PL 01/30/1969 - 31017�� �� � � PI�ANNING COA'A'IISSION MEETING JAN[JARY 30, 1969 ROLL CALL• PAGE 1 The qneeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:35 P.M. Members Present: Myhra, Erickaon, Mittelstadt, Jensea, Fitzpatrick Others Preaent: Engineering Aasistant Darrel Clark, City Manager Homer R. Anknim APPROVE PLANNING COP�KISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 8. 1969: MOTION by Jensea, aeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�ieaion Miautes of Jaauary 8, 1969 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL 1�NUTES: JAN[TARY 15. 1969: MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Coffiission receive the Buildiag 5tandarda-Deaign Control Subco�ittee minutes of January 15, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN �ONTROL MINUTES: JANUARY 22 1969: MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commiesion receive the Buildiag Standarda-Design Control Subco�ittee minutea of Jaauary 22, 1969. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimoualy. RECEIVE PLATS � SUBDIVISIONS-STREETS � UTILITIES SUBCOI�Il►�IIZTEE MINUTES: JANUARY 16, 1969: The followiag typographical correctioa was suggeated by Mr. Jenaea: Item 3 on page 3, the last sentence of the motion should read:"---- the aligament of Main Street from 79th Avenue South to 77th Ave:rue, should deflect to the �aet ---." MOTION by Mittelatadt, aeconded by Jensea, that the Planning Commission receive the Plats � Subdivisioae-Streete � Utilities Subco�ittee minutes of January 16, 1969 with the above correctioa. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.�ously. 1. PUBLIC HEARING : REZONING REQUEST. ZOA �68-13. HAMMF.RT.jjj�j� �j'j'ERPjuSES INC : Parcel 10 aad 200 (North 903 ft. of East 3/4 of NE� of NE� of Section 13). Rezone from R-1 to R-3A. Clarence D. Nordetrom repreeenting Ha�erlund Enterprises, Inc. was preaent. Chairman Erickson read the Public Heariag Notice. Planain� Commission Meetin� - Januarv 30 1969 pa�e 2 Mr. Nordstrom explained that this land is located directly eouth of the Studebaker-Onan plant. He made a study as to the feasibility of commercial or induatrial for this land which showed that this type of property seally n would aot be desirable or feasible for co�ercial. He checked with Super Valu and Red Owl who infoxmed him it was not in the pYOper location. Small stores would be strip zoning and he did not believe the City would want that. They were asking R-3A for the use of the land because, under FHA, all the special assessments would have to be paid, and that would amount to approximately $3,500 per resideatial lot which would mean they would have to p�y approxi- mately $7,000 per lot, and this is out of the question. ^ The suggested use of R-3A for this land, approximately 29 2/3 acres, would allow 18 acres for buildable sitea, The terrain south of the proposed apartment complex could be used as a park. Thia would be donated by deed to the City of Fridley if they wished to accept it, or the developers could use it for a private park, or possibly build siagle family dwellings on the banka of the creek. Mr. Nordstrom said that he can obtain the kind of financing �e can live with, and he has the contract to build from Ha�erlund Enterprises, Inc. He referred to a letter written to the Council asking to be put on their ageada for a public hearing, but was told they would wait for the Planning Co�iaeion to make a reco�endation, and the first public hearing date before Council would probably be the second meeting in March. This was satiafactory to him. Chairman Ericksnn asked who was the owner of the house at 1500 County Road H, and Mr. Nordstrom answered the present owner purchased the property from Mr. Hipp, a tenaat lives in the house, and all three have been notified of the public hearing. In answer to the questions regarding utilities, the Engineering Assistant stated that sewer is available o*+ 69th Avenue. There is a 10" line on Central Avenue and an 8" watermain runs down 69th Avenue. Mr. Nordstrom said there would be no problem with the soil. Mr. Myhra felt that at this point, perhapa the Co�ission would want an opinion from the Engineering Department with reference to the utility capacities. According to the Engineering Aasistant, it had not been checked. However, the liaes on 69th Avenue are isolated and only serve the people on 69th Avenue. