PL 02/27/1969 - 7277...._ _
ri . .- - - . ?-�, lf�C1
AND COMMITT�E OF FIVE: Southeast corner of 79th Way and East
River Road. Rezone froin C-2S and M-1 to R-3.
SE'� of Section 24 that lies North of Highway ��100 right of way.
Rezone from R-1'to F.D.
Lot 4, Audi,:tor's Subdivision ��92.
Set Public Hearing date.
Block 1, Nage1's Woodlands and the NW� of NW'� of Section 12 East
of Nagel's Woodlands, West of Lampert's Addition, North of West
e�ctension of South line of Lampert's Addition and South of Osborne
Road. Rezone from M-1 to C-2.
Confirm Public Hearing date of March 13, 1969.
GUZY: Lots 26 and 27, Block 2, Commerce Park. Rezone from C-1
to CR-2. .
Confirm Public Hearing date of March 13, 1969.
/ 2� a- t� ! Z �-
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickaon at 7:35 P.M.
RO��AI_.L ;
Members Present: Myhra, Mitteletadt, Erickaon, Jensen, Fitapatrick
Members Absent: None
Others Preaent: City Manager `�iomer'R. Ankrum, Engineering Assistant
Darrel Clark
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Com�iseion
miautes of January 30, 1969 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the mot�on carried unaaimously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planaiag Con�i�aion
receive the Parks � Recreation Commission minutes of January 27, 1969. Upon '
a voiae vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimoualy.
MOTION by Mittelstadt, aeconded by Jensen, that the Planning C�ission
receive the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets 6 Utilitiea Subcoa�ittee minutes
of $abruary 6, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
utuaimous ly .
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planaing Commiasion
receive the Building Staadards-Design Control Subco�ittee minutes of
Fabruary 11, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the u�tion carried
ut�aaimous ly .
of Lot 30, North Half Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129 -- rezone from
R-1 to B-3A.
• Mr. Nelson said he represented Burton Johnson, John Flanery and Roger
Johnaon. He ssid that the south half of Lots 30 and 31 on 73rd Avenue are
�ioned multiple dwelling and are acrosa from the Onan plant. The frontage
of the aorth half of Lots 30 aad 31 is about 490 feet on O:wndaga Street,
and at the p=esent time, the land ia undeveloped. The improvemente are in
the atreet both on Oaondaga and 73rd. They would like to plan an aparta�nt
deYVelopmeat on the total eite and were requeating rezoning facing Onondaga
n Street the 8ame as the south half of Lots 30 and 31.
The public hearing notice was read by Chairman Erickson.
Plannins� C�ission Meetint� - Februarv 13, 1969 pa�e 2
^ Robert Locker, 1601 Onondaga Street: He presented a petition against
the rezoning.
MOTION by Jenaen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission
receive the petitioa presented by Mr. Locker and circulated by him dated
February 13, 1969 opposing the rezoning requeat, ZOA �69-02. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
George Haneon, 1476 Onondaga St.: He said the petition juat presented
represents pretty near everybody on that block. It includea nineteen ho�
awners. They feel there is plenty of commercial and industrial that is
zoned conmercial along there without putting it out in a residential area.
These people are buying their homes without knowing the rezoning that ie
coming about.
Gordon P. Gnasdoskey, 1491 Onondaga St.: He said he lived on the East
end of the park and felt that the park should remain the way it is now.
There is a lot of children using it, and at the present time there is a lot
of traffic all the time to that area. He thought putting auch a complex
ia a residential area would be hazardous, as far as traffic is concerned.
He was againet the rezoning.
The Engineering Assistant distributed maps of the area to the Coa�is-
eioa. The street shawn through the center of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Auditor's
Subdivision �108 was half way through the area, and he reminded the Coamis-
sion that Lot 5 was just reviewed. When asked if he could foresee any
/'1 problems, the Engineering Assistant said that this pattern would be necessary
. to develop the area into single family dwellings, but if the development
would be in large pieces, perhaps there would not be any need for a street
down the middle.
' Delphine Hentges, 1533 Onondaga St.: She asked how can they rezone
when everyone is against it. We would not have bought our places if we
thought that they would rezone. We are all against it and just the
petitioner is for rezoning. If it goes through, then what?
Chairman Erickson said that anyone has the right to ask for whatever
they want to do. The Council is the ultimate suthority on it. The Council
would have to say whether or not it would be rezoned. After the hearing
before this body, there will be another hearing before the City Council at
which time the public is re-notified.
Thomas E. Marxen, 773 83rd Avenue N.E.: He asked if the cul de sac on
Lota 5 and 6 would still go through and was informed the land has been
dedicated and the street would. Then he asked what kind of street Onondaga
would be. Chairman Erickson said he assumed he was referring to the differ-
ence between residential and industrial. Streets that have multiple dwellings
do not have to have a heavier design.
Mr. Robert Locker: I heard it mentioned that if it remains residential,
a streefi would have to be put through there. Why would it have to go through
� there? Darrel Clark answered that perhaps some day they may want to divide
their property into smaller lots. The plans we are looking at would provide
access. All this plan does is to tell us where the street could go if they
deaire to put it in.
Plannina Cozmnission Me.etin¢ - Februarv 13 1969 Parxe 3
Mrs. John R. Doyle, 1651 Onondaga St.: What kind of buildings did they
� plan to put on this land?
Mr. Nelson answered that they did not have any specific kind in mind yet.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mitteletadt, that the Planning Commission
close the public hearing of ZOA #69-02, George M. Nelson, of the N� of
Lot 30 and the N'� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdiviaion �129, to be rezoned from
R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
1�OTION by Mittelstad�, seconded by Myhra, that the request for rezoning,
ZOA #69-02, George M. Nelson, of the N� of Lot 30 and N� of LoC 31, Auditor's
Subdivision ��129 from R-1 to R-3A be denied.
Bill Finnerty, 5040 Oakland Ave., Mpls.: What right does the property
owner have in the eveat it is not usable for residential and could not be
The Chairman answered he did not think, for one thing, the particular
cost for reaidential is prohibitive. He thought if the petitioaer had aome
facts that it would be a hardship, they could bring it to the Council.
Mr. Finnerty then asked that, as far as the rezoning, how far can the
objectioas come from. He was told that anyone had the right to voice their
opinion and that the City notifies owners within 300 feet.
^ Mr. Mittelstadt said the reasons for his motion of denial were that
there were 19 names on the petition against rezoning and these people do not
want to see apartment complexes. He found no hardship in this case. He
would agree to the rezoning, but felt that in thia area, which is right next
to major industrial complex, it should remain as is. He felt the propoaed
streets should be put in within the next few years. The access is needed
aad should be put in.
Mr. Myhra said he thought where there is an industrial area, apartments
probably would serve a buffer purpose. We have that on 73rd Avenue now, and
if we were to rezone the northern part of the lots, we are actually getting
out of that category and are getting into something like spot zoning.
The Chairman added that the use of the area is substantially single
faanily residences. He could not see, at this point, the need to rezone
inasmuch as the Plaani�g Co�mmiss{on recently approved a lot split for single
family residence. He felt it should remain on R-1.
Mr. Fitzpatrick carmented on the fact that many people at the �eting
tonight are from McKinley and Lakeside which is further away. He wondered if
there was a reason for those living closer not being present. Several
members of the audience volunteered the infonnation that there were valid
reasoas for four of the neighbors not being present.
Mr. Locker said that he was new in the area in the past two months. His
home wae on Onondaga and Lakeside. He did not know anyone other than those
� right near him. He moved fraa St. Paul because of apartments and the traffic
they generate.
Planni.n� Co��sion MeetinA - Februarv 13, 1969 ?a�e 4
Chairman Erickson asked for the vote on the 1�OTION, recoa�ending denial
of the rezoning request.
The audience were informed that thia recom�►endation would go to the
City Council on Monday. The Council will or will not set a public hearing
date. The petitioaer may desire to continue it and he has that privilege.
H� may decide to withdraw.
West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision �88.
Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Chairman Erickson read the public hearing notice.
Mr. M�omchilovich brought a plan of the area for the Plaaning Co�iseion
to study.
Eugene Lang, 1132 Mississippi St.: His home is on the South side of
Miesieaippi Street and he has lived there 20 yeara. He asked if the property
North of Mississippi is zoned R-1, single family and wondered if coumercial
would be requested.
The Chairman said there has been no request for anything other than
what is requested now. Mr. Momchilovich discuseed his plans with Mr. Lang.
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commission
close the public hearing, ZOA #68-11, Louis Momchilovich, of the West 47 feet
of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision #88 to be rezoned
from R-1 to R-3A. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Co�iseioa
reco�end approval of the rezoning request, ZOA �68-�1, Louis Mamchilovich,
of the West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor'� Subdivision
#88, to rezone from R-1 to R-3A as it being the logical expaneion of the
R-3A zoning previously granted to Mr. M�omchilovich allowing him to make
better use of his property, and subject to the signature of the fee owaer.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely.
The Chairman stated that the Planning Commission should have the signa-
ture of the fee owaer eince Mr. Momchilavich does not have the title to
this property.
