PL 06/27/1968 - 30136n
k'T+Ad�j�T�NG �p�A�1T8$�ON MEETING - J'�J1�TE 27, 1968
P�� �
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Hughes.
Members present: Myhra, Jensen,
Member absent: Ylinen
I�I�hexa present: Darrel Clark,
Hughes, Erickson
Engineering Assistant
AP�R�OV� �'L�ING CO�IISSION 1�IINUTES :.NN� 13, 1968 t
Mr. Erickaon asked the following correction be made to the third paragraph
f�pm the bottom of Page 6 and should read as follows: "--these figures were
as� st�ed correct and now you are about an acre short".
1KQxI0N by Jensen, seconded by Erickson, that the Planning Co�ission minutea
o� Jua�e 13, 1968 be approved as corrected above. Upon a voice vote, all voting
�ye, the motioa carried unanimously.
^ P'i�TION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�ission receive tl�e
zniut�tes o£ the Plats & Subdivisioas-Streets � Utilities Subcomm�i.ttee meeting of
Jt��p,e 20, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimou�ly.
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Planaing Co�nission xeceive
the $uilding Standards-Design Control Subcommittee miautes of June 5, 1968.
Upoa a�oice vote, all voting sye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Planz�,ing Co�ission receive the
mis�utes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcoffiaittee t�eeting of June 19,
1968• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimausly.
1�OTION by Jeasen, aeconded by Erickson, that the Planaiag Co�issian re�aei�ve
the Baasd of Appeals minutes of June 12, 1968. Upon a voice voter all v�C�� �,ye,
the motion carried unanimously.
I�TION by Jeusea, aecoaded by Erickaon, that the Planniag Coatni.ssioa ze�eiv�
the Board of Appeals minutes of June 26, 1968. Upon a voice vate, all vat�a�$ aye,
tb�e taotioa carried unanimously.
� : 1 :�1; �'.. yE ;M 1�-
�� was decicled to take tlae Agend�. in the o�r.der o� �,he peti�ivnexe p�ces�n�,
Q�. r�..-� �#N�-;'" -
Planning Commission Meeting - June 27, 1968 Pa�e 2
�ZO� #6b-.16
�. : � �' ame s S
olveson represent
K�ecause the heading o£ this Item read'ZQA #66-�,6,
Harold Schxoedert' as it was originally written up, Mx�.
DumpTir xe£ex�red to the Building Standards-Design Co�tro�.
Subcommittee minutes of September 1,9, 1967 which read
�"Request by Koward Dumphy, Owner "� and £e�.t th�s �l�ou�.d
be cor�ected and would write a�etter to that e£fe�t.
Mr. Hughe� stated tl�at the Planning Commi�sion met Qz�
tFie ZOth of June £or an �nfarmal�discussion, the results o£
wh�`.ch have been given to ail parties concexned.
Mx�. Solveson presented a more up-to�date �1ara fox �ha
Planned Development as rev�sed. They added a pisce of la�.d
at the N.W, lj4 for access on Hugo Stareet. They have 411
parking £or cars compared t�t the or3ginal 415 cars. A 24
foot dedication is shown along East River Road fo�r left
and r�,ght turn lanes, sidewalks anc� space �or snow r�movai
for service right o£ way. Tfiey would have to get tl�e City's
final plans be£ore they can sfiow tfieix grades up to the �t�.v�x
Road. The garages were shown on the map. Mr. Sol.veson ��.i.d
t�.ey had revised the statistics, but have not cha�nged the
bu3.ld�ngs in tlie lower level. The or�.ginal sc�uaxe �eet
o� the area of the Site was 592,000 and was i.� errqr.
The new figure i.s 559,275 square feet.
