PL 04/10/1969 - 31022�''�`� PLAI�U7NG COI�IISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 1969 PAGE 1
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Erickson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Myhra, Mitteletadt, Erickson, Jeasen, Fitzpatrick�
Members Abaeat: None
Others Preseat: Engineeriag Aasiataaic Darrel Clark
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by �Ii.��elstadt, that the Planniag Commiesi�oa
Minutes of March 27, 1969 be appraved. Upon a voice vote, all voting apq,
the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Planning Co�issioa
receive the misrutes of the Building Standards-Design Control �eti�g of
March 26, 1969. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
uaa,nimous ly .
n . MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded bq Myhra, that the Planning Co�issi�ot►
receive the minutea of the Board of Appeals meetiug a€ April 2, 1969. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimously.
flIGHI.AND PABK DEVEIAPI�NT CO.: Outlot 1, Melody Manor 4th Addition except
the North 400 feet of West 217.8 feet.
The Engineeri�g Assistant said that Council opened the hearing last
Monday and continued their action. Chairman Erickaon said that at the last
meetiag, the Co�iasion had received some petitions preeeated opposiag the
conetruction of R-3 in the area aad theae petitions were reprinted in the
Agenda for this eveniag. He stated the Subco�ittee had approved the pre-
liminary plat aubject to the final plat prwiding adequate utility and
access easements. Mr. Fred Donaldaon, repreeenting flighland Park Develo�-
ment Company, wae asked if he had anything further to say about the plafi
this evening. He said he did not.
Floyd Smith, 7600 Jackeon St. N.E.: I completely protest the buildipg
of ai►y �ltiple dwellinge on thia lot. If eo, Y will sell my hame. I am
sure the reat of the people feel the same way. I have a nice ho�. Some�
thing like this will devaluate the property. The reason I bought the lot w�s
that I was told there would be a park on this area.
� Walter Peterson, 7506 Tempo Tenace: Y am also opposed to thie for �hhe
simple fact it would overload our achools. The classrooms are getting to the
`�- point where they can handle the children bet�er.
Plannin� Co�ission Meeti.n� - April 10, 1969 pa 'e 2�
Chairman Erickaon said that the one thing he would like to hear is
whether or not there is any particular objection to the plat becau�e thie
�` is what the Planning Comnission is to conaider. The people were informed
that the members of the Planaing Conmisaion were aot on the Co�iseioa a�
the time of the rezonin�a. The objectioas have been heard in regard to the
Charles �Ieid, 7513 Tempo Terrace: Y have lived in a braad aew fourplex.
I have seen what can happen to an apartoment house in two yeaze. You can't
imagiae what it ia like for the people acroa� the stxeet faoffi one. Tdhen
we �ved in, they said it would be veay nice, but it wae not kept up.
Richasd Cartwright, 7503 Tempo Terracee I am aware you are asking for
for a plat. I think there is ao objectfon to tha�. I em sure this Plaaaing
Conmission has a definite influenc� on �.hether or not to allow a buildir�g
permit aad you could recommend denial. Wouldn't thi� fnfluence the Couacil'a
decision to grant a building permit?
Chairman Erickaon answered that, �o his knawledge, the Planaing Com-
mission has never taken a position on property that is properly zoned, nor
have they been a�ked to do so.
Mr. Myhra commeated that if the latnd is properly zoaed, it would seen► to
him the owner could challenge the Council.
Mr. Cartwright asked if the City of Fridley hae no other meane of caa-
� tral than the zoning as to what is built where?
The Chairanan answered that other than zoning, he would say that was
correct. It would aeem we are now gettia,g into a legal field which the
Planni�g Co�ission is not properly fitted to handle ae they are a recom-
mending body oaly. He would say that the awner hae a right to b�aild what
he wants, if he complies with the zonia�g and City Code.
Mr. Cartwright said he was opposed to the building of aay apartment
buildiaga in this i�ediate area. Chais�toan Erickson asked him if he were
aware that the people,who �rere asking for the apar�ent complex, were
building the rest home? Mr. Cartwright anewered that he felt that the
petitioners felt they see large ecoaomic beaefits fram the apartment build-
iag. He did not see any i�ediate coanection between the two buildings.
