PL 12/05/1968 - 30145^
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:35 P.M.
Members Present: Myhra, Erickson, Jenaen, Fitzpatrick, Mittelstadt
Others Present: Engineering Assistant Darrel Clark, City Engineer
Qureshi, Senior Engineering Aide Herlofaky
The Chairman wiahed the following corrections to be made:
Page 2, first sentence of fifth paragraph from bottom of page sh�uld
read: "Mr. Marxen had investigated the purchase of additional land in the
future from abutting lots whea the present owners were interested in develop-
ing their property, since there is no sewer or water available to the back
lota at the present time".
Page 3, third paragraph from bottom of page, firat sentence should
read: "Chairman Erickson reviewed the time when Highway ,�47 went through,
cutting off access for the whole property, and a service road was provided".
Page 3, first sentence, last paragraph ahould read: "-----platting
ordinance covers a division of property ---".
Page 5, first sentence in paragraph preceding the voice vote, typo-
graphical error should read: "---which would deprive the NSSSD of its
plaaaed, and much needed, plant site".
Page 6, first seateace, first paragraph, ehould read: "---but he
wiehed it had iacluded a new zoning category on multiples".
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�iasion
minutes of November 14, 1968 be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried uaanimously.
MOTION by Jensen, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the P.lanning Co�ission
receive the Board of Appeals minutes of November 20, 1968. Upon a voice vote,
ail voCing aye, the motion carried unanimousl�q. '
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhr�, that the Planniag Comm3.ssion receive
the minutes of the Parks � Recreation meeting of November 25, 1968. Upoa a
voice vote, all voting sye, the �^ction carried uaanimously.
Flann�.n� Comm�.saion Meetin� - December 5, 19fi8 Page 2
1tF�EIVE ��TdLD�G S�! -�ESI�T �OF3��, S�� Z�iTES; NOV��R 27fl 1968:
�"� --
,� � �i0T��1 b� �I�hr�n ��so�d�� by �i��p�t�ei�ke �Tn�t ��� Pl�ing Cou�ai��iom
recei�e tkae ffi�u��� �� `�he ��a��d��g S�aad�rd�-��ign Control m3,mmute� of
November 27, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, the motion carried unani-
taoua ly .
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconc�ed by Jeasea, that the Planaing Co�isaion
receive the minutes of the Plats � Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcoumiittee
meeting of December 3, 1968. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carxied uaianimously.
It was decided the Order of Ageada be �nded as follows: Ite�ms 1, 4, 2, 3,
would be discu�sed in that order.
1. CONTINUED REZONING Ri�QUEST: ZOA �68-12, HOBERT SCI�tOER: Easterly 452 ft. of
Parcel 6000, Section 2; all of Parcel 3150 and Eas�ezly 200 ft. Parcel 3180,
Sectioa 11, rezone from M-2 �o C�2S.
Mr. Robert Schroer and Mr. Peter J. Lindberg were preseat.
The Public T�earing had been closed and the diecussioa of the rezoaing
request was continued to the December 5th meeting. Bob Schroer came foxward
with a new road plaa incorporating a loopback.
�.'he Chairman, speaking for the Building Standards-Design Control Subcom-
mittee, said there had been a proposal before them for Bob's Produce Ranch on
the northwest corner of Oeborne Road aad Highway �47 which had been tabled
and they had requested a plan showing a loopback.
It was explaiaed by the City Engineer that Couacil has, in the past few
months, established a policy oa the rezoning requests. They would, upon recom-
mendation by the Plaaaing Co�ission, consider rezoning requests and if they
felt they were proper in rezoning, they would hold the first reading of the
ordiaance and withhold the second reading until they got the full development
plan reviewed and approved by the Buildiag Staadards-Design Control Subco�ittee.
They would then apprwe the building permit and hold the second reading of the
rezoning ordiaance.
The Co�iasion felt the new policy of the Council was a good oae to with-
hold the publishing of the ordinance until the plans were showno
A�1r. Eldon Schmedeke, a visitors said i.zi lxis ogsinion, this was strip zonin�
and asked i9E thia person was building two stores, one on Mississippi aad one
oa Osborae.
