PL 03/27/1969 - 31021PLANNYNG CO1�H�'IISSION I+�E��TG MAR�� �7 g 1969 PAGE 1 ��L� �� ° 7.'he ��e�i� ��.� ��11ed to order by Chaix�►aaa Erickson at 7:35 P,M. Ai��gs P$���nt: Niyhra, 1Kitt�l�tad�, E��c�o�a9 ����c�a., F�.�zp�t���1� M�er� %b��n� t Noa�e Otia�a� Pre�en�: Eaagi.aieea�i� ����t��at }?asrel Glark �1°��� �3�::�?�J�G C���S�.�N_ �I�IJTES : � -13„ 1969 � P��� 6� $�ez� 4, the fisat se�t�c�� �e �orpogation n�m� �hould be °`I�do�l9° �x���c.�.c.' of °`�o'u�l°t �aaad was r�pe���d. � the fixst s�eace on Page 7. M�g���T �gr ����e�a9 s�coaas�ed ta� �tte��t�dt, �taa� glne Plaa�aa%s� Co�iesion �au��� o� �i[ag��a 1�� I969 be �pprove� �� coa-rect�cl, Upon a voice vot�, all vot3.ng ay�, �ae 3aa�ion c�rxie� uaaaxxJ.t�ously, ��E� �i.ATS & ST7�D7VIS�ONS�S�E�3 b� UTILI�S SiJB���IITTEE L++�I�J'�ES_a i�CH 20„ 1969 i��'��.��T �►a n?��z�g�.9 ��c�ded by Mi�ctels��dlt, that the Pla�� �o�i�sion r�ce�.��e +tY�� am3.sau��s of t�h.� Pla�ts � Sa�bc�iv��iomma-S�reeta 6� UgiliS:i�s Scabco�- m��tee m��ti�g o� �d�.�c1� 20� 1969 0�Tpmaa � vo�ce vo�e,; a11 v��� ayea the �-►� �otion ����ed. ��3.anou�sl�. ��E]C� �����'�11G 5�.1��S�D�SI� �ON�� SO�C�dTT� S: _M�.it�H 12, 1969 F�����T �y I�I�ic������d�g ��cosaded by J'eaise�� that tthe P�.�� Co�i.saion receive the mianates of the Buildin� Staa�daxd.�a-�sig� C�trol Subco�n3.ttee m����sng of �.rck� 12m 1969. Upoaa a voic� vot�, all vo�i�ag �y�e �ie ��i� ���ied una�imously. RECEIVE �0� 0� A� 1'�S i�IN�ES : 1�C� 19, 1969 MOTION b� Pqyhra, �econded t�gv Jen�ena tla�t �� Pl�aia�g Co�niesioa xecr�ive �h� �i�ut�� of �he B��.rd of Appe�ls ffie�ti�g of Msrch 19, 1969. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the ffiotion casried uaaniffioualy. R�EIVE P�.tKS &]�ECI�,TIOlaT CONII�dISSIOId 1�II+tHJTES : 1�f�Ii 24�_1969 MOTION by Mittelstadt, seco�aded bq Jem�en� that the Plaa�ing C�iseioa receive the ffiinute� of �tae Parks ��ecre�.t�.offi C�i��ion ��tin� o� �rch 24, 19690 Upo� a voice vote, all voLri�,g �,yey �a� �tioai carried uaiani�uslgra r, •; ���;, ;� � �,. �ai� �g��lc�o� �dd�d, as �tenn �9, Hyde Parlc Acidition Study. 1. �LIC FIEARING• PROPOSED P1aEL�NARY PL�T. P.S._ �69-02_, �ER OARS, �AVID n HUE�S m Lot 48 �ud�Ltog e� Subdivi�ioa� �92. --- �ia�scffi�� E�ztck��a gemd ��e �xablic h�ax�.an� �o�iceo m ��a�i� Co�issioa Meetin - March 27, 1969 p8ge 2 Mr. �.vid R. Hubers aaid Mr. Julian Johnaoa were pregeat to discuss the �_ platting. F�o ��9���� �is�l�,gred �io mapsm �he on� being tlae ori�in�l Amber Oaks plat aaaci tlie o�ae� �ae Itevised P,S. �9-02 combining the origia�l propoaed ��� O�ic� pl�t �nd the groposed Southhaffipton Second Addit�oa b� Juliaa Jo�omm �d mg fthe �ug�e�tion of the Plat� & Subdivisfoais-St�e��� &�J�ili�ie� ueabc�iLtee. .