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Cos�ission close the public hearing, ZOA ��68-13, Hammerlund Enterpriees, Inc. to rezone the North 903 feet of the East 3/4 of the NE'� of the NE� of Section 13, (Parcel 10 and 200) from R-1 (aingle family district) to R-3A (apartments and multiple dwelling diatricts). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1�OTIOPT by Myhra, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the rezoning requeat, ZOA �68-13, Hau�erlund Enterprises, Inc. be continued to February 13, 1969 �eting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. 2• PUBLIC FIFARING: REZONING UEST ZOA #k69-01 PEMTOM INC ; That part of of SE� of Section 24 that lies North of Hwy. �100 right of way to rezone n from R-1 (eingle family dwelling district) to Planned Development. � Chairn�aa Erickson read the public hearing notice. Plazmin� Co�ission Meetin� - Januarv 30, 1969 Page 3 Bruce Thomson, President of Pemtom, Incorporated, told the auc�ience ,�,,,� this proposed P,D. requeat consieted of 155 acres, 120 of which we�e in Fridley. The Company had built New Brightoa Square and Windsor Gr�en. He then asked Bob Erigstrom, Vice President and Officer in charge of l�nd plan- niag, to take over. /"� Mr. Engstrom said he had prepared a presentation which would �ive a start of what they are trying to accomplish. He said he understan$s under P.D. they did not necessarily have to submit a propoaed use, but g�.ve the aize of the development; that as they were option holders of the p�operty, it was aecessary they aubmit a plan of what the ultimate developmer�t would be. A lot of time has been spent studying the area. They have tr�ed to ahow respect fox the overall framework of the City of Fridley, tra�fic pattern, iategrating of existing residential neighborhood; they have shown respect of the land itself. In order to illustrate a couple of thQ things they have accomplished and give a little idea of their attempts, tt�ey ahowed pictures of the new concept in Burnsville, Windsor Green, ux�derground utilities, children oa playground apparatus, Walden with much of i�a existing trees. He said that uRder P.D. concept, you submit landscape plans, build- ing plans and deliver what you say you are going to deliver. They looked on this area as one of the better ones to be developed in the metropolitan area. Mr. Engstrom iatroduced Mr. Contoski who works on the staff as a planner. Mr. Cantoski used maps for his discussion. He said that the first thing they have to consider in planning any area is the characterica of the plat aad the surrounding area. The area in New Brighton is relatively flat, and the property is more rugged as you go into Fridley. There are steep slopes, aumerous potholes and ewamps and is heavily wooded. It offers beautiful passibilities for certain types of development. Interstate ��694 is directly south and fo�s an imposing land barrier. To the East, the New Brighton side is z�ned co�ercial and property owned by St. Mary`s Hospital, Grace High School on the North and residential on the West. They do not �hink the area would be well suited for aingle fausily because of the rugged terrain, but they believe the area would be very suitable to their towahouse type of development. Their thinkis�,g in respect to traffic pattern: The principle facility aad major entraace would be through Silver Lake Road and would also be the futuxe majo� xoad to the Hoapital. A road would continue to Arthur Street. Gardena Avenue is a aignificant collector street, being the only street to connect to Ceatral Avenue and to Silver Lake Road. Second access point to Silvex Lake Road is independent of the hoepital access and would connect with Aillwiad Road. ftillwind Road goes around the residential rather than t'hxeugh it. A connection will be made to Regis Lane from Matterhorn I?rive. The road alignmeat would be such that it does not encourage traffic into preaent residential area. Bec�use of the gradation of the land, the order of buildings would be aingle family townhouses to apartments of inedium density and aparta4ents of high deasity as you go East. Plazmia� Co�nission Meeti�g - January 30, 1969 Page 4 .