PL 03/13/1969 - 31020n
P%�l1�TTTG C��iLS9I0N I�TING MARCS �.3, 1969 �'�� �
The meeting was called to order by Chainoaa Erickeon at 7:30 P.M.
Q$..??�.._.�I'' c .
Members Pzeseat: Myl�ra, Mittelatadt, Erickson, J�aen, Fl.tzpatr�ck
1�I�mbeas Abseat: None
Othera Present: Engineering Assistant D�arrel Clark
MO�ION by �Iyhra, seconded by Mittel.stadt, that the Planniag Coanaiesioa
miautea of Februarq 27s 1969 be apprwed. Upon a voice vote, all, voCiag aye,
the motion carr�ed uaan�moualy.
�TIpN by Jensen, seconded by Myhaa, that the Plaaning Coam►i.���o�
�eceive �lats � Subdivisiona-Streets � Utilities Subco�ittee �.AU�ee
o� Ma�rch 6, 1969. Upon a voics vote, all voting aye, the �0�3.0� c�u"ri.�d
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the P1a�ing Caamie��on
receive the Parks�� Recreation Co�issioa minutes of Febsuasy 24� 1969.
Qpoa a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried uaanimously.
M�OTION by Mitteletadt, seconded by Jeasea, that the Planning Co�i�eion
seceive ths Paske 6 Recreation Commiseion minutes of March 6� i.969. IIpoa
a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried ut�imcuely.
�,� � BOARD OF APPF.ALS 1��lUTES.: �� 1969
I�i0TI0N bq Mittelstadt, aeconded i�y Myhra, that the Plapning Coa�,i�ei�u
receive the Board of Appeale minute� of March 5, 1969. Opoo a� voice� vo�e'
a11 voting aye' the m,otimn carried unanimoualy.
y��g� VAT,L=VIEW C�ISTIAN CSO�CH: Re P�mtom� Inc. res�oning.
MOTION by Iriyhra, seconded by Mi,ttelstadt, that the Pleaning Co��.om
zeceive the letter fram the Valley View Chriatian Church dated February 24s
i969 opposing the propoeed zoning chauSe astd fo:ward the latter to tt��
City Council. Upoa a voice vote, all voting aye, t�e motion ca�ied
/�` �
�la�n,i� Co�nission Mee�in� - March 13e 1969 g� e 2
, ,...._,�
1. CON�INUE�. REZONING REQUEST: ZOA �69-03_ N; C&�1TG JOHI�ISON: 5.�, ���e� q�
79th Way and Eas� River Road. Rezone facom C-2S and M-1 to x-3. kubl�c
t�ea�i� closed.
Mx. Jaxnes Tl�ayer, Chaiitnan of Ct�e School Board, asked �f he catt�d �uatic�
� stat�t in general x�garding zoaing property, eepecially wultiple
dw��13.�$s. Spe+akiag to the Alaaning Commiaei�on, he eaid ehey really have
�1as �utuse af Fx�dley �.n the�r handa, and thei.r decie ioae conaert� h�, ae
Qi�ai� of the �chool Board as �ch ae �t doea t�e C�m�is�i,�►. p�� gf
the problems that th� school dietrict ha� alwaya done in plaaning �utttre
3�eed�� is etudyi.� zoaing areas �d layout of the coa�nupi�y �.0 xega�cd t�
�o��.n,g, whether or not there is an wer balance with ein,�l.e fa�ai,iq o7r
�atlt�,p�ea.. Their coacern aow is whether tl�e requea�s fos �e�o�� ��ag t1t,�
�l��ua�$ Coasnie�ion is getting for multiple dwelliAgs are aa t1�e incr�ass,
anci i� Chi� wau�d be a lang tesxn trend, it would force tht�nt at �ame �tt�tt�ce
dat� to �ev�ae thei,r plans signif�caatly, It wouid be o£ �reat ����etant
�o �bt� ta lu�ow just whaX the .i,mpact o� the e�xucture is. �or �.�3sta��+��
3�eveAaox► School had glanaed fo�r the atsucture� on Charlee Stx�e�. I� ���h
µnit t�ad oae ch�.ld going �a �chool, �� would crnnpletely fi11 St�v�scra S�ool
at, th� p�eeaent �in�e. �Ie said he could see where more and more �eop1� w�,�l
be forced to stay in, aa apartmeut, as �t would be the only p].�,ce� whe�e the�►
�c�u1d �ind a roof aver their heade. 7'ti{.s t�ill be a probl�m �or tkte a�unity
and t11e �chool.
