures, or
� symbols attached directly to an� pext of a building, tha.t area which
is inaluaed in the emallest rectan�le which can be made to circumscribe
the mesa�ge, figure or syanbol diaplayed thereon.� The stipulated
�s�cimum eign area far a free atanding aign refers to a single facing.
( y�'��� "Street F'rontage" refers to the �oximity of a pe.rcel of land to ox�e
ar more ��reets. Ari int.erior lot ha.s oxie street frantage and a corner
lot two euch frontages. '
• _3- .
�� _ :
s _
.- L . . . . . .� . � . �: � � . . . � . . .:. . �.. . .
�� �� "Temporary Sign" means a sign which is erected or di�p]�yed for a
, limited period of time. Such:temporary signs eha1Z include those
� : lieted in Section 3, and Section 5�.(2), and penaants, banner,
, _ -
,' PaFer and other similar type signa.
� �Z�) �° "P�ivate 'I'�a,ffic Directional Siga" mesns a sign which ie erected on �
` _ p�ivete -�rcipezty by the owaer of ° such psoperty for t�e purpose-of
, guiding vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Such sign beexs no
, x .
`�V@I'"t�.8�21g �23fOI'ID8t10x1.
� .���� - "Wai1 Sigri" means any sign which -1s affized to a wa1l o� any buiZfling.
�LUi.v Ooc,� Sr i�J ".►r G'a.�✓ s.4 s!• nJ �.c Af El�1 O ic/ A ccJ �•� Do c�l� O�
(� � l �ew y sf 6 �v �.c.aC` t� c.c� ir'�/iN �.d as< A��vE. t'd � t-.�v�
` � �!A'"/'�d 5..= d F �c lifi b d! �i / ob°.t �, �r p y.�.
/P T r1'E �ct/i.c i C /{/N,t,
- 3I�CTI N: . Cenexsx Frovisi6ns gvplicabie to All Di$tricta
. {a) Non-accea�.sor�r free standing siRns are prohibited in all distric�s -
-� ez�ept in areas specifically defined in the Qrdi.nance for thi� -purpose. �
� � 1ior�acc.essory wall signs shall be permitted only in the C-2, and C-2-S
+ Commercial Diatricts aecording to the requi�reme�ta eet forth-for those
� �_
. dietricte. _
-� _ � _�
� (b) All"eigxie sfia.11 �e .conetructed in such a mariner and of such material
� that they aha.11 be eafe and aubatantial, provided that nothing i.n this
: Ordinsne� shall be interpreted as authorizixig the erection or
aonstruction of any eign not now permis�ible uxLder the Zoning or
_Building Ordinance of the City.
. (e) Fo eign shall contain any indecex�t or offensive picture or written
. matter. .
(d� �o illumu�ate_ which cha.nges in ;ither color or intensity of light .'
;• , sha,ll be permitted except one public service information such as
. time, date, temperature., weather, or similar�infora►ation. The City
� i�ildixig Ix�spector in permits for illuminated signs shall
� . � .
- apecif�r ..the : hours= during �hich the same may be kegt ligk�ted, �hen r�eaes$ary
. to prevent �he creation of a nuisance. All illuminated signs shall have a
ehielded light source.
. �� ,
, . s.
. . .._ .__ :-:._ . (�} -Ho.-aign other than governmental -�-' - .
�� �s].i be erected or---tempo�l3r _. , ..
� , placed within any street or public right-af-wav or upon any public
� .
_ __
. , easement. � . :
, (f� A permit for a s� to be located withia 5(3 feet of aav etr�et or
. ,
_._--- ---_ hf�iivay �e�'ulator� or si�n, of a�p traf€ic- si�, v� s�al:-ar --
� -
of any�craasFOad or, will be issu�d only if: '
. . +
,_ - - , - . . (1 }- ��s 'ei� will not interfere rrith the ability of drivs�€s -8� _
,_: v�... . --- ' �tri.ans to see an s�treet or
P�� Y �Y"sign, ar °any tra�'fic sign n
� sig�tlal, or any croasroad or crosswalk, and •
� :. __:... _ _ : � (�� �� Sign will not distract drivers aor offer -ax�y-�-eonfuaia� _ ----
_` �treet�or h�
_ _ _
_ ._
_ snY way $igxr, _ or a:�y tacaffic- aign or rr�gasi. _
(gj 800f s� are prohibited i,n all distric#.s. ,
,- - :{h� $a�t�er8 �; pexan,a.nts ar�d whirliz�' devicea or any suah aign rese�bling- the ,,
� aame ar� prohibited from use within the Gity ezcept when used as. an .
. - � integra� part of the design of a �1xhen uaed in conjunction
I --- -._ _ .. . O�P W.Il.d d.t.crw�U � �FTT•r, �lrty��
_ . .. •
w3th gra�d open�.ng�s (the initiaT commenc�ent of busixiess)j�`-In'�he °'°°.,
��se of �rand openix�s, banners and pexuiants ahall be allowed for the
� �!� v A� s � - .Z'�✓ o,- N�.P c a s� s,q
week or"�ar� ':�F�e�eof� of said grand. oF��B- ����� y:.:�o�low�A
s/� c �.o-� �'�,t�i►i. r 3-,r.e.� .� S� � s S c*�,o f'o •d 7 �O A yI' f'C /i" / O�O S�
.... , ,_,,.,_.,..._. ,�,.,r.
.. Y� �. � ,w • ,. �KT .c/H1 � T.E .O T- d
.. � .+:�...w• . . ...._ . . . '�.':-
. . 'w'.�-- �.y�.yt.:. <t) ?i�+�: r A y6�l�f'
i Campaig.r� aigns P`•� �J
O posted by a bonafide aatadidate for political office or .�,
or by a peraon or group a political isaue or a political
-" eandidafi� ma.y be placed in any district subject to the requirements of
t�at dis�rict. Such aigr� �'�� �� a �� �. a
r r
- . Jy .
/������ shall be removed within seven 7) days follo `��
. ��.�Q /i o? S' pe oes. r ,Srw.c�c .c�c �'ECc.d�o /�.f 3-��'
� ii�F� �.ec�tion. c•ry oF t�?,o.c � y i.� Fo�PF .�.�.r s��.� s�•a �
� ` - :
_ . '.'.!�',�6 /�H'.w*r ,�' c i'o s r ,f d, .
' ' (j) One tem�orary idex�tification sign may be insta,Iled upon a construction
� • .
--- - - -. _ _ . _ s�it�- .in:;any. �istrict -�
. . � . �„�....�.
_ _ . . _ �`T����.�a- �'s� _ �e��, . � �. .
: -_. _ _-,;::rr;,,�;+;,J� ---
• . �� provided such sig�n does not�exceed eighty {8�p) squaxe �eet
in axea. .
: - . . ,, _�_ _ :
. � . : ' . .
-��-- �- (k) Temporaxy real estate ei¢n� may be erected for the purpose of selling
'�: or promoting a residential project of ten (10) or more dwelling units:
.::��� � or any non-residential project provided:
(1) 3uah sigas shsll not exceed one huadred (10(}) square feet in'area,
_��._ . _ 2 - pni one +suci2 si
{) y gn ahall he permittad`per atreet fronta�e-upan
. vhioh the property abuts, ,
, , • . �s.�
( 3) ' 3uch s igns shall be removed when the p�o j ect ia :
".. � �i�ie��c�, s�Id.
� � or leased, and : - .
(4) �uch signs shall be located no closer-thau ane hurid,red (100) feet
- � • - �. .