���ael Cl�rk �sisl ��t ttae hea�ing w�� ���g�isia� ju�� sfog tflne �or��a� �o�r� (Amirer ��lcs � a�cl in ogcle� �o approe� tlae new co�in��ion, th� r�v���� propo��a� pl�� would la�ve to b� advegtised ag�in ixa ordex to includg �� addition�l proper�y b� �. �Tohneomm. Ma°. Hubers ��ked if th�re wae auy paa�i- bility of w�iving ths� require�en� and he was in£oa�ned there haa to b� a h�g- in�. Mr. Hubers w�� �sked to get ttae �es of the people wittain 300 fm�� of �e �outh p��� of the p�opo��d pl�.ta Tfie Engineeriai� L��ist�nt lisiced t�xe recoa�nendationa of tiae Scabc�ittee as folloRas; reco�nended that McKinley S�reet, aow ending ixi a cul de sae, be extended further to the South thus enablin� �he developm�nt of the laaad �o the Soutli. The street pattern would be ffio�� f�voxable to the terrain ���th areae if th�Ls w��� follow�ed. Mr. .Tulian Johason asid it was his desire 1to plat the property in this f�shion. Daxxel Clark in£ormed the petitioaera the earliest public h.eaxing would be April lOth. n �. �aad NIrs. Z�nders asked to see the psopos�d plat. She said sbe felt �kn�� h�d �ot� ka�cl �noug�a time to s�ud� �e pgopoaal. She a�ked haw 1� i� �ro�a�d t�k� �f�es t�Ze pl�t was �.pp�or�r�d �cl �ia� to g�t w���g �ad ��ar�r in. Ig wr�s ano� �o��ible to �a�sw�r tiaat qa�e�t���a �a�ia-�x� ���ck�o� s�id that i£ �e P1�� C�mmi��ion f�l't the �tg�r mf �tcs��t�e ���� �d w���r �ould b� h�n�l�d. bgr �he Eaigin�eriaag Depastment, i� wou�d �e� �hey we�°e geady to �dv��tis� tth� gsublie h���iaa�. Y�i07.'I�N by .Tea��en, seconded by Mittelst�dt, tlaat the Plannix�g Commiesioa close tlie public h�ging of the Psoposed Paelimia�ry Pl�t, P.S. #69-02, AA�ber Oaks, David Hubegsa of Lot 4, Auditor'e Subdivisio� �92m Upon s voice vote9 all votirag aye, �ta� motion c�rried ua�3.ffiou�lyo PiO�'I'ION by 1K�►t►r�9 �econded by Plittel�tadt, th�t �e Pl�iag Co�is�ion t�b�.e the act�ton on the Progo�ed Preli�n�a°y �l�t, P.Sa �69-02, ��r O�cs, �wid �be�� ��f I�� 49 Aanaiitoae 0 s Subdi�i�i� �92 uaa�il ���� 1 1�H 19�9 . LTpoa� ���i�� �o�e, aLi eotiag ay�s tiie ffiotioa ca�3ed eana�ni��ae�y. �i��mFT �y �������tad�a ��c�g�d�� %�r �hrr�a �i�� tkn� �S.�ia� C������ ��m��v��gi�� �:�e �ea��.�� fla��i� of the P$o�o��d ���l�a� Pl��a PoS. #�9-02, ���r ���� �via� �aab��� o£ I.o� �, Auditore� Sub�iei8i�n �2 ammd inclsa�� �.ot 1, ��oc� 39 �� �atlo� �2 �1oa�e1'� Additioffi b� Ju�.i�r Joian�ana fos a �b��.� �c���� �sa ����.b i.0, 1969. �pon � voice vote, ��.1 eotian� age, �a� ���oaa c�a���al ��ar.