MAS R. SWANSON: Rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35, rear 401.9 feet of Lot
iaed Auditor's Suba'-•isioa �77.
� Chairman Erickson read the public hearing notice. �
Planninrx Comnission MeetinA - Februarv 13, 1969 Patxe 5
^ Mr. Swanson was present and stated he would be glad to answer any ques-
tions. He distributed maps to the Co�ission.
The Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subco�ittee at their
meeting of February 6, 1969 recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat
with the stipulation that a 20 foot utility easement be prwided from the
proposed cul de sac East to East River Road.
Mr. Swanson volunteered he was not able to contact both parties for
the easements as yet.
Benedict Novak, 115 71st Way N.E.: He said he owned Lot 34 which was
south and west of the proposed preliminary plat. He has access to his
property over a small road maintained by the school for deliveries to
their building. He was worried about the assessments because of the south
and east frontage.
Darrel Clark said the school had sewer and water along the south line
for the school which is not used by the residents in that area. I€ they
used the lines, they would be assessed. He had talked with Jim Hedren
who stated this idea was brought before them in 1961 of dedicating more
right of way. The school board now would like to aee a topog map before
final approval.
Chairman Erickson asked the Novak's if they plan to divide their lot
and would the proposed preliminary plat fit in with their future plana.
/'1 Mr. Novak said he did not know how �uch would be taken off for a road. If
the proposal was for 25 feet, the south side of his lot is the front yard
and would not leave him enough land.
Mrs. Navak said they come in off East River Road on what used to be
71st, but naw it is not exactly a street but an easement. Mr. Jensen said
the school board plows this easement to get supplies into the school.
Mr. Novak asked if he could have the cost of street, curb, sewer and
Darrel Clark told him if his property were divided into two lots facing
72nd and the present house facing the proposed north-south street, sewer
a=►d water would be assessed on frontage only. The street would•be asseesed
along the frontage and one third on the side yard. His lot may be large
enough to divide into three parcels.
Mr. Novak said the street is 100 feet from the house and if you took
anything more off for the street, there would not be enough left.
Mr. Jensen told him that, depending what the action of the school board
is, it might not be necessary to ask for suy additional right of way on the
south side of his lot. There was a short discussion regarding the present
cost of assessments.
^ The people living north of the proposed plat said they bought their
property because they did not want to live in somebody's backyard. They
couldn't afford more taxes either. The wells and cesspools have gives►
th�m no trouble.
Planning Commission Meetin,tt - Februar� 13, 1969 Page 6
� MOTION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Jeasen, that the Planaing Comonission
table the discuasion on this public heazing, P.S. �69-01, until`the school
board makes appearance thia eveniag, Ugon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motioa carried unanimously.
1�rUL71111UPiL �C�'[iUTllL�l�a Ub�1': L�VA 8�1J UlYL lilVllilirlCl,l+, L1V�i. �
CI�ARENCE NORDSTRaM A�'PLICANT: North 903 feet of East 3 4 of NE� of NE�
of Section 13 (Parcel 10 aad 200). Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Mr. Myhra said one of the questions to be answered waa that of
utilities. Darrel Clark said he did check the capacity of both aewer and
water and there would be no problem serviag a complex of this multitude.
Mr. Myhra added that there was ac�me question about part of this land
being deeded to the City for p�rk, and aaked if the Planning Cammission
should be taking any kind of official actian on this until they had some
feeling from the City in this regard as the petitioner i� willing to deed
The Chairman of the Parks � Racreation, Mr. Fitzpatrick, stated there
are areas West that aze uader cousideration for parks and aome have already
been purchased such as the Fontaine and Ing Siverta parcels.
Mr. Jensea said it is importaat fram the standpoint of Rice Creek
that the creek bottom be maintained in its present form. It ehould not be
^ fil�ed and no etructure should be allowed to be built on that creek bottom
where it would impede the flow of watez. This channel is required to carry
the water. It ia really a trench because it has been eroded from time to
time. There follawed a discuasion of the elevations of the creek. Clark
said that looking at the topog, Central Avenue is 863 feet above sea lrvel.
The Conmission discussed allawing the xezoning of the laad North of the
creek and keeping the creek bottan and bluffs in their existing condition.
At this point, Mr. Nordstram was asked to bring up hia plans for dis-
cusaion and study.
The Comnissiou took an informal poll of the members to determine what
the feeling was as to the rezoning itself being proper. Mr. Myhra said he
wao not really pleaaed with the layout of the suggested apartment complex.
He added it does sem► we have an area about a8 ideal for multiples as we
are going to fiad what with Oaan's on the north. Chairman Ericic�on agreed.
Mr. Jeasea wondered about the road along the New Brighton side. Darrel
Clark said a road would not eerve any more lots, but would carry traffic
fram one side of the creek to aaother. He had not heard of any plaae to
extend Stiason Boulevasd.
A discuasion of the watershed axea of Rice Creek was aaked by Mr.
Jensen. A dam could be put ia to hold the water up and a pood near Central
Avenue. 7'he report of the flood plain information survey, which will be
done by the Corps of Engiaeers, will b ead by the first of July. Mr.
^ Aakrum said that last year we were no inc uded, but naw we should be the
first one this year. ,�����
Planainst Co�ission MeetinA - Februarv 13, 1969 p�e 7
� Continuing, Mz. Jeasen said he thought it is important for the City to
acquire creek bottoms when available aad without being concerned by usefulaeas
as developed park. In the opinioa of the Chaismsn, the City should acquire
bottom laad, but not necessarily for park purpoaes.
In answer to the questioa of the construction schedule, Mr. Nordstrom
said he had been to City iiall a number of times aad ie ready to go ahead --
fiaaacial committ�eate have bean made.
Chairman Erickson eaid that in order to get aomething maving, he would
euggest that the property south of the 860 contour line be dseded to the City
aad that no con:tsuction of residential buildings be allowsd below the 880
line. The City would be provided with acceas easementa needed from the
One of the objections by Mr. Myhra was the use of auto�bile parking
all the waq around the complex for a buffer. Mr, Nordstrom said he would
aork on that.
It was felt that a slope easr.�rnt should be requeated �o that the 20 foot
vertical bank of the creek would not be dieturbed aud that the area north of
the 860 be the zoning boundary. This would amount to about lOX of the whole
area. Darrel Clark wondered if thie could be handled by agreement rather
thaa easement.
I�OTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaning Coumission
^ recommend approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #�68-13, Han�erlund Enter-
prises, Inc., Clarence Nordstrom, Applicant, of the North 903 feet of the
Eset 3/4 of the NE� of the NE�,� of Section 13 (Parcel 10 and 200) to rezone
from R-1 to R-3� subject to the following coaditions: That the petitioner
agreea to sell to the City of Fridley the remainder of the total parcel South
of the North 813 feet for the sum of one dollar aad other consideratione as
prrviously offered and that an eaeement be provided aver the South 160 feet
of the North 813 feet for purposes of maiataining slope and that a suitable
access easement be provided to the previouely mantioned parcel which the
City is to acquire, location to be negotiated between the owaer aad the City.
The Planning Comnission doea not feel that the plaa as preeented is necesaarily
a part of this action. It wae noted that the petitioner should be granted
eaough land to acco�odate 312 apart�ent units at 2,500 rc�are feet per uait.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
(3. Public He�rinQ: �rovosed Preliminarv Plat P S. �69-01, Brentwood Estat,eas)
Chairmaa Erickson commented that Mr. Jim Thayer and Mr. Gordon Saagster,
mambere of the school board were noW preseat.
1�TION by Mittlestadt, seconded by Jeneen, that the Plaaaing Co�ission
ramave from table the proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #69-02.
Mr. Thayer said it was very difficult for him aad Mr. Sangeter to make
� a decision regarding the giving of an eaarment for road purpoees. The
school site of Riverwood School is rather small and the property haa to be
utilized to the fullest. Aay amount they would dedicate to the City rould
reduce the playground area. They would have to know what the apecific requeet
Plaiming Ca�iasion Meetin� - Februa 13, 1969 p8$e g
^ is, what the amount of the assessmente would be, and on the basie of that,
if it is what we want to do in that area.
If yau were talking of sligning it with a portion of 72nd Avenue, it
will be an additional 22 feet, the Engineering Assi�tant eaid. In aaswer
to the question of the size of the cul de eac, he said that it has a 50 foot
radius. There could be flexibility where turn around would be located to
allow maxiamum use for school purposes.
Mr. Thayer said the easement to the north of the echool was used for
delivery trucks. If the deliveriea came to the front door, they would have
to be carted to the back.
The Chairman said he did not see how the Planning Commis8ion could allow
a plat of this type to go in if there were no way to get to it.
The me�nbera of the school board requested a topog map for their study.
They requeated the matter be held up uatil March llth, the next meeting of
the school boazd when Mr. Hansen will be back in to�m. They asked that the
Engineering Department make an approximation ae to haw the property will be
It was explained by Darrel Clark that there would be more work im►olved
in detezmining sese8aments than the topog map. It would be very difficult
to make an assessment figure. There was a discuesion elaborating on this
Mr. Jenaea believed that Council should require that the School be
treated as they would any other property awner.
