PL 05/22/1969 - 30157P�ING C�SSION 1�E7.ZAG MAY 22, 1969 PAC�F 1 The•meeting wae called to order bq C6airman &riclLSOa at 7:30 P.M. H4I.i. CALL : Membera Preemnt: Myhra, Mittelstadt, Erickaoa, Jnn�an� Fitapatrick Membere Abeent: Noae Othere Preeent: Engineering Aesis�t Darsei Clark �, �l�I� �. _.1����5 �i4.�,'� � \ Y� 1I�. M Y � •i� • Iri0TI0N by Myhra, eeconded by Mitteletadt, tbat �he Piaffiis�g Comai��ioa minute� of May 1, 1969 be approvsd. Upaa 8 voice vota, all voting sye, t� motion carsi�d unaaimouely. ;_��•'-U'/ � �: .�1�1�1� . � YIY� ' ` � � V�_ ]1 �. �_i_. y c._ MOTIOIQ by Myhra, eeconded by Mitteletadt, thst the Plsnai� Camis�loa miautoe of May S, 1969 be appsaved. Upan a voice vote, ali voting ye, t.�ie m�tion carried unaaimou�ly. ;' ��y' a _.y _ Il: � �'� � ,!- 4; �}�'!4- �Y4� �4 _ U;;��,�<°_r� *�:+` vu;i�y���.> � i�l'ION by Hyhra, •econded by J�neea, ti�at the Piannin,g Commie�lon s�ec�iva . tbe Plats b 3ubdivieions-Streeta 6 Dtilitie� Subcoa�itte� minutas of llty 15, , 19i9. IIpan a voice �rote, a11 voting ays, the motiaa earriad unasimouoly. 'T+�I. � e�. DiJ; . T �\ �/Y��� �` � i Y� iU�y'h.' .l; Y��. 4: 1�OTION by Mitteletadt, eeconded by Jensea� th�t the Plaaning Commis�iaa raceive the Parke 6 8ecrea�ion minutea (Special Mastiag) of May 6, 1969. Opoa a voice vote, all voting aye, tl�e mction casried wtanimouely. - . ,. , . . ..., , . , . . . . . �. s S t.. . z �....� � _: _ _ _. .J_ _ : . .4�_. \��� ��_ : � .4..i . `� _ 1►�TIO�! by mitt�l�tadt, secondsd by Myhra, that tha plasming Co�miasion receivs the Board of Apgeais miautes of llay 2Z, 1969. �paa a voice vote, sTl voting ay�, the �tioa casried unanim4udly. � QF AC�A: Ite� #2, rezzani�g reque�t, 7AA #69-02 by Georga Nsleo�n v+u asl�o� to b� delayed �mtil 8:30 P.M. for the beneiit of the people in ttw ar�a. It+� .�6, Cantinued Hyde Pask Addition R+a�oaing 8tudy, �nd Item 10, canti�d public b�ari.qg of the resoaing request, ZOA �69-�, Sldon Scbmsd�ka, veta maved to the ead of the ag�►da. ^ . 1. 9- . B : NW� of l� �s��pt portb 16.6 � Aose� and Sii� oi NW of Sec��.or� 2, aleo the Nosth 34.68 A�a of the 1�E� of the 11E� of Ssstion 3. 8ea�.. .�ram M 2(hia�r industrial) to 8-3 (ganer�l ■uitipl� d�►eiliage). � � Plannia� Commiesion Meeting I�y 22, 1969 2 The jwblic hearir�g notice we.s read by Cheirman Erickeon. Mr. Wormebecker egplained, ae a back�round, that they hsve in esceee of 200 acree for e.n industriel park. The land hee pea�, 6 to 8 inchee deep, and e high water table of 3� to 4 feet� which would require drsinege ditahes and tiling. The investore who aere intereeted in ueirig the la�d for iuduetrial, rejected the ide�► e.fter ine�ation and investigation saying it would be to e�enei� to�o develop. They have found there ie a demand for multiple land, �ad at the pr�eeat time� hsve three large iave�tore who would deealop pe,rt of the land� ae wanld . the owner. If the land ro►ere rezoned to multiple tti�y �ould poesibly build frolt 12� to 1500 unite, aad it would be a fifteen million dollar projeot. Ths� felt thie oould be eaaompli�hed within six monthe or a year. Mr. William Berbueh, owner of the property� etated he bought the land in July� 1962. Beaause he could not eell se iaduetrial, sad eveiy yeer the tsac�e ino�e� t}e felt develc�piag it into apartment houees would be an eessi to the City �d the owaer. Se s18o fel� the tasae reoeived from these a�te woul4 �ore than pe,y for the unite. To prove hi� point� he read a repoat,by the 8oee�rills Adminietrativa Stsff to the Roeeville 9111age Counail dsted Rovember. 