He was aure their i�ediate coacern was haw �uch money the apar�ents were
going to make for them.
Mr. Myhra told Mr. Cartwright that in a aense, he was aski�g the Plan-
ning Commission to make a atatement on something before it was preeeated to
them. We have always been very careful if a developer co�s ia with some-
thing that �ee�d verq �ood, that we would not want to �ive a etatement
uatil it.had goae through the various steps.
Mr. Cartwright asked if it were not one of ttae Co�uiseion's duties to
give their recoamiendatioas to the Couacil and Mr. Mqhra answered that what
he was saying was really Mr. Cartwright ought to give hie opinion to the
("� Couacil. LL�vvery once in awhile, he added, the Planniag Co�issioa geta
problems where there is a conflict betweea the petitioner and the awaer,
� aad someti�es, he felt particularly relieved when the opposition fell on
aaother body.
Plasmia� Conm�Lesioa Meeting - April 10. Y�69 p8�e 3
The Eagineering Assistaat said that Council had approved the iseu�ce
�'�', of the Building permit. Mr. Jensen informed Mr. Cartwright that the actual
approval has happened and oae building can be atarted as soon ae the builder
wished to pick up the permit and that it ia rather late to object. Algo,
thia is a matter that does not require a public notice. The only way any-
one can be awaxe of it is to be aware of �11 the proceedinge of tiie City
Council. Yt would be incomienient for aa o$dinary c%tfzeas to do. It was
also mentioned the rezoning was paased three years ago.
Mr. Floyd Smith said the neighbor acso�� the �treet, who lived these
ia 1965, was never given notice on the r�zoning. Mr. Jensen iaformed the
audieace that there is a record kept ia City Hall of all aotices sent out.
If his deed was not filed in time, the notice might have gone to the
previoue awaer. Occasionally the holder of the mortgage is listed as the
fee owner, as they pay the taxes, the notice could have been sent to him.
Sometimes the large organizations do not have the intereat of the people
at heart to fozward these notice�. T'his i� tsagic.
Mr. Myhra said that the Plaaniag Ca�ission recogaized that appaseatly
these people are unanimously oppoaed to the building of apartmeate and we
want you to realize we do recogaize this.
It seemed to him, Mr. Jensen said, that the queetion the Flasming Com-
mission have before them is the propriety of the proposed division linee
on a large tract. This is a relatively uncamplicated plat that has eix
parcela originally lcno�un as Outlot 1, Melody Maaor 4th Addition. It runs
n between Lyric Lane and Oeborne Road and bounded by homes alang Jackeon.
It is beiug divided up for the purpose of eimplifyiag legal descriptione
for deed purposes aad the request was made by the City Council to plat the
property so that additional buildinge could be built on the propertq and
each have their separate lots. This was the purpose of graaitiag a�ingle
permit for a single lar�e tract.
A citizen eaid they were told what would be put up there is diffeseitt
from what is goin,g up there. Some of them found out from the City Aa11
that it wae zoned R-1 and nothing bigger than duplexes would be allawed.
Mr. Jensen said it ie a coafueing tract of laad, dapending oa where
you live. The people oa Lyric Lane could have been told the zoning wae
R-1 aad it is true. Iiowe�ver, it is permiseible to get a epecial uee pes�al.t
to build a nuraing home in an 8-1 area. It is understandable there could
be some confuaion.
Mr. Cartwright asked if the minutee of thie meeti�g are given to the
Council. He would like to go on record, �nd he imagined hie atate�enta wer�
accepted by the people present, and recon�ad the City Council not give
the building permit until the objection ia aired. He would like to diecuea
the rezoni�g of this area to R-1.
Mr. R. Swift, 7577 Lyric Lane: As I underatand it, thie ia a11 oae
plat with different zoning. It is not beiag zoned.
