PL 02/13/1969 - 31018'�
The meetiag was called to order by Chairman Erickaoa at 7:35 P.M.
Membera Present: Myhra, Mitteletadt, Erickeon, Jensen, Fitzpatrick
Members Abeent: None
Othere Preaent: City Manager �Iomer R. Ankrum, Engineering Aseistant
Darrel Clark
MOTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planaing Coffiie�ion
miauttes of Januarq 30, 1969 be approved. Upon a voice vote, all v� aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelatadt, that the Planning Co�iseion
receive the Parke � 8ecreation Commiseioa miuutes of January 27, 1969. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo�ion carried unanimously.
FESBtTARY 6. 1969:
MOTION by Mittelatadt, secoaded by Jeasea, that the Plaaning Commiasion
receive the Plate b Subdiviaioae-Streets 6 Utilities Subco�rmittee minutes
uf February 6, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Jensea, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Co�ission
receive the Building Staadarde-Deaiga Control Subco�ittee miautes of
Febsuary 11, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
of Lot 30, North Half Lot 31, Auditor's
8-1 to B-3A.
�E M. NELSON: North Half
No. 129 -- rezone from
• Mr. Nelson said he represented Burton Johnson, John Flaaery and Roger
Johason. ge eaid that the south half of Lota 30 aad 31 on 73rd Avenue are
zoned multiple dwelling and are across from the Oaan plant. The frontage
of the north half of Lote 30 aad 31 is about 490 feet oa Onondaga Street,
and at the preaeat time, the land ia uadeveloped. The improvementa are ia
tlse etreet both on Ononda�a and 73rd. They would like to plan an apartment
development on the total aite and were requesting rezoning faciag Onondaga
Street the eame ae the south half of Lote 30 and 31.
The public heariag notice was read by Chairman Erickaon.
Plannin� Co�iasion Meetia� - Februarv 13, 1969 p8$e a
,.�� Robert Locker, 1601 Oaondaga Street: He presented a petition against
the rezoning.
1�TION by Jensen, secoaded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiesion
receive the petition presented by Mr. Locker and circulated by him dated
February 13, 1969 oppoaing the rezonis�g requeet, ZOA �69-02. Upon a voice
vote, all vating sye, the motion carried unanimously.
Geor�e Hanson, 1476 Oaondaga St.: Ae aaid the petition juet presented
represents pretty near everybody on that block. It includee nineteen home
owners. They feel there is plenty of co�ercial and industrial that ie
zoned caa�ercial aloag there without putting it out in a resideatial area.
These people are buying their homes without laiawing the rezoning that is
comiag about.
Gordoa P. Gnasdoekey, 1491 Oaondaga St.: He said he lived on the East
end of the park and felt that the park should remain the way it is aow.
There ia a lot of children using it, and at the present time there is a lot
of traffic all the time to that area. fle thought putting such a complex
in a reeideatial area would be hazardous, aa far as traffic is concerned.
He was againet the rezoning. ,
� The Engiaeering Assistant distributed maps of the area to the Co�►is-
aioa. �e etreet shown through the ceater of Lots 4, S and 6, Auditor's
Subdiviaion �108 was half way through the area, and he remtaded the Co�is-
eion that Lot 5 was just reviewed. When asked if he could foresee any
� probleme, the Engineering Assiatant said that thie pattern would be necessary
, to develop the area into single family dwellings, but if the development
would be in large pieces, perhaps there would not be any need for a street
down the middle.
' Delphine Hentges, 1533 Onondaga St.: She asked how can they rezone
when everyone is againat it. We would not have bought our places if we
thought that they would rezone. We are all against it and juat the
petitioner is for rezoning. If it goes through, then what?
Chais�an Erickson said that aayone has the right to ask for whatever
they want to do. The Council is the ultimate authority on it. The Council
would have to say whether or not it would be rezoned. After the hearing
before thia body, there will be another hearing before the City Council at
which time the public is re-notified.
Thomae E. Marxen, 773 83rd Avenue N.E.: He aeked if the cul de sac on
Lote 5 and 6 would still go through and was informed the land has been
dedicated and the street would. Then he asked what kind of street Onondaga
would be. Chairman Erickson said he aseumed he was referring to the differ-
ence between reaideatial and induatrial. Streets that have �ultiple dwellings
do not have to have a heavier desiga.