,�a�1.r� refa�riag ta
��7.� there wauld be �oim
� tliep aou�d handle a few
�t�� present�,y see. Ae
'h�v� Co be cpmpensated
be���ve aayoae Af the C
SteveA�om Schoa�, k�r, Th�yer c�a�i�e�d �+�� th�y
e multiples, bt�t ��r. in tl�e entire ��r�s�6, 7,'t►�y 1���
more multiples if it w�re not any gxeate�c �hax► w1ta�
asked if there was a trend for multiplea t�t WoL�1d
at some later time? The Chairman answered �a� �a� did
o��Lon was qualifi�d to an+�er.
T�Ir. Mittl�atadt sa3d �hat he was not takiug into accoua� t�jox c�C�t��
Cion that would bring more people im ttie area. He wae thi�kit� abau� the
�Iaaa I,+a�ce ��,tuat�.oa amd the Onan Pl,�ut. People would l�.ke �o bui�.d �e�� Aa�n
�d �o�a�xaa�ax� woulel like tca bu�.ld apa�tments �or the �eo���a, �h�.� t��txo�-
pA�i�� ai�cpoxt �i�1 br3� a�anta�ti,c aaoouat a:E people, larid��y i.e ��ea1
�ood �i�y to live ia. The schools wi1� b� averc�owd�ad and tve wi�1, ba 1�oking
�o� �esw lands t� build schoole. �� will b� a x��e between the �a'heo1� aad
�1���1e contr�ctore as to wha gets the la�d.
�, �kaa�►�� s�i,d that on� of the big problems of the ao�e c��i�s �.� ��p
h�tv� ��ta�1 uai,�e that have d�tex�arat�d aad rec�aimi�n� the� fi�ou�la ��aew�1
P������a. �n��ead o� letting �'��, p�coblem, ha��sn, we should ��ry C� ���
���nd �c� avo�.d th�.a saxt aE Gha^.;. The P],a�ning Co�nie��oa► ha1d,� ��
�t�t��� �� 1�h�e c�uaity i,n �h��r e�at�da.
Chai� �zi.�k�soa rep��.�d tha� �ir. Thayer had a good �o��. �� �,�1�t,
b� ��ppe� f��c tiie Crn�ai�ss�,an �o have � atudy mad� of vacanG lsad ����ab�e,
wka+�� p�operty �.s �lre$dy itmproperly zo�ed and perhape a�tudy oP �������
a�c� �i,ag7,e� �ami�.y sesideaces. The Engineering Assi�X+�t said �e�e ��s �����d�
Q� t,he num6er �� siagle family residea�ces aad apar�ate av��]�e�l��a.
P�.a�i�� eeion �etir� - March 13, 1969 P��e 3
Regarding utilities, the Engiaeeriag Assistant referred to a report
r'`'� �nade by the Causultiag Eagineers regarding the Eaet Rivex �oad t7cunk �aaitary
sewer capacitq. Se said that it points out that the iaterceptor li�ae alo�g
East River Road probably would becoare insuffici�t to take care of m�tltiple
dwelliRga. The Narth Suburban line has beea iastalled aloag the railroad
track aad could be usad. It ahould be brought to Council's atteation whea
any rezoning �akes plac� up there. ,
Mr. Myhra said that, because of his position in the school syst�a, he
would aot take any further part ia the discuesion.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that the questioa raised by the Chaisman a� t?�e
Sct�ool Board certainly ie samething all of them ahould be th3,alci,ag about.
Mr. Mi.ttelstadt stated two weeke ago tonight that the muaicipal taxes,
the moaey accrued per unit per child in �ltiplee units averagee $]�64.00
vereue $57.00 which he thought wae ehe coet of a child i.a xi►e school dietrict.
