PL 04/24/1969 - 30154� PLA�IING CQ�QS3YON I�ETING APBII, 24, 1969 Zfie meetiag was called to order by Ch�ir�an Erisk�an at 7e32 �.Me� rI.I. .L . Membere �resant: E�embere Abeeut: Othese 1Preaent; My�ra, Mitteletadt, Ezickeona Fitzpataicic Jensen D�a-�el Clar�, Ea�ine�srixi� L��i���t r _�� : r�/; . �i, :�t� �"x.�� �.. ,r!._�lk� _ t. i. 1 � PlD�l'ION by i�ittelatadt, �ecoaded b� iKqh��, �8t t�� pla��g Co�i�eion minutes of April 10, 1969 be appr�edo BJ�mm � vofc� voteD �11 votin ayc�� the motion carsied uaaniaou�ly, � ----- � n 1. �, 1�TION by Myhra, seconded by Mittelstadto �n�t t�e pla�ing ��feion receive the minutes of the Plata � Subdivieiaas-Streets b�Ttilities ub- co�ittee meeting of April 17, 1969a Dpon a voice vot�, all voti� �ye, the motion carried unanimouslye -- -- — �,... MOTION by Mittelatadt, seconded by 1�hraB that the Pl�i�,g �,,�$omm receive the minutea of �he Building Standasde-��i� ���g��g S�}�� t�g msetiag of April 9, 1969a Upon � eo�ce votes �11 votin� �p�, th� � ioa carried unanimouely. _ Logo 16 �r�g�i 19, Block 12, and Lot 30, Block 21, Hyde Park �c�d�t�ion. �o�e fsam A-2 (lirai.ted �sltigle faaaily dwelliag�) to G�2 (gensgag tiu�ituee). 3'he Notice of the Public Aearin� �as �ead b� �air�n Esickson. Mr. and Mr�. Bldon Schffiedeke aad D�aiel Y:sickeon ��re p��e�mt. Mr. ScL�delc� clid not lx�tre any�hia�g to 8dd to hie aequee�. Iihen Mr. Sclymedeke was inforaeed that 1�i� re�oniag reque�t aad the Public H�aring which the Council held oxi April 14th on the Hyde park Addition Razoai�g, were compatible, and �hat the Ca�misaioa felt �e ehould wait for Council's decieion oa IKBy Stli, he said b� Wauld pref�err to have hie requeet acted on �his eweniuu�. ge h8d be�a 88ked to �trp �_ the c�ra bebiad hia building, but he caimot build or espaad �t�l t6�,s rezoniag ie eettled. He thought the requ�r�t �hould go thr� s� � acheduled. flowever, �he Co�iseiona if th� acted oa th� r�qnest th�s eA►eniag, felt they cauld be doing �c�thia� �at wouid pre�ce t�e decision of the Co�cil. Aleo, it would be foolie�a gor them t� �e 8 decioion this sveai�g aad thea Council �o contrary. Al�o, if Couacil ahould make a decision that would a�re�a �aith th� �titi�a�' e, lla�� Co�iesion seco�datioa would be ux►�ce�e��ro Planniag Com�iseion meeti�a @Eri1 24, 196� Page 2 .. ._. 'MOTiOA by ljyhra,, esaonded bg Mittelatadt, that the Plannin� Cammieeion ,�-� c�loae the publia hesring of the rezoning requeet� ZOA #b9-06, Eldon Sel�edeke, � �of Lote 16 thru �9, Block�l2, and Lot 30� Bloog 21. Hyde Park Addition to be r�$oned from R-2 (limited multiple family dwelliag�) to C-2 (g+eneral bueiaese). Upon e voice vote, all votir�g aye, the motion carried. � �eaauee the 60 daye allowed for a rezonin� requeet to be hear3 would ezpire on May 6th, and Cauacil would meet oa the 5th, the Commiseion conefdered seiiag Cou�ail for�e� ezteneion. The Commiae3on felt that when they aaked for an exteneion of time, thst the Council be m�'aware of the fact t�t thie ehould be moved for�rd se eoon ae poeeible eo eo inot to hold up Mr. 3o�edeke any ionger thaa neoeeeary. 'MO'1'IOA by 1Kittelstsdt � seconded by Myhra, that the Plsriuing Commieeion coatinue the rezoning requeet, 7�� #69-06, Eldon Schmedeke of Lote 16 thru 19, Blook 12, and Lot 30� Bloak 21, Hyde Park Addition to be rezoned from R42 �11�ited multiple familp dwellin�e) to C-2 (g+eneral bueineee)� far a period of 60 de,ye at which time it is felt by the Co�iesion that Council should � sble to, in an eapeditioue manner, reeolve tbe.Hyde Park Addition rezonirig. IIpon a voiae vote, all voting Qye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Myhra esid the feeling of the Commieeion wae that they aould take gotion st their neat regular meeting following Council'e conalueion of the Hyde Psrk 3tudy. The �hairman eeid�it would probablyr be adviseble for the Commiesion to �^ call a joint �eting of both Bodies. T`.' Planning Commiseion hae taken a etand in one direotion and it ie apparent there ie a definite etand oppoeiag ; that direation. Perhaps both Bodies could work out some of these problene � by oompr�i,ee . It ehoul�d be aoted thst there were no objectore at the meeti�,.thle eveni�g;C tt�� �medeke' s rezoning requeet . 