_ to any pre-exiating residence. --_
(l� Tem�orar,� si�s for the purpose of eelling or leaeing i.ndiv�.dual Iots or
buildix�g�s shall be permitted, provided: -
(1) 3uch eigns sha11 not exceed six ( 6) squs,re feet for resid�tial �-
�paro�er�y and, twenty-four (24) squaxe feet for naa-reeiden�ial
-x Pr�rtY � .
(2) Only one euch sign ia permitted per street frontag�e upon wh�ch the
/E.(G�I�TION.' �II:/ IF Os1/ TlOS✓ A'L �O/�tIV f�ly�/S� �
pT0�l►erty abt�ts ,` S /c� .a.i � .e Y i1 � : � a� Q / �
T,ri�P� 3�,'�P�
(3) SuQh sign sha11 be removed within '���"����. daYs followix�g the leas�
or �ea.le . � �
(m) Any #`ree-standix� si�n within twenty-five (25) feet of any intersectian
of street right-of-way lines and/or driveway entrances sha,ll have a
minimum vertical clearanae of ten (10) feet above the centerline of the
pavement. •
(n) The total sig� ea of any multi-faced free--$tandinA si�n shall not
e=ceed �rice �he permitted area of s single face sign. '
Fo) Private traffic directional si�na shall not eaceed six (6) square feet in
Ep} Mcrtion �igns are prohibited in alI districta.
� �
,, _ 6 •
� y
C =- - -
� �..
:_ / �_.
��F � ���
�q� -���' Porta�2e si�ns ��� permitted -, - :. in .�he 8-.1
(r) No .. �e=� � _ �o i ecti. si ,�q�. � •.------�.,�-��.
"� ��'� ehall � � be �
�„�,-.,���, Y7$ �� aerb:��w��
permitted in any district, ___ _ �
�(s� One_.address�siAn shall be required per building in alI distr�,�ts. ._.
. , - �..�.�,
(t) B�ench�s shall be permitted on3y at bus stops�u�,�������
: � , , • . ., . ,
::���..,��.��$,�,�. .. , _ 1C�D `'- -
- (u) : Ch�d�,rectional si�ne-ahall-be--pe�.�aitted._ in a�1 t��#r��s pravided
t�e total area of such e3gns shall �ot eaeeed four (4� square feet per .
� facing. ---
(v) Canopies., and marctueea- ahall be caneidered to be, ari int
_ egral �t -o€ the
structure tQ which�they axe accessory. Signs may be attached to a
canopy o� marquee but such atructures sha�l not be considered as-�art
of the wall_area:and thus shall not ws�rant additioxial aign area.
(w) Signs wh�,ch are located on the interior of s build�d a�e no_�,
�xG'�i�f'.��lal,hd�eJ S/as✓ S� J ......�„+�
'�ii�`��'s _ zr , . � � •
. _: , . , • •
< .
�` ��u�.��,�d��,� .�; �a:��a,� .d . ` sha,li �e -�cemgt t'rom, the -provi�ion�
of the�Ordinance and ehall n�t require permits and fees. '
Tw �.✓r�.�_ F,ow,� .?.4C�
(z� Signs attached to a building wall which eztend:more than �,�.eeri-�►1$_ .
��'u�•�.�.cr-.�n�•s-- -
� inches ii�om such surface shall be prohibited.
(y) The issuance of a permit may also be subjeat to conditions in order to
p�.wmote s more reasonable combixiation of �igaa and to p�omote co.nformity
with the cha,racter and uses of adjoining property. The conditions.will
be subjeat to the discretio.n of the Inspector.' `- '
(z� l wall sign or other buil�ding facing (whioh is an integral past of the
atructure) may project only four (4) feet above the roofline q� a
st�ucturs. This a,dditional height, however, shall_not�be cansi�dered as
part_ of the wall axea and shall not: warra.nt additionaL sig�- area. -_ -- -- -_ _
• �, . _7_
' s . .
�° �, g;'���Y1Ce
�a;a�;,,.,,,a,,,.,� .. _ . . :
� x. ..
�� "� E � =�Yl �Ti Li8 � ..1.
_, - --- - . ,� . , . _ �
�, ����-�-.��:��:��s����.�� : , .� _ . c'�� ��- shg�i =aot be -
: p�eiated direotly to any exterior building surface but shall be on
_ _ _: . , _ _ - : a s�pera.te f�amg e�ccept for temp�a�ary -display windows: _=3i�n letters
-.�__. -.:�-- _ __,------ --atid--ej�bols ma� be attached directly ta a wall b�r a�he��e-_o� _.
_ : " - meaha.nical means. _
. �a �) /'��,r,r��r.r rE �i4�tlr E . r '
->= : _--. - / ,. � . �. �r""� i�"�.'�` , ..,.�,.�.
� -" _' � " . .. -._ . _.. ... . . .. � ... '�s .�. �R,.
' � . .k;. '. � .
� . . �' �r. . . . � . . . .
�.-� � - _.�r. . . _ . . . - �
.�.._ . . . � - . . . . _ . .... _..� Q _ Yr ' . .
. . . . . . 'f'.rt'
- -err� ,�=�"�r'-:�+a-ERan�.t4ae����"�•+.,�,�� ANO Sr.�u t s�c�iP�
•���I��Q�d..��.�v���•�11�$�i. The aurfaQe�of 8�.�
_ � ,.,�ti�E i4",a� �,.-�-�� s� E����� V El e,T„ x.l��
sig�e must b�epainted at IeaB`� once�ev��wo���yea� or�
o....�w.::.�,..,,e;�_K.:,,�:�:r:.c�:�.:.. .�<..a .:�
�_ ,+o-� ��e� .:�
, . � '�t�yer•�- �.�n.��s�cessaac : �s -� :.:� LL e ` � /� j ���y� aj
.. . . . _. . .. �L, WY,S.��.���a.�:d�"NUCarv�sT,HJfifif��CY1LY:4�+riG:+T�h.r±fli�{M.. � . 3l�1'��'�I��� �. � V 40 �Q ��ii�� 91�ir .....
_ ._ surPac� from beco '
ming unkempt in appearsxtce . Whexi any- sign;.� ----
f "o.P w a �c �/ A I�EQ° •?r . r � :s .f �" @ u �.P c •0 � s .f'r .�f o d E �o
= th� Building Inspectar shall be aotified and-the-en�ixe _,
St / � /�% ad /V �t1 / T .T � ��d �/wi it/ T S � �.t/ rOiC �L /g C
. . , lTy�^' '�e+e+.w+M.- c+ra?ri' 34^x+,ewMry#kMSU�/°�M�q!T1rM+a�+k �F
- - _.. -_ '���xr�undin.� ar�a I b e �' " ..,��
� , . �, r..,� �....� .� T�a� �of; �7 Z'_d�bris and�i _ _-- --�_.
_ E .-�i o �� p .�.�� ..� � .4.�...�.z .�
- • .�» e- � ",-: -�-��.. ��° =�sr •
,,, .
Y ,:: L ;a'.'ect�ons _snd �ratx�ue.3,.p. �
- �...z;:;,:�,��._.._-, ..�..,.�..
__ _._ ` �
The�permit owner s�ia11 be respox�sible for all of the requirements �
of thie Chanter, includin� the liabilitX for ex nse of removal
snd: maintexiance incurred bY the Cit r�. �
3E�CTiON 4. Special Regulatioxts: Temporarv Nonaccessorv Free Standin� 5i�s
8onacceasory signs shall be permitted on a temporaxy ba.sis on the
' �� �following described property subject to all of the requirements herein set forth:
The property West of IIniveraity, East of the railraad tracka, and North of �
Oaborne Road. .
