PL 02/24/1968 - 30123�
The Planning Cot�isaion, meeting as a committee of the whole, met at 10:00 A.M.
MENIBERS PRESENT: Hughea, Ylinen, Jensen, Erickson
The rough draft of Section 5"R-1 ONE F�LY DWELLING", of the new Zoning
Code was diacussed and the following decisiona were made:
1. New wording for paragraph 45.27 "FRONT YARD EXCEPTION" is needed. Mr.
Jensen will review the problem and recammend a solution.
2. Uses permitted with special use permits wi11 be listed in the sections
on individual zoning districts as shown in the outline for the new code.
Requirements and special limitations on such uses will be included in
Section 18 "SPECIAL USE PEItMCTS" rather than in the particular district
regulations. Th3s approach should a11ow a clearer statement of limita-
tions and requirements and should avoid repetition.
3. Change paragraph 45.37 "BUILDING HEIGI3T LIMIT" to read: No building
aha11 hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered,
enlarged or moved so as to exceed the building height limit of 30 feet.
4. Change paragraph 45.31 'TZIIVIMUM FL�R ARF,A" to read: Dwellings shall
have a first floor area of not leas than 768 square feet exclusive of
accesaory buildings or an attached garage.
5. Change paragraph 4"PARKING REQUIREMENTS" to read: At least one off-
street parking space aha11 be provided for each dwelling unit.
6. Change paragraph 45.06 "USES PERINITTED" (page 1) to read as follows:
Principal Uaes
1. One Family Du�ellings
2. Agriculture, including farm, truck gardens and orchards, but
excluding anima.l and poultry raiaing.
3. Churches, pariah houses and conventa.
Accessory Uses
1. Accessory buildings and accessory uses; provided, however that:
(a) No accessory use shall be dangerous or othexwise detrimental
to persons reaiding or working in the vicinity thereof, or to
the public welfare, or ahall impair the use, enjoyment or
value of any property.
�, (b) Only one building of any type sha11 be permitted as an
. accessory building.
Coumnittee on Ordin,ance Review -- 2/24/68 P8 e 2
(c) No accessory dwelling unit shall be 1et for living purposes for
2. Uses consisting of keeping of animals, livestock and fowl
according to existing and hereinafter adopted ordinances
Uaes Permitted with Snecial Use Permit
shall be
of the City of
1. Nurseries and greenhouses for the propagation, cultivation and growing
of plants only.
2. Golf course, country clubs, yacht clubs, tennis courts, swiu�ing pools
and additional private recreational uses, all non-commercial.
3. Public buildings and uses of the following kinds: elementary and
seconda.ry schools, school athletic fields, parks, playgrounds, libraries,
muaeums, cou�unity centers and recreation centers, child nurseries,
nursery echools, and private schools for educational purposes similar
to public elementary and secondary schools.
4. Transformers, pumping stations and substations subject to the following
minimum requirements:
(a) Must conform with surrounding neighborhood with respect to setbacks,
open spacea, architectural design and also must be screened.
(b) It must not have any regular employees.
(c) The equipment must be completely inclosed in a structure.
5. Governmental and Public Utility.
6. Double Bungalows but additionally the special use shall be considered
by the Planning Cot�ission before submission to the City Council, that
ownera of abutting property be notified of the hearing before the Council,
and that the concurring vote of 4/5ths of the Council shall be required
for the Council to issue such special use permit.
7. Automobile parking lots when required for off-street parking spaces for
any use on adjacent land. (See special setback requirements in ,)
Uses Excluded
Radio or televis3on antennas exceeding a height of 20 feet above dwelling
roof .
Any use not apecifical,ly�-permitted in the preceeding par�,graphs of this
7. Subparagraphs (a) through (c) of paragraph 4 under Uses Permitted with Special
Use Permit may be moved to Section 18 at a later date.
The next discussion of the new zoning code wi11 take place at the regular meeting
of the Planning Commission on February 29, 1968.
The meeting was adjourned �t 1:00 P.M.