PL 11/14/1968 - 31013�
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T�ae meeting was c�lled to order by Chairman Erickaon at 7:35 P.M.
Me�bers Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Myhra, Fitzpatrick,
Mittelstadt, Jeaaen
City Manager Ankrum,
Peter Herlofsky
Senior Eagineering Aid
MOTION by Fitzpatrick' seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�isa�oti
miautes of October 24, 1968 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all votiag
aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planai�g Caamaisai�n
receive the minutes of the meeti�ng of the Parks � Recreation of October 28,
1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanim�usl�y,
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission
receive the minutes of the F�iilding Standards-Design Control Subco�nittee
m�eting of October 30, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
ca�ried unanimously.
MOTION by Myhra,
receive the minutes
me�ting pf November
car�cied unaaimously.
se��:,nded by Fitzpatrick, that the P�anaing Co�rmissioa
of the Buildiag Standarde-Design Control Subco�ittee
13, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion
MOTIpN by Fitzpatrick, aeconded by Myhra, that the Plazmi�g Co�iss3,oa
receive the miautes of the Board of Appeals meeti�g of October 30, 1968.
Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the motion carri.ed uaanimouslq.
M07,'ION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Myhra, that the Planaing C�issioa
receive the miautea of the Board of Appesls meetiag of Nave�ber 6, 1968.
�, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Ina �uch ae the Public Heariags wera given a time to be heard, the
order o� agenda would not be chaaged.
� 1.
Pla�i't� Commiasion Meetin�-November 14, 1968 Pa�e 2
NG: P.Sa_�68-06, rtAxx�
5, Auditor's Sub ivi�ion
o Th� North 46q.
T'he �otice of the public hea.rin� wae read by Chairman Lrickson.
Mx. �via.rxen was present and stated he ha.d no further rema.rks unl��� eo�eo��
had queetione.
Mre. Earl Follmuth, 1621 Onondag�.: Aeked if McKinley would be �oing
directly aCroas fxom Onondaga down throu�h H-2, and if eo, where would it be
�oing through.
Chairma,n Erickeon explained there were no plane for the extenaion of
McKi.nley at thia time. �
Mr. Marxen explained that he will build his own hou�e on Lot 2 and sell
Lot 1, and the etreet in the center of the plat was dedicated to the City prior
to the time be bought the property.
J. R. Doyle, 1651 Oraonde,�as
developed in a piece,eal patterr�
��ivv, ��N- -���.��.���_
He aeked if thi,e property w�.s goin� to be
�-`-,d�ti�"`'`e--� �7
__ r� _._.._.,....� land in the future from abuttin� lots when the present owners are
int�re�ted a.n developing their property, eince there ie no aewer o� water
available to the back lots. The Plannin� Commieaion and the Subcommi�ttee ha,v�
^ xlot allowed 'him to conatruct more than his ow.� house and oxae other sti°ucture.
There it� x�o pl� for ch.angin� the zoning qr �cKinley $t�eet �oin� through.
Mr. Doyl� said they were ri�ht ac.r�38 the etreet from the propo�ed lot
�plit. Hie only concern was the overall �icture, what the axea would b� lils�
upon completion. He said he could not see any objectio�e of�ha�d to the �plit
of the two lot�, but he was wonderix� about the other p�opertiee behind and
along Onondaga. and if the City has any plana to break thee� up into lote �cad
plat. Tt was egplained by Chairman Erickson that to hie l�owled��� he thought
the 8ubcommittee could �-ive a bettcr anewer, but it appear�d there ie a psob�le
extez�e�on of a etreet in the middle of the plot betw�en Cou�ty Road H-2 �
Qnoadaga. Ae far ae the Subdivieiom, there hae b��ra no r�qu�st �ci th� Ci$y do��
not attempt to force the diviaion of land. All th�y �eally he,�re in tla�.� pl�,�
ie a divisiox� of 132 feet on Onondega.