�mmo�ae 1� o /� h�e �iafi��r�� ����� �ra Jen�eaa �f the r�vi�ed plat c�i�cidr�d c�i� wF�at �� � Seab��mm3g��� �aan{t�e�. �. ��a� ��er�d that �e oml� co�t w� selative planai�g Co�nission Meeting - March 27, 1969 Page 3 t� the proposed street grade�. It agpeared the grade is somewhat leae deairable �� in relation �o the Zander house. He suggeated they should take ano�her lmok at it prior to the h�aging da�e. �a Hbabers asked if s new application ahauld be filied out aad Darre� C�agflc sai.d it should be done with Nd�. Hubers aa�d M�c. Johason si�ning. 1�. MyYaga said he wanted �to be certaiaa t.l�e people un���et�od the new puTolic kaearia�g would eacompass the comt�ined prelimiaiaxy �?��s �� �?'e kIu�era (Amber Oalcs) a.�ad Mr. Julian John�oaa �Lot 1, Blocic 3 a�ad Outlo� �2� &lo��l°� Addition�o 2. PU�ZItC HF•ARIL�G • PROP05ED P1iF=r. ��r� lV,yt�y � r�a, x, a e_ �w�-va. r�ra.� rlea►vva� ea,�a,b� HIGHI�AND PARK DE9ELOPMENT CO.: Outlot 1, Melody Manog 4th Adcl?�ion exce�t the North 400 feet of the West 217.8 feet. The Public Hearimg Notice wa� read by �h�irma.n Erickson. Exhibit "A", that p�rit o� �he app�.�ca�ion fox �ezon{�g showfn� the sigar.�tures of the ownera of the properties involved, was distributed tco the Co�►��s�.on ���ra. N�r. �ed Donaldson said he had no co�ea��s to ffiake �t�her than he brought a picture of the proposed nursing homea �ka�.ia�a�. Erickson explained that it was a plat �hey �aere coaisidera.ag this ev��.ia�g� a�ot wh�t w�� being pxoposed to be buil�o Desrrel Clark add�d that �..,1 this l�.rt�d wa� oxi.gia�lly one large ou�? ot ob l�e? od� �o� 4�t �Additiomm aad it was split into four di�fereng iTses9 clinicasl9 proposed �ureiag hom� in R-1 under a speci�l use permit, multiples ancl co�nexcial. �.°he plat, as submitted, will includ� commegcial, nursiag home �nd apartment po�9tioas. Tt�e pe�itioaea� made applicagioa� �'o� ox�e aparfiment an.d the Council h�is grsaige� � p�*�it for oa�� �g�a����g b�s�� c��sag� and they are n�ot goisag to is�ue �ao��x �ce�ani� ura�il t�fl�� p�.�� �.� approved. The plat has �one �flirough �he Subca�itte�o �'�a� p��i� will sho�a utiility easeane�ts as�d drive eas�en�s which are not defiaied yet, bu� will be on �h� final plat. Cliairman Er�c�.�on volun�eered ichat iae�o�� �he �oasn��b a�p�ro�r�7�� �a� Buildiaa� Sitand.a�d��l��ign Control approv�d the bu�.ldia� m� pre��at��d, The meetia�� wa� ghen tumed oves �o the public. Robert Ha Ross, 7567 Y�yr�.� I.