PL 05/01/1969 - 30155P�ANNING C�1�IISSIQN MEETTNG MAY l, I969 PA�E 1 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chaixman Erickson. ROLL CALL: Members Prese�t: Erickson, Myhra, Jensen, Mittels�adt, Fitzpatrick Members Absent: None Oti�ers Present: Mayor Rirkham, Councilmen �arris, Samuelson, Sheridan, City Manager �nkrum, City En�ineer Qureshi DISCUSSION WITH CTTY COUNCIL ON HYDE PARK REZONING STU7�i: Chairma.n Erickson opened the meeting by saying that, prior to the public hearing on April 14, 1969 on the Hyde Park Addition Rezoning SCudy before the City Council, the Planning Ca�ission did take action on the pian pre- aented by Naso�s-Wehrman, Knight & Chapman, Inc., and reco�ended Alternative Scheme A-1 to be approved as a development in the rezoning plan for �he area of Hyde Park. Since that time, �he Planning Cammission have had ana�her request for a public hearing on the rezoning ia th� area, but the Planning Commission has not taken action on it pending Cauacil's decision. In order for the Council to have the action of the Plarming Ca�ission before them on Monday, when ichey presumably will act on the rezoning plan, I think, as a background, it ought to be pointed out again that the Pianning Co�ission ,� felt the area should be studied because it was improperly zoned and changes �� in the meaning of R-2 made the area subject to constant rezoning requests ` for multiple dwellings. The study mad� by Mr. Chapman has been gone over in a number of ineetings and the Planning Commisaion recommended at the last . meeting that Plan A-1 be adopted which xestricted_the development of.the �rea into three categories; the southerly most portion was commercial area, from 57'� Avenue to 60th multi-family dwellings, from 60th to 61st Avenues single family dwelling. I do not feel the Planning CouIIaission itself believes the extension of commercial along University Avenue is praetical. Driving down there, it seemed to me if such a rezoning should be accomplished,.that area is going to amount to one large used car lot and from my standpoint, I wonder what the value is to the City. I� the Council is going to rezone the area commercial along IIniversity Avenue, the residential area should be better protected than what is being proposed now, and the Planning Commission asks that a park should definitely be considered. Z'h.e concern is with the narrow strip of land abutting University Avenue. If the need is to extend the co�ercial, we ought to be sure that we offer protection to those residents who want the protection. We have an obligation to the people who do not want commercial, which would primarily be along 61st. The Co�ission felt Alternate Scheme A-1, dated April, 1969, resolved a11 the good points from the brochure and was being considered at this goint. Alternative Scheme D-1, submitted at the same time, is a less desirable alternative. This plan is a composite of some of the other thinking. One of the main thoughts is that the area along 3rd Street is extremely shallow �'�1 to develop into couQnercial. The rezoning would be preferable if it could be done on a large parcel. This plan is considered a development plan in c�se someone would come in with a large parcel. Planning Commission Meeting Ma,y 1, �96g Page 2 The area betwee� 60th and 61at Avenues should be R-1 but this could not happen unlesa the owner requested it. They felt tha� by settin� up a criteria so that the Council and Planning Comm.ission could act on a • rezoning request when the criteria was met, and then they could �et R-3 or commercialr,in the area that would be pre-determined in a development plan. It was mentioned that Alternate Scheme D-1 was similar to Mr. _ Anksum's pl�n in that it had a slip-off on 59th gvenue while Mr. Ankrum's plan had one on 60th and 3rd Street goin� thru to 59th Avenue. Regarding the park area, the Planni�g Commission felt land needed for a pa.rk �ould no� cost �oo muoh because there is available two vacant lots and a couple more lats with small houses on them. Then the leg�.l problem of rezoning came up. Mr. Ankrum stated that as far as he knew we could not condemn property and then rezone it and Seii it at � hi�her valuation. He said that Plan A-1 would require mass condemnation and �s far as he knew this would have to be an u.rban renewal type thing Dr the entire area would have to be deteriorated or it would have to be done houae by houae. He indicated he didn't feel taking property for Plan A-1 would hold ug in court. Alsc�, that the councilmen and people favored Plan Circle Flow and we had, no complaints from the people in the area being rezoned. The Plannin.g Commission felt one of the points in.favor of Mr. Chapma,n's plans was that it did not involve a rezonin�. An.y legal ramifications could be settled as the rezoning requests came up. The Planning Commission considered Scheme A-1 a master plan and looked favorably on it and would be willing to $o alon.� with it. � It was brou�ht up that an.y plan would have to have the approval of the Highway Department for access referring to the slip-off auggested in several of the plans. Chairman Erickson felt that Mr. �.nkrum's plan was a practical one, but he did disagree with the North plan and the narrowness of the property along University A�enue. Councilma.n Samuelson said they all agree on that point, but they were trying to imcrease the size of the parcels. The Ma.yor felt that Scheme A-1 does not satisfy the request of the people from 60th gven�ue and down as they want comm.ercial. Chairma.n Erickson fel,t the Chapman studiea were fairly accurate regarding the land and improvement costs in Scheme A-1 and D-1, and D-1 was the more economical plan per square footage. There was discussion re�a.rding the poseibility of a sir�le family residence being locked between commercial establishments. It would�be best if a whole block could be acquired by-an investor. There was a discussion of used car lots, the area required, the tax yield, and control of car lots b� the City. Returning to the discussion of trying to ma.ke 22 Street wirler, the suggestion was made of increasing the depth of the property on 22 Street by v~�.cating 3rd Street and givix�g the people 30 feet on the back of the property in exchange�for 30 feet on the front, that is, dividing the street in half. Traffic would be eliminated entirely on 3rd Street. The attorney had pointed out that so long'as there"are people on a F� street who do not agree, the street cannot be closed. In this case, 2a S'�reet (commercial� would be across from a residential area 4rhich 9 Planning Commission Meeting May 1, 1g69 Page 3 has apartment houses for several blocks. The comment was that if �here � is any idea of changing the atreet pattern, they would hav� to go to a � renewal. When the C*ouncil was asked about Scheme A-1, Mayor Kirkham said he could not go for that at all. The people want a way out, the Fire Depa.rtment a way in. IInder this plan, you could not get in from the South without going to Main Street. This plan does not �rovide any commercial for the people who want it. Councilman Sheridan asked if tlie narrow strip between 3rd Street and University could be zoned commercial. With the poasible exception of some of the commercial properties that are there, he did not feel a smal.l commercial area would present a traffic problem. Mr. Fitzpatrick said there would be a need of a park in that area whether or not the people realized it a� this time nor asked f�� �.t. The disc ssion included traffic and alip-off ramp, rezoning and condemning land, and whether the City is prepared to pay for the needed condemna.tiona. Chaixman Erickson referred to the rezoning request by Eldon Schmedeke pending before the Planning Commission. The Pl.anning Commission ha.s . 60 days in which to act on the petition., and +his time would be up on May 6th, the day after the Council meeting. If the Council did not act on it at that meeting, the Planning Commission. would have to ask for i� an extension of time so that Mr. Schmedeke would not be delayed any � longer. Tt aeemed the Council felt there were some ideas presented by the Plarining Commission that could be combined with the plan they were coneidering and would be meeting later the same evening to study. MOTION' by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Mittelstad,t, that the Planning Commiseion table the Hyde Park gddition Rezoning Study until the next regular meeting. AUJOIIRl�J.II�r : Chairman Erickson adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.Ma Respectfully submitted, �� �L��� �,.-�- HAZEL 0'BRIAN Recording Secretary �