PL 10/10/1968 - 31012�� �''LANNING COl�II�IISSION I�ETING OCTOBEB 10, 196� PAG$ 1
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chaia�an Eriekson.
1r%mbers Preeent: Myhra, Jeneen, Erickeon, Fitapat�icte
Member Abseat: Mittelstadt
Othera Present: Engineering Aasistant Darrel Clark
Chairman Esickson explained that one of the a�a m�bera had p��rrioue
committm+ente and could not be present.
8eferring to Item 1, I'ublie Heariag of the Preliffiinary Plat. P.S. �68-Q5,
Gseat Northern Industrial Park, Mr. Myhra etated that the Couacil �iau�tee of
Septe�mber 16, 1968 iudicated that Mr. Shaw, Yepr�seating the Great No=t4era
Railway Cvmpas�y, auggeated to the Couucil that the Plats � Subdivi�i�ope-
Streets & Utilities Subco�nittee had�expressed the opinion that they did not
tbiak psotective caveaaats as reg�..>iag the Great Nortt►ern Iadustrial Park
wese uecessary os important an.d the Planning Comoiaeioa wiah to go on s'eco�d
ae statiag this is not the caae and that tlsey feel very stro�gly these p=o-
tective covensnts are needed and deeirableo The other membe�e of thes
� Ca��asion con�rred�
I�OTIOTT by Fsyhra, seconded �y Jensen, that the Planning Co�ission apprwe
the miautes of September 12, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting ay�, the
m�ot�on c�rried unanimously.
1�OTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planain,g Co�issioa receive
the minu�es of the Board of Appeals �oroeetiag o£ September 18, 1968. Upot� a
voice vote, all vatiag aye, the motion carried unaziimously.
MOTION by Jensea, secoaded by Myhxa, that the Planaing Co�tiesioa reCeive
the miautes of the Board of Appeals �eting of October 2, 1968. Upo� +� voice
vate, all voting aye, the motioa c�rried unaai�usly.
I�TION by Myhra, seconded by Jeasen, that the Plssming Co�eeiou receive
the minutee of the Building Standards-Design Control minutea Af Sep�ember 25,
�96�. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo�io�, carsied u�imouely.
� 1�TION by Myhra, secoaded by Jensen, that the Planniag Co�issioa seceive
the minutee of the Building Standarda-De�iga Control mimutee of Octobe� 9,
1968. Opon a voi,ce vote, all voting aqe, the motioa carried unaaimousl�.
Plaaaina Comm�.��f�� �e��� - 0ctober 10. 196� P��� �
1�TION by Jensen, aeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�iesion reaeive
the minutes of the Parka � Recreation Co�iasion minutes of September 23, 1968.
Opoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
OCTOBER 3. 1968:
1�TION by Myhra, seconded bq Jensen, that the Pla:ming Co�ieaioa receive
the minutea of the Plats � Subdivieions-Streets � Utilities Subca�ittae meet-
iqg of October 3, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion casried
Chais�sn Ericiceon stated the meeting would proceed aa lieted.
AS RHQUESTED SY 1►�. DQl►�ii�i : Continued to October 24, 1968.
Coatiaued until aext meating.
Mr. Clifford J. Thoe, 847 109th Lane, Coon Rapida: Mr. Thoe is the
�''1 o�nes cf the service station on the northwest coraer of 73rd Avenue and
Ceatral Avenue. He said he could see the object to vacate 73� Aveaue in
order to rua the strect through on 73rd Av�ue. He has a house on that
property cloee to where the intersectioa would be, aad there are large fuel
' tanke uaderground which would be under the right of way. The houee facee
on Ceatral Aveaue and the tanks are in front of it. Hie problem would be
dedicating 33 feet at the south end of the property.
Darrel Clark re�view the.problem by saying that if the street wese
vacated, all the right of way would be held by the City for utilities.