Multiple dwelliage do pay for the�mselvee. �'here are several poeiCive poiats
ia these proposale. The people to tise left definitely want to sea th�.e type
of conetructioa in here. They are worried about aesthetica. $e did�'t
' thialc it would go S-1 because of the proxlsnity to the rai�road txac'ka .�t
ia a good package, it does pay for itsalf, and it ie ia a diatrict.tbat
aeeds taxes. What happene to thie area when it begias to degrade�lawes
and lower income families take over� eay 20, 30 or 35 yeaxe f�om m�w?
Thea it beco�me� a ghetto. Cou1d tr� iaveetm�ent pay for itee].� t,'hem? Wot�1d
the owaer coatiaue to maiatain the pses�nt ataadard of li.viug �eve7.? He
� wse afraid tha ::endency would be to let it go dowa.
Chaisman Erickson said he did not tiiiak, for at leaet f3,ve or te�
yeare, the apalrtment would outstrip its coet. Oae of the probleme facing
that area ie traffic. Se was convinced that thia larger type o�' devela�-
�ent is much better thaa the smaller type, R-3. Se thaught they coul�d do
a smuch finer job aa�d b� a better effect to the co�ua�.ty ia the long run.
As far as the traffic as coacerned, he did not kaow. fl� felt the Platuiing
Coemiesion should begin to etudq the problem of rezonin$ impaat oa t'�e�
schools . Hawever, he did thiak there w�s always ro� for a�e�w uwre apa�'t-
t�nCs in the as'es.
i�TION by Jeasen� secanded by Fitzpatrick, that the Co�nnl,eoion
recommead to ths Council the apprwal of thn sesoniag requast, ZOA �69-03,
N, Craig Johason of the Southeaet cornes of 79th Way and 8a�t aivar $oad
to be rezoned from C-2S and M-1 to fl-3. Opon a voice vota� all vcaC�iR$ aye�,
excep� Myhra who abstaiaed, the motiloa e:arried.
Mx. Jenosn wiehed to mslce a few co�oente relative to xha rea�aa �eet��,�d
the motion. Oace agaiqn this wae a very difficult questiaa �o m�aka a deG���,�
on. 7.'here are maay fac�ore iavolved. iia have ti►e oame thrae major la4�ores
the owaer of the property� the� neighbosfiood and the coauaity �t �t �ik►i9�1+.
Obviously the awaer of the property i� in favor. The iudi,c�tioo e�u� W� �erv�
• from the naighborhood is that thsy are ia favor of t6is propo.�l, �e otne+
that beco�es tii� moet difficult ie our effotts to dates�aine the needA q�
the coa�unity as a whole. He thought Mt.�Thayer brought up aA exce7.�eat pg�R�
� ' ge thought, hawever, it geta to be a sozt of pqint �e well,
as hw it affecte ue ae iadividuale in tha co�n�.ty. We gat iato Ck�e q�e��
tiom of �rezoni.�,g aad rezoning fox all kinde of reasoae of lo�i,c �d i11o��,c��
� if �here is aot a market. If C,here ie a� market, tl�� th�a h�� Co c��►
p1�i�,� ���nis�ion Tmle�t� - Ms.rch 13�1969 ��g� �
' c�s�derable weight with the con�unity. We look at the metropolitasn a�c�a t4� a
�"`1 ��1�, and i� ther� is a market far ua�lti�le dwellings, thie meaa� t�e+��a �7�e�
people who need ho�es and the co�munity has to cantribute the agace fo�r
multipl.� dwellings. Qur hig factor ia this. Ia this case, we are not try7,�,g
ta solve the whole problem, but we caa logically malce a m+otioa of thi$ 8o�rt,
The�, we h�ve to �tart examiniLr�g wtaat �ost o� impact this will have upom the
��hoa �.+� .
2. ��D PUBLIC HEAR,ING• PROP05i:D Y1iL''l;l.C711veKx rt.e�t. r.�, �v�-vi, a�
�S�ATES, Tt�OMAS R. SWANSON: The rear 431.6 feet of Lot 35, rear 401.9
o� Lc�� 33' Revised Auditor's Subdivision �77. �ublic hearia� ope�t.