The parking stall s�,ze is 9 feet with� b4 feet betwe��
Mr. Dumphy said he had contacted the Gity Engin�er and
�tas told there are no actual plans fox� East River Road
so that there is no way �or them to show the�.r .$lar�s
wrth the Ci,ty�s,
Mr. Solveson said the garages wou].d be about
below the road, have the £lat roof and would uss
He was asked i.f they had considered the liability
having tFie roof so close th tl�e ground,
4 �e��
paxt o�
Mr. Dumphy said the basic concept is going to be
about tFie same as £ar as the design of the apartmer�t� �,��.
commercial is concerned� The exterior walls wa,1� bQ �h�
same for the ap.artments and shop�ing center. T�@ m�� shc�w�
a brick and stucco combinat3on. MT. Erickso� ask�d
about the brick be3ng brought all the way to tl�e grauz�d
and Mr. So�.veson stated the reason for the white stuc�a
was to accent the lower part of the apartmenxs maki�a$ �
cqntinuous line around the building. Mr. Ericxso� ira£oxm�d
Mr. Solveso�n that the City requires tha� a b�ick �a�ia��
should cover 60� of the structure and wonder�d i.� t�� twv
£loors b�ing brick and ane floor stucco would be �tl�q�,ate.
Mr. Jensen brought up the fact that a light co�ox nexx to
the ground would ��,�w stain%ng which h� falt might be �m�xa�t�a�
�n th� leng �un, M�e �OiVA�b� said xhe bri�k would b� �
���k�sh°brown color. The balconies wvul� �}�y� w�Q����
. � �,�
— - - - - ------
Planning Commission Meeting -June 27 Page 3
^ iron railing.
n Chairman Hughes said he felt the layout of the �rQad
i� the most important thing left undone. The right
pf way on East River Road is not uniform in wadth, It is
important to determine what the access pattern wi11 be,
turn lanes, etc. The Engineering Assistant said that
there is nothing concrete at all as far as the proposed
width and media with reference to the access. In �th�
ori.ginal request, it was decided this would be worked
out as the plan developed.
Mr. Jensen observed that the East River Road right
oi way seems to be extraordinarily wide near the South
end of this complex and narrow ne,ar the North end, P�rhaps
C����^"7�/���� an additional right of way, � access of 24 feet
should be permitted near the North and perhaps nothing neax
the South. This would force some change in �he pla�s,
but it might be such a thing that parking space may be �ost
in the North and perhaps additional parking s�aces obtained
at the South end near East River Road. The Ea�gineErin�
Assistant said they did not talk about a taper up ta this
point. Mr. Dumphy felt there would be ample time to wo�rk
out the street pattern as it will take some `��m� t� hav�
the actual final plans of the buildings to b� dxaw�. Mx.
Era,ckson wondered i£ there were any agreemen.t th�t c�uld
b� used on the general plan because a rezoning on� th�
corner of Ruth Street and a vacation of streets wi�� t�.ke
�ome time to process. He said that he did not foe� �e
wou�d object to the change of desi�n particulaxly if the
br�,ck came to the ground.
Mr. Jensen felt the landscaping specifications were
fairly comprehensive.
Chairman Hughes stated that, at this poin't, i,i th.�i
Planning Commission wished to act, it should be in �h�
direction of agreeing in general with the plans as presentod
and call for additional detailing before final appraval is
given, and to agree with these plans as preliminary,
Mr. Jensen said he thought it woul,d or�ly be pxopex�
to have some elevations of the commercial property
xelati�ve to this change in exterior change in appe�xance
at some future time.
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Myhra�tl�at th� P1��-
ning Commission recommend a roval of the change �r�
desi n of S rin roo ar to t e ounci w� �s
re Zminar an su ect to a rova o t e in� ans
tha the Council e re ueste to examine t e re �,�p na
^ Rlans and report as to their acceptance o t as p a.n.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion ca�rr�ad.