The School has already put in water and sewer services.
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plaaning Commission
continue the public hearing, P.S. #69-01, Brentwood Estates, Thomas R.
Swanaon of the rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35 and rear 401.9 feet of Lot 33,
Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77, to the meeting of March 13, 1969. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaninwusly.
of 79th Way between East River Road and railroad tracks. Confism public
h�ariag date of February 27, 1969.
�IOTT by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiasion
confirm the public hearing date of February 27, 1969 for the rezoning requeat,
ZOA #69-03, Coumittee of Five, N. Craig Johnson, to rezone from C-2S and M-1
to x-3, the area south of 79th Way between East River Road and the railroad
tracks. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously.
^ TRA�CKS AND T.H. #47.
The Co�nission were given eight maps to study for a street pattern. The
Plaunin� Commission MeetinA - Februarv 13, 1969 PaAe 9
^ Engineering Assistant said that Pattern #8 proposed Main Street be extended
southerly across the open land and connect up with Co�rce Lane and that
the service drive constructed along University Avanue be looped back away
from the highway at Oaborne Road aad 79th Aveaue.
I�DTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�iesion
recaamend to Council i�gnflnent of Maia Street from 79th Avenue south to
77th Avenue, thence ect to the East and connect to Oeborae Road opposite
Commerce Lane, and that a service drive be provided along the Weat side of
University Avenue with loopbacks at Oaborne Road and 79th Avenue. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning
Comnission receive the letter fram Mr. Rodney Billman dated February 7,
1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�isaion
a�eeting of February 13, 1969 be adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
. /� '� �. � �/�-�k �-✓�'�
Haz`1 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Cha,irman Mittelatadt at 7:35 P.M.
N�'�IDF�S PRESIId'�: Mitteletadt, Harris, Ahonen
N�'�ERS ABSENT: Minish, 0'Bannon
OTHII�.S F'ftESENT: Hank Muhich-Building Official
MOTION by Harris to accept the minutes of December 18, �969 as written.
Seconded by Ahonen.. Upon a voice vote, there being no naye, the motion
carried unanimously. �
Mr. Jerome Petereon was present to present his proposal. He brought with him�
a plot plan of the propoaed garage.
MOTION by Ahonen to table this public hearing until the March 5, 1969 meeting,
to allow the applicant to redraw hia plana to try to get as cloee to the
min�mum requixement of 15 feet between atructures, ae ppss�ble.
^ SeQOr�ded by Harrie. IIpon a voice vpte there bei
, ng no nays, the motion
carried unanimously. .
Mr, Jim London, Vice Presiden� of Dunkley Surfacing CompRny, Inc., and
Nix. Robert Hynes, Attorney with Barna. & Guzy were present to present this
Mr. Bruce Naw�qoki, MayQr of Columbia Heights, was present to repreeent
Columbia $eighta.
The Dunkley Surfacir� Plant is located in Calumbia Heighta with the �xavel
pit, where �he rock.:aruahing machine ia to be located, in Frid�ey.
Mayor Nawrocki; The whole Dunkley operation has been a concern to the
neighborin,g people in Columbia Heights. Thie rock cruehing ma,chine hae been
ir� operation �or aome time. We were wondering about the meeting the
requixements of the Fridley air pollution ordinance. Our ma,in concerns are;
1. How the reaidents in the area will be adverely affected by air pollution arld
2. The additional truck traffic in a residential area.
Mr. B. A. S�tek, 3852 Main Street: Columbia Heigh�e ie aga,inst tha mach�ne a�t
it hae been �n operation for eome time without havir� a permit. I clocked
truok� going d,or�m the street at 35 miles an hour. `
Mr. Douglas Hsuglid, 3816 Main Street: Where are they going to, get the rocks
^ to crush in Fridley? Are they going to blast for them?
Mr. London: Silica Sand plane to haul them in.
Mr. �iauglid: Tha,t meane that additional trucke w�ll be going baCk and forth
haul�ng rocke to cruah.
Mr. Ahonen asked Mr. London: Ie thie the only eite available to your Compe,ny?
Mr. Lo�don: This ie the beet eite.
Mr. Hy�ee: If the merger of Great Northern and Northern Pacific�is approved
they will ultimately build a switchin� yaxd in tY�e axea. They will want to
come in and cut down banke to create an axea for this switchir� yard. Dunkley
wants to do �hie to get some use of the roek and eand. It will be � benefit
to the Railroad and to Dunkley.
He added: The Dunkley people do ha�*e a da.aagreement with Columbia Heigh�s,
becauee they are operating the plant down there and they will continue to do so.
He aleo added: The Dunkley Compeny ia willing to comply with ariy
Mixuieeot� Statutes concerning truck traffic. As for the air poll�ttion probleu�
they would be willing to comply with any regulationa auggested.
Mr. Ken Scadden, 3842 Main Stree�: Dunkley was running the rock cruehing
machine abou� two weeke a�o becau8e I was down there. Also, how are they
goiMg to get the rock looee without
^ Mr. Satek: Thi.s cru�her has npt been running l�ga.11y. The Railroad would
just retnove the rocks, DunkJ.ey wante to crush them to sell. I'm sure they
can find other placea to use this machine.
Mr. London: About the Railroad, they anticipate the merger to go thru
sometime within a year. They would cox�aider us as the cor�tractor to remove
the rock. The Silica 3and people are blaeting everyday without'any problema.
Mr. Satek: Ae I undsretand, this operation will l�et one yeax. If we allow
thettt a one year permit when the year is up they will ask for another and
another and it will end up being five yeara.
MayQr Nawrocki: Everything that has been said is based on if and maybe and
nothing ie down in black and white. There has been talk �that this whole
Railroad yard might move a little further North of thie property. It'e also
d� control air pollution with the cruaher.
Mr. Harrie to Mr. London: Has this cruaher been i,n operation without a
�ermit b�ix�g iasued?
Nl�. London: We talked to someons in the Engineering I�ep�,rtment of Fridley
and we got the urlderstanding that we did not need a permit for a temporary
MOTION hy Ahonen to close th� public hearing. ,
^ Seconded by Harrie. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the �aotion
aarried unanimoualy.
Chairman Mittelstadt: It is the opinion of the Chairma,n that the Board zs at
^ a c�isadvantage,for the lack of certain facts and information. It is also the
opinion of the Chairman that the Councils of the City of Fridley and Columbia
Height� �et together with the Dunl�ley Surfacing Company to iron out �he
problems of sir pollution, traffic routes of the trucke, noise and safety
meaeures. The Board is only asked to either deny, accept or table the
variance request for a Special Use Permit in an M-2 District.
The CYiairman ther� read the Board of Appeals Powera and Dutiee �ropn Ordinance
No. 358, Section 4.
MOTZON by Harris to deny the requeet for the following reasone:
1. We do not eee an undue h,ardehip. .
2. There are objections from the neighboring residents in Columbia
Heights and aleo unoffic�al objections from the Fity of Columbia
Seconded by Ahonen. IIpon a voice vote, there be�ng no nays, the motion
car�ied unanimously.
r:���• „r������,,u
The meetin$ was adjourned at 9:12 P.M. by Chairman Mitteletadt.
� � Respectfully aubmitted,
�, •
/y `z-
� The meeting was called to order by Chaixman Erick�on at 8:35 P.M.
N�'IBERS PRESENT: Tonco, Sornsen, Ericksqn
N�MBk�tS ABSENT: Biermann, Hauge
OTHERS PRESENT: H. F. Muhich-Bui3,ding Official
Mr. Fxed Donaldson was present to pxesent the proposal.
Upon examination of the revised plot plans submitted, the Board agreed the
chex�es and additions previously recommended were correctly shown on them.
The previous changes are as follows;
1. Change in parking area s�ze frcm 9' x 22.5' to 10' x 20'.
2. Concrete curbin� surrounding blacktop area.
3. Detailed landecaping (shrub schedule).
4. Screening from neighboring zone area.
5. B�,acktop setbacks from property line.
6. Concrete curb detail drawin�.
7. Exieting trees and shrubswhich could be used in recreation area.
8. Driveway radii. �
�^ MOTION by Tonco to accept the proposal subject to the following stipulations;
1. Chang�e the figure in the request for hearing from a 77 unit apartment
complex to a 68 unit apartment complex.
2. Complete replatting and furnish proper legal descriptions.
3. Approval of Council and Inapection Depa.rtment.
Sevonded by Sornsen. Upon a voice vote, there no n�ys, the mo�ion
carra.ed unanimou�ly.
2. Recognizing hia �equest for a hearing although not listed on the agenda, the
Board made a number of suggeations to Mr. Arnold Petereon in proceeding with
his plans of a future commercial s+�:�cture on Beech Street on Lots 10 & 91,
Block 6, Onaway Addition. New plans & specs will be submitted �or a future
• _! 1• •} - _ -1�: �' C�s � •'r� -� -• - • 1 .: -�
•u•.� • . r� •• • •�o y -•' • � �_ :� C-
• � • •�:. :•� ••
Mr. DiCk Johnson was present to present the request.