Chairmaz� Eri.ckson said tk�at you may xecall our laet ateeting got to the
�Q3,a� whe�e �he Board of Educat�.on once aga3.� had a coaflict of i,at��e�t� of conflict of interest, Mr. Myhra reffiaved himself �ram �e
d�.scuss �om.
The Engineering Assiatant �aid he had talked to Jim Hed]rea. Tt�� �eG�991�
bo�txd's coneideratioa of the dedication of additi�l right of Way w+�a ���ide+d
�to th�cee parts . 1) Give sight of way to m�e a total 40 f�t w�.�ti; �u�
Ai�ervi�w Tex�r��e to aortb�-south road to �xentwood Eetatee. 2) ��t���,�� tlae+
Lyp fAOG ac�,ght o� way to �aet x�v�r It,a�d ox tuxn axound aad eto�, 9) �u]. d�
�a�c be loc���d ecymewhere �us� West of East R�.ver aoad. Ae he �de���tood �,t�
�he 40 foot right of way was not too detrimeatal to the plsyground afi��, bt��
�-,� the cul sie sac definitely would beo
The petitio�er said that he gathered fram the meeting that i� t.k�e 7cAad
�eat all the way thraugh; it might be a une waq road betweea 8ae� �ii.ver R�ad
�,d the north-south road �o Brentwood Eatates.
Mx. Thayer said the Schoolboazd was wi�liag to �ive eaough footage �oa
a 40 foot right of way fram Riverview Terrace to the propo8ed �ta�th��at��
accese raad to Bzentwood Estatee. Mr. Thayer eai.d tha Schaolbo��rd d1�o
�oas�,dered a one way road going west. Mr. Jene� said he wou�.d be opposec�
�o �, oae way etreet. It seemed to him it would be e�nuaWhat d��R�et�l� �o
�Q1ice � street like ti�at with just one little isol,ated back up ��
�cesideatial area. Iie thought he would favor a ahort etseet fzoa� ltiveaev►�,e�
7�errace to thie proposed north-eouth street aad waive requl,sem�eat� o�
�ei►gth of cul de eac and hopefully put a sign up on Rivesview Te�7c��e �oti�
�,� wae a dead end road. He wondered if tize people living back i.a there
Wauldn't f3,nd it very diffiault uaing it ae a oae way etree�. The �l,awn�,ug
Co�miasion would like to eliminate acceae to Eaet Rieer Roade
ASr. Thayer safd the achool property was not very laxge i�d th�� wo�bd
�,os� the �whole front end af that property as �ar ae playgfiound �a� c�na�+t°�Ad'
�� you uae a cul de sac.
1�. Jeasen s�id tha thought wae the 18 faot si.ght oi wRy t�ou�d p�oy�,�� ��
ds�v� for the individual homea. Aivesview Terrace is being pa�t�d baC�C �!
�he �choal. Lot 32 hae water from Eaet Aiver Road, but ao �ewe�', �nd bA� ��
{�1� ssio� �e�tin�, - F�mrch 13, 1969 Pa�e 5
h�s aeither watex or sewer.
� maruel Clark eaid that there ie a s�amila,r e�seet in Fridley, Cheeaey
Way. It was blacktopped by the people liviu� on it and maintained by �hem.
�t is about �5 to 18 feet wide, just wide enough for two cars. xn thi.s
3,nstaace there would be 9 feet oa each side of the road which wou�.d be ],�ac$e
�aougli for a am�ll street for th� individual homes, but it wou�d be dliffic�lt
�ox' a snawplow, as it would have to back up.
Mr. Jensea said that one of the Subco�it�ee'� pravieiona was io�c aq�
u�ilit�► easement fram the dul de eac to Eaet River Road. The peti�ioaer
�Gated at tbieir last meeting he xeceived pe�i.ssion to get one of t'�es eaee-
p�mt�a. Mx�. Swaaeon said he did not have the easem�t yeto The3► �ould aa;eed
20 feet for water and sea�er up to the p�at and then go dowa to 10 feet� �o�c
plat approvai.