__ ;teg�s Lane: The original purpose was to give the children dire�ct accese ^ to the scbool. At the present time most of the children fram this $rea would probably be bussed. The Matterhorn extension would be for the� catholic school. Hillwind Road - Central Avenue: They talked to the Highway Department, ahowed them the plan, and the Highway Department said they will veay definitely do something to this intersection. They will sit down and work out which way Fridley wants to go with it and expressed interest in sitting down with Fridley and working. Review Density - Townhouse Areas Mr. Contoaki said there were 1,220 units in the whole area, and of that amount, Fridley had 780. He said they did not, as yet, design specific buildings fox this area. It will be several yeare before it will be developed and then it will be in definite eta�es. Mr. Engstrom said they would attempt to establiah two towahouse neigh- borhoods with t�ao different architectural deaigns. Generally the prices range in excesa of $35,000. At the rate of rieiag construction coats, they � are experiencing an increase of 107, per year. Regarding the character of the multiple dwellings, they will attempt to follow a similar pattern as far as being able to came up with a special design to adapt to the terraine aad be compatible with the other architecture. Mr. Engstrom eaid they were interested in starting one of the townhouse neighborhoods as soon as utilities would be available. When asked about the closing date for the whole procedure, Mr. Engstrom aaswered in about four years. The Fridley side is really the � key to the whole area. It is a smaller parcel and without the approval of the Fridley area, they would be in no position to etart the project. The thirty-five acres in New Brighton is under option. James Polzak, 1527 Trollhagen Drive: (Attorney, advisor and director of I�sbruck Aome Owners) I want to point out first that, frankly, we ask this rezoniag be not approved. Much has been said about the tiaffic pattern. We have a concerai for Fridley as a whole. In all of Fridley, you r�ally do not have too many area developments to eupport $35,000 homes. W� would like to see the same kind of development as we have in Innebruck. It ie about the only area left to support that kind of dwelling. We urge, for the interest of the City, not to rezone. Herman F. Bergman, 5503 Regis Trail: Pemtom has done a tr�endous job. The elides were iateresting because of comparisona between their townhouses and trailer courts. I would like to see alidea of compari�ons of s�ngle family residences. The intention of rezoning is for multiple family dwel- lings and my opinion of their intentiona is they ehould have come faxward with a request for R-3. They are askiag for Plamzed Development. �he plane they have ahown or have been identified are merely current thought. If that is true, if they are asking for P.D. on that basis, what they are really asking for ia wide open ��ning. Mr. Bergman contiaued that the traffic pattern was presented f$irly well. I would like to poiat out there really is no accesa to the Weet ae � ahown. (Mr. Bergman used the chart). The traffic dawa Hillwind Road to _ Highway �65 involves six corners plus entrance to a gas station at r,hie ' intersection. It ie a fairly hazardous eatrance. (A member from the audience added a Drive-Ia �'h��,t�e ��s w�ll), A�1 of these exits are on Plaanins� Coumission Meetiar� - Januarv 30, 1969 gffi�� �, Trunk Highway �65. The one which is most difficult to negotiate i� ���,�,���� � Road. It ie very seldo�t used because Old Central ie the tta�ou�h stree'� and has primarq ehot at the Sighway. /"� Mr. Ber �ox�cluded that Pemtom'� objective is to get good de�eity out of this land �nd that is exactly what we can't stancle 3�1� ��ly g�sidencea wozald ffiean lawer denaity and that's wh�t e�xould go f.n. Thie land is landlociced �� we are landlocked aow. Waldo Hoffman, 1333 Hillwind Road: He presented a petition fro�n 100% of the home o�anere oa Hillwind Road which are in opposition to the rezoning. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Ca�niesion receive the petition circulated by Mr. Waldo Hoffman oppoeing the s����a�n� request, ZOA �69-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, ihe motion �arried unanimously. Richard E. Hudrlik, 5502 8egia Trail: I seriously questioa rezpning fsom R-1 to P.D. It seeme they are really asking for R-3. Mr. Hudrlik preseated a petition with 25 names of people of the Hathaway Laae�area who are opposed to the rezoning. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Myhra, that the Planaing Co�iesipn receive the petition circulated by Mr. Hudrlik dated January 20 and 21, 1969 oppoeiag the rezoning petition, ZOA �69-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the �tion carried unanimously. R. J. Reed, 1204 Regie Terrace: He stated the echoole are already crowded and that Columbia Heights ia buildiag a temporary school. P.D. rezoning would increase the deneity to a poiat where it would be too much of a burden on the schools. Mr. Reed preaented a petition againat the rezoning, MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Commission receive the petitioa circulated by Mr. R. J. Reed dated Jaauary 20, �.969 oppoaing the rezoning petition, ZOA �69-01. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously. Lowell C. Mellum, 5517 Regia Trail: He had a petition eigned by 26 hame owaere oa Regis Trail. He wished to state they have iavested a cons�.derable amount of moaey ia the co�unity, and feel their requeat ia really fqr 8-3 zoniag. A buffer zone of 135 feet is a small buffer. It ie unlikely anybody would buy theae lots with 170 unit to�w�houses, 1200 unit apartmenta, and with a petition, could double that dependiag how the laad goes. 1�OTION by Jensen, seconded by Mitteletadt, that the Planning Commission receive the petition circulated by Lowell C. Mellum dated Jaauary 20, 21 and 29, 1969 oppoaing the rezoning petition, ZOA �b9-01. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimcusly. �� Linda Petterson, 5679 Regie Trail: My property facee the back of it. When we maved here seven yeara ago, oaly four families were ia this area: There was practically ao traffic problem; the school is two blocks aWay. PlaaainQ Coamnission �eetin� - Janua=v 30. 1969 Pa�e 6 �i We inquired about the �and behind us and was told it was zoned reside�tial. ^ This is the aecond time we have had to coma here. I was told that th� City, when originally laid out their property, laid it out commercial, residential, �ultiple to consider what is the best for the City. Now why do you h�ve to review this every year. I don't think it is right. Thie is a petition from Lyade Drive. I�TION by Jensea, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaaiag Commiesioa receive the petition circulated by Linda Petterson dated Jarniary 26 and 27, 1969 oa Lyade Drive opposing the rezoning petition, ZOA �69-01. Upon e voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. In anewer to Mr. Polzak's question, Chairman Erickson said the preaident of Acrea, Iac., John Johnson, eigned the owner's request for rezoain�g. Jeaa Bukavich, 1244 Regis Terrace: She stated she had a petitioa of 24 aames of the reaidents on the south side of Lyade Drive, and they feel very strox�gly the land should remain residential for the benefit of the Ci�y of Fridley. 1�TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Jensen, that the Pla:ming Coamiiseion receive the petition circulated by Jean Bukavich dated Jaauary 26, 27, and 28, 1969 opposing the rezoning petition, ZOA �b9-01. Upon a voice voCe, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously. Henry Wahlberg, 5659 Regis Trail: I think the image of the City of ^ Fridley must be considered, also. I don't kaow if this is the total �mage we want. I feel if thia area was developed itito a nice residential area, it would be a much greater asset to our City instead of apartment development. If this is developed �e �mne as in Innabruck, we could be proud, but not if it is apartment development. MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Plazming Ca��esion receive the petition circulated by William A. Dietz dated Jauuary 20, 1969 oppoaing the rezoning petition, ZOA �69-01. Upon a voice vote, all votinbg aye, the motion carried unanimously. William D. 3hontz, 5547 Regie Trail: He eaid the area is fairly well saturated with tawnhouses at the present time. Under the P.D. rezoni�ng, the developer could claim hardship in a number of years claimiag the townhouse is ao longer feaeible and that the whole area should be put iato apartmeats. I