Mr. Myhra eaid the Subcommittee hae �pent �. lot of tiffi� on th� que�tion
that ha,� been raised. It ie neceeeary to oonsider acc�es before th� lote cera be
develoged. There hae only been an attempt on the �t of the petitioner to get
a buildable eite on Onoadaga and there ha� been �ao proposal for rezonira�o The
Subcommittee felt that under the circumetancee, they could approve the lot eplit.
Cha,irman �rickson added that by lookin� at the reproduction of th� half
�ea°�io�l iaa.p, a pattern ie and in the future, the Plaau�in� Commieeion
wi11 attea�pt to force oompliance with the pattern ae developed.
� Mr. Doyle noted the two lots are 66 foot lote and aeked if they will be the
o�ly twq lpte that will be of this eize. Chairman �iekeon said he did not bel�eve
° you ce�xl eay that these are necesearily the only two 66 foot lote as cirvumetance
wi11 �ndica�e the eize of the lot.
�'�a:nnit� Commi�eion Meeting-Nov�mbe� 14, 1�69 Pa,�e 3
'� Mr. Myhra euplained that the situation here is one where the petitioner
had a etri.p of lr�nd that was too much for the aesesamente he wae carryin$, and
0�1 the division, the minimum width which the City hae establiahed was not
�eached, however, he does meet the minimum lot area requirement. Mr. Marxen
ha,a made a.n attempt to purchase additiona.l land, and the homea to be built
wi11 be compatible with the preaent development.
MOTIpN by Myhra, aeconded by Fitzpa.t�ick, that the Plaxinix� Commiseion
close the public hearing of the preliminary plat, P.S. #68-06, Marue.n Terrace,
�'hotnas E, MMa.xxen, of the North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivieion #108.
'Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra added tha,t the Subcommittee put a lot of time on the etudy of tY��s
problem and in his opin.ion, there would not be mnch purpose puttir� it over to
a later time. Chairman Erickeon. agreed wholeheaxtedly and said Mr. Margen ha.s
been very cooperative in ame.nding the original plan.
MO'.�ION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Com�isaion
recotr�nend to the City Council approval of,the prelimi.nary plat, Marxen Terrace,
Thomae E. Maruen of the North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor�s Subdivision #108.
IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
452 �ee� of Pascel 6000, Section 2: al�, of Pascel 3150 Ea$t 3 Acree and
Eaeterly 200 feet Parcel 3150, Section 11 (Osborne Road and T.H. #47 . Rezone
n £rom M-2 to C-2S.
Cha}x�anan Erickeon read the notice of pub�ic heaxing.
Mr. Peter Lindberg and Mr. Robert Schroer were preeent.
It was explained that this request is for the retail sa�es for Bob's
Produce Ranch now located at Miesiasippi and River Road. The plane for
the bui�dings at the new aite have been before th� Buildir� 3tandards Desi�n
Chairman Erickaon reviewed the time when Hwy. #47 went throu�h, r off
aacepe for the whole property and xae servi:ce road wae provided. The thought
r,,a�, if thie type of thin�, or anythixig �oes in, there should be a loopbaak.
�'here wae further diecuseioa of the road problem and Bob Schroer eaid they plan
to put in a eervice road. Mr. Myhra eu�geeted poesible croesovere and loopback
would be to his advante,ge. This item ie tabled in the Standards Desi�n
Contro� �n�il the rezoning ie resolved.
M�c. Soh�oer produced hia plane whioh were studied. It was noted that the
Produ�e Ranch would not the whole pro�rty, and that the rezoning
would �0 1600 ieet. The draina�e ditch wae slso diecueeed.
The �hairpoa.n said the plattin� ordinance ie a diviaion of groperty under
2�� acsrea. Mr, Myhra asked for a ai�cueeion of the matter of epot zon� alaxlg
� the 8i.ghway. He thought thie wa.s a little different than the usual epot zoning
from xeeid�ential to commercial. Induetrial to commercial ie different. It was
y agTaed by Mr• Fitzpatrick that thie ie something they ehould take cognizance pf,
but it ie goix� in the xight direction. Chairman �ickeon remarked that there
ie eometh�,ng to be eaid for opening up thie corner.