The plans eubmitted were of the same design as t'he structures now loca.ted in
this area, exc�pt for increasing th�; height of the buildin� and overhead doors
^ by 2 feet and the thickness of the concxete floor slab by 1 inch.
After a short diacussion and a few p�nciled in changes on the plot plan, the
Board agreed to act on the matter.
MOTION by Sornsen to accept the proposal, aubject �o the following stipulationa;
1. Addition of shrubs with detailed schedule of species.
2. Concrete curb.
Seconded by Tonco. IIpon a voice vote, there being no nays, the mption carried
�'he meeting adjourned �t 9:40 �.M. •
Reapectfully submitted,
;�/��,� -�i i�. � -�_. �.
�ui].ding Official
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of
the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at
6431 University Avenue N.E. on February 27, 1969 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of:
Consideration of a rezoning request by N. Cra3g Johnson
(ZOA #69-03) to rezone from C-2S (general shopping areas)
and M-1 (light industrial areas) to R-3 (general multiple
family dwellings), the following described parcel which is
that part oi' the S 1'/2 of Section 3, T-30, R-24, Anoka
�ounty, Minnesota described as follows:
Beginning at the most�Southerly corner of Lot 1, Block 1;
Pearson's lst Addition; thence Northeasterly and Easterly
alon the Southerly line of said Pearson's lst Addition to
the �outhwesterly�line of the Great Northern Railroad Company
right of way; thence Southeasterly along said Southwesterly
right of way line to a point 606.60 feet Northwesterly of the
Southerly line of said S 1/2 of Section 3, as measured along
said Southwesterly right of way line; thence Westerly,
parallel with said South line of the S 1/2 of Section 3, to
the Northeasterly corner of Outlot A, Pearson's 2nd Addition;
thence continuing Westerly and Southwesterly along the
Northerly line of said Pearson's 2nd Addition to the North-
easterly right of way line of East River Road; thence North-
westerly along said Northeasterly right of way line to the
point of beginning.
Generally located South of 79th Way beiween East River Road
and the railroad tracks.
Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter
may be heard at this time.
PUBLISH: February 12, 1969
/'`L February 19, 1969
- Committe� of Five:
NUmber ��69-03 Paul G. Roberts ___._____Special UBe- Pez�mft
Clarence A. Lowe
George Halvorson Variance
AFPLICANT'3 SIGNATURE See Exhibit "A" William R. Dolan
Johnso�- �t Splita
Address Attached Approval of Pre-
limfnary Plat
Telephone Number N. Craig Johnson - 545-3795
Approval of Final
S. G. Pearson Co., Inc.
Address Attar.hPd 801 � Ave N- Mpls.
Telephone Number 784-7980 or Fr. 7-5520
_____�,,,,,,Streets or pll�-..,.
5treet Lacatioa of Property_�EG 79th Wav and East River Road
Legal Descriptfon of . Property See attached
Preseat �oning Classffication R-3; C-2-S; and M-1
Existfng Use o£ the Property_ unimproved ,
Yroposed Zoning Classification, Special Use, Variance or other request R- 3
Deacribe briefly the Type of Use-and the Improvement Proposed 300 units; garden-
t e multifamily buildings
Acreage of Property 15.9 (+ or -L
Has the Preseat Applicant Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat� Obtain a Lot Split,
ObCsin a Variance or Special Use Permit on t6e Subject Site or Part of it? No
i�Ih�t waa Reque�ted Fee EncZosed $ 40.00
Date Filed 2/3/69 Date of Hearin� 2�2��69
Number ��69-03
Tiie u.�de�&,igned understands that; (a) A of all residents and awners of pro-
perty ��ithin 300 feet must be attached to
� this application. see attached
�b) This applicatior► m�tst be aigned by aIl
o��ners of tha properCy, or an explanation '
. given why this fs not the case.
. (c) Responsibility for any defecC in the pro-
� ceeding� r�sultin� from the failure to list �
tBe names g`nd �ddre�ses of alI residents
�rnd pxopert� owr�erfi of property within 304
feet of the prop�•ri:y in questioa, belongs '
to Che undersi�ned.
Residents and 0amers of �roperty within 300 feet:�
.__..._....r. _
. _...r..,_.,_..
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be draF�n on the bactc of this
�� form or attached, showing the following; 1. yotth Direction
� 2. Locatioa of Proposed Srructure on lot.'
3. Dimensions of property, proposed
' structur�, and iront and side set-bacica.
Will be forwarded � . 4. Street Names
. � S. Location und use of adjacent existing
buildin�s (within 300 feet),
The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in
this application are true and correct.
DATE 2/3/69 SIGivATURE See attached
� . . •' � .. . . . ..,
. �r �Y �k �Ik * aFt '�1c �k �k � .
ApProved � Denied � By the �oa�d �� �ppee3s the �ollowin� Conditions; date
Approved Denied by the Plannin� Commission on
Subject to the Following Conditions: 'date
. �pproved Denied by the 6vurrc�#1• on . .. ... .
Subject to the �olloc��ing Conditions: `��
_^ . date
Forw PC 100
ZOA �69-03
� 1. Barry Blower - 99 77th Way
2. Richard J. Parish - 5830 Admiral Lane, Minneapolis
Wyman Smith - 211 N. E. Logan Parkway, Minneapalis
3. Richard Rush - 3619 Janssen Avenue N. , Chicago, I11. 60613
4. Dr, Irving Herman - 2605 Natchez Avenue S. , Minneapolis
5: Charles Floer - 16I 79th Way N. E.
6. Peter Platakis - 862 22nd Avenue S. E. , Minneapolis
7. J. T. Kelly, 3801 Crystal Lake Blvd. , Robbinsdale
8. Cyril Paulson - 131 79th Way N. E. , Fridley
9. Hugh Churchill - 121 79th Way N. E. , Fridley
10. John Hayes - 136 Liberty Street N. E. , Fridley
I1. Agnes Ekola, c/o Hulstand & Abate, Hibbing, Minn.
12. Glenn Stack - 821 Washington St. , Anoka, Minn.
• 13. Gertrude A. Podlasek and Joan M. Weiber - 154 Longfellow St. , Fridle�r
14. �C. H. Miller - 176 Longfellow St. N. E. , Fridley
15. Grady Finance Co. , Inc. 190 Longfellow
16. Maynard E. Schommer, 7905 E. River Road, Fridley
17. Paul Burkholder - 7860 A1den Way N. E. , Fridley
18. Chester Maciaszek - 6380 Quincy St. N. E. , Fridley
19. George Johnson - 211 79th Way N. E. , Fridley
20. M. A. Biddle, - 4800 Cedar Lake Road, Minneapolis
21. Arthur B. Hoyt - 3558 McKinley Street N. E. , Minneapolis
'ZOA ��69-03
1_ "7
22. N. P. Hayes - 6132 Elm Street, Morton Grove, Ill. 60053
� 23. Walter Schultz - 260 Longfellow N. E. , Fridley
24. Francis Anderson - 7760 Pine Street, Minneapolis, 55421
25. Juster Enterprises - 311 Produce Bank Bldg. , Minneapolis
26. . Edward V. Ahrens - 160 Craigbrook Way N. E. , Fridley
� 27. M,A.C. Methadist Church - 170 Craigbrook Way N. E., Fridley
28. John Dumphy, 155 Stonybrook Way N. E. , Fridley
29. Charles Martin - 133 Stonybrook Way N. E. , Fridley
30. Douglas Lindquist - 194 Pearson Way N. E. , Fridley
31. Willis Lockrem and J. I. Carlson - 184 Pearson Way N. E., Fridley
32. Andrew Donnay - 174 Pearson Way N. E. , Fridley
33. Kenneth Gere - 165 Craigbrook Way N. E. , Fridley
^ 34. Elden Metaxas - 175 Craigbrook Way N. E. , Fridley
35 . Rogear Jones - 185 Craigbrook Way N. E. , Fridley
36. Margaret J. Gaines - 140 Craigway N. E. ,�'ridley
37. Marcel Froneyberger - 7883 Firwood Way, Fridley
38. Kirylo Czichray - 147 Craigway N. E. Fridley
39. Garden City Construction - 801 Second Avenue N. , Minneapolis, 55405
40. Marvin Goedel - 7861 FiYwood Way, Fridley
41. Marilyn E. Johnson - 7833 Firwood Way, Fridley 55432
42. Superamerica Stations, Box 9, St. Paul Pa� Minn. 55071 c/o H, Hanson
43. Hennepin Trading Co. {LeRoy Miller, d/ba)
c/o 425 Merchandise Building, 6th & Hennepin, Minneapolis
-�'� �,>: � �'r.�� Q.lrz�tc�-��
�� J
20A ��69-03 �8
Supplement to zoning request
� � •
1. PROPERTY OWNER: � G-��7. / %�-=i/�1�c'<� ' , c� --�-f 'C
� , �; �
. Owner's Signature: 1 - ��` /��r-�.« f � � � _ �� � '�.� �c�, .
Owner's Address: �( / � �-;�� ,,���- /,' -
Owner's Telephone Number: ��''% �i�- t-t�' ��`j J- ��S �C
; �, �
s� � ��"
Paul G. Roberts, Old Cedar Road, Route 1, Rosemount, Minn.
