PL 09/12/1968 - 31011PIANNING CO�Il�lISSION MEETING SEPTEI�ER 12, 1968 PAGE 1 The meeting wa� called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Acting Chairman Erickson. ROLL CALL: Membera Present: Myhra, Jensen, Erickson Member Absent: Ylinen Others Present: Engineering Asaistaat Darrel Clark APPROVE PLANNING CO�Il�IISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 22 1968: MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensea, that the Planning Co{rmiasioa minutea of August 22, 1968 be approved. Upoa a voice vote, a11 votiag aye, the motion carried uaanimously. BECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS MINUTES; AUGUST 21 1968: MOTION by Jeasen, seconded by I�yhra, that the Planning Co�i.ssion receive minutes of the Board of Appeals for Auguet 21, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. n RECBIDE BOARD OF APPEAI,S MINUTES: SEPTII�ER 4 1968: MOTION by Jensen, secoaded by Myhra, that the Planaing Co�ission receive the Board .of Appeals minutes of September 4, 1968. Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried.unaaiffiously. �RCEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOl�II�dlT�g M�UTES ; AUGUST 2$ 1968 : 1�OTION by Myhra, seconded by Jenaen, that the Plaani�g Co�nisaion . receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subco�ittee of August 28, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aqe, the �tioa earried uaaaimously. RECEIVE PARKS �1ND �1�.'TION I�IIAIiJTES ; AUGUST 26 1968 : I►�TION by Jenaen, secon�ied by Myhra, that the Planniag Coamiseion zeceive the Parke aad Recreation miuute� of Auguat�26, 1968. Upon a voics vote, all voting aqe, the motion carried uaanimously. 0 1�TION by Jensen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Plaaning Co�ieaion receive the Plats 6 Subdivisioas-Streets 6 IItilitiee Subco�ittee minutea of August 21, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aqe, the motian cazried unanimously. n �, Planning Commission Meetin� - September 12, 1968 p$�e 2 RECEIVE PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS & UTILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES; AUGUST 29 1968 MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ission receive the Plats � Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subco�nittee minutes of August 29, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ORDER OF AGENDA• 1. Item ��3, Meeting with Planning Consultant, B.B. Chapman, was continued to the first meeting in October, which is the lOth, unlass a special meeting can be set up for this item. Item �E is just a notation. Inasmuch as there was no one present for Item ��1, the meeting began with the Public Hearing. � �i = . � . vvo—v� l;ic�AT NUKTHERN GLENN SHAW: Southeast Coraer of T.H. �694 and East River Road. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myh•ra, that the reading of the Public Hearii�g notice be waived. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimoualy, Mr. Robert Brokopp, General Land Agent of the Great Northern Railway, gave a short review of the platting request, stating the property (Southeast quadrant of T.H. �b94 and East River Road) was purchased to be developed as industrial in December, 1966. It was decided to use the Registered Land n Survey as the method of diviaion of the land because it lends itself to a flexible development of the propert�. The plan had been to the Plats � Sub- divisions-Streets 6 Utilities Subco�ittee and now is at the public hearing stage. This eveni�g a preliminary copy of the Declaration of Protective Coveaaats was preseated t.; the Coffii,ssion members. The Company did not feel theq could dedicate roadways until they could see how the property would develop, but they will dedicate the roads. The property to the North was not registered. The Engineering Assistant said he had talked to the County Surveyor and was told that the Registered Land Survey is a legal procedure that would be accepted for recording. Mr. Shaw stated that the entire acreage is one piece of praperty. A 8egistered Land Su�s�gr plat has tract letters so that they can convey any combinati�on of parcels and it would not harm the balance of the property. Vice Chaiswan Erickson asked if the Regiatered Land Survey were filed now, is it correct that the only