understand there is some problem with P.D. in the past. He preaeated a petition signed by 100% of the people living on Hathaway Lane. 1�TION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�isaion receive the petition circulated by William D. Shontz dated January 19, 1969 oppoeing the rezoni�g petition, ZOA �69-01. Upon e voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Bill Shaw, 5212 Capitol Street N.E.: He asked what deasity is allawed � � in P.D. development. (No density has bee�n established.) He asked if it ie corm�on practice for the zoaing commiseion to consider rezaniag without having propoaed plane. Plannin� Co�nission M�eting - Januarv 30 1969 PB�e � Chairman Erickson said that rezoning can be acted on without aa� plans, but the plans come later and can be turned down. Mr. Shaw said he wondered if it would not be wise to have something down before P.D: is considered. There is aothing binding to what they present. Chairman Erickson answered that there is nothing bindiag on either the City or petitioner. He then asked if it is the general feeling that the major problea�s are density and traffic. A citizen said there would still be a fair amount of objectiona -- lack of buffer and subsequent effect of property values. A lot of the peo�le who moved to the suburbs did ao to get away from congestion and traffic. He did agree the prima.ry objection of many ie that of safety relative to tra�fic. The audience were informed by the Chairman that the petitioner wquld have to present a plan agreeable to the Planning Co�isaion and City Counc�.l and would require a public hearing the same se the one held for rezoning. Willard Unke, 1422 Trollhagen Drive: I think Pemtom has an outatanding reputation. They don't build little houses on hillsides. He asked the Plan- ning Co�ission: 1) Do you people feel that you can exercise proper control if it is rezoned to P.D. 2) How long do you expect to conaider this petition? 3) Is it posaible that you can go ahead with your plana by lowering fihe dans ity ? Chairma.n Erickson said ia answer to 1) I think the density can he con- �, trolled. 2) He, persoaally, �as not ready to act on the rezoning request tonight, but how many meetings it would take, he did not kaow. � Mr. Engstrom said in anawer to Item 3, they have proposed 6.5 per acre, which we feel is moderate, and that the terrain would prohibit eingle unattached dwellings, and if developed, could not be done without da�aging the natural emenitiea of the site. We are aot interested in going in there on a single fasnily subdivision. We are not interested in going in and ruining that piece of land. Let me tell you we do not go in and aell the Pla�ning Cou�ission and Council a layout and a schedule and then come back with another thiag. We don't do that. We would layout a schedule and we do not deviate from that. The density under R-3 is coasiderably higher than what we are askiag for. We have to present to the Planning Co�iasion and Cquncil the densities and a sketch. Mr. Polzak said that when Acrea, Inc. bought that property, it wats asaumed that the same kiad of development would be built across the road. He thought it would be in the interest of the City of Eridley that it remain in R-1. z oning . A citizen added that they would like a nice reaidential area over there which they could be proud of. She ob�ected to P.D. She said she was not questioning their�integrity, but auppose they started on apartment bu�ldings and got all of them built in five years, and then what could happen -- they might aell the rest of the laad. �lann�ins� Comnission Meetine - Januaxv 30. 1969 Farxe 8 , Mr. Jenaen said he would like to clear up one point. The co�en� about �"`� 480 homes in that area, he thought was really an error in judgu�ent because thie would be somewha� in excesa of our minimum etandards under the ordinance now. Mr. Mellum: Do you have any P.D. in Fridley right naw? Spring Brook Park apparently has flopped according to the Fridley Sun. I sat in the l�st meet- ing and a very aimilar plan was developed. Thie plan was turned flatly down by the Planning Carmnissioa. We have a new Plannin� Commiseion and new Chairman. They come in with a similar plan, yet we reconsider. There may be a change of thought with a change of inembera on the Commissioa. There