� :i .
^ ' /% .'" �'� 'i v' ' f �•�/ . ,� _� .
' \
Clarence A. Lowe, 1580 E. Constance Dr. , Golden Valley, Minn.
. ��
, �
�eorg � vorson, 940 Angelo Dr. , Golden Valley, Minn.
-�-�,�!�,� � �� ,�./,,-�=-.:�:.
William R. Dolan, 5318 Upton Avenue S. , Minneapolis, Minn.
, 926-0368
" � ,, ��.�--
'�JN. Crai 517 Oxford Avenue, Edina Minnesota
g johns n.; ,
. , . . "�
_ � .. ,
; , . : . ;
, a .
. ZOA �k69-03 • : � �.:.�
- � � , Committee of Five _�
SE corner 79th Way &. R. Rd. .
�' ` Rezone from R-3, C-2S & 1 to � -�.,• �
•� R-3 . .''�
'� . .. • : �� � . O _.�_-..��� � --�+. . _...._--.
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February 17, 1969
. �
Kenneth Campbell, County Auditor
Anoka County:Court-House
Anoka, Minn. 55302
Dear Sir:
Would you please give me the ownership of the following;
Lots.39, 40, 41, 44 through 52, Auditor's Subdivision ��92
Also, please state if there were any delinquent tax years.
A self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed for your
convenience in replying.
Thank you.
' Yours very truly,
f�,// �/� ;� r `
" C.�C�'2 C� ✓ c• C. -'L C�!'�-�"'''�
Planning Commission
Enc. 1
.��/ �4�a2�2rt�c� � t�v�' c-G''�'@'c'��...C2�2�1c.� �„ e���;�lr�� . . .. �: 3'� . , �
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Mr. Nordstrom explained that this 1 d i 1 2-�-
- an s ocated directly south of the
Studebaker-0nan plant. ge made a study as to the feasib�lity of ccmmiercial
or industrial for this land which showed that this type of property really
would not be desirable or feasible for'cammercial. He checked with Super Valu
and Red OwI who informed him it was not tn the proper location. Small stores
would be strip zoning and he did not believe the City would want that. They
were asking R=3A for the use of the'Iand because, under FHA, all the special
assessments would have to be paid, and that would amount to approximat�ly
$3,500 per residential lot which would mean they would have to pay approxi-
mately $7,000 per lot, and this is out of`the question.
The.suggested use of R-3A for this Iand, approximately 29 2/3 acres,
would allow 18 acres for buildable sites. The terrain south of the propose�
- apartment complex could be used as a park. This would be donated by deed to
the,City of Fridley if they wished to accept it, or the developers could use
it for a private park, or possibly build single family dwell.ings on the banks
of the creek. Mr. Nordstrom said that he can obtain the kind of financing
hevj��an live with, and he has the contract to build from Ham�►erlund Enterprises,
Inc�. He referred to a letter written to the Council asking;to be put_on their
agenda for a public hearing, but wgs told they would wait for the Planning-
Ccn�nission to make a reeouanendation, and the £irst public hearing date before -
Council would prubably be the secand meeting in M,arch. This was satisfsetory
to him.
Chaira�aa Erfcksnn asked who was the owner of the house at 1500 County Road
H, and Mr. NordstraIIt anawered the present awner purchased the property from- :
Mr. Hipp, a tenant:lives in the house, and all three have been notified of the
public hearing.
In answer to the questions regarding utilities, the Engineering Assistant
/, stated that sewer is available on 69th Avenue. There is a 10" Iine an -
_ Ce�tral Avenue and an 8" watermain runs down 69th Avenue.
Mr. Nordstrom said there would be no problem with the soil.
Mr.;Myhra felt that at.this point, perhaps the Couanission would want an
opiaios� from the Engineering Department with reference to the utility capacities.
According to the Engineering Assistant, it had not been checked. However,
the°lines on 69th Avenue-are isolated and only serve the people on 69th Avenue.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Coummission
close the public hearing, ZOA ��68-13, Ha�erlund Enterprises, Inc. to rezone
the North 903 feet of the East 3/4 of the NF� of the NE� of Section 13,
(Paxcel 10 and 200) from R-1 (single family district) to R-3A (apartments and
multiple dwelling districts). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
M�TION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the rezoning request,
ZOA �68-13, Haumerlund Enterprises, Inc. be continued to February 13, 1969
meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
of SE� of Section 24 that lies North of Hwy. �100 right of way to rezone
from R-1 ( dwelling district) to Planned Development.
.� Chairman Erickson read the public hearing notice.
� R°,_�
Plannin� Canunission Meetin� Januarv 30, 1969 Pa e 3
Bruce Thomson, President of Pem�om, Incorporated, told the audience
this proposed P.D, request consisted of l55 acres, 120 of which were in
Fridley. The Company had built New Brighton Square and Windsor Green. He
then asked Bob Engstrom, Vice President and Officer in charge of land plan-
�1 ning, to take over. �
Mr. Engstrom said he had prepared a presentation which would give a
: start of what they are trying to accomplish. He said he understands under
� P.D. they did not necessarily have to submit a proposed use, but g:tve the
size of the deve2opment; that as they were option holders of the p�operty,
: 3t was necessary they submit a plan of what the ultimate development would
be. A lot of time has been spent studying the area. They have tried to
show respect for the averall framework of the City of Fridley, tra�fic
pattern, integrating of existing residential neighborhoad; they have shown
resgect of the land itself. In order to illustrate a couple of the things
they have accomplished and'give a little idea of their attempts, they
showed pictuxes of the new concept in Burnsville, Windsor Green, underground
utilities, children on playground apparatus, Walden with much o£ its existing
trees. He said that under P.D. cancept, you submit landscape plans, build-
ing plans and deliver what you say you are going to deliver. They looked
� on this area as one of the better ones to be deve:loped in the metrQpolitan
Mr. Engstrom introduced Mr. Contoski who works on the staff as a planner.
Mr. Contoski'used mags for his discussion. He said that the first thing they
have to consider in planning any area is.the chaxacterics of the plat
and the surrounding area. The area in New Brighton is relatively flat,
and the property is more rugged as yau go into Fridley. There are steep
� slopes, numerous potholes and swamps and is heavily wooded. It affers
�� besutiful possibilities for certain types of development. Interstate ��694
is directly south and forms an imposing land barrier. To the East, the-
New Brighton side is zoned co�nercial and property owned by St. Mary's
Hospital, Grace High School on the North and residential on the West.
TLiey do not �hi.nk the area would bs well suited for single family
because of the rugged terrain, but they believe the area would be very suitable
to their townhouse type of development. ,
Their thinking in respect to traffic pattern: The principle facility
and major entrance would be through Silver Lake Road and would also be the
future major road to the Hospital. A road would continue to Arthur Street.
Gardena Avenue is a significant collector street, being the only street to
connect to Central Avenue and to Silver Lake Raad. Second access point to
Silver Lake Road is independent of the hospital access and would connect
with Hillwind Road. Hillwind Road goes around the residential rather than-
through it. A connection will be made to Regis Lane from Matterhorn Drive.
The road alignment would be such that it does not encourage traffic into
present residential area.
Because of the gradation of the land, the order'of.buildings would be
s.ingle family townhouses to apartments of inedium density and apartments of
high density as you go East.
/"'1 _ ..
,,, _1
Ylannin� Commission Meeting - January 30, 1969 ' p8ge't� '�
Regi,s Lane: The original purpose was to give the children dir�ct access
to the �chool. At the present time most of the children from this �xea
would probably be bussed. The Matterhorn extension would be for the� catholic
schoal. :
Hillwind Road - Central Avenue: They talked to the Highway, Department,
showed them the plan, and Che Highway Department said they will very definitely
do something to this intersection. They will sit dawn,and work out which way
Fridley wants to go with it and expressed interest in sitting down with
Fridley and working.
Review Density - Townhouse Area: Mr. Contoski said there were 1,220
units in the whole area, and of that amount, Fridley had 780. He said they
� dfd not, as yet, design specific buildings for this area. It will be
several years before it will be developed and then it will be in de�inite
Mr. Engstrom said they would attempt to establish two townhouse neigh- .
borhoods with two different architectural designs. Generally the prices
range in excess of $35,000, AC the rate of rising construction costs, they
are exper�tencing an increase of 10% per year. Regarding the character of
Che multiple dwellings, they will attempt to follow a similar pattern as far
as being'able to came up wiCh a special design to adapt to the terraine and
be compatible with the other architecture. Mr. Engstrom said they were
interested in starting one of the townhouse nefghborhoods as soon as utilities
would be available. When asked about the closing date fox the whole procedure,
Mr. Engstrom answered in about four years. The Fridley side is really the
key to the whole area. It is a smaller garcel and without the appraval of
^� the Fridley area, they would be in no position to start the project. The
thirty-five acres in New Brighton is under option. . I
James Polzak, 1527 Trollhagen Drive: (Attorney, advieor and director
of Innsbruck Home Owners) I want to point out first that, frankly, we ask
this rezoning be not approved. Much has been said about the traffic pattexn.