If they vacate 73� Avenue, perhaps the property owaers would dedicate 33
feet ia the •outh boundarq of their psoperty for the extension of 73rd
Avenue. There are eame propextiea tbat wouid aot have public accesa if tha
street wese vacated.
The public was informed that, if 73� Avenue were vacated, tha property
awaere could not build a permanent etructure aver the vacated laad, but
cauld uee it for plantiaga or parki,ag.
Zite zoaiag i.n this area is as followe: Block 1, Lote 1 to 10 ase
C-2S; Lote 11 to 18, -- M-1: Block 2, Lote 1 to 16 are IrI-1, Lote 17 to 18,
.. Mr. Carl Soreaeoa, 4615 Oniversity Aveaue N.E.: He said an impraved
street oa the south eide of his property would be aa advaatage. If 73�
n Avenue wera vacatied, he wondered if a road could be put oa tha north aide
of Block 1.
fl���i.a�t � ���wu�� ��;�����_° �e���s�� �.�. 196� �_--�._.�, :,__.� =-- �� ����`
�"o; Darrcel C1arYc e�cpl�i.�aed �ha� Coux�cil ae�d if it would be feaai,bl� to
trade propert3r. B�eause of �e building of �ha Onan plant and futeire iudue-
trial expansion, 73rd Aveaue wae de�igsated to be a State Aid road aad i�
was aecessary for access to Iii�hway �65. Yf 73� ie aracated� �alf of t6s
right of way would go to the o�aere on th� no��la �id� of ths etrast aa� t�ee
other half to tti� awa�rs on �ae �ou�a.
Chait�an Ericksoa atated this was a fairly aizable problem and cauld b�
sent do�aa to ttie Subcaa�nittee for fur�er e�ady anal call the public baeh.
Aa att t�hould b� made to get more of the people to ttae �etingm
Mr. Jeasen, chairmaa of the Plats 6 Subdivisica��Streste � IItiliti��
Su'bco�i.ttee, �aid the public �eeting would probsbly be in �he �iddlm of
I�TION by l�hsca, seconded by ��n��, that the P1a8ni8g Cammieefon eead
dawa to the Pl�ta 6 Subdivieions-Streeta & Utilitiea Subeoa�ittee tl�� matt�r
of the �racatioa etudq of 73� Aveaue (Sto 1969-3) with the iastructiane that
tha Subco�ait�ee, in their deliberation, meet with the awne=8 of tiae propertg.
IIpaan a voic� vote, ��1 votiag a3re, the �ati� carried unanimouely.
It waa explaiaed to the property owae�s preeent that this study would
go to th� Subco�ittee and ia about a�th or moati► aad a haif, they
could expect to hear by mail for the infoseual diecueaiaa. 1�►a decisioa, if
the Subco�itt�e mskes �e, will came baelc to the Plaaining Co�iooioa and
thea to the Cou�cil.
3. CQ�ITINUED LOT SPI.IT RSQtTEST ; L. S.#68-13. O�tVILLE BATLEY : Lot 30, Brook-
view Addition.
Darrel Clark eaid l�e was advia�d by tba City Attos�nay to sead th�
request back to Mr. Ratley aeking him to get his wife'. sigaatus� be£ore
the Planaing Co�i.ssion caa continue the sequeat. Ttais was dane, �t we
hava not heard from him.
1�IOA1 by J���� eecoadod bq Myrhsa, to table the Lot Split Request,
L.S. �i8-13, O:ville Ratley, of Lot 30� Brookviaw Additian. IIpoa a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carri�d unanim�ously,
4. LOT SPLIT R�QUEST o I, o S.�68-16 .���s� �IIIaSON s Lot 4, Block 1, Wilson
Addition. Split into t�ao 50'9" lota. �
Chai�an Erickeon eaid it appeared tha Board of Appeala and Cou�ncil
hae concurred wit1� tiae requestm �.'he Planning Co�ieaion, about a yeaz ago,
had rec�dmd r�zoaing thi� lot to B-3 wlth no waiver of the land area.