Mr. Robert Locker: I heard it mentioned that if it remains residential,
a staeet would l�ave to be put through there. Why would it have to go through
�..1 thereT Darrel Clark answered that perhapa some day they may want to divide
their property into emaller lots. The plans we are looking at would provide
access. All thie plan doea is to tell us where the street could go if they
desire to put it in.
Plannin� Co�iasion Meetinr� - Februa7rv 13, 1969 Par�e 3
Mrs. Joha R. Doyle, 1651 Onondaga St.: What kind of buildings did they
'� plan to put on this land?
Mr. Nelson aaswered that they did not have any specific kind in mind yet.
1�DTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planaix�g Commiseion
close the public hearing of ZOA �69-02, Geor�e M. Nelson, of the N� of
Lot 30 and the N� of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision #129, to be rezoned fram
R-1 to R-3A. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
MOTION by Mittelstad�, seconded by Myhra, that the request for rezoning,
ZOA �69-02, George M. Nelson, of the N� of Lot 30 and N� of Lot 31, Auditor's
Subdivision �129 from R-1 to R-3A be denied.
Bill Finaerty, 5040 Oaklaad Ave., Mpls.: What right does the property
owner have ia the event it is not usable for residential and could not be
The Chairn�an answered he did not think, for one thing, the particular
cost for residential is prohibitive. He thought if the petitioner had aome
facts that it would be a hardship, they could bring it to the Council.
Mr. Finnerty then asked that, as far as the rezoning, how far can the
objectioas come from. He was told that anyone had the right to voice their
opinioa and that the City notifies ownera within 300 feet.
� Mr. Mittelstadt said the reasons for his motion of denial were that
there were 19 namea on the petition against rezoning and these people do not
waat to see apartment complexes. He found no hardship in this case. He
would agree to the rezoniag, but felt that in thia area, which is right next
to major induatrial complex, it should remain aa is. He felt the proposed
atreeta should be put in within the aext few yeara. The access is needed
and should be put in.
Mr. Myhra said he thought where there ia an induatrial area, apart�enta
probably would serve a buffer purpose. We have that on 73rd Avenue now, and
if we were to rezone the northern part of the lota, we are actually getting
out of that categorq and are getting into aomethiag like spot zoning.
The Chairman added that the use of the area ia substaatially aingle
familq residences. He could not aee, at thia poiat, the need to rezone
inasmuch as the Planning Co�ission receatly approved a lot split for sin�le
femily resideace. He felt it ehould remain on R-1.
Mr. Fitzpatri�k co�ented on the fact that many people at the �eting
tonight are from McKinley and Lakeside which is further away. He wondered if
there wae a reason for thoae living closer not being present. Several
members of the audience volunteered the info�ation that there were valid
reasons for four of the neighbors not being present.
Mr. Locker said that he was aew in the area in the paet two months. His
. home was on Oaondaga and Lakeaide. He did not kaow aayone other than those
�' right near him. He maved from St. Paul becauae of apartments and the traffic
they generate.
Plannin� Co��aion Meetin� - February 13, 1969 Pa�e 4
^ Chairman Erickaon asked fox the vote on the MOTION, recoa�ending denial
of the rezoning request.
The audience were informed that this reco�neadation would go to the
Cit�r Council oa Monday. The Couacil will or will not set a public hearing
date. The petitioner may desire to continue it and he has that privilege.
Hs may decide to withdraw.
West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivieion ��88.
Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Chairman Erickson read the public hearing notice.
Mr. Momchilovich brought a plaa of the area for the Planning Co�ission
to study.
Eugene Lang, 1132 Mississippi St.: His home is on the South side of
Misaieaippi Street aad he has lived there 20 yeara. He asked if the property
North of Missiasippi is zoned R-1, single family and wondered if commercial
would be requested.
The Chairman said there has been no request for anything other than
�, what is requeated now. Mr. Mo�hilovich diecussed his plane with Mr. Laag.