Chairmaa Erickson explained there are three different zonings. Plattin,g
� ie to simplify legal descriptions of the property. There followed a short'
� discussion of probable texes. '
Plaaafa� Co�mni.eaion Meetiag - Aprii 10, 1969 PaRe 4
Chairman Erickson said the Planning Co�ission ie faced with a aituation
� that exists and they do not have the power to cha�ge it. A citizen said
there will be approximately 70 unita in the apartment buildi�s. He believed
there would be quite a few childran ia the elementary aad high schools. Iie
asked if there were anything they could do to.fix the taxes on this land
that will be developed so that this would not raise theis property taxe�.
ChaiYman Ericicson said that there is nothin� the Plaaining Coa�isaioa can do
in this respect. Apartments get a high valuation.
MOTION by Fitzpatrick, secoaded by Mittelstadt, that the Planning Com-
mission cloae the public hearing on the preliminary plat, P.S. ,1�69-03,
Maple Manor Addition, Highland Park Development Company of Outlot l, j+iel,ady
Manor 4th Addition, except the North 400 feet of the West Z17.8 feet. Upoa
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra said that the Planning Couomission is back to the same thing.
This is something for the Council. He didn't eee aaything to be gained by
holding the request up, and if it is held up, Council.can't ta2ce action.
It is to the benefit of everyone to mrnre it along. He asked the Eagineeriag,
Assiatant about the roads and utilities. Darrel Clark aaswered that they
seem to meet the requirements the Co�ission epoke of at the laet �eeting.
MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Jensen9 that the Plaaai.�g Co�ission secap-
mead to the Council approval of the PrelimiCnary Plat, P.S. #69-03, Maple
Manor Addition, Highland P$rk Development Comgany of Outlot 1, Melody Ma�nor
4th Addition, except the North 400 feet of the West 217.8 feet. Upon a
� voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra suggested to the audience that those who were intereeted �a
the request should keep ia touch with City Hall for the date it would appear
on the Council agenda.
R. i�JBIILS, JULIAN JOi�TSON: Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision �92, Lot 1, $loCk 3,
and Outlot 2, Worrel's Addition.
Chairman Erickaon explained that this item was tabled at the laet �eet-
ing of the Planaiag Co�ission and the combined plats of Amber Oaks and
Southhamptoa 2nd Addition were re-advertiaed.
The public hearing notice was read by the Chairman.
Mahloa Moe, 5955 Benjamin St. N.E.: I have same property a little
South of the proposed plat. We have never been able to get a street through
there. Are there aay plans made for the etreete betwcea Stinaoa and
Benjamin? I have � 150'x300' parcel of land aad I caa't get a buildiag
permit nor can I sell the property. (Mr. Moe's land ia platted as Acorn
Mre. Lorraine Winkler, 1641 Gardena Ave.: I have beea trqiug to a�11
� my houae and I can't do it until I have a road I can call my owa. If I
can have a road in the back of my property, I think I could sell.
Plaan�� Commi�aion Meetia� - April 10, 1969 Pa�e 5
The Winkler property ia 160'x180e and a drive�ay is used to get out to
Mro I�e �eferred to the cul de sac showa on the preliminary plat and
said he believed if it were extended aaother 300 feet to the corner of ti�e
Winkler property, it would open the access to all of their lota. Ae said
the last time they got Mr. Mitchell to agree, but then Mr. Winkler dis-
agreed because there was a garage where the turn around woas�d b� �� he
felt he should be compeasated for it. He did aot knaw whether theq could
get Mr. Mitchell to agree with it aow.
Chaizman Erickson said that one of the problems of a cul de sac con-
cerns the Fire Department and Police Department. The legal length, acco;d-
ing to the City, is 500 feet and to iaclude the other property would be
to add another 300 feet, which would b,e against the ordinauce.