1968� Nhiah ehoved th� i4?3 ape�rtment unite in Dietrict �23'in the Yillegis �oY 8oeeville have a total�of 146 atud�nte. The loaal pro�rty tazeo a�edsd to eduaste there 146 etudente amounte to =75��47• �eee e�ame apart�nt uaite '. aoatribate•=;18,609 to $he•�ocal ecY�ool dieta�ia�. There ie aa exaeee in taz ��oaies in the asaaunt �� =243�462 that ree.ulte from theee aps,rtmeat�. _� TF�s topogrsphy ot th� srea wes atudied by the Commis�ion and the apyiicants. • Th� au%let of the dreinsg�e ie to the littl� creelc aa► Ironton St�et a�d iato � Sp�i�g.�ro�t. Mr. Barbueh esid eoil teete.rrere tskea �n 1963 and 1966• He esid ���' � they tried to dev�lop the lead�in e�all unite, but�did not have any,iate�est � ehown. ' , . Mr. Ed Muneon, repseeenting School Dietr�at 16 Sahool Board� eaid th� � tpliag is the areg ie ee g�ood area for h�vy induetrial e,ad they xould like to. �: g+o os reoard �o �ve the Planning Cammiseion lesve the property aoned ia $hi� catagory. He eai8 they r�ere a poor echoo2 dietriat, �n+d felt the long rang+e benefit�, ii it remaiaed heavy induetrial, rrould be benefiCial to the eohool. M�. Barbueh �aid it �med to him,.quite unusue,l thet here th�r have ! oonarete evidenae, the,t epsrtments can more than pay their orrn rray and help the eahool d�etriot but the eohool objecte. On the baeie that the land wae zoned i�eavp i,�uetrial� without inveetiga,ting the eoil aonditione� it ehould �rast looldng iato again to eee if araother apprc�oh would yield more inoo� tq th� eohool dietsiot sa�$ the City of P'ridley. Ae the laud awner, he paye =12,000 t�s.e �s �� inareaeed from =9.000 to =12�000 dtiring the �aet eeven �reare. IInl�ee On� os� make thie land productive, it beaomee quit.� a problem. He did not • 1c�w how many y�esre it Mould take to bsoome praduotiv� under ind�trisl soning. That ie tl� only r�asen he qns�tior.P�i the wisde� of the aahool bosrd� e ets�d. Mr. Gearge Walqui�t eai� he would lilce to e�e the ]�i develop ae he t�e � n 10 aorsa soioee the rasd autl uslaes they oould g�et utilitiee ia, �eaae�adot . �Ire�Op� 3�. _.�r.� . � Plenniag Commieeion Meetin� N1�,y 22 , 1969 �e 3 � MOTION by Mitteletadt� seaonded by Myhra, that the Planning Commieeion i , receive the report of the Roeeville Adminietrative St�ff to the Roseville Villege Council d�ted Noveml�er, 1968. IIpon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion aarried une.nimously. The Planning Commieeion felt a r�port euch a� tinat of the 8oeeville Adminietrative Staff aould be of benefit to Fridley. The II�gine�ring Aseietant eaid it oould � compliled without t�o much trouble if Counoil would eo direct. � Mr. Bitzpatrick report�d that the Parke & R�areation �re in the p�ooess of mskitl� applicatioa to the Federal Government, under HUD, to obtain a large part of the open land in 3ection 2, which would inalude a portion of thie resoning requeet. Tentatively, the plane for �srt of the proposed acquieition might be ueed for a golf course. While eucellent progress is being m�de r+ith prepssing the'documents, a decieion is �till quite a bit in the future. Mr. Barbueh eaid he underetood there are �0 aoree beir� coneidered and sugg+ested that the 40 aores not be included ia the rezoning request. D�rrel Clark ezplained the,t the area North of Oeborne Road; betr�reen the Railrosd trsake snd IIniversity lvenue, does not h$ve eanitary eewer eervice. The City 1� no�w negotiating with N.S.S.S.D. for an eatra hook up North of Oebarae Aoad from their line the,t eervee Coon Rapide. Should thie requeat be turned dowa, we would then h�.ve to run a new interoept�r line dorrn to 69th