��aee 7'tae ma�ori�� of the people ia� rdelod� M�ao�a oa� Jackso�a and Tempo Terracea �us� bec�e aw�re ��hc� last �,io or �taree d�ys that paa�t of this outlot w�s �a �nultiple dwelli� zon�ee This is probaisly negligence on ffiy pagt and also the,contsactor we got �a� ��a�� fxom who led ua ast�cay witka �y di�fesceaat stoxies. Ourc main �.nterest hese s�ould be tr�ffic problein, auisance �robl�a S�creaae �n tmx�s and a large apagtment complex aa�d ithe addi�ional chi�.slx�n for the schools. I be�,iev� th�re hae be�a a pet�ttioxi s�axte� wi�Ili quite a na���� m� *��� o �. �to�s was asked if h� had any ob jectioxa� to ��ae ��..�5�, �c� �� ����1 �ae did.the u�e. � �'loyd E. Smithe 7600 Jackso� ��as I coffip�etely �xot��t to any multiple -- dwellings on,the lando I have sigaa�ure�_o£ 57 f�ilies in the areas and I wo�ald 'taav� had more b�at ���was giv�ai oaaly a' "24 houx not3ceo ��ta� �easons �xe deps�ci�t�.on of our iioffies, an ove�cgowding of ou� scho�l�a �pas�n�a�s �re a Planning Co�ission Meetin� - March 27, 1969 Pa�e 4 nuiaance becaus� of aoiae aad traasient �enaats wl�o do not. case abou� tl�� ovexall �� loolce of tlse area. ]Ca� prea�nting the peti�tion, h� eaid nott on� per�oa� iai all t.�ae homes he visited wae ia favor of the apar�ts o Ae e��.a ��ea��d �tne petition would be passed on to the Couacil. R�9°g'YO1�T by F�.1�t�l�tsdts seconded by Fitzpatxi�lc, Lka�t �� 1�l�aiimm� Co�mis- �io� x�ceie•e �e petit�on �ted March 26� 1969 ps�s�ted •l�� �. Floy� �. Sffi3�&a mpp��� �n� �s��l�.�is�azq pl�t of �sSm �69-0�, I�pl� l�a��, ��p�ciall� x�l����e �o ����e4�neng �i��in,g. Upon a voi.c� vot�� �11 ����mmg ���, tIlxe �o�ion ���.�d umm�iffioaas ly e �. �'���d Sm�i.� ea�d gh�t the �un he b��g flaf� la� ��r� �a�a �n� ���� �a�e w�a�t w�� �oing � fi�e propex�y, told h� �a� �a��p�.t�l �� �n� �.�a�a �aa� t�aai� pr�b�bly it wa� ��ir�g to be a pask fos tl�e la����.��b, ��ry ����vaa ��x ti�e �s�a w�.� �oi.d t�e saffie �ia�g a ���a��i� �ac� ��aaiiag, t�e Fngiae�xat�� ��i�t�� ���.� �,� �a¢a�r o� �fl�� g�����rggr imm �n� f��l o� 1965 s�id p�titi� tr�a� ��� f�� ���mm�� ����r� �£ �ae ora�lo�a �� cb�af� fln�d alr�ady be� rez�gd pxi�or �o �aE.ti��� e�a�b]1� �.� c�e�ci��.e �e �a�g� ��fo�e ghe g���a� C������aa w�� %mm ���c�� �mmd '��£��� t�a� ��xac�b �e �ix�� �aaxg of J�u�a�s 19660 �&a� f�a�� �c��.�� �£ �ne �r�iL�nr�sase �a�� 2�i� ����� �a�rt o� �'eb�aa��a �&a� ��cond s��d� � ��cc�tafl �mm� �.� w�� p�s��.$�hc�� ��T��k�a g�6fa m At �flie �im� �ae ta��ian� w�e �n���.a. ��ae w�ere n� s��gge ��.by ��gliadgs in �is a��e A �i���c�na ���.d fla� ttoo�s �a� �o��s �.o� oaa ������ �� ���.� �.� ���a1� be I"`� ��1 g� ta�� � ����5 ����s� gh� �tr�eta �� ��ur �he� v��aa� �o �� � ��ax�nen� �i1�� � h�� 4a���s ��.�rde � R�, a`�,+����.���dg co�es��ed �iat �a14en a�g�g�►�a� �.�s ��� �� a�sa:hae�eg ���att �s������ p�cop�$��v to ��� wla�cla is b��azg pea��ka���da �L� �,� �tx�.ctlp •a ��ri���� �p�a��o�ao � p�ro��ec�ive bug�e� ataould c�e �� �e �ig� �lg �os hie a3.anfm���,�ade C�ea�L w�� ��� �aag �ae p�opg� ��g� ttold i� wa� R-1 acao�� £r�m tliem. 