� The Chairman said that Bob had a proposal in the Buildin$ Standarde-Design
Coutrol Subco�ittee for a car wash, Superette and office building on Misaissippi�
�"'1. aad East River Road. �
` Mr. Schmedeke asked why rezone this area for one person, but not for
sameone else in a different area.
Planain� Co�nission* - December 5, 1968 Pa�e 3
The Coffiission had mentioned the fact that previous minutea do state this
�^ could be strip zoaing, but it was also pointed out it was a different situation
when moving from Industrial to Co�ercial, i.e., moving up instead of down, and
that was also considered.
Mr. Schmedeke asked what difference did it make whether it goes up or down.
Mr. Jensen co�ented that a pertinent factor was the relative depth of the propexty
from the highway right of way to the back edge of the proposed rezoning. He did
not think strip zoning has a definition as far as the depth, but he did not
believe anything 452 feet in depth from the right of way could be considered
strip rezoaing.
Chairman Erickson added that the original proposal was only for the corner
and the only thing that bothered him was whether anything other than the corner
should be rezoned. He wondered how Council could wait for ttie second reading
for the plans �rhen they can't be produced for the whole area.
.� i t e a�-#�e
a usted. �� -�-�. `��., � �a�iv r9G� ,
Mr. Myhra thought the Coamnission should be co�n�a.ant of the fact that they
want to be sure that when the Ivor�ln area is developed, �he�e will be a loopback
at 79th Avenue. He also asked if they wanted to put 450 feet of coumnercial
through in�ustzial.
Tha City Engineer was asked if the land were rezoned, would it have any
^ bearing on the drainage problem. He answered that eventually they would have to
have a drainage facility in order to use most of the land becauae of the high
water table, and he did not think it would alter the design very much.
Mr. Jensen would like a motion to include a separation provided for the
service road at the North and South end and to plan the road to be arranged to
match the service road South of Osborne Road.
MUTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commissioa
reco�end approval of the proposed rezoning (ZOA �68-12) Robert A. Schroer, to
rezone from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2S (general shopping center district)
the Easterly 452 feet of Parcel 6000, Section 2; all of Parcel 3150 (East 3
Acres) and Easterly 200 feet of Parcel 3180, Section 11 with the stipulations
that a separation be provided for the service road at the North and South end
and be aligned to the sexvice road South of Osborne Road. Upoa a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
At the last Plaaning Coanmission meeting, Mr. Michael Murphy, representing
Nason, Wehrman, Knight � Chapman, Inc. was asked for aa additional sketch com-
poaite of Scheme A and C. Chairman Erickson said he did not thialc it was the
intention of the Ple�►ing Co�3.ssion, at this point, to get iato a discussion
of.whether they like or dislike any of them. They felt some plane had more merit
than othere and had asked for another plan combiaiag A aad C. The next step
would be a public hearing for the people in the area asking them to give their
/"'1 opinions.
Plannint� Commissiaa Meetiar� - December S, 1968 Pa�e 4
Mr. Fitzpatrick wondered if the buildinga repreaented on the mapa were
%� incorrect. Mr. Murphy was to be asked to shaw correct buildiaga on the maps
� which were to be preseated to the people. It was pointed out that the last
four plaas would be the logical ones for the public review.
A visitor, Mr. Schmedeke, asked that if sameone apeat twenty qears of hia
life in oae area, would he have the right to say anythiag about it. He eaid he
would like to buy a set of the mapa. He had asked to be imiited to the meetiag
whea the Coasultaat was preaeat because he had pertinent questioas he wanted to
Mr. Schmedeke was iafoxmed that the Planaing Coirmisaioa had not told the
Consultaata what to do Also that Mr. Schmedeke was present at the first meet-
ing with the Conaul �i��,w�en Mr. Chapman was iaformed that if the Co�isaion were
to tel� him what to do, he would aot be of much value. $is biggest �ervice to
the City would be his objectiveneas to explore all possibilitiea. It was mentioned
that Mr. Schmedeke sat ia oa the Plats � Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities Sub-
comQnittee when they had the Rice Creek Road/Ceatral Aveaue Study aad they
learned from that that you canaot invite the whole area in at the prelimiaary
study, and that it would be impossible to invite all of Hyde Park for the pre-
limiaary work. If that courteay were to be extend�d to Mr. Schmedeke, the same
privilege should be eactended to all of Hyde Park.