Mr�. Robert i�ileon �aid they waaited to build a fourplex, but tha lot wu -
oaly large eaougt► for a tripleu. She added tia�re ie a tinea factox because
they want to build before '_t ge`� too cold othe�i�e they �ight aot ba abl.
to sell if too lat� in the seaean.
in thie araa
It wa� notad that the lot ei�ee ar� �� in !'ridl� and !hn ious�e isr
Columbia Haighte as� oa 4A foot lot�. Sor of the smallaa lot� ia P'�idley
asa combined to maice a etasidard lot.
1 Pl�ning Comma��i��a t���-cz�.g - O�tober 10, �96� �.
�� The Commiseion �e],t the size o� the lot after the eplit was not
partiaularly out of line for thi� area. Mr. Fitzpatriak noted that
building a eingle family reeidence (R-1) in an R-3 zone would be going
up, not down.
Darrel Clark eaid this request for a varisnce wae sent by Counoll to
the Board of Appeal8 to see if they would grant a vari�nae before the
request for a lot split was made eo that it would not be aeoeseary to pay
the lot eplit fee of �15.00 if the varianoe would not be granted.
The Chsirman said there was no objection on the eize of the lote,
even though they are below the mini�num etandarde, but under the
incoueiatancy of the rezoning, it aeeffied to him granting a ve►tisa�ae and
waiviag the rezoning on that lo�i, would be in line.
MOTION by Jensen� seconded by Myhra, that the Plauning Co�iesion
recommend to Council denial of the Lot Split request (L.S. �68-16�
Robert Wileon, Lot 1, Block 4� Wilson Additioa. Before the vote wss
taken, there wae further�discussion.
Mr. Mt�yra said the Commiseion felt it was pro�ably lack of under-
etanding of procedure, to some extent, to voice approval, of a lot eplit
before the Subcommittee and Planning Commieeion had etudied the requeet.
The Planning Commieeion thought they did the right thing wheA they
rezoned for a triplex, and orderly procedures are set up to make any
neaeseary ahanges. Zn thie inetance they felt that orderly procedures
�� ehould have been followed and Council could have over-ruled it. They
were co�aurring with the Planning Commiseion reco�endation of rezonipg
to R-3. They underete.nd the Wilsons have to try to work with whs,t they
have and that single family residences would be better. The time faotor
involved� i�£ it were a youn$ pereon who had the time to wait, they r�ould
. aoneider it differently. Although he eeconded the motion� he etill had
the feeliag to appxove the split contingent upon the fact that it ehould
be rezoned back to the original zoning of R-1.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he l�aew the houee and area. He 1Qiew the►t theg do
not want a houee that hae been burned out re-aonditioned and didn't
eee that wae very feaeible.
The suggestioa was that Mr. Wilson could take out one building permit
right away and then petition for the land to be rezoned ba,ck to R-1.
• Referring to the above motion, a voice vote wae taken, all voting nsy.
The motion failed. �
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, the,t the Planning Commieeion
reoommend to the Council aptroval of Lot Split L.S. #68-16, Robe�t Wileon
of Lot Q, Block 1, Wilson Aci�ition subject to the condiiion thst a
building permit be granted for pnly one houee until the property ie
re�oaed to R-1. II,pan a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion aar�ied
Pl�.ylrair� Co�►i��io� �i��-��:e�� � Or>tobe� 90, �96� . --___, �_ __--_�- �,� �
� 5. LO'i' SPLIT RF]QII�'P: LaSe #6�-15, VILAS I�o %+T�G�a Lot 48 �1o�k `�, ���e�
6. QICATION RF3QU�T o sav #68-06 ,�1.1�. �G� s �ot� 'E ��.a � n��ock 4 0
Nsgel�s Woodlande. Drainage and utility e��e�ae�t b�twe�n above lote and
eouth line of Outlot #1. (970 Oaboraae Road)
The E�gineerix�.� Aeaietant e�plained that Mr. Na�el �a� �e�ing for �,
vacation of the easements as given on the plat becs.use they �e x�ot in use
now. The utilities would then be put along the line betwreen Lot� 4 and 5.