is no continuity as such. Thie P.D., ae I see it, caa go with the wind. I doubt very much if I would buy property abutting Planned Development. The Chairman said that under R-3 zoning, the ordinance establiehed a denaity and there is not much that can be doae about it. Mr. Myhra said the Plaaning Cammission has been erroneously attacked about Spriag Brook Park. I don't think anyone deliberately did thie. I ceme on when it first came up. I saw plane in the very beginaing. There was no tawaliouse. Someoae eaid townhousea were planned. It was not true a�s far as � the Planaing Co�iesion was concerned. A number of hearinge were he�.d and people were in agreemeat. Someone bought a home and felt he had been etung. It is important, when this sort of thing happens, that the Plaaning �o�niesion does not put itself in the position to being the scapegoat and there is a correspoading responsibility on the part of the public. �� Leater G. Gable 1434 Trollha en Drive: Part of , g your coneideration ie taxes that may generate from a particular plot of ground. I'd like �o find out what the capital investment would be with a development like thi� and what it will be with 320 to 350 single family development. Mx. Thomson quoted�the figures given him by Columbia Heighte Sc�ools pertainiag to schools which showed the plane as proposed would be a benefit to the community . Mr. Bergman etated that quite a bit of time has been speat on denaities. He asked what t�e nvrmal density is for R-1. Mr. Jensen answered that it all relates to the ordinance and the maximum in Fridley would be approximately 3, and in an area of rugged terrain, it would be considerably lower than that, poesibly lower than 2. Mr. Bergman said that co�nents were made about the deairability of something like this rather than houses on the eide of a hill. When Acres, Ia�c. bought that land, theq were not going to build little houaes on the hill. High cost homes should be built in that land to come out on top, posaibly the same density count be accomplished as in Inasbruck. The areas in North Oaka -- densitq is low, high priced housea, entire area is besutiful. He thought 130 acres could be developed as in North Oaks and would be e besutiful residential area and would not be economically unfeasible. Mrs. Bokavich added that Fridley is filled up with residential. � - Mr. Thamsoa said he thought that all the people were concerned about traffic. His concern is what happeas to thie piece of land. We are a young p�anaing Co�i.ssion �eeting .- January 30, 1969 Page 9 company and we want t4 be around for awhile.. We think we have came �p with �� a deciaion of 6.5 and would preserve the nature of the area and he d�.d not think the people will loae anything. Mrs. Pettersen (speaking o�.:;Regis Trail) said there ie no actua� road between Regis Trail and propose�l;Ma,tterhom prive. She asked whq wo�ld not - they just take 150 feet ahd go right str'aight through. When they moved out � - there, they said it would be a dead end street. � - N1r. Bergman concluded that a year ago they came down to diecuse..�hi� , rezoning change. Petitions were presented with.167 signatu�ea. A:y��r�later, tonight, we are dawn here and we have presented petitioas wliich tot$lled 203 names. This is an indication that the people in the property.��s��oi' the proposed zoaing like this less and less. Mr. Bergman asked tha� they take action tonight. Mr.. Polzak: I am against the rezoning. MOTION by Mittelstadt, secoaded by Myhra, that the Pla:miag Commission close the public hearing of the rezoning request, ZOA �69-01, Pemtom, Inc. of that part of the SE� of Section 24 that lies North of Hwy. �100 right of way to be rezoaed from R-1, sing].e family dwelling district, to Planned Development. Upon a voice vote, al�;:voting aye, the �tion carried uaanimously. Cha.irmaa Erickson said that he thought it was only fair to both eidea of the question that the Planning Co�ission continue a study of the information given tonight. � MOTION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Fitzpatxick, that the Planning Conmiesion continue the rezoaing request, ZOA �69-01, Pemtam, Inc. to February 27, 1969 for further study. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carxied ����us ly . � -. _ _ _ - _ _. . . -----. � a �Q��Ntr' �E'QTiF�3'I': $OA 69-02 � G'EORGFi+ M. 1�E�SON: 1�Q A�' �@� �Q w�� 8�' �@� , :, �1 !