At►e. ^ Mr. Barbueh seked why they received a water main with euch heavy aeaees�t� when tttey did not reaeivm any benefit. Darrel C1ark aaewered that the �tsr msin ti�at wae placed in thio area ie psrt of the trunk eyet�m. The la,nd Yest of the ares of the Railroad trscice wae not able to m�et the we,teP demaa�e. MOTION by Mitteletadt, seaonded by Pitmpatriok, that the Planni�g Cc�mieeion aloee the public hesririg, ?AA #69-08, R. W. Wos�beoker, of the H4� of I+�, e�t l�orth 16.6 aares ead the SWW� of 1� of S@ation 2� aleo the North 34.68 aoree of the � of the Np� of Sectian 3, to be rezoned grom M-2 (hee�vy iaduetrial) to R-3, (g�rsl multiple dwellinge). IIpon a troice vote, all voting aye� ttte motion aarried unanimouel�. The Plsnning Commiesion felt they were not in a position at thie etage to make•a recommendation one way or another. �:"�.MOTIOl1 �y Mittelatadt, eeconded by Myhra, thRt the Planriing Commiseion � �table until MTedneeday Jun� 'l1, �969, the rezoning sequeet, ZOA �69-Q8, R. Y. - Wormsbeaker of the IQW� of �,except ATorth 16.6 aaree and SMf} of NW} of Seation- - 2, sleo the Horth 34.68 acree of the ND� of the N�' of S�otion 3, to be resonied � �- -- , fram M 2 to 8-; . .�. - .�_ There follor+ed a diecuseion: Jenaen etat.ed he wculd like to vote on the .- . reqneet this evening; Chairm�n Erickeon felt �e ehould et�ady and look st the � property before he voted; Myhra felt the aoatter of rezoniag th� land end tt�sn tvrning sroua�d and purahseing it ehould be studied. the matter of HOD and the , t�oertsin time elem�nt of g�ettia� a deciaion, sad the fact that the feeliag s�a�s ��-.� �velent nvt to enoourage epartmente ehould be re-etudied. 9(�t .IIpoa a voice vote, sll voting sye, ezcept Jerasea who voted �y� the m4tio� O�d. �-�, � Plea�it� Com�ieeion Meeting r�y a2. 1969 ° � 4� The audience wae informed thie would be b4ok on the agenda on June 11, 1�9. 2. Ldi' sPZIT. RDQUE4Ts L.S. #69-14. STAN'LEY C. DAffi,BF�Gt Lot 11, Blook 2, Spriag 9alley Addition. Mrs. Stanley Dahlberg and Curtir Dahlberg were pre�ent. Mr. Myhra eaid the eotion of the 3ubaommnittee� wae to approve the lot eylit se eho�m on the die.�ram� whioh split the 3outh 131.78 feet into two 62.5 lote� a and dediaating 25 feet for a etreet and utility ease�ent. �, �1 Curtie Dahlberg epeaking for hia father, said psrt of the area l�ad lot eplite on thie order� and they wiehed to split for tvo building sitev. Mr. Myhra etated the 3uboommittee felt that ae long ae thie pattera hed ' slready been eatablished in the area, and a21 the houeee are oa the front of the lots� whioh are large lote, they could aee thet eomething would havm to � be done se there wae�no road down the m�ddle of the bloak. �1�rtie �,hlberg ssid these lote would t�ave to be eplit at eom� time. Ho felt it they were eplit now, the reat of the people may etart eplitting their�s. In othsr undeveloped areas, �he City hae a gropoeed street pattera to be Polloxed �t s later de►te. Ae long e� the logical etr�et pdttern is at the 9oatb edge o! the lbte. and they dediaete 25 feet, why couldn't that be spplioable naw? f. �. ,�,,: ° ...:..�...� M4'I'I0� by Mitt�letadt, seaonded bg Fitzpe,triok, that the Planning Co�alestoD reoommend to the City Counail that the Lot Split HeQ�est, b.3. .