Fle�t�t7,in� Commission Meet�n�-November 1t},� 1968 Page 4
""�.9 i
� �� seemed to Mr. Myhra that it would have been a good thin� if they had
�k�,d � better xepresentation of the Commisaion. In view of the fact that one
o� ths members was ill and the other out of town, the Commiesion would not be
u:ru�easo.nable to continue the item until the next meeting.
Mr. SGhroer said they were presaed .�or time with win�ter closir� in.
MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by �'itzpatrick, that the public hearing of the
re�o�in,g request be closed, ZOA #68-12, Robert A. Sehroer of the Eaeterly 452
feet o.� Parcel 6000, Section 2: all of Paxcel 3150 (East 3 Acres) and
Fe,t�tqxly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Sectior� 11 (Oaborne Road and T.H. #47) to be
xezo:�ed �rom M-2 to C-2S. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
o�a�ried una.nimously.
The Chairma.n believed the Council ehould be requested to set a public
hearing da,te for thi� rezonin$ and the Planning Commieaion set another da,te
fox further consideration on thie ma.tter. The Council could hear thie request
on December 9, 1968 and the Planning Commisaion �eet on December 5th with the
full Commission.
MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�isaion ask
the City Council to coneider a hearing for the rezonir� request, ZOA #68-12,
Robert A. Schroer of the Easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2: all of
Parcel 3150 (East 3 Acres) and Easterly 200 feet of Parcel 3150, Section 11
^ (pc�borne Road and T.H. #47), on Dec?^:'��r 9, 1968, and the Plannin� Commiseion
w:ill be meetin� on December 5th at wY��ch time a recommendat�.on will be
forthCOming. IIpon a voice vote, all ,�roting aye, the motioa carried wtar�imou�ly.
3. flYDE PARK ADDITION ZOPTING STODY: Meeting with Consultant, of Nason, Wehrman,
KAight And Cha.pman, Incorporated.
Mx. Michael Murphy represented Mr. William Chapme,n.
1 set of 3 separate plana had been given the Commiseion to study. These
were lieted ae Soheme A, B and C. The merits of each plan were dieoueaed �it2i
Mr. Muz�phy by the Commiesion and City Manager Ankrum.
Mr. Murphy was asked if he could prepare another map incorporatirig a
couple of the plane. Chairma.n Erickson aeked Nlr. Murphy to prepare a map �
combiriing Scheme A and C as he would like to see the Commieeion preeented with
the other alternatives and then they can ma,ke a decieion at that poiat.
<��hairman Eriakeon also felt that the publia ehould hav,e.a look at all the
alternative� before the Planning Commiesion makes any final recommendatione.
The Commiasion set December 5, 1968 at 7:30 for a epecial meeting to
diecu$s the new plane. Mr. Murphy was informed tha.t he need not be present for
�k�i� meeti�, and would be notified when 3�e ahould appear.
Mr. Murphy agxeed to thie eayix� he would have the plans ready for the
Plannix� Commiesion meetin� of December 5, 1966.
Regaxdix� a statement from Naeon; Wehrman� Kni�ht & Chapman for profeesional
�exviaes to date, the City Mana,ger said it wae cuetomary to pay auch bill after
°�he fir�t public hearin�.
Plann3xi� Commiseion �eeting-November 14, 1968 Pag$ �
— ^
Darrel Clark, En�ineerir�$ Aeeiatant, forward�d a ffi�mo to the City �ttio�'ney
aeking for a statement replyix� to the City of Minneapolie. Their letter asked
for commente in respect to the Minneapolie Water Treatment Plant e�paneion in
aonjunetio� with Fridley's compreheneive plan. Inaemuch ae the City of Fridley
h�s made an agreement with N.S.S.S.D. and ie ueing their facilitiee, it would
be e� �it�ncisl burden to the City of Fridley if Minneapolie used this property
fox the� proposed eapansion.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpe,trick, that the Plaaning Commieeion
preeent the following resolution to Council:
Although the Minneapolie Water Worke e$paneion propoeal may fs,ll within
the permitted Heavy Induetrial uees of the area involved as it ie preeently
zoned, it is apparent that the propoeal aonflicte with the intended use of the
eite by the N'SSSD for its now legalized sewage disposal plant.