2 . � �ROPOBED �RELIl�fINABY PLAT , P . S . -06 �E1T' S 9DDITION I,OND� �t�LIIND : That part of Lot 15� Revised 9uditor'e 3ubdivieion 23 lyiag Yee�erly of �feeterly R/W line of Riverview Terrace ae desaribed in Book 702 of Deede� pe�e �97• � t • MOTIOH bg Myhra, aeoonded by Mitteleta,dt, that the Pla�ing Cammiefian eet s public hearin� d$te of May 8� �g69, at 7a30 P.M. for the propoesd � preliminary plat, P.S. #69-06, 9�it'e Addition, Lon�da En�luad of thst pstt � of Lote 15, Hevieed Auditor'e Subdivieion #23 lying Weeterly of Ye�t�rl' H�i`��, line of Riverview Terraae ae deacribed in Book 702 of Deede, psge 197.II�an a � voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouely. �. The Subcommittee noted two lote did not have froatage to a publla s�t. �� The Eegineering Aesietsnt �d,aheaked and eaid they must have frontaga on d pnblic etreet or a 20 foat �inobetructed eaeement to the etreet, and tliie plst aeste that requirement of the Ordinance. C� I'1'IIK 1s Re�onina.reaueet. ZOA #69-Ob. E1$on Sohmedeke: �"\, ' The Co�iesion,s�g�ested meeting with the Council to diecuee the plane . prepsred by the firm of Raeon� W3hrman, Knight and Chapman� Incorpo�eted ano�,. the plane acmpiled by the City Me,nager and preaented to the �blio in e publio hearing on A1��1 14, 1969. They ha�ed to esplain their feelinga on the mstter e�nd t��,� qver Counoil� e ple►ne and hpp�fu�ly patpa �p 8n sgceesble oonalueion. The �7gineeriag Aesietsnt wae to ee% up s meeting. Plennia$ Co�iseion meeting April 2,4,,1969 Pa�e 3 3. CON'1'INtTID RE'LONIl�G IIEST: -02 G�GE M. NELSONt A� of Lot 30, a� A of I,ot j1, Auditor� e Stiubdivieion 129. PIr. George Nelson, Mr. George Nelson� Jr. snd Mr. Howard Moore lttos�ns3r vere present. Mr. Releon came in with new plsr�e whiah reduced the amount of la.nd for rezoning. The original publia hearing had been aloaed_and the requeet deaied '�y the PlanniAg Co�niesioa. The City Attorney had been contacted regarding ti�� proaedure at thiB point. He etated, ae long se Counail definitely aent th� requeet back to the Planaing Commiseion, if they rrsat to aoneider it arithout anq paiblia hearing� that can be done. If they want it heard, they did aot hsve to publieh it ia the ps„per� but by notiae in the mail. � l�tr. Moore ehowed the map of the new plan. There vere eiz lote�faoinQ Onondaga, 5 be�.ng e6� z 125�� and 1 beia� 85� by 125�. Beaaue� of the critiaiem af inareaeed tre,ffia by the neighbors, theee lote rere to rem�ia R.-1. The S� of the lots ere zoned S-3, and t�e request is for E-jA. To the F,ast ie Marview AdBition whiah had never been reaoraed. Mr. P�lean eaid the balance of the requeet would support 69 units. The F�gineeriag Aesietant.dieaueeed the Street Study of the H} of Section 12 and the poesib�;lity of following ite reo�endatione. It was felt.the,property ownere affeated by thia study ehould be included. ,� A deyieion wae msde for an iaformsl publia hearing to be eet up, and a me�p ehowing what the petitioner plane to do be lnoluded with the notiae. Theee noticee to go to the geople in tfie eatire block The eubaommittee Will etudy the revieed rezoning requeet without a public hearing and the - meeting to etart at 8s00 P.M. on May 1� �969, in order to acoo�odate the joint meetiAg of the Council.and �he Planning Co�miesion. �� .�;..F' -:�, -�ti�`�i, �'�. MO'PI08 by Mitteletadt, eeconded by Myhra� that in regard to the rezoni,ng requeet, ZOA #69-02, Georg�e M. �elson. for s reduation in rezoning ares, ti�� the reaommendation tt�at the matter be turned over to the Plats de Subdivieiane- Strsete an3 IItilities Com�ittee at their mseti�g of Me.y 1, 1969, for a etud,y of the arrang+emente of the etreet e etudy. and the matter ca�me bdok to the Planning Commieeion on May 8, 1969 for en infarmsl hearing for all the people in the area bouaaed by Onondaga Street� 3tinson Boulevard, 73rd sve�lue, and Hayes Street in regard to a pro�eed rezoning of all property lying 3outh of the North 125 feet �tween Hayee Street and Stiaaoa Baulevard to bs rezoned from R-1 to R-3A, ae the petitioner t�s requested a reduction in his rezoning req,ueet and the Plat►ning Co�iseion waate the people in the a�aa to etudy the oversll plan. IIpon a voice vote, ell voting aye, the motion csrried. ► ��i1;_-j;i;���,:�+� MO'I`IOA by Mitteletadt, Aeoonded by Myhre, that the Plsaaing Com�ieeioa, e►djourn at 9:22 P.M. Reepevtfully 3ubmitted, , (�r..,e..�. Heoot�in,g Seot�etsry . ;L•:- , �. .. - "+. . `?"� .j:1 r e