(s� �iaximum $eight: T�renty (20� feet above lot grad.e. -
(b) Maximum �i�n Arese Three hundred (300} square feet per facix� and not
.� . . ta ��cae+ed two (2) f�ci�s. Double faced signs shall be attached-back.
. to back. .
� � '+ -:8 - . -
(c) Minimum Diatance Between Si�ns: Five hwidred (�QO) feet._
� (d) Mina.mum Setback From Street Ai�xh�-of :Way Line�s: Twent�-five �� f�et. .
i��i� -
(e) Distance From Street Ix�tersectians-: Aot closer than five hun�d�red (�00}
feet to the intereection of two or mare s�treste or highways, auch
dieta�,ce.being measu�ed i�om the intersection of strset or highway
aenterlines. �
, . � ,.
��}: -�oaci. '�: tQ IIses P�rmitte in eniia D;tstr-ic aad . _. ��
� �_Hot�los,� . tha.n five hundrEd:; (:500.�,k�eet -to auy,,,stxu�ture,,: aa3
..._ _
publical�ly owned land, c�e any other.u$e or atructure permitted in a�xy
dietr�ct� of
- - a r - . - lt'e�_-.:_
U �
�,s:.vs+w�e�.�+e� _
BCSIQ88G17�F--8�� t°.• ' '' �i+PfnAVr�,�tthart .ci+hc�•�n�-�l,e�'4`:.1't,,._...,�...�. ....'..°,i'�':�F:��'"
� building permit is isaued for cox�atruction on the site upon
�whi:ah the aig.� stands, or _ •
�' �� A ainS Pe.`�i�t is i��� for'c tructio �xe ont;�'':lot ��wti .�r�y
r,�. ��'� i s .t
. �„r s�
� � � �� , . .. �' � �
, �- ,; .
. �� � ,
� �" �e� �i ch is z ediately� �' jacen ,��th ��upo V eh :the sign
: � ��:� ��� �` '� �' ��*"
3ECTI� 5. District ReBulations
In addition to those signs permitted i.n aIl distriets, the following
s3�as axe permitted�ixi each specific district and shall be�regulated as to-size,
location and chasacter according to the requixem�nts herein set forth:
`,� .�, �P .��
) R-1,Re� ntial Districts .
. (1� Hameplate Sig�ns: Oz�e sig.n for each dwelling unit, not greater
i1 ti� two (2) square feet in,area, i�dicating the name s�cl./or address
of the occupant. .
, �
. ,, _9_
, i
I ..
�-� . _ (2� In�xti�utional and Recre�tic�1--Si�qs: _ One or bullet�n b d
, oar --
per s�reet frontage for a-�hur��-r --a- public� institutioz�al �se, or
Q.?�N� .p ?.4
°�-�-'�� - a reEreational use in the -1 �istrio�t. Sueh ��gn or buZletin
_ boa�d �11 not ��cceed twenty faur-(24) a4uare feet in_area nor
1 -, .. . _ . sha�.7.' �t.-.:be p].aced clo�. .hAr +a„„�.IO -
- _ } .any.-s�sst rigl�t-- _
.. _ �.�
- of-�tay l ine . �
i :
- _ _ ; • ����.::�ea�i�i�at�i�an_:.5��.:.-�-4�e�_a�-per -de�re�lopaa��; a��a-�e�xe� :._
� � : � _ . twemty-four (24) aquare fee�.:i�r-,a�ea�-_ , : _:._.:_ � _:. -- _:.
: ; �" --
. . .
�4') !��e�OrarY Si�ns : Refer to Section 3. � . �
(5��- �d.mum Hei�t� of F�ee-Staxu�in{�Si�ns: Six {6) feet abc»ve the lot
�e � l',6iu �}s.,.��� „rL��'+'�- `��i�--� .«�a .Qc._--o ��.^'
�E,rcE.aT'��•�► ' /%A�JrE.a.c,r r�i S/c aJ s�i►•�t`4d /.ie /Q.�,Vt
(6� Min;imum Setback:�en (10) feet from any property 1'�ne%�"�y"'�"�E °"
�P-3A T�� auJNE�:
(b) I�i�.iitit�le� Residential Di,atricts �, $-3;�g..q, _ ������r�%
_ (1) ._ Ide�ntification Si�ns : One� identificatioa a�i,gx�, or symbol per
_ building not greater than six (6) squar�e feet in area, p�rovided
aue� sign is attached flat against a wa2l af the buildi;x�g. �'
�2) Area Identification Signs: Qne area identification sign per
development, euch aign does not exceed twsnty-four (24)
�aqv�re feet in area, and �irther provided, such eign is placed no
clo�er than ten (10) feet to any street right-of-way.
(3) Institutioxial Si�ne: Oxie sign per street identifying an
inatitutio.nal-complex within a multiple residential district
� � ' /�'a•� �< �
(oo�avale$cent, nursing, rest or boarding care homes, ar ���;
rYO�'E _,. _ . _ • `�_. _
`complex). 3uch sign ahall not exceed twenty-four (24) aquaxe
feet ixi area nor shall it be placed claser than ten (10) feet to
sa� street right-of-way line. �
�:.. � � _ .. _ .. . -C4�' _aa : s�ory ilse Signs: . Signs. identifying uses accessor.�' s-----.__ _._.
mul;tiple residential development s�all not be visible from the
p�%llic right-of-way. �
' �+ �� -10- .
' (5) Temporary Si�nss Refer to 3ectian j. ,�
r.. .�_ (6) Maximum Height of F�ee-Sta.n�i'�;- Six (6�_feet�-�bove-the-
_ . �
; lot grade.
.. �� � `� ��-- �"
- ('j) Minimum Setback: T n(10� feet from any property Zine.- .
_�. .__,-,-_. _ � (8� Pri�te �'re�fic Directioxtai Si�a: 8efer to Section-3--€-v.).: �-
__r (a),Ccmmercial Diatr�cts - C-1 C-2 C-1-S Cr2-S
�4...:.: �:_ ... ---. . . � ,:. _ ._ -(#.�� Wa���Si.�s; Z'}�e total, ares�`,+�f a31 �wa-lI aig�ts -sff%cec��a-.,�-b�xi:��g-�
� _ - : �►s1I �hall not exceed -fifte�a-�r eent (19j6) af the - t�i��=-�rea af
. . . � thsi wall. . . . .
� _ , ._ __ . � _ 2 _. _ .
" - (� Fre�-StandinA Sig�s:---Orie t��e-et,�.nd,i�g;ei:gni for ea�h, bu�ding 'per_ -:
; . - _ - : atr�t front - � .
, age: The tota�==area of a f�e-etanding��or a
' bt�ilding havix�g one str�et :frax���ge sha11. not--exeeed =eigk�ty (80)'
� �' aquare f�et �in Commercial Dis�trict C-�1 and C-1-5, n.or ahall it �
;� e�tceed one hundred (100) square feet in Commercial District.C-2
= �. and C-2-S. Where � buildix�g has two or more street frontages,
' on1�► one free-standing sign �f the above s3ze e1�a11 be permitted. -
' �ch permitted free-standing sign in excess of one she].1 be no
gre�ter in area than oae-half (�) the area of the firat sign. The
: ma�cimum height of free-standix� signs shall be tw�nty (20) feet in
the C-1 and C-1-S Diatricts and twex�ty-five (25) feet in the C-2
and C-2-S Districta.
(3) Ar� Identificatior� Si�ns: One�sign per developme.nt not to exceed
one hundsed (100) square feet in area.