MOTION by Mitteletadt, seconded by Jenaen, that the Planning Ca�ission
close the public heariag, ZOA �68-11,, Louis Momchilovich, of the Weet 47 feet
of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdiviaion �88 to be rezoned
from R-1 to R-3A. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Jeasen, aeconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plaaaing Commisaioa
recammend approval of the rezoning�request, ZOA �68-11, Louis Momchilovich,
of the West 47 feet of the South 120 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivieion
,�88, to rezone from R-1 to R-3A as it being the logical expanaion of the
8-3A zoning previously granted to Mr. Momchilovich allowing him to make
better use of his property, and subject to the signature of the fee owaer.
Opon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman stated that the Plaaniag Commisaion should have the signa-
ture of the fee owaer aince Mr. Momchilovich does not have the title to
thie property.
TBOMAS S. SWANSOPT: Rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35, rear 401.9 feet of Lot 33,
8evised Auditor's Sub-"-•ision �77.
Chairman Erickeoa read the public hearing notice.
Planniar� Con�ission I�Ieetinf� - Februarv 13, 1969 Pat�e 5
Mr. Swanson was present aad atated he would be glad to anewer aay ques-
n tions. He distributed mapa to the Coflmission.
The Plats & Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities Subco�ittee at their
meeting of February 6, 1969 recoumiended approval of the Preliminary Plat
with the stipulation that a 20 foot utility easement be pxovided fram the
propoaed cul de sac East to East River Ro�d.
Mr. Swanson volunteered he was not able to contact both partiea for
the easements as yet.
Benedict Novak, 115 71st Way N.E.: He said he owned Lot 34 which wae
south and west of the propoaed prelimixiary plat. He has access to his
property over a small road maintained by the school for deliveries to
their building. He was worried about the assessments because of the south
and east frontage.
Darrel Clark said the school had sewer and water along the eouth line
for the school which is not used by the residents in that area. If they
used the lines, they would be assesaed. He had talked with Jim. Hedren
who stated this idea was brought before them in 1961 of dedicating more
right of waye The school boaxd now would like to see a topog map before
final approval.
Chairnian Erickson asked the Novak's if they plan to divide their lot
and would the proposed prelimix�ary plat fit in with their future plans.
n Mr. Novak said he did not kaow how much would be taken off for a road. If
the proposal was for 25 feet, the south eide of his lot is the front yard
and would not leave him enough land.
Mr�. Novak said they come in off East River Road oa what used to be
71at, but now it is not exactly a street but an easemeat. Mr. Jeneen said
the school board plows this easement to get supplies into the echool.
Mr. Novak asked if he could have the cost of atreet, curb, sewer and
Danel Clark told him if his property were divided into two lots facing
72nd aad the preaent house facing the propoaed north-south atreet, sewer
aad water would be asaessed on frontage only. The street would be assessed
aloag the frontage and one third on the side yard. His lot may be large
eaough to divide into three parcels.
Mx. Nwak said the street is 100 feet from the house and if you took
anything more off for the street, there would not be enough left.
2lrr. Jensen told him that, depending what the action of the scbool board
is, it might not be neceasary to ask for any additional right of way on the
south side of his lot. There was a short diacussion regarding the present
cost of asaessments.
�..� The people living aorth of the proposed plat said they bought their
property becauae they did not want to live in somebody's backyard. They
couldn't afford more taxes eitheg. The wells and cesspoola have given
tham ao trauble.
Plannint� Co�issioa Meetiat� - Februazy 13, 1969 Pa�e 6
1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensea, that the Planning Co�nissioa
�� table the diacussion on this public hearing, P.S. �kb9-01, uatil'the achool
board makes appearaace thia eveniag. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried uaanimously.
CLARENCE NORDSTR�I APPLICANT: North 903 feet of East 3 4 of NF.� of NF.�
of Section 13 (Parcel 10 aad 200). Rezone from R-1 to R-3A.
Mr. Myhra said one of the questione to be answered wae that of
utilitiea. Uanel Clark said he did check the capacity of both sewer and
water and there would be no problem serving a complex of this multitude.