atreet dedication would be the Tract "J" on the m$p presented this evening. He was informed this was correct. The Planning Co�ission expressed deep concern over the receiving of atreet dedicationa in the future. Mr. Shaw referred to Section 9 of the Protective Covenants saying they had tried to make it as comprehensive as possible. They felt Section 2 would ,�', completely take care of this situation. If anyone bought a tract of laad, he would be informed of the protectiv.e covenants. A1so, he could not go to 8�rCS88e compeaq aad get money to construct a building without proper acces�. The only way he could get fundiag would be tp meet these protective covenaate. • Ae far ae dedication of theae streets are cancerned, it should be a simple - S i�"1 dedication iastrumeat. As of this time, as these streeta are requi�ed, �be Co�►pany will petition to the City to construct thea� facilities. �ey plaaaed a nine ton road which they felt exceeds the City's require�eats. Theae protective covenants presented this evening are the prelimia$ry copies geaerally approved by the Cqmpany and are in the process of being checked for continuity. The general iriteat is there. Regardiag the whole aspect, Mr. Jeasen commented he would like to see the City enter into some kind of develqpmeat coatract between the developer aad the City. The City Attorney ag�eed to diacusa it, but they were aever able to get together. He thought further eacploration of thia poeaibility wae neceasary. He also said he thought a terrific job had been doae in tha crn►eaaats, but there mu�t be no misuadersteadi�g in the fu�ure of the eptrances and the City'� obligatioa. Referring to futuxe atreets, Mr. Shaw �aid his Company would have to have an acceptance signed by the City aad a reaolution by the Council to accept the dedication. After dedication is accepted, the City doea not have to maintain them until built to their standards. He continued that they underatand why �e �o�ission is concesned and are sympathetic with them, but they think that part of it ie well covered. They cannot dedicate atreets w�thout the City accepting them and caa't conatruct etreete without City accepting them, and then if the streete and layout do not mect the City'e �PPr�►a1, the City does not have to accept the plan. The atandard ordinaace for residential development says nothiag about industrial, Mr. Shaw added. n In this area the streets are going to be wide and there will be no parking� as they did not want to clutter the area. Speaking to Mr. Shaw, Mr. Jensen said that he would like the opportunity to review same of this with the City Attoraey to werify your.undesstaadiag of the law and our decisioa. Mr. Shaw said he believed the City Ordinance� would cover the poasibility of aever aelling a lot without sufficient access. Mr• H�arvey Petersoa, County Co�iesioner, arrived and eaid he was prese�tt from the County's etandpoint. The County liked the plan but the Couatq Engiaeer would like to aee, on the proposed plat, where accese was plasmed oato East River Road. Mr. St►aw replied that theq had received approval fro� the Ttaffic Depart�ent of Anoka Couaty Highway. Mr. Wheeler Smith of P'1�fC Corporation was preeent and said his Company wae iatereated in the description. Mr. Peterson referred to the cloverleaf at the northwest cosaer of tlie Regiatered Laad Survey, stating the additional traffic geaerated from thia proposed project would create more of a bottleaeck thaa what ie present naw. Mi'• 31'►aw said this is a State Highway Depastm�at matte� as it ie their � project aad they did not have aaything to do with that and thie problem ie •ntisely separated from thie development. � s�on Meetin� - Se�tember 12, 196 � . P�Ir. Shaw said a letter was seat to the Count pl� �� 8 �o y Engineer'e offiee with the py of the letter was producedo It was brought up by Mr, Shaw that the type of bueia�ae Plywood �eeota i8 ia ia allowed uader M-a (Heavy Tndustrial Diatrict) which allaws almoet everything. Mr. Peterson said there would be a Road-Bridge �eting on Mronday at t11e County and then the access point will be looked at. The problem of traffic will be discuased. He realized a d�reloper caEmot be reatricted becauee of �raffic.and the County has to do tiieir best to keep circulation ae free as possible. 