We have a concern for Fridley a� a whole. In all of Fridley, you r�ally
do not have too many area developments ta support $35,000 homes. W� would
like to see the same kind of development as we have in Innsbruck. zt is
about the only area left to support that kind of dwelling. We urge, for
the interest of the City, not to rezone.
Herman F. Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail: Pemtom has done a tremendous job.
The slides were interesting because of cosnparisons between their townhouses
and trailer courts. I would like to see slides of cosnparisons of si.ngle
family residences. The intention of rezoning is.for multiple family dwel-
lings and my opinion of their intentions is they should have come foxward
with a request for R-3. They are asking for Planned Development. The plans
they have shown or have been identified are merely current thought. If that
is true, if they are asking Eor P.D. on that basis, what they are really
asking for is wide open �oning,
Mr. Bergman continued that the traffic pattern was preaented fairly
well. I would like to point out there xeally is no access to the West �a
shawn. (Mr. Bergman used the chart). The traffic dawn Hillwind Road to
^ Highway �65 involves six corners plus entrance to a gas station at this
� intersection. It is a fairly hazardous entrance. (A member from tl�e
audience added a Drive-In �.'h���xe �s w�ll), A�1 of these exits are on
Plaiming Comnission MeetinR - Januarv 30, 1969 �8�� g
Trunk Highway �65. The one which is most difficult to negotiate is �?�W��,��
RQad� It is very seldo�r„�sed because Old Central is the thxough stx�e� and
/'1 has primary shot at the Highway. .
Mr. Bexgman conclu�Qd tha� Pemtom'� objective is to get good de�s�ty
aut of this land'a:�d that is exactly wh�t we can't stand. �in��� y4:�ily
�residences would mean low�r density and that's w'�mt ehould go in. This land
is landlocked snd we are l,andlocked now.
Waldo Hoffman, 1333 Hillwind Road:: He presented a petition from 100%
of the,hc�me owners on Hillwiud Road which are in opposition to the r�zoning.
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Coamission
receive the petition circulated by Mr. Waldo Hoffinan opposing the r��y��n�
request, Z0A #69-01.. Upon a voice vote, all vating aye, the mc�tion caxrie�d
Richard E.
from R-1 to P.D.
Hudrlik, 5502 Regis Trai1: I seriously question rezoning
It se�ns they are really asking for R-3.
Mr. Hudrlik presented a petition with 25 names: of people of the Hathaway
Lane area who are opposed to the rezoning.
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�aisaion receive
the petition circulated by Mr. Hudrlik dated January 20 and 21, 1969 opposing
the rezoning petition, Z0A �69-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
R. J. Reed, 1204 Regis Terrace: He stated the schools are already
crowded and that Columbia Heights is building a tempora .ry school. P.D.
rezoning would increase the density to a point where it would be too much
of a burden on the schools. �
Mr. Reed presented a`petition against the rezoning.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commiesion
receive the petition circulated by Mr. R. J. Reed dated January 20, 1969
opposing the rezoning petition, Z0A ��69-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Lawell C. Me11um, 5517 Regis Trail: He had a petitiian signed by 26 home
owners on Regis Trail. He wished to state they have invested.a considerable
amount of money in �he community, and feel their request is really for R-3
zoning. A buffer zone of 135 feet is a sma11 buffer. It is unlikely anybody
would buy these lots with 170 unit tawnhouses, 1200 unit apartments, and with
a petition, could double that depending how the land goes.
MOTIQN by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the. Planning Co�ission
receiv� th� petitio� cir.culatec� by Lowe11 C. M�llum dated January 20, 2l and
29, 19'69 apposing the rezoning petition, Z0A #69-01. Upon a voice vote, all
vc�ting aye, the mation carried unanimously.
� Linda Petterson, 5679 Regis Trail: My property faces the back of it.
� When we moved here seven years ago, only four families were in this area:
Thexe was practically no traffic problem; the school is two blocks away.
PlanninQ Commission rfeetinR - January 30 2969 P��e 6 � 5
We inquired about the land behind us, and was told it was zoned residential.
This is the second time we have had to �ome here. I was told that the City,
when:originally laid out their property, laid it out coamercial, residential,
multi.ple to,consider what is the best far the City. Now why do you have to
review this every year. I don't think it is right.. Thie is a petition from
Lynde Ih'ive.
MOTION by 3ensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission
receive the getition circulated by Linda Petterson dated January 26 and 27,
1969 on Lynde Drive opposing the rezoning petition, Z0A �b9-01. Upon a vaice
vote, all vating aye, the mation carried unanimously.
In answer to Mr. Polzak's question, Chairman Erickson said the president of
�Acres, Inc., John-Johnson, signed the owner's request for rezoning.
Jean Bukovich, 1244 Regis Terrace; She staCed she had a petitio� of 24
names of the resi.dents on the south side of Lynde Drive, and they feel very
strongly the land should remain residential for the beneffC of the City of
I�TION by Fitzpatxick, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Comu►ission;
xeceive the petition circulated by Jean Bukavich dated January 26, 27, and
28, 1969 opposing the rezoning petition, ZOA ��69-01. Upon a voice voCe, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Henry Wahlberg, 5659 Regis Trail: I think the image of the City of
Fridley must be considered, also. I don't know iE this is the total i,mage we
want. I feel if this�area was developed it�to a.nice residential area, it
would be a much greater asset to our City instead of apaxtment development.
If this is developed L� �ne as in Innsbruck, we could be proud, but not
if it is apartment development.
MUTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Cosirmrmission
receive the petition circulated by William A. Dietz dated January 20, 1969
opposing the rezoning petition, Z0A ��69-01. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
William b. 9hontz, 5547 Regis Txail: He said the area is fairly well
saturated with tawnhouses at the present time. Under the P.D. rezoning, the
developer could claim hardship in a number of years c�.aiming the townhouse
3s no longer feasible and that the whole area should be put into apartments.
I understand there is some problem with P.D, in the past.
He presented a petition signed by 100% of the�people living on Hathaway
Lane. .
I�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Couanission
receiva the petition circulated by William D. Shontz dated January 19, 1969
apposing the rezoning petition, ZOA ��69-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Bil1 Shaza, 5212 Ca�itol Street N.E.: He aslced what density is a11owE�
� in P.D. development. (No density has been established.) He asked if it is
^ coimnon practice for the zoning conanission to consider rezoning without having
proposed plans.
_ U
Ylanning Commission Meeting - Januarv 30, 1969' Pa�e �
Ghairman Erickson said that rezoning can be acted on without any plans,
but the plans come later.and can be turned down.
^ Mr. Shaw said he wondered if it wauld not be wise ta have something down
before P.D: is considered. Theze is noChing binding to what they pre�ent.
Chairman'Erickson answered that thexe is nothing binding on either the
. City or petitioner. He then asked if it is the general feeling that the
. major groblems are density and traffic.
A citi,zen sai.d there would still be a fair amount of abjections -- lack
of buffer and subsequen� effect of property values. A lot af the p�ople who
maved to the suburbs did so to get away from congestion and txaffic. He did
agree the primary objection of many is that of safety relative to tra#fic.
The audience were informed by the Chaircnan that the petitioner would have
to present a plan agreeable to the Planning Couanission and City Counc�l and :
would require a public hearing the same as the ane held for rezonfng.
Willard Unke, 1422 Trollhagen Drive: I think Pemtom has an outstanding
reputation. They don't build little houses on hillsides. He asked the Plan-
ning Co�nissionc l) Do you people feel that you can exercise proper control
if it is rezoned to P.D. 2) How lang do you expect to considex this petition?
3) Is it possible that you can go ahead with your plana by lawering �he
density� _
Chairman Erickson said in answer to 1) I think the density can be con-
trolled. 2) He, personally, ���as not ready to act on the xezoning request
^� tcnight, but how many meetings it would take, he did not know.
�� ..
Mr. Engs.Crom said in answer to Item 3, they have proposed 6.5 per acre,
which we feel is moderate, and that the terrain wauld prohibit single
unattached dwellings, and if develaped, could not be done without damaging
the natural amenities of the site. We are not interested in going in there
on a single family subdivision. We are not interested in going in and ruining
that piece of land, Let me tell you we do not go in and se21 the Planning
Como�ission and Council a layout and a schedule and then come back with another
thing. We don't do that. We would Zayout a schedule and we do not deviate
fram that. The density under R-3 is considerably higher than what we are
. asking for. We have to present to the Planning Cqmmission and Council the
densities and a sketch.
Mr. Polzak said that when Acxes, Inc. bought that property, it was
assumed that the same kind of development would be built across the road. He -
thought it would be in the interest of the City of Fridley that it remain in
R-1 zoning.
A citizen added that they would like a nice residential area over there
which they could be proud of. She ob,�ected to P.D. She said she was not
4uest�on3.�g Cheir integrity, bu.t suppose they-started on apartment buildings
and'gat all of them built in five years, and then what could.happen -- they
might sell the rest of the land. . _.
.. . G.. ..
. ?., `7
Pl i ommi.seion Meeti.nsz - J�nuarv 30, 1969 _- FaRe 8 I
Mr. Jensen said he would Iike to clear ug one point. The cou�men� about
^ 480 homes in that area, he thought was really an errax in judgment because
this would be samewha� in excess of our minimum standards under the ordinance
. now.