Mr. Moe asked if it would be po�sible to put the street through to
Gardena wllich would eliminate a lo�g cul de sac. It was �tioned there
are buildings that would be ia ttae wayo
Mr. Jensen said that he certaialy had spmpathy with their problems,
aad it is saa�thiRg the Planning Cou�i.ssioa has got to look at. The
Co�ission read the records of the studies made in this area for atreeta
about a month ago aad the etudies went on month after month from year to
year, and the people that wiahed to divide the Worrel Addition were held
up with a total lack of a�reemeat amo� the neighbore, and oace agaia Mr.
n Julian Johnson tried to plat, and we have held him up about six montha.
Naw the key to a good development for Mr. Johnson wae whea the platting
of the property to the aorth came ia with a plan that seem�ed to match
• with his. It was the feeling of the Subco�ittee that the combination
of the two plats would be quite ideal to make the best use of the property
and make building lote of really high quality. Naw to try to contiaue
the cul de sac 300 feet to the south, would be in violation of the ordia-
ance. The platting ordiaaace stated the cul de sac �ust not be more thea
500 feet and it is now 400 feet. He did thiak the Planni�g Coa�iseion hae
to face the problem the people brought up, but his personal opinion is
this would not be the waq they should try to get the eolution.
Mr. Moe said he would not waat to put ao�nethintg through that would
aot help the whole neighborhood, but it is hard to pay the high taxes and
not be able to build.
Mr. Costello asked if Mr. Mitchell would be agreeable, could eomethi�
be worked out.
The Chaiz�an eaid if Mr. Mitchell were agreeable, a road could came
in from Stineoa. fle has a large parcel that could be divided up into
probablq seven lots. The only aolution is for the people owaing land
and needipg to acquire accese to thie property, to ask ttie City .
to condema land. It is up to the Council. He would euggeat that if
they really felt they �st�get access in the area°to their property to
the back, to come in and sit down with the City Engiaeer, eiven if it
meane some condeamatioas have to be done. He did not think it would be
fair to hold up this plat. �
Pl�i.n� Co�is�ion MeetinA - April 10, 1969 P�e 6
MOTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Myhza, that the Plaaning Co�niseioa
;��, close the public hearing of the proposetl Preliminary Plat, P.S. #69-02,
} Amber Oaks, David R. Hubers aad Julian Johnsoa, of Lot 4, Auditor'a Sub-
division �92 and Lot 1, Block 3 and Outlot 2, Worrel's Addition. Upon a
voice vote, all votiag aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mre Mittelstadt atated that the Plaaning Cammissioa got the opinion
of the people for an additional road in the area to the so�th and realize
they do have a problem there in order fos them to get accees road, but
the business before the Planning Co�ission this eveais�g is the proposed
preliminary plat of P.S. �69-02, Amber Oaica.
1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Jensen, that the Plaaaing Co�ie-
sioa recommend approval to the Couacil of the Preliminary Plat, P.S. �69-02,
Amber Oaks by David R. Hubers and Julian Johnsmn of Lot 4, Auditor's Sub-
division �F92 and Lot 1, Block 3 and Outlot �2, Worrel's Addition. Upoa a
voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa carried unanimously.
Mr. Myhra asked about drainage aad Darrel Clark said the gradea could
be worked out on the atreets and the water, at present, goea to Stineoa
Boulevard. There is one utility easement to be granted at the lot line
out to Stinson Boulevard. The reason for the easement is looping of
Mr. Jensen said this particular as�a does not have a eto� sewer ao
water is ivani�g on the atreets for miles, which is really not proper.
^ He would like to state that the atreet grades that they checked at the
last meeting were aot positively apprwed aad they are defiaitely going
to have to be examined carefully bq the ffigiaeering Depart�ent relative
to elevatioas.
Mr. Iiubers asked at what point could they start to build. D�rrel
Clark answered that, legally, they could take out one or two building
permits now. He would advise them aot to until the plat ie approved.
ROBEItT SCi�OER: East 621.87 feet of that part of NW� of NW� as measured
along the North line thereof of Sectioa 11 lyiag aortherly of centerliae
of Oaborne Road, subject to portion take.a for T.H. �7. Oeborne Road �
and St. Paul Wateiworks' easemeat.