Chairman Hughes stated that they want it to be cleax�
to the Council that the Commission agrees in gen�ra7. wi�th
the plans as submitted and xequest that Council a.l�o
indi�e �����: opin��r�• �hg�� a�rg ��umber of �hings th�t
the Coa�a�s�ion �aund in�pplicable or unde�irable or
Plannin� Commission Minutes p��� 4
n � subject to some revision name�� in the design as present�d
go far and apparently should be listed: 1) The brick f�c�ng
� on the apartment building should continue down to the
£inished grade. Also, it must meet the 60o r�quireme�� pf
exterior brick material. Z) Before final approval,
the Engineering �epartmeni should resolve the �treet access
problem on East River Road �o the commercial property
together with ppoper easements, sidewalks, planting �xou�d
the apartment and commercial complex should be sufficient
to protect the R-1 property. 3) Elevations to commercia�
, property be provided. 4) Parking adequ�cy should be
determined by the Buildin� Inspection Department. 5)`
Necessary request for rezoning of tracts that are not
included in PD Development zoning should be re�uested,
vacation of existing streets in tract. All other require-
ments of the PD district must be complete before final
Mr. Dumphy brought up the matter of Lots 32, �3,
34 and 35. They were shown in the original plan and
accepted at that time althou�h he did not own them then.
In the meantime, he purchased the property and wondered if
he would have to go �hrough the rezoning process again.
Chairman Hughes said he knew of no way this can be waived.
Lv�� 22 �nru �5, �locx 7, Spring Broo Par Ad�i� oi n.
Mr. DeGardner explained that he has four l�ts f�cing
East River Roado In regard to Lot 26, which th� P1�nn�A�
Commission had suggested he purchase, the lot is tax
forfeit and he is unable to fine the owner. T�e sale pf
the lot would not come up until next spring.
The Subcommittee's recommendation was that �ox 26 b�
purchased, Mr. Jensen said, in order to eliminate a
driveway onto the East River Road and the size of th� pxo°
posed lot split with the 26 foot 1ot would incxease the
size to meet minimum lot size even though thexe would bQ
a variance on lot width.
Mr. Erickson reminded Mr. DeGardner that these ax�
undersized lots. Mr. DeGardner said he would probabl� hav�
to buy the two lots (Lots 26 and 27), but because of the
s�ze, he d�d not see how he could utilize them.
Chai�man Hughes offered that because the own�r af Lot
26 can not be located, that the petitioner would be
delayed in his construction if we did not take action
at thiS time. Mr. DeGardner has indicat�d the lot split
is reaSOnable similar to the build�ngs that are going u�
in the area at this time.
Mr. Erickson �a�d fie agreed w�tfi Chairman Hugfie� and
would make the �ollowing mvti.on,
Planning Committee Meetin June 28 Pa�e 5
MOTION�by Erickson, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning
Commission recommend a roval of the lot s lit (L.S. #68-09),
Robert DeGardner of Lots 22 t ru 25, Bloc prin
�rook Park Addition as submitted. Upon a voicei vote, all
voting aye, t e motion carrie unanimously.
Lot 2, Bloc 1, pring Val el y Ad�ition.
Mr. Smith was present and said he had an easement
prepared for both the road and utility easement.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning
Commission recommerid to Council a roval of Lot S lit
#68-11 sub'ect to t e execution o an easement rom the
o�-an ti ity easement t roug t e center o e
Property o e repare� b� the En ineering e�axtment. Upon
a voice vote, a�1 voting aye, t e motian carried unanimously.
ot �L, Worrel Additior�.
�, Mr. Jensen, Chairman of Plats and Subdivisions-S��ree�s
and Utilities Subcommittee, said the Subcommittee did ncat
�"� feel the plat fit the topography and asked Mr. Jahnson ta
try to coordinate with the owners on both sides and he
seemed to be willing to make an effort to do so.
This item was continued - no action.
Mx. Jensen wondered if the
have a eopy of the Revisions for
give them an opportunity for the
offer alternatives or get their
Chamber of Commexce shou�d
theiar comments. This wou3d
business community �o
MOTION b�r Erickson, seconded by Jensen, that the
Planning Commission continue Item #5 until the next
meeting of July 11, 1968. Upon a voice v-0te, all votin�
aye, the motion carried unanimously,
MOTION by Erickson, seconded by Jensen, to adjourn �he
Planning Commission meeting at 9:40.
Respectfully submitted by
Hazel 0'Brian
Recoxding Secr�xary