.. (4) Tem�orar-Y SiAns: Refer to Seation 3.
: (5) Pr�;vate Traffic Directional Si�ns: Refer to�Section 3(o).
. {6) Exceutio.ns: Offices and medical and dental clinics in a Commercial
,_. � . _. _.. � � � �
� Df�ict ahall comp�y wit� Section 5(e�, "Medical a�d Off�ce -.... .
: i�i�2d"in� Distri.ct" . •
� �.7) Mi;aimu� Setback; Ten (10) feet from any property line.
,, _ 11 _ .
�:._ _ __-_ , _ _
,,� _
�. _. ___._
(d) - -1uic�uco�i�e.-Service ,�i ` <��� a,.-means g�►s stations, dri,v-�an --_- - -
re�taurauts;- t3rive-in theaters, ° etc-: ;- t�r a� , other tgpe° of b�si�ess -_ -
xhe�-an automobile is�used as the recipieat of the serrtice or product
or -�Ytere ari�automobile is neaessary to abtain or to make use of tY�e --
service ar� product. � • , -
(1) ` Wall 3igns: The total area of �all wal�� affixed -to a
�1 . : r '
: ..�- ..�.-,:�...�- W- --- ��� -.� .�.�
'ie .
�t1#�,�-wa�1 ehaTl4��-e�ccee�,:�weaty:�-re�t�- -�� -�..-; _
� Y te�l area nf tha+ ...n11 _ _ . . _ •
Q .
- -- -- � f 2 j � F'�ee-S�i�g S i�ns : Orie ` f`ree-atat�iing s�gn per : pri.ncigat building _
...�.e,�.� �_ _ :- .
� � ( d,
. . � _ --�per: atreet- frorrtage: _�e--total--ares �� s free-stam ' '
��_ s°��s- for-�---:
_ -._ - _ --.._. _. _ _ _ :_ �._ _ _y.���d � hav'
� in8 �nS -stre-et�frantsr�e--sh�]:Y ao-�- exce�e���a4'}.`=_�-°;
� _ _,-. �uquar� fe�t . Where a .building has- two-, a� -mo��-�trset -�a�tag�s� �
_ . ,�� o,K_
. � o orie 1 f�^ee-steud'
._. _ �Y f) ing sign of the abo�� size aha13 b�, : ,_
�t _
�c - .
-- - '' pet•mitted. Each sign i.� excese o� one__ __._
t t' �
- - ahs;tl have a sign area not to excsed f�fty (�0) squaxe feet. T.�ie
, .. . •
` -�` me;zimum height of "free-stariding signs sha.Il be twenty (20� feet. -
, (�,, , .
Temporary product sale, stamp and game aigae may ocaupy the
f?��' Srw �.�i.v �
�` � remsinder of tha.t area not utilized for the �ermanent�and sign,
provided the total area of all permanent and temporaxy signs does
aot exaeed eighty (80} square feet for ome sign and fifty (50)
�}it SO� THr's /�A.f��r�� �t
�� equere feet for each sign in excese of ra,-.�< .o.�s.v fo�
Te��'o•P.d•e r s� 6.v s i S.�r sa;
� (3) �mp Si�ns: Lettering or symbols which are an integral pa.rt of
the deeign of a gasoline pump shall be permitted.
(4� �rivate Traffic Directional Sigxis:: xefer to Section 3(o�.
�.. (5) Tempora� Si�ns: Refer to Section 3.
.. (6) R�,�troom Signs: Signs indicating the location of restrooms anc�'
_ � : �. . .. , . . . : . _ _ . , . . .. . . co�taini . .
ng-no advertisi,rig informatior� shall be..permitted as.._x�eeded.. -.
. - �j�' h� ��.ng In�"�tor xil� �e h�� discreti�" as Q e�'�bi �E�r
�� �,��. .�„'"�"' '�` /�-� �r' i�
- � �.. . . ,
k ... � �y��" � :: y. .:� :
o. � ividu� = usinesse���be:y��t e to be ;���� uded'�, er th�s �tiox
'• . -12- ,
' . A
P°� " .
� :�
(e) 1Ked�.ca1_and Dffice Buildix�g Dist�ict _ CR-1, CR-2
(1�_._ Zde��ti£�.c�.tion Si�nss. r stree.� f�an
' �-��:P� e �age, Brouided such_
___ aigp�a do �o-t excee�3 thirty=six -� 3f # Bqusre feet: itz a��a . 1Ya �� --
- a Fr'"�'�"'�'ace c o�er �ti�,xi'�- eri' �� ee�'��o an '� �-o �. .
- ,
. .... _....v�.�w..+�Gw:i.f'J,w. .n�� 1_:�...+.ww.. ,..... ..-.,. . .. . _.. _ ..... - . .. — .. - _
. ' " ' . . . . ""'��►4r'•.. .L —�.., : .
�N tl 'J� .�h� . . . .
.�p� ;,.. .
wit' ::. ' "� � ' . � . . . �
. (2):.�.9�cceasar3r �� Si�:na: One ideatificatiqn wall sign per aacessory
. . _r:. �es ��t�.chec�. to the fac +
�g.:Qf #b�-b�i�i�g�t , ther gr4�td.- ,i,loar _
%t��d L A.ct GvALt.
� � _ 1sYB1 E _��R18.."�a;�BB .O.f ��ae�"r's�g�Y�l.i-- �a't--a7CC�ed f�.t@@n�� CEri�- ,
- =(45�i) of the�round floor wall facing s€- the acceseory use.
� (3�-_-�e�..Iden.tification .Si�,B�:__��ae sign,-�sr de�'r$lopment, -nat- to exceed _
_ . �-�..thi�ty-siac (�6) .square feet_3n ar.ea. . .
_(4). M�ac�taum- Hei;ght of Free-Standi n� Si�as: Siac_ 6 feet ���
-.i-_ _ _ . . __� � w __ _ _ab,4Ne . lot ,;g�ade ,
- ( 5�) T��ora,r,v �igns ; R�fer to Se�tion 3. -
(6� Prittate Traffic Directional SiEtns: �efer to Section 3(o�.
_ _- .._..__� � --
(7} -. Mi��mum Setback: _�en 10 f�et frc�m -
� ) ffi a�y property line.
'�,�xCE.�r-s e iv .' � o' F.P f.Ae�I r.c o. r.c i•v c w N r` -N iC ot d s�£
(f). . Hee� an� L�,t �ndu.stri$1 Di�tric�s - M-1, M-2 rT,v�.0 �v '.o�
/'0. . Lf rP/(/ E c:ti A-y� _
- (1 � Ide�tification Si�.ns : O.�,e identificatio.n si s `• '� ' F ` � r4 �
- gn Per uildi � not to
ezc�ed eighty-(80� squaxe feet ici area. One (1} additional wall
identification sign for each tenax�.t having a private entry to a
��� s�tl� ,To TAL A�PlA v•� .
muiti-ten,ant buil.ding; such signs beix�g displayed at or near the
Sri�.a,�< �
tenant's entrance, � not �c�, egceed ten per cent (10qb) of the area
of .�he wall ta which it is affixed. x`-'�"�
' No si�n sh� `�e�`",� ace� alos �
f---�� —�„ .� _. �_
. �.� _ , _ . .
_. .�.
�'j en ,. 14) feet' t"o anv �ree"� r��`o�'��.iaaY ��n'� "�� -�
. . .. . ...,•�x�,., . �.._ a.� .
(2) Area Identificatio.n Si s: One sign per develogment not to euceed
� ei�htY (84) square feet in area.