ADDITION, ROBEAT SCE�'1t0ER: SW'� of SW'� of Section 2 sub ject to portion
taken for T.H. �47 and subject to easemeat for Sanitary Sewer purposea
over South 33 feet thereof.
Items 3 and 4 were so closely tied together th$t they were heard
at the saaue time.
� 1�DTION by Mittnlstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaning
^ Commieaion dispeaea.with the reading of the Public Heariag Notices of
the preliminary plats, P.S. �69-04, East xanch Estatea let Addition aad
� P.S. �69-05, East Ranch Estates 2ad Additioa. Dpoa a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion c���.e� u��u�lq.
�.; sr.,: �,
Platm9.a� Camni�sion l�eetia� - April 10. 1969 PaAe 7
Darrel Clark eaid the original preliminary plat of East Raach Estatee
2nd Addition shawa before the Subcoa�ittee did not have the easement run-
��� niag through the center of the plat to liae up with 78th Aveuue. The
plat has been re-drawa aad this h�s been corrected. There sre a few more
lota on the new plat, but otheswise no chaages. The reason.the developer
requeated two plata was that the land originally was under two ownerehipa
and he used each owaership for a plat to facilitate legal mattere. The
. iadustrial lota are 215' x 315' and 200' x 315'. The only reco�endation
the Subco�ittee made was that some day Maia Street ehould contiaue dowa
and line up with Comnerce Lane.
Mr. Richard Harria eaid they owaed Block 3, Onaway Addition and
some other scattered parcels. Their objection to the original prelimiaary
plat was the easement through the center of the plat did not liae up
with their lot linea, but this has been corrected. Mr. Harrie eaid hie
surveyors re-su=veyed all their land and c�e out just about on the aose
as that done ia 1911.
1�TION by Mitteletadt, seconded by Myhra, that the public heariag
of the preliminary plats, P.S. �69-04D East Ranch Estates let Addition
and P.S. �69-05, East Raach Estates 2ad Addition by Robert Schroer, be
closed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unaaimoualy.
1�OTION by Mittelstadt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaaing
Co�ission recou�ead to the Couacil appraval of the Prelimiaasy Plats,
P.S. �69-04, East Ranch Estates lst Addition� Bobert Schroer Qf tiie
East 621.87 feet of that part of the NW� of the NW� ae measured�along
^ the North liae thereof of Section 11 lying northerlq of centesliae of
O�borne Rosd, subject to portioa taken for T.A. �47, Oeborne Road and
St. Paul Wate:works easement aad P.S. �69-05, East Ranch Estatea 2nd
, Addition, Robert Schroer, being the SW� of the SW� of aection 2 subject
to portion takea for T.H. #47 and aubject to easem�eat for Sanitary Sewer
purposea wer South 33 feet thereof. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye,
: the motion carried unanimously.
5. REZ�TING R�QUEST: ZOA �69-08, R. W. WORrLSBFCI�R: NW� of NW�•except
North 16.6 acres and SW� of NW� of Section 2, also North 34.68 acsee
of NFJx of NE�, Section 3. Rezone fram M-2, heavy industrial, to 8-3,
general multiple.
. M�TION by Jenaen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Planaing Com-
mission set the public hearing date of May 22, 1969 for the rezoning
request, ZOA #69-08, R. W. Wormebecker, of the NW� of the NW�. except
the North 16.6 acres aad SW� of NW� of Section 2, also the North 34.68
acres of NE� of NE� of Section 3 to be rezoned from M-2, heavy induetrial,
to 8-3, geaaral multiple. Upoa a voice vote, all votiag aye, the matiou
carried uraanimouely.
,''� The City Enginees, Nasim M. Qureshi and Peter Herlofeky, Senior
-� Engiaeering Aide, were present.
Plann� Cammission lrieetiag - April 10, 1969 Paste 8
Mr. Qureshi referred to the Miscellaneous Remarks of December 9, 196�
� by Chairman Erickson which were being atudied. The study this eveniaig
began with the industrial land, which is most of the laad left ia Fridley,
and fiaished checking out the remarks.