Mu. Sangater felt ttie north-south stre�t would create a cut u►p a7ce�.
1�TION by Mittelstadt, �econded by Jen��n, that the Planning Coumis�a�on
close the Public Aearing o£ the proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #69-0].'
�reutwood Estates, Thamas R. Swanson, of the rear 431.6 feet o� Lot 35, 7ce�x
401.9 feet of Lot 33, Revi�ed Auditor's Subdivieion �77, and that the �1�3�t�g
¢oa�aissioa recoamend approval of the pxoposed Preliminary Plat, PeS, �69-0��
aubject to the followit�: 1) Subject zo utility easeiaent �Q �e�t 1� w�dtti
o� t.he lot liae between proposed Lots 4 aad S of the proposed ��.�t a�d 10 ��D�C
iu width axtending from the east liae of �he plat to Eaet Rive� 1to�d. ���-
n meate to be pravided by the petitioner. 2. Sub ject to �he �,cqvt�.��,��� o�'
a 40 foot miaiim� w�dth right of way from Rivesview Terrace to �he� �a�Apo��d
north-south atreet. 3. Subject to the City's ability to pxov�de �d�u�►t�
xight o� way fram 72ad Avenue to the developer's propoeed plat.
Mr. Jeasen said it was his own feeling that the use of the exietiag �igbt
of way on the South edge of Lota 31 and 32 should be especially l�,�ed �o
a private road for the benefit of Lota 31 and 32 aad ge�thape cor�eiderat�,� be
givea to the cloein,g entry , to East River Boad fox reaeons of sufet�r. Thf.�
street .(to be called 72ad Way) goea through Biverview Terrace to tiie north-
south liae of the cul de sac should be desigaated by the City as "dead e�nd"
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mqhra abetaiaing, the motion
carried. '
The vwner of Lot 31 eaid he wauld like so�athiag iu a leas e�ac�$nsi�e ro�d.
�I� was iaformed th�t Counc�ll is the body ha �h�ld petitiom, auat� that be
ahould get ia touch with Danel Glark for tha appropriate time.
3. I+'OBLIC �IITG• ?AA 69-04 GORDON G. SW�TS : Outlot 1� Block 1' Nage���
�laadlanda together with that pa�_ of the PW of the NW� o� Sect�on 1Z, 1�►iog
Eas� af Nagel's �ioodlands, West of I,ampert' � Additian, No7cth of West ex���,o1�
��' $outh liae of T�ert'e Addition aad South of Oebo�ae Road. Re�one f�am
M�1 t0 ��2 ♦
'� Mr, Gardon S�ienaon was present and atatnd he opera�ed a Ua�,�yy Sto7�� a►�ast
� dooz to Chia property. The �tor� has parking �roblems so ����d ���
� 1�ad. He would like to put anoth�r building on the lot and bu�ld h�s owr�
��,�► �t9re there. The Eagineering Aes3,stant sa�id that thie aa�e �bout
beaau�e o� the zoaing change a� far as divisioaa are coaceraed. Wb�es� �,� w��
��+�ct�.� asion i�b��ti� - March 13, 1969 e , Page 6�.,�
�oned M-1, you could build conmaercial i.a iadustrial area. �sa 1964, �oa�acil
�"1 c.�tetnged the IIees and the Uses now would be nanconforming. He could aot build
uades the psesent zoain�g. .
Mr. Sweaeon said he hoped to build eim�lar to the tyge to the South 9�
h�.s property, but the Dairy Store would on �i►e front. Ha eaid he wae ts�►
for conmercial, aot e factory, and ther�e would be no manufacturing.
Darrel Clark said the 1ot is fully aerviced with sewer and watar.
1�TION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Myhra, that the Pla�aiag Coa�isAioa
close the Public flearing of the rezoning request, ZOA �9-04, Gordot� C.