He then presented a letter from the Telepho�ae Coffipany statin� they ha.d. no
objeotiona to the vacation.
MO'I'ION hy Myhra, seaonded by Jenaen, that the Plannir� Co�iseion
receive the letter from the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company relative
to concurrence of vacating easement in request, sAY #68-06, by Y.M. Na�el.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motiom carried wnanimouely.
Mr. Adagel co�ented that, insofar a� th� ea����g�te �e cosac���, thi�
goes back to 1962. lt that time they did not pe�y too much attentior� �bout
putting utilitiee on the bottom of Lote 1 e,nd 2. He wae u1�3ng the Ci$y
to move the eewer easement down to the bottom of Lot 4 eo they would have
more epsae between Oeborne Road and the �ewer eo, if they did want to put
in a building. it would not be over the sewer line. He had never recorded
the easement eo that thiP could be an even exchang+e. The sewer line ia
iu and the easement is no� of record.
MOTION by Jeneen, seconded by l+�yhra, that th� P��� Co�ie�ion
recommend approval to the Council of the vacation request� S�P #�68-06�.
Y.M. Nagel of the drainage and utility easem�nnt betw�en Lots 1 thru 4,
Block 1, and the south line of Outlot #1, Nagel's Woodle�de. IIpoaa a eoice
vote, all votir� aye, the motic^ carried unanimouely.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jeneen, that the Plaxiniz�g Commiesioa
concur with the Plate 8c Subdivieions-Street 8a IItilitiee Subcommittee and
reaommend approval of the Lot requeat, �68-15, of Lot 4, Bloak 1,
Aagel�e Woodlande splittin� off 216 feet from the West and that the
Eaeterly portion of Lot 4 and Lot 1 muet be mairitained under eiagle
pwaers'hip. IIpon a voice vote, all votirig aye� the motion carried
a'he N'orth 4 4 feet of I,ot , 9uditor° e Subdivieion 108
For the benefit of the new member on the Plannix� Commieeion, s
brief review wae given by Mr. Jenaen. Originally, Lot 5 wae much larger,
• but it had been split rvith Mr. Marxen pur�chaaing the larger psrt. There
ie vacant land Mie pro�erty, and, in.aemuch as the Plaauiing
Commiseion doee not favor relatively na,rrow lote, it .�rae feit that if it
were feseible� Mr. Marxen ehould acquire enough larid to bring the lots
to a minimum lot eize, which, in the loxag run, would be to hi� benefit.
The etreet dedication in the center of Lot � wae given st the time of the
n original split. The North psrt of the Lot 6, which. ie a narrrn,i lot, ie
- vscant and ie tas forfeit, but the taaee are exorbitant and Mr. Margen
� �'l�,nnin,� Com�i:���`+�:�� ��i��t�r� -� Octobe� 10, 1968 _ . . ���� �
�� does9 z�ot ieel he can puxch�.se it. The south p�rt of ttae 7.ot h�s � hou�e
''�� on it.
N[x. Jensen said that Lot 4 ma,y be plat�ed in the future a�nd there
�� the passa.bility of work�.ng with the owner to aoquixe a portio�. of�ths
Mr. Jex�sen asked if Mr. Marxen would try to submit a revised drawi.x�
for �he pub�.ic heaxing on November 14, 1968 at 7:30 P.M.
MOTION by Jensen, Myhra, that the Public Heari:t�' on
P.S. #68-06, MARXEN TEftRACE, THOMAS E. MARJC�3�T, the Noxth 464 feet of
Lot 5, A.S. #108 be set for November 14, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. IIpon a voice
vc�te, all voting a�re, the motion aarried uxtatlimously.