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Admiaistratioa arrange
for a set of mapa to be given to Mr. Schmedeke. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra �ave his set of plana from Nason, Wehrmaa, Ruight � Chapman, Inc.
, to Mr. Schmedeke.
Mr. Schmedeke extended an invitatioa to all the members of the Commission
to visit his place and he would like to explaia hi� situation and show them the
Mr. Myhra, in answer to the atatement that�the Coumiseion is not interes�ed
in the people or the area of Hyde Park, said that he had been ia Hyde Park oa
aeveral occasions and that twice had travelled every street and looked over the
whole area, and also on those two occasions, had atopped at Mr. Schmedeke's
place of business. The Planning Co�ission ia iaterested ia all the people and
cannot consider the probl�ms of just one person to the exclusion of othera.
There are volumiaous amounts of miautes and reports of the whole history.
MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the setting of the public
hearing date be tabl�d until the Planning Con�iseion meeting of December 12,
1968 and ask for the following; 1) Ask the Eagineeriag Staff to prepare a
su�ary or history in order for the Co�nission to edit it. 2) Requeat Mr.
Chapman outline the type of map that he would prepare giving details auch as
whether they would be colored or coded, clear mapa for meeting on the 9th of
January. Mr. Chapman was not to appear oa the 12th of December. Brief outline
of materials he prepared, put up aad shown when we waat it to be shown. Mr.
Chapman to be asked to appear on the 9th of January. Upon a voice vote, all
� voting aye, the motioa carried unanimously.
P�.annia� Coa�3ssioa Meetini� - December 5, 1968 Pa�e 5
r�'�'� 3. STGN ORD� CE:
The Gity Engineer indicated that moat of the suburban commuaities are
tryiag to improve their sign ordinaaces. Recently Minaetonka had a court case
which went up to the Supreme Court in regard to how much a city can restrict
theae billboards, and they won. These billboards are ao asset to the City.
Theq are already existing 39 billboards dottiag maia thoroughfarea of the City
of Fridley. We have made an attempt in the proposed siga ordinance to eventually
eliminate them over a period of time.
The Sign Ordinance was discusaed and studied from 9:00 P.M. to 11:55 P.M.
The corrections will be incorporated, brought to the Planning Co�isaion at the
next meeting for a reco�endation to Council.
Beferriag to the proposed zoning ordinance, the 4ity En�ineer said the
rough draft is divided iato separate zoaing categories so that an individual
zoaing requirement could be handed out instead of the large book. He referred
to a map showing areas still open for development. Ia order to facilitate study-
ing the ordiaaace, he suggested going over M-2 and M-1 and R-1.
The largeat area available is Industrial, M-1 or M-2 and some R-1, Single
Family, but the C and Cr are practically filled, R-4 is fully occupied aad no
area left.
� Present Industrial Zoning Ordinance is very lax. There are no requirements
for setbacka, no provisions for parking, no provisioas for the outside finiah
of the buildings. At preaent the proposed zoning requirements are being enforced
by the Building Staadards-Design Control Subco�ittee and the Council. If this
were put ia the Ordinance, it would reduce the work of the Subco�ittee•and the
Council. Se suggested the Planaing Co�ission review M-2 and R-1 particularly
inasmuch as the vacant land area for that zoaing is the greatest.
The Zoaing Ordinance was tabled to the December 12, 196$ meeting.
There being no further business, Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting
at 11:55 P.M.
Reapectful�l submitted
����/� '
Recording Secretary
, �,