PL 08/01/1968 - 31010r'`':;- - P1.�ING CQl�IISSION I�TING AUQIST 1, 1968 Pl� 1 R�: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. bp Vice Chaisman Sriskeono M�ber� Preseats l�ihra� Jenaea� Ericksoa, Ylinen Mesober Absent : Hughes ��OVE PLAI�NIIdG C�IISSION 1�IINUTES : Jq%Y 11. 1968 : 1►�TION by Myhra, seconded by Jeneen, that the Pla�ifa� Co�iasion �inutes of July 11, 1968 be appraved. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�re, the motiop carried unaaimoualy. �P�OVE PLANATII�TG C�SSION 1►�P1tTTES : JULY 25. 196$ s 1��'Y�1 by Myh�ca, secoaded by Jeaeen, that the Plansing Ca�ri�sfon minutes of July 25a 1968 be approved. Dpoa a voice vote, all voting ay�, the notioa carr�ed unanimously. �CEivE Pr�s & svsnivasioNS-sTRE�rs � vTiLiTiES SUSCaI�IITPEB �G : aoi.Y 18� 1968: ^ I�TION by Je,asen, secoaded by Myhra� that the Plaaning Ca�iaeion rece9.ve � tiie Plata � Subdivisions-Streets � Utilitiee Subco�ittee miautes of July 18, 1968. Upan a voice vote, all votiag aye. tha motion carried utun�imouely. �8I9B BUILDING STAND�-D&SIGN CON1ZtQ�. �Sl'BE MINDTffi : JpLY 10. 1968 : 1�TYON by J�naen, �econded by Yliaen, tl�at the Pla�ming Co�iseion receive tha Building Standarda-Deeiga Coatrol Subca�mi.ttee �inute� of July l0a 1968: Opon a voic� e►ote, all voting aqe, the motioa carried unanimouely. . , . i � � r i ; : � , r , :,: � • � � c � � _ , , . �. :Z � :..]�,.._. .�1.�.�1 �.. i "�.. Y!�.= Y_� _���_�:1':� 11 1�°1'I�T by Jeasen, seconded by Ylinen, that the Plasming Co�ieoion �ceiva the Buildis�g Staadarde-Design Control Subca�ittee mi:wt�o of July 24� 19i8. Opon a voice vote, all votis�g sye, tise motion casried unaai�ously. ��IVL BQiARD OF APPBAI.S lQNUTS3: JUI.Y 19. 1968: �'PI�I by Ylinen. seconded by IKyhra, thst the Planniqg Co�issian rac�iv� tha Hoasd of Appeale sinutes of July 19, 1968. 3lpon a voice vcta' all�votiag a�+a, t6a �tioa carried zmaaimoua ly . �YB HOARD OB APPBALS �: JZR.Y 31, 1968: �TION by Yli.n�� seconded by �hra, that the Plann�g Co�i�rion ree�ive �^, t�� Board of Ilpp�alo mimates of July 31, 1968. O�n a voica vot�, all voti� �ye, the �otioa c�rriad uaaaimou�ly. Plaaaint� Crnrmisaion Meetina - Ausuet 1. 1968 P�`2 1. LOT SPLYT B�JQUSST: L.S. �68-14, CENTRAL SERVICE C0. (� �Q�.): ,,; ','.- All of Lot 15, except the South 24 feet, all of Lo� 16 aad S�tth 49 feet of '` Lot 17, Beaaett Palmer Addition. Mr. L+Wans was present aud stated the request was for a lot eplit on Lot 17. The Vice Chairman (also Chairmaa of the Building Standarda-De�iga Control Subco�ittee) reviewing the action of the Subco�ittee said they had reca�qeaded approval of the •tructure to be placed on the property. Lot 15 is additionAl park�ag for MacDonald's. The item of real concern is the balance of Lot 17 �lhich would be unbuildable becauee of the easement for sto� aad eanitary sewte� va the North aad this includes a vacated walkway of 20 feet and a 10 foot utility ea��ment making a 30 foot utility easement. 1�. Jensen aalced Mr. Evaas if they awaed the additional lota to th� North aad the answer was they did, but did not have any plaas at the preseat time. 1�OTION by Myhra, seconded by Ylinen, that the Plannfag Comm�ssioa concu� with the Building Standards-Deaign Control Subco�ittee and apprave the Lot Split, L.S. �68-14, Central Service Company for the South 49 feet of I.ot 17, Bennett Pal�er Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �he motion carried unanimously. The Planning Con�iasion wiahed to call to the attention of the Couacil aad Petitioner that the remaining portion of Lot 17 is too narraw to be u�ed by itself aad its use is hindered by the existance of a 30 foot utility eas�ment � to the North, and therefore suggests that it can be used for additional parking asea. 2. V�ICATYON STUDY; 56th Aveaue betwieea 4tti Street and 7th Street. Mr. Keaaeth Franko was preseat and etated he was the awaer o€ the apart- men� building at 5612 Seventh Street and he wondered what had been planaed. 