. �3`) T�,emporarv Si�ns: Refer to Section j.
�:e:_..� .._ . _ . .,
.__ �4) _.�Iarar�mum H�it�it of Free-Standins� Sigas z_ Twent�r 20 ._ feet .above _ lot:
- . ,�ade • •
(.5) Private Traffic Directio.nal Si�ns: Refer to Sectiox� 3(o).
''(6) Mix�imum setback: Ten (1oi
� .
t �
f, (g) P F� PD Districts :
-�.: . � . : : &;�nw��e�,ts in � F� .�D:_.�����.��Quld. be control�ed- �~ th�e�
.�.. � .
� Cou�c�l _tothen tTie deyelo���er�:t �tg pl�rined.
1 S�i'ION 6. • Administra ion . . . . • • . . --
,<. � .
I: . Permits s$efore a sign may be display� :in tke City of F'ridley, �he �
1 --�-.�
o�mer �c.° .. af -the_ em�see on� w�iich- t�e �i� �e Ioe$ted ',o t��""
. . . _ _ m Pr —�
{ �.s����� _ � � ��,,,.,. ,, ��fi-�� ::;�`,ie� , .
. .... _. .:..., . . _
�, . ,.
�-.- _ ��_.�._ �: ♦ . ahall:file agpl�o&tian wi�h the City Btif�di� Y� e cr -_�
�� �w �P��r�
' ior �ez�tiasioxi �o di�play such sign. Permits muat be -
. � ,acquired for all eaiatiiig,
. ,
�=.-�- _- tae�, .s�,7.r�ca�e�, �oc�ified or redes' p pecific�iYl��
. �.gaed-$�g�a e�ece t thoae e -
'. . __ . � ,b . -
under: section 7.:, ��,, _
,_ ��) P r�it A�Iication: APPlicatian for permits ehall be made u,pq�_ bla�lts
.;.___ _ _,...._
� • •
�� -
� �'
: pa�ro�i.ded i�y- the Building IxLapector axu� aha�l state or'stta�c`tred ____ . �
� the�eto, the following �nnformat-i.oa: : �__
(4}�, Nam�, addreas a.nd -telephoae ,number -0f--aP�l�ar�t. _- . -..__�. _ _ ;,__
�,: (2� __ Loar�,tion� of building, structure, or lot to which or upoa which '"_
the is to be attached or erected.
�. �
; .
-_ 3) -: Poaition of the siga or other_ advextisi�g struc�ures in relatiox�
. �+v d �iPO �i.� ry,�i�v�
.: __ to z�earest buildings, : struc��ree, public street�� Zights-cff-way� �
The :drawing showing auch position shall be p�epe,7eed "� ca,].eM,
(4} Two (2) blueprints or i.nk drawings of the plana:and speaifications
and::method of construction or attachment to the building ar in the
gro�,nd sll dimensiona. Locatix�g all light sourees,
wattage, type and color of lights, and details of any light
shi�tldB or shades . �
(5� Cop� of streas sheets and caiculations showing the structure is
des#.�nated. for dead load. and �wind velocity in the amourit req�zired
by �his a�nd all other Ordir�ances of the City.
(6� Name oP persan, firm, corporation, or association erecting the
� Any electrical 'permit require�� =£c�r-°any_ eiga. _ �-. _
�,',� - XN Q.GREII�N�i' WI'I'H THE C ITY a " -.. .--
�- � .
_ _._ - _
s.} �Wtiich would authorize`and direct the� City of Fridley to
- �- rs�ve and dispose of arnr si�s and si� •stz�u„� ctura �on -which .
�--__ . �--.... • .
_ _ . _. _� _ __._..��.. � _ .. _, _.�...,�._�� ..�t_.�ss:�reEx� z�ss�zi°-but �r#ch�as-xtat°-�'ea���ti;
:• ' _
c i�`-.�h�.. .
-- ;.. -.�aer daes no� remo�rs -:�he eame vithin a thirt Q da
� ,__, , v ( � .,) v
_A._. _ _� . .
_ : _� . ..__ _ . _ : - �riaa -followin� the ��iration of tY�� pei�ait : - - �= ._ .
• _ . • � _- fi. }--%Ihich _would authoriz� _ srid �iirect-,the Citv of �`r3:�t1� ta- -
, ' �ove the si�n and si8xf structure, at the ex�e af ths
._ _ _..��,::.
: �t�Plicant where� mairi�enanc _i ___ � - - _
_ � e- s-req ed and the ma3nter�aace
__ _ .__. - _ --- is not furniahed, . •
, bu�� oniv� after a, heari�g �aniI "s��e� .a ,_ : _
- ,,,,,,�,,,
, .- ��txee af �i�c�t b0- _
- = � F }--�_ s�cifysx�.. the- maixitsz�ce--re4uired-- �
- -- �.,� t ,� cit.v. � .
�.y . .
--Zf- a a�ga a�thorized-bY Permit has aot- beeri fnstalled wit� ���� --
: �o � �o ys
- _ ,��; . ,
_ - - .' , sfter- t�e �� -�f��$s�ax�se-..:�f -said��e�i,�� =t� --�rmit - --
. _ -�' ehal2 become� null and void. _ ___ _ __ -•
1.�s�Lt Ti��iv (✓If�j'�i'�7w1.0 ��,
��� �y��l�#�e� ui�`P. �;�,;ari-_ �he BuildinS'�r��may requireOrtrE�
�.�. r.B�Pi�f A � �o <<� ti �E.P.v�:v e�--S'iV Ft T•,✓.
(b) Fees: psrmit feea for signs shall be:
(1) For sign� forty (40) aquaxe feet or less an initial fee of a10.00.
. _._.n :.. _._ ._. �_..
'(2j For:$igns larger than forty (40) square feet the initial fee shall
be �25.00 plus 25 cents ger squaxe foot of the siga surface
• ezcseding�100 square feet.
(3� An a�ual fee for free-standing and non-accessor�r si�nns of $5 00
_.. _ . _ __ _... �� 4Q cents_ per s4uare -foot -of the- sign surface-_ excee�izr�- 1.00 . .
equ�re fee.t shall be chaxged.
� y O v 4 ° • ,
� �. M� ! �'
_ � ti �► � - . � .,-
- . � � �. �' gt � - = '1Rie -a�nual �ee stiall not -be�c�g�ed- F�r $cc�as�rrY°'�#Sr�,° �a#�tac�eci- _�
� : -
� _ ;� `� �
� h � Q . - directly on a building which-itiexrtify-the sa�ivity-�-�r�r�ts� -_
�• `Q, A _ . � _,
���� h � n ata sold or services -
_ � � � P�'� _ �ovided ixi that build .
i�g An annual
_: ��.� �: � ._ : - - --- - - _ -.--...-_� ..__- - --.-
�� � �` �� Yea wil3 be due oa April 3�_ of each ye�r-.:- - .-
= 3�0�� .. . ------- _-.__
- ��-1c�-;:--,� � ._, _ E�� �a f�ee� s�e _required for -#�e__�-i
� � P�'�i.t--sf8�' :��ct�d-°�ar -i�r �_,, r..�.�..
�a � .
-.-�� � � � ,� o _ --
� '� o�l __ 3ec�ion 7{b) and ma,y be wai�sd'fsar rsligiouss �_cis�i� - _
�t i� +� • , .--���� ._ac�d__ . �
,� �� . •
� � • _�. _ _ (�� �ui�lic �:nterests b� a ms jm�it3r vote... o� .:.,�.. L�ty�ftot�mr���:�,._ , . _�_:..� _ � .