6��mm �a� ���c����� ���e g�v�aa �hep we�e tolal it wae �i-1 �a� �fla�� �as �ie area w�es� �'�a� ��e�iaY u�e permit was gfv�r, for a nursiaig homeo E�att ���e a664 Jacicson St. ; T�nen I�e d� to Ci� �bl �o file for h�ste�d t�x�� �mm 1966a �kae� ��ld � i� wa� a��� d�iellfa�g �a� � wae led to ��L��� �a� e��� ��iaa� �0 4ae � p�rlee I � �gaf�t �a�eing ��pa���mmr� bui�d�.a�ga �Ila��� ��g sr.�c� r���aa t�ey depxec�t� our propextp. If we c�og �mt acL�on here, �� �fl�oea�.� �� �� a�cio�. l�ir. ��ng� ��i� �&a�� hg sy�ati�aized w�� wh�at �ae peog��� ��� �e���aa88 but he woaa��red �f �.t w�� �s� tlie jurisd.ic�io� of �l�ae Pl�iaag C�mm�����o ��i� Ericics�mm ���b�L�� t��nat ttaey were aot coa�idesimmg ge�onfaa� �� �a�� ��e �e coag�aa�� ��g �n� zomm�ag waa appaaved se�era�. grears ago. �� ��� ��� �o �aaar �� �a� C�mm���. o��aaaacil appSOVecIl oa�e buibeiimmg wit��.�n �ae A��� �i.st� days e g� is no� a��c�s��isg� tto nog�.fp tlie adjaceat property owaer� �o� �i i�aaild�.ng permit w3iea �e b�d is z�ed properly. You were aotifiesl becauae of ttln� pgo�osed plat � of �aat pe��s�icul�g asea. �ere is ao requeat for a�easi.�g ��a buildiag permit � �or land tin�� i.e zoiaed prop�aly. It is out of our hand� .� n�s notice wili �ae sent ocat �n�ou�ka �ae ��.1 £fve os six days prios to the next heasing. Planaira� Commiasioa I�eetin� - March.27, 1969 Page 5 �'-� rds. Smit�a �sked if it were permissible to builcl a nurs�a� h� �mm R-ga �.'lie answer was o�lp wifi.�a ���aecial use pe�milt. There has been a ln����� �a� gfla� �� �mms �d t�ne �aa�lsl�,aag Boa�d did re jec� �� pla�a pseaeaage�, baag �.t s��ll �� �aa t� �&ae ����a���, . �io�.f ���.aa�erm 7,563 Lyric Lane: ��� flcindl of p�tc� �p��@� ��er, 1� at�lls per aanit. ��a �y caxs will be parked off the street �ad wh�se would the �x�.�� b�? Nirm �x�1cA�on said ttiey expect to have enough park��, �d �1a� eac��� wo��� be o�a �sbo�� ]�oade �a�n asked about the aumbes of unita and size, th� peop,e ���� ��1� tliir�y �o forty uaite and 1, 2 and 3 bedxooms. �Ix. Sm�th ���,d �tt �a�aa�� ffi� there could be families with five chiis���. �'here �s � c�ese���i ���ti��n oa Osbo�� �oad be�raeen Jaclsson� aaad l�dis�n abmut 305'xfl.�° un�t g� �e ���ic on which tiiexe are no p3.aais yet. I�TION by R�hg�e ��co�cied by l�i�tel�taalt, ttiat ttae Pb�� C��i��io$a contiaac�e �e P�e�.�iaa�� Plst, PeS, �9-0�, Maple Maaaor Adcti��omm� ��,g�al�and P�rk �e�o�am�� C�mp��y og �a�log bn M�lody Mauos 4�i A�dition �c�pg �� �Tog�kn �o-�0 ���� o� gFa� �1��g 217. ��eeL �o Ap�i1 10, 1969 aa�ttTca a co�atiaau�� pu��ic k�c���� �g �h�� ���e �Ypon � voice votte, ��1 v�tt�xag aye, �ie ffiot�.on s��ie� u��o��Lg� . 