�ieaeon, of Outlot 1, Block 1, Nagel's Woodlands together with that �aa�rt of
the NW� of the NW� of Sectioa 12 lying East of Nagel's Woodlande, Wea� of
Lampert'a Addition, North of West exteneion of South liae of Lampert'e Addi�
tioa and South of Osborne 8oad to rezona fsom M-1 to C-2. Upon a voice votes
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaaimau�ly.
Chairman Erickson comneated that, although this would be con�ide7red spot
zoniag, it would not hurt as,. thi:ag arouad it ao nnighboring Osae we�Ce ��x�
�ON by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the P�awnim$ 4����.�'�
76'e�oamend to Couacil approval of the rezonin8 request, ZOA �69-04s G��do� �a
S�i�asost, of Outlot 1, B1ock 1, Nagel's Woodleada together witti �h1�G p�x� ��
�he I�IW'� of the NW� of Section 12 lyi�g Eaet of Nagel's Woodlaado, W��C e�'
� Lampert'a Additioa, Nortta of the Weet eactensian of tha South linp o� L�e��a�
Addition and South of Osborne Raad, to be rezoned fram 1�-1 (ligh� �du��7�i�a�
areasj to C-2 (geaeral buaiaess areas. Upon a voica vote, all vot� aye, the
motioa carsied uaanimously.
7�e suggestion was made that Mr. Gordoa Sweneon be itifosated �� Clie ��o�
i� Category C-2. The rezoniag request ie for C-2 ie 8e�es�a1 btt��,a�e��.
1�TION by Myhra, secoaded bq Mittelstadt� that the Planning Co�a�ieel.on
strongly reco�rend that Council iaitiate actian to correct the zon�.ug ��
camply with preeant land ueage limitatioaa foz Lota l, 2 and 3, Bleck 1�
Nagel's WoodYaade. IIpoa a voice vote, all votiag ay�, the motioa cs7�'��e�d
4. PiJBLiC �ABII�TG: ZOA #59-05, CO�RCE PABR II�VEST�IiT, BoBEBT s. c�u�r i
Lots 26 aad 27� Block 2, Cc�erce Park. Re�oas from C-ldto CA•2.
L�- - ^
/4K� �
rir. Guzy was preseat and atated he rapre�ented 1 Corp. Whe� Co�sxce+
��nduetrial Park was establiebed, Camuerce Laae Wa� established i,n Lot� 1� �s 3i
4, 5 and 6 which front on a aervice drive; Lote 26 to 29 whi�ltt ��roQt �a Ccmt-
presce Laae. Lote 1, 2, 3, 28 and 29 Were sold to partie� to develo� �na��a
Food 3tore. It would appear Lota 26 aud 27 for comnrercial uea would mo� 1�ea
a psopex use for these two lota baead on the fact that Co�arc� %�a i�r +e�
�nter�.or raad eetviag mostly light induetrial buildings.
�1 The only inqu�ries they have recaived in regard to ti�ia �rQpext�� b�v�
beeu fox other uaea than commercia�., and Lot 27 3.e eold to a co�ac��+�Ci� ��'�at
S .�
� P„1�,uutir���i.ssiom rleeti� - Mareh 13�1969 l���e 7
Oh�,a called`�� 1 Corporationo It ha� beea theis inteRtion to e�reasta+�lly
/� �ring a rezoniag petition and now they want to build, so thie has b�em
braught to a head. The only parties who would ob ject would be ti�e Bo��a��t
people and no word has beex� receieed fraffi tliem.
Chai�nan Erickeon brought up the letter r�e�.��d fYOffi idara��� lrifg.
Company stating they would like to go on record as suppo��ing �Ghi� ctaaa��.
MOTION by Myhram seconded by Mitteletadt, that the Pl�mma�ng C��,s�iout
�cecei,ve the letter dated March 10, i969 from the Larsen'e Maaufacturing
Com�►aay, 7241 Coamarce Lane, Fridley, Miaaeeota 55432 signed bp Wil],i,am I�.
�,d��� �resid�nt. Upon a voice vote, all vo�ing aye, the mot�,o� casried
tutianlampus ly a
Because of conflict of interests, Chai� Erickeoa withdrew �a�om
action aad William Je�aBeai took the gavel.