�... �'� -
_ �
_.___ _ � ., . . .
'e� Li: ��d Boxuts: I�o pereoxr; �=f�rm; pr--corporatirnr--s�Y -
�-a�r6age ia _ ._�_
� _ _ � : _ .
��� . , .�. .
t� bu+�i�a;es,s af erecting signs- norw.� " -_ .:e�n .� _
� �-�s:;3i. .�Yy.,. ," s< _
under tii�s Ordiziaric�e.�iin,I�sa 1ic.eas�d��o�_s�b�� �i��_�=-_
C+c�ci�:- S"t�ch ltcenae �y 'be g��t�d �b� t&e �fty-�i�i� �� i��i�'te.ii`-
� ,._ . _ �pF�i���n tn the City Cl�rk, �c� _ ,
. pa�.ied -by=s� -an�ua� �-��fe�°vf =,.,_..
. ; -� _- " - =25•� eud it� may� be termi�a�ed at �y -ti�e far-cause.- -�.'he licex�e `
� - . . - _ aha^ll e�-ire ox�. December 31 _ i n t�e 3�ear - of - �aauanve a�- ea� --yea� _-__ _.. _ . �_.
� �- .
_ --
-,. -_--=_- __ the�eafter. No license st�l tal�e-effect ut�t#3 the 1ic�ez�seeg _s�all-- _
F a_.-'- — _
�_n . . ._
tYle� Frit.h the City Cierk a corporgt� s�ety boad�ia -th�: sum-oi�'I,t�U:�
eonditiaied that the licexinees shall make proper appZication fdr all
aiga wox�c, pay neceasasy permit fees, coxiform to all of tht provisions
of this Chapter and indemnify and hold the City, its officers and
ag�eate, haz-�lese from and dams,ge or claim resulting from or related to
the erection or �intexiance of any sign in the City by the li:censee.
d lioex�s ana. bond shall not be required of an applicant, who is x�ot
e�ged in the busi�ess of erecting signs, and who chooses to constrtzct
.and �srec:t his own si�n on his opertv.
�t,'TSt�d, T • Enfo� t . � � .
�__.�� _g�_.ide��tifieation Ta�: �'or arry-e�gir for vhich a.permit�•is-req�ai.�ed: --- _..
under tt�e p�oeisiaxis of this Ordina.noe, �'����' `' ss���I c��x ��
.L•1 s.o � c T� o,�, -., ^
the Cit Buildi. �--..._� �s� �... �s <.: i X -
y ng'�iis ea� �t which shall be canspicuousl3r at�ached
. �.zr'r�li�l��ry P�,. r . . � < .
' + . _ 16 ..
• . Q�! OK/ '�'�<' ��t'wtf�S �S .
-...�wr�.�..� r,�roc
�.=.:s.-_---�- _ . -t0= �he ��.,��.e�t���:`�f^�0�'�"�1�8Ge^ . � -��� '�iCh:_'�g..Sh;8.11=��'� � _��:�
. . -'�E�1'.°..�.Y`c.aX,-zY2 atwi a.+yr.,�$_r�Rif►` - . .
,._:; _:�_. _--- t.he .x�umhe�;. nf t�a. aign permit..a�d- �he--date�-+��.-�$a�e.,.���t�a-�d.;. _.,_ s_:.
_ .:
�.s � n -
. _ tags -m�xst be a,cquired aabd aPPlication fee� p�#d -�or aIl noxi-e�empt :
� aigns ex#;sting at the time of adop�ion of this -Ordina�nae .. -- .
_ .� ._ . .., ' � . .
_ (h) Exempt� �: The ;exemptions, perm�.t��d_by-thi� Sec��Qn_.�].�....a,�,�y_ - ,--_.
�_ �_�,,�
. -� on1� �to f�te requirement of a perat�:t_and shall n4� be _construed::as :
. ,
•_ _R-_- _ __ _ v:,__ - r.eli�v -�= r�--�.hie.-v�r. -oP.-=.#.l�e# _++�
.-.> ..- irsg t�te instsller- of- ths-_ _ ....��+..
� . ��� =��: �>,_
..�:-.-� _ ..,.s.._,_ : _ - upan xhigh_the aign ia locate�, .:f=�c��.��f�g w�#�-= #�r,4��_�
pra�isioas of. this Ordins�ce.- ;No pe�i.� is reg;uixed-u�%r th�s
---.— __.--- - 9eatian Yor the follow ' . •
- ing sa.g��::-._. _.
�.__�___ _ _ _ ,� ; - _: __ �.L� A wi�o�w sign .-�d. �o.t-s�cee�t,i,ng_.t #�.�.. -
. - b.i� :
_ pe� aent (3Q96� of the window.area.
- (2) : 3igms hsving an area of six ( 6�-_ sq __.
ua,�e: feet or less . _ _ _
__ : (3�__ Sig�e e�ected b�r a governmental uait or ~
public school district,_
- _ �4� -'Pem�orarY sign�► as listed izi S�ctian
g 3� Paragraphs {i�. -���-. (k), _ .
_ _ ..,: _ . ,t"fs / .c�vs:x�L? :.
. _ _. � . , and- (1) and Ss�tion 5; Paragra,ph �� Snb ��.
P���Ph k ,��- _-_ . _ _ _-- _'--_ _
(5� Memprial sigris or tablete containing the name of:the building, -
� --; ... , _
its use and date of erection when cut or built in�o the walls of
� the building and constructed of bronae, brass, �tone or marble.
(6� Sig�+s which axe completely within a building� and sxe not visible
f�ran the outside of said building.
(a) Yiolatio�te and Fines: If the City Building Inapector or his age.nt
ehall find that any sign re lsted
, gu by �this Ordizian�e is: tins�-; i�ns��ure,
or:ie a menace to the public; or has besrt constructed or erected without
„z . :; ..�.�. n:: , �..�,�,�
a permit first granted to the ins-�a��er es� ���a�.c� �� n`-. � cr��,..
. ��w�axr-��;�'r+�,�w:�.s °�.�r�°+�;�
owner of the �aroperty upon which said sigri ha,s been erected, or is
_ i�p�roperly maintained, or is in violation of au�y other provis_ions of
thia Ordinance, he aha.11 give written natice of such vioiation to the
o�raer or: permitee thereof. If the �� ii` �, �� owner fails to remQVe or
., `17` .
: „ _, �::. _ , .
`. •
��.,.:-�. �.__ . _
�"---�`:�- _- - - - _- -1- sl�e�-�ka�•ya^i� so as to compl� �� t�- p�ovi�a�o�s -atat,:%�t�i �:;�hi�-_ _. _.�:,�
: � -� `-" :- - .:.-r �i"xie��e i���n �t�zr (1�}-x��er� ciay�r-f� ���e��-__ --;
���� � -
F- _'.'.. � .. -:,: �_.':�..� . � � � - _. .. . .. . . ;. _.. . . _ . �
_ _ notice, such' �igns m�g be r�aved� by the �ity�. i-. ., .
. - � - -_ --
._ .
t _ - . : the :a�s.t _:incideg� thers#sa .�eit�g -:le�eci _
.,,.,�9 -_ �_-_ .
• .
___._���__..___,�.,�.�3�-��►ee�e�r�=-a��at--�the p�o�ert�r�upc�n �rhi���h�..a.�.'�81i;,..�..,.,.,,..�..�,�...
_ _ , . _.
loca.ted. _ � _
- , :
--,.�.�:;�;: .�.;,:,�,� _ _ _..