3. L65� S�LgT 1�EQ�STs b.S. �k69-10, CtTS�N S. D. 1�IIN�, JBo a�Te�itgxly 2� fe�t . oi� L�� 2 a��o�lc �� aaaa�slorucl� Stka Addi�iLoa�, purchase� to ad� o��o Lot 1, n �l�ck 2s I.su�s��ea�k 5� Addition. �. I�l�r w�� aaot �resent. ���N �y Nd��cgel�tadt, secoaded by Myhsaa tha� tk�� ]P�.�aa�$affi E��issioa acc�p� �tae Lo� Spli�9 L.S. �69-lOs C.K.D. M�a.xa Jre of ��� We�gg��� 20 feet of Log 2a �locic 2� Iaia��bruck Sth Addittion �d r���a�aa� ��ot�r�r�.l �� Council. Upoa � voice vote9 all voting aye, th� motion ca�ie�1 �aaffi��aa���o '4�, •�'J�a�Oh�T ���TD SAV �i9-02fl WiLLI�M So K]E�t �ot� 1 �o-, �lock 1a �p�� ��oAk ��x�o �, �eg�� �r�.� �xot p�e�sea��o ���:� C���tc eacplaiaed �natt tF�ne a��g� o� Lots 1 throeagfls 4 immr�,c3vertantly dee���a�e� 5� ��e� f�� ��tree't inste�d of the necessasq 20 f�e� ar�d �aer� naw �ekiLaig �ox �fln� �� fee� to be retusaieda k��`I� l�gn �'�mms�, secon�e� by Mitt�gs��dts �a� �e Plann�g C��seion c�cur wit�a ttin� Pl�g� � Saabdivis�oa�e-���eets &�Jt�.g�ti�� Subcmmmittee and seconm�d �ppg��� of the etreet v��ation recgaaeat, SAV �69-028 Lote 1�iarough [a9 �locic la S�siang �$ook Park, of tYi� Nort% 3� feet of tttne Sou�a 50 f�ot e�reet dedicatfon by W�.1�f� .�. Reefex. Upo� � vofce votea agl eotiag ayg, �ae ffiotion c�asied uabanimouslym 5 0 �POSED PYtEE.�N�C PY.Aa. P. S.�69 - 04, F.�iT RANCH EST�TES 1ST BDDITaON : Coaf�.rm public �xearia� date of April 10, 1969. MOTIOit1 '�y �kn��i9 seconded by Mittelatadt, ttiat tlie• Plasaaing Co�i�eioa con- £iaad �ae �aabl�.� �Zeagis�g date of April lOs 1969 fo� �tn� �gel�aag Plat, P.S. �69-04. BJ�aoa� ����ce vote, all votiag aye, the mo��on carried un�iffiously. Plaaning Coa�issioa 1�%etiat� - Masch 27, 1969 Page 6 ,,r;, 6. PROPOSED PREL7I�RNARY PLAT . P. S.�69 - 05 . F�AST �tANCIi ESTATES 2ND ADDITION : ' Confirm public taeariag date of April 10, 1969. MOTION by Myhra, aeconded by Mittelstadti, that the Planaing Co�ission con- firm the public heariag date of April 10, 1969 for the preliminarq plat, P.S. �69-05. Upoa a voice vote, a�l voting sye, the motion carried unanimously. 7. CO�NTINU'ED LOT SPLIT: L.S. �69-09, Si�LDODT 1�ATENSON: 140 feet north of north property line of Block 1, Central View Maaor between T.H. �65 and Ceatral Avenue. No action. 