PL 03/23/1968 - 30128� /"`, � CO:�S�TTTE� ON ORDINAIdCE REVIEtd � MINUTES 0� SATURDAY, MARCH 23� 1968 The Pl�ranin� Corami.�sion, moe�i.ng as a committee of the �rhole' met at 9:30 A.M. I�iII�IB�RS PRES�"JT: Jensen, Erickson, Myhra r4�IBERS ABSENT: Hughes, Ylinen The fo�].owixag decisioras �rere reach�da NOTE: To b� consistan�C �n ti��es, Sec't�on 6� R�-2 shou�d b� ca],led "��ao Fami7.y Ih�:c�ltin�." TYais �cc�ion �aas comple��d at a previous s�ssion. Becau�s of a dec3.sion that there should bo more mul�iple family zo�ing disiricts� the presa:n� Section ?���1 mm��d to ba r��:�tzmberaci �rhen cl�ssifications R-3 thruugh R�7 have been co��pleted. Present Sec��.on 7, R03 now R-3 clas�ifi.ca�ion I;�r�ll.ing. TM �5008 R�, Ai��•rict sk�o�d b�coLia R�5 and be tu�led '�Multiple lhael].ir�g." The (�e� ��ct�ched shee�) shozil.d be �i�l�d '��imite3 Mulicipl� Av Pxinci��]. Usos 1. Uses �armit�Ced in R�3 d3strio�s 2. N;ult�ple dt�rel73ngs 3. CoZle�es and u�ai�rersitie� B. Accesso�-y Us�s 1. For this de�3.ni�ioi� use �he one found �.n ft-�1 2. Autoiaobile pa�king lots when required �o� offmstreot parking s�aces for �y �� a� �:djac��� lo�s (sub ject to �e�t b�aks to be deter�iinod �.� a l�.t.er t�). . C. Uses �erru�tf,ed �aith Special IIs� ���°ra3.t Do w� �aan� a gQn�r�l sta�emQnt abou� sp�cial use �CSerr►�3.t�? And ah�uld such sta�ament ba placed in S�etion 3 so that �he s�ne stater�cant s�r�os fo�' �.1 d.3.9$�'3.C$8e 1. 2. 3• 1�• Thos� uses al.lotired by sp�ciai pe�°mits in Rm3 including tha same concli�ions for obtaini.z�g. • � Hot�l�, apa��r�ent hot�7.s� 221C� I9i0��199 together wi�th busic�ess�s conduatsd a� a servi�� for �he gu�s�s th��eo�� and accessible to custoaner frora irasid� the bui.lding only. Proh3.bit �the possi,bi�.3ty of fully commercial busin�sses, but not to preclude tho follotaing business�s t�hen designed for use p�imarily 'by �ultiple�dwellir�g residants. �. Clo��he�°s cleaxi�.rag or ].�underiaig pick=up stations, c].oi,hes psr�ssir�g and tail.oxing shops, and seif-s�rvi�e �auazderies. h. B�rber shops and b�au�y sa].ons. ' Hospitals MovQ lt5o0�2 regarding access to public street to Section 3• ^ C0�9MITTEE ON OftDINANCE RL'FIEt� - P�IARCH 239 1968 PAGE 2 Ask City Attornpy aftc�r he has had a chance to study our R-3 to R-7 no�es �to give us an opin3.on raga..�^d:ing f.he �ur�h�r need oi �taining R�3A. To be discussed at the next m�eting: ^ � "Z'Ya� oxt�rision of a use into a district �h��°s� it t�ouid o�herFaise be prohibited� in a c�� s�h�ra: dist�°i.et boia�da.ry line is so locafed �hat a].oL �s more th�aa in one da.s ��icta l3egin nex� s�.ee�i� at reRequire�nan�s fo� Lo� Area�� e��c." � CO��P�TTEE O�i ORDINANCE REVIEW NIARCx 23, 1968 NEf�i SECTION ? R-3 d LIP�TL+�D I�ULTI�LE D1,�JELLIIdQr I. U��� �e�r°mitted A. , x°��c�na.J. Use� 1. Uses �xmi.icted in ft�2 d�stricts. 2, Mu].tiple dtire].lirigs (��i.�h r�strictions). 3. Bo�irding axsd rot�riing hou�es. 1�. Fraternity and so�ority hous�s. � 5. �3vate clubs, l�dges� libraries and museur�s� except any that are cangnercia]. u;e�. 6. Thosa uses o�a�li�ed in 0�°dinar�ce Re�.�;�� Minutes 2/2!�/68 by spe�i�.l � �zse y,�r�Lt, . B. Acce�sox�v Us�s ].. Use R-1 defizi3.tion 2. Au�comobil� parking lo'ts �ahen required fo� off-street parking �paces for �r uso on adjacent larr�d (subject to set backs t� bo defr�rmined �.ater) . � Co U��s ��r�tted �r�th Sp�cial. Use �orn�t Do �re noed genaral sta-temen�c auch as lt5.19? 1. Office aLnd office buildings for t�u.�iness �rad professional uses� i�cluding ba,nlcs, raedical, d�n�al. cl.�nic�, tc�l�phona exchanges az�d comput�r cen-t�r�. 2. Nux�sing and conv�.lescent hor�es. �. 3. Mor�uaries and funeral homes. Discuss allor�ing exfi.ex��ion of �oning when zoning lin� cu�s 'th�ou�h l�nd parcel.