�.ud�.tp�' �9 Subdivieion �129. Rezor�e from R-1 to Rm�,�, Qo�fix� public hea�ir� da;t� �f �'eb��,ryr 13, 19�9. MOTION by Mittelstadt, aeoonded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiaeion ' oonfirm the public hearing date of February 13, 1969 for ZOA #69-02, George Nelson of the N� of Lot 30, 1�� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivie.ion #129 to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3A arid that the.hearirig be held at 7:30 P.M. IIpon a voice vote, all votin� aye� the motion caxried unanimously. 4. REZOIJING UFST: ZOA 68�11 LOIIIS MOMCHILOYICH: West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, .�uditor�s Subdivieion 77. Rezone from R-1 to R-3A. Confirm public hearin� date of Februaxy 13, �969• MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Commisaion confirm the"public hearin� date of Februasy 13, 1969 for ZOA �5-11, Louis � Monchilovich of the Weet 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10� Auditor�s Subdivieion #77, to be rezoned from R-1 to R-3� and tha.t the hearin$ be held at 8:00 P.M. IIpon a voice vote, all votix� aye, the motion carried unanimou�ly. Plannin� Cotmmission Meetint� • Januarv 30, 1969 _� pat�e 10 5. �OPOSID PRELIMINARY PI,�T : P. S.#69-01 , BRgyTWppL r.�'PATF� 9 THONIAS R. SWANSON: DQ� +��.v aeeL oa Lot 35, rear 401.9 feet of Lot 33, Revieed Auditqr°s � Subdivision #77. � ' Confirm public hea�'i.ng date of Febr�.�xy 13, 1969. MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Pla.xini2� Commission co.nfirm the public hearing date of February 13, 1969 for the proposR3 � preliminary plat, Brentwood Estates, Thomas R. Swanson,of the rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35, rear 401.9 feet of Lot 33, Revised Auditor's Subdivision #77 and that the hearing be held at 8:30 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 6. SAV #69-01; CITY OF FRIDLEY �ACATION OF PORTION ROAD SOIITH OF 73RD AVENUE FOR LOOPBACK. WEST SERVICE ____,_ It was explained by the Engin�ering Assiatant that the City has secured easements ior new alignment from T�,co Towne Internatio.na.l, Inc. and Target, and trie deeds have been recorded. In order to get tYae loopback, the �;,-_ City of Fridley would vacate a portion of the s�rvice road, and Taco Tow►?.c �° � would dedicate the alignment as shown on drawing dated 12�23/6� �y ���,,yr�n�L, Glc.nde on page 37 of the agenda. MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, th recommend the vacation (SAV #69-01� of the aervice of 73rd Avenue and that the City retain the utilit. all votin� aye, the motion carried unanino�zsly. 7. MINNESOTA STATE AID MILEAGE DFSIGNgTION: at the Plannin,� Commiasion road at Highwa,y #65, South Y rights. Upon a voice vote, The Ert�ineerin� Assistant explained that the Plats & Subdivisioxi�-Streets & IItilities Subcommittee felt some conaideration should be g�iven to the service drive along T.H. #47 as it goes pa,st the Anoka. County Ice Arena and i.ndustrial area to the North. It is impossible, at thie point to aek for c±ate Aid Funds ?-ecause the construc+ion plans must be approved by $he atate prior to lettix�. The members studied ma,pa of the area prepared by the E.n�ineering Depa.rtment indicati.ng deleted,, propoeed and preeent State and County roads. MOTION by Mittelstadt, aeconded by Myhra, tha,t the Planning Commieaion conaur with the memo to the Plats & Subdivisio.ns-Streete & IItilities Subcommittee dated January 15, 1969 and recommez�d that Minnesota State Aid Streets No. 323, No. 306 and the portion of No. 316 between IIniveraity gvenue and 7th Street, and the portion of No. 320 between IIniversity Avenue and 5th Street be removed from the eystem, and tha.t the following recommendation be for new Minnesota State Aid Streete: (1� �lden. Way, 75th Way, 79th Way combination; (2� Rice Creek Terrace and Monroe Street combination with the following alternatee: (a� Highway #4.7 East Service Drive (69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue�; (b� 52nd, Buchana,n, 53rd Avenue and Matterhorn Drive combination. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimoualy. 