8. P� TO PLANNING COt�IISSION: ANN[JAL SCHEWLE FOR MEETING� MOTION by Mittelatadt, seconded by Myfira, that the Pla�ing Commission will schedule their meetinge cn the Wednesday £ollc�in;g the fis.st aad third Meaday beginaiag ia June. This co�ita the Board of Appeals and the Buildiag Standards-Desiga Control Subcommittee to al�esna�e W�dnesday meetia,ge, and iaasmuch as the Plats � Subdivisione-Streets b�iJtilitiea S�bco�ittee �aeet oa call, they are not affected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo�ion carried unaaimously. 9. �iDE PARR ADDITION REZONYNG STUDY: The Cot�isaioa members geceived tlze lateat repor� fram Nason, Wehrman, Raight and Chapman. � ADJOURI�NT : MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhsa, that the Plaaniag Coa�ission meeting adjourn at 9:10 P.M. Re�pectfully submitted ��,�-� 's ;.�+�- Hazel 0'Brian Recording Secretary �'"'1 i ' / f J � /� / L / �/� `� � �a 7r n f rt �y �n7 �7z � ss � � �? / d � �-� �� . �i / 7z � (! � �� �- 3//�- b/ t, S S � � --------- - ��--�----- ___-- --- ----- _ __- - - _ � ���-e 9 _s _ -- — -- _-- _--- e ����- � . _ -- --- --:' ��%�--���---__ _?_G G �'-- - - -��,-- _ __ __ _ --- �-o� - ,� - - - - - -----__ _ __--_ _��,_---- ---- - --_ ------ 7�_��-- -- --��---- -- --------- -� g-_�___ , _. ------ -�_ _ __ __--------- - -z�� ------.�.--�� --------__ _ --- c�-o.�---- �e� , �, ------ _ __ _ . _ _ __ _ _ ____ - _--���� _ _ �-�� _ _ __ ___ � q_ ' a-�__ _ � _ - -- _ _ --- ' -- - _ __ _ __ _ _ - _ _ 7��!�- _��._ _ e,�c��--___-------_ _ ----- ��---�-3— '�c' �-� -- - - - ___ '- _ -- _ __ . _ _ ,_ ' _ __-__ _--- �`� /� 7 - _ �GG� - � "-�""�._. _._ _ � ` -�3--- � -� ' , ---- - . - - --=-� __ _ - s� � /- --- _ _- - - �- _ � 6� -o z �� - _ __- _ _ _ _ _- __ _-- - ___ � � _ _ � �, �.,�.� «� � z�� c� t� � . �� � �� -av ------- � � --- _-- _ ---- --- ---_ -- ---- - p _ _--_--_, ���/� So C �tx �1 O � ' :�---- �_� ��� _------ �� 0 3 _ -- ----- ---- - - ------ --- -- -,- - � �=-- __ _.___. .__ - �s,� �y►-,� c.�µ� -- --- � ���__� Fv�� __- - r!'�- �1��,��n� � �� � S _ ' �-- - -- - _ s_ ��_- - ---� - -�-�--- ; ��_ _ _ _ � ��-� _ _ _� __ ��� : � �-e �� :� � � .� ��� �i , . �s �s � d � _ , � . - __ --_ _ - -- ---- - ����� — ---- __ -- _ 1�� �- --_ _ _ - - �'�� _ _ ---- - ---- � �'_o� -_ ---- �' �-- - - _ ._--- --------- y�s�-������--��-�--- - �-Q- � -- . -- � ���� �- � �.,�- � � �°o� r� � �� ; -- - -- - .__-- --- -�---------- - --------------- - -----_---- -- -------- - _ -- _ : __ _ �,�,�•a� __ __ -_ _ _ 7 s'� � _ _ � �. °'-,,,Q- /U � E � G o,� - - - -- ___- - - - _ __ __ _ _ _ - l_------ ; � -' �6�3 8 /,��.., _ ----------.�. �`�.o� - --------- ___--- - ---- ------------r-�-- ------�= - ----- - - --- � ------ - - -- - _ __ - -- - _-- , __-- � __. __ _ ___ _ . - -- - __ _________ _ ; __- -____:_______--- __ __ , - --- -r -- ------- _ _ _ t- --- __ - -- __ . ___ _ - - - --- - -- -----_ _ - -1- -_ _ _ _ - - ---- �