1'�r. Myhra asked what the disadvaatagea were of i�aving the acce�s further South. Mr. Shaw answered the basic objection would be the leagtheniag dead end street. There was more discussion regardiag exits, such aa sugg�atiag two differeat exits on East Riv��° ����.�aith �mple stacking space. Whea Mr. Shaw waa �elced how much it would upaet their plasi to have the proposed exit �oved, he eaid it was plaaned for simplicity aad this would tend to camplicate the plan. Mr. Shaw continued that they do have �his access and if the traffic gete to be too coagested, they caa use those croasovera if ineces�ary. The main bueiness of Plywood Minnesota is conducted when the othex bueiaesses are not workiag Plywood Minnesota is a plaaned united developmeat in a way and they can adjust n their hours of opening and closing to suit themselees. Horaever, their largest amount of traffic would be on Saturday, I�TION by Jeneen, seconded by Myhra, that the planning Co�i,seioa concur with the gensral plans of the Preliminary Plat, P.S. �{58-05, Registered Land Survey, of the Great Northern Industrial Park beiag the Southeast cosner of Interetate �694 aad Ea�t River Road and recammead approvai to the Council subject to (1) County acceptance of the entrance on CSAA �`1 in relation to the ramp to Iater�tate �694 (2) study by the City Attoraey of the nced for a development contract betwcen the De�reloper and the City and the adequacy of the protection for the City provided by the proposed P=otective Cavenante (3) fili�g of the Protective Covenante as ultimately 8pproved by tha City with the Registered Laad Survey. Upon a voice vote, all votiRg aye, tbe m�tion carried aaaninously. Z. VACATION ST[TDY OF 73� AOEN[1E (Proiect S�. 1969 3): Requested by Council on Auguat 12, 1968: The me�be�s discuseed the ways and meammea of atudying this probl�m. IKr. Jena�a aug�eeted setti�ag a public hearing without aending the itrm to the Plata � Subdivisions-Streets � Utilitie� Subco�ittee but invite the members to s,ttend the mectiug in order to fiad out who wante the road closed and who felt it would be a hardship. It would then be eeat to the Subco�ittee for a seca�endatioa. n I�'�ION by Jeasen, seconded by I�yhra, that the Plaiming Cou�ission sead noticee for a public mnstiag relative to the study of 73� Aveaue to the propes�ly� ownera for a gublic heariag at 7:30 P.M. on October 10, 1968. IIpan s voice vote, a�.l voting ayes the motioa carried paanimously. Plannit� Coaission I���in� - September 12, 1968 PaAe 5 � � � �� Mr. Myhra said he felt they needed more information themselves. 3. CON�NUED LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �68-13, ORVILLE RATLEY; Lot 30, Brookview Addition, except past for dedicated street over South 30 feet and Weat 120 feet. Continued as no one was present. 4. MEETiNG WITS PT�iNNING CONSULTANT: B.B. CHAPMAN: Continued from Auguet 22, 1968. Iaas�ch as it was impossible to get a quorum for the �eting of September 26, 1968, this item was tabled to October 10, 1968 unlese a epecial meeting were called. 5. REVISIONS TO SIGN AND BILLBOAitD CONTROL ORDINANCE: . The Co�iasion began the study with (c) Co�ercial Districts: C-1, C-2, C-1S, C-2S and included (g) oa page 14. ADJOURI�NT : There being no further business, Actiag Chairman Erickson adjourned tha meetiag at 11:35 P.M. � Reapectfully�submitted ���tccr.._. iis.z�Brian Recording Secretary . I _; . _ . . . . _ ( _ . I PLANNING CO�IlriISSION MEETING -- SEPTEL�ER 12, 1968 I NAME � ADDRESS ITEM N0. � ___ — — -� — -- -- - -- -- - ---- -- — ---- --- ; i , fl'� `� ;' i T� �) ; �f �T1/.,� j/ // - - — - � �� ---_ __ __ / �1�-i�`.���-,��. s� �' -� • - ��L_�1L`�_iJJ� � ��- - - -- - _ --- __ �`�h� _��� -�_`i_�w ---__ --�'�_��f �doff��f� _-�y_�----�- _ __ _-----__ -_ _"� � � w����� s,�� F. rn.C. Co�� 1-�c.�rs- --o�� r-F�c -- - - —Q - '� - --- ; —__ - -- - - ----- - _ -------- - -- ------------- ------------- _ -------------- -- -- ------ 'I � ----fi+- ------ - ------ ---------------- --- -- - ' . - - �-- ---__ - -- - ----- ----- -------- ---i-�-- -- --- - - --- --- --- --- ' i --- ----------- -------- - - - -- ,- � - ---- — ---- - -- --- - - �� ,; --- ----- -----}------ - __—____ - -- -- -- ----- _----- -- _ ---_ _ __ __ - --- --- -- ----- � --- ---- -- � ---- -------- �--------- I— -- - - --- --