Mr. Mellum: Do you have any P.D. in Fridley right naw? Spring Brook Park
apparently has flopped according to the Fridley Sun. I sat in the last meet-
ing and a very similar plan was developed. This plan was turned flatly down
� by the Planning Coumnission. We have a new Planning CouuY►ission and new Chairman. -
They come in with a similar plan, yet we reconsider. There may be a change of
thought with a change of inembers on the Commission. There is no continuity
as such. This P.D., as I see it, can go with the wind. I doubt very much if
I would buy property abutting Planned Development.
The Chairnian said that under R-3 zoning, the ordinance established a
density and there is not much that can be done about it.
Mr. Myhra said the Planning Co�iss3on has been erroneously attacked
about Spring Brook Park. I don`t think anyane deliberately did this. I came
on when it first came up. I saw plans in the very beginning: There was no ,
townhouse.: Someane said townhouses;were planned. It was not true as far as
the Planning Commission was concerned. A number of hearings were he�.d and
people were in agreement. Someone bought a home and felt he had been stung.
It is important, when this sort of thing happens, that the Ylanning Comcnission
does not put itself in the position to being the scapegoat and there ia a
corresponding responsibility on the part of the public.
^. Lester G. Gable, 1434 Trollhagen Drive: Part of your consideration is
t�es that may generate from a particular plot of ground. I'd like to find
out what the capital investment would be with a development like this and
what it will be with 320 to 350 single family development.
Mr. Thomson quoted the figures given him by Columbia Heights Schools
pertaining to schools which showed the plans as proposed wouZd be a benefit
to the community.
Mr. BergYnan stated that quite a bit af time has been spent on denaities.
He asked what the nonnal density is for R-1. Mr. Jensen answered that it all
relates to the ordinance and the maxim�m in Fridley would be approximately 3,
and in an area of rugged terrain, it would be considerably lowex than that,
possibly lower than 2.
Mr. Bergman said that comments were made about the desirability of
something like this rather than houses on the side of a hill. When Acres, Inc.
bought that land, they were not going to build little houses on the hill.
High cost homes should be built in that land to came out on top, poesibly
the same density count be accomplished as in Innsbruck. The areas in North
Oaks -- density is low, high priced houses, entire area is beautiful. He
thought 130 acres could be developed as in North Oaks and would be a beautiful
residential area and would not be economically unfeasible.
Mrs. Bokavich added that Fridley is filled up with residential.
. Mr. Thomson said he thought that all the people were coricerned about
traffic. His concern is what happens to this giece of land. We are a young
Planning Comaiission l�eeting - January 3Q, 1969 Page 9 2 g
company and we want to be around for awhile. We think we have come up with
a decision of 6.5 and would preserve the nature of the axea and he did not
/1 think the people will lose anything.
Mrs. Pettersen (speaking o�:;R�gis Trail) said there ie no actua� road
between Regis Trail and proposed M�tterhorn Drive. She asked why wou�ld not
they just take 150 feet ahd go rig�t straight through. When they moved out
there, they said it would be a dead`end street.
Mr. Bergman concluded that a year ago they came down to discus's th� ,
rezoning change. Petitions were presented with 167 signatux�es. A��ar later,
tonight, we are down here and we have presented petitions whiich tot�Iled 203
names. This is an indication that the people in the property i����t 'o� the
proposed zoning like this less and less. Mr. Bergman asked Chat they take
action tonight.
Mr. Polzak: I am against the rezoning.
MOTION by Mittelstadf, seconded by Myhra, that the Pla:ming Coma►ission
close the public hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA #69-01, Pemtom, Inc.
of that part of the SE� of Section 24 that lies North of Hwy. #100 right of
way to be rezoned fram R-1, single family dwelling district, to Planned
Development. Upon a voice vote,�al�::'voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Erickson said that he thought it was only fair to both sides of
the question that the Planning Co�ission continue a study of the information
given tonight.
"^ 1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�cmiesion
continue the rezoning request, ZOA 1�69-01, Pemtom, Inc. to February 27, 1969
for further study. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unani�us ly .
-- ----- — -- _ _ -- - __
3. REZONING REQUEST: zoA #69-02, GEORGE M. NELSON: 1�� of Lot 30, 1�� of Lot
31, Auditor's Subdivision �129. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Confirm public hearin�,r date of February 13, 1969•
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commission
' confirm the public hearing date of February 13, 1969 for ZOA #69-02, George
Nelson of the N� of Lot 30, PF� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision �129 to be
rezoned from R-1 to R-3A and that the heariri� be held at 7:30 P.M. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
4. REZONING REQUESTs ZOA #68r11� LOUIS MOMCHILOVICH: West 47 feet of the
South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision �77. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Co.nfirm public hearing date of Februaxy 13, �969•
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commiseion
confirm the'public hearing date of February 13, 1969 for ZOA #68-11, Louis
Monchilovich of the Weat 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's
^ Subdivision #77, to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3A and that the hearing be held
at 8:00 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried una.nimously.
, •_
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. _�_�__�__Specfal Uae Permit
Number � �� •- �,�'l� .,_ _
_ Variance
APPLICANT'S SIGNATtTRE �i- �� �, �--b�..•s.� Lot Splits
Address i�((� �Z-1 �? CL� �. Ls.� . 1�I s.� ��c�-�� �_APProva2 of Pre-
Iiminary Plat t�mber O�ks�
Telephone Number �-� �?�- -1 � � �
Approval of Final
Flat .
YitOPERTY OWNER' S SIGNATiIRE� cw �.-�� �����-� �.ti�_�
' _ Streets or ,A�1eg�--,._
Address Li� l(�, 2l s� C�.� {� . L.v . Vacations
Telephone Number �i e w.-� b'�'3 -'j'� � �ther
ty -G �= t � �- '3l �- - 7-$ I Z-
Street Location of Property S. L � �-�`�'l-yt«:
s�- '` ,
���r,��t�*c.Q . �, �;�.�.�pai:C� �`� ( �'� I�.tt
Lega1 Description of.Property �-�c����.�-- ���-�k �_Q� �--�r-►. �Z-� �o"{ '`�'
Present Zoning Classification � -�LCQ..����
Existing Use of the Property �°-�'"-�-
� _ '
Proposed Zoning Classification, Special Use, Variance or other request
Describe briefly the Type of Use and the Improvement Proposed ��-�--cC-�.s f.-�-�.-
� Acreage of Property � �-t--°z-��-�'
Has the Present Applicant Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat, Obtain a Lot Split, ,
Obtain a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It? � v
4�hat was Requested Fee Enclosed $ �
��a V
�a�e Fi1�d Date of Hea.ring
t ` � ,c.. �
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� � I�
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Number P.S. #�69-02 �
Tt�e uaat�t�,�g�sd �dexstands that; (a) A list of aI1 residents and owners of gro-
perty �aithia 300 feet must be attached to
this application.
(b) This application must be signe3 by all
awners of th� property, or an explanation "
given why this fs not the case.
(c) Responsibilitiy for any de�ect in the pro-
ceedings,r�sultin�; from tHe failure to list
the names`End addresses of aIl residents '
Aad pxoperty owr�ers of property within 300
' feet of the prop�rfiy in questton, belongs `
to the undersiyned.
Residents and Owners of Progerty within 300 feet:
� ,c.,-,, 5��
lA� T'�� t-1`i� �J S k► � �C�
i �. ,�
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`� -.0 `y _ .�. . ',
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be draUm on t6e back of this
form or attached, showing- the follo�aing: �._ NorCh _Di�reeCion _ _
2. Location of Propased Structure oa loC.
3. Dimensions of property, proposed
structure, and front and side set-bacics.
4. Street Names
5. LocaCion and use of adjacent existin�
bufldtn�s (within 30� feet).
The undersi�,ned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in
this application are true and correct.
DATE �GE.�-�.�.�c�.. (1 ��1�� SIGT3ATURE �— c�x.r-�-cQ � • ��=L-�.Q�.�A.1_-�
.' • . .. . . . +,
Approved' Denied By the soa�d nf ���p+�a�s�
Subject to the Followin� Conditions: daCe
Approved Denied by the Planning Commission on
Subject Co the Following Conditions: dat.e
- . �lP�rov�d Den.ieci �-- . by the Courrci� .oa .,�.. "�
^ Subject t4 the Following Conditzons: � da�e
Form PC 100
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P. s . #69-02 � • _Q p4'- - - .� ,.�..:%, � i �� �,...,
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AN�E� OAKS • `' �, � , . -
_ .� ` :_ �;,,_ . �-
Lot #4 , Aud . Sub . #92 � - --- �8 � •. : = 42 } •
_ Davis Hubers - Owner . ------- __ _ ..'� .. ,. � -----`-'A�;;:.: .. __ - �. ��- .
1•;, _ . • �`�- % ' .�,"'�. � :.,.- .