1Kr. Jenaen explaiaed the reco�endation made by the Subcmrmittee was to alose the road and public thoroughfare. Mr. Franko wauld be deeded one $alf the 30 foot etreet and frontage oa 7th Street. He also said a part of it would be kept by the City for utilitiea ae there are certain requiremeata for mainteaauce. etc. The area could be used for parking or landscapiag. but a structure could aot be built on the utility eaeement. The Vice Chairinan called attention to the fact that the Northern States Power Compa�r and the Minaeapolie Gas Company had writt� letters etating they �ad ao objections to the vacation. Mx. Franko stated he wae in favor of the vacation. Mr. Jeneen eaid that �ould bring the ecore to three out of four in favor of the vacation aad the fcurth party did not shoa,i. 1�TION b� Jenaea, �e�onded by Yliaea, that the Planaiag Cou�iseio� ���d �o Ct�e Couacil the vacation of 56tt► Avernue Northeast betweea 6th Street ptd 7t� �..� Sts�eet with the pravision for the retaining of au ea8ement ae aaceseary �ox uti,litiee $ad alley way with dim�naioas to be determined by the �ip��rit�g Dspartaoent. Opon a voice vqte, all voting aye� th� motion carri�d uaaalmoa�l�. Pl�i.nse Co�fsafon Meetin�t - Au�uat 1, 1968 ��� 3 � 3. � � _ ,� • ,� � •i �.; ��, 4. A�BE�iT WITB NASON, WE�T. IINIGIiT AND C�AN. IDTC.: Hqde Park �ditfo�e T'hie was the first meetiag with Mr. B. B. Chap�a, t�he Pla��r for t1aS� Project. . Mr. Eldon Sch�deke aad a neighbor, Mr. Albert Campbell, were pseeent. �he Vice Chairman gave a short resuu� of the backgrouad �nd reasone for � asking ttre help of a plaaner at this time. The area� approximately @0 acree, is zoa�d 8-2, with general co�rcial develogment to the South, heavy in�e�rial to the We�t. trunk highway to the East aad residential to the Nor�lx. �xe We�� Sarvice road of T.S. �47 had been abandoned from 57� Aveuue South. Receatly these had b�ea some pressure to extend 3rd Street. Tiiere are �ltipl� al�r�llin,�e which were erected before the present aoning took place. �°he preeent propoeal is to eliminate the froatage road bet�easa 37t1i Aveiax� � and 57th Place and the Highway Department may put this up for bid�. Most of the rezoning presaure hae come from South of 60th Avenue, pri�arily i� the ar�a aloag 3rd Street from 59th and 60th Avenuea along Univeraiicy Av�ue. The area North of Holiday has already been rezoned. Also, in 1967 there wa� a vacation of 57� Avenue between 3rd Street and 2� Street. Mr. Sch�edeke was asked to point out the existing structures on the map� givea the membera and Mr. Chapman and also explain to IK�. Chapmaa hi� interest in the area. Ttaere was a strip of laad along Univereity Ave�x� whf,ch wa� fo��ly ca�r- eial aad the Higliway Dapartment took that away. Mr. Schffiedeke added ehat what l�e bought and ha� now, ie just as much coamercial �t thi� ti�a ae the f�caat psrt was c�ercial. This is probably the oldest area in ths City fram the etaadpoiat of plata . Then �here ia up. It was felt, thraugh tisat. asea. the queetioa of exteadi�g 3rd Stxeet to Holiday �lhich wae bsa�t if that came ta pasa, the traffic would be mv�ntsl �oing up Ms. Chapmaa was asked to list the items he w�ld need froa� t�� ffigf=►�s� Departm�t. �'6e n�ct �eting witta Mr. Chapman was set fo� Auguet 22, 1968. �i�IOd� TO SIGN AND BILLBOARD ORDINANCE :. The Plaaaing Caamiesion reviewed Section 4 cSpecial 8egulation�: T raa� 4�onacc�seory Free-Standing Signa� and Sect�'�n S(Di�trtict �egulations) iacluding (a) and (b). Ths next meetiag will begin z�rith (c) Co�rci.al Districta. - 1 y�<�}xiL!�Y�_�:� � �'1'IOId by Yliaen t�at tt►e Plaaning Co�iaeioa �eting adjaqas�e at lOs�O �.M. �s �ct' llp eea�^ted� �� H�s 0 Hrian �o�d� Secrataa� �.�_ . ..�.. - � ! � S %t � -� �- � �,c_ j /� G �� � , � � �a. �'i �� � >, � � -� � � s s� a �'7 � - ��Y � � �--- ��-_°_`�2� � ���" - " "-� /' �-�i,r. � �, � .� C / � :� � - 9 ,t-� - � %r} : - - �.._.-,- _�, ��(�e, _ �,_. �. .�'_ - - .___ ��=fi'' i G �,�/ - �,��, �`° , � � � �� � � � __.L'/ ',���- "___a � 1, � _ ^ , .. _ � , � ' I-" � ± --� " G>_. �,r., ;� f '.. , . -- ___ ' _.,__-_ ----- --------- --� _____--_-- ____�_