- �'69-1�, of Lot,l1, Blook 2, Spriag Yslley Addition by 3tanlsp DshiberB D� gi'snt�d,��pl�.ttiog ths 8orth 144 feet of Lot 19, Blcck 2, S�i�g ys11,+i�r � Ad�iti�. IIpon a voioe vo�e� all voti.t�g aye� �he motion oartied u�tly. 3. CA19T B�ODTIRG UEST :?AA -02 M t� oF Lota 30 �'= e�d 3�. Avditor'e�8ubd�vieion 129, eaoeSt the �orth 25 Yeet. Mr. Qeorg�e ��laon,_Mr. Howard Mo�e and Mr. De:mie Herbet were yreeent. Dsrrel Clark reviewed the previoue meet3n�e with the Suboo�ittee. The owners of Lote 28, 22 and 24, reelly do not w8at �heir proporty aaaed� nor s. s'oed, unlese they h$d a buyer. A road for aaceae out Borth or 8onth Nould �iefy them, but not at thie time. The st�eat uader dieoueoion wae the Wset 25 fest of Lot 30 t"ra� 0� 9treet 3outh �o a poiat 25 fset South of the 3outh 1lns of Lot 28. The pero�le vero iaformed that if e�trer and water• were not aes�ssed ag,+ain�t g-3 pro�rt� t� �ralua of a lot oould not pay for the aeseeems�t.e. The e� ooet, ae�eeo�d agsi�t R-1'property, would aot be ooviered by 8-1 vslus. ' - �r• 1Koor.'e esid thst I�. Neleon vould �s agr��ble to the p],�a t'o= t!� Mest Q� leet to th� South line of Lot 28. They vould z�equeet t�st the area 'involv�ll in the easement he aredited to the� and returned eventually. They von1Q lik�_ �o eee eome t�e of agreement worked aut `rhere by if t.tie 8outh 110 t�t of Lota 24 � 26 and 28 xere oombined intc e oammon o�mei-aihiy tt�t ths •tres� athil8 be �eoe,ted . . � . � . � .•r-a -• ._:�_. r. e i�sY . �....�, Plannin� Com�iesion Meeting May 22, 1969 Page 5 � The E4�gineerin� Aeeietant anewered that thie wss a legal queetion� ae he did not �ow if a dedication would be handled in that way. Mr. Moore eaid if it could be done in the inetrument itself� it would be fine, but if not� a letter of intent from the City could be eatiefactory. Mr. Jeneen seked Mr. Moore if what he ie aeking for ie that he wante s etreet and utilitiee easemeut eo that the ownershi� vould etill remafra � ps,rt of the etreet� but if it were never used for a etreet� it would etill be s matter of keeping the etreet, but not being able to oonetruot • building on it sad a reasonable baee for a buffer. 9e far as the petitioner ie oonaerned, Mr. Moore oo�ented. that area would be included for density purpoeee. . Mr. Denaie Her�et esid that he did not wsat Qonstruction any further l�orth thaa the middle of hie lot sa he would have to �ive 25 feet aad he did not want the back of the agartmente practically in hie baokyra.rd. MOTION by Jeneen, eeoonded by Fitzpstrick, that the Planning Co�aiseion reoo�end approval of the rezoning requeet, ZOA �69-02, in its modified form from 8-1 (eingle Psmily dwel.linge) to fl-3A (g+eneral multiple dwellinge) that part of the.North half of Lote 3o and 31, eacept the North 125 feet �rith the provieion that th� petitioner provide an eaeement for etreet and utility pu�poeee on the Weet 25 feet from Onoadaga Street to a point 25 feet South of th� $outheast corner of Lot 28 and'provide ao vehiaular 8acees be allow�ed fram the multipie zoning to the street easement, and that such are�g of thie ea,id � eeeement be allowed in oomputing deneity of �he multiple dwelling projeat.3a the R-�A. IIpon a voiae vote, all voting aye, th� motion carri� uaanimouely. �� - 4. IAT SPLIT REQIIE55'�: L.S. #69-15, ARTHDR �I�EYSa Lots 3 to 5, Bloak 7. Hqde � Park Addition. Mr. Arthur Deye wae preeent. T'he Subco�ittee recommended approvsl of the lot split with prov�eior► that the preeent garage will be moved acrose the l�ne eo that the garage will be on the es,me land se the old house, and that a five foot work e.nd repe►ir eaeement be obtained.'" Mr. Deye eaid the house he ie living in at the present time ie set � bsck on the Iot. He would like to�8uild hie new hame thie summer. m . The Chairman informed Mr. Deys an Ordiaanoe wae paee� eo that a nea home oauld not be built in front of an euieting home on an adjoiaing lot. In order For �r.