---- - �
: °�"„„"""�l't;p'�+t�,�t;-�'g�8.t3��a; -etti"Q��va�", __ -_;,;_-�
, �_ _._. ; .
� _�_� _,- _�_
- - _ . _ _. _.._ .�a i��s�Iori �i t�is t�tdf����' �fi--�=�=-�#�t�r : �f =�-:��� °��9�._ _-�
=-- -- -- — _� __ �
__ , __. _ ,
_ -- - - . _ _
� _ o+w�v3ct3,a�a, -a fiae o� a�t �ore ��an #fi0t3.OQ =:sha1.1 _ be- -- _-�-c
� .. _- _ :_, r,_.�.�__.___..��_� .
, - �y-��o�i�ion z�.tas�ia-8z��t�ea�s-: - �=�k�3--���e--�e-� _ _ _,_ . --_
_ . - �- _� -- -- �---- - --
� pp���t`��rSZSistion-vf-th� -��x��remeat�=�f =#�-t�t��,et--�3�,�hi�h_..�__�
_ �_ _- - .
_ _t�r-are-�oea#tecl �even-thovgh--�hey may-no�.b�.. req.uir.�s��bY�.Ord�.�,e�,.�,.,w,,,.-�,
.� _ I�sy a: fee or aoquire a permit . - - .
(d� A�peals: - T� p�ovirle far a-reasonable. interprsta�i�n of the- �ovisioas
. ��
�- _ . _. _
_-- � - : of �hi$ E�rdine�nce, a permit app�i�n�t �ho` r�;ehes-: tg' _appeal�'. . _ , -_ _._
--=-. _. .,�. - -- - �._ .___. --- .
_ . - _:
iri��rpxeiation by �2ie`�i�y=B�i�:d�rg-I�s- a�or � ��--sge�t_-:�=---��.is_-:a-. � --_-
. • _ � �� � ��,�:�C:�
n�btice of appeals with the City ���`�I.�p���ion �e°°:�,� t and
�.� �,
requeat s heaxizag before the Board of Appegla. � . .
� The Boaz*d shall hgve the power and duty of heaxing and deciding, _
subject'to appee;ls to the City Council, apgeels or requ�sts ia the
� - • - - - -- -- --- -- --._ _ . _� _ � _--
:fo].lowix�g cases: - - -_ - . -_- _- , .
(1� Apr�eals where it is alleged that there is an �rror in arig order,
requ�irsment, decision, or determination made by the e.dmtnistrative
a�fficer in the e�forcement of this Ordias,nce.
� � (2) x�uests for vaxiances from the literal p�ovisions of this Ordinan,�e
ia inst�ces where their striet enforcement wauld cause an u�rdue
� hs�iship. . .
_ � - -
8efore the Hoard shail grant a vsriance, it-is the responsibility of the
agpella.nt to: prove:
, t : - 18 -
:: i � � �.a� . � '.' �. . . . . . . . . . .� . � � , � . , � . � .. .... .. : . . .. . . . . �,. �: . . . . . .
� ` . � (1) That there are e�c�eptional o� -extrao�dinary cirauma�ances- .- _ .
, _
_:� - ,,:. apalicable:to the proper.ty or to the i.ntended uee that do not_
. _..,.� •�
:. ; �. �' -- aFP1� generally to other proper�y ia the aame vic�x3,�ty as�k•-�.
. � _ � � �
� � zoni�g dietrict; _ _ _ ._. .
- .-
� � v� (2) That,the vsriance is necessary for the preeervation and enjoy�ent
� � _ __ � =-
. Q of°a eubstantial I�opertY right poeses�ed by other props�try i� -
Q : . . . r
. , ...... :: .�_ :_ � _ � . � _ , � the ;same vicinity and zon�,, _ t�ut which ia denied tn the. �rty.. .. ;
. � � . _ _
� in c�ueation; :
� .
- - �, �3�) - 'i�st the atrict apg2ication_.ni_ the. ordinance_wQUld_aon��:�i;�e. _� ._
, �. _� ._. _ �. .�___ ,. - _ . _' --�esssry haxdship; and . __ . � .
� � (4) . Thst th+� _grantir�g of the ve,r�anc� would aot be, materisllg
' det�enta.l to the publ.ic welfare or injurious to the property
� � or �m ovements in such vi.cinit in hi
' Y
i__ .____
� y._or-_zo�ne_ w ch the -Fz'o1�tY-- -_ - -
ia iocated.
__ S�CT��4N 8. N.on-Cax�.forminar Si�:ns __ _ . _ _ •
_ . __ ____._ _:.
j'yp jie�./� O�P -t �C L. I�/ai i wJ A TLtJ
_ (s) Any non-conforming temporary��' portable �ign existing at the time �of
adoption of this Ordinance sha.11 be made to comply with the requirements
- eet forth herein or shall be removed within sizty (60) days after the
adopt3on of this Ordinance.
(b) Non-conforming perma,nent signa lawtl�lly existing at the time. of adoption
- � ._._ oi� �his:..Orditta.nce sha.11 be allowed .to cuntinue in uae, but shall �.ot,--be-
rebuilt, altered ather than to change the message, or relocated without
beix�g brpu,�ht into compliance with the requirements of.this Ordinanoe. �
n � tfter a non-confarming sign ha.s been removed, it sha.11 not he rep]�ac�ed
� by anothar non-conforming sign. �
. . �c' E ��` X 7r �,a 6 � /' o �P /�� SS'�.�� �
���.crlrc�r.,. r
, � .
, ` � �-- .SuGoes� ���
,' . '
_ IF�PA'd��E,�vT . _ _
b� Non-conforming�signs existing an the effective date of this Ordinance
shall become non-conforming. uses and shall be discontinued within a
� . .
_, , , _.. _ _ __
' reasonabie" periad of amortizatfon of the sign, uses of signs which be-
come a non-con%rming use by reason of�a subsequent ch�nge in this-- -
ordinance shall also be discontinued within a reasonable period of -
smorfizatian a the sign. The period of amortization for signs shall �e
• not mor� than: ' � � .
� ___
f•�� E s sn.n� �? �'� �,a �v a G�i,�.� ,. � � r;✓ s•
_ � / U /' �S� t/E � 1�S f �t''� 0 !'+'1 7"�/ �' .�" r^. �' E ?� Ti ;/.c::
A A r� p/- 7--,s'i,s 0•P � i.v,v,�vGE , - _
�/ !� ,�/ S �.iC.'.v'':.:- .d— D!I'PE G TL t� � �tJ �U/l�/-4' �
_ ,�—�' L t f'✓ � � � �
. �it'c� c /�� ��.� � s t � � � » .x,'.v �,-�= r Et ���/�.' �
� � T j� � �~ r- � � �� � a .�� ..: -,�.r,�,' ,�c � ,
�` ' _ :
(e) Whenever a non-conforming permanent siga use has been discontinued for
; ,
� - � - a �i� of -three ' . � - __ .
. _ (3) montha, such use shall not �hereafter be coz�tinued
: unlese ix1` cox�formance the provisions of this Ord�ce. �
.. _ � `
&ECTION 9• Severax�ce Clause �
� If aay Section, clause or provision or portion thereof of thie
. Ordinan�e shall be faund to be inva.lid or unconstitutioxial_by any court of
: com�etent jurisdiction, sueh decis3on shall.�,ot,.af:fec�.any other section,
� clause, provision ar portion thereof of thi� Ordixlance.
� ��It?N 10. R�� . .
� �
� Ariy �ortion of the i�ridley City Code.inconsistent with this Chapter
� is hereby repealed. � �
� .