Mr. Myhra added that there was eame queetion about part of thie land
being deeded to the City for park, and asked if the Planning Co�isaioa
should be taking any kind of official actioa on this until they had some
feeling fram the City in this regard ae the petitioner ie willin� to deed
The Chairman of the Parlcs 6 Becreation, Mr. Fitzpatrick, stated there
are areas West that are under consideration for parke and eame have alreadq
beea purchased auch as the Fontaine and Iag Siverte.pascels.
Mr. Jensen said it is importaat from the standpoiat of Rice Creek
that the creek bottom be maiatained in its present form. It ahould not be
^ filied and no structure should be allowed to be built an that creek bottom
where it would impede the flow of water. This channel is required to carry
the water. It is really a trench because it has been eroded from time to
time. There followed a discus�iou of the elevationa of the creek. Clark
said that lookiag at t.lie topog, Central Avenue is 863 feet above aea level.
The Co�ieaion discussed allowing ttte rezoaing of the land North of the
creek and keeping the creek bottom and bluffe ia their exietiag condition.
At this point, bir. Nordstram was asked to bring up his plana for dis-
cuseioa aad studq.
The Co�niBSion took an informal poll of the members to detetmiae what
the feeling was as to the rezoniag iteelf beiag proper. Mr. Myhra said he
was not really pleased with tha layout of the suggeated apartmeat complex.
He added it does seem we have aa area about ae ideal for multiples ae we
are going to fiad what with Oaan's oa the aorth. Chairman Erickson agreed.
Mr. Jensea wondered about the road alang the New Brighton side. Darrel
Clark said a road would not serve aay more lots, but would carry traffic
from one eide of the creek to another. He had not heard of any plana to
extend Stinson Boulevard.
A diacuasion of the waterahed area of Bice Creek wae asked by Mr.
Jensen. A d� could be put ia to hold the water up and a pand aear Central
Aveaue. The report of the flood plain in#g�tion eurvey, which will be
done by the Corps of Engiaeera, will be `� '' ►`by the firat of Julq. Mr.
Ankrum said that last qear we were aot included, but now we should be the
� first one thia year. p
L�-���'���-h �/2'i���
PlanaiiaA Co�ission Meetin� - Februarv 13, 1969 PB�e �
Coatinuiag, Mr. Jensen said he thought it is important for the City to
�` acquire creek bottoms when available and without being concerned by usefulnese
as developed park. In the opinion of the Chai�man, the City should acquire
bottam land, but not necessarily for park purposea.
In answer to the questioa of the construction echedule, Mr. Nordetrom
said he had beea to City flall a aumber of times and is ready to go ahead -_
fiaaacial committments have been made.
Chairman Erickeon said that in order to get something mc�ving, he would
euggeat that the property eouth of the 860 contour line be deeded to the City
aad that no construction of reaidential buildinge be allawed belaw the 880
line. The City would be pravided with accese easemeats aeeded from the
One of the objectiona by Mr. Myhra was the use of autamobile parkiag
all the way around the complex for a buffer. Mz, Nordstrom said he would
work oa that.
It wae felt that a slope esee�nt should be requested eo that the 20 foot
vertical bank of the creek would not be disturbed aad that the area north uf
the 860 be the zoaing boundary. This would amount to about 1a7. of the whole
area. Darrel Clark wandered if thie could be handled by agree�eat rather
thaa easemeat.
MOTION by Jeasen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Pl�nin,g Co�ission
�"� reco�ead apprwal of the rezoniag request, ZOA �k68-13, Ha�erlund Eater-
prises, Iac., Clarence Nordstrom, Applicant, of the North 903 feet of the
Eaet 3/4 of the NE'� of the NE� of Section 13 (Parcel 10 and 200) to rezone
from R-1 to R-3� subject to the follawiag conditiona: That the petitioner
agrees to aell to the City of Fridley the remainder of the total parcel South
of the North 813 feet for the sum of oae dollar and other considerations as
previously offered and that aa eaeement be pravided wer the South 160 feet
of the North 813 feet for purposea of maiataining alope and that a euitable
access easement be provided to the previously mentioned parcel which the
City is to acquire, locatioa to be negotiated between the owner and the City.
The Plaimi.�g Commieaion does aot feel that the plaa ae preaeated is necessarily
a part of this action. It wae noted that the petitioner ahould be�granted
�ough land to acco�odate 312 apartment unita at 2,500 �c�t�are feet per unit.