•Deye to build hiet,;�ew home on the ner �lot, he would have to g�et s variano� from the Board ot Appeale. The Board would probably sct fav�orsbly beosuee the old home ie to be torn down. I�r. B�ey�e wae aeked to g+et a - oertificate of eurvey becauee the Board of Appeal� rrould not aot withmu� i�. MOTIOH by J�naen, seaond� by Mitteletadt. that ths Planning Co�i�ioa t�blo the lot eplit request, L.3. #b9-15, Arthur Deyo� of I.flte ; to 5,•Blook 7� $yde Pl�ek Additioa, until Mr. Bege aan p�ovide s vsrtifiaa�Ee of eur7��r. IIpan s troiae �rote� all voti� aye, the motion c�rri� uasnimou�ly. ._ �"�� . � Mr. . Deqe �a e�eked to notify Darrel Cla�rk if hs � able to obt�in the � oertifieste of �urvey in time for the neat Pl�naiag C�ieaioa �eeltiog on � V�lne�s�r � June 11, 1969 . P�Commi�se'�.on Meetir� � ,�22, 196� �6 5. IAT SPLIT R�IIFSTs L.S. �69-16. WILLIAM J. KAAI,Es Part of Lot 4� Bloak 1, Worrel'e �ddition. � Mr. Bshle ivas preeent. D4rre1 Clark esid that the Subco�ittee approved the lot eplit requsst, 4od seket! the Planniag Commiseion and Couaail to waive the require�nta of the 0ertifioste af �ur�rey because no build3nge were involved in the requeet; MOTION by Mitteletadt� eeconded by Jeneen� t�►t the Planning Comm��ioa epprove,the lot fpiit requeet L.S. #69-16� by Willism J. Hahle� of pdrt o! Lot 1, Hlook 1� worrel'e Addition� and concur with the recommendation of �he Plate dn Sutldivieione-Streete & IItilitiee Subcommittee �hat euah e�lit b� in aaoordeaoe s�ith the drawing for euch �aplit ae ehawn oa the map enolos�d with the spplioation for the lot eplit� the 1ege,l de�aription of the eplit ae in. e letter dstad May 15, 1969 from the law offiaes of Barna & Guzy� 8ad aleo . that the requeet for waiver of aertificate of eurvey be approved. IIpon d voioe vote, sll votiAg sye, the motion oerried unaaimouely. 6. L0�1' SPLIT R�IIEST: L.S. #69-17. JOSF�H L. SG�tOmLs Lot q, Blook 2, Moose . I�ske Highlsnde Addition. Mr. and Mre. Joseph Schroedl were �eeent. The Chsirima esplained that becauee thie wae s eimple lot eplit, it �rse- not aeae�eea�ry to go to the Suboommittee. ,� The Haginesring Aeeietant eaid'that the aize of thie lot wae 150 feet, prior to water sad eewer being inetalled� with the idea of being eplit l.ater on. It w8s a very ao�on prooedure in this area. Mr. Sahroedl eaid the house South of him ie even with hie houee. Ti�e garage ie bsak approaime►tely three feet. If he brought hie garage bdck. they would line up. There ie plenty of,room for the garage after the eplit. The Ebgineering Aeeietant told Mr. Sohroedl . froet footinge would be required Por the garage. - The Commiesion eaid the description ie eimple ae the lote would be deeoribed se the A� of Lot q and the 3� of Lot 4, Blook 2� Moore Lake S�.ghlaade Addition. I�iOR'IOA byr Mittelete,dt, �econded by Jensen� that the Plealning Ca�mmieeion �coe�t the lot eplit petition, L.S. #69-17, Joeeph L. Sahroedl, of Lot �, Blook 2, Moore Iake Highlande 1.�.ltion conting+ent up�n the ezietiag g+arag+e being moved �fore a building permit ie iseued. IIpon s voice vote, �11 voting s�re, the motion aarried unanimouslq. 7• �0� _...R�T= #64-09. SACRED i�ART PARISHt Lote 5 and 6, and 8� ��: of Zot 7, Blook 10, Hamilton'e Additioa to Meohanioevivle. Hemoae fsom E-,Z to 8-3sA . ;...�.� �Itl� by Mytirs � eeconded by Mitteletadt, thst the Pl�nning Con�ml,asioD re�is� the publio hearing dste of June �11, 1969 for the resaning request� � TiQA �69-09, Saor� Heart Parieh of Lote 5, 6 aad A� of Lot 7� Bloal� 10, ��tan� r Addition to ffieai�suiceville to re�one from 8-2 to ft-3�A. Upos a vv��ii vo�s, t,�e being► no aaye� t�� iLC�iel1 A��,'�,� ����►�• � ,� r''�� � ,�"1. �� � �" Plaanirag Commibeion Meetin� I�a� 22. 