. 40 - 41' rN .., --
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Number % �: (} � C-� � - c:� `�
,K APPLICANT'. 3 5IGNATURE .��i�-� ,� .�-c-�x�r-r ,
Aaar�g8 (,� y �' � ���_�,,�-� � ��
- �
Telephone Number % � � — � ��%�,
j� PAOPERTY �INER' S SIGNATURE ���c�,�r.��-r'� � �.r-c��c-�-�
Address; � �`b'' ����`�
T�lephone Number_ '7 � �% - `� S`�> �
__� �
Specisl Use Permit
Lot Splita
Approvat of P�re-
Iiminary Plat
�,____�Approval of Fiael
��Streets or p17.ep---.._,.
X SCreeC Locatioa of Property �$''t� -- j 9 �' �,.2�,,�.� �</'
Lega1 Description of.Property �
� Present Zoning Cl�ssification __ (� -'._ �, ��,� � �,�,�z,e.;.; ��
- . .
Existin� Use of the Property _
Propased Zoaing Claesification, Speciai Use, Variance or other requesC
_ "'��- �%i..c+��tL�4�� ��iJ��1,�.a�.iS"� �1��1^YL��..i . � .
x� �Describe briefly the Zjrpe of Use aad the Improvement Proposed ��„ �� �cn�z
� �, � n % � �.. ._.4t-� �Z''-' • ij„ .
x Acreage of Property ��
Hsa the Preaeat ppplicant Previously Sought to Rezone, Flat` Obtain a Lot Split,
Obteia,a Variance or Special Use Permi[ on t6e Subject Site or Part of It? .��
� Wit�en?
1rFhat wa�a R�equ�sted Fee Enclosed $ 40.00
��Q ���- Date of I�aring
� �, c?, �' �5 � I 9
.. . . . . ... . .... . � fM ...
�• k
�� �,
�.� .,.Y,
_ �`; `�
�^ \ \
n �\
Number �69-04
The undersigned anderstands thet: (a)
A list of al! residents and owners of pro-
perty tiifthin 300 feet a►ust be attached to application.
This application must be aigned by:,al!
owlners of the property, or an eicplanation
�iven why this is not the case.
Responsibility for any defect fn the pro-
ceeding� res�,l.ting from the failure- to list
the aames End addreSses of all residents
t�nd praperty owr►er� of proper�:y within 300
feet of the prop�rL-y in question, belongs
to the undersi�ned.
Residents and Owr►ers of �roperty within 30� feet:�
��y . . . � �e�
���- ��.,�.�., «�c� [
. �C/YY'r" .. di� c',_ � - � -c ,�1 � �'ts .-r� � O L�'� �t�1C't:'' y-�`y:l Y .r• �%� � //�(.. C i'L�� .
�' ` �% �
'.�,�. �z����zf' • / �j /�n , '
.✓� r ..1 ��c �� �l' �1 �./-^?iY.'°� /� t� .%`/t�_`k'�,q �"yt.v..
w- 1-
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�, ^ ' � / ''�yq�i %.f /e-- 7- L //n) �h,_ .
� �, �7.i7r . � � : ( _' .'l'r'.C= �'�"e''�- .. \. F.) � '�„ �' f. � %�/ l"'` j L.i. � (!' ) / � � > `-'ll � •
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._..� .S �� � ( `�? �2' � ,r-f. � /�w�G?� 1J >.� � %"� � v � �;.- �
�_ ��'C� �% �J " C-�Li r � !rv / C.-ti:� � J.��� / ��1'7iC✓' � ^b � N�-Yf" Yl���L. / y�....
A eketch of propose property and structure must be draL�n on t'�ie �ac�C o� this� �`�� �r._
forcn or ,attached, showing the foliowing; 1. :Joreh Direction �'""
� 2. Locatioa of Proposed Structure on lot.
3. Dimensions of property, proposed
�' structure, and front and side set-backo.
. . 4. Street Names
S. Location und use of adjacent existing
� bufldings (�aithin 300 feet) .
The undersi�ned hereby declares that all the facts and representations sCated in
this application are true and correct.
DATE � — %� — � � SIGivATURE !`��-�"�•-� � �����->i3-c—Y--�
. � .. . . . ....
Approved Denied By the ,^so8�d Df �ppea�s the Followin� Conditions; daCe
A�proved Denied by the Pl:annin� eo�,i�gion on
Subject to the �,ollo�aing Conditions: 'date
�gproved` Denied by the Councfl oa
Subject to the Follo��ing Conditions: � date
Form PC 100
- vvn�.+v�v a. �wr.lvavlv GUEI ifny-�4
Outlot l, B1. 1, Nagel's Woodlands &
NW� of NW� of Sec. I2 lying E. af Nagel's
Woodlands, W. of Lampert's Add., N. of W.
, ; I+-extensi.on of S. line of Lampert's, & S, of
I �� Osl�orne Rd.
�i �� i Zon�d ZoneO'° Commercial
W' � � •Res 1 i •
� � � wI I Commerc►oi
� �
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Addre�s i%(� i` _( t i< � i,� i;�t- t- ii�f� f�i��S' �_:<<��/
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�� Rezoning
Special Use Pezmit
Approval of Fre-
liminary Plat
Telephone Nu�ber % �; �; / /-rLL/
Approval of Final
�. � . f�, .,;��� . /';!',-J�' ._L.•�,.�e; r��;.r+:(5 � Plat �
PROPERTY OWNEA' S SIGNATITRE ___ �'� �f' � �' :`�-- ,_ ��.
, �
'� Streets or pll.ey�-- . .
Addxeae ..L� �R �' � . c r �, : / f� � � ,� ��:_ %�/,�;�• � ,�'�i �l Vacotiona
Telephone Nutrber / � }' % � �/ C! � Other
Street Location of Property �•�� . �- j. ; C- �< f- - ��: �'-
Legal Description of . Property l - �` � S .% ( ,+"' � ! / ;: � � �'
%� i ✓ ^
�% - - �it �v! -� i� . � � / ~" � , l�f .
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Present Zoning Cls+�sification �� ��� �
Existing-Use of the Property (,/�% �<<<� -
Proposed Zoning Classification, Special Use, Variance or other request �• ����'�
� Describe briefly the Type of Use aad the Improvement Proposed r' I�� lr :�: �- ��' t�� �
:� 7 - . i!;. /� % ' ( . r ' i� S �, _ . r- a U r '��, h, 'rU; �. S ,.; �A,. %° r. `. . - . '/ % . i. -, i
.t._ � t- ;:�e,. eF{ ..i =; ; 'v . ( � � " � .
Acreage of Property � %�� � � r�
Kas the Preaent ApplicanL Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat� Obtain a Lot Split,
_ �
Obtt�in a Variance or Special Uae Permit on the Subject Site or Part of Yt��_
What wae Requested Fee Enclosed $ C-�( �-- '
:�'�%-� �` `� i -5 3 r�
Date Filmd Date of Hearing,�
. . ��.
. ZOA-
Humber �69-05 ' ��
,. . .,
The wnd�rsfgneci understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners af pro--
• perty Frithin 300 feet must be attached to
this application.
� (b) This app2icaCion must be aigned by alI
. o��ners of tha property, or an explanation "
; �iven why thfs is not the case.
, . (c) Responsibility for any defect in the pro-
. �. . ceedings-xc-sul.tin� from the failure Co -list
�. , the names End ��dresses of all residents
'�r �nd progert f oo,r�er� of property with`in 3�0
� feet of the pro��ri:y in question, belongs` '
` to the undersi�ned.
Re�ide•�s �md �Qy�r�e�s o€ �r.operty within 30f1 feet:�
L_> - - .,- �RSOr� ? ��� l � . �wn�ss
Ilr ��' / �, f'� ' f y
'�, /- . I� ., - CN , �'� ', J �, � '1, � !
-/ ��- = r' Fr:� i, 'r�� . . . . � ..1�� t.. ��'�' :,�-�• 'L�' � E�ricj� , l-yrl� -��i...l
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�•� , „i ,y r?;. E i. � � _ � . . . .
�'J'rc1..'�ri1.Y��' �`��,°i �' ;.` � � ;%�� � � �%.). �% �'� ''d,S . ' i.`� /�t�' 'lj' � �%�/�,�;
A sketch of p oposed property and structure must be dra��n on the bactc f this
� form or attached, showing the fo}loiaing; 1. :VorCh Direction
� 2. Location of Propased StrucCure on loC.
3. Dimensions of praperty, proposed
� atructurP, and front and side set-backe.
. _ 4. Street Names
' S. Location und use of adjacent exieCing
� buildings (within 300 feet).
_ The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated ia
this application are true and correct. ; �'� �� _�• �� � ,�.,,5. �-�„ r ,, � �
a c ;� ;j, t � .�.��
.-- _ ' - j �: ( ,
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... _....� � �
.• , . ,. ,
ak ak ie �ir �Ilr vk '�Ir otr ir .
Approved Denf�d By the y)OOrt� ti� sp�eals the Followin� Conditions: date
. Approved Denied by the Plannin� Commission on
Subject Co the Tpllocaing Conditions; 'date
Agproved Denied by the-.Council on
Subject ta the �ol]�o��aing Cond,i�tions: � date
Form PC 100
. _. .a
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� �' 2�6. .'