Upon a voice vote, sll voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
(3. �ublic_ Heari�,�; �rovosed Prelimiaax� Plat P S �69-01, Breatwood Estate�s)
Chairman Er3ckeon co�eated that Mr. Jim Thayer and �r. Gordon Sangster,
mea►bera of the school boerd were no1�0 preaent.
A�TION by Mittlestadt, seconded by Jeasen, that the Planaiag Co�isaion
remove from table the propoaed preliminary plat, P.S. �69-02.
Mr. Thayer said it wae very difficult for him and Mr. Sangeter to make
�..� a decision regarding the giving of an ea8emeat for road purposes. The
achool site of Riverwood School is rather small and the property hae to be
utilized to the fulleat. Any amount theq would dedicate to the City would
reduce the playgrouad area. They would have to kaow what the apecific request
Plaaain� Cammiesion Meetin� - Februa 13, 1969 P8$e g
�,,,, is, what the amount of the assesamenta would be, and�on the basie of that,
if it is what we want to do ia that area.
� If you were talking of aligniag it with a portion of 72nd Aveaue, it
will be an additional 22 feet, the Engineering Aeaietant said. In anewer
to the queation of the eize of the cul de eac, he said that it hae a 50 foot
radius. There could be flexibility where tum around would be located'to
allow maximum use for echool purposes.
Mr. Thayer said the easement to the aorth of the echool was used for
delivery trucks. If the deliveries came to the front door� they would have
to be carted to the back.
The Chairman said he did not see haw the Planning Cauu�ission could allow
a plat of this type to go in if there were ao way to get to it.
The members of the school board requested a topog map for their study.
They requeeted the matter be held up uatil March llth, the next meeting of
the achool board wh� Mr. Hanaen will be back in tawn. They aeked that the
Engineering Department make an approximation ae to how the property will be
It was euplaiaed by Darrel Clark that there would be more work im►olved
in determining asseasments thaa the topog map. It would be very difficult
to make an aesessment figure. There was a discuesion elaborating on thfa
problem. � "
Mr. Jeasea believed that Council ehould require that the School be
treated as theq would any other property awner.
The School hae already put in water and aewer sesvices.
MOTION by.Jeasen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Co�issioa
contiaue the public hearing, P.S. ,�59-01, Brentwood Eetates, Thomae R.
Swaneoa of tt►e rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35 and r�ear 401.9 feet of Lot 33,
Revised Auditor.'s Subdivisioa #77, to the meeting of March 13, 1969. Upon a
voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously.
of 79th Way between East River Road and railroad tracka. Confism public
heasiag clate of February 27, 1969.
I�TION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Planning Co�isaion
confism the public heering date of February 27, 1969 for the rezoning request,
ZOA �69-03, Con�ittee of Five, AT. Craig Jobneoa, to rezone from C-2S and M-1
to R-3, the area south of 79th Way between Eaet River Road and the railroad
tracks. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Commieaion were givea eight maps to atudq for a street pattern. The
Plsania� Co�ission Meeti� - Februanr 13, 1969 Pa�e 9
,� Eagineeriug Assistant said that Pattern �8 propoaed Main Street be extended
southerly acrosa the open land and coaaect up with Co�erce I.aae and that
the aervice drive constructed along Univereity Avenue be looped back away
from the highway at Osborne Road and 79th Avenue.
1�TION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhraa that the Plaaaing Co�iasion
recon�nend to Council the.alignmeat of Main Street from 79th Avenue south to
77th Avenue, thence �o the East and connect to Oeborne Road opposite
Co�erce Lane, aad that a service drive be provided along the West eide of
Univeraity Avenue with laopbacks at Osborne Road and 79th Avenue. Upon a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
1�TION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planaiag
Coamiesion receive the letter from Mr. Rodaey Billmaa dated Febsuary 7,
1969. Upon a voice vote,. all voti�g aye, the motion carried unanimouely.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�iasion
meetiag of February 13, 1969 be adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
�'1, �.�ti,.�-/�-� ���.-�. �/ �rl �i
Respectfully submitted
..'� �• ��v1
Haz�l 0'Brian
Recording Secretary
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