8. STREET STUDY: 73 �VENUE VACATION• � The Engin�erix�g Aasietant reviewed the background of this item eayino� that the City hae a need for more right of way on 73rd Ave.nue. The membere wondered if it would be poasible to trade land at the North for the ri,ght of way and diepense wi�h condemnation and no egchange of money. The � Planning Commisaion sent the vacation atudy back to the Plats & Subdivisions- Plenain� Commiseion Meetin� - Januarv 30, 1969 Pa�e 11 �� � Streets & IItilities Subaommittee. They felt the City could not initiate the vacation because of the ownership problem on-either aide of 7�� Avenue. The tradin� would have to be done now because of the street improvement project is scheduled for �96g. The motion of the eubcommittee indicated that if the 140 foot wide atrip of land to the North of Central View, whieh would be hard to develop by itself, were combined with Block 1, Central Yiew, two building sitee could be created. One, a five acre commercial site with access to a service drive alox� xi�hway #65, the other, a five acre industrial site with acceas to Central gvenue and that all of Block 2 could develop, as is, with fronta.ge along 73rd gvenue. They recalled tha,t Mr. Soreneon did not want 7�2 Avenue vacated, and Mr. Tfioe had no objection but he had a problem with the storage tanks. Mr. Jensen said that you caanot aesume anything about the size or shape of the future development of a commercial or induetrial trast. Th� only thing the Subcommittee could do lo�ically wae to recommend tha,t th� �treet co�ald not be c�oseci and state that they felt th��r would recom�end £avo�e�ble coxieideration oi an alterz�te scheme e,llowing the cloei.n$ of 732 9venue upo� the request of the individuals to vacate and with the acquisition of a service drive from 73rd.Avenue to Fireeide Drive alon� Highway #65 eo that all properties could be properly eerved by the street. MOTION by Jensen, eeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plann�ng Commisaion recommend to Council that, while the vacation of 73� Avenue is probably a ^ desirable action, it cannot be recommended becauae abutting property owners axe not in a$reement and vacation would deprive some ownera of etreet access to their propertiea. If at a future date abuttin� pro�rty owners �favor this vacation proposal, a service drive should be considered alon� T.H. #65 from 73rd Avenue to Fireaide Drive. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motiox� carried unanimously. The Commieaion were given a large acale map of the area prepared by the Engineerix� Department. They felt these were a definite help to them in seeing the situation more cleaxly and aug�ested they be available to the Council. 9. F�tCAVATION ORDIN.ANCE: The City Manager was aeked what concern the Plannin� Commieaio.� should coneider. He eaid the problem is the condition of the street after an egcavation. Such things ae improper backfillin..� or compa.ction which would not necesearily show up right away, need attention. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how much of a safety factor are we dealix� with here and if we are to provide a safe operation, it aeemed to him it could be done in many other ways, such ae individual�s reaponsibility, or by ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance wae diacuesed. One of the iteme n diecuased wae the poating of a aurety bond. The Commieaion felt this would be unfair to the person doing a very ame,ll piece of excavation and this feeling included the para�raph on in�urance. They also said that any Planning Coummission Meeting - January� 30, 1969 Page 12 �"", - excavation ordinance should be written so that the City would not be ' responeible for dama.ges which might occur because of faulty excavation procedure by some other excavator. The Commission felt they would recommend that the ordinance be redrawn. The poasible violatio.na were discussed. � /'�1 ADJOURNI�TT : Cklairman Erickson adjourned the meeti.ng at 12:45 P•�• Respectfully submitted, � - -f��,? ,� �1 r�'�-�..�. AAZET, 0'BRIAN Recording Secretary �� _. ,. � � �v�.� � �, .�� `��� � ��,�� =_ �� „� �� ��� � , r � �� , �t� ",<° �� ,� - '�� � , `. . :. r -_ � �� t::.:. J , - �. . . ; % � . ' ' . .• l �7C?'%'% f'�►-1�z ��"�'E�`f t'i��lOTt �'► ��.L 7��' '��Z L°-G� �. ° ; .' t�: : J �«��ri x. a i✓�y � m, � p' �'T . . < ,. 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