8. REZONING R IIEST: ZOA 68-12 ROBERT A. SCHROER: Easterly 452 feet of
Parcel 000, Section 2: All of Parcel 3150 E. 3 Acres) and Ee.eterly 200
feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Osborne Road & Hwy. #47). Rezone
Prom M-2 to C-2S .
MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Jensen, that the Planning•Commission aet the
Pub1�c $eaxix� date on ZOA #68-12, Robert g. Schroer of the Easterly 452
fee� of Parcel 6000, Section 2: al]� of Parcel 3150 (East 3 gcres) and
Ea,sterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11 to November 14, 1968 at
8:00 o'clock P.M. to be rezoned from M-2 to C-2S. IIpon a vo3ce vote, a1.1
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jenaen, to receive the letter from
IIrban Planning and Design, Incorporated, John S. Voas, Preaident9 to
Homer Ankrum, City Mana,ger in connection with a propoeed schedule of
gaxt time planning conaultant. Upon a voice vote, all votin$ aye, the
motion carr�ed unanimouely. ,
It was noted Mr. Vosa would prepare the a.genda for the Planning
Commiasion and attend the Planning Commission meetin�s and at least one
Council meeting a month. Mr. Myhra commented that not the
gex�tleman, it ie hard to make a decision. However, there ase many times
the Planning Commission wiahed they had.the services of a planner.
Mr. Fitzpatrick added that the Paxks have talked about thia kind
of planner. He wondered if his time would be taken up with apecific
duties for other committees.
Mr. Jense.n said he was sure the general proposal of Mr. Voss may be
desirable, but he did not think it particularly fit the Plant�in.�
Commiasion neede. Having a potential pla.nner available and makin� a
recommendation on every move, would in his opinion, tend to ma,ke a rubber
etautp p.� the Cotnmissio.n and he felt that would be bad. However, he
recogni�ed the need fo�" a planner on specific items. There are many
pro�ect� if Fridley wYiich do need this ki.nd of asaistance. With that in
mixld, perhaps it would be proper for.the Commission to ask John Yosa to
+�ttend a meeting in the near futuxe and di,eauss some of thie with him, and
�hen the Planning Commiesion could make a decieion.
�.�annine Commiseion Meet�� - Octo�er 10, 1968 �°�,�� �r
� Mr. Fi.tzpatriak said when the problem of looking for outside help
came up in the Pa�k Department, Ed Braddock wae hired. Mr. Jensen eaid
th+�t the help Mr. Braddock providea i� somewhe.t more compreheneive than
wha,t the Alannix� Commiseion woul,d be able to expect from the planner.
Chai.rman �ciciceon wondered if euch a peraon would be available on a
vontravt or on call. Mr. Fitzpatrick eaid it aeeme to become a matter
of the Plannix� Commission'e understandin� of wha.t Mr. Vose had done.
It was decided to check if the
�mount far a planner for thie type
come i�, in November.
budget allows a fairly aizable
of plaaning and ask Mr. Yoae to
The Commiseion decided to read the Propoeed Zonix� OrdinanEe p�ivate�y
until the�firet meeting in Movember when a meeting will be aet up to
diecus$ it together.
The Engineeri.xig� �ssietant said that if this happena, Holiday will
put a road eaet of the apartmente to line up with the present Third
Street. Thie will be deeded back to the original ownere who wi11 then
deed it to Holiday.
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiesion
•receive the Memo from the City Ma�s,�er dated October 9, 1968 relative to
T•H• #47 �ervice Road at 57th Avenue. IIpqn a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
I:�l�j��ll; AIUI�1��1
MOTION by Myhra, eeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the meetir� be
adjourned at 1p:05 P.M.
Reepectfully submitted,
� � G��-
8eoordin$ Secretary
; PI.A1��,�+iG CO��rSI�t�;, SIGN IN SHEET , OCTOBER 10� 1968 MEETIiJG
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