1969 �g� 7 � 8. s 11. 1 MOTION bq Mitteletadt� eeconded by Myhra, that the Planning Commiepioa resPfirm the no�ice of the new publio hearing date of June 11, 1969 for t.he propoeed preliminary plat, P.S. �69-07, Brentwood Eetates (Revised)e' IIpon � voiae vote, all voting aye, the motion carried une.nimously. 9• �ACATION 8 i�UPST t SAY�69-03 , GREAT AORTHIItN R.AILWAY COMPAN7C a Alleg sad 8treete in Blook , Berlin lddition. 2'he �gineering�Aseietant re�rted that Standard Oil Company, �iorth�re�tera Bell Telephone Camgany aad the Minneapolie Gae Company he,ve no obje0tio�e to the requeeted vaaationo. Northern States Power Company requeet 41st gve�e be kept for utilitiee and the urmamed atreet can be �acated eaaepi the Southarly 20 fe�+t. N.S.P. hae two linee, one underground and one overhead. The ar�derground linee are 20 feet South of the North line of �1et Avenue. He eeid the ob�ections by Borthern Statee Power Compsny were referred to the R.ailroad @om�ny for them to euggeet a eolution. 1�7.'IOAT by l�itteletadt � eeoonded by Myhra, thst the infor�tivn gi�ren to the Plenning C�amiOeion by the Aorthern Ste,tee Power Compe,ng ehauld bo eee�lusted by the Great Aorth�rn Railwsy Compe.ny, and teble.the vaoation requeat,�3AV #69-03, Grest Aorthern Railway Compnny� of the alley and etreets in B],ack 6, 8erlia Addi'Dion, until that hae been t�,ken care of and commented on. IIpon a voiae vote, all voting 8ye, the motion carried un,e.nimouely. It rtae felt a letter from Northern States Power aual th� d�+eet �thera Rsilxay Comp4r►y,�etating mutual agreement ehould ba rrritten to ths Ci�g of Fridley. i0. ►,ote ib to �9, Block 1a� ana Lot 20, fram R-2 to C-2. tio�. MO'PIOBT by 1Kitteletadt� eeconded by Jengen� to continue the rezonia�g req�ie0t, ZOA �. �Eldon Saimmedeke of Lote 16 to 19, Block 12 and I,ot g0, Block 21, Hy�ie P�rk Additioa to reaone from R-2 to C-2 until the rezoning etudy ie resolved. IIpon a Roice vote, all votin� sye� the motion carried unanimouely. 11. C� SYDE PEiRg �ITION RE'LONIIdG S'!'�Y a 1�3'I0� b� Jensen, eeoonded by Mittelets.c�t, that �he Planni.r�g Co�i�eion die�pjrove�Plart Circle Flow and reaffirm the ,reco�dation of lla8 Altorn�tivs 3ohetns �-1 ae gre�red by Naeon, �Wehrman, Baight an� Cixp�man, Ino. 1�. Fitspatriok aeked if anyone on the Planniog Comm3esion vr4s attiated, se he tr�� by the peo�le in the area eeemi�g to be �uianimoue in th�ir app�ov�l. auite s feW wsrs bere snd uaani�ous wae the word for it. No one spol�a a�i�t tbe plan from thie s�eoifia area, and he was im�reeeed by that faot. �H�/er� he di4n't notice auy large aumber of people speaking for the p1an, and he. �trougly euepected �hat there are a l�ot of people who do not lmrnr Nhst they Msnt t� flo not underetand rh�+, '-�e effect of thie remoning rould be on the� lives.' . PlanninB Commiseion Meeting Me,� 22. 1969 Pa�e 8 i"1 Chairman Erickeon eaid, his pereonal feelinge were that if th� Cow�oil aeee fit not to sbide by the recommendatione of the Ple,aning Commiesion� that they very definitely coneider moving the acoees from IInivereity lvenue South. � YOTEt IIpon s voiae vote�_all voting aye, except Fitzpatrick who voted nay� the motion carried. ADJOIIR�NTs MOTION by Mittelotadt that the Planning Commieeion mseting of May 22� 1969 be s�jovrasa st 10:15 P.M. • Heepecttlilly eu�itt�d. 1 � � • II, 0� �IIH Seaordiag Seoretsry �� - ; . r