Chaixxoan Erickson, on beh�lf of the Planning Co�iseion, compliffiented
Mr. Qureshi and Mr.�Herlofsky stating it was a pleaeu�e havi� two �n �ao
would go ataead axad camplete the zonin,g study ax�d �a eucla ��ble �er.
P�TIOPT by Mit�el�t�dlt, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Plaaniag
Commisaioa seco�mnead to the City Council the adoption of the Propo�ed Zonia�
Ordisiaace Review with the atipulations discuesed this even�e iJpoa a
voice vote, all votit� aye, the motion carried unaafmously.
7. HyDE PARK ADDITION REZONIIJG STUDY: Nason, ii�ltt�an, Rnight b� Chapmar�a Ian�.
�ai�man Erickson xeferred to the new pl�ffi, d�4�ed Apzfi,1969. � ����
ing on the final page of the report, he said ti�at it l�c��� ��� ��� �i�n
of �1a� ��sf�ibity of �1������ �x�� cos� £o� l�ad oa ��,a� D�bo Y� �eemed ttt�
laat �heet iaa gka� xeport which referred to this, was left out. (Ttiis sheet
is aaw Page 17 and Pnas been added on �'ri�y,, �pril 12th)
rIpTION by Jensen, seconded by Fitzpatrick, th�� �e Plas�ning Co�nission
=eceive the Final Study of the Hyde Park Addition Rezoning Study dated
^ April, 1969 together with Alterna.tive Scheme A-1 and Alternative Scheme D-1,
and reco�nend payment be made for the Study. Upon a voica vote, all voting
� aye, tbe motioai carried unanimously.
The City Engineer stated the Ci�y�Manager was ffiaking a study of the
area with ttae Council. .
Mr. Jeasen said he really felt q{uite �anco�fortab�e ab�aa� �i� t�le Y.liipg.
Someone has put the Planaing Couanission in the position of being opposed to
aa Administrative or City proposal. He felt it was tragic to have a public
hearis�g without a discueaion with the Planning CaQm►ission as it would be a
pretty bad place to start "washing things out".
Chairman Erickaon reported that on Satur�y, Agril Sth, the Plaiming
C�isaion spent �everal hours and came.up with, �hat they considered, a
pretty good plan and also an Alternative to that plan. Mr. Jensen aad h�
�t with Mr. Chapman on Moaday noon. Mr. Chapman was informed of their
choice, and they were given the Study together with a feaaibiiity study for
the Alternative plan for D-1. He said it was rather ridiculous to apend so
much time on a study and then throw the whole thing out the window without
letting the Plaiming Co�►isaion know. .
The following co�ents were made on Plan A-1: Vehicular accesa was aot
prwided for those co�ercial lots off 57� Ave�e ia order to sepaxate com-
mercial traffic from residential traffic. They would like to have 61st
Aveuue continue West across the railroad tracks to East River Road, as the
increase in density is going to require othes major thoroughfares be construc�t��,
as that deasity is reached.
Pla:miaA Comnission Meetins� - April 109 19�9 Pa�e 10
� Mr. Qureshi also recommended that if they were going to a higher zoning,
he wae•sure the schoola would not be happy. Chaiiman Erickson said he could
not see any i�mediate problem of greater higher density. Mr. Jensen said
that if you took out every vacant lot and otiier single family lots, you
would end up with acreage for about 550 ap�xtmeats �nd that would be about
100 sites. This plan would juat about triple �he present density.
I�TION by Jensen, seconded by Mittelstadt, that the Plaaning Carmnission
suggest Alternative Scheme A-1 should be adopted as the Planning Conmiissian
recoamendatioa of the atudy completed by Nason, Wehrman, Rnight and Chapman,
Incorporated and that the pxoposed park site should be included as part of
aay plan. Upon a voice vote, all vot�ng aye, the motion.carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mitteletadt that the Plann�ag Co�ission meeting of
April 10, 1969 be adjouraed at 11:45 P.M.
Respectfu�y s� d
�� eVl d � Brian
Recording Secretary
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