Since the City of Fridley and the NSSSD have previouely deai�ed their
eyetem to utilize a plant at thie site; and einae a portion of the pl�n has 'been
implemented at Qoneiderable coeta to the C�.ty and the NSS3D; eaad airacse the City
of �"ridl�y ie a member of NSSSD, with memb�rship on ite Bosrd of Directore� it
would eeem that it muet eide with the NSSSD and oppoee any �apsneion of the
Minneapolie Weter Worke, which wou�d deprive the NSSSD of it,� planned� and muoh
needed� plant site. Therefore, I hereby move that the Pleaning Commieeion
reaommend to the Council of the City of Fridley that it etrongly�oppoee the
aation of the City of Minnee,polie and ite propoeed egge.neion of the Water Worke
for suah time as the NSSSD neede the eit,e for ite own purpoeee.
IIpon a voice vote, all votiug� aye, the motion aexried unaaimouslye
�. LEI'TER. FBfSK CONSIILTII+� SPRVICF� CORPQR�TION: Letter dated November 13, 1968.
The letter oonoerned the Houeing Act of 1968 and the new Neigiborhood
Development Program, and suggeeted the Corporation aould provide �ofeeeionRl
The Commieeion membera wondered ii the�* �onld not g�et the information�
if they were interested, without goin� through the aorporation, but through the
Federal level.
fto action.
4. N�MO FROM JACg Oe HIIiifA6M. MAYOR: Res Hosting of f�eting of Anoks County
Muniaipalities at Fridley Civ�c Center on Wednesday, November 20, 1968 at
7:30 P.M.
MOTION by Fitzpatriok, eeconde� by Myhra, that the Planning Co�iseion
Membere attend the meeting oi the 9noka County Muniaipslitiee at the Fridley
,^� Civio Center on Wedneeday, November 20, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. in the Community Room.
, IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion ca.rried unanimouely.
Pl��.t'� Cou,Imiseioan Mseting-Novembex 14, 1968 Pa,�e 6
Ch��rl�axl Erickeon commented tha.t the revieion of tR h,u�oning ordinanoe ae
p�ese��ed, wae very good, but he wiehed it ha.d inaluded a zoning aategury ori
m�zlt�.p].es. The Pla.rm,i:n� Commiesion had �netituted a rev�sion of the zoning
��d�.na.t�ce, bu�t found it wae too bi$ � th� for them to tackle. The City
�la.ic�&��+� sug�ested the Commiesion �eview the zoning ordi�ance as it is, and
��.�.A9 he �e�.� �.� wae much better than what we now have. If it ie a good
WA�I�a°b�e oxd�.nance, and the auggested cha.nges are made, then it will be
g9��ib�� to go back and review it. It seems, he eaid, the ahoice ie to make
a la��e �,tnpxovement now� or to weit an indefinite period of time for a
opt��let�ly revised ordinance.
P'Ir. Myhra asked if they would be ahead to ado�t it and attempt to change
o� would i�t pay to go throu�h it a little more.carefully at thie time.
�'k�a Cotm�miesion felt they would approach the �roposed zoning ordinance
by quackly GhQCking it throu�h, so they wo�uld be prepexed to diecuee the
19e►1i��1�t �iLnts at the epecia� meeting of Deaember 5� � 9� •
�'he,Commiseion wae given "Commeate by the City Manager and Darrel Clark"
of the changee made at the laet Planning Co�ieeion meeting, for etudy.
The Comm�eaion aeked that thie item also 'be put on the December 5, �9�
Chai�man Erickeon adjourned the w�eting at 10:20 P.M.
�i��aeatfully �ubmitted,
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