�� .
� i�
E R C Oi 1 N C. Gue�. Co�e`t�,�
December 9, 1968
To: Fridley Planning Commission
Since we will be diacussing the proposed new Zonin� Code t'or the
City of �'ridley on Thureday, December 12, 1968� I feel that all of
us should be as familiar as possible with the new code and also some
of the recommendations made by our stuc�y sessioas for the last year.
I feel that the �gineer and his staff ahould be complemented on a
very excellent reor�anization of our code and find that much of our
n recommended changes and additions alreac�y been
Attached to this letter you will find a list of' additional items
which, I feel, should be considered and some questions which are
raised t'or discussion.
Fiopefully, each of us will have considered the new Code and will be
ready to work very rapidly on Thursday to complete our deliberations
r�,nd forward it to the Council.
�C,� -
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r Proposed Zoning Code--City of Fridley
S�it 1
9vuld a short sentence be added, "to protect waterways and natural resouraes"?
� Sect 2
P 1-- Add --- the word "includin�" sha11 mean "including by�t not limited to"
De� 4-- Automobile Repair,-- Change "General repair" to "Major repair such as"
DeY 11 -- "Building area" should be changed to "Buildable area"
De�' 12 -- Change beginning of def to "The vertical distances measured from the average
elevation of the finished grade at the front ofthe building" etc.
Def 14 -- 2nd line-- Labor or materials instead of "labor and materisls"
Add dei'ination oi "living area"
"The livingarea oi' a building is that area of a building designed to be used or actually
used t'or livingpurposes, such asathe bedrooms, dining room, living room and the like,
which are usually and customa.rily used for family purposes, as diatinguished from any
g�.rage or other type accessory space"-- from present ordinance.
Dei' 36 -- Lot -- Since a multiple, commercial or industriel lot may contain more
than onemain building, the deYinition ahould rea� "occupancy by one or more
main buildings" It may be necessary to state that one single or two family dwelling
may be constructed on a lot.
Det' 37 and 4U -- The word "Lot" should be separated from the second words by a comma.
n sect 4
2.c Add provision i'or complex of buildings. -
Page 2, 7.a -- Coulcin't setback of 35 �9et be reduced to 25 ieet?
7�cb -- Wouldn't it be better to have tha �reening �,pproved by the �3uilding
Board and the Council or City Manager inatead of having a situation
in which the adjacent owners could refuse any type of screening and
thereby prohibit this useY
8-- If an attached garage may be 5 feet from the property line, how can
a vehicle be parked in the rear yard?
Page lU, IV Add floor area requirements for 2 family dwellings, same as R-2 Sect.
Page 11, V.1 Change wording to "At least one oft'-street parking space shall :be
provided t'or eaeh dwelling unit"
V.2.b At'ter lst sentence, should we add " such driveway must extend at
least 2U feet to the rear of the dwelling line"?
V2.d This may not be possible when a garage is to be built to the rsar.
Page 11, VI.B.1 Change wor�ing to "Sodding and/or landscaping to extend, et�"
nBhould sod or landscaping be extenaed to curb or street surface?
VI.B.S Elima,nate.
VI.C.l Elim�,nate last sentence.
x-2, x-�a
^ Page 2, b.a Ch��n�e setback to 25 feet.
f 1
6.b Same objeotion as in R-1
8. Renumber to 7, raise question as in R-1
Page 6. D.2.c. Reword to "The $i�e yard adjoining an attached garage may be" etc
Page 10. V.2.d Same question as in R-1
Page 11. B.3 Elim�ete
Page 12. C.1 Eliminate 2nd sentence
R-3, R-3A
Page 1, A.2 Eliminate "Automobile courts", "and tourist homes" and reword as follows:
Hotels, apartment hotels, motels together with businesses conducted as a
service for guesta thereof, acce��ible to customers from inside the
building only.
A.6 Elim�ate
Page 2, C.l.a & b �liminate
C.B.a Reduce setback to 25 feet
r 1 Pa�e 7 D.2.b. 30 feet seems excessive
Page 8 IV.B Reword. Are windows and doors to be included in the surface to which
the 50�'� formula is to be applied?
IV.0 Discuss meaning and possible rewording of first sentence
Should mention be made of fireproof construction of boiler rooms?
Page 10, G.2 An automa.tic sprinkler system should not be required in a11 buildings
G.6 How about adding fire rated construction for all corz•idors
I�. Do we have a list of construction aystema that produce thia rating?
Second sentence. Doori systems ....sha.11 be of solid core , fire-rated
construction etc....
Page 15 VII.A Can this be combined with IV.B on page 8?
Yage 16 VIII.A.2 Shouldn't this be reWOrded to read "All screening within 30 feet of all
driveways" etc
VIII.B If parking is prohibited in the front and side yard, the only situation
where this would accur would be where parking fronts on a side street
VIII.E.1 This shouldn't apply to sideyards.
f 1
VIII.'�.2 Sa,me objection to "mutua.11y agreeable" as in parking lots in R-1
n Pag�e 9, D.2
Page 11, A.5
hy are sideyards necessary in a C-1 zone except at street intersections
r where they adjoin R zoning?
iminate. Does not agree with Section C on page 8
If the setback of the building is 35 feet and parking is prohibited
on the front 20 feet, this practically elimanate� front yard parking.
Is this necessary.
A.6.�d.1 Why must the driveway be 5 feet from the lot line?
Page 17 A.2 Reword to "All screening� within 30 feet of' all driveways"
D s a 3/4 ton nehicle the largest normally used by permitted uses under
his section3
Pa�e 2� ll T is is usjreasonable and ahould be eliminaZed
The same que tions should be raised in this section as in C-1
a� C-2 & C- S
Page 20 D Eliminate
( 1 W2�y are ther performa,nce etandard in this dist•rict?
Page 9 III. Since this aoning exists only upon request, it would seem that the
areaz requirements could be reduced. This also applies to widtha.
Page 19 F-2 :Not necessary probably except a�~ainst � R zoning. Same objection
to "mutua.11y agreeable"
Page 22 IX.D r;liminate
Pa�;�e 11 IV.� Impractieal
IV B "
IV.D Why is it necessary to have sideyards ii' the adjacent owners can
a�ree on partj���walls, t'or example?
Page 13 last P Could elieminate use of some present properly �oned property
Page �5 �.�. Does not agree with Page 13, last P
Paf"e 25 D �liminate
� Pa�e 21 A.l Rewoz•d
/� Page 11 A. Impractical
r �
B "
D.b Not nece�sary to have aideyards
Page 1S Why is it necessary to have such aetbacks when M zones areadjacent to
C districts?
Page 15 5.a wYr� eliminate front ,ye�at parking?
8age 21 D 3/4 ton is too restrictive
Page 22 �'.� There should be no need to create a separation between M-2 & A;-1 or
possibly C distriets.
Pa�e 25 D. Eliminate
In this district and all rezHning, some provision ahould be made in the rezonir.g
requests to m��.ke sure tha.t the actual owner (fee) of the property agrees to the
rezoning request. Aleo some statement should be made that will make the requestor
responsibte t'or all dimensions oi' the property to be re7oned.
Sect 6
i�xg8 3C correct date in next to last linet
1 Amount required;for permit should be larger.
P 2 If interior 2'inishang of a home or building is to be .1one, this P
goes beyo�d reason •
7.2.C.4 �l.iminate
Certificate of occupancy--Provide f'or withholding�of utilities in case
of noncompliance
Sect 9 A. ch�,nge 3U days to 6U days