1�TION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the P1��.Ag
Go�iseiAU close the public hearing of the rezon�nffi ���,a��et, Z4A #69-0�,
Gom�erce Park 7,nvee�ents itob��t �io �an�,� �� II��s� �� �� 27, �1ack �,
C�tam�erce Park to be rezoned fram C-1 to f;8-2. Upou a voic� vote� ��.� w���,�
aye e�ccept Ghairman Erickson abst�ini,ug� fi.i�e mation �a�rri.e��.
�QTION by Myhra, seconded by Fit�patricka that t.lAe Plaxm�g Crnm►�L�s�.oa�
��pxo�ve the rezoniag xequest, ZOA #69-05, Co�erce Park Iaves�e��s Rob��'t
�,� (�izy, of Lots 26 and 27, Block 2, Camumerce Park to be re�omed �rcm3 Qm1
n (],ocal business areas) to CR-2 (office service aad limitecl buei.�e�e)� ��
they feel it is an excellent proposal for this partieular area� it !.�
restricted to the north by Bonanza buildiatg and other li�itation��. �11e�e
was ao negative action by anyone in the area concerned. 1'he �e��er fxo�
the Larsen Metal Fabricatore stated they apprcrved tt�e rezan3,ng ��q�ee�,
�pon a voice vote, Chaixman Erickso- abstainiag, the mAti9a c��'�e�.�d.
Chairm�an Erickaon returaed t9 the chaiar.
DT SPLIT �UEST: L.S. iFUy-�c-va-u�+-
� 1�. and 13, Adams Street Addition.
i I+Qt� 4,
Mr. Smith wae present and explaiaed that due to an eaeement wh9.�h ac�
throiigh oae of the lots, and the waq it would came out, they wou��d �ave a
etzip of laad that could not be usnd. They waated to iaclude i� 3.a L°i�e ���,
It would be uaed as part of a lot instead of losing a strip aut af �'he ],ot.
Mr. Jeasea said that the Su�ca�ittee reca�ded apprQVal be�a�tts� t,�,�►
felt he was makiag m�re desirable buildi�g eites. ihe descr�pti,o� t�a��
would be fora�ulated later on would be better understood, 7�ey i�ave� ta��l�ed
�b�tt utilities before ttae Subco�nittee and there aee�ae to be no ��cob��
I�OTION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plaa��g Q����91�
�ecc�e�d to Council apprwal of the Lot Split Requeet, L.S. �49,O��A��Q!f��Q��
(�1 g�.� � Aadereoa, Iacorporated, of Lots 4, 6, 11 and 13� Admn� 8t�e�es� �add���Am.
- p�om a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaai�oue���r.
° P1�nni�,� �o�nission Meetix�g m Ma,rch 13, 1969 �a�e $
n 6e �+„'OT SFI.IT RjF��,UES'J,'t L.S. �69-06-07-0$ GUNDER R. ANDERSON: T.O�B �� 2�6ud 3�
Block 2, Biverwood Manor. �
Mr. Gunder Aaderson was preeent and explained his request. Due �o aA
error ia t,1ie aurvey, a house was iaadvertently build on part of the adj����
lot. The lote were 85 feet, �xcept Lot 1, which was 95 feet. �ecause o�'
this, i.t was posaible to correct the error without changi�g the avegall �ize
�f the lots and by deed�. `�he lettes of agreement and deeda were give�.
�7�'I,ON by Jensen, seconded by Mittelatadts tbat the Comn�l.seioa
�ceao�mtead to Council approval of Lot Split, L.S. �69-06-07-08, $lock 2,
Rivexwood Maaor by Guader R. Anderaoa. Upon a voice vote, �11 votiag aye,
Che utc►tion carried unanimously.
7. �,OT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �69-01, G�RGE L. WALQUIST: Nor�h 100 feet af
Lot 4, Hezwal 2nd Addition.
Mr. Walquist was present and etated the eas�t to get ta the p8rkiag
�o� �xom the mortuary has npw been obtaiaed but not filed. The easemenC i�
iox 10 fse� on each aide of Lats 2, 3 and 4. Originally he had the pa�kiaig
10� ��tup with the church but th�y felt it would be better to be �epax��s.
1�0�'TON by Myhra, �econded by Fitzpatrick, Chat the 1�lan�a�g C�����t�
7reao�aaend to Couacil approval of the Zot Split, L,S. �69-01, Geox�e L.
Walquiet, of the North 100 feet of Lot 4, fleYwal 2nd Additi,oa subject to the
�•-1 fil,ing of the eaaement to neceasary roadwap copaectiRg to tixe p�7cki�s�g �,o�
aud mortu�ry. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa car7��ed unR�al,��1y�
The members of the Plaaning; Comnisaion took a five minute brealc a�� IOtOS �,'1�.
$. �ZONaTG REQUEST: ZQA �69-06. ELDON SCffi�DEi�: Lote 16 thzough 19, �1ock 12,
amd Lot 30, Block 21, Hyde Park Additio;►. �tezone �rom R-2 �o C•2.
Mx. Schmedeke was not preseat.
Darrel Clark co�ented tl�at this was the seme reques� sub�itted by M�r,
Schmedeke about a yes.r ago. Also, that the Couacil has set a publi�a hes�cing
date o# April 14, 1969 for a joiat �eeting of the P].anning Co�ttieei,oa �nd �'he
Council for the purpose of the rezoning hearing of the Hyde Park Additi,aa�
which i.acludes thia property.
Chaisman Ericksoa said that the Co�ission hae 60 day� �i whi�ah to t�lce
actioa on the request. Since the request was submitted on Ma7cci� 7tlt, they
had until May 7th to hold the heaxing.
Da,xre�. Clark said he had talked to the City Attoruey �d he eaid �t �w�e
ta� to Mr. Scl�medeke whether or aot he wanted hie request pub�,i�it�d,
I�T�ON by Jeasen, seconded by M:Ltte],etadt, that the P�.amn�►$ Cc��ui��io�
� �e� the public'heari.�g date of April 24, 1969.for the rezoaiag �equ�+a�� �Q�
+1�69-�Q6, Eldon Schmedeke, af Lots 16 thraugh 19t Block 12 and %ot 30i B�.��lc 21i
- �yde Park Addition, from R-2 (limited multiple �am.�ly dwell,�,ngs) �9 G=2
(g�n,eral bueine�s areae). Upon �a voice vote� a11. votia� aye, tl�a� ���o�
; ; �a��,ed ua�nimo�slq.
� plaa�t�ng Gopaaission Meetia� - MaYCh 13, 1969 Page_9
�� 9. �AOPOS�� FRELIbaNARY PLA,T : P. S 9- 02 A1� OAKS DAV D x. �RS : Lot 4,
udi�ar s Subdiv�.�i.on �92.
MOTION by Jeasea, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Coumiaeioa
coafi,rm the public heariag date of March 27, 1969 for the Proposed Prelimi�a7cy
plat P.S. �69-02, Amber Oaks, David R. Hubera, of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdi,vi.elort
�92. Upoa a voice vote, all votiag aye, th� motioa carried unaaimously.
�.0. P,,�„OPOSED PRELIIrIIN�►RY PLAT : P. S.�69- 03, r�nY� ruuvun ALLl1LVP1, n,.v�►w
pEV�LOP!"�TT CO.: Outlot #1, Melody Mauor 4th Addi�ion except thes North
feet of West 217.8 feet.
MOTION by Jensen, se�onded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaaiag Con�nis��.an
aonfixm the public hearing date of March 27, 1969 for the Propoeed Pxeli�i.naacq
Plat, P.S. �Ffi9-03, Maple Manor Addition, Highlaad Park Development Compaay
of Dutlot �1, Melody Manor 4th Addition except the North 400 feet of the W�e�
217.8 feet. Upon a voice vote, all votiag aye, the motioa carried u�aaaimoue].y.
�,D�T�,�O�T�NI�NT i
MQTTAN by Myhra, secoaded by Jensen, that the Plaaaia� Got�a�.se�on m��s��$
be adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
�gpectfulLy� ub�.itted
k� � �a
Aazel 0'Briaa �
Recordiag Secretary
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